This library is used to generate ROS2 messages in vehicleCAPTAIN toolbox.
Quickstart: simply include into your ROS2 project.
Release versions have been tested in use and should be stable. Some scenarios are still in progess.
If you want to make changes in the branch, you can visit for more information about the adapted asn1ToROS-code.
This approach requires Docker.
Important: You have to supply the docker with a keyfile for accessing the vif repo. Simply put a working id_rsa in the root folder. The Dockerfile does the rest.
# Generate the docker
# Connect to the docker
docker exec -it ros2_msg_gen bash
# Execute the script
# exit the docker
# copy the generated library from the docker
docker cp ros2_msg_gen:/tmp/gen_env/build/v2x_msgs ./v2x_msgs
# your generated files are now in the vifits folder
cp -r v2x_msgs <destination>
If you want to generate .msg-files per hand you have to follow these steps:
1. Download branch 'ros2_msg_parser_from_velichkov':
2. Use following commands:
test -f configure || autoreconf -iv
3. Create new directory for your new .msg-files:
install -d "$MSG_ROOT_DIR"/denm/
4. Generate the messages (use "-generate-ros-message"-tag):
asn1c -D "$dir_for_new_msg" -E -generate-ros-message -R -no-gen-example -fcompound-names -fno-include-deps "$ETSI_SPECS"
5. Check if new messages are in new folder.
6. Done.
(Because some cases are not handled with the parser at the moment.)
In the "hotfix"folder are messages for scenarios which are not handled with the parser at the moment.
A python-file replaces the original files with the adapted files from the "hotfix"-folder.
In each message-file you can find a short description what has been changed manually.
Main Author: Patrizia Neubauer
License: BSD