This lab will guide you through building a BASIC continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins and Cloud Foundry.
Fork the Spring-Music repository. If you do not have a github account, you can skip this step and use my repository.
Edit the manifest.yml at the root of the forked spring-music repository. Change the host from ${random-word} to your initials. Jenkins does not like the special characters in the host field and will give an error.
Login to your Jenkins instance at with the same username and password that you use for CloudFoundry.
Navigate to your username folder.
Click Configure and then Credentials, and enter your CloudFoundry credentials. Then click Save.
Click New Item, give it the name spring-music and select ``Build a free-style software project.'' Then click OK.
Under Source Code Management, select Git, and supply your repository URL (e.g.<YOUR_GIT_USERNAME>/spring-music
). Leave credentials as none.
Under Build Environment, select Setup CloudFoundry CLI.
Under API Endpoint, enter
. -
Check Skip SSL Validation.
Under API Credentials select the credentials you configured above.
Enter your Organization and Space for CloudFoundry.
Select Add Build Step and then Invoke Gradle Script.
Select Use Grade Wrapper.
Check both Make gradlew executable and From Root Build Script Directory.
In switches, enter
. -
In tasks, enter
clean assemble
. -
In build file, enter
. -
Check *Force GRADLE_USER_HOME to use workspace.
Select Add Post-build Action and then Push to CloudFoundry.
Under Target, enter
. -
Under Credentials select the credentials you configured above.
Enter your Organization and Space for CloudFoundry.
Check Allow Self-Signed Certificates.
Save the config.