- Fix IPv6 ping
- Improve: Improve performance by reducing memory allocation.
- Improve: Improve UI.
- Feature: Add statistics page.
- Fix: Sign-out from account
- Improve: Optimizing CPU and GPU usage during the playback of Ads and animations
- Feature: Add AppIpFilters to the settings page
- Feature: Add PacketCaptureIpFilters to the settings page
- Update: Improve ping performance
- Update: Add Profile Name as session name in android VpnService
- Update: Automatically disconnect when a change in settings requires reconnection
- Fix: Show old tokens
- Update: Improve logging by showing memory usage
- Fix: Startup crash on some devices
- Fix: Diagnostic could not be canceled
- Fix: Could not postpone update on web distribution
- Fix: Default device language auto-detection
- Fix: Could not select some token
- Fix: Detect client country to exclude my country
- Update: Move server's releases repository to https://github.com/vpnhood/VpnHood.App.Server/releases
- Feature: Improve premium sessions
- Feature: Update server token from multiple URLs
- Feature: Handle Trial Session
- Feature: Drop QUIC in protocol
- Feature: Protocol Version 6
- Feature: Add Portuguese (Brazil) language
- Improve: Add a search box to the app filter page
- Improve: Enhance support for legacy WebView
- Improve: Improve initialization speed to exclude my country
- Improve: Diagnostic wrongly reports your internet may not be stable
- Improve: Check for the latest version after the connection is established
- Update: Translate many error messages
- Update: Add token tags
- Update: Add server tags
- Update: Generate anonymous client ID from device ID
- Update: Detect client country to exclude my country
- Fix: Startup crash on some Android devices
- Fix: IPv6 Ping
- Fix: Server listening to a test IP
- Fix: IpV6 Subnet in auto IP configuration
- Fix: IPv6 Ping
- Feature: Allow to config swap file size
- Feature: Allow to config UdpClient buffer size
- Feature: Protocol Version 6
- Feature: Allow to config TcpCongestionControl on Linux
- Update: File server-internal token format
- Improve: Bulk sync to AccessManager
- Update: Migrate to .NET 9.0
- Update: Use composite API for SPA
- Fix: ADs providers
- Feature: Implement InMobi ads
- Fix: Wrong IP in Default FileAccessServer Endpoints
- Fix: Could not use UDP when listening to all IPs
- Fix: Could not open websites on some devices
- Fix: "Connection is already in progress" error when the connection is already established
- Fix: Android: IPv6 over IPv4
- Feature: Linux: Add or remove listener IPs on the server at runtime via "AddListenerIpsToNetwork"
- Fix: DNS list
- Fix: AddressFamilyNotSupported error when server does not have IPv6
- Fix: App Filter does not work when no app is selected
- Fix: Exclude the ad tracker from the tunnel
- Fix: Exclude My Country
- Fix: Could not set MTU error
- Fix: Android: InApp Update
- Fix: Android: VPN Service remains in memory after disconnect
- Feature: Report unreachable servers
- Feature: Add domain filtering to engine
- Feature: Add log to Android logcat
- Feature: Try to find a reachable server among endpoints
- Feature: Implement ChartBoost ads
- Update: Improve performance and memory usage
- Feature: Support multiple redirect endpoints
- Update: Use Cloudflare for detecting the server's public IP
- Update: Improve performance and memory usage
- Improve: App Filter page
- Improve: Android TV
- Update: Use Interstitial Ad instead of rewarded
- Update: Show client country when Exclude My Country is enabled
- Feature: Support multiple ad networks
- Feature: Add Turkey, German, and Hindi languages
- Fix: Some error message after disconnection
- Fix: Disconnect button doesn't work while connecting
- Update: Disable "Exclude My Country" when unable to load the IP location database
- Update: Automatically disconnect client after changing exclude my country settings
- Improve: Performance & Speed on the connection when the user has selected exclude my country
- Fix: Freeze network on some situation
- Update: Improve performance
- Feature: Allow to select servers by country if the server supports it
- Feature: Auto pause and resume when the server is not reachable
- Update: User IncludeIpRanges and ExcludeIpRanges in settings instead of CustomIpRanges
- Update: Try to fix accesskey when it is not valid by missing the padding characters
- Update: Countries IP ranges
- Fix: Some wrong message in disconnect
- Improve: Optimize server reconfiguration at runtime
- Feature: Support selecting server location when controlled by HttpAccessManager
- Feature: Enable hot restart for FileAccessManager
- Deprecate: ServerProtocol Version 2 (451) is deprecated and no longer supported
- Update: Android: Show Notification & QuickLaunch Request after connect
- Update: Display AD without VPN
- Fix: Android: Crash when starting as always-on, but there is no selected server
- Fix: Android: importing access key by file
- Fix: minor issue in disconnect messages
- Deprecate: ServerProtocol Version 2 (451) is deprecated and no longer supported
- Update: Support Flexible Ad
- Update: Retry failed connection if the access token is updated from the server token URL
- Update: Move VpnHood Public Servers to VpnHood Connect App
- Fix: Ad service
- Fix: Sometimes the connect button didn't disconnect the current connection
- Fix: Android: Crash on disconnect
- Fix: Android: Diagnoser mistakenly shows "Connection is not stable"
- Fix: Android: Google Play Update
- Update: Android: Improve Android TV
- Feature: Ad reward service
- Feature: Accept DNS Servers from the connected Server
- Feature: Multi-language Support (Arabic, Chinese, English, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish)
- Feature: Support Billing integration
- Feature: Implement Google Billing
- Feature: Support Interface for Account integration
- Feature: Implement VpnHood Store Account
- Update: Improve UDP performance
- Update: Prepare to migrate VpnHood public servers to VpnHood Connect
- Feature: Configure DNS Servers for the connected clients
- Update: Support multiple certificates
- Update: Configure timeout for HTTP-01 DNS challenge
- Update: Faster shutdown
- Feature: Update UI when the server does not support UDP tunnel
- Fix: Crash when pressing "Disconnect" while connecting
- Fix: Remove the "No data has been received" message before the connection is established
- Update: Protocol Changed: Server sends UdpPort instead of UdpEndPoints
- Fix: Crash when pressing "Disconnect" while connecting
- Update: Protocol Changed: Server sends UdpPort instead of UdpEndPoints
- Feature: Support HTTP-01 DNS challenge to auto-verify domains
- Fix: The "Connect" button for free public servers does not work under certain circumstances
- Fix: Pull the recent tokens from the server & URL
- Fix: Push the recent tokens to clients
- Update: New Access Token format
- Update: Use OS encryption for TLS
- Feature: Enable updating server endpoints by Url
- Feature: Display token expiration if it exists
- Feature: Update server token URL from the server
- Feature: Android: Prompt for the update by Google Play if possible
- Feature: Android: Support opening (KEY) as VpnHood Key file
- Fix: Windows: Freeze network after auto-reconnect redirects to a new server
- Deprecate: Server ProtocolVersion 3 is deprecated and no longer supported
- Feature: Generate encrypted server token to client update server endpoint from a URL
- Update: Move some File Access Manager options from the gen command to config
- Update: Return 401 instead of 400 for invalid request
- Update: Use OS encryption for TLS
- Update: Redact more data in server logs
- Deprecate: Server ProtocolVersion 3 is deprecated and no longer supported
- Update: Improve Performance
- Feature: Add the initializing state to the connection state
- Feature: Android Set the navigation button background color
- Update: Improve Performance
- Update: Improve error reporting to access manager
- Update: Improve reporting state to access manager
- Fix: Server doesn't start when there is no local IpV6
- Fix: Server freezes when default UDP port is not available
- Fix: Send status even if server configuration is not successful
- Security: Updating AccessManaget token
- Upgrade to .NET 8
- Android: Migrate from Xamarin to .NET Android Application
- Android: Upgrade to Android API 34
- Update: Improve UI
- Fix: Android: Keyboard cover input fields in the UI
- Fix: Android: Frequently asking to add the system tile
- Update: Improve UI
- Update: Windows: Remove from the taskbar on minimize
- Update: Android: Ask for notification permission
- Update: Android: Add compatibility to Android 6 & 14
- Feature: Android: Register vh and vhkey intent for importing access key
- Feature: Android: Add quick settings tile
- Fix: Android: Requesting permission for notification
- Fix: Windows: Restore Windows state to normal when user clicks on the system tray icon
- Fix: Improve disconnecting speed
- Client: Update SPA to VUE 3 and TypeScript
- Client: Create Api.ts generated for TypeScript by nswag
- Android: Fix not showing apps in AppFilter
- Fix: Certificate was not updated immediately by Access Manager
- Fix: AutoUpdater
- Feature: Android: Support opening (key) as VpnHood Key file
- Update: Windows: Fix Windows Firewall Configuration
- Update: Windows: Set fixed window size
- Feature: Android: Support opening Cinderella file (CDY) as VpnHood Key file
- Feature: Android: Changing file signature for no-google-store APK
- Update: Remove the legacy Protocol Version 3
- Update: Improve performance and battery usage
- Update: Android: Minimum requirement has been increased to Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)
- Update: Remove the legacy Protocol Version 3
- Fix: Collection was modified error, which caused connection freeze temporary
- Feature: Offer Premium if VpnHood Public server selected
- Fix: Invalid UDP packet signature
- Fix: Android: setMetered error
- Fix: Invalid UDP packet signature
- Update: Reduce server default logging
- Feature: Client Protocol Version 4
- Feature: TCP connection reuse
- Feature: Allow Drop UDP packets
- Feature: Add IPv6 support to country exclusion/inclusion
- Update: Improve reliability
- Update: Improve logging by adding channel Id
- Update: Include internal exception messages and stack trace in the diagnostic file
- Update: Improve connection speed
- Fix: Some UDP Packet loss
- Fix: Android: VpnHood system notification
- Fix: Remain in Disconnecting state
- Fix: Windows: VpnHood Window display can't reach this page instead of UI
- Warning: Preparing to deprecate v2.8.361 (Protocol Version 3)
- Feature: Server Protocol Version 4
- Feature: TCP connection reuse
- Update: Improve reliability
- Update: Improve logging by adding channel Id
- Update: Returns bad request for any unknown or unauthorized access
- Fix: Server Kernel SendBufferSize
- Fix: ClientCount report 0 in the FileAccessManager log
- Fix: Some UDP Packet loss
- Fix: Reporting CPU usage
- Warning: Preparing to deprecate v2.8.361 (Protocol Version 3)
- Update: Use IAsyncDisposable
- Update: Improve tests and make them faster
- Feature: Add graceful disconnection
- Fix: Restart listener on servers by UdpEndPoints changes
- Feature: Use shared UDP port
- Feature: Improve protocol anonymity and anti-fingerprinting for UDP
- Feature: Add Server Secret in addition to session secret
- Update: Improve security, performance, and battery usage
- Update: Remove excessive error logs on disconnecting
- Update: 64-bit session Id
- Update: Client Protocol Version 3
- Update: Server Protocol Version 3
- Feature: Enable hot reconfigure for VpnHood Server TCP listener to avoid unnecessary restarts on unchanged endpoints
- Update: Replace AllowIpV6 to BlockIpV6
- Update: Improve server security
- Fix: Used traffic was not displayed correctly
- Fix: Used traffic was not reported correctly
- Fix: Windows: Too long filter expression error
- Feature: Windows: Add "Open in Browser" item to system menu
- Update: windows: ""Open in browser" if WebView is not initialized properly
- Feature: Merge Server Configuration
- Fix: Setting TCP kernel buffer
- Fix: Error in parsing IPNetwork as Range
- Update: Move NetFilter event from log to track
- Update: Set Send Kernel TCP buffer sizes
- Update: Use 24h in filename in track archives
- Feature: Follow server-supported networks by IP range
- Update: Performance improvement
- Windows: Fix Auto Updater
- Feature: Filter server local networks
- Feature: Filter networks by IP ranges
- Fix: Missing some NetProtector log
- Fix: Windows: AutoUpdater
- Security: Always block access to loopback addresses
- Update: log file archive format
- Update: Improve stability when using no UDP mode
- Feature: Improve stability by adding lifetime to TcpDatagramChannel
- Fix: IpV6 detection
- Fix: UDP port memory leak
- Feature: Notify when a new version is available
- Update: Add the build version on the top right of the screen
- Update: Windows: Switch to MSI package to prevent False positive virus detection
- Fix: UDP port memory leak
- Update: Separate new/close session logs
- Update: Improve log format
- Update: Change log files extension from txt to log
- Feature: Report server public IPs to log
- Update: Improve IPv6 stability
- Fix: It doesn't generate log
- Feature: Add Linux-arm64 installation
- Update: Optimizing UDP Processing
- Update: Improving Garbage Collector
- Update: Async Disposal
- Update: Windows: Upgrade WinDiver to 2.2.2
- Update: Improve performance
- Feature: Allow disabling LogAnonymizer in the server config
- Feature: NetScanner protector
- Feature: Access ServerConfig overwrite
- Feature: UdpProxyPoolEx
- Update: Optimizing UDP Processing
- Update: Reporting improved; prevent too many duplicate errors
- Update: Windows updater write its log
- Update: Improve performance
- Update: Add NetScan to Track log
- Update: Improve the Tracer Log File format
- Fix: File Access Server throw access volatile randomly
- Fix: Disconnecting Idle users after an hour of inactivity of FileAccess Server
- Fix: Linux Auto Installation
- Fix: Too many session recoveries after hot restart
- Fix: Report CPU Usage on Linux
- Fix: Windows Server Auto Update
- Fix: Windows Auto Install
- Fix: Stop accepting connection on specific errors
- Update: Report more config on start up
- Fix: Error on centos
- Feature: Report CPU usage to access server
- Feature: Add TcpConnectWait control
- Feature: Add TcpChannelCount control
- Feature: Windows: Compile as Win-x64. NET runtime is not required anymore
- Feature: Windows: WebView2 is optional. Run UI in the default web browser if WebView2 was not installed
- Fix: Unable to connect to IpV6 supported site on chrome when server IpV6 is not configured
- Fix: Hold some TCP connections
- Fix: The client tries to connect to the IPv6 endpoint regardless of its connectivity
- Fix: Show Blank screen
- Update: Restore auto-reconnect
- Update: Improve performance and memory usage
- Update: Windows x86 (32-bit) is not supported anymore
- Feature: Report IPv6 support to client
- Feature: Add -domain to File AccessManager to set access-key endpoint will set to certificate domain
- Fix: Update Script doesn't work
- Fix: Hold some TCP connections
- Fix: Delay in showing command-line helps for File Access Server
- Fix: "Sequence contains no elements" Error when could not find any Public IP
- Update: Improve performance and memory usage
- Update: Improve Logging
- Update: Change config JSON property name for SessionOptions and TrackingOptions
- Update: Improve messages of disconnection reason
- Feature: Replace Always ON with auto-reconnect
- Fix: Anonymize VpnHood Server IP in diagnose
- Fix: Windows Installer
- Update: Improve Log for AccessManager API CALL
- Update: Port Tracker
- Update: Improve session recovery
- Fix: Critical bug that consume much resources
- Update: Remove extra trace log from OS
- Update: Upgrade to .NET 7
- Feature: Compile as a self-contained; No need for .Net Framework Runtime
- Update: Upgrade to .NET 7
- Update: New Installation For Linux
- Update: New Installation For Windows Server
- Update: New Installation For Docker
- Update: Improve logging
- Update: Removing App Launcher project
- Fix: Error on Windows Server. unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call
- Fix: Archiving the log file when another instance of the server is already running
- Fix: Preventing running multiple instances from once location
- Feature: Show a message a device disconnected by your device
- Feature: Android TV support
- Update: Updating IP Location Database
- Update: Improve Client Battery Usage
- Update: Show SupportId (sid) to servers list
- Update: Remove Legacy AccessKey support
- Fix: Randomly select previous profile in UI
- Update: Removing Google Ads
- Feature: Add basic advertising support. Ouch!
- Update: Upgrade to android 12.1
- Fix: Trimming AccessKey
- Update: Improve detecting countries
- Fix: Nlog doesn't log some events
- Fix: Docker Installation on ubuntu
- Update: Add destination port in tracking
- Update: Simplify Client's Country exclusion
- Update: Improve Session Management
- Update: Move VpnHood.Core.Client.WebUI to a standalone repo
- Fix: Windows: Installation Package
- Fix: Reporting Negative usage
- Fix: Windows: WebView2 could not be installed on some devices
- Feature: Add Linux docker package
- Update: Sync all active sessions to access the server every few minutes
- Fix: Maintenance mode detection
- Fix: Synching sessions to access server on shut down
- Update: Tune TCP connections for games
- Fix: Error when setting PacketCapture include filter
- Feature: Server sends its last config error to access server
- Fix: TcpHost is already Started error
- Fix: Linux installation on some distribution
- Fix: LogLevel.Trace in DiagnoseMode
- Update: Improve stability and memory usage
- Update: Use keep-alive for TCP timeout
- Fix: Double Configure at startup
- Fix: Sending multiple requests to access server for session recovery
- Fix: Memory leak! Some dead sessions remain in memory
- Fix: Memory leak! TcpProxy remains in memory when just one peer has gone
- Fix: Memory leak! UdpProxy remains in memory
- Fix: Unusual Thread creation
- Fix: UDP Packet loss
- Fix: Android: Improve performance and stability in Android
- Fix: Add time-stamp to logger
- Update: Move Sessions options to AccessManager via ServerConfig
- Fix: Catch a lost packet when removing TcpDatagramChannel
- Fix: Crash on Android 12
- Feature: LocalPort and ClientIP Tracking Options
- Update: Set default port for -ep command
- Update: Use NLog.config in app binary folder if it does not exists in working folder
- Update: Add Logging Policy Warning
- Update: Create Private Server Link
- Update: Linux: Some issue in installation
- Fix: Maintenance mode detection
- Update: Upgrade to .NET 6
- Update: Diagnose just check some HTTPS sites to check internet connectivity
- Update: Windows: Disable right click on App WebView
- Fix: Not a valid calendar for the given culture
- Update: Upgrade to .NET 6
- Update: Configuration by access server
- Feature: Close session faster by handling client bye request
- Fix: Redact IP addresses in the log
- Feature: Allow to have multi-endpoints in AccessToken
- Feature: Create IPv6 tunnel when a client has access to a server by IPv6
- Feature: Add "Exclude Local Network" to UI settings
- Fix: UDP Channel
- Feature: Dynamic configuration from AccessManager
- Feature: Multi listeners for different EndPoints
- Fix: Few bug in disposing
- Fix: Linux: systemctl restart VpnHoodServer
- Feature: IPv6 Support
- Fix: Some packet loss in ping
- Feature: IPv6 Support
- Fix: Some packet loss in ping
- Feature: Block all IPv6 Global Unicast to prevent leak
- Fix: Android: Vpn Connection keeps open after disconnecting
- Fix: Android: Crash in android 5.1
- Fix: IpFilter miss some IPs of countries
- Update: Improve the speed of establishing the connection
- Feature: Server Redirection
- Feature: Server Maintenance mode detection
- Feature: Validate packets integrity in UdpChannel
- Update: Android: Hide notification icon on the lock screen
- Update: Improve Performance and Memory usage
- Change: Stop supporting the old version
- Fix: Instability in reconnecting and disconnecting
- Fix: IpFilter didn't work properly when more than one country was selected
- Fix: Android: System Notification remain connected after disconnect
- Fix: Android: Some Apps were not shown in the AppFilter list (Require Permission: QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES)
- Fix: Android: Crash if a selected app in AppFilter does not exist anymore
- Fix: Android: Crash after disconnect
- Feature: Host Restart with REST access server (No UDP yet)
- Feature: Validate packets integrity in UdpChannel
- Update: Stop supporting the old version
- Update: Improve Performance and Memory usage
- Update: New REST AccessManager protocol
- Change: Stop supporting the old version
- Update: Respect C# Nullable Reference Types
- Update: Mass Code cleanup
- Update: Decouple access manager from server to access server
- Feature: Android: Add Manage button to the system notification
- Fix: Casual packet loss!
- Fix: Empty error message after immediate disconnection
- Fix: Could not open the Protocol page
- Fix: Android: No window open by pressing menu items
- Fix: Windows: Could not load WinDivert
- Fix: Casual packet loss!
- Feature: IpFilter by countries
- Feature: Android: Exclude local networks from VPN
- Feature: Android: Add disconnect to device notification bar
- Update: Improve Performance and Memory usage
- Update: Reduce number of Public Server hints
- Fix: Windows: Didn't bypass Some local network traffics
- Update: Improve Performance and Memory usage
- Update: Display error for unsupported client
- Fix: Random Crash!
- Fix: No error message when Client lost the connection
- Update: Check session id for each UdpPacket
- Update: Reject unSupported client
- Fix: Updater on Linux
- Fix: Nlog maxArchiveDays maxArchiveFiles
- Feature: Reset apps TCP connections immediately after VPN get connected
- Update: Significantly optimize performance & stability
- Update: Improve power usage
- Fix: Attempting to connect after stopping the VPN
- Feature: Windows 7 Support
- Feature: Add "What's New" link in the main menu
- Fix: Windows: Display Main window location depending on TaskBar position
- Fix: Freeze network after auto reconnect
- Fix: Freeze network when UDP connection lost
- Fix: Freeze network after network lost
- Fix: Selecting current active server causes disconnection
- Fix: Public Server in Android Sample
- Feature: Add UDP Protocol
- Update: Improve datagram performance
- Update: Improve overall performance
- Update: Improve messaging security
- Update: Improve Stability
- Fix: Problem in sending some UDP packets
- Fix: Json length is too big
- Upgrade to SharpPcap 6.0
- Update: Windows: Installer check for new updates before installation
- Fix: Freeze in Disconnecting state
- Fix: Reconnection
- Fix: Diagnostic report "No Internet", when there is internet
- Update: Windows: Change Updater
- Feature: Set allowed or disallowed Apps that can use VPN
- Update: Windows & Linux: Check TargetFramework before update
- Update: Show warning for Public Server
- Fix: Android: Crash when sending feedback on Android 11
- Fix: Connection already in progress error when changing server
- Update: Show traffic speed
- Update: Auto restart if VpnHoodServer stops unexpectedly
- Fix: Typo error in default.pfx filename for FileAccessManager
- Fix: Linux: Stop working after server update
- New: New public server
- New: Windows: Bypass local network from tunneling
- New: Android: Prevent landscape orientation
- Update: Significantly improve speed and stability
- Update: Automatically remove profiles when token does not exist
- Update: add some log EventId
- Fix: UDP loss in mass UDP traffic
- New: Send ClientVersion to AccessManager
- Update: drop Hello version 1 support
- Update: Significantly improve speed and stability
- Update: Automatically remove profiles when token does not exist
- Update: add some log EventId
- Fix: token is ignored when created by FileAccessManager
- Fix: UDP loss in mass UDP traffic
- New: Rest server validate Self-Signed certificates by RestCertificateThumbprint property in appsettings
- New: Updater has completely changed
- New: Add stop command to stop all server instance
- New: Linux: Add installation script
- New: Linux: Run server as a service
- Change: rename "run" command to "start"
- New: Change server list page
- New: Android: Change system status bar color to match UI
- New: Windows: Change icon on notification area by connection status
- Fix: Big UI on some devices
- Update: Change Public Server Name
- Update: Start new log file on every run
- Fix: rejecting AccessKey with vh://
- New: Report Linux Distribution info
- New: Report connected ClientVersion
- Fix: "Permission Denied" error in Linux while sending some UDP packets
- Feature: Modern UI
- Feature: Show usage if there is any limitation
- Feature: Windows: reconnect last connection after auto update
- Fix: Windows: Fix main window size
- Fix: Windows: launch application after installation
- Fix: Use last command line argument after auto update
- Feature: Windows: Use new standalone UI
- Feature: Windows: Add Context menu to system tray
- Update: Add Microsoft WebView2 Edge to Windows Installer prerequisites
- Update: Send ClientVersion to server
- Fix: AccessKey prefix
- Fix: Reading server port number from appsettings.json
- Update: Support multiple public IP and Amazon ElasticIP
- Feature: Auto Configure Windows Defender Firewall
- Update: Improve diagnosing
- Fix: Significantly Improve connection stability & speed
- Fix: Displaying connection state
- Fix: Unhandled NullReferenceException on ping packets
- Fix: Improve server memory cleanup
- Fix: Prevent new connection after session disposed
- Fix: Speed Monitor and connection idle state
- Fix: Improve connection stability and lost packets
- Feature: ICMP logging for client and server with IsDiagnoseMode
- Feature: Use NLog for logging
- Feature: Auto initialize NLog config and appsettings.json
- Fix: Client close the entire VPN connection when a requested site refuse a connection
- Feature: Client can detect its expired session
- Change: Always Open the main window at start if App is already running
- Change: Update TcpDatagramHeader from binary to TcpDatagramChannelRequest json
- Change: Move IDevice and IPacketCapture to VpnHood.Core.Client.Device module
- Developer: Add Simple Sample for Windows Client usage
- Developer: Fix PublishApps.ps1 scripts to create publish folder when it does not exist
- Fix: Checking update from the Internet
- Update: add subdomain when creating self-signed certificates with random CN
- Fix: AppUpdater throw error if UpdateUrl in publish.json was empty string
- Update: Add client prefix to Bug Report File Name
- Update: Close Bug Report bottom page after sending report
- Update: Separate SPA from VpnHood.AppLib.UI. Make it easier for developers to use custom SPA
- Update: Change Anonymous IP masking from ..x.x to ".x.x."
- Update: Diagnose set Last error to "Diagnose has been finished" if there is not other error
- Fix: Dark Icon
- Fix: Open BugReport page on external web browser
- Fix: Disable Diagnose button when a connection already diagnosing
- Fix: Reporting .NET version instead of App Version
- Initial Release