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Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. +COPYRIGHT:Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Inc.; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. +COPYRIGHT:The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. +COPYRIGHT:Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. +COPYRIGHT:The Book of Erotic Fantasy. Copyright 2006, Arthaus, Inc.; Authors: Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel and Duncan Scott. +COPYRIGHT:The Book of Arcane Magic. Copyright 2009, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming; Authors: Connie J. Thomson and Robert W. Thomson. + +ISLICENSED:YES +LICENSE:Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc., and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license. + +ABILITY:boam_abilities.lst +ABILITY:boam_feats.lst +ABILITY:boam_feats_mods.lst +ABILITYCATEGORY:boam_abilitycategories.lst +EQUIPMENT:boam_equip_magic.lst +EQUIPMENT:boam_equip_weapons_specific.lst +EQUIPMOD:boam_equipmods.lst +KIT:boam_kits_companions.lst +RACE:boam_races_companions.lst +SPELL:boam_spells.lst + +#BIOSET:boam_biosettings.lst +#CLASS:boam_classes.lst +#COMPANIONMOD:boam_companionmods.lst +#DEITY:boam_deities.lst +#DOMAIN:boam_domains.lst +#LANGUAGE:boam_languages.lst +#SKILL:boam_skills.lst +#TEMPLATE:boam_templates.lst +#WEAPONPROF:boam_weaponprofs.lst diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam.jpg b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71f1be6de Binary files /dev/null and b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam.jpg differ diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilities.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilities.lst index 8a03b59ba..a0efbd1e4 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilities.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilities.lst @@ -1,105 +1,106 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, June 19, 2010 +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 03 July, 2017 SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com ###Block: Sorcerer Bloodlines # Ability Name Category of Ability Type Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Ability Bonus to Ability Pool Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bestial Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:You feel the rage of your bestial ancestor easily, and often find it hard to keep yourself under control. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bestial Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Bestial)|Claws ~ Bestial ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bestial Reflexes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Tremendous Fortitude|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Howl of the Beast|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Tough Hide ~ Bestial Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Bestial Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Survival SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:You feel the rage of your bestial ancestor easily, and often find it hard to keep yourself under control. +Bestial Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:You feel the rage of your bestial ancestor easily, and often find it hard to keep yourself under control. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bestial Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Bestial)|Claws ~ Bestial ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bestial Reflexes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Tremendous Fortitude|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Howl of the Beast|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Tough Hide ~ Bestial Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Bestial Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Survival SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:You feel the rage of your bestial ancestor easily, and often find it hard to keep yourself under control. Divine Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:You have the blood of a deity in your ancestry. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Divine Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Divine)|Resistant Touch ~ Divine Bloodline ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Ethereal Jaunt ~ Divine Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Divine Strike|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Divine Protection|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Shock & Awe|PREVARLTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Divine Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Knowledge (Planes) SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:You actually have the blood of a deity in your ancestry. Feline Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:The blood of felines flows through your veins. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Feline Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Feline)|Claws ~ Feline ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Cat's Eyes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Climb like a Cat|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Cat's Meow|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Cat Form|PREVARLTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Feline Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Stealth SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:The blood of felines flows through your veins. -Fiendish Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:There are evil outsiders beyond demons and devils. You are descended from such a being. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Fiendish Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Fiendish)|Smite Good ~ Fiendish ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Darkvision ~ Fiendish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Fiendish Resistances|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Damage Reduction ~ Fiendish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Spell Resistance ~ Fiendish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Fiendish Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Perception SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:There are other evil outsiders than just demons and devils. You are descended from such a creature. -Genie Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:You have great and wonderful powers thanks to your genie ancestor. MULT:YES CHOOSE:STRING|Djinni|Janni|Efreeti ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Genie Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Genie)|Telepathy ~ Genie ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Darkvision ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Attack ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Plane Shift ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Genie Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Sense Motive SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:One or more of your ancestors was a powerful genie, perhaps a djinni, an efreeti, or a janni. +Fiendish Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:There are evil outsiders beyond demons and devils. You are descended from such a being. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Fiendish Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Fiendish)|Smite Good ~ Fiendish ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Darkvision ~ Fiendish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Fiendish Resistances|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Damage Reduction ~ Fiendish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Spell Resistance ~ Fiendish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Fiendish Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Perception SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:There are other evil outsiders than just demons and devils. You are descended from such a creature. +Genie Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:You have great and wonderful powers thanks to your genie ancestor. MULT:YES CHOOSE:STRING|Djinni|Janni|Efreeti ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Genie Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Genie)|Telepathy ~ Genie ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Darkvision ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Attack ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Plane Shift ~ Genie|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Genie Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Sense Motive SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:One or more of your ancestors was a powerful genie, perhaps a djinni, an efreeti, or a janni. Lycanthropic Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:Somewhere in your family's past was a lycanthrope. MULT:YES CHOOSE:STRING|Werebear|Wereboar|Wererat|Weretiger|Werewolf ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Lycanthropic Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Lycanthropic)|Claws ~ Lycanthropic ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Animal Empathy|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Lycanthropic Power|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Damage Reduction ~ Lycanthropic|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form ~ Lycanthropic|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Lycanthropic Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Handle Animal SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Somewhere in your family's past was a lycanthrope - a werewolf, wereboar, wererat, or any other sort of werecreature. You know the bloodline manifests in you because you have an affinity for the kind of animal akin to your ancestor, and because of a certain amount of bloodlust that often rises with the full moon. -Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:Your ancestors include pixies, lycanthropes, dragons, and possibly more. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Mixed Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Mixed)|Laughing Touch ~ Mixed Bloodline ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Infernal Resistances ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Breath Weapon ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Conviction ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Arcane Apotheosis ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mixed Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:Your family's past is sprinkled with odd individuals. Your ancestors include pixies, lycanthropes, dragons, demons, monstrous humanoids and possibly more. This mix of powerful, magical and supernatural ancestors has gifted you with an odd but powerful assortment of sorcerous talents. -Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:You are descended from a powerful monstrous humanoid. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Monstrous Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Monstrous)|Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack ~ Monstrous Bloodline ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Monstrous Cunning|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Evil Eye ~ Monstrous Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Blindsight ~ Monstrous Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Weakening Touch ~ Monstrous Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Monstrous Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Perception SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You are descended from a powerful monstrous humanoid. It may have been a goodly creature such as a centaur or it may have been one of an evil bent, such as a hag or harpy. The monstrous blood flowing in your veins connects you with the magical world in a powerful way. +Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:Your ancestors include pixies, lycanthropes, dragons, and possibly more. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Mixed Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Mixed)|Laughing Touch ~ Mixed Bloodline ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Infernal Resistances ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Breath Weapon ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Conviction ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Arcane Apotheosis ~ Mixed Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mixed Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:Your family's past is sprinkled with odd individuals. Your ancestors include pixies, lycanthropes, dragons, demons, monstrous humanoids and possibly more. This mix of powerful, magical and supernatural ancestors has gifted you with an odd but powerful assortment of sorcerous talents. +Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:You are descended from a powerful monstrous humanoid. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Monstrous Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Monstrous)|Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack ~ Monstrous Bloodline ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Monstrous Cunning|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Evil Eye ~ Monstrous Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Blindsight ~ Monstrous Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Weakening Touch ~ Monstrous Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Monstrous Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Perception SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You are descended from a powerful monstrous humanoid. It may have been a goodly creature such as a centaur or it may have been one of an evil bent, such as a hag or harpy. The monstrous blood flowing in your veins connects you with the magical world in a powerful way. Nightmarish Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:Unknowable alien evils are said to lie far beyond the known planes of existence. Their tainted mark has affected your bloodline. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Nightmarish Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Nightmarish)|Nightmarish Touch ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Prehensile Tongue|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Nightmarish Resistances|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Eyeless ~ Nightmarish Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Black Tentacles ~ Nightmarish Bloodline|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Nightmarish Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Knowledge (Planes) SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:Unknowable alien evils are said to lie far beyond the known planes of existence. Their tainted mark has affected your bloodline. -Scaly Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:The blood of a lizardfolk, yuan-ti, or some other scaly-skinned creature runs in your family. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scaly Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Scaly)|Claws ~ Scaly ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Acid Touch ~ Scaly|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hold Breath ~ Scaly|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scaly Skin|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Chameleon Power|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Scaly Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Survival SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:The blood of a lizardfolk, yuan-ti, troglodyte or some other scaly-skinned creature runs in your family. You find yourself slow to anger, but quick to strike once angered. There is deliberateness about your actions and movement and as your power grows you take on more of the physical traits of a lizard, snake, or other reptilian creature. +Scaly Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.ClassSpecialization.SorcererBloodline DESC:The blood of a lizardfolk, yuan-ti, or some other scaly-skinned creature runs in your family. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scaly Bloodline Bonus Spells|Bloodline Arcana (Scaly)|Claws ~ Scaly ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Acid Touch ~ Scaly|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hold Breath ~ Scaly|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scaly Skin|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Chameleon Power|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Scaly Bloodline Feat|(BloodlineLVL-1)/6 CSKILL:Survival SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:The blood of a lizardfolk, yuan-ti, troglodyte or some other scaly-skinned creature runs in your family. You find yourself slow to anger, but quick to strike once angered. There is deliberateness about your actions and movement and as your power grows you take on more of the physical traits of a lizard, snake, or other reptilian creature. ###Block: Sorcerer Bloodline Bonus Spells -# Ability Name Category of Ability Type Visible List of Known Class Spells by Level +# Ability Name Category of Ability Type Visible List of Known Class Spells by Level Bestial Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Enlarge Person|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Call of the Wild|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Rage|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Shout|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Beast Shape III|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Heroism (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Giant Form I|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Form of the Dragon III|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Shapechange|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Divine Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Awe|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Resist Energy|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Heroism|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Dimension Door|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Contact Other Plane|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Repulsion|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Plane Shift|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Planar Binding (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Gate|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Feline Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Perfect Balance|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Cat's Grace|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Clairaudience/Clairvoyance|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Locate Creature|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Telepathic Bond|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Cat's Grace (Mass)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Phase Door|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Protection From Spells|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Foresight|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Divine Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Awe|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Resist Energy|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Heroism|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Dimension Door|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Contact Other Plane|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Repulsion|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Plane Shift|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Planar Binding (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Gate|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Feline Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Perfect Balance|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Cat's Grace|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Clairaudience/Clairvoyance|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Locate Creature|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Telepathic Bond|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Cat's Grace (Mass)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Phase Door|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Protection From Spells|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Foresight|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 Fiendish Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Protection from Good|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Darkness|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Magic Circle Against Good|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Fear|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Black Ice|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Mislead|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Waves of Exhaustion|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Shadow Evocation (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Weird|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Genie Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Fireshape|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Invisibility|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Gaseous Form|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Wall of Fire|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Major Creation|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Permanent Image|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Project Image|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Discern Location|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Wish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Lycanthropic Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Bird's Eye View|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Bull's Strength|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Beast Shape I|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Beast Shape II|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Beast Shape III|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Beast Shape IV|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Polymorph (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Moment of Prescience|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Shapechange|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Mixed Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Enlarge Person|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Bull's Strength|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Dispel Magic|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Remove Curse|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Spirit Sight|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Form of the Dragon I|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Phase Door|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Power Word Stun|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Energy Drain|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Monstrous Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Jump|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Bull's Strength|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Fly|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Staggering Blow|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Cone of Cold|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Flesh to Stone|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Teleport (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Giant Form II|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Crushing Hand|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Nightmarish Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Cause Fear|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Darkness|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Nondetection|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Phobia|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Nightmare|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Shadow Walk|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Insanity|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Symbol of Insanity|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Shapechange|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 -Scaly Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|True Strike|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Lizardskin|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Water Breathing|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Charm Monster|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Dominate Person|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Form of the Dragon I|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Form of the Dragon II|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Scintillating Pattern|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Dominate Monster|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Genie Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Fireshape|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Invisibility|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Gaseous Form|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Wall of Fire|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Major Creation|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Permanent Image|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Project Image|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Discern Location|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Wish|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Lycanthropic Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Bird's Eye View|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Bull's Strength|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Beast Shape I|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Beast Shape II|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Beast Shape III|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Beast Shape IV|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Polymorph (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Moment of Prescience|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Shapechange|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Mixed Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Enlarge Person|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Bull's Strength|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Dispel Magic|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Remove Curse|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Spirit Sight|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Form of the Dragon I|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Phase Door|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Power Word Stun|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Energy Drain|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Monstrous Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Jump|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Bull's Strength|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Fly|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Staggering Blow|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Cone of Cold|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Flesh to Stone|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Teleport (Greater)|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Giant Form II|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Crushing Hand|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Nightmarish Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|Cause Fear|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Darkness|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Nondetection|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Phobia|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Nightmare|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Shadow Walk|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Insanity|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Symbol of Insanity|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Shapechange|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Scaly Bloodline Bonus Spells CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=1|True Strike|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,3 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=2|Lizardskin|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=3|Water Breathing|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=4|Charm Monster|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=5|Dominate Person|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=6|Form of the Dragon I|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=7|Form of the Dragon II|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=8|Scintillating Pattern|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Sorcerer=9|Dominate Monster|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 ###Block: Sorcerer Bestial Bloodline Abilties # Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Bestial) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Magical beasts are potentially susceptible to your spells. For the purpose of determining which of your spells affect them, magical beasts are treated as humanoids. SOURCEPAGE:p.45 -Claws ~ Bestial OUTPUTNAME:Claws CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M SOURCEPAGE:p.45 NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d6 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. This is a supernatural ability. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,5 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Your claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. This is a supernatural ability. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 -Bestial Reflexes CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain an inherent bonus to your Dexterity. SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:At 3rd level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Dexterity. At 11th level this bonus increases to +4, and at 17th level it increases to +6. BONUS:STAT|DEX,2|TYPE=Inherent BONUS:STAT|DEX,2|TYPE=Inherent|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 BONUS:STAT|DEX,2|TYPE=Inherent|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 -Tremendous Fortitude CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain an inherent bonus to your Fortitude save. SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Fortitude save. At 13th level this bonus increases to +4. BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude|2|Type=Inherent BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude|2|Type=Inherent|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 -Howl of the Beast CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DEFINE:BestialHowlTimes|0 DESC:You are able to emit a piercing, terrifying howl affecting those around you. You can use this ability %1 time(s) per day.|BestialHowlTimes BONUS:VAR|BestialHowlTimes|1 BONUS:VAR|BestialHowlTimes|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:Everyone within a 20-foot radius of you is paralyzed with fear for 2d6 rounds unless they make a DC %1 Will save. Those that succeed on the save are shaken for 1d4 rounds.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA -Tough Hide KEY:Tough Hide ~ Bestial Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your skin hardens like thick, leathery animal hide, giving you DR 10/-. DR:10/- SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:Your skin hardens like thick, leathery animal hide, giving you DR 10/-. +Bloodline Arcana (Bestial) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Magical beasts are potentially susceptible to your spells. For the purpose of determining which of your spells affect them, magical beasts are treated as humanoids. SOURCEPAGE:p.45 +Claws ~ Bestial OUTPUTNAME:Claws CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M SOURCEPAGE:p.45 NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d6 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. This is a supernatural ability. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,5 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Your claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. This is a supernatural ability. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 +Bestial Reflexes CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain an inherent bonus to your Dexterity. SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:At 3rd level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Dexterity. At 11th level this bonus increases to +4, and at 17th level it increases to +6. BONUS:STAT|DEX,2|TYPE=Inherent BONUS:STAT|DEX,2|TYPE=Inherent|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 BONUS:STAT|DEX,2|TYPE=Inherent|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 +Tremendous Fortitude CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain an inherent bonus to your Fortitude save. SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Fortitude save. At 13th level this bonus increases to +4. BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude|2|Type=Inherent BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude|2|Type=Inherent|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,13 +Howl of the Beast CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DEFINE:BestialHowlTimes|0 DESC:You are able to emit a piercing, terrifying howl affecting those around you. You can use this ability %1 time(s) per day.|BestialHowlTimes BONUS:VAR|BestialHowlTimes|1 BONUS:VAR|BestialHowlTimes|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:Everyone within a 20-foot radius of you is paralyzed with fear for 2d6 rounds unless they make a DC %1 Will save. Those that succeed on the save are shaken for 1d4 rounds.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA +Tough Hide KEY:Tough Hide ~ Bestial Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your skin hardens like thick, leathery animal hide, giving you DR 10/-. DR:10/- SOURCEPAGE:p.45 BENEFIT:Your skin hardens like thick, leathery animal hide, giving you DR 10/-. ###Block: Sorcerer Divine Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits Bloodline Arcana (Divine) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell from the school of divination, the duration of the spell increases by one round per caster level. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell from the school of divination, the duration of the spell increases by one round per caster level. Resistant Touch KEY:Resistant Touch ~ Divine Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have the ability to grant a bonus to an ally's saving throw. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You have the ability to grant a +2 inherent bonus to an ally's saving throw. This bonus must be used within %1 rounds. You are able to use this ability %2 time(s) per day.|(CL+1)/2|BloodlinePowerTimes Ethereal Jaunt KEY:Ethereal Jaunt ~ Divine Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DEFINE:EtherealJauntRds|0 DESC:You are able to become ethereal for up to %1 rounds per day.|EtherealJauntRds BONUS:VAR|EtherealJauntRds|3 BONUS:VAR|EtherealJauntRds|4|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:VAR|EtherealJauntRds|4|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You are able to become ethereal for up to %1 rounds per day.|EtherealJauntRds -Divine Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DESC:You can unleash a divine strike against an enemy within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You can unleash a divine strike against an enemy within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The ray deals 2d6 + %1 points of damage.|CL/3 -Divine Protection CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:DivineProtection|0 DESC:You gain a +%1 natural armor bonus to your armor class.|DivineProtection BONUS:VAR|DivineProtection|6 BONUS:VAR|DivineProtection|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You gain a +%1 natural armor bonus to your armor class.|DivineProtection -Shock & Awe CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your presence is clearly unearthly. You can radiate divine power that affects those within a 15-foot radius of you. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You can radiate divine power in a 15-foot radius that leaves any creature less than 6HD stunned as long as you remain in range. Creatures of 7 HD or greater can make a DC %1 Will save to resist your divine power or be shaken while you remain in range.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA +Divine Strike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DESC:You can unleash a divine strike against an enemy within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You can unleash a divine strike against an enemy within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The ray deals 2d6 + %1 points of damage.|CL/3 +Divine Protection CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:DivineProtection|0 DESC:You gain a +%1 natural armor bonus to your armor class.|DivineProtection BONUS:VAR|DivineProtection|6 BONUS:VAR|DivineProtection|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You gain a +%1 natural armor bonus to your armor class.|DivineProtection +Shock & Awe CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your presence is clearly unearthly. You can radiate divine power that affects those within a 15-foot radius of you. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You can radiate divine power in a 15-foot radius that leaves any creature less than 6HD stunned as long as you remain in range. Creatures of 7 HD or greater can make a DC %1 Will save to resist your divine power or be shaken while you remain in range.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA ###Block: Sorcerer Feline Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Feline) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Any target that suffers damage from a ranged touch or melee touch spell you can also suffers a bad luck penalty equal to half the spell's level (minimum 1) on all their saving throws for the next round. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Bloodline Arcana (Feline) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Any target that suffers damage from a ranged touch or melee touch spell you can also suffers a bad luck penalty equal to half the spell's level (minimum 1) on all their saving throws for the next round. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 Claws ~ Feline OUTPUTNAME:Claws CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M SOURCEPAGE:p.46 NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d6 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. This is a supernatural ability. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,5 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Your claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. This is a supernatural ability. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 -Cat's Eyes CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your eyes become cat-like in appearance, improving your vision. VISION:Low-Light BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60|PREVISION:1,Low-light BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60|PREVISION:1,Darkvision=60 SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:Your eyes become cat-like in appearance, improving your vision. You gain low-light if you do not already have it. If you already have low-light vision, you gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision with a range of 60 feet, the range is extended to 120 feet. -Climb like a Cat CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:CatClimbBonus|0 DESC:Your claws have hardened and you gain a +%1 bonus to your Climb skill checks.|CatClimbBonus BONUS:VAR|CatClimbBonus|2 BONUS:VAR|CatClimbBonus|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 BONUS:VAR|CatClimbBonus|2PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:Your claws have hardened and you gain a +%1 bonus to your Climb skill checks.|CatClimbBonus -Cat's Meow CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You have the ability to make a sound much like that of a cat, affecting some people. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You have the ability to make a meowing sound that can leave some people fascinated for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed at a DC %1 Will save.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA -Cat Form CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You have the ability to shapechange into the form of a humanoid cat up to five times a day, but there is no maximum duration for how long you can remain in cat form. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You have the ability to shapechange into the form of a humanoid cat up to five times a day, but there is no maximum duration for how long you can remain in cat form. +Cat's Eyes CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your eyes become cat-like in appearance, improving your vision. VISION:Low-Light BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60|PREVISION:1,Low-light Vision=ANY,Low Light=ANY BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60|PREVISION:1,Darkvision=60 SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:Your eyes become cat-like in appearance, improving your vision. You gain low-light if you do not already have it. If you already have low-light vision, you gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision with a range of 60 feet, the range is extended to 120 feet. +Climb like a Cat CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:CatClimbBonus|0 DESC:Your claws have hardened and you gain a +%1 bonus to your Climb skill checks.|CatClimbBonus BONUS:VAR|CatClimbBonus|2 BONUS:VAR|CatClimbBonus|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 BONUS:VAR|CatClimbBonus|2PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:Your claws have hardened and you gain a +%1 bonus to your Climb skill checks.|CatClimbBonus +Cat's Meow CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You have the ability to make a sound much like that of a cat, affecting some people. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You have the ability to make a meowing sound that can leave some people fascinated for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed at a DC %1 Will save.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA +Cat Form CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You have the ability to shapechange into the form of a humanoid cat up to five times a day, but there is no maximum duration for how long you can remain in cat form. SOURCEPAGE:p.46 BENEFIT:You have the ability to shapechange into the form of a humanoid cat up to five times a day, but there is no maximum duration for how long you can remain in cat form. ###Block: Sorcerer Fiendish Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Fiendish) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a damage-dealing spell with the evil descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a damage-dealing spell with the evil descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled. +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Bloodline Arcana (Fiendish) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a damage-dealing spell with the evil descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a damage-dealing spell with the evil descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled. Smite Good KEY:Smite Good ~ Fiendish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DEFINE:FiendishSORSmiteGoodDamageBonus|0 DESC:You can make a normal melee attack and deal an extra %1 points of damage to a good-aligned foe. You can use this ability %2 times per day.|FiendishSORSmiteGoodDamageBonus|BloodlinePowerTimes BONUS:VAR|FiendishSORSmiteGoodDamageBonus|(BloodlineLVL+1)/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You can make a normal melee attack and deal an extra %1 points of damage to a good-aligned foe. You can use this ability %2 times per day. -Darkvision KEY:Darkvision ~ Fiendish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain darkvision. If you already have darkvision, the range improves. BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60 BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|30|PREVISION:1,Darkvision SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You have darkvision to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range is extended by 30 feet. -Fiendish Resistances CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have resistance to fire and cold. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Fire|Resistance to Cold BONUS:VAR|FireResistanceBonus,ColdResistanceBonus|5 BONUS:VAR|FireResistanceBonus,ColdResistanceBonus|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You have fire resistance %1 and cold resistance %2.|FireResistanceBonus|ColdResistanceBonus -Damage Reduction KEY:Damage Reduction ~ Fiendish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DEFINE:FiendishDR|0 DESC:You gain damage reduction %1/magic.|FiendishDR BONUS:VAR|FiendishDR|5 BONUS:VAR|FiendishDR|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 BONUS:DR|Magic|FiendishDR SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain damage reduction %1/magic.|FiendishDR -Spell Resistance KEY:Spell Resistance ~ Fiendish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:FiendishSR|0 DESC:You gain spell resistance %1.|FiendishSR BONUS:VAR|FiendishSR|BloodlineLVL+5 BONUS:MISC|SR|FiendishSR SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain spell resistance %1.|FiendishSR +Darkvision KEY:Darkvision ~ Fiendish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain darkvision. If you already have darkvision, the range improves. BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60 BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|30|PREVISION:1,Darkvision=ANY SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You have darkvision to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range is extended by 30 feet. +Fiendish Resistances CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have resistance to fire and cold. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Fire|Resistance to Cold BONUS:VAR|FireResistanceBonus,ColdResistanceBonus|5 BONUS:VAR|FireResistanceBonus,ColdResistanceBonus|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You have fire resistance %1 and cold resistance %2.|FireResistanceBonus|ColdResistanceBonus +Damage Reduction KEY:Damage Reduction ~ Fiendish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DEFINE:FiendishDR|0 DESC:You gain damage reduction %1/magic.|FiendishDR BONUS:VAR|FiendishDR|5 BONUS:VAR|FiendishDR|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 BONUS:DR|Magic|FiendishDR SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain damage reduction %1/magic.|FiendishDR +Spell Resistance KEY:Spell Resistance ~ Fiendish CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:FiendishSR|0 DESC:You gain spell resistance %1.|FiendishSR BONUS:VAR|FiendishSR|BloodlineLVL+5 BONUS:MISC|SR|FiendishSR SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain spell resistance %1.|FiendishSR ###Block: Sorcerer Genie Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Genie) CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.47 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bloodline Arcana (Djinni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Djinni) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bloodline Arcana (Efreeti)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Efreeti) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bloodline Arcana (Janni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Janni) -Bloodline Arcana (Djinni) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to acid damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to acid damage. -Bloodline Arcana (Efreeti) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. -Bloodline Arcana (Janni) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Bloodline Arcana (Genie) CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.47 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bloodline Arcana (Djinni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Djinni) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bloodline Arcana (Efreeti)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Efreeti) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bloodline Arcana (Janni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Janni) +Bloodline Arcana (Djinni) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to acid damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to acid damage. +Bloodline Arcana (Efreeti) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. +Bloodline Arcana (Janni) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to fire damage. Telepathy KEY:Telepathy ~ Genie CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You can communicate with anyone within 100 feet of your location with telepathy. You can use this %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You can communicate with anyone within 100 feet of your location with telepathy. You can use this %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes -Darkvision KEY:Darkvision ~ Genie CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have darkvision to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range is extended by 30 feet. BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60 BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|30|PREVISION:1,Darkvision SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You have darkvision to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range is extended by 30 feet. -Energy Resistance KEY:Energy Resistance ~ Genie CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO DEFINE:GenieEnergyResistance|0 BONUS:VAR|GenieEnergyResistance|5 BONUS:VAR|GenieEnergyResistance|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SOURCEPAGE:p.47 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance (Djinni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Djinni) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance (Efreeti)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Efreeti) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance (Janni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Janni) -Energy Resistance (Djinni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Resistance CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain resistance %1 to acid.|GenieEnergyResistance SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain resistance to acid %1 thanks to your djinni ancestor.|GenieEnergyResistance -Energy Resistance (Efreeti) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Resistance CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain resistance %1 to fire.|GenieEnergyResistance SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain resistance to fire %1 thanks to your efreeti ancestor.|GenieEnergyResistance -Energy Resistance (Janni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Resistance CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain resistance %1 to fire.|GenieEnergyResistance SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain resistance to fire %1 thanks to your janni ancestor.|GenieEnergyResistance +Darkvision KEY:Darkvision ~ Genie CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have darkvision to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range is extended by 30 feet. BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60 BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|30|PREVISION:1,Darkvision=ANY SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You have darkvision to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range is extended by 30 feet. +Energy Resistance KEY:Energy Resistance ~ Genie CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO DEFINE:GenieEnergyResistance|0 BONUS:VAR|GenieEnergyResistance|5 BONUS:VAR|GenieEnergyResistance|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 SOURCEPAGE:p.47 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance (Djinni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Djinni) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance (Efreeti)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Efreeti) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Resistance (Janni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Janni) +Energy Resistance (Djinni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Resistance CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain resistance %1 to acid.|GenieEnergyResistance SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain resistance to acid %1 thanks to your djinni ancestor.|GenieEnergyResistance +Energy Resistance (Efreeti) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Resistance CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain resistance %1 to fire.|GenieEnergyResistance SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain resistance to fire %1 thanks to your efreeti ancestor.|GenieEnergyResistance +Energy Resistance (Janni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Resistance CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You gain resistance %1 to fire.|GenieEnergyResistance SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain resistance to fire %1 thanks to your janni ancestor.|GenieEnergyResistance Energy Attack KEY:Energy Attack ~ Genie CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.47 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Attack (Djinni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Djinni) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Attack (Efreeti)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Efreeti) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Energy Attack (Janni)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Genie Bloodline (Janni) -Energy Attack (Djinni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Attack CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Spell-Like DESC:You gain a whirlwind attack. SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=15|Whirlwind,18+CHA SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Once a day, you gain a whirlwind attack, as the spell cast by a 15th-level druid. -Energy Attack (Efreeti) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Attack CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Spell-Like DESC:You gain a fireball attack. SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=10|Fireball,13+CHA SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Once a day, you gain a fireball attack, as the spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer. -Energy Attack (Janni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Attack CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Spell-Like DESC:You gain a chain lightning attack. SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=10|Chain Lightning,16+CHA SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Once a day, you gain a chain lightning attack, as the spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer. +Energy Attack (Djinni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Attack CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Spell-Like DESC:You gain a whirlwind attack. SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=15|Whirlwind,18+CHA SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Once a day, you gain a whirlwind attack, as the spell cast by a 15th-level druid. +Energy Attack (Efreeti) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Attack CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Spell-Like DESC:You gain a fireball attack. SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=10|Fireball,13+CHA SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Once a day, you gain a fireball attack, as the spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer. +Energy Attack (Janni) OUTPUTNAME:Energy Attack CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Spell-Like DESC:You gain a chain lightning attack. SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=10|Chain Lightning,16+CHA SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Once a day, you gain a chain lightning attack, as the spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer. Plane Shift KEY:Plane Shift ~ Genie CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You gain the ability to plane shift. SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=13|Plane Shift SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:You gain the ability to plane shift once per day. You can shift to any of the elemental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. You can shift yourself and up to eight other individuals, as long as everyone links hands. This ability is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name cast by a 13th-level caster. ###Block: Sorcerer Lycanthropic Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Lycanthropic) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:When you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool, the duration increases. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool, increase the duration of the spell by half your sorcerer level (minimum 1 round). This does not stack with the increase duration from the Extend Spell feat. -Claws ~ Lycanthropic OUTPUTNAME:Claws CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d6 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,5 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Your claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 -Animal Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO DEFINE:LycanthropicEmpathy|0 BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicEmpathy|4 BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicEmpathy|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bear Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werebear) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Boar Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Wereboar) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Rat Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Rat) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Feline Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Weretiger) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Wolf Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werewolf) -Bear Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to bears. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against bears and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your werebear ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against bears, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for bears. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. -Boar Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to boars. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against boars and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your wereboar ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against boars, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for boars. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. -Rat Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to rats. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against rats and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your wererat ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against rats, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for rats. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. -Feline Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to cats. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against cats and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your weretiger ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against felines, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for felines. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. -Wolf Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to wolves. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against wolves and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your werewolf ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against wolves, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for wolves. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. -Lycanthropic Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Werebear Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werebear) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Wereboar Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Wereboar) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Wererat Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Rat) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Weretiger Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Weretiger) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Werewolf Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werewolf) -Werebear Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your werebear ancestor. You can make a grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if you hit with a claw attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your werebear ancestor. You can make a grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if you hit with a claw attack. -Wereboar Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your wereboar ancestor. You continue to act without penalty even while disabled or dying. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your wereboar ancestor. You continue to act without penalty even while disabled or dying. -Wererat Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your wererat ancestor. Your claw attack can spread Filth Fever. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your wererat ancestor. Your claw attack can spread Filth Fever: claw, Fortitude DC 12; Frequency 1d3/1 day; Effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves. -Weretiger Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your weretiger ancestor. You can make a full attack when you charge an opponent; all other rules for a charge apply. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your weretiger ancestor. You can make a full attack when you charge an opponent; all other rules for a charge apply. -Werewolf Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your werewolf ancestor. You can make a trip attempt with your own foot or with a weapon without provoking an attack of opportunity; you cannot be tripped yourself if the attempt fails. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your werewolf ancestor. You can make a trip attempt with your own foot or with a weapon without provoking an attack of opportunity; you cannot be tripped yourself if the attempt fails. -Damage Reduction KEY:Damage Reduction ~ Lycanthropic CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:LycanthropicDR|0 DESC:You have damage reduction %1/silver.|LycanthropicDR BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicDR|5 BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicDR|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have damage reduction %1/silver.|LycanthropicDR -Alternate Form KEY:Alternate Form ~ Lycanthropic CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Werebear)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werebear) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Wereboar)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Wereboar) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Wererat)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Rat) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Weretiger)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Weretiger) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Werewolf)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werewolf) +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Bloodline Arcana (Lycanthropic) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:When you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool, the duration increases. SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool, increase the duration of the spell by half your sorcerer level (minimum 1 round). This does not stack with the increase duration from the Extend Spell feat. +Claws ~ Lycanthropic OUTPUTNAME:Claws CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.47 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d6 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,5 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Your claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 +Animal Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO DEFINE:LycanthropicEmpathy|0 BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicEmpathy|4 BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicEmpathy|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Bear Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werebear) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Boar Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Wereboar) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Rat Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Rat) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Feline Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Weretiger) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Wolf Empathy|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werewolf) +Bear Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to bears. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against bears and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your werebear ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against bears, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for bears. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. +Boar Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to boars. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against boars and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your wereboar ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against boars, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for boars. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. +Rat Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to rats. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against rats and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your wererat ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against rats, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for rats. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. +Feline Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to cats. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against cats and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your weretiger ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against felines, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for felines. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. +Wolf Empathy CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have an empathic connection to wolves. You have a +%1 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against wolves and are able to communicate with them.|LycanthropicEmpathy SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain an empathic connection to the type of animals similar to your werewolf ancestor. This empathy grants you a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based skill checks against wolves, and allows you to communicate with them as well. The animal empathy works only for wolves. At 7th level, the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks increases to +6. +Lycanthropic Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Werebear Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werebear) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Wereboar Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Wereboar) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Wererat Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Rat) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Weretiger Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Weretiger) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Werewolf Power|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werewolf) +Werebear Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your werebear ancestor. You can make a grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if you hit with a claw attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your werebear ancestor. You can make a grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if you hit with a claw attack. +Wereboar Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your wereboar ancestor. You continue to act without penalty even while disabled or dying. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your wereboar ancestor. You continue to act without penalty even while disabled or dying. +Wererat Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your wererat ancestor. Your claw attack can spread Filth Fever. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your wererat ancestor. Your claw attack can spread Filth Fever: claw, Fortitude DC 12; Frequency 1d3/1 day; Effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves. +Weretiger Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your weretiger ancestor. You can make a full attack when you charge an opponent; all other rules for a charge apply. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your weretiger ancestor. You can make a full attack when you charge an opponent; all other rules for a charge apply. +Werewolf Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DESC:You have a special power because of your werewolf ancestor. You can make a trip attempt with your own foot or with a weapon without provoking an attack of opportunity; you cannot be tripped yourself if the attempt fails. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have a special power because of your werewolf ancestor. You can make a trip attempt with your own foot or with a weapon without provoking an attack of opportunity; you cannot be tripped yourself if the attempt fails. +Damage Reduction KEY:Damage Reduction ~ Lycanthropic CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:LycanthropicDR|0 DESC:You have damage reduction %1/silver.|LycanthropicDR BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicDR|5 BONUS:VAR|LycanthropicDR|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You have damage reduction %1/silver.|LycanthropicDR +Alternate Form KEY:Alternate Form ~ Lycanthropic CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Internal VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Werebear)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werebear) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Wereboar)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Wereboar) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Wererat)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Rat) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Weretiger)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Weretiger) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alternate Form (Werewolf)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Lycanthropic Bloodline (Werewolf) Alternate Form (Werebear) CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You are able to shapechange into a bear form or a hybrid bear/humanoid form. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You are able to shapechange into a bear form or a hybrid bear/humanoid form. Other than the limitation on available forms, this functions as the shapechange spell cast by a 20th-level caster. Alternate Form (Wereboar) CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You are able to shapechange into a boar form or a hybrid boar/humanoid form. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You are able to shapechange into a boar form or a hybrid boar/humanoid form. Other than the limitation on available forms, this functions as the shapechange spell cast by a 20th-level caster. Alternate Form (Wererat) CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You are able to shapechange into a rat form or a hybrid rat/humanoid form. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You are able to shapechange into a rat form or a hybrid rat/humanoid form. Other than the limitation on available forms, this functions as the shapechange spell cast by a 20th-level caster. @@ -107,99 +108,50 @@ Alternate Form (Weretiger) CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQual Alternate Form (Werewolf) CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You are able to shapechange into a wolf form or a hybrid wolf/humanoid form. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You are able to shapechange into a wolf form or a hybrid wolf/humanoid form. Other than the limitation on available forms, this functions as the shapechange spell cast by a 20th-level caster. ###Block: Sorcerer Mixed Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Knowledge Class Skill KEY: Class Skill ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:KnowledgeClassSkill VISIBLE:DISPLAY DESC:Pick one Knowledge skill as a class skill STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:SKILLSNAMED|TYPE=Knowledge CSKILL:LIST -Bloodline Arcana (Mixed) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your saving throws for 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your saving throws for 1 round. +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Knowledge Class Skill KEY: Class Skill ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SorcererClassFeatures.KnowledgeClassSkill VISIBLE:DISPLAY DESC:Pick one Knowledge skill as a class skill STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Knowledge CSKILL:LIST +Bloodline Arcana (Mixed) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your saving throws for 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your saving throws for 1 round. Laughing Touch KEY:Laughing Touch ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You can cause a creature to burst out laughing for 1 round as a melee touch attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You can cause a creature to burst out laughing for 1 round as a melee touch attack. A laughing creature can only take a move action and can defend itself normally. Once a creature has been affected by laughing touch, it is immune to its effects for 1 day. You can use this ability %1 times a day.|BloodlinePowerTimes -Infernal Resistances KEY:Infernal Resistances ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.SaveBonus DEFINE:InfernalPoisonResistances|0 DEFINE:InfernalFireResistances|0 DEFINE:FireResistanceBonus|InfernalFireResistances DESC:You gain resist fire %1 and a +%2 bonus on saving throws made against poison.|InfernalFireResistances|InfernalPoisonResistances ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Fire|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:VAR|InfernalPoisonResistances|2 BONUS:VAR|InfernalPoisonResistances|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 BONUS:VAR|InfernalFireResistances|5 BONUS:VAR|InfernalFireResistances|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ASPECT:SaveBonus|+%1 vs. poison|InfernalPoisonResistances +Infernal Resistances KEY:Infernal Resistances ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.SaveBonus DEFINE:InfernalPoisonResistances|0 DEFINE:InfernalFireResistances|0 DESC:You gain resist fire %1 and a +%2 bonus on saving throws made against poison.|InfernalFireResistances|InfernalPoisonResistances ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Fire|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:VAR|InfernalPoisonResistances|2 BONUS:VAR|InfernalPoisonResistances|2|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 BONUS:VAR|InfernalFireResistances|5 BONUS:VAR|InfernalFireResistances|5|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 SOURCEPAGE:p.48 ASPECT:SaveBonus|+%1 vs. poison|InfernalPoisonResistances Breath Weapon KEY:Breath Weapon ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DESC:You gain the use of a 30-ft.-cone breath weapon that deals acid damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You gain the use of a 30-ft.-cone breath weapon %1/day that deals %2d6 points of acid damage. Those caught in the breath receive a Reflex save for half damage (DC %3).|BreathWeaponTimes|BreathWeaponDice|BreathWeaponDC ASPECT:Ability Benefit|(30 ft. cone of acid, %2d6, DC %3, %1/day)|BreathWeaponTimes|BreathWeaponDice|BreathWeaponDC DEFINE:BreathWeaponTimes|0 DEFINE:BreathWeaponDice|0 DEFINE:BreathWeaponDC|0 BONUS:VAR|BreathWeaponTimes|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,9 BONUS:VAR|BreathWeaponTimes|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,17 BONUS:VAR|BreathWeaponTimes|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,20 BONUS:VAR|BreathWeaponDice|BloodlineLVL BONUS:VAR|BreathWeaponDC|10+(BloodlineLVL/2)+CON Conviction KEY:Conviction ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You can reroll any one ability check, attack roll, skill check, or saving throw you just made. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:You can reroll any one ability check, attack roll, skill check, or saving throw you just made. You must decide to use this ability after the die is rolled, but before the results are revealed. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. You can use this ability once per day. -Arcane Apotheosis KEY:Arcane Apotheosis ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You can add any metamagic feats that you know to your spells without increasing their casting time, although you must still expend higher-level spell slots. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:Your body surges with arcane power. You can add any metamagic feats that you know to your spells without increasing their casting time, although you must still expend higher-level spell slots. Whenever you are using magic items that require charges, you can instead expend spell slots to power the item. For every three levels of spell slots that you expend, you consume one less charge when using a magic item that expends charges. +Arcane Apotheosis KEY:Arcane Apotheosis ~ Mixed Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You can add any metamagic feats that you know to your spells without increasing their casting time, although you must still expend higher-level spell slots. SOURCEPAGE:p.48 BENEFIT:Your body surges with arcane power. You can add any metamagic feats that you know to your spells without increasing their casting time, although you must still expend higher-level spell slots. Whenever you are using magic items that require charges, you can instead expend spell slots to power the item. For every three levels of spell slots that you expend, you consume one less charge when using a magic item that expends charges. ###Block: Sorcerer Monstrous Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Monstrous) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks for 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks for 1 round. -Sneak Attack ~ Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary.AttackOption VISIBLE:NO DESC:You gain the ability to sneak attack opponents. BONUS:VAR|SneakAttack|MAX((BloodlineLVL)/3,1) SOURCEPAGE:p.49 -Monstrous Cunning CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. This prevents you from ever becoming lost and enables you to track enemies as if you were trained in the Survival skill.|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,7 BENEFIT:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. This prevents you from ever becoming lost, enables you to track enemies as if you were trained in the Survival skill, and means that you cannot be caught flat-footed.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,11 BENEFIT:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. This prevents you from ever becoming lost, enables you to track enemies as if you were trained in the Survival skill, means that you cannot be caught flat-footed, and also renders you immune to the maze spell.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Bloodline Arcana (Monstrous) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks for 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell with the range of personal, you gain a luck bonus equal to the spell's level on all your Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks for 1 round. +Sneak Attack ~ Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary.AttackOption VISIBLE:NO DESC:You gain the ability to sneak attack opponents. BONUS:VAR|SneakAttack|MAX((BloodlineLVL)/3,1) SOURCEPAGE:p.49 +Monstrous Cunning CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. This prevents you from ever becoming lost and enables you to track enemies as if you were trained in the Survival skill.|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,7 BENEFIT:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. This prevents you from ever becoming lost, enables you to track enemies as if you were trained in the Survival skill, and means that you cannot be caught flat-footed.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,11 BENEFIT:You gain a sense of monstrous cunning. This prevents you from ever becoming lost, enables you to track enemies as if you were trained in the Survival skill, means that you cannot be caught flat-footed, and also renders you immune to the maze spell.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,11 Evil Eye KEY:Evil Eye ~ Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack:Supernatural DEFINE:EvilEyeSaveDC|0 DESC:You gain the ability once per day to gaze at a single creature within 30 feet, giving him the evil eye. BONUS:VAR|EvilEyeSaveDC|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You gain the ability once per day to gaze at a single creature within 30 feet, giving them the evil eye. The target must succeed on a DC %1 Will save or be dazed for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil can remove the effect. Creatures that are immune to fear effects are not affected by the evil eye.|EvilEyeSaveDC|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,15 BENEFIT:You gain the ability once per day to gaze at a single creature within 30 feet, giving them the evil eye. The target must succeed on a DC %1 Fortitude save or die from fright. Creatures that are immune to fear effects are not affected by the evil eye.|EvilEyeSaveDC|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,15 Blindsight KEY:Blindsight ~ Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DEFINE:BlindsightRange|0 DESC:You gain the blindsight ability. BONUS:VAR|BlindsightRange|40 BONUS:VAR|BlindsightRange|40|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You gain the blindsight ability. Anytime you are blinded - either with blindfolds, because of darkness or because of spells - your blindsight kicks in. With blindsight, you can sense all foes within %1 feet just as if you were not blinded. Any creatures beyond %1 feet are treated as having total concealment. You cannot use your evil eye power while using your blindsight, but may use any other spells, powers or abilities.|BlindsightRange -Weakening Touch KEY:Weakening Touch ~ Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DESC:You gain the ability to weaken opponents with but a touch. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You gain the ability to weaken opponents with but a touch. If you touch someone as a standard action, your opponent must make a Fortitude DC %1 save or take 2d4 points of Strength damage.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA +Weakening Touch KEY:Weakening Touch ~ Monstrous Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DESC:You gain the ability to weaken opponents with but a touch. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You gain the ability to weaken opponents with but a touch. If you touch someone as a standard action, your opponent must make a Fortitude DC %1 save or take 2d4 points of Strength damage.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA ###Block: Sorcerer Nightmarish Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Nightmarish) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell deals damage, you can change the type of damage to evil. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, you can change the type of damage to evil. -Nightmarish Touch CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:Your touch can leave a creature with nightmarish visions. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You can touch a creature as a standard action and leave them with nightmarish visions in their head unless they succeed at a DC %1 Will save. Those that fail are frightened by the visions of unknowable evil appearing in their mind's eye. The fear lasts for %2 rounds. Creatures that succeed on their saving throw are still shaken for one round. Once a creature has been successfully affected by the nightmarish touch, they are immune to further touches for one day. You can use this ability %3 times a day.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA|BloodlineLVL+1|BloodlinePowerTimes -Prehensile Tongue CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You are able to use your tongue as a weapon or to hold small objects. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You can use your tongue as a weapon or to hold small objects. Your tongue can extend up to 10 feet from your mouth, appearing as a reddish-pink suckerless tentacle. The tongue can make a single attack at your highest base attack bonus, dealing 1d6 points of damage + 1/2 Strength bonus (1d4 + 1/2 Strength if you are Small in size) against any target within reach. This attack can be made even if you make a full attack with handheld weapons or cast a spell in the round. The tongue tentacle can also grasp objects of up to Small size and move them about. You can hold a key ring to open a locked door, pick up a potion vial, or even attempt to grapple a creature of Small size or smaller (using your normal CMB). While you can grasp, hold and move Small weapons with the tongue tentacle, the grip is not sure enough to allow you a viable attack with that weapon. If you attempt to attack with a weapon held in the tongue tentacle, you do so at a -5 penalty to the attack roll, and you cannot score a critical hit with the weapon, even on a natural roll of 20. You cannot speak or cast spells requiring verbal components while using the prehensile tongue power. -Prehensile Tongue Attack OUTPUTNAME:Tongue CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Prehensile Tongue|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M SOURCEPAGE:p.49 NATURALATTACKS:Prehensile Tongue,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning,*1,1d6 BENEFIT:You can use your tongue as a weapon. It can extend up to 10 feet from your mouth and can make a single attack at your highest base attack bonus but only gains half your Strength bonus to damage. This attack can be made even if you make a full attack with handheld weapons or cast a spell in the round. The tongue can also be used to grapple a Small or smaller creature using your normal CMB. +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Bloodline Arcana (Nightmarish) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:Whenever you cast a spell deals damage, you can change the type of damage to evil. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, you can change the type of damage to evil. +Nightmarish Touch CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:Your touch can leave a creature with nightmarish visions. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You can touch a creature as a standard action and leave them with nightmarish visions in their head unless they succeed at a DC %1 Will save. Those that fail are frightened by the visions of unknowable evil appearing in their mind's eye. The fear lasts for %2 rounds. Creatures that succeed on their saving throw are still shaken for one round. Once a creature has been successfully affected by the nightmarish touch, they are immune to further touches for one day. You can use this ability %3 times a day.|10+BloodlineLVL/2+CHA|BloodlineLVL+1|BloodlinePowerTimes +Prehensile Tongue CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You are able to use your tongue as a weapon or to hold small objects. SOURCEPAGE:p.49 BENEFIT:You can use your tongue as a weapon or to hold small objects. Your tongue can extend up to 10 feet from your mouth, appearing as a reddish-pink suckerless tentacle. The tongue can make a single attack at your highest base attack bonus, dealing 1d6 points of damage + 1/2 Strength bonus (1d4 + 1/2 Strength if you are Small in size) against any target within reach. This attack can be made even if you make a full attack with handheld weapons or cast a spell in the round. The tongue tentacle can also grasp objects of up to Small size and move them about. You can hold a key ring to open a locked door, pick up a potion vial, or even attempt to grapple a creature of Small size or smaller (using your normal CMB). While you can grasp, hold and move Small weapons with the tongue tentacle, the grip is not sure enough to allow you a viable attack with that weapon. If you attempt to attack with a weapon held in the tongue tentacle, you do so at a -5 penalty to the attack roll, and you cannot score a critical hit with the weapon, even on a natural roll of 20. You cannot speak or cast spells requiring verbal components while using the prehensile tongue power. +Prehensile Tongue Attack OUTPUTNAME:Tongue CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Prehensile Tongue|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M SOURCEPAGE:p.49 NATURALATTACKS:Prehensile Tongue,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning,*1,1d6 BENEFIT:You can use your tongue as a weapon. It can extend up to 10 feet from your mouth and can make a single attack at your highest base attack bonus but only gains half your Strength bonus to damage. This attack can be made even if you make a full attack with handheld weapons or cast a spell in the round. The tongue can also be used to grapple a Small or smaller creature using your normal CMB. # Need to tag that this only gains 1/2 STR Bonus to damage -Nightmarish Resistances CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.SaveBonus DEFINE:NightmarishSaveBonus|0 DESC:You gain a bonus on saving throws made against cold or fear effects as well as spell resistance. BONUS:VAR|NightmarishSaveBonus|5 SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You gain a +%1 bonus on saving throws made against cold or fear effects. You also have spell resistance %2.|NightmarishSaveBonus|BloodlineLVL+10 ASPECT:SaveBonus|+%1 vs. cold|NightmarishSaveBonus ASPECT:SaveBonus|+%1 vs. fear|NightmarishSaveBonus SR:BloodlineLVL+10 -Eyeless KEY:Eyeless ~ Nightmarish Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your eyes have vanished and flesh grown over your eye sockets. You are able to sense those near to you through other senses. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:Your eyes vanish and flesh grows over your eye sockets. At the same time, you are gifted with extraordinary blindsight. You can sense creatures around you as if you had low-light vision. Any opponents who could not be seen by you with low-light vision are treated as having total concealment.|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,19 BENEFIT:Your eyes vanish and flesh grows over your eye sockets. At the same time you are gifted with extraordinary blindsight. You can sense creatures around you as if you had low-light vision. Any opponents who could not be seen by you with low-light vision are treated as having total concealment. At 19th level, you gain tremorsense to a range of 120 feet. You can sense and automatically pinpoint the location of any creature in contact with the ground within range. If you are in water, the sense extends to any creature in contact with the water within range.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 +Nightmarish Resistances CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.SaveBonus DEFINE:NightmarishSaveBonus|0 DESC:You gain a bonus on saving throws made against cold or fear effects as well as spell resistance. BONUS:VAR|NightmarishSaveBonus|5 SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You gain a +%1 bonus on saving throws made against cold or fear effects. You also have spell resistance %2.|NightmarishSaveBonus|BloodlineLVL+10 ASPECT:SaveBonus|+%1 vs. cold|NightmarishSaveBonus ASPECT:SaveBonus|+%1 vs. fear|NightmarishSaveBonus SR:BloodlineLVL+10 +Eyeless KEY:Eyeless ~ Nightmarish Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your eyes have vanished and flesh grown over your eye sockets. You are able to sense those near to you through other senses. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:Your eyes vanish and flesh grows over your eye sockets. At the same time, you are gifted with extraordinary blindsight. You can sense creatures around you as if you had low-light vision. Any opponents who could not be seen by you with low-light vision are treated as having total concealment.|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,19 BENEFIT:Your eyes vanish and flesh grows over your eye sockets. At the same time you are gifted with extraordinary blindsight. You can sense creatures around you as if you had low-light vision. Any opponents who could not be seen by you with low-light vision are treated as having total concealment. At 19th level, you gain tremorsense to a range of 120 feet. You can sense and automatically pinpoint the location of any creature in contact with the ground within range. If you are in water, the sense extends to any creature in contact with the water within range.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,19 Black Tentacles KEY:Black Tentacles ~ Nightmarish Bloodline CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You can cause six black, rubbery tentacles to sprout from your body to grapple your foes. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:you gain the ability to cause up to six black, rubbery tentacles to sprout from your back, chest or shoulders. These tentacles have a reach of 10 feet and will attempt to grasp and grapple any creatures within reach, just as in the description of the black tentacles spell. The CMB of the tentacles is %1. Any tentacle that successfully grapples an opponent deals 1d6+5 points of damage each round the grapple is maintained and the creature attacked gains the grappled condition. The tentacles can be damaged by opponents. Each tentacle has AC 20, hp 25 and DR 5/slashing or piercing. Destroying one does not damage you, but you cannot call forth that tentacle again for 1 day.|BloodlineLVL+6 ###Block: Sorcerer Scaly Bloodline Abilties -# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits -Bloodline Arcana (Scaly) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:You can decrease the casting time of some of the spells you cast. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You can decrease the casting time of some of the spells you cast. Spells with a casting time of 1 hour are decreased to a casting time of 10 minutes. Spells with a casting time of 10 minutes are decreased to a casting time of 1 minute. Spells with a casting time of 1 minute are decreased to a casting time of 1 round. Spells with a casting time of 1 round are decreased to a casting time of 1 standard action. This power does not change the casting time of spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less. -Claws ~ Scaly OUTPUTNAME:Claws CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d6 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,5 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Your claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 -Acid Touch KEY:Acid Touch ~ Scaly CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DESC:You can damage others with an acidic touch. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You can damage others with an acidic touch. If you succeed on a standard touch attack, the creature touched takes 1d6 points of acid damage. You can deliver this acid touch with a successful attack with your claws.|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,7 BENEFIT:You can damage others with an acidic touch. If you succeed on a standard touch attack, the creature touched takes 1d8 points of acid damage. You can deliver this acid touch with a successful attack with your claws.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 -Hold Breath KEY:Hold Breath ~ Scaly CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You can hold your breath longer than a typical member of your race. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You can hold your breath for up to %1 rounds before you risk drowning.|CONSCORE*4 -Scaly Skin CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your skin is scaly like that of a reptilian creature. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:Your skin is scaly like that of a reptilian creature. You have a +10 natural armor bonus and DR 5/magic. BONUS:VAR|AC_Natural_Armor|10|TYPE=Base.REPLACE DR:5/Magic -Chameleon Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You can change your coloration and pattern to match your surroundings. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You gain the ability to magically change the coloration and pattern or yourself and your equipment to match your surroundings. This grants you a +40 bonus to Stealth checks when attempting to hide. You can activate this power even as others are looking at you, effectively vanishing right before their eyes. +# Ability Name Unique Key Output Name Category of Ability Type Visible Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to DC Modify VAR Class Skill Source Page Description of the Benefits +Bloodline Arcana (Scaly) OUTPUTNAME:Bloodline Arcana CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality DESC:You can decrease the casting time of some of the spells you cast. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You can decrease the casting time of some of the spells you cast. Spells with a casting time of 1 hour are decreased to a casting time of 10 minutes. Spells with a casting time of 10 minutes are decreased to a casting time of 1 minute. Spells with a casting time of 1 minute are decreased to a casting time of 1 round. Spells with a casting time of 1 round are decreased to a casting time of 1 standard action. This power does not change the casting time of spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less. +Claws ~ Scaly OUTPUTNAME:Claws CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISIBLE:NO SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|1|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Claw|DAMAGESIZE|-1|PRESIZELT:M NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d6 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,5 BENEFIT:You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Your claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. You can use your claws %1 rounds per day.|BloodlinePowerTimes|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,5 +Acid Touch KEY:Acid Touch ~ Scaly CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural DESC:You can damage others with an acidic touch. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You can damage others with an acidic touch. If you succeed on a standard touch attack, the creature touched takes 1d6 points of acid damage. You can deliver this acid touch with a successful attack with your claws.|PREVARLT:BloodlineLVL,7 BENEFIT:You can damage others with an acidic touch. If you succeed on a standard touch attack, the creature touched takes 1d8 points of acid damage. You can deliver this acid touch with a successful attack with your claws.|PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineLVL,7 +Hold Breath KEY:Hold Breath ~ Scaly CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:You can hold your breath longer than a typical member of your race. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You can hold your breath for up to %1 rounds before you risk drowning.|CONSCORE*4 +Scaly Skin CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Your skin is scaly like that of a reptilian creature. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:Your skin is scaly like that of a reptilian creature. You have a +10 natural armor bonus and DR 5/magic. BONUS:VAR|AC_Natural_Armor|10|TYPE=Base.REPLACE DR:5/Magic +Chameleon Power CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:You can change your coloration and pattern to match your surroundings. SOURCEPAGE:p.50 BENEFIT:You gain the ability to magically change the coloration and pattern or yourself and your equipment to match your surroundings. This grants you a +40 bonus to Stealth checks when attempting to hide. You can activate this power even as others are looking at you, effectively vanishing right before their eyes. ###Block: Familiar Abilities -Mimicry CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Parrots can learn some words and phrases of the languages they are exposed to. SOURCEPAGE:p.56 BENEFIT:Parrots can learn some words and phrases of the languages they are exposed to. A parrot can make a Linguistics check each day to learn 1d3 new words, with a typical parrot capable of knowing d100 words. The DC of the skill check varies depending on the difficulty of the word, but is usually between 11 and 15. In addition to imitating languages, parrots can imitate other birds as well as dogs, cats, and other animals. +Mimicry CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:Parrots can learn some words and phrases of the languages they are exposed to. SOURCEPAGE:p.56 BENEFIT:Parrots can learn some words and phrases of the languages they are exposed to. A parrot can make a Linguistics check each day to learn 1d3 new words, with a typical parrot capable of knowing d100 words. The DC of the skill check varies depending on the difficulty of the word, but is usually between 11 and 15. In addition to imitating languages, parrots can imitate other birds as well as dogs, cats, and other animals. ###Block: Clockwork Familiar Abilities Hardness KEY:Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Defensive DEFINE:Hardness|0 DESC:The clockwork familiar can ignore the first %1 points of damage from an attack.|Hardness BONUS:VAR|Hardness|5 ASPECT:Ability Benefit|%1|Hardness ###Block: College Trained Bard Feat -College Trained Bard Knowledge bonus CATEGORY:Special Ability STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|SKILLSNAMED|TYPE=Knowledge BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|2 -College Trained Bard Perform bonus CATEGORY:Special Ability STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|SKILLSNAMED|TYPE=Perform BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|2 - -#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up -#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. -# -#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Feat File tags" to find -#out how the tags in the feats file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical -#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. -# -# Abilities are the newest method for all aspects of class & race abilities. Currently we use hidden feats to emulate -# class and racial abilities. The advent of Abilities allows us to use one standard format for a variety of things. -# Generally Abilities are exactly the same in format as a Feat with the exception of a NEW tag CATEGORY which tells -# PCGen what the ability is to be categoried as - example: My Ability is part of the my_abilities category, So I can add -# points only to the my_abilities allowing very small and restricted lists. Another example would be Fighter Bonus feats. -# -# Feat and ability are used through out this example as they almost the same thing - ABILITY can also be used to add "Feats" -# using the CATEGORY:FEAT tag. -# You can also use PREFEAT for any CATEGORY:FEAT, for the rest you'll need to use PREABILITY:x,CATEGORY=,Foo,TYPE.Bar (x is the number) -#####1st Example - -#My Ability CATEGORY:my_abilities TYPE:General.DataMonkey DESC:See Text SOURCEPAGE:Custom -#My Second Ability CATEGORY:Special TYPE:MonkeyFoo DESC:This is the great second ability. SOURCEPAGE:Custom PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=my_abilities,My Ability - -###SAMPLE FOR 'Ability by Skill' -#Ac Ba CATEGORY:AbilitybySkill TYPE:AbilitybySkill.Movement VISIBLE:YES !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=AbilitybySkill,Ac Ba PRESKILL:1,Tumble=12 PREVARLT:AbilitybySkillCount,AbilitybySkillMax DEFINE:AbilitybySkillCount|0 DESC: BONUS:VAR|AbilitybySkillCount|1 - -##### -#Each ability takes one line, just like a feat, and the first field must be the abilities' name. In the Example the name of the ability is My Ability. -#When naming feats you should only use parentheses at the end of the name if the name is not duplicated elsewhere. This is -#because of how PCGen names abilities which can be taken multiple times. For example, the Feat/ability Weapon Focus when taken will display -#as Weapon Focus(Dagger). Another example is Armor Proficiency (Light), there is no feat named Armor Proficiency so this name -#is fine. What is happening is when PCGen finds a feat with parentheses that duplicates the name of another feat it assumes -#that feat is an instance of the one without parentheses and does not display the one with parentheses. -# -#The TYPE tag is holding a . (period) delimited list of the types the ability/feat is. -# -#The DESC tag is used to hold the description of the Ability/Feat. In our files we usually keep the description brief, so the user -#still need to own the book to make use of of the data, but for your personal files can get as elaborate as you want there. -# -#The MULT tag determines if a ability/feat can be taken multiple times. If the value is set to YES, then you MUST also use a CHOOSE -#tag. -# -#The CHOOSE tag must be paired with a MULT:YES tag in feats for it to work properly. It will display a popup window that asks -#for a selection according to what is being called for. There is a multitude of existing CHOOSE tags in PCGen. If you are -#looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic "CHOOSE tags". -# -#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description -#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". -# -#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the feat. This will be displayed in PCGen. +College Trained Bard Knowledge bonus CATEGORY:Special Ability STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|SKILL|TYPE=Knowledge BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|2 +College Trained Bard Perform bonus CATEGORY:Special Ability STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|SKILL|TYPE=Perform BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|2 diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilitycategories.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilitycategories.lst index bc63a3f48..c21e0352b 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilitycategories.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_abilitycategories.lst @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, June 19, 2010 -#SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 22 August, 2017 # Sorcerer Bloodline Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Bestial Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:BestialBloodline PLURAL:Bestial Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Divine Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:DivineBloodline PLURAL:Divine Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Feline Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:FelineBloodline PLURAL:Feline Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Fiendish Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:FiendishBloodline ABILITYLIST:Skill Focus(Perception) PLURAL:Fiendish Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Genie Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:GenieBloodline PLURAL:Genie Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Lycanthropic Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline PLURAL:Lycanthropic Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Mixed Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:MixedBloodline PLURAL:Mixed Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Monstrous Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:MonstrousBloodline PLURAL:Monstrous Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Nightmarish Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:NightmarishBloodline PLURAL:Nightmarish Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:Scaly Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:ScalyBloodline PLURAL:Scaly Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Bestial Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:BestialBloodline PLURAL:Bestial Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Divine Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:DivineBloodline PLURAL:Divine Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Feline Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:FelineBloodline PLURAL:Feline Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Fiendish Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:FiendishBloodline ABILITYLIST:Skill Focus(Perception) PLURAL:Fiendish Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Genie Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:GenieBloodline PLURAL:Genie Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Lycanthropic Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline PLURAL:Lycanthropic Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mixed Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:MixedBloodline PLURAL:Mixed Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Monstrous Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:MonstrousBloodline PLURAL:Monstrous Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Nightmarish Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:NightmarishBloodline PLURAL:Nightmarish Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Scaly Bloodline Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:ScalyBloodline PLURAL:Scaly Bloodline Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats # College Trained Bard Feat -ABILITYCATEGORY:College Trained Bard Knowledge skill VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES CATEGORY:Special Ability ABILITYLIST:College Trained Bard Knowledge bonus DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats -ABILITYCATEGORY:College Trained Bard Perform skill VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES CATEGORY:Special Ability ABILITYLIST:College Trained Bard Perform bonus DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats \ No newline at end of file +ABILITYCATEGORY:College Trained Bard Knowledge skill VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES CATEGORY:Special Ability ABILITYLIST:College Trained Bard Knowledge bonus DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:College Trained Bard Perform skill VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES CATEGORY:Special Ability ABILITYLIST:College Trained Bard Perform bonus DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equip_magic.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equip_magic.lst index 313699a45..f7f7c1a5c 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equip_magic.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equip_magic.lst @@ -1,19 +1,26 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, December 30, 2010 -SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 16 August 2017 +SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic +SOURCESHORT:boam +SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com ###Block: Specific Melee Weapons -# Equipment Name Unique Key Output Name Required Weapon Proficiency Type Cost Weight Slot Needed Critical Hit Multiplier Critical Hit Range Damage Modifier Alternative Modifier Wield Category Range Size Source Page Virtual Feat Ability Modify VAR Special Property -Vow-keeper PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Light.Finesseable.Ranged.Thrown.Simple.Standard.Piercing.Slashing.Dagger.BladeLight COST:82302 WT:1 CRITMULT:x2 CRITRANGE:2 DAMAGE:1d4 EQMOD:PLUS2W.AXIOM WIELD:Light SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.60 SPROP:If the carrier of Vow-keeper makes a vow or promise, they will be forced to carry out that vow or promise, as if under the effects of a geas/quest spell. +# Equipment Name Unique Key Output Name Required Weapon Proficiency Type Cost Weight Slot Needed Critical Hit Multiplier Critical Hit Range Damage Modifier Alternative Modifier Wield Category Range Size Source Page Virtual Feat Ability Modify VAR Special Property +Vow-keeper PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Light.Finesseable.Ranged.Thrown.Simple.Standard.Piercing.Slashing.Dagger.BladeLight COST:82302 WT:1 CRITMULT:x2 CRITRANGE:2 DAMAGE:1d4 EQMOD:PLUS2W.AXIOM WIELD:Light SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.60 SPROP:If the carrier of Vow-keeper makes a vow or promise, they will be forced to carry out that vow or promise, as if under the effects of a geas/quest spell. ###Block: Rings -# Equipment Name Output Name Type Cost Source Page Combat bonus Bonus to skill Multiply spell cast/day Special Property -Ring of Fireshape TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:8000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SPROP:On command, the wearer can affect fires in a 60 ft. burst within a 200 ft radius as the spell fireshape. The power of this ring can be utilized for up to 12 rounds per day. -Ring of Good Humor TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (comedy)|10|TYPE=Competence -Ring of the Master Thespian TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (act)|10|TYPE=Competence -Ring of Parables TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (oratory)|10|TYPE=Competence -Ring of Perfect Pitch TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (sing)|10|TYPE=Competence -#Ring of the Virtuoso TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (any instrument)|10|TYPE=Competence -#Need to add skill references for all of the instrument option +# Equipment Name Output Name Type Cost Source Page Combat bonus Bonus to skill Multiply spell cast/day Special Property +Ring of Fireshape TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:8000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SPROP:On command, the wearer can affect fires in a 60 ft. burst within a 200 ft radius as the spell fireshape. The power of this ring can be utilized for up to 12 rounds per day. +Ring of Good Humor TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Comedy)|10|TYPE=Competence +Ring of the Master Thespian TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act)|10|TYPE=Competence +Ring of Parables TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Oratory)|10|TYPE=Competence +Ring of Perfect Pitch TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Sing)|10|TYPE=Competence +### Not clear if the Ring of the Virtuoso is intended to give +10 to all instrumental skills - seems overpowered when the equivalent other perform rings only enhance one skill +#Ring of the Virtuoso TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Keyboard Instruments)|Perform (Percussion Instruments)|Perform (String Instruments)|Perform (Wind Instruments)|10|TYPE=Competence +Ring of the Virtuoso (Keyboard Instruments) TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Keyboard Instruments)|10|TYPE=Competence +Ring of the Virtuoso (Percussion Instruments) TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Percussion Instruments)|10|TYPE=Competence +Ring of the Virtuoso (String Instruments) TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (String Instruments)|10|TYPE=Competence +Ring of the Virtuoso (Wind Instruments) TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:2000 SOURCEPAGE:p.61 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Wind Instruments)|10|TYPE=Competence ###Block: Staves # Equipment Name Required Weapon Proficiency Type Cost Weight Base Item for EQMOD Critical Hit Multiplier Critical Hit Range Alternative Critical Alternative Critical Range Damage Alternative Damage Modifier Alternative Modifier Wield Category Size Source Page Save checks bonus Combat bonus @@ -24,7 +31,7 @@ Staff of the Polymorpher TYPE:Magic.Staff COST:103600 WT:5 Amulet of Good Fortune TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Amulet COST:18072 WT:.01 SOURCEPAGE:p.62 SPROP:Wearer can reroll certain rolls three times per day, as if affected by the spell good fortune. Amulet of Lizardskin TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Amulet COST:8000 WT:.01 SOURCEPAGE:p.62 BONUS:VAR|AC_Natural_Armor|2|TYPE=BaseEnhancement -Boots of Happy Feet TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Boot COST:2000 WT:1 SLOTS:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.62 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (dance)|10|TYPE=Competence +Boots of Happy Feet TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Boot COST:2000 WT:1 SLOTS:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.62 BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Dance)|10|TYPE=Competence Boots of Perfect Balance TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Boot COST:2000 WT:1 SLOTS:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.62 SPROP:Three times per day, on command, the wearer is granted a +10 competence bonus to Acrobatics checks or to Dexterity checks. Boots of the Rogue TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Boot COST:2400 WT:1 SLOTS:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.62 SPROP:Once per day, the boots grant the wearer one extra move action or one extra attack on the wearer's turn (but not both). @@ -44,8 +51,9 @@ Ierena's Lip Gloss TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Consumable COST:4500 WT:.01 EQMOD:C Magical Quill TYPE:Magic.Wondrous COST:1800 WT:.01 SOURCEPAGE:p.63 SPROP:Upon command, this magical quill or ink pen begins to record the words spoken by all audible voices within 35 feet. Perch of Healing TYPE:Magic.Wondrous COST:21500 WT:5 EQMOD:USES_PER_DAY_4|CHARGES[4] SOURCEPAGE:p.64 SPROP:Up to four times per day, a wizard or sorcerer can activate the perch's power to heal a familiar. -Porfio's Mandolin TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Instrument COST:2500 WT:4 SOURCEPAGE:p.64 BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 SPROP:When carried by a bard, the mandolin allows the bard extra uses of their Bardic Performance class feature. When they play the mandolin, they also receive a +3 bonus to their Perform (string instruments) skill checks. BONUS:SKILL|Perform (String Instruments)|3 -#Needs to increment Bardic Performance uses a day by 4, but that's not how Pathfinder works; should it provide bonus to Perform (string instruments) all the time? + +Porfio's Mandolin TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Instrument COST:2500 WT:4 SOURCEPAGE:p.64 BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 SPROP:When carried by a bard, the mandolin allows the bard extra uses of their Bardic Performance class feature. When they play the mandolin, they also receive a +3 bonus to their Perform (string instruments) skill checks. BONUS:SKILL|Perform (String Instruments)|3 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Bardic Performance BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|4 + Portable Familiar Carrier TYPE:Magic.Wondrous COST:16000 WT:15 SOURCEPAGE:p.64 SPROP:The carrier is large enough to accommodate most small-sized familiars and smaller. While in the cage, the familiar is protected from most extremes of heat and cold (though it receives no protection from fire- or cold-based damage) and if the cage is dropped, the carrier will float gently to the ground for up to 10 rounds. Portable Peep Hole TYPE:Magic.Wondrous COST:2000 WT:.01 SOURCEPAGE:p.64 SPROP:If placed against a non-magical door, wall or window shutter of wood, iron or stone and no more than 1 ft. thick, the lens allows the holder to peer through and view the scene on the other side. diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equipmods.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equipmods.lst index 0583ddf22..5e53e7d9a 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equipmods.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_equipmods.lst @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, December 30, 2010 -SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 03 July, 2017 +SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic +SOURCESHORT:boam +SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com ###Block: Use per day items # Modifier Name Unique Key Visible Choose Nb of Charges +### Need to check original source book to see what this was refering to Uses per Day (4) KEY:USES_PER_DAY_4 VISIBLE:NO CHOOSE:NOCHOICE CHARGES:4|4 diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats.lst index ac5fea50c..2d351ab77 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats.lst @@ -1,106 +1,66 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, June 19, 2010 -SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com +# revised by: LearnTribe, 25 August, 2017 +SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic +SOURCESHORT:boam +SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com ###Block: General College feats -# Feat Name Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page -College Trained Bard TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance DESC:You attended one of the bardic schools and have a better understanding of the performing arts than a bard who did not attend a college at all. You receive a bonus to a Knowledge skill and to a Perform skill. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|College Trained Bard Knowledge skill|1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|College Trained Bard Perform skill|1 SOURCEPAGE:p.38 -College Trained Spellcaster TYPE:General PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 BONUS:SKILL|Knowledge (Arcana),Spellcraft|2 +# Feat Name Category Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page +College Trained Bard CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance DESC:You attended one of the bardic schools and have a better understanding of the performing arts than a bard who did not attend a college at all. You receive a bonus to a Knowledge skill and to a Perform skill. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|College Trained Bard Knowledge skill|1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|College Trained Bard Perform skill|1 SOURCEPAGE:p.38 +College Trained Spellcaster CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 BONUS:SKILL|Knowledge (Arcana),Spellcraft|2 ###Block: College of Magic feats -# Feat Name Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page +# Feat Name Category Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page #Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy -#Bartek's School Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the Bartek School of Thaumaturgy. You know an extra 1st spell from the conjuration school and you are able to cast one extra conjuration spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -Bartek's School Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the Bartek School of Thaumaturgy. You know an extra 1st spell from the conjuration school and you are able to cast one extra conjuration spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#Bartek School Graduate (Wizard) TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -#Bartek School Graduate (Sorcerer) TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -#Bartek School Graduate (Bard) TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -Bartek's Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. The casting time of summoning spells you cast is 1 standard action. DESCISPI:YES NAMEISPI:YES +Bartek's School Graduate KEY:Bartek's School Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DEFINE:ConjurationSchoolLVL|0 DEFINE:WizardSchoolLVL|0 DESC:You are a graduate of Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the Bartek School of Thaumaturgy. You know an extra 1st spell from the conjuration school and you are able to cast one extra conjuration spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES STACK:YES MULT:NO BONUS:SPECIALTYSPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:VAR|ConjurationSchoolLVL|WizardSchoolLVL BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=Conjurer;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES +Bartek's School Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Bartek's School of Thaumaturgy. The casting time of summoning spells you cast is 1 standard action. DESCISPI:YES NAMEISPI:YES + #College of the All-Seeing Eye -College of the All-Seeing Eye Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of the College of the All-Seeing Eye. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the College of the All-Seeing Eye. You know an extra 1st spell from the divination school and you are able to cast one extra divination spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#College of the All-Seeing Eye Graduate (Wizard) TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -#College of the All-Seeing Eye Graduate (Sorcerer) TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -#College of the All-Seeing Eye Graduate (Bard) TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -College of the All-Seeing Eye Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at the College of the All-Seeing Eye. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at the College of the All-Seeing Eye. The Difficulty Class to resist your divination spells increases by +1 and you gain the Uncanny Dodge ability. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Divination|2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Uncanny Dodge ~ Base BONUS:VAR|UncannyDodgeLevel|1 NAMEISPI:YES +College of the All-Seeing Eye Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of the College of the All-Seeing Eye. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the College of the All-Seeing Eye. You know an extra 1st spell from the divination school and you are able to cast one extra divination spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES +College of the All-Seeing Eye Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at the College of the All-Seeing Eye. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at the College of the All-Seeing Eye. The Difficulty Class to resist your divination spells increases by +1 and you gain the Uncanny Dodge ability. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Divination|2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Uncanny Dodge ~ Base BONUS:VAR|UncannyDodgeLevel|1 NAMEISPI:YES + #Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts -Himar Academy Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of the Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. You know an extra 1st spell from the illusion school and you are able to cast one extra illusion spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#Himar Academy Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -Himar Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. The Difficulty Class to resist your illusion spells increases by +2 and you are able to use the minor image spell as a spell-like ability once a day. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Illusion|2 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,14+CHA|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1,Sorcerer=1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,14+INT|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 NAMEISPI:YES +Himar Academy Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of the Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. You know an extra 1st spell from the illusion school and you are able to cast one extra illusion spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES +Himar Academy Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Himar Academy for the Arcane Arts. The Difficulty Class to resist your illusion spells increases by +2 and you are able to use the minor image spell as a spell-like ability once a day. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Illusion|2 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,14+CHA|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1,Sorcerer=1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,14+INT|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 NAMEISPI:YES + #Moonarrow University of Magic -Moonarrow University Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of the Moonarrow University of Magic. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the Moonarrow University of Magic. You know an extra 1st spell from the enchantment school and you are able to cast one extra enchantment spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#Moonarrow University Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -Moonarrow Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at the Moonarrow University of Magic. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at the Moonarrow University of Magic. The Difficulty Class to resist your enchantment spells increases by +2 and you are able to use the charm person spell as a spell-like ability once a day. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Enchantment|2 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,13+CHA|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1,Sorcerer=1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,13+INT|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 NAMEISPI:YES +Moonarrow University Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of the Moonarrow University of Magic. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the Moonarrow University of Magic. You know an extra 1st spell from the enchantment school and you are able to cast one extra enchantment spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES +Moonarrow University Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at the Moonarrow University of Magic. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at the Moonarrow University of Magic. The Difficulty Class to resist your enchantment spells increases by +2 and you are able to use the charm person spell as a spell-like ability once a day. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Enchantment|2 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,13+CHA|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1,Sorcerer=1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=(max(CL=Bard,CL=Sorcerer,CL=Wizard))|Minor Image,13+INT|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 NAMEISPI:YES + #Nightwatcher's Tower -Nightwatcher's Tower Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Nightwatcher's Tower. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Nightwatcher's Tower. You know an extra 1st spell from the necromancy school and you are able to cast one extra necromancy spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#Nightwatcher Tower Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -Nightwatcher's Tower Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Nightwatcher's Tower. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Nightwatcher's Tower. The Difficulty Class to resist your necromancy spells increases by +2 and you gain a +2 bonus to your saves vs. necromancy spells cast by others. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Necromancy|2 NAMEISPI:YES ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 vs. Necromancy spells +Nightwatcher's Tower Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Nightwatcher's Tower. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Nightwatcher's Tower. You know an extra 1st spell from the necromancy school and you are able to cast one extra necromancy spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES +Nightwatcher's Tower Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at Nightwatcher's Tower. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Nightwatcher's Tower. The Difficulty Class to resist your necromancy spells increases by +2 and you gain a +2 bonus to your saves vs. necromancy spells cast by others. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Necromancy|2 NAMEISPI:YES ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 vs. Necromancy spells + #Vanguard Academy -Vanguard Academy Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Vanguard Academy. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Vanguard Academy. You know an extra 1st spell from the evocation school and you are able to cast one extra evocation spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#Vanguard Academy Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -Vanguard Academy Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Vanguard Academy. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Vanguard Academy. The Difficulty Class to resist your evocation spells increases by +2 and you add your Intelligence (for wizards) or Charisma (for sorcerers and bards) bonus to the damage done by your evocation spells. This stacks with the damage bonus granted from the Intense Spells feature granted an evocation specialist. BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Evocation|2 NAMEISPI:YES +Vanguard Academy Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Vanguard Academy. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Vanguard Academy. You know an extra 1st spell from the evocation school and you are able to cast one extra evocation spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES +Vanguard Academy Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at Vanguard Academy. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Vanguard Academy. The Difficulty Class to resist your evocation spells increases by +2 and you add your Intelligence (for wizards) or Charisma (for sorcerers and bards) bonus to the damage done by your evocation spells. This stacks with the damage bonus granted from the Intense Spells feature granted an evocation specialist. BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Evocation|2 NAMEISPI:YES + #Wagner's College of Wizardry -Wagner's College Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Wagner's College of Wizardry. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Wagner's College of Wizardry. You know an extra 1st spell from the abjuration school and you are able to cast one extra abjuration spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#Wagner's College Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -Wagner's College Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Wagner's College of Wizardry. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Wagner's College of Wizardry. The protective nature of your abjuration spells increases by +1 for any spell that provides an armor, shield, or deflection bonus, and the duration of your abjuration spells is increased by 1 round. If concentration is required for the spell, the spell's effects will last for one full round after concentration ceases. NAMEISPI:YES +Wagner's College Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Wagner's College of Wizardry. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Wagner's College of Wizardry. You know an extra 1st spell from the abjuration school and you are able to cast one extra abjuration spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES +Wagner's College Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at Wagner's College of Wizardry. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Wagner's College of Wizardry. The protective nature of your abjuration spells increases by +1 for any spell that provides an armor, shield, or deflection bonus, and the duration of your abjuration spells is increased by 1 round. If concentration is required for the spell, the spell's effects will last for one full round after concentration ceases. NAMEISPI:YES + #Wolestone Thaumatulurgical Institute -Wolestone Institute Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. You know an extra 1st spell from the transmutation school and you are able to cast one extra transmutation spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES -#Wolestone Institute Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=1|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=2|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=3|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=4|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=5|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=6|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=7|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=8|1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Arcane;LEVEL=9|1 NAMEISPI:YES -Wolestone Institute Post Graduate TYPE:General.MagicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. The Difficulty Class to resist your transmutation spells increases by +2 and for transmutation spells you cast upon yourself, the duration is extended by a number of rounds equal to half your caster level. BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Transmutation|2 NAMEISPI:YES +Wolestone Institute Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1 DESC:You are a graduate of Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. You know an extra 1st spell from the transmutation school and you are able to cast one extra transmutation spell per spell level per day. This stacks with the bonus spell gained for being a specialist wizard. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=3 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=5 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=9 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=11 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=15 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Wizard;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Wizard=17 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=6 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=8 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=12 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=14 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=16 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Sorcerer;LEVEL=9|1|PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=18 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=1|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=2|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=4 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=3|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=7 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=4|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=10 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=5|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=13 BONUS:SPELLCAST|TYPE=Bard;LEVEL=6|1|PRECLASS:1,Bard=16 NAMEISPI:YES +Wolestone Institute Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.MagicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege DESC:You have done post graduate study at Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Wolestone Thaumaturgical Institute. The Difficulty Class to resist your transmutation spells increases by +2 and for transmutation spells you cast upon yourself, the duration is extended by a number of rounds equal to half your caster level. BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Transmutation|2 NAMEISPI:YES ###Block: Bardic College feats -# Feat Name Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page +# Feat Name Category Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page #Ceilidh Conservatory -Ceilidh Conservatory Graduate TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 DESC:You are a graduate of Ceilidh Conservatory. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Ceilidh Conservatory. You can use your Bardic Performance more often and gain a bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the College Trained Bard feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Dance),Perform (Oratory),Perform (Sing)|2 NAMEISPI:YES -Ceilidh Post Graduate TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=3 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Ceilidh Conservatory. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Ceilidh Conservatory. The DC to resist your Bardic Performance increases by +1 and you gain a +1 bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the Ceilidh Conservatory Graduate feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Dance),Perform (Oratory),Perform (Sing)|1 NAMEISPI:YES +Ceilidh Conservatory Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 DESC:You are a graduate of Ceilidh Conservatory. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Ceilidh Conservatory. You can use your Bardic Performance more often and gain a bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the College Trained Bard feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Dance),Perform (Oratory),Perform (Sing)|2 NAMEISPI:YES +Ceilidh Conservatory Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=3 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Ceilidh Conservatory. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Ceilidh Conservatory. The DC to resist your Bardic Performance increases by +1 and you gain a +1 bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the Ceilidh Conservatory Graduate feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Dance),Perform (Oratory),Perform (Sing)|1 NAMEISPI:YES + #Giacomo's Jester School -Giacomo's Jester School Graduate TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 DESC:You are a graduate of Giacomo Jester School. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Giacomo Jester School. You can use your Bardic Performance more often and gain a bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the College Trained Bard feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Comedy),Perform (Oratory)|2 NAMEISPI:YES -Giacomo's Post Graduate TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=3 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Giacomo Jester School. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Giacomo Jester School. The DC to resist your Bardic Performance increases by +1 and you gain a +1 bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the Giacomo Jester School Graduate feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Comedy),Perform (Oratory)|1 NAMEISPI:YES +Giacomo's Jester School Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 DESC:You are a graduate of Giacomo Jester School. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of Giacomo Jester School. You can use your Bardic Performance more often and gain a bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the College Trained Bard feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Comedy),Perform (Oratory)|2 NAMEISPI:YES +Giacomo's Jester School Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=3 DESC:You have done post graduate study at Giacomo Jester School. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at Giacomo Jester School. The DC to resist your Bardic Performance increases by +1 and you gain a +1 bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the Giacomo Jester School Graduate feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Act),Perform (Comedy),Perform (Oratory)|1 NAMEISPI:YES + #High Halls of the Harp -High Halls Graduate TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 DESC:You are a graduate of the High Halls of the Harp. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the High Halls of the Harp. You can use your Bardic Performance more often and gain a bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the College Trained Bard feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Keyboard),Perform (Percussion),Perform (String),Perform (Wind)|2 NAMEISPI:YES -High Halls Post Graduate TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at the High Halls of the Harp. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at the High Halls of the Harp. The DC to resist your Bardic Performance increases by +1 and you gain a +1 bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the High Halls Graduate feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Keyboard),Perform (Percussion),Perform (String),Perform (Wind)|1 NAMEISPI:YES +High Halls of the Harp Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bardic Performance BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|6 DESC:You are a graduate of the High Halls of the Harp. BENEFIT:You are a graduate of the High Halls of the Harp. You can use your Bardic Performance more often and gain a bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the College Trained Bard feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Keyboard Instruments),Perform (Percussion Instruments),Perform (String Instruments),Perform (Wind Instruments)|2 NAMEISPI:YES +High Halls of the Harp Post Graduate CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.BardicCollege PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=MagicCollege,Type=BardicCollege PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 DESC:You have done post graduate study at the High Halls of the Harp. BENEFIT:You have done post graduate study at the High Halls of the Harp. The DC to resist your Bardic Performance increases by +1 and you gain a +1 bonus to certain Perform skill checks. These bonuses stack with those from the High Halls Graduate feat. DESCISPI:YES BONUS:SKILL|Perform (Keyboard Instruments),Perform (Percussion Instruments),Perform (String Instruments),Perform (Wind Instruments)|1 NAMEISPI:YES ###Block: Clockwork Familiar Feats -# Feat Name Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page -Improved Clockwork Familiar TYPE:General PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PRETEXT:Must already have a clockwork familiar. DESC:You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane power into improving your clockwork familiar. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 -Advanced Clockwork Familiar TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Clockwork Familiar PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=9 DESC:You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane power into improving your clockwork familiar. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 -Superior Clockwork Familiar TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Advanced Clockwork Familiar PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=13 DESC:You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane power into improving your clockwork familiar. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 -Mithral Clockwork Familiar TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Clockwork Familiar PRETEXT:Requires 500 gp worth of mithral. DESC:You rebuild your clockwork familiar from mithral parts. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 -Adamantine Clockwork Familiar TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Clockwork Familiar PRETEXT:Requires 1500 gp worth of adamantine. DESC:You rebuild your clockwork familiar from adamantine parts. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 - -#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up -#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. -# -#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Feat File tags" to find -#out how the tags in the feats file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical -#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. -# -# -# -# -#####1st Example - -#Skill Focus TYPE:General DESC:See Text MULT:YES CHOOSE:SKILLSNAMED|TYPE.Strength|TYPE.Dexterity|TYPE.Constitution|TYPE.Intelligence|TYPE.Wisdom|TYPE.Charisma BONUS:SKILL|LIST|3 SOURCEPAGE:Feats.rtf - -##### -#Each feat takes one line and the first field must be the feat's name. In the Example the name of the feat is Skill Focus. -#When naming feats you should only use parentheses at the end of the name if the name is not duplicated elsewhere. This is -#because of how PCGen names feats which can be taken multiple times. For example, the Feat Weapon Focus when taken will display -#as Weapon Focus(Dagger). Another example is Armor Proficiency (Light), there is no feat named Armor Proficiency so this name -#is fine. What is happening is when PCGen finds a feat with parentheses that duplicates the name of another feat it assumes -#that feat is an instance of the one without parentheses and does not display the one with parentheses. -# -#The TYPE tag is holding a . (period) delimited list of the types the feat is. -# -#The DESC tag is used to hold the description of the Feat. In our files we usually keep the description brief, so the user -#still need to own the book to make use of of the data, but for your personal files can get as elaborate as you want there. -# -#The MULT tag determines if a feat can be taken multiple times. If the value is set to YES, then you MUST also use a CHOOSE -#tag. -# -#The CHOOSE tag must be paired with a MULT:YES tag in feats for it to work properly. It will display a popup window that asks -#for a selection according to what is being called for. There is a multitude of existing CHOOSE tags in PCGen. If you are -#looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you can find them listed under the topic "CHOOSE tags". -# -#The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. To read a description -#of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". -# -#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the feat. This will be displayed in PCGen. +# Feat Name Category Output Name Type Required Ability Required Feat Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Automatically Gained Armor Prof. Automatically Gained Shield Prof. Automatically Gained Weapon Prof. Virtual Feat Bonus to Ability Pool Save checks bonus Bonus to DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Bonus to skill Modify VAR Source Page +Improved Clockwork Familiar CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=5 PRETEXT:Must already have a clockwork familiar. DESC:You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane power into improving your clockwork familiar. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 +Advanced Clockwork Familiar CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Clockwork Familiar PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=9 DESC:You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane power into improving your clockwork familiar. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 +Superior Clockwork Familiar CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Advanced Clockwork Familiar PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=13 DESC:You pour some of your own blood, sweat, tears and arcane power into improving your clockwork familiar. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 +Mithral Clockwork Familiar CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Clockwork Familiar PRETEXT:Requires 500 gp worth of mithral. DESC:You rebuild your clockwork familiar from mithral parts. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 +Adamantine Clockwork Familiar CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Clockwork Familiar PRETEXT:Requires 1500 gp worth of adamantine. DESC:You rebuild your clockwork familiar from adamantine parts. SOURCEPAGE:p.59 diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats_mods.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats_mods.lst index 47de188a5..c2529660c 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats_mods.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_feats_mods.lst @@ -1,104 +1,106 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, June 19, 2010 -SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com - +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 03 August, 2017 +SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic +SOURCESHORT:boam +SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com ###Block: Mods -# Feat Name Type +# Feat Name Type #Bestial Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Acrobatic.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline -Alertness.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline -Arcane Strike.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline -Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline -Dodge.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline -Great Fortitude.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline -Improved Unarmed Strike.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline -Toughness.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Acrobatic.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Alertness.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Arcane Strike.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Dodge.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Great Fortitude.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Unarmed Strike.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Toughness.MOD TYPE:BestialBloodline #Divine Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Arcane Strike.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline -Augment Summoning.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline -Empower Spell.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline -Endurance.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline -Magical Aptitude.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline -Maximize Spell.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline -Persuasive.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline -Spell Focus.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Arcane Strike.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Augment Summoning.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Empower Spell.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Endurance.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Magical Aptitude.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Maximize Spell.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Persuasive.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Spell Focus.MOD TYPE:DivineBloodline #Feline Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Acrobatic.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline -Agile Maneuvers.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline -Animal Affinity.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline -Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline -Dodge.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline -Lightning Reflexes.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline -Persuasive.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline -Stealthy.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Acrobatic.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Agile Maneuvers.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Animal Affinity.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Dodge.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Lightning Reflexes.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Persuasive.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Stealthy.MOD TYPE:FelineBloodline #Fiendish Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Alertness.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline -Deceitful.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline -Improved Initiative.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline -Iron Will.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline -Persuasive.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline -Silent Spell.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline -Stealthy.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Alertness.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Deceitful.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Initiative.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Iron Will.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Persuasive.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Silent Spell.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Stealthy.MOD TYPE:FiendishBloodline #Genie Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Arcane Strike.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline -Combat Casting.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline -Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline -Dodge.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline -Improved Initiative.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline -Mobility.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline -Quicken Spell.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline -Wind Stance.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Arcane Strike.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Casting.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Dodge.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Initiative.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Mobility.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Quicken Spell.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Wind Stance.MOD TYPE:GenieBloodline #Lycanthropic Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Alertness.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline -Dodge.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline -Endurance.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline -Improved Initiative.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline -Iron Will.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline -Run.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline -Toughness.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline -#Track.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Alertness.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Dodge.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Endurance.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Initiative.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Iron Will.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Run.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Toughness.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline +#CATEGORY=FEAT|Track.MOD TYPE:LycanthropicBloodline #Mixed Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline -Combat Casting.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline -Diehard.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline -Dodge.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline -Empower Spell.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline -Iron Will.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline -Lightning Reflexes.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline -Power Attack.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Casting.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Diehard.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Dodge.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Empower Spell.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Iron Will.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Lightning Reflexes.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Power Attack.MOD TYPE:MixedBloodline #Monstrous Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Alertness.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline -Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline -Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline -Dodge.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline -Endurance.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline -Great Fortitude.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline -Improved Unarmed Strike.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline -Intimidating Prowess.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Alertness.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Dodge.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Endurance.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Great Fortitude.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Unarmed Strike.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Intimidating Prowess.MOD TYPE:MonstrousBloodline #Nightmarish Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Alertness.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline -Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline -Deceitful.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline -Enlarge Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline -Extend Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline -Iron Will.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline -Maximize Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline -Silent Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Alertness.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Deceitful.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Enlarge Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Extend Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Iron Will.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Maximize Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Silent Spell.MOD TYPE:NightmarishBloodline #Scaly Bloodline Bonus Feats: -Acrobatic.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline -Agile Maneuvers.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline -Alertness.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline -Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline -Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline -Deadly Aim.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline -Quicken Spell.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline -Silent Spell.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Acrobatic.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Agile Maneuvers.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Alertness.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Blind-Fight.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Deadly Aim.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Quicken Spell.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline +CATEGORY=FEAT|Silent Spell.MOD TYPE:ScalyBloodline diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_kits_companions.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_kits_companions.lst index 1ebd874c6..75950e832 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_kits_companions.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_kits_companions.lst @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, June 19, 2010 -SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 21 August, 2017 +SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic +SOURCESHORT:boam +SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com ###Block: Familiars -------------------------------------- STARTPACK:Familiar ~ Badgerhound TYPE:Companion VISIBLE:NO @@ -72,4 +75,4 @@ ABILITY:CATEGORY=FEAT|Acrobatic|Alertness STARTPACK:Familiar ~ Clockwork Rat TYPE:Companion VISIBLE:NO STAT:STR=10|DEX=10|INT=10|WIS=10|CHA=10 ABILITY:CATEGORY=FEAT|Alertness|Weapon Finesse -#Errata?: Perception bonus: WIS -4, Alertness +2 =? +0 \ No newline at end of file +#Errata?: Perception bonus: WIS -4, Alertness +2 =? +0 diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_races_companions.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_races_companions.lst index e8c7997fc..c8b1ea4d2 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_races_companions.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_races_companions.lst @@ -1,19 +1,22 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, December 24, 2010 -SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 22 August, 2017 +SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic +SOURCESHORT:boam +SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com ###Block: Familiar -# Race Name Output Name Starting Feats Size Move Face/Space Reach Vision Combat bonus Bonus to skill Stat bonus Weapon prof. bonus Ability Nb Legs Nb Hands Natural Attacks Define Monster Class Name and Starting Level Main Race Type Challenge Rating Source Page Apply Kit -Familiar (Dog, Badgerhound) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,5,Burrow,10 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|CON|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/3 SOURCEPAGE:p.54 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Badgerhound -Familiar (Eagle, Golden) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,80 FACE:5 REACH:5 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:3 NATURALATTACKS:Talon,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d4 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d4 DEFINE:Maneuverability|3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.54 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Golden Eagle -Familiar (Fluttermouse) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,40 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Stealth|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-10 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bite|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 DEFINE:Maneuverability|4 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.55 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Fluttermouse -Familiar (Fox, Red) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,40 FACE:5 REACH:5 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Stealth|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-4 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d4 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/4 SOURCEPAGE:p.55 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Red Fox -Familiar (Hedgehog) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,15 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|8|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-8 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-6 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bite|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.55 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Hedgehog -Familiar (Parrot) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,60 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Linguistics|8|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-6 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability|Mimicry LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 DEFINE:Maneuverability|3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/3 SOURCEPAGE:p.56 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Parrot -Familiar (Rabbit) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,50 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Stealth|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-6 BONUS:STAT|DEX|8 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bite|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/4 SOURCEPAGE:p.56 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Rabbit -Familiar (Robin) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,40 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:STAT|STR|-10 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Talon|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 DEFINE:Maneuverability|3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.57 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Robin -Familiar (Woodrat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics,Perception|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-8 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-6 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.57 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Woodrat +# Race Name Output Name Starting Feats Size Move Face/Space Reach Vision Combat bonus Bonus to skill Stat bonus Weapon prof. bonus Ability Nb Legs Nb Hands Natural Attacks Define Monster Class Name and Starting Level Main Race Type Challenge Rating Source Page Apply Kit +Familiar (Badgerhound) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,5,Burrow,10 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|CON|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/3 SOURCEPAGE:p.54 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Badgerhound +Familiar (Golden Eagle) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,80 FACE:5 REACH:5 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:3 NATURALATTACKS:Talon,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d4 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d4 DEFINE:Maneuverability|0 BONUS:VAR|Maneuverability|3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.54 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Golden Eagle +Familiar (Fluttermouse) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,40 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Stealth|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-10 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bite|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 DEFINE:Maneuverability|0 BONUS:VAR|Maneuverability|4 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.55 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Fluttermouse +Familiar (Red Fox) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:S MOVE:Walk,40 FACE:5 REACH:5 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Stealth|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-4 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d4 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/4 SOURCEPAGE:p.55 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Red Fox +Familiar (Hedgehog) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,15 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|8|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-8 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-6 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bite|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.55 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Hedgehog +Familiar (Parrot) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,60 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Linguistics|8|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-6 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability|Mimicry LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 DEFINE:Maneuverability|0 BONUS:VAR|Maneuverability|3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/3 SOURCEPAGE:p.56 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Parrot +Familiar (Rabbit) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,50 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Stealth|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-6 BONUS:STAT|DEX|8 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bite|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/4 SOURCEPAGE:p.56 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Rabbit +Familiar (Robin) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,40 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:STAT|STR|-10 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-4 BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Talon|DAMAGE|max(0,(STR/2)) ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d2 DEFINE:Maneuverability|0 BONUS:VAR|Maneuverability|3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.57 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Robin +Familiar (Woodrat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:D MOVE:Walk,30 FACE:1 REACH:0 BONUS:SKILL|Climb,Swim|DEX-STR BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics,Perception|4|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|STR|-8 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-6 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scent LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 MONSTERCLASS:Animal:1 RACETYPE:Animal CR:1/8 SOURCEPAGE:p.57 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Woodrat -Familiar (Clockwork Bat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,30 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 DEFINE:Maneuverability|2 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.58 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Bat -Familiar (Clockwork Cat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,40 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.58 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Cat -Familiar (Clockwork Owl) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,30 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Talons,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 DEFINE:Maneuverability|2 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.58 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Owl -Familiar (Clockwork Rat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,40,Climb,20 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.59 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Rat +Familiar (Clockwork Bat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,30 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 DEFINE:Maneuverability|0 BONUS:VAR|Maneuverability|2 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.58 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Bat +Familiar (Clockwork Cat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,40 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar LEGS:4 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Claw,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.58 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Cat +Familiar (Clockwork Owl) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,10,Fly,30 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar|Flight Maneuverability LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Talons,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 DEFINE:Maneuverability|0 BONUS:VAR|Maneuverability|2 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.58 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Owl +Familiar (Clockwork Rat) OUTPUTNAME:[NAME] STARTFEATS:2 SIZE:T MOVE:Walk,40,Climb,20 FACE:2.5 REACH:0 BONUS:Combat|AC|1|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4 BONUS:STAT|INT|-8 BONUS:STAT|WIS|-8 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Hardness ~ Clockwork Familiar LEGS:2 HANDS:1 NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Weapon.Natural.Melee.Finesseable.Bludgeoning.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d3 MONSTERCLASS:Construct:1 RACETYPE:Construct CR:1/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.59 KIT:1|Familiar ~ Clockwork Rat diff --git a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_spells.lst b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_spells.lst index f2cafa48b..37c01ad93 100644 --- a/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_spells.lst +++ b/pathfinder/4_winds_fantasy_gaming/book_of_arcane_magic/boam_spells.lst @@ -1,183 +1,145 @@ # Original Entry by: AinvarG, June 11, 2010 -SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic SOURCESHORT:boam SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com - -# Spell Name Classes of caster Domains granting the spell School Sub-School Spell Descriptors Spell Variations Type Components Casting Time Range Item Target Area or Effect Duration Save Info Spell Resistance Description Source Page -Ash Cloud CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial; see text SPELLRES:No DESC:As solid fog, plus potential for subjects to choke on hot ash. SOURCEPAGE:p.9 -Awe CLASSES:Paladin,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Illusion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting,Fear TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Grants a +10 competence bonus on a single Intimidate check. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 - -Back to Back CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Two creatures who occupy adjacent spaces at the time of casting DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Pull two subjects back to back with unseen force. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 -Bird's Eye View CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:See your surroundings as if from above. It also also grants you a +10 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when attempting to spot hiding creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 -Black and Blue CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject takes an equal amount of non-lethal damage from each hit from a bludgeoning weapon. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 -Black Ice CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Necromancy TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:15 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex half SPELLRES:Yes DESC:(min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 negative energy damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 -Broken Arrow CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:All creatures within 20 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Projectiles fired from subjects' weapons break or shatter. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 - -Call of the Wild CLASSES:Bard,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2|Ranger=1 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Figment DESCRIPTOR:Sound TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:20 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Creates the frightening sound of howling wolves. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 -Cat's Eyes CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain low-light vision for 60 feet. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 -Charge of the Valiant CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3|Paladin=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Creature touched DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject can take full attack at the end of a charge. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 -Cold Feet CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Ice forms around subject's feet, immobilizing them and causing minor damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 -Come to Me CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Same plane of existence TARGETAREA:One willing ally DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Ice forms around the subject's feet, immobilizing them and causing minor damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 -Comfort Food CLASSES:Bard,Cleric=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:10 ft. TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/3) cubic ft. of food DURATION:10 minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Food takes on special healing properties. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 -Confetti CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:20 ft. burst DURATION:5 rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Conjures an explosion of brightly colored paper bits. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 -Copycat CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject mimics all the actions of an adjacent creature. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 -Cream Pie CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One cream pie DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Conjures a normal cream pie for throwing. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 - -Delayed Reaction CLASSES:Bard=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's next action is delayed until after your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 -Diabolic Fiddler CLASSES:Bard=3 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Summoning DESCRIPTOR:Evil TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One summoned imp DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:Will partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Calls a fiddling imp to play a frightening tune. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 -Distraction CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Subject becomes open to free Attacks of Opportunity. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 -Double Take CLASSES:Ranger=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Reroll one Perception check. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 -Drow's Folly CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures DURATION:7 rounds (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Outlines subjects in light that deals 2d4 damage/round. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 -Dwarfsense CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain most benefits of dwarven racial trait Stonecunning. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 - -Envy CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject obsessively covets a possession of a companion. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 - -False Blink CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Figment TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:You appear to wink out of existence for a brief moment. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 -Finger Flame CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One tiny magical flame DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates a small flame at the tip of finger which deals 1 point of damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 -Fire and Ice CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Cold,Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One arrow of magical flame DURATION:(2+CASTERLEVEL/3) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:2d4 damage, alternating fire and cold each round. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 -Fireshape CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:60 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Affects size of normal fires or extinguish them. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 -Flesh and Blood CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Non-living creatures have DR temporarily reduced by 5. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 -Fool's Gold CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Coins touched DURATION:(60+CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None; see text SPELLRES:No DESC:Temporarily transforms copper and silver coins into gold. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 -Forever More CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, M, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Subject is unable to forget a specific memory/event. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 -Freezing Fog CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None; see text SPELLRES:No DESC:As fog cloud, plus thick slippery frost covers ground. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 -Friendly Face CLASSES:Bard=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Charm DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Improve strangers' reactions toward you. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 - -Giggle CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject laughs for 1 round and cannot cast spells with verbal components. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 -Good Fortune CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject can reroll three attacks, ability checks, skill checks, and/or saving throws within 1 minute. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 -Good Humor CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (comedy) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 - -Happy Feet CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (dance) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 -Heartache CLASSES:Bard=1|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject remembers a lost loved one and is left shaken. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 -Hindsight CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:(60+CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:See recent past events in an area. SOURCEPAGE:p.17 -Hot Foot CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Creates flame on subject's feet, 1d3 fire damage for (CASTERLEVEL) round(s). SOURCEPAGE:p.17 - -Ierena's Coy Clothing CLASSES:Bard=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Glamer DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:15 ft. burst DURATION:10 minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Distract creatures who would normally find you attractive. SOURCEPAGE:p.17 -Ierena's Luscious Lips CLASSES:Bard=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Glamer TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +2 to Charisma and a +5 circumstance bonus to all Diplomacy and Bluff checks. SOURCEPAGE:p.17 - -Kiss of Life CLASSES:Bard=5|Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Healing TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One dead creature touched DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None; see text SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Bring a dead creature back to life with a kiss. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 - -Liar's Curse CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's nose grows a little larger with every lie told. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 -Limited Telepathy CLASSES:Bard=2|Cleric=4|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Mentally communicate with another creature within range. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 -Lizardskin CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +2 (or higher) enchantment to natural armor. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 -Lockslip CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One non-magical lock DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Cast on a lock to reduce the Disable Device DC by 1. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 - -Mace Hand CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Transforms your hand and forearm into a light mace. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 -Magic Hat CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One hat, helmet, or other piece of non-magical headgear DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Turn any non-magical headgear into a temporary extra-dimensional space. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 -Magic Probe CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature touched DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Learn what spells are in effect on a subject. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 -Magical Quill CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One quill or other writing instrument DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Enchants a quill to write down all words spoken within your range of hearing. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 -Magical Quill (Improved) OUTPUTNAME:Magical Quill, Improved CLASSES:Bard=4|Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One quill or other writing instrument DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:As magical quill, plus translation to your choice of language. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 -Makeshift Quill CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One ordinary feather DURATION:1 hour or until (CASTERLEVEL) pages of text are written SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Fills a regular feather with enough ink for 1 page/level. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 -Master Thespian CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (act) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 -Memory of Love CLASSES:Bard=2|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject won't attack you because you remind them of a loved one. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 -Mental Cartography CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(1+CASTERLEVEL) hours (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:You cannot get lost. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 -Mind to Mind CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Forge a mental link with another creature, and experience what they see and hear. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 -Mirror Talk CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Phantasm DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:See Text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Look into one mirror and see out of its matched twin anywhere else on the same plane. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 -Mirror Walk CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Personal and touch TARGETAREA:You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Step into one mirror and step out of its matching twin anywhere on the same plane. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 -Miss CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject suffers -10 penalty to an attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 -Moment of Darkness CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Evocation SUBSCHOOL:Darkness TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:20 ft. sphere DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates darkness in a 20-ft. radius for 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 - -Net CLASSES:Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One normal rope at least 50 ft. in length DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Rope knots and weaves itself into a net. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 -Nevermore CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, M CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Erases all memories of subject's existence from all living creatures on the prime material plane. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 - -One Track Mind CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject continually repeats last action. SOURCEPAGE:p.22 - -Pacifist CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject will avoid combat and casting spells that cause damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.22 -Parable CLASSES:Bard,Paladin=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (oratory) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.22 -Peep Hole CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One non-magical door, wall, or window shutter DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Creates a small hole in a non-magical door, wall, or window shutter so you can see through to the other side. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 -Perfect Balance CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1|Ranger=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain an instant +10 competence bonus to an Acrobatics or Dexterity check. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 -Perfect Pitch CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (sing) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 -Philanthropist CLASSES:Bard,Paladin=2|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject is compelled to give coins and gear to the needy. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 -Phobia CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Fear,Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject develops a sudden and severe fear. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 -Poison Arrow CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*2) projectiles DURATION:10 minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Imbue (CASTERLEVEL*2) projectiles with poison. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 - -Resistance (Greater) OUTPUTNAME:Resistance, Greater CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:As resistance, except bonus is +5. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 -Resistance (Improved) OUTPUTNAME:Resistance, Improved CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:As resistance, except bonus lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minute(s). SOURCEPAGE:p.24 -Resistance (Mass) OUTPUTNAME:Resistance, Mass CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:As resistance, but affects multiple creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 -Rogue's Gambit CLASSES:Bard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain one extra move action or attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 - -Sandblast CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:15 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:(2+CASTERLEVEL/4)d6 damage, victims blinded 1d4 rounds. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 -Scatterbrained CLASSES:Bard=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject is dazed 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 -Sense of Place CLASSES:Bard,Ranger=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds until discharged SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:You gain geographical, historical, and social knowledge about your current location. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 -Sleepless Night CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:24 hours SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject cannot fall asleep for 24 hours. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 -Sleepwalker CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Special; See text SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject rises from natural sleep to do one task at your bidding. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 -Slip of the Tongue CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject can't speak clearly. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 -Slippery Grip CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Subject suffers penalties to attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 -Sniper Shot CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4|Ranger=3 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds until discharged SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject's next successful ranged attack is an automatic critical hit. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 -Snowshoes CLASSES:Bard,Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Move across ice and snow at normal speed without penalty. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 -Sock Puppet CLASSES:Bard=3 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates a sock puppet to annoy a subject - and give penalties to Stealth, Bluff and Diplomacy checks. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 -Soundproof CLASSES:Bard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL/2) 10 ft. cube(s) DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) hours (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Insulates an area so that no sound can escape. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 -Special Delivery CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One touched object weighing no more than one pound DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Transports one of your small items to an ally. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 -Spell Hold CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Necromancy TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates, Fortitude half; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Cause another caster's spell of 3rd level or lower to internalize its power within him. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 -Spell Hold (Greater) OUTPUTNAME:Spell Hold, Greater CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8 SCHOOL:Necromancy TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates, Fortitude half; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Cause another caster's spell of 7th level or lower to internalize its power within him. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 -Spell Meld CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:You and another spellcaster can cast each other's spells. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 -Spell Sight CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain a +1 competence bonus per caster level to Spellcraft checks to identify spells being cast. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 -Spellbook Protection CLASSES:Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One spellbook DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Anyone besides you touching your spellbook takes 1d3 electricity damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 -Spirit Sight CLASSES:Druid,Paladin,Ranger=4|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:See creatures and items according to their life force. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 -Staggering Blow CLASSES:Paladin=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds until discharged SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject's next successful melee attack is an automatic critical hit. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 -Stench of the Polecat CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:15 ft. burst DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates putrid fumes that blind and nauseate creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 -Sticky Fingers CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Reflex partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's hand oozes a very sticky substance. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 -String CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One ball of string DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Conjures a small ball of string that vanishes after (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 -Stutter CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject stutters, can't cast spells with verbal components, and suffers a Charisma penalty. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 -Suffering Wind CLASSES:Druid=4|Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:30 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:1d4+1 Constitution damage due to loss of body moisture. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 -Sweetness CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:20 ft. burst DURATION:1 hour SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Create a sweet scent that dazes those in a 20-ft. radius. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 - -Tar Pit CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Reflex negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Turns the ground beneath a subject to tar and they begin to sink. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 -Thinner CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:10 minutes (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject can slip through tight spaces. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 -Tide of Battle CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:50 ft. radius DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:For one round, allies gain a +5 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls, while foes take a -5 penalty to attack and damage rolls. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 -Time Stop (Lesser) OUTPUTNAME:Time Stop, Lesser CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:You act freely for one round. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 -Touch Me Not CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Gain +2 to AC, deal damage to foes who touch you. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 -Transparency CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Temporarily see through up to 6 inches of wood, metal or stone. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 -True Strike (Mass) OUTPUTNAME:True Strike, Mass CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL), no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:As true strike, but affects multiple creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 -Tune CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One non-magical musical instrument DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Tunes one non-magical instrument, giving you a +1 bonus to a Perform (instrument) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 -Twinkle CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Glamer TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:10 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Your body sparkles, dazzling those around you. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 - -Unfazed CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Cannot suffer from a number of conditions, easier to cast spells after being injured. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 -Unseen Sentinel CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant DURATION:8 hours or 2 rounds after activation; See text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:As unseen servant, except this one acts as a guard. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 - -Village Idiot CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's Wisdom score drops to three. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 -Virtuoso CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (any instrument) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 - -Wall of Light CLASSES:Cleric,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=3|Paladin=2 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*10) square ft. DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Creates a wall of blinding bright light. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 -Windows to the Soul CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Learn subject's general alignment and gain a +10 circumstance bonus to a Sense Motive check. SOURCEPAGE:p.32 - -Zorra's Hellbane CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Cold,Good TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:30 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex half or negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:(CASTERLEVEL)d6 cold damage; (CASTERLEVEL)d6 good damage to creatures immune to cold. SOURCEPAGE:p.32 -Zorra's Magic Missile CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Force TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:Up to 6 objects or creatures within 15 ft. of each other DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Six missiles each deal 2d4 damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.32 - -#Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up -#your own data. Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. -# -#When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Spell File tags" to find -#out how the tags in the spells file work. Some of the tags used here are global tags. You will see an alphabetical -#listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. You can find the global tags there as well. -# -#To learn the basics of coding a spell, you can also visit "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson 7" -# -# -#####Example - -#Teleport CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 DOMAINS:Travel=5 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal and touch TARGETAREA:You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None and Will negates (object) SPELLRES:No and Yes (object) DESC:Instantly transports you as far as (CASTERLEVEL*100) miles. SOURCEPAGE:SpellsT-Z.rtf ITEM:Potion - -##### -#Teleport is the name of the spell. It will appear in the spells list on PCGen's Spells tab and will be used if a spell is -#added by use of the SPELLS tag. Every spell must have a name. -# -#The CLASSES tag indicates that this spell is the indicated level for the named class. It will appear in most spells, unless -#the spell is for some reason not associated with a class. -# -#The DOMAINS tag indicates that this spell is the indicated level for the named domain. It is only used with spells that -#belong to a domain. -# -#The SCHOOL tag lists the Schools the spell belongs to and is used for specialist wizards to determine their favored schools -#bonus spells. It should be used if the spell belongs to a school (which almost always is the case). -# -#The SUBSCHOOL tag lists the Sub-Schools the spell belongs to and is also used for specialist wizards to determine their -#favored schools bonus spells. You can usually find it in the books in parentheses after the School. If it exists, it should -#be used. -# -#The TYPE tag indicates what "types" are associated with the spell. Every spell should have it. -# -#COMPS, CASTTIME, RANGE, TARGETAREA, DURATION, SAVEINFO, SPELLRES, and DESC are the tags that actually describe the spell. -#Most if not all of them will be used in every spell. -# -#The SOURCEPAGE tag can be used to hold a reference to where you can find the spell. This will be displayed in PCGen and on -#the output sheet. -# -#The ITEM tag tells PCGen what types of items this spell can be used to make (Potions, wands, wondrous items, etc). +# Revised by: LearnTribe, 03 August, 2017 +SOURCELONG:The Book of Arcane Magic +SOURCESHORT:boam +SOURCEWEB:http://www.4windsfantasygaming.com + +# Spell Name Classes of caster Domains School Sub-School Spell Descriptors Spell Variations Type Components Casting Time Range Item Target Area or Effect Duration Save Info Spell Resistance Description Source Page +Ash Cloud CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial; see text SPELLRES:No DESC:As solid fog, plus potential for subjects to choke on hot ash. SOURCEPAGE:p.9 +Awe CLASSES:Paladin,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Illusion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting,Fear TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Grants a +10 competence bonus on a single Intimidate check. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 + +Back to Back CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Two creatures who occupy adjacent spaces at the time of casting DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Pull two subjects back to back with unseen force. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 +Bird's Eye View CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:See your surroundings as if from above. It also also grants you a +10 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when attempting to spot hiding creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 +Black and Blue CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject takes an equal amount of non-lethal damage from each hit from a bludgeoning weapon. SOURCEPAGE:p.10 +Black Ice CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Necromancy TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:15 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex half SPELLRES:Yes DESC:(min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 negative energy damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 +Broken Arrow CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:All creatures within 20 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Projectiles fired from subjects' weapons break or shatter. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 + +Call of the Wild CLASSES:Bard,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2|Ranger=1 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Figment DESCRIPTOR:Sound TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:20 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Creates the frightening sound of howling wolves. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 +Cat's Eyes CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain low-light vision for 60 feet. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 +Charge of the Valiant CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3|Paladin=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Creature touched DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject can take full attack at the end of a charge. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 +Cold Feet CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Ice forms around subject's feet, immobilizing them and causing minor damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.11 +Come to Me CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Same plane of existence TARGETAREA:One willing ally DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Ice forms around the subject's feet, immobilizing them and causing minor damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 +Comfort Food CLASSES:Bard,Cleric=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:10 ft. TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/3) cubic ft. of food DURATION:10 minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Food takes on special healing properties. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 +Confetti CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:20 ft. burst DURATION:5 rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Conjures an explosion of brightly colored paper bits. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 +Copycat CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject mimics all the actions of an adjacent creature. SOURCEPAGE:p.12 +Cream Pie CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One cream pie DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Conjures a normal cream pie for throwing. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 + +Delayed Reaction CLASSES:Bard=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's next action is delayed until after your next turn. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 +Diabolic Fiddler CLASSES:Bard=3 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Summoning DESCRIPTOR:Evil TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One summoned imp DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:Will partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Calls a fiddling imp to play a frightening tune. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 +Distraction CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Subject becomes open to free Attacks of Opportunity. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 +Double Take CLASSES:Ranger=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Reroll one Perception check. SOURCEPAGE:p.13 +Drow's Folly CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures DURATION:7 rounds (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Outlines subjects in light that deals 2d4 damage/round. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 +Dwarfsense CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain most benefits of dwarven racial trait Stonecunning. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 + +Envy CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject obsessively covets a possession of a companion. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 + +False Blink CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Figment TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:You appear to wink out of existence for a brief moment. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Finger Flame CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One tiny magical flame DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates a small flame at the tip of finger which deals 1 point of damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 +Fire and Ice CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Cold,Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One arrow of magical flame DURATION:(2+CASTERLEVEL/3) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:2d4 damage, alternating fire and cold each round. SOURCEPAGE:p.14 +Fireshape CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:60 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Affects size of normal fires or extinguish them. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Flesh and Blood CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Non-living creatures have DR temporarily reduced by 5. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Fool's Gold CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Coins touched DURATION:(60+CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None; see text SPELLRES:No DESC:Temporarily transforms copper and silver coins into gold. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Forever More CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, M, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Subject is unable to forget a specific memory/event. SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Freezing Fog CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None; see text SPELLRES:No DESC:As fog cloud, plus thick slippery frost covers ground. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 +Friendly Face CLASSES:Bard=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Charm DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Improve strangers' reactions toward you. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 + +Giggle CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject laughs for 1 round and cannot cast spells with verbal components. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 +Good Fortune CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject can reroll three attacks, ability checks, skill checks, and/or saving throws within 1 minute. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 +Good Humor CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (comedy) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 + +Happy Feet CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (dance) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 +Heartache CLASSES:Bard=1|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject remembers a lost loved one and is left shaken. SOURCEPAGE:p.16 +Hindsight CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:(60+CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:See recent past events in an area. SOURCEPAGE:p.17 +Hot Foot CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Creates flame on subject's feet, 1d3 fire damage for (CASTERLEVEL) round(s). SOURCEPAGE:p.17 + +Ierena's Coy Clothing CLASSES:Bard=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Glamer DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:15 ft. burst DURATION:10 minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Distract creatures who would normally find you attractive. SOURCEPAGE:p.17 +Ierena's Luscious Lips CLASSES:Bard=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Glamer TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +2 to Charisma and a +5 circumstance bonus to all Diplomacy and Bluff checks. SOURCEPAGE:p.17 + +Kiss of Life CLASSES:Bard=5|Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Healing TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One dead creature touched DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None; see text SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Bring a dead creature back to life with a kiss. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 + +Liar's Curse CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's nose grows a little larger with every lie told. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 +Limited Telepathy CLASSES:Bard=2|Cleric=4|Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Mentally communicate with another creature within range. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 +Lizardskin CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +2 (or higher) enchantment to natural armor. SOURCEPAGE:p.18 +Lockslip CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One non-magical lock DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Cast on a lock to reduce the Disable Device DC by 1. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 + +Mace Hand CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Transforms your hand and forearm into a light mace. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 +Magic Hat CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One hat, helmet, or other piece of non-magical headgear DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Turn any non-magical headgear into a temporary extra-dimensional space. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 +Magic Probe CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature touched DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Learn what spells are in effect on a subject. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 +Magical Quill CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One quill or other writing instrument DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Enchants a quill to write down all words spoken within your range of hearing. SOURCEPAGE:p.19 +Magical Quill (Improved) OUTPUTNAME:Magical Quill, Improved CLASSES:Bard=4|Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One quill or other writing instrument DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:As magical quill, plus translation to your choice of language. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 +Makeshift Quill CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One ordinary feather DURATION:1 hour or until (CASTERLEVEL) pages of text are written SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Fills a regular feather with enough ink for 1 page/level. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 +Master Thespian CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (act) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 +Memory of Love CLASSES:Bard=2|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject won't attack you because you remind them of a loved one. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 +Mental Cartography CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(1+CASTERLEVEL) hours (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:You cannot get lost. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 +Mind to Mind CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Forge a mental link with another creature, and experience what they see and hear. SOURCEPAGE:p.20 +Mirror Talk CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Phantasm DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:See Text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Look into one mirror and see out of its matched twin anywhere else on the same plane. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 +Mirror Walk CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Personal and touch TARGETAREA:You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Step into one mirror and step out of its matching twin anywhere on the same plane. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 +Miss CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject suffers -10 penalty to an attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 +Moment of Darkness CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Evocation SUBSCHOOL:Darkness TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:20 ft. sphere DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates darkness in a 20-ft. radius for 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 + +Net CLASSES:Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One normal rope at least 50 ft. in length DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Rope knots and weaves itself into a net. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 +Nevermore CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, M CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Erases all memories of subject's existence from all living creatures on the prime material plane. SOURCEPAGE:p.21 + +One Track Mind CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject continually repeats last action. SOURCEPAGE:p.22 + +Pacifist CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject will avoid combat and casting spells that cause damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.22 +Parable CLASSES:Bard,Paladin=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (oratory) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.22 +Peep Hole CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One non-magical door, wall, or window shutter DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Creates a small hole in a non-magical door, wall, or window shutter so you can see through to the other side. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 +Perfect Balance CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1|Ranger=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain an instant +10 competence bonus to an Acrobatics or Dexterity check. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 +Perfect Pitch CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (sing) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 +Philanthropist CLASSES:Bard,Paladin=2|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject is compelled to give coins and gear to the needy. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 +Phobia CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Fear,Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject develops a sudden and severe fear. SOURCEPAGE:p.23 +Poison Arrow CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*2) projectiles DURATION:10 minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Imbue (CASTERLEVEL*2) projectiles with poison. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 + +Resistance (Greater) OUTPUTNAME:Resistance, Greater CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:As resistance, except bonus is +5. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 +Resistance (Improved) OUTPUTNAME:Resistance, Improved CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:As resistance, except bonus lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minute(s). SOURCEPAGE:p.24 +Resistance (Mass) OUTPUTNAME:Resistance, Mass CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:As resistance, but affects multiple creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 +Rogue's Gambit CLASSES:Bard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain one extra move action or attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.24 + +Sandblast CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:15 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:(2+CASTERLEVEL/4)d6 damage, victims blinded 1d4 rounds. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 +Scatterbrained CLASSES:Bard=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject is dazed 1 round. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 +Sense of Place CLASSES:Bard,Ranger=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds until discharged SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:You gain geographical, historical, and social knowledge about your current location. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 +Sleepless Night CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:24 hours SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject cannot fall asleep for 24 hours. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 +Sleepwalker CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Enchantment SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Special; See text SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject rises from natural sleep to do one task at your bidding. SOURCEPAGE:p.25 +Slip of the Tongue CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject can't speak clearly. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 +Slippery Grip CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Subject suffers penalties to attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 +Sniper Shot CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4|Ranger=3 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds until discharged SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject's next successful ranged attack is an automatic critical hit. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 +Snowshoes CLASSES:Bard,Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Move across ice and snow at normal speed without penalty. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 +Sock Puppet CLASSES:Bard=3 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates a sock puppet to annoy a subject - and give penalties to Stealth, Bluff and Diplomacy checks. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 +Soundproof CLASSES:Bard=3 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL/2) 10 ft. cube(s) DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) hours (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Insulates an area so that no sound can escape. SOURCEPAGE:p.26 +Special Delivery CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One touched object weighing no more than one pound DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Transports one of your small items to an ally. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 +Spell Hold CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Necromancy TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates, Fortitude half; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Cause another caster's spell of 3rd level or lower to internalize its power within him. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 +Spell Hold (Greater) OUTPUTNAME:Spell Hold, Greater CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8 SCHOOL:Necromancy TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates, Fortitude half; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Cause another caster's spell of 7th level or lower to internalize its power within him. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 +Spell Meld CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M, F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:You and another spellcaster can cast each other's spells. SOURCEPAGE:p.27 +Spell Sight CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 immediate action RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain a +1 competence bonus per caster level to Spellcraft checks to identify spells being cast. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 +Spellbook Protection CLASSES:Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One spellbook DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Anyone besides you touching your spellbook takes 1d3 electricity damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 +Spirit Sight CLASSES:Druid,Paladin,Ranger=4|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:See creatures and items according to their life force. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 +Staggering Blow CLASSES:Paladin=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds until discharged SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject's next successful melee attack is an automatic critical hit. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 +Stench of the Polecat CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:15 ft. burst DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial SPELLRES:No DESC:Creates putrid fumes that blind and nauseate creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 +Sticky Fingers CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Reflex partial; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's hand oozes a very sticky substance. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 +String CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One ball of string DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes (D) SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Conjures a small ball of string that vanishes after (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 +Stutter CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject stutters, can't cast spells with verbal components, and suffers a Charisma penalty. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 +Suffering Wind CLASSES:Druid=4|Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:30 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:1d4+1 Constitution damage due to loss of body moisture. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 +Sweetness CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Evocation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:20 ft. burst DURATION:1 hour SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Create a sweet scent that dazes those in a 20-ft. radius. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 + +Tar Pit CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Reflex negates SPELLRES:No DESC:Turns the ground beneath a subject to tar and they begin to sink. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 +Thinner CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:10 minutes (D) SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) DESC:Subject can slip through tight spaces. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 +Tide of Battle CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:50 ft. radius DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:For one round, allies gain a +5 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls, while foes take a -5 penalty to attack and damage rolls. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 +Time Stop (Lesser) OUTPUTNAME:Time Stop, Lesser CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:You act freely for one round. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 +Touch Me Not CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Abjuration TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Gain +2 to AC, deal damage to foes who touch you. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 +Transparency CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Temporarily see through up to 6 inches of wood, metal or stone. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 +True Strike (Mass) OUTPUTNAME:True Strike, Mass CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, F CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL), no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:As true strike, but affects multiple creatures. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 +Tune CLASSES:Bard=0 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:One non-magical musical instrument DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) DESC:Tunes one non-magical instrument, giving you a +1 bonus to a Perform (instrument) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.30 +Twinkle CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Glamer TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:10 ft. burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Your body sparkles, dazzling those around you. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 + +Unfazed CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Cannot suffer from a number of conditions, easier to cast spells after being injured. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 +Unseen Sentinel CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant DURATION:8 hours or 2 rounds after activation; See text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:As unseen servant, except this one acts as a guard. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 + +Village Idiot CLASSES:Bard=3|Sorcerer,Wizard=4 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Subject's Wisdom score drops to three. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 +Virtuoso CLASSES:Bard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 swift action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Gain +10 to a Perform (any instrument) check. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 + +Wall of Light CLASSES:Cleric,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=3|Paladin=2 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation TYPE:Arcane.Divine COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*10) square ft. DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Creates a wall of blinding bright light. SOURCEPAGE:p.31 +Windows to the Soul CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Divination TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes DESC:Learn subject's general alignment and gain a +10 circumstance bonus to a Sense Motive check. SOURCEPAGE:p.32 + +Zorra's Hellbane CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Cold,Good TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S, M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:30 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex half or negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes DESC:(CASTERLEVEL)d6 cold damage; (CASTERLEVEL)d6 good damage to creatures immune to cold. SOURCEPAGE:p.32 +Zorra's Magic Missile CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6 SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Force TYPE:Arcane COMPS:V, S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:Up to 6 objects or creatures within 15 ft. of each other DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No DESC:Six missiles each deal 2d4 damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.32 diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/PZO7101E_cover.png b/starfinder/paizo/core/PZO7101E_cover.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..500475d3b Binary files /dev/null and b/starfinder/paizo/core/PZO7101E_cover.png differ diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/_starfinder_core_rulebook.pcc b/starfinder/paizo/core/_starfinder_core_rulebook.pcc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..904043d81 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/_starfinder_core_rulebook.pcc @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +CAMPAIGN:ALPHA ~ Starfinder Core Rulebook ~ ALPHA +KEY:Starfinder Core Rulebook +RANK:1 +BOOKTYPE:Core Rules +!PRECAMPAIGN:1,BOOKTYPE=Core Rules,[Starfinder Core Rulebook] +GAMEMODE:Starfinder +STATUS:ALPHA +TYPE:Paizo.Core +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook +SOURCESHORT:SCR +SOURCEDATE:2017-09 +PUBNAMELONG:Paizo +PUBNAMESHORT:PZO +PUBNAMEWEB:http://www.paizo.com +COPYRIGHT:Copyright 2017, Paizo, Inc. + + +URL:WEBSITE|http://www.paizo.com/|Visit Paizo Publishing! +URL:WEBSITE|http://www.paizo.com/communityuse|Paizo's Community Use Policy. +INFOTEXT:Hi, this is AN ALPHA RELEASE - This Set is Released to the PUBLIC as-is, without any guarantee of functionality. The PCGen team welcomes all feedback, to make this a stable BETA release in the upcoming weeks. +INFOTEXT:This dataset uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This dataset is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com. +COPYRIGHT:Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.Starfinder Core Rulebook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Robert G. McCreary, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, and James L. Sutter, with Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Lissa Guillet, Thurston Hillman, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Jessica Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, and Josh Vogt. +COPYRIGHT:PCGen dataset conversion for "Pathfinder Starfinder Core Rulebook" & "Starfinder Game System Support" Copyright 2017, PCGen Data team (Including, but not limited to Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing), Gwen T. Thebich (), Gary Davies, and Paul Grosse). +COPYRIGHT:PCGen Starfinder Playtesters - Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing), Gwen T. (EvilPixie87), Jodie T. Noblit, Elizabeth Mysliwiek, Luke Kinsky, Chis Moses, Dominik D., Maurizio Damonte, Rob Reed, and Gary Davies. + +# COVER should be cover_gameMode_pub_book.file +#COVER:../../_artwork/cover_sf_paizo_scr.jpg +COVER:*/_images/starfinder/PZO7101E_cover.png +# LOGO should be logo_pub.file +LOGO:*/_images/logo/Paizo_Publishing.png + +INFOTEXT:Starfinder Core Rulebook + + +ALIGNMENT:scr__align.lst +DATACONTROL:scr__datacontrols.lst +DATATABLE:scr__datatables.lst +DYNAMIC:scr__dynamic.lst +GLOBALMODIFIER:scr__globalmodifiers.lst +SAVE:scr__saves.lst +SIZE:scr__sizes.lst +STAT:scr__stats.lst +VARIABLE:scr__variables.lst + + +ABILITY:scr_abilities.lst +ABILITYCATEGORY:scr_abilitycategories.lst +BIOSET:scr_biosettings.lst +CLASS:scr_classes.lst +COMPANIONMOD:scr_companionmods.lst +DEITY:scr_deities.lst + +EQUIPMENT:scr_equip.lst +EQUIPMENT:scr_equip_gear.lst +EQUIPMENT:scr_equip_magic.lst + +EQUIPMOD:scr_equipmods.lst +ABILITY:scr_feats.lst + +KIT:scr_kits.lst +LANGUAGE:scr_languages.lst + + +ARMORPROF:scr_profs_armor.lst +SHIELDPROF:scr_profs_shield.lst +WEAPONPROF:scr_profs_weapon.lst + +RACE:scr_races.lst + +SKILL:scr_skills.lst + +SPELL:scr_spells.lst +TEMPLATE:scr_templates.lst + +COMPANIONLIST:SpyDrone|Drone +COMPANIONLIST:Follower|ANY + + +# Starship Add-on +#ABILITY:starship/scr_abilities_starship.lst +#EQUIPMENT:starship/scr_equip_starship.lst +#RACE:starship/scr_races_starship.lst +#KIT:scr_kits_starship.lst + + +HIDETYPE:SKILL|ACHECK|BASE|Strength|Dexterity|Intelligence|Wisdom|Charisma +HIDETYPE:EQUIP|Weapon Atk Modifier Dex|PROJECTILE|P|SHOCK|E|PLASMA|E & F|F|LASER|FLAME|C|CRYO|So|SONIC|PLASMA|A & P|UNCATEGORIZED|B|S|P +HIDETYPE:EQUIP|Atk Modifier Dex|B & F|B & So|F & P|Weapon Atk Modifier Str|Weapon Dmg Modifier Str|Advanced Melee + + + +###Block: Revisions +# LK - 0.01 Initial update + +INFOTEXT:Supports 6.07.03 +# ENTRY DATE: 2017-08 +# LST MONKEY: Andrew "LegacyKing" Maitland, Gwen "EvilPixie87" T., Gary Davis (The Grinder) +# RELEASE REVIEW # +# BETA: +# RELEASE: +# Built for PCGen Version: 6.07.03 +# Updated to work with version: - +# MINVER:6.7 +# MINDEVVER:6.07.03 +# COMMENTS: diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__align.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__align.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..335e9efbd --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__align.lst @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# Name SORTKEY ABB Unique Key VALIDFORDEITY VALIDFORFOLLOWER +Lawful Good SORTKEY:1a ABB:LG KEY:LG +Lawful Neutral SORTKEY:1b ABB:LN KEY:LN +Lawful Evil SORTKEY:1c ABB:LE KEY:LE +Neutral Good SORTKEY:2a ABB:NG KEY:NG +Neutral SORTKEY:2b ABB:TN KEY:TN +Neutral Evil SORTKEY:2c ABB:NE KEY:NE +Chaotic Good SORTKEY:3a ABB:CG KEY:CG +Chaotic Neutral SORTKEY:3b ABB:CN KEY:CN +Chaotic Evil SORTKEY:3c ABB:CE KEY:CE +None SORTKEY:4 ABB:NONE KEY:NONE VALIDFORDEITY:N VALIDFORFOLLOWER:N +Deity's SORTKEY:5 ABB:Deity KEY:Deity VALIDFORDEITY:N VALIDFORFOLLOWER:N diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__datacontrols.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__datacontrols.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c93588891 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__datacontrols.lst @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ + +DEFAULTVARIABLEVALUE:ORDEREDPAIR|0,0 +DEFAULTVARIABLEVALUE:NUMBER|0 + + + +DYNAMICSCOPE:MOVEMENT +DYNAMICSCOPE:VISION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +FACTDEF:CLASS|KeyAbilityScore DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:ABILITY|ClassFeatureLevel DATAFORMAT:String REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines whether a race is a PC to begin with. + + + + +FACTDEF:SPELL|CompMaterial DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +# Name Dataformat Required Selectable Visible Displayname Explanation +FACTDEF:ABILITY|AppliedName DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES + +FACTDEF:CLASS|Abb DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:CLASS|ClassType DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:CLASS|SpellType DATAFORMAT:String SELECTABLE:YES VISIBLE:YES + +FACTDEF:DEITY|Symbol DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:DEITY|Worshippers DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:DEITY|Title DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:DEITY|Appearance DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES + +FACTDEF:EQUIPMENT|RateOfFire DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES + +FACTDEF:TEMPLATE|AppliedName DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES + +FACTSETDEF:DEITY|Pantheon DATAFORMAT:String SELECTABLE:YES VISIBLE:YES +FACTSETDEF:DEITY|Race DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES + + +# This is my attempt to implement the FACT system to replicate the deprecated PRETYPE to determine whether a given race is initially allowed traits +FACTDEF:RACE|IsPC DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines whether a race is a PC to begin with. +FACTDEF:RACE|IsCompanion DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines whether a race is a Companion to begin with. + +FACTDEF:RACE|Hands DATAFORMAT:Number REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines base race ~ Hands. +FACTDEF:RACE|Legs DATAFORMAT:Number REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines base race ~ Legs. + +FACTDEF:RACE|BaseMove_Walk DATAFORMAT:Number REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines base race ~ Movement Walk. +FACTDEF:RACE|BaseMove_Fly DATAFORMAT:Number REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines base race ~ Movement Fly. +FACTDEF:RACE|BaseMove_Climb DATAFORMAT:Number REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines base race ~ Movement Climb. +FACTDEF:RACE|BaseMove_Swim DATAFORMAT:Number REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines base race ~ Movement Swim. +FACTDEF:RACE|BaseMove_Burrow DATAFORMAT:Number REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines base race ~ Movement Burrow. + +FACTDEF:ABILITY|IsPC DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:IsPC EXPLANATION:Determines whether a race is a PC to begin with. + + +FACTDEF:ABILITY|PFS DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:CLASS|PFS DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:DEITY|PFS DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:EQUIPMENT|PFS DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:RACE|PFS DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:TEMPLATE|PFS DATAFORMAT:String VISIBLE:YES + + + +###Block: RACE "TYPE" replacement +# Currently we use PRERACETYPE - A CLASS tag only - to allow a changed creature RACETYPE to still access their original racial HD class. +# This transition aims to remove that reliance. Switching to a simple Boolean based upon the starting racetype "FACT" +# Name Dataformat Required Selectable Visible Displayname Explanation +FACTDEF:RACE|RACETYPE DATAFORMAT:String REQUIRED:NO SELECTABLE:NO VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYNAME:RaceType EXPLANATION:Determines what the 'RACE TYPE' is. + +FACTDEF:ABILITY|EnvoyArchetype DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:ABILITY|MysticArchetype DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:ABILITY|OperativeArchetype DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:ABILITY|SolarianArchetype DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:ABILITY|SoldierArchetype DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:ABILITY|TechnomancerArchetype DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES +FACTDEF:ABILITY|MechanicArchetype DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES + + +FACTDEF:ABILITY|MechanicAIDivestment DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES + + + +FACTDEF:ABILITY|PhrenicAdept DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES + +FACTDEF:ABILITY|StarfinderForerunner DATAFORMAT:BOOLEAN VISIBLE:YES + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__datatables.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__datatables.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9955e587f --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__datatables.lst @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ + + +STARTTABLE:Item Level Cost, +ItemLevel,Price +NUMBER,NUMBER +1,120 +2,360 +3,440 +4,680 +5,720 +6,1040 +7,1560 +8,2300 +9,2600 +10,3580 +11,4880 +12,6920 +13,9760 +14,11700 +15,17800 +16,27000 +17,40500 +18,60300 +19,90000 +20,135000 +ENDTABLE:Item Level Cost, + + +STARTTABLE:Encumbrance, +StrScore,Unencumbered,Encumbered,Overloaded +NUMBER,NUMBER,NUMBER,NUMBER +01,00,01,02 +02,01,02,03 +03,01,03,04 +04,02,04,05 +05,02,05,06 +06,03,06,07 +07,03,07,08 +08,04,08,09 +09,04,09,10 +10,05,10,11 +11,05,11,12 +12,06,12,13 +13,06,13,14 +14,07,14,15 +15,07,15,16 +16,08,16,17 +17,08,17,18 +18,09,18,19 +19,09,19,20 +20,10,20,21 +21,10,21,22 +22,11,22,23 +23,11,23,24 +24,12,24,25 +25,12,25,26 +26,13,26,27 +27,13,27,28 +28,14,28,29 +29,14,29,30 +30,15,30,31 +ENDTABLE:Encumbrance, + + + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__dynamic.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__dynamic.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..592b9c1aa --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__dynamic.lst @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + +MOVEMENT:Walk +MOVEMENT:Fly +MOVEMENT:Burrow +MOVEMENT:Climb +MOVEMENT:Swim + + +VISION:Low-Light Vision +VISION:Darkvision +VISION:Tremorsense + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__globalmodifiers.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__globalmodifiers.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d015da554 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__globalmodifiers.lst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + +#MODIFYOTHER:Movement|SPEED|SET|5 + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__saves.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__saves.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0faf8aa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__saves.lst @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Fortitude SORTKEY:1 BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude|CON +Reflex SORTKEY:2 BONUS:SAVE|Reflex|DEX +Will SORTKEY:3 BONUS:SAVE|Will|WIS diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__sizes.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__sizes.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b906718c --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__sizes.lst @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +Fine ABB:F DISPLAYNAME:Fine BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|0.5 +F.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|0.1 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|0.25 +F.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|0.5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|8|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|-24|TYPE=Size +F.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|0.25 +F.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|16|TYPE=SIZE +F.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|0.125|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +# +Diminutive ABB:D DISPLAYNAME:Diminutive BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|0.5 +D.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|0.1 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|0.25 +D.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|0.5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|4|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|-16|TYPE=Size +D.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|0.25 +D.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|12|TYPE=SIZE +D.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|0.25|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +# +Tiny ABB:T DISPLAYNAME:Tiny BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|0.5 +T.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|0.1 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|0.25 +T.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|0.5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|2|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|-10|TYPE=Size +T.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|0.25 +T.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|8|TYPE=SIZE +T.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|0.25|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +# +Small ABB:S DISPLAYNAME:Small BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|1 +S.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|1 +# +Medium ABB:M DISPLAYNAME:Medium BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|1 +M.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|1 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|1 +M.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|1 +M.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|1 ISDEFAULTSIZE:Y +M.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|0.5|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +M.MOD TEMPLATE:Medium +# +Large ABB:L DISPLAYNAME:Large BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|2 +L.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|2 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|1 +L.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|-1|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|-1|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|5|TYPE=Size +L.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|1 +L.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|-4|TYPE=SIZE +L.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|1|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +L.MOD TEMPLATE:CHOOSE:Large L|Large T +# +Huge ABB:H DISPLAYNAME:Huge BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|4 +H.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|5 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|1 +H.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|-2|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|-2|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|10|TYPE=Size +H.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|1 +H.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|-8|TYPE=SIZE +H.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|2|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +# +Gargantuan ABB:G DISPLAYNAME:Gargantuan BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|8 +G.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|8 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|1 +G.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|-4|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|-4|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|16|TYPE=Size +G.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|1 +G.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|-12|TYPE=SIZE +G.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|4|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +# +Colossal ABB:C DISPLAYNAME:Colossal BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|16 +C.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|12 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|1 +C.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|-8|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|-8|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|24|TYPE=Size +C.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|1 +C.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|-16|TYPE=SIZE +C.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|8|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 +# +ColossalPlus ABB:P DISPLAYNAME:Colossal+ BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|16 +P.MOD BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Ammunition,TYPE=Armor,TYPE=Shield,TYPE=Weapon|12 BONUS:ITEMWEIGHT|TYPE=Goods|1 +P.MOD BONUS:ACVALUE|TYPE.Armor,TYPE.Shield|1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|-8|TYPE=Size BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|-8|TYPE=SIZE BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.GRAPPLE|24|TYPE=Size +P.MOD BONUS:ITEMCAPACITY|TYPE=Goods|1 +P.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|-16|TYPE=SIZE +P.MOD BONUS:LOADMULT|TYPE=SIZE|8|PRELEGSGTEQ:4 + +###Block: SIZENUM +F.MOD SIZENUM:010 +D.MOD SIZENUM:020 +T.MOD SIZENUM:030 +S.MOD SIZENUM:040 +M.MOD SIZENUM:050 +L.MOD SIZENUM:060 +H.MOD SIZENUM:070 +G.MOD SIZENUM:080 +C.MOD SIZENUM:090 +P.MOD SIZENUM:100 + + + + +###Block: Starship +T.MOD BONUS:VAR|StarshipAC_TLModified|2|TYPE=Size +S.MOD BONUS:VAR|StarshipAC_TLModified|1|TYPE=Size +M.MOD +L.MOD BONUS:VAR|StarshipAC_TLModified|-1|TYPE=Size +H.MOD BONUS:VAR|StarshipAC_TLModified|-2|TYPE=Size +G.MOD BONUS:VAR|StarshipAC_TLModified|-4|TYPE=Size +C.MOD BONUS:VAR|StarshipAC_TLModified|-8|TYPE=Size + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +# +# diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__stats.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__stats.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..28ebb7b6a --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__stats.lst @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + +# Name SORTKEY ABB Unique Key STATMOD Define Combat bonus Bonus to HP Modify VAR Ability Bonus +Strength SORTKEY:1 ABB:STR KEY:STR STATMOD:floor(SCORE/2)-5 DEFINE:PreStatScore_STR|0 BONUS:VAR|PreStatScore_STR|STRSCORE DEFINE:MAXLEVELSTAT=STR|STRSCORE-10 DEFINE:LOADSCORE|0 DEFINE:TWOHANDDAMAGEDIVISOR|0 DEFINE:OFFHANDLIGHTBONUS|0 DEFINE:RacialVision|0 DEFINE:OversizeWeaponToHitBonus|0 BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.Melee|STR|TYPE=Ability BONUS:COMBAT|DAMAGE.Melee|STR|TYPE=Ability BONUS:COMBAT|DAMAGE.Thrown|STR|TYPE=Ability BONUS:COMBAT|DAMAGE.Grenade|-STR BONUS:COMBAT|DAMAGEMULT:0|1 BONUS:COMBAT|DAMAGEMULT:1|1 BONUS:COMBAT|DAMAGEMULT:2|1 BONUS:VAR|LOADSCORE|STRSCORE BONUS:VAR|TWOHANDDAMAGEDIVISOR,OFFHANDLIGHTBONUS|2 BONUS:VAR|RacialVision|1|TYPE=Racial|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RacialVision ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Default BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT-PRIMARY|4 BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT-SECONDARY|10 +Dexterity SORTKEY:2 ABB:DEX KEY:DEX STATMOD:floor(SCORE/2)-5 DEFINE:PreStatScore_DEX|0 BONUS:VAR|PreStatScore_DEX|DEXSCORE DEFINE:MAXLEVELSTAT=DEX|DEXSCORE-10 DEFINE:INITCOMP|0 DEFINE:ACAbilityStat|0 DEFINE:MXDXEN|0 DEFINE:FightingDefensivelyACBonus|0 DEFINE:FightingDefensivelyAC|0 DEFINE:TotalDefenseACBonus|0 DEFINE:TotalDefenseAC|0 BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.Operative|max(STR,DEX)|TYPE=Ability BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.Thrown|(STR-DEX)|TYPE=Ability BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.Ranged|DEX|TYPE=Ability BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=Base BONUS:COMBAT|AC|min(ACAbilityStat, min(MXDXEN,MODEQUIPMAXDEX))|TYPE=Ability|PREVAREQ:ACStatNotDex,0 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|max(FightingDefensivelyAC,TotalDefenseAC)|TYPE=Dodge BONUS:VAR|INITCOMP|DEX BONUS:VAR|ACAbilityStat|DEX BONUS:VAR|MXDXEN|1000|PREVAREQ:ENCUMBERANCE,0 BONUS:VAR|MXDXEN|3|PREVAREQ:ENCUMBERANCE,1 BONUS:VAR|MXDXEN|1|PREVAREQ:ENCUMBERANCE,2 +Constitution SORTKEY:3 ABB:CON KEY:CON STATMOD:floor(SCORE/2)-5 DEFINE:PreStatScore_CON|0 BONUS:VAR|PreStatScore_CON|CONSCORE DEFINE:MAXLEVELSTAT=CON|CONSCORE-10 DEFINE:UseAlternateDamage|0 DEFINE:UseCombatManueverBonus|0 BONUS:HP|ALTHP|CON*TL +Intelligence SORTKEY:4 ABB:INT KEY:INT STATMOD:floor(SCORE/2)-5 DEFINE:PreStatScore_INT|0 BONUS:VAR|PreStatScore_INT|INTSCORE DEFINE:MAXLEVELSTAT=INT|MaxLevelStat_Int DEFINE:AdditionalLanguage|0 DEFINE:BonusRetroSkillPoints|0 DEFINE:MaxLevelStat_Int|0 BONUS:VAR|MaxLevelStat_Int|INTSCORE-10 BONUS:LANG|BONUS|max(INT,0)+var("AdditionalLanguage") BONUS:MODSKILLPOINTS|NUMBER|var("STAT.3.MOD.NOEQUIP.NOTEMP")+BonusRetroSkillPoints DEFINE:SkillRankCap|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillRankCap|max(20,TL) BONUS:VAR|AdditionalLanguage|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Culture") +Wisdom SORTKEY:5 ABB:WIS KEY:WIS STATMOD:floor(SCORE/2)-5 DEFINE:PreStatScore_WIS|0 BONUS:VAR|PreStatScore_WIS|WISSCORE DEFINE:MAXLEVELSTAT=WIS|WISSCORE-10 +Charisma SORTKEY:6 ABB:CHA KEY:CHA STATMOD:floor(SCORE/2)-5 DEFINE:PreStatScore_CHA|0 BONUS:VAR|PreStatScore_CHA|CHASCORE DEFINE:MAXLEVELSTAT=CHA|CHASCORE-10 DEFINE:BypassSizeMods|0 DEFINE:NormalMount|0 DEFINE:SizeIncrease|0 DEFINE:SizeDecrease|0 DEFINE:NormalFollower|0 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|min(CHA, min(MXDXEN,MODEQUIPMAXDEX))|TYPE=Ability|PREVAREQ:ACStatIsCha,1 BONUS:VAR|NormalMount,NormalFollower,SpyDrone|1 DEFINE:SpyDrone|0 TEMPLATE:Hands Tracker diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__variables.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__variables.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47ba35bd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr__variables.lst @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ + + +LOCAL:MOVEMENT|Speed + +LOCAL:VISION|Range + + +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|Capacity +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|AC_EAC +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|AC_KAC +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|StrengthValue +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|Bulk +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|ItemLevel +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|Price + +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT.PART|ToHit +# LOCAL:EQUIPMENT.PART|Damage=Die +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT.PART|Attacks +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT.PART|Damage + + +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|WeaponSlot +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|UpgradeSlot +LOCAL:EQUIPMENT|UpgradeSlotTaken + + + + + + + +LOCAL:SKILL|Rank +LOCAL:SKILL|Misc +LOCAL:SKILL|Stat +LOCAL:SKILL|Insight +LOCAL:SKILL|Morale +LOCAL:SKILL|Competence +LOCAL:SKILL|Racial +LOCAL:SKILL|Gear +LOCAL:SKILL|Other + +LOCAL:STAT|StrScore +GLOBAL:NUMBER=Unencumbered +GLOBAL:NUMBER=Encumbered +GLOBAL:NUMBER=Overloaded diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_abilities.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_abilities.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ecb109dd --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_abilities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,2085 @@ + +# COMMENT: This will serve the same purpose as Pathfinder, trying to limit it's super use though +Default CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|RaceHP BONUS:VAR|StarfinderSystem|1 BONUS:VAR|Resolve|max(1,TL/2+KeyAbilityBonus) ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Level|TL BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Acrobatics|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Athletics|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Athletics|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Bluff|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Bluff|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Computers|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Computers|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Culture|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Culture|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Diplomacy|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Diplomacy|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Disguise|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Disguise|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Engineering|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Engineering|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Intimidate|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Intimidate|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_LifeScience|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_LifeScience|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Medicine|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Medicine|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Mysticism|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Mysticism|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Perception|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Perception|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_PhysicalScience|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_PhysicalScience|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Piloting|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Piloting|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionAccountant|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionAccountant|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionActor|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionActor|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionArchaeologist|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionArchaeologist|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionArchitect|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionArchitect|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionArtist|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionArtist|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionBountyHunter|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionBountyHunter|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionComedian|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionComedian|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionConArtist|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionConArtist|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionCook|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionCook|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionCorporateProfessional|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionCorporateProfessional|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionCourtesan|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionCourtesan|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionCounselor|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionCounselor|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionDancer|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionDancer|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionDockworker|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionDockworker|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionElectrician|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionElectrician|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionFarmer|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionFarmer|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionGambler|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionGambler|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionGeneralContractor|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionGeneralContractor|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionHerbalist|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionHerbalist|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionLabTechnician|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionLabTechnician|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionLawyer|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionLawyer|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionMaintenanceWorker|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionMaintenanceWorker|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionManager|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionManager|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionMathematician|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionMathematician|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionMercenary|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionMercenary|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionMerchant|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionMerchant|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionMiner|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionMiner|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionMusician|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionMusician|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionOrator|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionOrator|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionPhilosopher|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionPhilosopher|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionPoet|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionPoet|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionPolitician|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionPolitician|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionProfessor|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionProfessor|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionPsychologist|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionPsychologist|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionSmuggler|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionSmuggler|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionVideoPersonality|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionVideoPersonality|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionVidgamer|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionVidgamer|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_ProfessionWriter|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_ProfessionWriter|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_SenseMotive|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_SenseMotive|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_SleightofHand|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_SleightofHand|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Stealth|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Stealth|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SkillCap_Survival|0 BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Survival|SkillCap_Level +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:EffectiveLVL|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DisplayUnarmedOff|0 BONUS:VAR|DisplayUnarmedOff|1|TYPE=Base|!PREWEAPONPROF:1,Unarmed +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:PC_Hands|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneCompanionLVL|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:MechanicMasterLVL|0 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|1st Base Class|PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Base=1 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:MysticChannelSkillBonus|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:TrickAttackDice|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:TrickAttackDamage|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SoldierCombatFeatCount|0 DEFINE:UnarmedStrikeStep|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:PCStatBoostLVL_A|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:PCStatBoostLVL_B|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:PCStatBoostLVL_C|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:PCStatBoostLVL_D|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:Move_Penalty|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:Move_Armor|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:Move_Encumbered|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:RaceHP|0 DEFINE:SkillPointBonus|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneArmorClass|0 DEFINE:DroneGoodSave_Fort|0 DEFINE:DroneGoodSave_Reflex|0 DEFINE:DroneGoodSave_Will|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:StarfinderSystem|0 DEFINE:Resolve|0 DEFINE:KeyAbilityScore|0 DEFINE:KeyAbilityBonus|0 DEFINE:ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|0 DEFINE:ToHit_Grenades|0 DEFINE:ToHit_SmallArms|0 DEFINE:ToHit_SniperWeapon|0 DEFINE:ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|0 DEFINE:ToHit_Longarms|0 DEFINE:ToHit_HeavyWeapons|0 DEFINE:Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|0 DEFINE:Damage_Grenades|0 DEFINE:Damage_SmallArms|0 DEFINE:Damage_SniperWeapons|0 DEFINE:Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|0 DEFINE:Damage_Longarms|0 DEFINE:Damage_HeavyWeapons|0 DEFINE:AcidResistanceBonus|0 DEFINE:ColdResistanceBonus|0 DEFINE:ElectricityResistanceBonus|0 DEFINE:FireResistanceBonus|0 DEFINE:SonicResistanceBonus|0 DEFINE:SkillCap_Level|0 DEFINE:SkillCap_Acrobatics|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:Walk|0 DEFINE:Fly|0 DEFINE:Burrow|0 DEFINE:Climb|0 + + + +# COMMENT: Define if First Class Skill Granted - FLAG +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Acrobatics|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Athletics|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Bluff|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Computers|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Culture|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Diplomacy|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Disguise|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Engineering|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Intimidate|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_LifeScience|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Medicine|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Mysticism|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Perception|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_PhysicalScience|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Piloting|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Profession|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_SenseMotive|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_SleightofHand|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Stealth|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_First_Survival|0 +# efine if Class Skill Granted - FLAG +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Acrobatics|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Athletics|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Bluff|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Computers|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Culture|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Diplomacy|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Disguise|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Engineering|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Intimidate|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_LifeScience|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Medicine|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Mysticism|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Perception|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_PhysicalScience|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Piloting|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Profession|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_SenseMotive|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_SleightofHand|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Stealth|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CS_Survival|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SolarianArmorBonus|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SolarianResistanceBonus|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SolarianDamageProgression|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SoldierKeyAbilityScore|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:SoldierKeyAbilityBonus|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:EnvoyImprovisationCount|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:MechanicCF_BYPASSBonus|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:MechanicTrickCount|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:MiracleWorkerTimes|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:Mechaniccf_CoordinatedAssaultBonus|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:ExocortexCompanionLVL|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneArmorSlot_TakenTimes|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneMeleeWeaponArm|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:CacheCapacitorProgession|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneAbilityIncrease|0 DEFINE:AC_DroneKAC|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:AC_DroneEAC|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneArmorSlot|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneExtraAmmoTaken|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneWeaponMount|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneModFlightSystemTaken|0 DEFINE:DroneWeaponMount|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneResistanceTaken|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneResistanceBase|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneModEnergyShieldTaken|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:DroneModFlightSystemTaken|0 DEFINE:DroneDR|0 DEFINE:DroneResistance_Acid|0 DEFINE:DroneResistance_Cold|0 DEFINE:DroneResistance_Sonic|0 DEFINE:DroneResistance_Elec|0 DEFINE:DroneResistance_Fire|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:MysticChannelSkillBonus|0 DEFINE:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL|0 DEFINE:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL|0 DEFINE:MysticHighestCastableLVL|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:OperativeEdgeBonus|0 DEFINE:StellarRevelationCount|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_Secondary|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_Primary|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_Sharpshoot|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_HitAndRun|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_Guard|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_Blitz|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_Bombard|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_ArcaneAssailant|0 DEFINE:FightingStyleLVL_ArmorStorm|0 +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD DEFINE:PhrenicAdeptLVL|0 DEFINE:StarfinderForerunnerLVL|0 + +# Workaround because BONUS:SKILL|TYPE=Base|OperativeEdgeBonus isn't working +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Acrobatics|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Athletics|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Bluff|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Computers|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Culture|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Diplomacy|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Disguise|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Engineering|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Intimidate|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Life Science|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Medicine|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Mysticism|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Perception|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Physical Science|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Piloting|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Accountant)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Actor)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Archaeologist)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Architect)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Artist)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Bounty Hunter)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Comedian)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Con Artist)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Cook)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Corporate Professional)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Courtesan)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Counselor)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Dancer)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Dockworker)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Electrician)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Farmer)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Gambler)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (General Contractor)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Herbalist)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Lab Technician)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Lawyer)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Maintenance Worker)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Manager)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Mathematician)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Mercenary)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Merchant)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Miner)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Musician)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Orator)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Philosopher)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Poet)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Politician)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Professor)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Psychologist)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Smuggler)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Video Personality)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Vidgamer)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Writer)|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Sense Motive|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Sleight of Hand|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Stealth|OperativeEdgeBonus +CATEGORY=Internal|Default.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Survival|OperativeEdgeBonus + +# COMMENT: TODO - Implement actual impact rules for Movement and Penalties for Encumbrance // Formula System replacement with Tom? Otherwise a lot more work needed. + +# Armor / Encumbrance Rule +# BONUS:VAR|Move_ALL|-Move_Penalty +# + +# -max(Move_Armor,Move_Encumbered)| +# BONUS:VAR|Move_Encumbered|10|PREVAREQ:Encumbrance,1 +# +# +# +# +#Encumbered +#While encumbered, you reduce each of your movement speeds +#by 10 feet, reduce your maximum Dexterity bonus to AC to +2, +#and take a –5 penalty to Strength- and Dexterity-based checks. +#Overburdened +#If you have the overburdened condition, you reduce each of your +#movement speeds to 5 feet, reduce your maximum Dexterity +#bonus to AC to +0, and take a –5 penalty to Strength- and +#Dexterity-based checks. +# +# + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +1st Base Class CATEGORY:Internal TEMPLATE:First Level Base Class + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +RaceType ~ Construct CATEGORY:Race DEFINESTAT:NONSTAT|CON + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Movement CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Walk 10|PREVAREQ:Walk,10 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Walk 20|PREVAREQ:Walk,20 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Walk 30|PREVAREQ:Walk,30 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Walk 40|PREVAREQ:Walk,40 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Walk 50|PREVAREQ:Walk,50 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Walk 60|PREVAREQ:Walk,60 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Fly 10|PREVAREQ:Fly,10 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Fly 20|PREVAREQ:Fly,20 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Fly 30|PREVAREQ:Fly,30 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Fly 40|PREVAREQ:Fly,40 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Fly 50|PREVAREQ:Fly,50 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Fly 60|PREVAREQ:Fly,60 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 10|PREVAREQ:Burrow,10 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 20|PREVAREQ:Burrow,20 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 30|PREVAREQ:Burrow,30 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 40|PREVAREQ:Burrow,40 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 50|PREVAREQ:Burrow,50 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 60|PREVAREQ:Burrow,60 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 05|PREVAREQ:Burrow,05 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 15|PREVAREQ:Burrow,15 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 25|PREVAREQ:Burrow,25 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 35|PREVAREQ:Burrow,35 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 45|PREVAREQ:Burrow,45 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Burrow 55|PREVAREQ:Burrow,55 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Swim 10|PREVAREQ:Swim,10 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Swim 20|PREVAREQ:Swim,20 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Swim 30|PREVAREQ:Swim,30 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Swim 40|PREVAREQ:Swim,40 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Swim 50|PREVAREQ:Swim,50 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Swim 60|PREVAREQ:Swim,60 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Climb 10|PREVAREQ:Climb,10 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Climb 20|PREVAREQ:Climb,20 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Climb 30|PREVAREQ:Climb,30 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Climb 40|PREVAREQ:Climb,40 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Climb 50|PREVAREQ:Climb,50 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Movement / Climb 60|PREVAREQ:Climb,60 +# +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Movement / Walk 10 MOVE:Walk,10 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Walk 20 MOVE:Walk,20 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Walk 30 MOVE:Walk,30 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Walk 40 MOVE:Walk,40 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Walk 50 MOVE:Walk,50 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Walk 60 MOVE:Walk,60 CATEGORY:Internal +# +Movement / Fly 10 MOVE:Fly,10 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Fly 20 MOVE:Fly,20 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Fly 30 MOVE:Fly,30 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Fly 40 MOVE:Fly,40 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Fly 50 MOVE:Fly,50 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Fly 60 MOVE:Fly,60 CATEGORY:Internal +# +Movement / Burrow 10 MOVE:Burrow,10 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 20 MOVE:Burrow,20 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 30 MOVE:Burrow,30 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 40 MOVE:Burrow,40 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 50 MOVE:Burrow,50 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 60 MOVE:Burrow,60 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 05 MOVE:Burrow,05 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 15 MOVE:Burrow,15 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 25 MOVE:Burrow,25 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 35 MOVE:Burrow,35 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 45 MOVE:Burrow,45 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Burrow 55 MOVE:Burrow,55 CATEGORY:Internal + +Movement / Swim 10 MOVE:Swim,10 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Swim 20 MOVE:Swim,20 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Swim 30 MOVE:Swim,30 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Swim 40 MOVE:Swim,40 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Swim 50 MOVE:Swim,50 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Swim 60 MOVE:Swim,60 CATEGORY:Internal + +Movement / Climb 10 MOVE:Climb,10 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Climb 20 MOVE:Climb,20 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Climb 30 MOVE:Climb,30 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Climb 40 MOVE:Climb,40 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Climb 50 MOVE:Climb,50 CATEGORY:Internal +Movement / Climb 60 MOVE:Climb,60 CATEGORY:Internal + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Hands ~ 01 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 01 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 02 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 02 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 03 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 03 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 04 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 04 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 05 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 05 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 06 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 06 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 07 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 07 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 08 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 08 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 09 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 09 CATEGORY:Internal +Hands ~ 10 TEMPLATE:Hands ~ 10 CATEGORY:Internal + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Aspect Combat Bonus ~ Mobility CATEGORY:Internal DESC:Referenced in Feat + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# COMMENT: This prompts for a Theme selection; also level stat boosts +Playable Race Selected CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Theme Selection|1 + BONUS:VAR|PCStatBoostLVL_A|if(TL>=5,4,0) + BONUS:VAR|PCStatBoostLVL_B|if(TL>=10,4,0) + BONUS:VAR|PCStatBoostLVL_C|if(TL>=15,4,0) + BONUS:VAR|PCStatBoostLVL_D|if(TL>=20,4,0) AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Unarmed BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Home Planet|1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Faction|1 + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++1 Strength KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ STR +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1a TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:STRSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|STR|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost STR ++2 Strength KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ STR +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1b TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:STRSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|STR|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost STR ++1 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ DEX +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2a TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:DEXSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|DEX|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost DEX ++2 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ DEX +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2b TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:DEXSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost DEX ++1 Constitution KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ CON +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3a TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CONSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CON|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CON ++2 Constitution KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ CON +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3b TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CONSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CON ++1 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ INT +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4a TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:INTSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|INT|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost INT ++2 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ INT +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4b TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:INTSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost INT ++1 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ WIS +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5a TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:WISSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|WIS|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost WIS ++2 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ WIS +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5b TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:WISSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost WIS ++1 Charisma KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ CHA +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6a TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CHASCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CHA|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CHA ++2 Charisma KEY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost ~ CHA +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6b TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CHASCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CHA|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 5 Stat Boost CHA + ++1 Strength KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ STR +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1a TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:STRSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|STR|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost STR ++2 Strength KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ STR +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1b TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:STRSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|STR|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost STR ++1 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ DEX +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2a TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:DEXSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|DEX|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost DEX ++2 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ DEX +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2b TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:DEXSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost DEX ++1 Constitution KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ CON +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3a TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CONSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CON|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CON ++2 Constitution KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ CON +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3b TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CONSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CON ++1 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ INT +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4a TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:INTSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|INT|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost INT ++2 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ INT +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4b TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:INTSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost INT ++1 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ WIS +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5a TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:WISSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|WIS|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost WIS ++2 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ WIS +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5b TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:WISSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost WIS ++1 Charisma KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ CHA +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6a TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CHASCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CHA|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CHA ++2 Charisma KEY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost ~ CHA +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6b TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CHASCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CHA|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 10 Stat Boost CHA + ++1 Strength KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ STR +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1a TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:STRSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|STR|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost STR ++2 Strength KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ STR +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1b TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:STRSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|STR|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost STR ++1 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ DEX +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2a TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:DEXSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|DEX|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost DEX ++2 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ DEX +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2b TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:DEXSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost DEX ++1 Constitution KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ CON +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3a TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CONSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CON|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CON ++2 Constitution KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ CON +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3b TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CONSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CON ++1 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ INT +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4a TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:INTSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|INT|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost INT ++2 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ INT +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4b TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:INTSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost INT ++1 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ WIS +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5a TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:WISSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|WIS|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost WIS ++2 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ WIS +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5b TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:WISSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost WIS ++1 Charisma KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ CHA +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6a TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CHASCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CHA|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CHA ++2 Charisma KEY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost ~ CHA +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6b TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CHASCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CHA|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 15 Stat Boost CHA + ++1 Strength KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ STR +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1a TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:STRSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|STR|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost STR ++2 Strength KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ STR +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_1b TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost STR CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:STRSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|STR|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost STR ++1 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ DEX +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2a TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:DEXSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|DEX|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost DEX ++2 Dexterity KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ DEX +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_2b TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost DEX CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:DEXSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost DEX ++1 Constitution KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ CON +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3a TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CONSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CON|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CON ++2 Constitution KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ CON +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_3b TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CON CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CONSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CON ++1 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ INT +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4a TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:INTSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|INT|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost INT ++2 Intelligence KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ INT +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_4b TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost INT CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:INTSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost INT ++1 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ WIS +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5a TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:WISSCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|WIS|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost WIS ++2 Wisdom KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ WIS +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_5b TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost WIS CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:WISSCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost WIS ++1 Charisma KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ CHA +1 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6a TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARGTEQ:CHASCORE,17 BONUS:STAT|CHA|1 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CHA ++2 Charisma KEY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost ~ CHA +2 SORTKEY:PCSTAT_6b TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CHA CATEGORY:Internal PREVARLTEQ:CHASCORE,16 BONUS:STAT|CHA|2 !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.PC Level 20 Stat Boost CHA + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Personal Upgrade 1 CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Personal Upgrade LVL 03|1 +Personal Upgrade 2 CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Personal Upgrade LVL 07|1 +Personal Upgrade 3 CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Personal Upgrade LVL 14|1 + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Personal Upgrade Mk 1 (STR) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 03 BONUS:STAT|STR|2|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 2 (STR) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 07 BONUS:STAT|STR|4|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 3 (STR) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 14 BONUS:STAT|STR|6|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade + +Personal Upgrade Mk 1 (DEX) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 03 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 2 (DEX) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 07 BONUS:STAT|DEX|4|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 3 (DEX) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 14 BONUS:STAT|DEX|6|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade + +Personal Upgrade Mk 1 (CON) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 03 BONUS:STAT|CON|2|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 2 (CON) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 07 BONUS:STAT|CON|4|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 3 (CON) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 14 BONUS:STAT|CON|6|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade + +Personal Upgrade Mk 1 (INT) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 03 BONUS:STAT|INT|2|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 2 (INT) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 07 BONUS:STAT|INT|4|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 3 (INT) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 14 BONUS:STAT|INT|6|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade + +Personal Upgrade Mk 1 (WIS) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 03 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 2 (WIS) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 07 BONUS:STAT|WIS|4|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 3 (WIS) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 14 BONUS:STAT|WIS|6|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade + +Personal Upgrade Mk 1 (CHA) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 03 BONUS:STAT|CHA|2|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 2 (CHA) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 07 BONUS:STAT|CHA|4|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade +Personal Upgrade Mk 3 (CHA) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 14 BONUS:STAT|CHA|6|TYPE=PersonalUpgrade + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +ACE PILOT ASPECT:TITLE|ACE PILOT SOURCEPAGE:p.29 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:You are most comfortable at the controls of a vehicle, whether it's a starship racing through the inky void of space or a ground vehicle zooming between trees, around boulders, and across dusty badlands. You might be a member of an elite military force, the recipient of intense courses of training. Alternatively, you might be a total amateur with innate skills that make you a much-admired hotshot. ABILITY:ACE PILOT Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ACE PILOT Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:ACE PILOT Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ACE PILOT Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:ACE PILOT Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ACE PILOT Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:ACE PILOT Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ACE PILOT Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +BOUNTY HUNTER ASPECT:TITLE|BOUNTY HUNTER SOURCEPAGE:p.30 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:You track people down for money. It is a dangerous profession, as most of your targets understandably don't wish to be caught. You wouldn't have it any other way. You might have a code of ethics, never taking jobs that, say, target children or members of your own race. You might hunt down only escaped criminals. Or you might be completely amoral, taking any job that comes along-for the right price. ABILITY:BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +ICON ASPECT:TITLE|ICON SOURCEPAGE:p.31 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:Thanks to interstellar transmissions and Drift travel, the galaxy is smaller than ever, and this connectivity has facilitated your ascension to celebrity status. You might be a famous performer or a celebrated scientist, but either way, you get recognized on the Pact Worlds and in associated systems. Your reason for traveling to unknown worlds might be to further spread your acclaim or to escape the limelight. ABILITY:ICON Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ICON Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:ICON Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ICON Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:ICON Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ICON Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:ICON Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ICON Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +MERCENARY ASPECT:TITLE|MERCENARY SOURCEPAGE:p.32 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:Whether you take jobs that match your ethical beliefs or you fight for anyone who can afford your services, you are a hired gun. You might take pride in your past accomplishments, proudly displaying trophies of your kills, or you might be laden with guilt over being the sole survivor of a mission gone terribly wrong. You most likely work with other mercenaries and are familiar with the methodologies of military actions all across the galaxy. ABILITY:MERCENARY Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=MERCENARY Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:MERCENARY Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=MERCENARY Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:MERCENARY Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=MERCENARY Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:MERCENARY Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=MERCENARY Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +OUTLAW ASPECT:TITLE|OUTLAW SOURCEPAGE:p.33 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:Due to the sins of your past or your current unlawful behavior, you are a wanted individual somewhere in the Pact Worlds. You might not even be guilty and are striving to clear your good name. Or you might fully admit to being a criminal but believe the laws you break are unjust. Whatever the case, boarding a starship headed to the Vast might be just the thing you need until the heat dies down-or until you're dragged off to prison. ABILITY:OUTLAW Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=OUTLAW Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:OUTLAW Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=OUTLAW Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:OUTLAW Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=OUTLAW Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:OUTLAW Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=OUTLAW Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +PRIEST ASPECT:TITLE|PRIEST SOURCEPAGE:p.34 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:You are a member of an organized religion or similar association. Your belief, whether it has been a part of you since childhood or it came to you later in life, is an integral part of your character. You might travel the stars proselytizing your deity, or your church might have sent you out on a specific holy (or unholy) mission. No matter what obstacles life puts in your way, you always have the conviction of your beliefs to fall back on. ABILITY:PRIEST Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:PRIEST Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:PRIEST Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:PRIEST Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +SCHOLAR ASPECT:TITLE|SCHOLAR SOURCEPAGE:p.35 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:You are an erudite intellectual, pitting your brain against problems and puzzles that others would find daunting. You might be an instructor of a specific topic at a large university or a dabbler in a number of fields of study. You could be exploring the galaxy in search of ancient artifacts or new scientific phenomena. Whatever your motivation, you are sure that the answers you seek are out there. ABILITY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +SPACEFARER ASPECT:TITLE|SPACEFARER SOURCEPAGE:p.36 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:Your longing to journey among the stars can't be sated. You yearn for the adventure of stepping onto a distant world and exploring its secrets. You tend to greet every new opportunity with bravery and fortitude, confident that your multitude of skills will pull you through. Perhaps you simply find joy in the act of traveling with your companions, or perhaps you are just out to line your pockets with all sorts of alien loot! ABILITY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +XENOSEEKER ASPECT:TITLE|XENOSEEKER SOURCEPAGE:p.37 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:The thought of meeting alien life-forms excites you. The more different their appearances and customs are from yours, the better! You either believe they have much to teach you or you want to prove you are better than them. Of course, the only way to accomplish your goal is to leave the Pact Worlds and travel to the Vast, where a virtually endless number of aliens await. ABILITY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 +THEMELESS ASPECT:TITLE|THEMELESS SOURCEPAGE:p.28 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Selection SORTKEY:01_Theme DESC:If you decide that none of the themes above fit your particular character concept, you can choose not to have a theme. You then gain the following benefits at the listed levels. A themeless character is considerably less powerful than a character with a theme, so choose this option with care. ABILITY:THEMELESS Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=THEMELESS Theme Benefit Lvl 1 ABILITY:THEMELESS Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=THEMELESS Theme Benefit Lvl 6|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 ABILITY:THEMELESS Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=THEMELESS Theme Benefit Lvl 12|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=12 ABILITY:THEMELESS Theme Benefit|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=THEMELESS Theme Benefit Lvl 18|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=18 + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Themeless +General Knowledge KEY:Themeless Theme Benefit ~ General Knowledge SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.28 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:You gain a class skill of your choice when you create a themeless character. Also, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to any ability score you choose. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Themeless Class Skill|1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Themeless +1 Ability Score|1 +Certainty KEY:Themeless Theme Benefit ~ Certainty SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.28 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:Once per day before you roll a skill check, you can gain a +2 bonus to that skill for that check. +Extensive Studies KEY:Themeless Theme Benefit ~ Extensive Studies SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.28 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:Choose a skill that is a class skill for you. Once per day, you can reroll one such skill check before learning the results of the roll. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. +Steely Determination KEY:Themeless Theme Benefit ~ Steely Determination SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.28 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit.Themeless Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Increase your pool of Resolve Points by 1. BONUS:VAR|Resolve|1|TYPE=Theme + +# Ace Pilot +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:Ace Pilot Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.29 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:You are obsessed with starships and vehicles, and have committed to memory almost every related tidbit of knowledge you've ever come across. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about starship and vehicle models and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots by 5. Piloting is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to your Piloting checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Dexterity at character creation. BONUS:STAT|DEX|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Piloting BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Piloting|1|TYPE=Theme BONUS:SKILL|Piloting|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_Piloting,2 +LONE WOLF KEY:Ace Pilot Theme Benefit ~ LONE WOLF SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.29 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:You know at least a little bit about handling every role on a starship, and you can sub in for certain tasks in a pinch. Whenever you need to attempt a skill check either during starship combat or to directly repair or otherwise maintain your starship, you can treat half your ranks in Piloting as your ranks in the appropriate skill for the check, if that would be better (since you effectively have ranks in the related skill, you are considered trained in the skill for the purposes of this check). +NEED FOR SPEED KEY:Ace Pilot Theme Benefit ~ NEED FOR SPEED SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.29 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:Speeding in a vehicle gives you a heady rush, and you can easily handle operating vehicles at high velocities that might send lesser pilots spinning out of control. Reduce any penalties to Piloting checks you make when on a vehicle by 1. When you take the double maneuver action during a vehicle chase (see page 283), reduce the penalty for each action by 1. Whenever a Piloting check has a penalty for failing by 5 or more, you take that penalty only if you fail by 10 or more. +MASTER PILOT KEY:Ace Pilot Theme Benefit ~ MASTER PILOT SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.29 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit.Ace Pilot Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Your piloting accomplishments invigorate you, giving you renewed purpose and zeal. Up to twice per day, when you defeat a significant foe in starship combat as a pilot or succeed in a vehicle chase (meaning that you've either escaped a pursuer or caught or defeated your opponent), you recover 1 Resolve Point. + +# Bounty Hunter +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.30 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:Your mind is a cold steel trap when it comes to scraps of information about the creatures you're tracking down. Choose a specific sentient creature that you can identify by name, alias, or specific identity to be your mark. Reduce the DC of Culture or Profession (bounty hunter) checks to recall knowledge about your mark, as well as to recall knowledge about law-enforcement individuals and practices, by 5. If you choose a mark that is known only by an alias or secret identity, this ability helps you learn facts only about the identity you know about, not any other unknown identities. Once you defeat your mark, as an action that takes 1 minute, you can study dossiers and database information about another individual to be your new mark. You can instead abandon your mark for a new one without defeating it, but if you do so, you take a -2 penalty to all skill checks for 1 week. Survival is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Survival checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at character creation. BONUS:STAT|CON|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Survival BONUS:SKILL|Survival|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_Survival,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Survival|1|TYPE=Theme +SWIFT HUNTER KEY:Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit ~ SWIFT HUNTER SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.30 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:You know just how to ask around about your marks to gain information and insight in a hurry. You can use Diplomacy to gather information about a specific individual in half the normal time, and you reduce the penalty for following tracks using Survival while moving at full speed to 0. +RELENTLESS KEY:Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit ~ RELENTLESS SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.30 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:You never seem to get tired, even when working longer and harder than everyone else in pursuit of your mark; some of your targets might even refer to you as a tireless ghost or an all-seeing hunter. You can walk or be otherwise active for 12 hours instead of 8 before needing to attempt Constitution checks for a forced march (see page 258), and you can hustle for 2 hours a day during overland travel (see page 258) instead of 1 hour. Reduce the penalty for following tracks using Survival while moving at double speed to -10. +MASTER HUNTER KEY:Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit ~ MASTER HUNTER SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.30 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit.Bounty Hunter Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Your relentless pursuit of your mark steels your determination and can renew your inner reserves of strength. Once per day while in pursuit of your mark, you can review current information about your mark for 10 minutes to regain 1 Resolve Point; this doesn't count as resting to regain Stamina Points. Additionally, once per day when you defeat your mark, you regain 1 Resolve Point. + +# Icon +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:Icon Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.31 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:Choose a Profession skill. You are hooked deeply into the culture of your iconic profession. When attempting a Profession or Culture check to recall knowledge about other icons of your profession or details about your profession's cultural aspects, increase the DC by 5. You gain a +1 bonus to checks with your chosen Profession skill. Culture also becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Culture checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation. BONUS:STAT|CHA|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Culture BONUS:SKILL|Culture|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_Culture,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Culture|1|TYPE=Theme BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Icon Profession|1 +CELEBRITY KEY:Icon Theme Benefit ~ CELEBRITY SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.31 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:You are famous enough that pretty much everyone has either heard of you or can quickly find information about you (it's a DC 10 Culture check to recognize your name and a DC 20 Culture check for someone to recognize you out of context from your appearance alone). Among those who follow your iconic profession, you've built up both fans and detractors due to your celebrity. If you're looking for a generic person like "a doctor who can treat this disease," you can almost always find one who's a fan and whose attitude starts as friendly or helpful to you; this takes 2d4 hours. At the GM's discretion, fans might give you services (although not goods) for a discount or even for free. +MEGACELEBRITY KEY:Icon Theme Benefit ~ MEGACELEBRITY SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.31 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:Your reputation grows to the point that your name is ubiquitous. The DC of Culture checks to recognize you is reduced to 5 (or 10 to recognize you out of context from your appearance alone) and it takes only 1d4 hours to find a fan who meets a generic description. In addition, fans give you a 10%% discount on purchased goods. +MASTER ICON KEY:Icon Theme Benefit ~ MASTER ICON SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.31 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit.Icon Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Up to twice per day, you can interact with the public about your profession (usually during a performance, such as a concert, but sometimes in a press conference afterward if your profession requires no audience) for a total of at least 10 minutes to recover 1 Resolve Point. + +# Mercenary +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:Mercenary Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.32 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:You are knowledgeable about the military, from rival mercenary groups to standard military procedures to planetary armed forces, and you can draw upon this fount of information to aid your adventurous pursuits. Reduce the DC of Culture checks and Profession (mercenary) checks to recall knowledge about hierarchies, practices, personnel, and so on in the military by 5. Athletics is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Athletics checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Strength at character creation. BONUS:STAT|STR|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Athletics BONUS:SKILL|Athletics|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_Athletics,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Athletics|1|TYPE=Theme +GRUNT KEY:Mercenary Theme Benefit ~ GRUNT SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.32 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:You're used to long marches while carrying heavy equipment and can hoist most machinery with ease. Treat your Strength as 1 higher for the purpose of determining your bulk limit (see page 167). +SQUAD LEADER KEY:Mercenary Theme Benefit ~ SQUAD LEADER SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.32 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:You are extremely skilled at coordinating with your squad, both because of your tactical efficiency and because of the respect that you command. If you are able to attempt the check in question, you automatically succeed at a skill check to aid another (see page 133) when assisting a squad member or other longtime ally (such as a fellow PC). +COMMANDER KEY:Mercenary Theme Benefit ~ COMMANDER SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.32 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit.Mercenary Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:You pull determination from your victories with your squad, no matter how bloody. After participating in at least three combats in a day in which you defeat distinct groups of significant foes, you recover 1 Resolve Point. After participating in six such combats in a day, you recover a second Resolve Point. + +# Outlaw +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:Outlaw Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.33 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:You are well connected to shadowy secrets and back-alley deals, and you both know about key players and have handy skills of your own. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about the criminal underworld by 5. Sleight of Hand is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Dexterity at character creation. BONUS:STAT|DEX|1|TYPE=Theme BONUS:SKILL|Sleight of Hand|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_SleightofHand,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Sleight of Hand +LEGAL CORRUPTION KEY:Outlaw Theme Benefit ~ LEGAL CORRUPTION SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.33 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:Your underworld contacts have serious pull with the corporations and the authorities and can get you out of just about any legal trouble-as long as you're willing to pay the right price. Depending on the severity of the crime, this can be anywhere between 500 credits x your character level and 10,000 credits x your character level. +BLACK MARKET CONNECTIONS KEY:Outlaw Theme Benefit ~ BLACK MARKET CONNECTIONS SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.33 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:You have contacts who can move goods of all manner discreetly and quietly just about anywhere to nearly any destination you can imagine. You can sell goods in any city for their usual price, even if the goods are illegal or too luxurious for the locals to afford. Additionally, for 10%% more than the usual price, you can purchase goods to be delivered to a remote drop-off point (possibly near an adventure location) in the same solar system as a familiar city. The delivery always takes at least as long as the journey between the city and the drop-off point-and usually longer. +MASTER OUTLAW KEY:Outlaw Theme Benefit ~ MASTER OUTLAW SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.33 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit.Outlaw Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Organizing shady plans is one of your specialties, and doing so is like a sweet shot of adrenaline. Up to twice per day, after you spend at least 10 minutes to plan a significant heist, caper, or other crime (this doesn't count as resting to regain Stamina Points) and successfully complete at least one action toward enacting that plan, you regain 1 Resolve Point. + +# PRIEST +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:PRIEST Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.34 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:Choose a deity or a philosophy whose alignment is within one step (on either the good-evil axis or the law-chaos axis) of your own. Reduce the DC of Culture and Mysticism checks to recall knowledge about religious traditions, religious symbols, and famous religious leaders by 5. Mysticism becomes a class skill for you, though if it's a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Mysticism checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Wisdom at character creation. BONUS:STAT|WIS|1|TYPE=Theme BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Mysticism|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Mysticism BONUS:SKILL|Mysticism|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_Mysticism,2 +MANTLE OF THE CLERGY KEY:PRIEST Theme Benefit ~ MANTLE OF THE CLERGY SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.34 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:You have reached a rank of authority in your religion. Typical lay followers of your religion have a starting attitude of helpful toward you and will often provide you with simple assistance on request due to some combination of adoration, respect, or fear (depending on your religion), and even other clergy must give your opinions due consideration in matters of disagreement. You gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against lay followers and lowerranking clergy. +DIVINE BOON KEY:PRIEST Theme Benefit ~ DIVINE BOON SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.34 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:Your deity grants you mystic power. Choose one 1stlevel mystic spell with some connection to your deity's portfolio (subject to the GM's approval). If you have levels in the mystic class, you gain 1 additional 1stlevel spell per day and add the chosen spell to your list of mystic spells known. Otherwise, you can use the chosen spell once per day as a spell-like ability. +TRUE COMMUNION KEY:PRIEST Theme Benefit ~ TRUE COMMUNION SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.34 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit.PRIEST Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Up to twice per day, after performing a significant action strongly aligned with your faith's dogma (at the GM's discretion), you can spend 10 minutes in deep meditation or prayer to regain 1 Resolve Point; this doesn't count as resting to regain Stamina Points. + +# SCHOLAR +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.35 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:You are an expert in one particular field of study, and your passion for the subject shows. Choose either Life Science or Physical Science and then choose a field of specialization. If you pick Life Science, you can specialize in bioengineering, biology, botany, ecology, genetics, xenobiology, zoology, or another field of biological science. If you pick Physical Science, you can specialize in astronomy, chemistry, climatology, geography, geology, meteorology, oceanography, physics, or another field of physical science. The DC of skill checks to recall knowledge about your specialty is reduced by 5. Your chosen skill is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to checks with your chosen skill. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation. BONUS:STAT|INT|1|TYPE=Theme BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Scholar Theme Chosen Skill|1 +TIP OF THE TONGUE KEY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit ~ TIP OF THE TONGUE SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.35 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:Sometimes, after pausing to collect your thoughts, you realize that you know the answer to a particularly challenging question. Once per day, you can reroll any skill check (see page 243) to recall knowledge. You must decide to use this ability after rolling but before learning the information from your first roll. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. +RESEARCH MAVEN KEY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit ~ RESEARCH MAVEN SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.35 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:You can research much faster than most other people, allowing you to collate information from databases, libraries, and other sources in one-quarter the normal time; with this ability, you can typically take 20 to recall knowledge in 5 rounds. +MASTER SCHOLAR KEY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit ~ MASTER SCHOLAR SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.35 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit.SCHOLAR Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:To you, learning and absorbing knowledge related to your field of expertise is as refreshing as drinking from a cool spring in the middle of a desert planet. Up to twice per day, when in a situation where information from your specialty field could be useful (at the GM's discretion), you can spend 10 minutes in deep contemplation and research of your specialty field and recover 1 Resolve Point, in addition to using recall knowledge (see page 133) for the information you seek; this doesn't count as resting to regain Stamina Points. + +# SPACEFARER +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.36 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:You are obsessed with distant worlds, and you always mentally catalog everything you learn about new and strange places so you can recall it when you need it most. Additionally, you use your knowledge of biology and topology to inure yourself to alien hazards. Reduce the DC of Physical Science checks to recall knowledge about strange new worlds or features of space by 5. Physical Science is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Physical Science checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at character creation. BONUS:STAT|CON|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Physical Science BONUS:SKILL|Physical Science|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_PhysicalScience,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=Theme +EAGER DABBLER KEY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit ~ EAGER DABBLER SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.36 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:In your journeys, you've picked up quite a few tricks about all sorts of things, even if you haven't formally studied them, and you can often use this logic and intuition to your advantage. You gain a +2 bonus to skill checks if you don't have any ranks in that skill. This ability does not allow you to attempt checks for trained-only skills (see page 134). +JACK OF ALL TRADES KEY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit ~ JACK OF ALL TRADES SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.36 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:You can do just about anything if you put your mind to it, and you never let lack of formal instruction stand between you and a task that needs handling. You can use all skills untrained, even if you could not normally do so, and when you roll a natural 20 while attempting a skill check for a skill in which you don't have ranks, your bonus from eager dabbler increases to +4. +MASTER EXPLORER KEY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit ~ MASTER EXPLORER SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.36 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit.SPACEFARER Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Scientifically noting the even tiniest details about a new place-including everything from apparent colors and incline grades to barometric, seismic, and other delicate readings-is absolutely invigorating to you. Up to twice per day while on an unexplored planet (typically one that has had no contact with the Pact Worlds, though it doesn't need to be one you discovered yourself), you can spend 10 minutes exploring, mapping, and documenting a new geographical feature to recover 1 Resolve Point; this doesn't count as resting to regain Stamina Points + +# XENOSEEKER +THEME KNOWLEDGE KEY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit ~ THEME KNOWLEDGE SORTKEY:02a_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.37 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 1 DESC:You are trained to seek out, identify, and interact with alien life-forms. Reduce the DC to identify a rare creature using Life Science by 5. Life Science is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Life Science checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation. BONUS:STAT|CHA|1|TYPE=Theme CSKILL:Life Science BONUS:SKILL|Life Science|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_LifeScience,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_LifeScience|1|TYPE=Theme +QUICK PIDGIN KEY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit ~ QUICK PIDGIN SORTKEY:02b_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.37 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 6 DESC:If you don't share a language with creatures you encounter, you and the creatures can spend 10 minutes attempting to converse (if they are willing), after which you attempt a DC 25 Culture check. If you succeed, you formulate a simple pidgin language that allows basic communication. You can use the pidgin language with those specific creatures only, but you gain a +2 bonus to Culture checks to create a pidgin language with similar creatures that speak the same language. +FIRST CONTACT KEY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit ~ FIRST CONTACT SORTKEY:02c_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.37 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 12 DESC:The thought of meeting alien life-forms excites you. The more different their appearances and customs are from yours, the better! You either believe they have much to teach you or you want to prove you are better than them. Of course, the only way to accomplish your goal is to leave the Pact Worlds and travel to the Vast, where a virtually endless number of aliens await. You know how to make a good first impression on new races and assuage their fears of the unknown. When meeting a creature that has never seen your race or any of the races of your traveling companions, if it would normally be unfriendly to unknown races, treat it as indifferent instead. This has no effect if the creature would be hostile, indifferent, friendly, or helpful. +BRILLIANT DISCOVERY KEY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit ~ BRILLIANT DISCOVERY SORTKEY:02d_Theme SOURCEPAGE:p.37 CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme.Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit.XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit Lvl 18 DESC:Up to twice per day, when you discover and document a new species of flora or fauna, you recover 1 RP. On an unexplored planet where every species is new, this process usually takes 10 minutes at most (and doesn't count as rest to regain SP), but even on known planets, you might be able to find a new species in 1d4 hours (or fewer) in a remote biome or one with a high variety of wildlife. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Choose Class Skill TYPE:Themeless Class Skill CATEGORY:Internal CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Base MULT:YES STACK:NO CSKILL:LIST +Choose Ability Score TYPE:Themeless +1 Ability Score CATEGORY:Internal CHOOSE:PCSTAT|ALL MULT:YES STACK:NO BONUS:STAT|%LIST|1 + +Life Science TYPE:Scholar Theme Chosen Skill CATEGORY:Internal CSKILL:Life Science BONUS:SKILL|Life Science|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_LifeScience,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_LifeScience|1|TYPE=Theme BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Life Science Specialty|1 +Physical Science TYPE:Scholar Theme Chosen Skill CATEGORY:Internal CSKILL:Physical Science BONUS:SKILL|Physical Science|1|PREVARGTEQ:CS_First_PhysicalScience,2 BONUS:VAR|CS_First_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=Theme BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Physical Science Specialty|1 + +Icon Profession TYPE:Icon Profession CATEGORY:Class Feature CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE.Profession MULT:YES STACK:NO BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|1 + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Life Science +Life Science Specialty / Bioengineering TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Life Science Specialty / Biology TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Life Science Specialty / Botany TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Life Science Specialty / Ecology TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Life Science Specialty / Genetics TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Life Science Specialty / Xenobiology TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Life Science Specialty / Zoology TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Another Field Of Biological Science TYPE:Life Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme CHOOSE:USERINPUT STACK:YES MULT:YES ASPECT:NAME|Life Science Specialty / %1|%LIST + +# Physical Science +Physical Science Specialty / Astronomy TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Physical Science Specialty / Chemistry TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Physical Science Specialty / Climatology TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Physical Science Specialty / Geography TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Physical Science Specialty / Geology TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Physical Science Specialty / Meteorology TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Physical Science Specialty / Oceanography TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Physical Science Specialty / Physics TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme +Another Field Of Physical Science TYPE:Physical Science Specialty.Theme CATEGORY:Theme CHOOSE:USERINPUT STACK:YES MULT:YES ASPECT:NAME|Physical Science Specialty / %1|%LIST + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Race Selection - granted by the race, grants default racial traits, and prompts for a theme as a playable race +Android CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Android Race Selection ~ Default +Human CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Human Race Selection ~ Default +Kasatha CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Kasatha Race Selection ~ Default +Lashunta CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Lashunta Race Selection ~ Default +Shirren CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Shirren Race Selection ~ Default +Vesk CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Vesk Race Selection ~ Default +Ysoki CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Ysoki Race Selection ~ Default + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Race Selection - These are never seen by the user. +Android Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:AndroidRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|4 ABILITY:Android Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Android Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE ABILITY:Android Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Android Default ~ CONSTRUCTED ABILITY:Android Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Android Default ~ EXCEPTIONAL VISION ABILITY:Android Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Android Default ~ FLAT AFFECT ABILITY:Android Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Android Default ~ UPGRADE SLOT +Human Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:HumanRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|4 ABILITY:Human Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Human Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE ABILITY:Human Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Human Default ~ BONUS FEAT ABILITY:Human Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Human Default ~ SKILLED BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|+2 Racial Stat Bonus|1 +Kasatha Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:KasathaRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|4 ABILITY:Kasatha Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Kasatha Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE ABILITY:Kasatha Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Kasatha Default ~ DESERT STRIDE ABILITY:Kasatha Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Kasatha Default ~ FOUR-ARMED ABILITY:Kasatha Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Kasatha Default ~ HISTORIAN ABILITY:Kasatha Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Kasatha Default ~ NATURAL GRACE +Lashunta Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:LashuntaRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|4 ABILITY:Lashunta Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Lashunta Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE ABILITY:Lashunta Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Lashunta Default ~ DIMORPHIC ABILITY:Lashunta Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Lashunta Default ~ LASHUNTA MAGIC ABILITY:Lashunta Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Lashunta Default ~ LIMITED TELEPATHY ABILITY:Lashunta Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Lashunta Default ~ STUDENT +Shirren Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:ShirrenRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|6 ABILITY:Shirren Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Shirren Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE ABILITY:Shirren Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Shirren Default ~ BLINDSENSE ABILITY:Shirren Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Shirren Default ~ COMMUNALISM ABILITY:Shirren Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Shirren Default ~ CULTURAL FASCINATION ABILITY:Shirren Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Shirren Default ~ LIMITED TELEPATHY +Vesk Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:VeskRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|6 ABILITY:Vesk Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Vesk Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE ABILITY:Vesk Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Vesk Default ~ ARMOR SAVANT ABILITY:Vesk Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Vesk Default ~ FEARLESS ABILITY:Vesk Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Vesk Default ~ LOW-LIGHT VISION ABILITY:Vesk Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Vesk Default ~ NATURAL WEAPONS +Ysoki Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:YsokiRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|2 ABILITY:Ysoki Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Ysoki Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE ABILITY:Ysoki Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Ysoki Default ~ CHEEK POUCHES ABILITY:Ysoki Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Ysoki Default ~ DARKVISION ABILITY:Ysoki Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Ysoki Default ~ MOXIE ABILITY:Ysoki Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|Ysoki Default ~ SCROUNGER + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Android +SIZE AND TYPE SORTKEY:a1 KEY:Android Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE SOURCEPAGE:p.42 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Android Racial Trait DESC:Androids are Medium humanoids with the android subtype. +CONSTRUCTED SORTKEY:a2 KEY:Android Default ~ CONSTRUCTED SOURCEPAGE:p.42 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Android Racial Trait DESC:For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs +EXCEPTIONAL VISION SORTKEY:a3 KEY:Android Default ~ EXCEPTIONAL VISION SOURCEPAGE:p.42 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Android Racial Trait DESC:Androids have low-light vision and darkvision. As a result, they can see in dim light as if it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in black and white only. See low-light vision and darkvision on pages 264 and 263. +FLAT AFFECT SORTKEY:a4 KEY:Android Default ~ FLAT AFFECT SOURCEPAGE:p.42 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Android Racial Trait DESC:Androids find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a -2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2. BONUS:SKILL|Sense Motive|-2 +UPGRADE SLOT SORTKEY:a5 KEY:Android Default ~ UPGRADE SLOT SOURCEPAGE:p.42 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Android Racial Trait DESC:Androids have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether androids are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor. + +# Human +SIZE AND TYPE SORTKEY:h1 KEY:Human Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE SOURCEPAGE:p.44 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Human Racial Trait DESC:Humans are Medium humanoids and have the human subtype. +BONUS FEAT SORTKEY:h2 KEY:Human Default ~ BONUS FEAT SOURCEPAGE:p.44 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Human Racial Trait DESC:Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|FEAT|1 +SKILLED SORTKEY:h3 KEY:Human Default ~ SKILLED SOURCEPAGE:p.44 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Human Racial Trait DESC:Humans gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and each level thereafter. BONUS:VAR|SkillPointBonus|1 + ++2 Racial Stat Bonus CATEGORY:Racial Trait BONUS:STAT|%LIST|2|TYPE=Racial MULT:YES STACK:NO CHOOSE:PCSTAT|ALL + +# Kasatha +SIZE AND TYPE SORTKEY:k1 KEY:Kasatha Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE SOURCEPAGE:p.46 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Kasatha Racial Trait DESC:Kasathas are Medium humanoids with the kasatha subtype. +DESERT STRIDE SORTKEY:k2 KEY:Kasatha Default ~ DESERT STRIDE SOURCEPAGE:p.46 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Kasatha Racial Trait DESC:Kasathas can move through nonmagical difficult terrain in deserts, hills, and mountains at their normal speed. +FOUR-ARMED SORTKEY:k3 KEY:Kasatha Default ~ FOUR-ARMED SOURCEPAGE:p.46 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Kasatha Racial Trait DESC:Kasathas have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands' worth of weapons and equipment. While their multiple arms increase the number of items they can have at the ready, it doesn't increase the number of attacks they can make during combat. +HISTORIAN SORTKEY:k4 KEY:Kasatha Default ~ HISTORIAN SOURCEPAGE:p.46 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Kasatha Racial Trait DESC:Due to their in-depth historical training and the wide-ranging academic background knowledge they possess, kasathas receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture checks. +NATURAL GRACE SORTKEY:k5 KEY:Kasatha Default ~ NATURAL GRACE SOURCEPAGE:p.46 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Kasatha Racial Trait DESC:Kasathas receive a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks. + +# Lashunta +SIZE AND TYPE SORTKEY:l1 KEY:Lashunta Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE SOURCEPAGE:p.48 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Lashunta Racial Trait DESC:Lashuntas are Medium humanoids with the lashunta subtype. +DIMORPHIC SORTKEY:l2a KEY:Lashunta Default ~ DIMORPHIC SOURCEPAGE:p.48 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Lashunta Racial Trait DESC:All lashuntas gain +2 Charisma at character creation. Korasha lashuntas are muscular (+2 Strength at character creation) but often brash and unobservant (-2 Wisdom at character creation). Damaya lashuntas are typically clever and well-spoken (+2 Intelligence at character creation) but somewhat delicate (-2 Constitution at character creation). BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Lashunta Subrace Selection|1 +LASHUNTA MAGIC SORTKEY:l3 KEY:Lashunta Default ~ LASHUNTA MAGIC SOURCEPAGE:p.48 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Lashunta Racial Trait DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Lashuntas gain the following spell-like abilities: At will: daze, psychokinetic hand 1/day: detect thoughts See Spell-like Abilities on page 262. The caster level for these effects is equal to the lashunta's level. +LIMITED TELEPATHY SORTKEY:l4 KEY:Lashunta Default ~ LIMITED TELEPATHY SOURCEPAGE:p.48 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Lashunta Racial Trait DESC:Lashuntas can mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speaking. +STUDENT SORTKEY:l5 KEY:Lashunta Default ~ STUDENT SOURCEPAGE:p.48 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Lashunta Racial Trait DESC:Lashuntas love to learn, and they receive a +2 racial bonus to any two skills of their choice. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|+2 Racial Bonus to Skill|2 + +# Lashunta Subrace Selection +Korasha SORTKEY:12b KEY:Lashunta Subrace ~ Korasha CATEGORY:Racial Trait TEMPLATE:Korasha TYPE:Lashunta Subrace Selection BONUS:STAT|STR|2|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|WIS|-2|TYPE=Racial +Damaya SORTKEY:12b KEY:Lashunta Subrace ~ Damaya CATEGORY:Racial Trait TEMPLATE:Damaya TYPE:Lashunta Subrace Selection BONUS:STAT|INT|2|TYPE=Racial BONUS:STAT|CON|-2|TYPE=Racial + ++2 Racial Bonus to Skill CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:+2 Racial Bonus to Skill CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Base MULT:YES STACK:NO BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|2|TYPE=Racial + +# Shirren +SIZE AND TYPE SORTKEY:s1a KEY:Shirren Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE SOURCEPAGE:p.50 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Shirren Racial Trait DESC:Shirrens are Medium humanoids with the shirren subtype. +BLINDSENSE SORTKEY:s1b KEY:Shirren Default ~ BLINDSENSE SOURCEPAGE:p.50 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Shirren Racial Trait DESC:Shirrens' sensitive antennae grant them blindsense (vibration)-the ability to sense vibrations in the air-out to 30 feet. A shirren ignores the Stealth bonuses from any form of visual camouflage, invisibility, and the like when attempting a Perception check opposed by a creature's Stealth check. Even on a successful Perception check, any foe that can't be seen still has total concealment (50%% miss chance) against a shirren, and the shirren still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. A shirren is still flatfooted against attacks from creatures it can't see. +COMMUNALISM SORTKEY:s1c KEY:Shirren Default ~ COMMUNALISM SOURCEPAGE:p.50 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Shirren Racial Trait DESC:Shirrens are used to working with others as part of a team. Once per day, as long as an ally is within 10 feet, a shirren can roll a single attack roll or skill check twice and take the higher result. +CULTURAL FASCINATION SORTKEY:s1d KEY:Shirren Default ~ CULTURAL FASCINATION SOURCEPAGE:p.50 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Shirren Racial Trait DESC:Shirrens are eager to learn about new cultures and societies. Shirrens receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture and Diplomacy checks. +LIMITED TELEPATHY SORTKEY:s1e KEY:Shirren Default ~ LIMITED TELEPATHY SOURCEPAGE:p.50 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Shirren Racial Trait DESC:Shirrens can communicate telepathically with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speak. + +# Vesk +SIZE AND TYPE SORTKEY:v1a KEY:Vesk Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE SOURCEPAGE:p.52 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Vesk Racial Trait DESC:Vesk are Medium humanoids with the vesk subtype. +ARMOR SAVANT SORTKEY:v1b KEY:Vesk Default ~ ARMOR SAVANT SOURCEPAGE:p.52 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Vesk Racial Trait DESC:Vesk use armor in a way that complements their uniquely sturdy physiology. When wearing armor, they gain a +1 racial bonus to AC. When they're wearing heavy armor, their armor check penalty is 1 less severe than normal. BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=RaceAC|PREEQUIP:1,TYPE=Armor BONUS:MISC|ACCHECK|1|PREEQUIP:1,TYPE=Heavy_Armor +FEARLESS SORTKEY:v1c KEY:Vesk Default ~ FEARLESS SOURCEPAGE:p.52 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Vesk Racial Trait DESC:Vesk receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear effects. ASPECT:BonusSave|+2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear effects. +LOW-LIGHT VISION SORTKEY:v1d KEY:Vesk Default ~ LOW-LIGHT VISION SOURCEPAGE:p.52 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Vesk Racial Trait DESC:Vesk can see in dim light as if it were normal light. For more details, see page 264. +NATURAL WEAPONS SORTKEY:v1e KEY:Vesk Default ~ NATURAL WEAPONS SOURCEPAGE:p.52 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Vesk Racial Trait DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Vesk are always considered armed. They can deal 1d3 lethal damage with unarmed strikes and the attack doesn't count as archaic. Vesk gain a unique weapon specialization with their natural weapons at 3rd level, allowing them to add 1-1/2 x their character level to their damage rolls for their natural weapons (instead of just adding their character level, as usual) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Unarmed|DAMAGE|TL+floor(TL/2) + +# Ysoki +SIZE AND TYPE SORTKEY:y1 KEY:Ysoki Default ~ SIZE AND TYPE SOURCEPAGE:p.54 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Ysoki Racial Trait DESC:Ysoki are Small humanoids with the ysoki subtype. +CHEEK POUCHES SORTKEY:y2 KEY:Ysoki Default ~ CHEEK POUCHES SOURCEPAGE:p.54 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Ysoki Racial Trait DESC:Ysoki can store up to 1 cubic foot of items weighing up to 1 bulk in total in their cheek pouches, and they can transfer a single object between hand and cheek as a swift action. A ysoki can disgorge the entire contents of his pouch onto the ground in his square as a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. +DARKVISION SORTKEY:y3 KEY:Ysoki Default ~ DARKVISION SOURCEPAGE:p.54 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Ysoki Racial Trait DESC:Ysoki can see up to 60 feet in the dark. See page 263 for more information. +MOXIE SORTKEY:y4 KEY:Ysoki Default ~ MOXIE SOURCEPAGE:p.54 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Ysoki Racial Trait DESC:Ysoki are scrappy and nimble even when the odds are against them. A ysoki can stand from prone as a swift action. Additionally, when off-kilter (see page 276), a ysoki does not take the normal penalties to attacks or gain the flat-footed condition. When attempting an Acrobatics check to tumble through the space of an opponent at least one size category larger than himself, a ysoki receive a +5 racial bonus to the check. ASPECT:SkillBonus|Acrobatics check to tumble through the space of an opponent at least one size category larger than himself, a ysoki receive a +5 racial bonus to the check. +SCROUNGER SORTKEY:y5 KEY:Ysoki Default ~ SCROUNGER SOURCEPAGE:p.54 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Ysoki Racial Trait DESC:Ysoki receive a +2 racial bonus to Engineering, Stealth, and Survival checks. BONUS:SKILL|Engineering,Stealth,Survival|2|TYPE=Racial + +######################### +# Proficiency +######################### +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Armor Prof ~ Light Armor CATEGORY:Proficiency AUTO:ARMORPROF|ARMORTYPE=Light_Armor +Armor Prof ~ Heavy Armor CATEGORY:Proficiency AUTO:ARMORPROF|ARMORTYPE=Heavy_Armor +Armor Prof ~ Powered Armor CATEGORY:Proficiency AUTO:ARMORPROF|ARMORTYPE=Powered_Armor + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# +Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Basic Melee AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Basic Melee ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Basic Melee +Weapon Prof ~ Grenades CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Grenades AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Grenades ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Grenades +Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Small Arms AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Small Arms ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Small Arms +Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Sniper Weapons AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Sniper Weapons ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sniper Weapons +Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Advanced Melee AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Advanced Melee ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Advanced Melee +Weapon Prof ~ Longarms CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Longarms AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Longarms ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Longarms +Weapon Prof ~ Heavy Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Heavy Weapons AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Heavy Weapons ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Heavy Weapons +Weapon Prof ~ Special Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Proficiency.Special Weapons AUTO:WEAPONPROF|TYPE=Special Weapons ABILITY:Weapon|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Special Weapons + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Weapon Focus +Weapon Focus ~ Basic Melee Weapons TYPE:Weapon Focus.Weapon Focus Basic Melee CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|1+(BAB<=(TL-3))|TYPE=Base +Weapon Focus ~ Grenades TYPE:Weapon Focus.Weapon Focus Grenades CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|ToHit_Grenades|1+(BAB<=(TL-3))|TYPE=Base +Weapon Focus ~ Small Arms TYPE:Weapon Focus.Weapon Focus Small Arms CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|ToHit_SmallArms|1+(BAB<=(TL-3))|TYPE=Base +Weapon Focus ~ Sniper Weapons TYPE:Weapon Focus.Weapon Focus Sniper Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|ToHit_SniperWeapon|1+(BAB<=(TL-3))|TYPE=Base +Weapon Focus ~ Advanced Melee Weapons TYPE:Weapon Focus.Weapon Focus Advanced Melee CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|1+(BAB<=(TL-3))|TYPE=Base +Weapon Focus ~ Longarms TYPE:Weapon Focus.Weapon Focus Longarms CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|ToHit_Longarms|1+(BAB<=(TL-3))|TYPE=Base +Weapon Focus ~ Heavy Weapons TYPE:Weapon Focus.Weapon Focus Heavy Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|1+(BAB<=(TL-3))|TYPE=Base + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Weapon Specialization +# You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, +# or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades. +Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons TYPE:Weapon Specialization.Weapon Specialization Basic Melee CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TL|TYPE=Base +Weapon Specialization ~ Small Arms TYPE:Weapon Specialization.Weapon Specialization Small Arms CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|Damage_SmallArms|TL/2|TYPE=Base +Weapon Specialization ~ Sniper Weapons TYPE:Weapon Specialization.Weapon Specialization Sniper Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|Damage_SniperWeapons|TL|TYPE=Base +Weapon Specialization ~ Advanced Melee Weapons TYPE:Weapon Specialization.Weapon Specialization Advanced Melee CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TL|TYPE=Base +Weapon Specialization ~ Longarms TYPE:Weapon Specialization.Weapon Specialization Longarms CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|Damage_Longarms|TL|TYPE=Base +Weapon Specialization ~ Heavy Weapons TYPE:Weapon Specialization.Weapon Specialization Heavy Weapons CATEGORY:Proficiency BONUS:VAR|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TL|TYPE=Base + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block:BASIC MELEE WEAPONS +Unarmed strike CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Unarmed strike BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Unarmed strike|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Unarmed strike|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Club CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Club BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Club|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Club|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Baton (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Baton (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Baton (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Baton (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (cestus) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Battleglove (cestus) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (cestus)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (cestus)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Knife (survival) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Knife (survival) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Knife (survival)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Knife (survival)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dueling sword (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Knife (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Knife (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Knife (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Knife (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (buzzblade) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dueling sword (buzzblade) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (buzzblade)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (buzzblade)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Incapacitator CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Incapacitator BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Incapacitator|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Incapacitator|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (power) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Battleglove (power) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (power)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (power)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (ultrathin) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dueling sword (ultrathin) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (ultrathin)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (ultrathin)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dagger (ultrathin) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dagger (ultrathin) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dagger (ultrathin)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dagger (ultrathin)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (nova) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Battleglove (nova) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (nova)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (nova)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dagger (zero-edge) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dagger (zero-edge) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dagger (zero-edge)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dagger (zero-edge)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (ripper) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dueling sword (ripper) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (ripper)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (ripper)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Peacemaker CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Peacemaker BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Peacemaker|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Peacemaker|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (gravity) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Battleglove (gravity) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (gravity)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Battleglove (gravity)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dagger (molecular rift) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dagger (molecular rift) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dagger (molecular rift)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dagger (molecular rift)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (molecular rift) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Dueling sword (molecular rift) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (molecular rift)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Dueling sword (molecular rift)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Baton (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Baton (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Baton (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Baton (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Spear (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Staff (battle) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Staff (battle) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (battle)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (battle)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Staff (carbon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Staff (carbon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (carbon)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (carbon)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (sentinel) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Spear (sentinel) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (sentinel)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (sentinel)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (buzzblade) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Spear (buzzblade) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (buzzblade)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (buzzblade)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (zero-edge) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Spear (zero-edge) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (zero-edge)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (zero-edge)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Staff (hardlight) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Staff (hardlight) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (hardlight)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (hardlight)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (gravity) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Spear (gravity) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (gravity)|TOHIT|ToHit_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Spear (gravity)|DAMAGE|Damage_BasicMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +# +Skyfire sword (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Skyfire sword (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Skyfire sword (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Skyfire sword (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Skyfire sword (inferno) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Skyfire sword (inferno) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Skyfire sword (inferno)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Skyfire sword (inferno)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma sword (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (red star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma sword (red star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (red star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (red star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (yellow star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma sword (yellow star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (yellow star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (yellow star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (white star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma sword (white star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (white star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (white star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (blue star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma sword (blue star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (blue star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma sword (blue star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (static) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock truncheon (static) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (static)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (static)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (aurora) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock truncheon (aurora) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (aurora)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (aurora)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (storm) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock truncheon (storm) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (storm)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (storm)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (tempest) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock truncheon (tempest) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (tempest)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock truncheon (tempest)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (thunderstrike) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pulse gauntlet (thunderstrike) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (thunderstrike)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (thunderstrike)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (LFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pulse gauntlet (LFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (LFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (LFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (HFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pulse gauntlet (HFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (HFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (HFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (banshee) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pulse gauntlet (banshee) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (banshee)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulse gauntlet (banshee)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (assault) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Hammer (assault) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (assault)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (assault)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Starknife (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Taclash (standard) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Taclash (standard) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Taclash (standard)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Taclash (standard)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Injection (glove) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Injection (glove) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Injection (glove)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Injection (glove)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Fangblade CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Fangblade BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Fangblade|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Fangblade|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (sintered) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword (sintered) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (sintered)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (sintered)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (sintered) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Starknife (sintered) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (sintered)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (sintered)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (microserrated) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword (microserrated) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (microserrated)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (microserrated)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (comet) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Hammer (comet) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (comet)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (comet)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (ultrathin) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword (ultrathin) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (ultrathin)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (ultrathin)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Taclash (numbing) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Taclash (numbing) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Taclash (numbing)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Taclash (numbing)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (accelerated) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Starknife (accelerated) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (accelerated)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (accelerated)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Grindblade CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Grindblade BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Grindblade|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Grindblade|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (zero-edge) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword (zero-edge) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (zero-edge)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (zero-edge)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Monowhip CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Monowhip BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Monowhip|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Monowhip|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (meteoric) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Hammer (meteoric) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (meteoric)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (meteoric)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (lightspeed) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Starknife (lightspeed) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (lightspeed)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (lightspeed)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (molecular rift) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword (molecular rift) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (molecular rift)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (molecular rift)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (ultraserrated) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword (ultraserrated) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (ultraserrated)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (ultraserrated)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (gravity well) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Hammer (gravity well) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (gravity well)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hammer (gravity well)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (dimensional slice) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Starknife (dimensional slice) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (dimensional slice)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Starknife (dimensional slice)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (dimensional slice) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longsword (dimensional slice) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (dimensional slice)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Longsword (dimensional slice)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Cryopike (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Cryopike (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Cryopike (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Cryopike (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Cryopike (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Cryopike (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Cryopike (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Cryopike (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (ember) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flame doshko (ember) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (ember)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (ember)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (blaze) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flame doshko (blaze) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (blaze)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (blaze)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (inferno) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flame doshko (inferno) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (inferno)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (inferno)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (solar flare) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flame doshko (solar flare) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (solar flare)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame doshko (solar flare)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (red star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma doshko (red star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (red star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (red star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (yellow star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma doshko (yellow star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (yellow star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (yellow star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (white star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma doshko (white star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (white star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (white star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (blue star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma doshko (blue star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (blue star)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma doshko (blue star)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Doshko (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pike (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pike (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pike (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pike (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (carbon steel) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Curve blade (carbon steel) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (carbon steel)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (carbon steel)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Swoop hammer (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Devastation blade (wrack) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Devastation blade (wrack) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Devastation blade (wrack)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Devastation blade (wrack)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Doshko (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Staff (sentinel) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Staff (sentinel) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (sentinel)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (sentinel)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pike (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pike (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pike (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pike (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Swoop hammer (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (ultrathin) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Curve blade (ultrathin) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (ultrathin)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (ultrathin)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (ultrathin) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Doshko (ultrathin) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (ultrathin)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (ultrathin)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Devastation blade (ruin) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Devastation blade (ruin) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Devastation blade (ruin)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Devastation blade (ruin)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Staff (repeller) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Staff (repeller) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (repeller)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Staff (repeller)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (mach I) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Swoop hammer (mach I) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (mach I)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (mach I)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (zero-edge) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Doshko (zero-edge) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (zero-edge)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (zero-edge)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pike (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pike (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pike (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pike (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (buzzblade) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Curve blade (buzzblade) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (buzzblade)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (buzzblade)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (molecular rift) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Doshko (molecular rift) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (molecular rift)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (molecular rift)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (mach II) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Swoop hammer (mach II) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (mach II)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (mach II)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Devastation blade (apocalypse) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Devastation blade (apocalypse) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Devastation blade (apocalypse)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Devastation blade (apocalypse)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (dimensional blade) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Doshko (dimensional blade) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (dimensional blade)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Doshko (dimensional blade)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (dimensional slice) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Curve blade (dimensional slice) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (dimensional slice)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Curve blade (dimensional slice)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (mach III) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Swoop hammer (mach III) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (mach III)|TOHIT|ToHit_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Swoop hammer (mach III)|DAMAGE|Damage_AdvancedMeleeWeapon|TYPE=Class TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +# +Zero pistol (frostbite-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero pistol (frostbite-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (frostbite-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (frostbite-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Zero pistol (hailstorm-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero pistol (hailstorm-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (hailstorm-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (hailstorm-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Zero pistol (blizzard-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero pistol (blizzard-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (blizzard-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (blizzard-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Zero pistol (avalanche-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero pistol (avalanche-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (avalanche-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero pistol (avalanche-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Flare gun (survival) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flare gun (survival) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flare gun (survival)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flare gun (survival)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Flame pistol CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flame pistol BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame pistol|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame pistol|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (azimuth) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser pistol (azimuth) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (azimuth)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (azimuth)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (corona) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser pistol (corona) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (corona)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (corona)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (aphelion) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser pistol (aphelion) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (aphelion)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (aphelion)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (perihelion) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser pistol (perihelion) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (perihelion)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (perihelion)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (parallax) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser pistol (parallax) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (parallax)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (parallax)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (zenith) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser pistol (zenith) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (zenith)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser pistol (zenith)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (red star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma pistol (red star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (red star)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (red star)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (yellow star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma pistol (yellow star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (yellow star)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (yellow star)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (white star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma pistol (white star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (white star)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (white star)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (blue star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma pistol (blue star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (blue star)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma pistol (blue star)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Semi-auto pistol (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Semi-auto pistol (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Semi-auto pistol (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Semi-auto pistol (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Semi-auto pistol (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Gyrojet pistol (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Gyrojet pistol (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet pistol (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet pistol (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Gyrojet pistol (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Gyrojet pistol (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet pistol (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet pistol (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Gyrojet pistol (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Gyrojet pistol (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet pistol (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet pistol (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Pulsecaster pistol) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pulsecaster (pistol) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulsecaster (pistol)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulsecaster (pistol)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Arc pistol (static) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc pistol (static) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc pistol (static)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc pistol (static)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Arc pistol (aurora) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc pistol (aurora) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc pistol (aurora)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc pistol (aurora)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Arc pistol (storm) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc pistol (storm) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc pistol (storm)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc pistol (storm)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (thunderstrike) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic pistol (thunderstrike) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (thunderstrike)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (thunderstrike)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (LFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic pistol (LFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (LFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (LFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (HFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic pistol (HFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (HFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (HFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (banshee) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic pistol (banshee) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (banshee)|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic pistol (banshee)|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Needler pistol CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Needler pistol BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Needler pistol|TOHIT|ToHit_SmallArms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Needler pistol|DAMAGE|Damage_SmallArms|TYPE=Class TYPE:SMALL ARMS +# +Zero rifle (frostbite-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero rifle (frostbite-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (frostbite-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (frostbite-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Zero rifle (hailstorm-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero rifle (hailstorm-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (hailstorm-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (hailstorm-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Zero rifle (blizzard-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero rifle (blizzard-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (blizzard-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (blizzard-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Zero rifle (avalanche-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero rifle (avalanche-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (avalanche-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero rifle (avalanche-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Flame rifle CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flame rifle BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame rifle|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flame rifle|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (azimuth) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser rifle (azimuth) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (azimuth)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (azimuth)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (corona) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser rifle (corona) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (corona)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (corona)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (aphelion) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser rifle (aphelion) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (aphelion)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (aphelion)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Autobeam rifle (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Autobeam rifle (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam rifle (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam rifle (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (perihelion) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser rifle (perihelion) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (perihelion)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (perihelion)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Autobeam rifle (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Autobeam rifle (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam rifle (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam rifle (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (parallax) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser rifle (parallax) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (parallax)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (parallax)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Autobeam rifle (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Autobeam rifle (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam rifle (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam rifle (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (zenith) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Laser rifle (zenith) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (zenith)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Laser rifle (zenith)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (red star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma rifle (red star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (red star)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (red star)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (yellow star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma rifle (yellow star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (yellow star)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (yellow star)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma caster (white star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma caster (white star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma caster (white star)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma caster (white star)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (white star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma rifle (white star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (white star)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (white star)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma caster (blue star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma caster (blue star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma caster (blue star)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma caster (blue star)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (blue star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma rifle (blue star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (blue star)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma rifle (blue star)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Hunting rifle CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Hunting rifle BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hunting rifle|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Hunting rifle|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (utility) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Scattergun (utility) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (utility)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (utility)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Acid dart rifle (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Acid dart rifle (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Acid dart rifle (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Acid dart rifle (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Autotarget rifle CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Autotarget rifle BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autotarget rifle|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autotarget rifle|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Crossbolter (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Crossbolter (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Acid dart rifle (dual) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Acid dart rifle (dual) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Acid dart rifle (dual)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Acid dart rifle (dual)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Seeker rifle (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Crossbolter (dual) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Crossbolter (dual) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (dual)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (dual)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (snub) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Scattergun (snub) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (snub)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (snub)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Magnetar rifle (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Combat rifle CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Combat rifle BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Combat rifle|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Combat rifle|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Acid dart rifle (complex) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Acid dart rifle (complex) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Acid dart rifle (complex)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Acid dart rifle (complex)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (impact) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Scattergun (impact) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (impact)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (impact)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Gyrojet rifle (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Magnetar rifle (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Seeker rifle (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Gyrojet rifle (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (vortex) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Scattergun (vortex) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (vortex)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (vortex)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Magnetar rifle (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Gyrojet rifle (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Seeker rifle (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (grapeshot) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Scattergun (grapeshot) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (grapeshot)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Scattergun (grapeshot)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Magnetar rifle (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Magnetar rifle (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Gyrojet rifle (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Gyrojet rifle (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Seeker rifle (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Seeker rifle (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Pulsecaster rifle CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Pulsecaster rifle BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulsecaster rifle|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Pulsecaster rifle|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc emitter (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc emitter (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc emitter (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc emitter (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (static) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc rifle (static) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (static)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (static)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc emitter (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc emitter (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc emitter (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc emitter (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (aurora) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc rifle (aurora) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (aurora)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (aurora)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (storm) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc rifle (storm) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (storm)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (storm)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (tempest) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Arc rifle (tempest) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (tempest)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Arc rifle (tempest)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (thunderstrike) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic rifle (thunderstrike) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (thunderstrike)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (thunderstrike)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Streetsweeper (thunderstrike) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Streetsweeper (thunderstrike) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Streetsweeper (thunderstrike)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Streetsweeper (thunderstrike)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (LFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic rifle (LFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (LFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (LFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Streetsweeper (LFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Streetsweeper (LFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Streetsweeper (LFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Streetsweeper (LFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (HFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic rifle (HFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (HFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (HFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Streetsweeper (HFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Streetsweeper (HFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Streetsweeper (HFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Streetsweeper (HFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (banshee) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Sonic rifle (banshee) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (banshee)|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Sonic rifle (banshee)|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +Needler rifle CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Needler rifle BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Needler rifle|TOHIT|ToHit_Longarms|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Needler rifle|DAMAGE|Damage_Longarms|TYPE=Class TYPE:LONGARMS +# +Zero cannon (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero cannon (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero cannon (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero cannon (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Zero cannon (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero cannon (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero cannon (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero cannon (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Zero cannon (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Zero cannon (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero cannon (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Zero cannon (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (ifrit-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flamethrower (ifrit-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (ifrit-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (ifrit-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (salamander-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flamethrower (salamander-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (salamander-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (salamander-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (hellhound-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flamethrower (hellhound-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (hellhound-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (hellhound-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (firedrake-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flamethrower (firedrake-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (firedrake-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (firedrake-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (phoenix-class) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flamethrower (phoenix-class) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (phoenix-class)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Flamethrower (phoenix-class)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (azimuth) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Artillery laser (azimuth) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (azimuth)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (azimuth)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (corona) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Artillery laser (corona) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (corona)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (corona)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (aphelion) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Artillery laser (aphelion) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (aphelion)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (aphelion)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Autobeam artillery (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Autobeam artillery (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam artillery (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam artillery (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (perihelion) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Artillery laser (perihelion) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (perihelion)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (perihelion)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Autobeam artillery (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Autobeam artillery (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam artillery (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam artillery (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (parallax) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Artillery laser (parallax) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (parallax)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (parallax)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Autobeam artillery (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Autobeam artillery (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam artillery (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Autobeam artillery (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (zenith) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Artillery laser (zenith) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (zenith)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Artillery laser (zenith)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (red star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma cannon (red star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (red star)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (red star)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (yellow star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma cannon (yellow star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (yellow star)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (yellow star)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (white star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma cannon (white star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (white star)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (white star)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (blue star) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Plasma cannon (blue star) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (blue star)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Plasma cannon (blue star)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (light) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Reaction cannon (light) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (light)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (light)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (squad) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Machine gun (squad) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (squad)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (squad)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|X-gen gun (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Reaction cannon (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (light) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Machine gun (light) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (light)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (light)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|X-gen gun (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (heavy) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Reaction cannon (heavy) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (heavy)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (heavy)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Stellar cannon (light) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Stellar cannon (light) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Stellar cannon (light)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Stellar cannon (light)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Crossbolter (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Crossbolter (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (medium) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Machine gun (medium) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (medium)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (medium)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|X-gen gun (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Crossbolter (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Crossbolter (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Reaction cannon (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Stellar cannon (heavy) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Stellar cannon (heavy) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Stellar cannon (heavy)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Stellar cannon (heavy)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (heavy) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Machine gun (heavy) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (heavy)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Machine gun (heavy)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Reaction cannon (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Crossbolter (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Crossbolter (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Crossbolter (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Reaction cannon (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Reaction cannon (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|X-gen gun (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=X-gen gun (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (static) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock caster (static) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (static)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (static)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (aurora) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock caster (aurora) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (aurora)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (aurora)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (storm) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock caster (storm) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (storm)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (storm)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (tempest) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shock caster (tempest) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (tempest)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shock caster (tempest)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Screamer (thunderstrike) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Screamer (thunderstrike) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Screamer (thunderstrike)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Screamer (thunderstrike)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Screamer (LFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Screamer (LFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Screamer (LFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Screamer (LFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Screamer (HFD) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Screamer (HFD) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Screamer (HFD)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Screamer (HFD)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +NIL grenade launcher (merc) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|NIL grenade launcher (merc) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=NIL grenade launcher (merc)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=NIL grenade launcher (merc)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +NIL grenade launcher (squad) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|NIL grenade launcher (squad) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=NIL grenade launcher (squad)|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=NIL grenade launcher (squad)|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +IMDS missile launcher CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|IMDS missile launcher BONUS:WEAPONPROF=IMDS missile launcher|TOHIT|ToHit_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=IMDS missile launcher|DAMAGE|Damage_HeavyWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +# +Shirren-eye rifle (tactical) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shirren-eye rifle (tactical) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (tactical)|TOHIT|ToHit_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (tactical)|DAMAGE|Damage_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (advanced) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shirren-eye rifle (advanced) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (advanced)|TOHIT|ToHit_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (advanced)|DAMAGE|Damage_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (elite) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shirren-eye rifle (elite) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (elite)|TOHIT|ToHit_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (elite)|DAMAGE|Damage_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (paragon) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shirren-eye rifle (paragon) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (paragon)|TOHIT|ToHit_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (paragon)|DAMAGE|Damage_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (warpshot) CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Shirren-eye rifle (warpshot) BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (warpshot)|TOHIT|ToHit_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Shirren-eye rifle (warpshot)|DAMAGE|Damage_SniperWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +# +Grenades CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Grenades BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Grenades|TOHIT|ToHit_Grenades|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Grenades|DAMAGE|Damage_Grenades|TYPE=Class TYPE:Grenades +# +Carbonedge shuriken CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Carbonedge shuriken BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Carbonedge shuriken|TOHIT|ToHit_SpecialWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Carbonedge shuriken|DAMAGE|Damage_SpecialWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:Special Weapons +Nyfiber net CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Nyfiber net BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Nyfiber net|TOHIT|ToHit_SpecialWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Nyfiber net|DAMAGE|Damage_SpecialWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:Special Weapons +Bow CATEGORY:Weapon TYPE:Weapon Proficiency AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Bow BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bow|TOHIT|ToHit_SpecialWeapons|TYPE=Class BONUS:WEAPONPROF=Bow|DAMAGE|Damage_SpecialWeapons|TYPE=Class TYPE:Special Weapons + +######################### +# Class / Proficiency +######################### +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Envoy CATEGORY:Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityScore|CHASCORE|TYPE=Class TEMPLATE:Class ~ Envoy BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityBonus|CHA|TYPE=Class BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Envoy Archetype|1 ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Grenades|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms +Mechanic CATEGORY:Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityScore|INTSCORE|TYPE=Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityBonus|INT|TYPE=Class BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mechanic Archetype|1 ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Grenades|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms +Mystic CATEGORY:Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityScore|WISSCORE|TYPE=Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityBonus|WIS|TYPE=Class BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mystic Archetype|1 ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms +Operative CATEGORY:Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityScore|DEXSCORE|TYPE=Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityBonus|DEX|TYPE=Class BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Operative Archetype|1 ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms|Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons +Solarian CATEGORY:Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityScore|CHASCORE|TYPE=Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityBonus|CHA|TYPE=Class BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Solarian Archetype|1 ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms|Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons +Soldier CATEGORY:Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityScore|SoldierKeyAbilityScore|TYPE=Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityBonus|SoldierKeyAbilityBonus|TYPE=Class BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Soldier Archetype|1 ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Armor Prof ~ Heavy Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms|Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Longarms|Weapon Prof ~ Heavy Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Grenades BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Soldier Key Ability|1 +Technomancer CATEGORY:Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityScore|INTSCORE|TYPE=Class BONUS:VAR|KeyAbilityBonus|INT|TYPE=Class BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Technomancer Archetype|1 ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms + +###Block: Class Skill Tracker +CATEGORY=Class|Envoy.MOD BONUS:VAR|CS_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Intimidate|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Athletics|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Medicine|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Bluff|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Perception|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Computers|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Piloting|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Culture|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Diplomacy|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Disguise|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Engineering|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Stealth|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass +CATEGORY=Class|Mechanic.MOD BONUS:VAR|CS_Athletics|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Perception|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Computers|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Engineering|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Piloting|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Medicine|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=MechanicClass +CATEGORY=Class|Mystic.MOD BONUS:VAR|CS_Bluff|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Medicine|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Culture|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Mysticism|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Diplomacy|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Perception|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Disguise|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Intimidate|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_LifeScience|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Survival|1|TYPE=MysticClass +CATEGORY=Class|Operative.MOD BONUS:VAR|CS_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Medicine|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Athletics|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Perception|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Bluff|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Piloting|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Computers|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Culture|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Disguise|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Engineering|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Stealth|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Intimidate|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Survival|1|TYPE=OperativeClass +CATEGORY=Class|Solarian.MOD BONUS:VAR|CS_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Perception|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Athletics|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Diplomacy|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Intimidate|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Mysticism|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Stealth|1|TYPE=SolarianClass +CATEGORY=Class|Soldier.MOD BONUS:VAR|CS_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Medicine|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Athletics|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Piloting|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Engineering|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Intimidate|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Survival|1|TYPE=SoldierClass +CATEGORY=Class|Technomancer.MOD BONUS:VAR|CS_Computers|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Engineering|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Piloting|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_LifeScience|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_Mysticism|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass + +###Block: Archetype Support for Vars/Bonuses +CATEGORY=Class|Envoy.MOD +CATEGORY=Class|Mechanic.MOD ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ OVERRIDE|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=10 +CATEGORY=Class|Mystic.MOD BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Mystic;LEVEL=1|-1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableLVL,1|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Mystic;LEVEL=2|-1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableLVL,2|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Mystic;LEVEL=3|-1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableLVL,3|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Mystic;LEVEL=4|-1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableLVL,4|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Mystic;LEVEL=5|-1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableLVL,5|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Mystic;LEVEL=6|-1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableLVL,6|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mystic LV 9 Archetype Choice|1||PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True +CATEGORY=Class|Operative.MOD +CATEGORY=Class|Solarian.MOD ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS|PRECLASS:1,Solarion=10 +CATEGORY=Class|Soldier.MOD ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=10 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ SECONDARY STYLE TECHNIQUE|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=10 +CATEGORY=Class|Technomancer.MOD ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ MAGIC HACK|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=5 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Technomancer LV 8 Archetype Choice|1|PREVARGTEQ:TechnomacerLVL,8|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,TechnomancerArchetype=true + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +No Archetype KEY:Envoy ~ No Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:No Archetype.Envoy Archetype +No Archetype KEY:Mechanic ~ No Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:No Archetype.Mechanic Archetype +No Archetype KEY:Mystic ~ No Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:No Archetype.Mystic Archetype +No Archetype KEY:Operative ~ No Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:No Archetype.Operative Archetype +No Archetype KEY:Solarian ~ No Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:No Archetype.Solarian Archetype +No Archetype KEY:Soldier ~ No Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:No Archetype.Soldier Archetype +No Archetype KEY:Technomancer ~ No Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:No Archetype.Technomancer Archetype + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Strength KEY:Soldier Key Ability ~ STR BONUS:VAR|SoldierKeyAbilityScore|STRSCORE BONUS:VAR|SoldierKeyAbilityBonus|STR CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Soldier Key Ability +Dexterity KEY:Soldier Key Ability ~ DEX BONUS:VAR|SoldierKeyAbilityScore|DEXSCORE BONUS:VAR|SoldierKeyAbilityBonus|DEX CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Soldier Key Ability + + +##################################### +# CLASS FEATURES +##################################### + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Envoy +Envoy CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature SORTKEY:Envoy_ClassBase ASPECT:MasterAbility|Envoy +Envoy Improvisation SORTKEY:Envoy1 KEY:Envoy Class Feature ~ ENVOY IMPROVISATION CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SORTKEY:Envoy_ClassBase ASPECT:ChildAbility|Envoy DESC:You took an archetype that replaced this class feature removing Envoy Improvisations at levels 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18.|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True DESC:As you gain experience, you learn envoy improvisations-little tricks that bolster allies, confound enemies, or change the ebb and flow of battle using guile, inspiration, or luck. You learn your first envoy improvisation at 1st level, and you learn an additional improvisation at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter. The list of envoy improvisations appears on page 62. If an improvisation allows you to grant an effect to an ally, you cannot grant yourself that effect unless the improvisation states otherwise. If an envoy improvisation allows a saving throw to resist its effects or requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + half your envoy level + your Charisma modifier. Some envoy improvisations are language-dependent, mindaffecting, sense-dependent, or some combination of any or all of these. These terms are defined on page 270.|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Envoy Improvisation|EnvoyImprovisationCount BONUS:VAR|EnvoyImprovisationCount|floor(EnvoyLVL/2)|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True BONUS:VAR|EnvoyImprovisationCount|1+(EnvoyLVL>=8)+(EnvoyLVL>=10)+(EnvoyLVL>=14)+(EnvoyLVL>=16)+(EnvoyLVL>=20)|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True +Expertise SORTKEY:Envoy2 KEY:Envoy Class Feature ~ EXPERTISE CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SORTKEY:Envoy_ClassBase ASPECT:ChildAbility|Envoy DESC:You are an expert at dealing with challenges that test your skills, be the challenges social or otherwise. At 1st level, when attempting a Sense Motive check, you can roll 1d6 (your expertise die) and add the result of the roll to your check as an insight bonus. You can use this and other expertise abilities as long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining. At 5th level, anytime you roll your expertise die, you gain a +1 bonus to the result. At 9th, 17th, and 20th levels, this bonus increases by 1. At 13th level, you roll 1d8 as your expertise die instead of 1d6. Beginning at 9th level, you have even greater expertise with skills to which you can add your expertise die that you have also selected with the Skill Focus feat. For each such skill, once per day when rolling your expertise die to add to that skill, you may roll the expertise die twice and take the better of the two results. +Skill Expertise SORTKEY:Envoy3 KEY:Envoy Class Feature ~ SKILL EXPERTISE CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SORTKEY:Envoy_ClassBase ASPECT:ChildAbility|Envoy DESC:At 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, you can use expertise with one additional class skill. You must have at least 1 rank in a skill to select it, and it must come from the following list: Bluff (Cha), Computers (Int), Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Engineering (Int), Intimidate (Cha), and Medicine (Int). BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Skill Expertise|floor((EnvoyLVL+1)/5) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Skill Expertise|-1|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=9|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True +Expertise Talent SORTKEY:Envoy4 KEY:Envoy Class Feature ~ EXPERTISE TALENT CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SORTKEY:Envoy_ClassBase ASPECT:ChildAbility|Envoy DESC:At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you choose an expertise talent, which gives you an extra option when using a skill with which you have expertise. The list of expertise talents appears on pages 269-270. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Expertise Talent|floor((EnvoyLVL+1)/4) +Weapon Specialization SORTKEY:Envoy5 KEY:Envoy Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SORTKEY:Envoy_ClassBase ASPECT:ChildAbility|Envoy DESC:You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency. ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Small Arms +True Expertise SORTKEY:Envoy6 KEY:Envoy Class Feature ~ TRUE EXPERTISE CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.61 SORTKEY:Envoy_ClassBase ASPECT:ChildAbility|Envoy DESC:[Not Implemented]You gain total mastery over one of your envoy improvisations and can use it with but a thought. When you gain this ability, choose one improvisation you know that has an effect when you spend 1 Resolve Point. As long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining, you can gain the improvisation's effect without spending the Resolve Point. This ability has no benefit if the improvisation requires more than 1 Resolve Point. In addition, when you roll your expertise die, you can add 2d8 rather than 1d8+4 to the result of your skill check. If, for some reason, your bonus gained from expertise isn't 1d8+4, you can't use this option. +# +Skill Expertise KEY:Skill Expertise CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Skill Expertise CHOOSE:SKILL|Bluff|Computers|Culture|Diplomacy|Disguise|Engineering|Intimidate|Medicine MULT:YES STACK:NO + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Envoy Improvisations +Clever Feint KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Clever Feint CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:As a standard action, you can fake out an enemy within 60 feet, making that enemy open to your attacks. Attempt a Bluff check with the same DC as a check to feint against that enemy (though this isn't a standard check to feint, so Improved Feint and Greater Feint don't apply). Even if you fail, that enemy is flat-footed against your attacks (see page 276) until the end of your next turn. If you succeed, the enemy is also flat-footed against your allies' attacks until the end of your next turn. You can't use clever feint against a creature that lacks an Intelligence score. At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to treat a failed Bluff check for clever feint as if it were a success. +Dispiriting Taunt KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Dispiriting Taunt CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:As a standard action, you can taunt an enemy within 60 feet. Attempt an Intimidate check with the same DC as a check to demoralize that enemy (though this isn't a check to demoralize, so you can't use abilities that would apply to a demoralization attempt, like the rattling presence expertise talent). If you fail, that enemy is off-target (see page 276) until the end of your next turn. If you succeed, that enemy is instead shaken (see page 277) until the end of your next turn. This is an emotion and fear effect. At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to treat a failed Intimidate check for dispiriting taunt as if it were a success. +Don't Quit KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Don't Quit CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:As a standard action, you can signal a single ally within 60 feet. That ally ignores one condition (see page 273) of your choice until the start of your next turn, chosen from the following list: confused, fascinated, fatigued, shaken, sickened, and staggered. While your ally doesn't suffer the effects of the condition during that period, the condition is merely suppressed, not removed, and its effects resume at the start of your next turn. The condition can still be removed with spells, technology, and other effects as normal. At 6th level, add the following conditions to the list: cowering, dazed, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, and stunned. At 12th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to remove the condition with this ability instead of suppressing it. You can't remove a condition with a permanent duration (see page 271) in this way; if you attempt to do so, your attempt fails but you don't lose the Resolve Point. +Expanded Attunement KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Expanded Attunement CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:You can use beneficial mind-affecting envoy improvisations to aid allies who usually would not be able to gain benefits from mind-affecting effects, such as constructs, robots, and undead. If the improvisation grants a morale bonus, even allies who can't normally benefit from morale bonuses gain that bonus. +Get 'Em KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Get 'Em CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:As a move action, you can choose one enemy within 60 feet. Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made against that enemy. The bonus persists even if the enemy moves beyond 60 feet or out of line of sight or hearing. At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant this bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against all enemies who are within 60 feet. +Inspiring Boost KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Inspiring Boost CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:As a standard action, you can signal an ally within 30 feet who has taken damage from any attack made by a significant enemy (see page 242) at any point after your last turn ended. That ally regains a number of Stamina Points (up to his maximum) equal to twice your envoy level + your Charisma modifier; at 15th level, this increases to three times your envoy level + your Charisma modifier. Once an ally has benefited from your inspiring boost, that ally can't gain the benefits of your inspiring boost again until he takes a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points. At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to add your envoy level to the number of Stamina Points regained. +Look Alive KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Look Alive CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:When you spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest, all allies who stay within 60 feet of you throughout the rest gain a +2 morale bonus to Perception and initiative checks for the next hour or until the next 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points, whichever comes first. +Not in the Face KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Not in the Face CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:As a move action, you can choose one enemy within 60 feet. That enemy must succeed at a Will save or take a -4 penalty to all attacks it makes against you until the end of your next turn. At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make the enemy take the penalty with no saving throw allowed. +Universal Expression KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Universal Expression CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.62 DESC:When using a language-dependent improvisation that affects an enemy, you can use the improvisation against that enemy even if the two of you do not share a language. +Watch Your Step KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Watch Your Step CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:When an ally within 60 feet must succeed at a Reflex save to avoid a harmful effect, as a reaction before your ally attempts the saving throw, you can grant the ally a +2 bonus to that saving throw. At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to have the ally roll twice on the saving throw and take the better result. Both of those rolls benefit from the +2 bonus provided by this ability. +Clever Attack KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Clever Attack PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:You can make an attack that throws your enemy off-balance. As a standard action, you can make a single attack against a target within 60 feet and gain the benefits of clever feint (attempting a Bluff check against the target as normal). Apply the effects of clever feint before resolving your attack. You must have the clever feint envoy improvisation to choose this improvisation. +Duck Under KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Duck Under PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:You can duck under a foe's melee attack, causing it to overextend and move into a position more favorable to you. You must take the total defense action (see page 247) to use this ability. If, before the start of your next turn, a foe misses you with a melee attack, as a reaction you can attempt a reposition combat maneuver with a +8 bonus to your attack roll against that foe. +Focus KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Focus PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:As a standard action, you can encourage a single ally within 60 feet to focus on the danger at hand. If that ally is flat-footed or off-target, you end that condition. If circumstances would cause the ally to immediately become flat-footed or off-target again, you instead suppress that condition for 1 round. +Hurry KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Hurry PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:As a standard action, you can grant a single move action to an ally within 60 feet. The ally can use that move action during her next turn to take a guarded step, move up to her speed, or draw or sheathe a weapon. The ally can use her extra move action in between her other actions, and she can even use it before or after a full action. A character can use no more than one extra action from hurry in a single round. +Quick Dispiriting Taunt KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Quick Dispiriting Taunt PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:You can use dispiriting taunt as a move action instead of a standard action. You must have the dispiriting taunt envoy improvisation to choose this improvisation. +Quick Inspiring Boost KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Quick Inspiring Boost PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:You can use inspiring boost as a move action instead of a standard action, though when you do so, the number of Stamina Points your ally recovers is reduced by your envoy level. You must have the inspiring boost envoy improvisation to choose this improvisation. +Long-Range Improvisation KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Long-Range Improvisation PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:Double the range of your improvisations with ranges of at least 30 feet. +Watch Out KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Watch Out PREPCLEVEL:MIN=4 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 4.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:As a reaction, when an enemy makes a ranged attack against an ally within 60 feet of you, you can warn that ally of the danger. You must spend your reaction when the enemy declares the attack but before it makes the attack roll. Your ally can spend a reaction to gain a +4 to AC against the triggering attack. Once the triggering attack is resolved, the ally falls prone. At 8th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to prevent your ally from falling prone after the attack. +Clever Improvisations KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Clever Improvisations PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 6.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:The first time you would spend Resolve Points on one of your envoy improvisations, reduce the cost by 1 Resolve Point (minimum 0). This ability refreshes whenever you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points and after an 8-hour rest to recover Resolve Points, reducing the Resolve Point cost of your next envoy improvisation after the rest. +Draw Fire KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Draw Fire PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 6.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make all enemies within 100 feet take a -4 penalty to all ranged attacks they make that don't target you until the end of your next turn. This penalty remains even if you and an enemy move more than 100 feet away from each other, and enemies that weren't within 100 feet when you used draw fire don't take the penalty if they later come within range. +Heads Up KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Heads Up PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 6.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:When you succeed at a Perception check, as a reaction, you can signal a single ally within 60 feet. That ally can act as if he had also succeeded at the Perception check with the same result. +Improved Get 'Em KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Improved Get 'Em PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 6.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.63 DESC:Your morale bonus from get 'em increases to +2. As a standard action, you can make a single attack against a target within 60 feet. You and your allies within 60 feet gain the benefits of get 'em against that target (applying these effects before making the attack roll). As with get 'em, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the benefits against all enemies within 60 feet. You must have the get 'em envoy improvisation to choose this improvisation. +Desperate Defense KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Desperate Defense PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 8.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:As a move action, you can cause one ally adjacent to you to not be considered helpless (see page 276) for the purpose of actions that can be used only against helpless creatures (such as a coup de grace). This effect ends if the creature ceases to be adjacent to you or at the beginning of your next turn, whichever comes first. +Expert Attack KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Expert Attack PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 8.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:As a move action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to add your bonus from expertise to your next attack roll before the end of your turn. +Hidden Agenda KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Hidden Agenda PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 8.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:You're an expert at veiling your true thoughts and goals. Whenever a creature attempts a Sense Motive check to detect a deception of yours, the creature must roll twice and take the worse of the two results. When you attempt a saving throw against an effect or ability that would read your thoughts or reveal your motives, you can roll twice and take the better of the two results. +Improved Hurry KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Improved Hurry PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 8.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:You can use the hurry envoy improvisation as a move action instead of a standard action. You must have the hurry envoy improvisation to choose this improvisation. At 12th level, you can use hurry as a standard action and spend 1 Resolve Point to grant a standard action instead of a move action. +Situational Awareness KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Situational Awareness PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 8.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:If you ready an action, once before the trigger you selected occurs, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to change both the trigger and the action you have ready. You must ready an action that takes the same kind of action as your originally readied action, or you must ready a lesser action. (For example, if you readied a standard action, you could switch to another standard action, a move action, or a swift action, and if you readied a move action, you could switch to another move action or a swift action.) +Sustained Determination KEY:Envoy Improvisation ~ Sustained Determination PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Envoy Improvisation.Envoy Improvisation Level 8.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:As a move action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to grant an ally within 60 feet 1 Resolve Point that he can spend to empower one of his abilities, even if he has spent all of his own Resolve Points. The ally must spend the Resolve Point before the start of your next turn; if he does not do so, he loses the Resolve Point and you still lose the Resolve Points you spent. You can't grant the same ally the benefits of this ability again until both you and your ally have recovered your Resolve Points after an 8-hour rest or its equivalent. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Expertise Talents +Additional Skill Expertise KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Additional Skill Expertise CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:Choose another skill in which you have at least 1 rank from the list of skills you can choose with the expertise class feature; you can use expertise with that skill. You can choose this talent up to three times, choosing a different skill each time. +Altered Bearing KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Altered Bearing PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Disguise) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:You can quickly adjust your posture, your stride, your demeanor, and the way your clothes and gear fit, causing casual observers to fail to recognize your true appearance. When you attempt a Disguise check to alter minor details of your appearance, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a move action. You don't reduce the DC by 5 for attempting to alter only minor details, and if an observer succeeds at an opposed Perception check that pierces your disguise, he also realizes your true race and what features you have disguised. You can't use this ability for more complex disguises. +Analyst KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Analyst PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Sense Motive) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:You have been taught to carefully consider your own assumptions, making it much less likely you assign false motives to other creatures. When using Sense Motive to detect deception or discern a secret message, as long as your expertise die roll result is not a 1, you don't think a truthful statement contains deceptions or infer false information from a secret message even if you fail your check by 5 or more. +Cautious Expertise KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Cautious Expertise PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (see below) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:Choose a skill you have selected with the skill expertise class feature. When you take 20 (see page 133) with this skill, you can roll your expertise die twice and take the better result. You can choose this talent up to three times, choosing a different skill selected with the skill expertise class feature each time. +Convincing Liar KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Convincing Liar PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Bluff) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:When you attempt a Bluff check, you can choose not to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine what the check's result would be, you can choose to either roll your expertise die and add the result to the total or forgo the expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll the check and add the result of your expertise die. +Cultural Savant KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Cultural Savant PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Culture) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.64 DESC:As long as you have enough time, you can take 20 on Culture checks to recall knowledge, even if you don't have access to a computer terminal or other means of research. +Cunning Disguise KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Cunning Disguise PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Disguise) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:When you attempt an initial Disguise check, you can forgo rolling your expertise die. Instead, the first time a creature would pierce your disguise with a Perception check, treat its result as if it had rolled a natural 1 on its Perception check. This benefit applies only once per disguise. At 9th level, this ability also applies against the second creature who pierces your disguise. +Engineering Adept KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Engineering Adept PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Engineering) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:When you attempt an Engineering check to disable or repair a device, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to instead halve the time it takes to make the attempt. +Expert Forger KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Expert Forger PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Computers) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:You have a database of electronic seals and predesigned templates that allow you forge an official document in a matter of moments. When you attempt a Computers check to create a forgery, as long as you have access to a computer, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a full action (rather than the normal required time of 1d4 minutes). +Fast Hack KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Fast Hack PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Computers) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:When you attempt a Computers check to hack into a computer system, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to instead halve the time it takes to make the attempt (to a minimum of 1 round). At 9th level, if you successfully hack the system, you can also negate a single countermeasure protecting that computer system. You cannot use this talent to negate a countermeasure from the same computer again for 24 hours. +Inspired Medic KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Inspired Medic PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Medicine) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:When you attempt a Medicine check, you can choose not to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine what the check's result would be, you can choose to either roll your expertise die and add it to the total or forgo the expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to both reroll the check and add the result of your expertise die. +Keen Observer KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Keen Observer PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Sense Motive) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:Whenever you interact with a creature under a mental effect for at least 1 minute, the GM attempts an automatic secret Sense Motive check for you without your expertise die. On a success, you learn about the mental effect. If you specifically request a Sense Motive check to sense mental effects, you can attempt a Sense Motive check as normal, including your expertise die, in addition to this automatic check. +Menacing Gaze KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Menacing Gaze PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Intimidate) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize foes, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt to briefly demoralize a small group as a full action. You attempt an Intimidate check against foes within 60 feet, no two of which can be more than 20 feet apart. The DC of this check is equal to the highest DC to demoralize any one of the foes. If you are successful, the targets gain the shaken condition (see page 277) for 1 round (even if your result exceeded the DC by 5 or more). Once you use this ability against a creature, it is immune to this talent for 24 hours. +Rattling Presence KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Rattling Presence PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Intimidate) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to automatically increase the duration of the shaken condition by 1 round on a successful check. At 9th level, you instead increase the duration by 2 rounds on a success when using this talent. +Skilled Linguist KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Skilled Linguist PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Culture) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:You can speak and read a number of bonus languages equal to your ranks in Culture. Additionally, when you attempt a Culture check to decipher writing, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a full action (rather than the normal 1 minute) per approximately 250 words of writing or fewer. +Slick Customer KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Slick Customer PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Diplomacy) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:When you attempt a Diplomacy check, you can choose not to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine what the check's result would be, you can choose to either roll your expertise die and add it to the total or forgo the expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to both reroll the check and add the result of your expertise die. +Student of Technology KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Student of Technology PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Engineering) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:As long as you have the time to do so, you can take 20 (see page 133) on Engineering checks to identify creatures and technology, even if you do not have access to a computer terminal or other means of research. If the creature or technology was created by a group or individual you are familiar with (normally including any major corporation or military), on a successful check you also identify what group created the object identified. +Surgeon KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Surgeon PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Medicine) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:You can use Medicine to treat deadly wounds on a patient once each day in addition to the normal allowances for the medical equipment you are using. Because performing this level of advanced medicine is difficult and time consuming, the DC for this additional treatment increases by 5 and the skill check takes 1 hour. +Well Informed KEY:Expertise Talent ~ Well Informed PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Skill Expertise (Diplomacy) CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Expertise Talent.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.65 DESC:You keep yourself as up to date as possible about the events and major figures of any region you are in. Once you have been in a settlement or region for at least 24 hours, when you attempt a Diplomacy check to gather information, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a swift action (rather than the normal 1d4 hours). + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Mechanic +Artificial Intelligence KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOURCEPAGE:p.69 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You construct an artificial intelligence (or AI), a sophisticated program of self-motivated code that you can access for help in a variety of endeavors. This AI is the product of your own genius, far more advanced and complicated than any available for sale to consumers (though it falls short of being truly self-aware), and only you know the secrets of its creation and operation. Your AI can take one of two forms: a drone or an exocortex. You must pick one of these forms upon taking your first level of mechanic, and once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mechanic AI Selection|1 BONUS:VAR|MechanicMasterLVL|MechanicLVL +Bypass KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ BYPASS SOURCEPAGE:p.69 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You are skilled at getting inside computer systems and electronic devices. At 1st level, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Computers and Engineering skill checks. At 5th level, every 4 levels thereafter, and at 20th level, this bonus increases by 1. BONUS:VAR|MechanicCF_BYPASSBonus|1+((MechanicLVL-1)/4)+(MechanicLVL>=20) ASPECT:NAME|Bypass (+%1)|MechanicCF_BYPASSBonus BONUS:SKILL|Computers,Engineering|MechanicCF_BYPASSBonus|TYPE=Insight +Custom Rig KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ CUSTOM RIG SOURCEPAGE:p.69 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You have created a customized toolkit you can use to hack systems and items. Your custom rig can be configured to take up an upgrade slot on your armor or can be installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in your brain (though it can be combined with a datajack for the same price as installing a datajack normally), your eyes, or an arm. For more information on augmentations, see Chapter 7: Equipment. Alternatively, you can configure it to be a handheld device, meaning that you must retrieve it and hold it to use it effectively. While using this rig, you always count as having the appropriate tool or basic kit for any Computers or Engineering skill check you attempt. Some mechanic tricks (see page 71) and drone mods (see page 77) require the use of a custom rig. In addition, you can use your custom rig as a Mk I comm unit (see Chapter 7: Equipment). Finally, if you have a drone, you can use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your drone to issue commands to its AI or directly control it at a range of 2,500 feet. If your custom rig is damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen, you can kitbash a new one from any engineering kit, hacking kit, or other technological toolkit, reconfiguring the materials into a new custom rig with 1 hour of work. You can have only one custom rig at a time. If you create a new custom rig, your old one functions as a normal toolkit of whatever type you made it from and can no longer be used with your mechanic tricks. +Mechanic Trick KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ MECHANIC TRICK SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature DESC:As you gain experience, you learn tricks that allow you to perform wonders of engineering, aid in electronic infiltrations, and optimize gear. While some of these are things you learn, others are small cybernetic enhancements you make to yourself (none of which have a price or count against your augmentation limits). Some tricks require the use of a custom rig or other gear. You learn your first mechanic trick at 2nd level, and you learn an additional mechanic trick at 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter. If a mechanic trick allows an opponent a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier. If a mechanic trick requires an opponent to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 x your class level + your Intelligence modifier. Unless otherwise specified, you can't learn mechanic tricks more than once. The list of mechanic tricks appears on page 71.|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mechanic Trick|MechanicTrickCount BONUS:VAR|MechanicTrickCount|floor(MechanicLVL/2)|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MechanicArchetype=True BONUS:VAR|MechanicTrickCount|1+(MechanicLVL>=8)+(MechanicLVL>=14)+(MechanicLVL>=16)+(MechanicLVL>=20)|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MechanicArchetype=True +Overload KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ OVERLOAD SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:As a standard action, you can cause a short in an electronic device, including most ranged energy weapons, melee weapons with the powered special property, or a single armor upgrade. This makes the device nonfunctional for 1 round. Overload doesn't cause a locked door, safe, or other device to open, but it prevents anyone from opening it for 1 round. You must be adjacent to the device to use this ability. If you have a drone, you can instead use this ability on an electronic device adjacent to your drone. If you have an exocortex with the wireless hack ability, you can instead use this ability on any electronic device within range of your exocortex's wireless hack. If you use overload on an item or armor upgrade in someone's possession, the owner can attempt a Reflex saving throw to negate the effect (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). Overload doesn't affect androids, cybernetics, drones, powered armor, robots, or creatures with the technological subtype (all of which have shielding against this sort of attack), or items larger than Medium. Once a device has been successfully overloaded, a residual static charge prevents that device from being overloaded again for 1 minute. +Weapon Specialization KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type this class grants you proficiency with. +Remote Hack KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ REMOTE HACK SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You can use your custom rig to attempt Computers and Engineering skill checks at a range of 20 feet. At 7th level and every 2 levels thereafter, this range increases by 10 feet. A target of this ability (or a creature attending or observing your target) can attempt a Perception or Sense Motive check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 x your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier) to determine that you are the origin of this activity. +Expert Rig KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ EXPERT RIG SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Your custom rig has improved. Whenever you use your custom rig to successfully hack into a computer, you can also disable one countermeasure installed in the system (except firewalls). In addition, your custom rig can now be used as any engineering or hacking specialty kit of item level 6th or lower, and it has the features of a computer with a tier equal to half your level with the artificial personality, hardened, or security I upgrade module. It also has an audio/video recorder. You can add extra modules or countermeasures to your custom rig at the normal prices. See page 213 for more information on computers. You can also use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your ship, allowing you to access your ship's downloaded data sets and transponder (see page 430) at a range of 5 miles. If you have a drone, you can issue commands to or directly control your drone at the same range. +Miracle Worker KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ MIRACLE WORKER SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:As a move action, you can repair damage to a starship's systems or modify a suit of armor or weapon to function more efficiently. To use this ability, you must be able to handle the item affected without impediment. You can use this ability once per day at 7th level, plus one additional time per day for every 4 mechanic levels you have beyond 7th. The exact effect of this ability depends on the object or system you are modifying. DESC:&nl;Armor: You grant a +2 enhancement bonus to a suit of armor's EAC and KAC for 1 minute. DESC:&nl;Weapon: You grant a +2 enhancement bonus to a weapon's attack and damage rolls for 1 minute. DESC:&nl;Damaged Ship: You restore a number of Hull Points equal to the starship's base frame HP increment. If this raises the ship's HP over a multiple of its Critical Threshold, you can repair critical damage to one system per multiple, reducing its severity by one step. For example, if your starship's Critical Threshold is 8 and you restore 10 HP, reducing the damage to the hull from 17 HP to 7 HP, you could restore one system from wrecked to glitching. Using this ability during starship combat is your action for the turn, and you can do it only during the engineering phase. See page 292 for more on ship construction and page 320 for more on damage to ships. ASPECT:NAME|MIRACLE WORKER (x%1)|MiracleWorkerTimes BONUS:VAR|MiracleWorkerTimes|(MechanicLVL-3)/4 +Override KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ OVERRIDE SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Your overload class feature now affects androids, drones, robots, and creatures with the technological subtype, which must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. If the target fails its saving throw by 10 or more, it is not dazed and you can dictate its actions for 1 round, though these actions can't be obviously self-destructive. Once a creature has attempted a saving throw against this attack (regardless of the result), it is immune to this attack for 24 hours. +Coordinated Assault KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ COORDINATED ASSAULT SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:If you have a drone, whenever both you and your drone make attacks against the same target, you each receive a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack rolls. If you have an exocortex instead, whenever you and your exocortex are both attempting to hack a system, you each receive a +1 circumstance bonus to the checks to gain access. In either case, these bonuses increase to +2 at 17th level. BONUS:VAR|Mechaniccf_CoordinatedAssaultBonus|1+(MechanicLVL>=17) ASPECT:NAME|Coordinated Assault (+%1)|Mechaniccf_CoordinatedAssaultBonus +Advanced Rig KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ ADVANCED RIG SOURCEPAGE:p.70 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Your custom rig's computer functions gain a bonus firewall countermeasure (see page 217). This firewall has no additional cost, does not count against the maximum number of countermeasures your custom rig can have, and can block off a module or group of modules already protected by a firewall. In addition, you can use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your ship, allowing you to access the ship's sensors, control its security systems, and prepare its engines for takeoff (as well as use the encrypted communications functions of your expert rig) at a range of 50 miles. If you have a drone, you can issue commands to or directly control your drone over an encrypted channel at the same range. +Control Net KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ CONTROL NET SOURCEPAGE:p.71 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You are capable of operating multiple AIs, one in a drone and one in an exocortex. You must divide up your mechanic level between these different AIs, and each gains abilities based on the number of levels you assign to it. Every time you gain a level in mechanic, you can change the distribution of levels between these AIs using your custom rig after 24 hours of uninterrupted work. While each AI can act independently to the limits of its ability, you can control them as normal (although you can directly control only one AI at a time). If the number of levels assigned to your exocortex is less than your mechanic level, your exocortex grants a smaller increase to your base attack bonus when using combat tracking (see page 79), as noted in the table below. You gain additional exocortex abilities, such as wireless hack and multitasking, based upon the level you assign to it as normal. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mechanic Control Net Selection|1 +Ghost In The Machine KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ GHOST IN THE MACHINE SOURCEPAGE:p.71 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When using your override class feature to affect an android, drone, robot, or creature with the technological subtype, a target that fails its saving throw by any amount is not dazed, and you can instead dictate its actions for the next round. These actions can't be obviously self-destructive. Once a creature has attempted a saving throw against this attack (regardless of the result), it is immune to this attack for 24 hours unless you spend 1 Resolve Point. You can continue to spend Resolve Points in this manner each round to make the creature susceptible to override again. +Superior Rig KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ SUPERIOR RIG SOURCEPAGE:p.71 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Your custom rig's computer functions now gain bonus lockout and wipe countermeasures. You can use your custom rig normally even when its lockout is active (you have special authorization no one else can access under any circumstances), and while any wiped data cannot be recovered by anyone else (as if the data module were destroyed), you can automatically recover it with 8 hours of work. These countermeasures have no additional cost and do not count against the maximum number of countermeasures your custom rig can have. Additionally, you can use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your ship at a range encompassing a planet and its close orbit, allowing you to remotely pilot your starship from point to point on the same planet or to and from orbit (as well as use the encrypted communications functions of your expert and advanced rig at the same range). If you have a drone, you can issue commands to or directly control your drone over an encrypted channel at the same range. +Tech Master KEY:Mechanic Class Feature ~ TECH MASTER SOURCEPAGE:p.71 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You are a master of technology. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to craft any technological weapon, armor, or item at a rate of 1 minute per item level or spend 1 Resolve Point to convert any existing technological armor or weapon into another suit of armor or another weapon of equal or lesser value at a rate of 1 minute per item level. This uses the normal crafting rules presented on page 235, but the item being converted counts as its full value in crafting components. You cannot convert a onehanded weapon into a two-handed weapon. When converting an item into a cheaper item, any excess value is lost and cannot be reclaimed by converting the item back. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Mechanic Artificial Intelligence Selection +Drone KEY:Mechanic Artificial Intelligence ~ Drone SOURCEPAGE:p.69 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Mechanic AI Selection DESC:You begin play with a powerful robotic drone to house your AI. You build and control this drone, which accompanies you on your adventures and is capable of combat, espionage, and other specialized tasks. As you gain levels, your drone advances in sophistication and gain additional abilities. While the value of your drone is immense, only you, with your extensive knowledge of its quirks and security measures, can ever hope to operate or repair it. Drones are detailed in Drones beginning on page 74. BONUS:VAR|DroneMasterLVL|MechanicLVL|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MechanicAIDivestment=true FOLLOWERS:Drone|1 COMPANIONLIST:Drone|Drone +Exocortex KEY:Mechanic Artificial Intelligence ~ Exocortex SOURCEPAGE:p.69 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mechanic Class Feature.Mechanic AI Selection DESC:You begin play with an exocortex, an artificial processor that interacts with and augments your biological brain's cognitive functions, which can aid you in a variety of tasks, from combat to digital infiltration. Your exocortex is implanted within your physical body or brain, similar to a piece of cybernetic hardware, allowing your AI to access your mind and feed you information. As you gain levels, your exocortex advances in sophistication and processing power-see Exocortex on page 79. Only you can access or interact with your exocortex. BONUS:VAR|ExocortexCompanionLVL|MechanicMasterLVL|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MechanicAIDivestment=true ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Exocortex LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:ExocortexCompanionLVL,1 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Exocortex LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:ExocortexCompanionLVL,5 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Exocortex LVL 7|PREVARGTEQ:ExocortexCompanionLVL,7 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Exocortex LVL 10|PREVARGTEQ:ExocortexCompanionLVL,10 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Exocortex LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:ExocortexCompanionLVL,15 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Exocortex LVL 20|PREVARGTEQ:ExocortexCompanionLVL,20 + +Add Another AI KEY:Mechanic Control Net Selection ~ Add another AI TYPE:Mechanic Control Net Selection CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mechanic AI Selection|1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Mechanic AI Level Divestment|MechanicMasterLVL FACT:MechanicAIDivestment|true +No new AI KEY:Mechanic Control Net Selection ~ No AI TYPE:Mechanic Control Net Selection CATEGORY:Internal + + ++1 Increase to Drone Level CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Mechanic AI Level Divestment BONUS:VAR|DroneCompanionLVL|1 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES ++1 Increase to Exocortex Level CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Mechanic AI Level Divestment BONUS:VAR|ExocortexCompanionLVL|1 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES ++4 Increase to Drone Level CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Mechanic AI Level Divestment BONUS:VAR|DroneCompanionLVL|4 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES COST:4 ++4 Increase to Exocortex Level CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Mechanic AI Level Divestment BONUS:VAR|ExocortexCompanionLVL|4 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES COST:4 + +Drone CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|RaceType ~ Construct BONUS:COMBAT|AC|AC_DroneEAC|TYPE=EAC_Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|AC_DroneKAC|TYPE=KAC_Armor BONUS:VAR|AC_DroneEAC,AC_DroneKAC|DroneArmorClass BONUS:VAR|EffectiveLVL|DroneMasterLVL BONUS:VAR|SkillCap_Level|EffectiveLVL BONUS:VAR|PC_Hands|DroneWeaponMount + +Drone Flight System CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:VAR|Fly|Walk + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Drone Chasis +Combat KEY:Drone Chasis ~ Combat CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Chasis Selection TEMPLATE:SIZE ~ Medium BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 BONUS:VAR|DroneGoodSave_Fort|1 BONUS:STAT|STR,DEX|DroneAbilityIncrease KIT:1|Drone ~ Combat ABILITY:Drone Mod|AUTOMATIC|Drone Mod ~ Reductive Plating BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Drone Weapon Proficiency|1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Combat Drone Initial Mod|2 BONUS:VAR|AC_DroneKAC|3 +Hover KEY:Drone Chasis ~ Hover CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Chasis Selection TEMPLATE:SIZE ~ Tiny BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 BONUS:VAR|Fly|30 BONUS:VAR|DroneGoodSave_Reflex|1 BONUS:STAT|DEX,WIS|DroneAbilityIncrease KIT:1|Drone ~ Hover ABILITY:DRONE Skill Unit|AUTOMATIC|DRONE Skill Unit ~ Acrobatics ABILITY:Drone Mod|AUTOMATIC|Drone Mod ~ Flight System|Drone Mod ~ Flight System|Drone Mod ~ Weapon Mount BONUS:VAR|AC_DroneEAC,AC_DroneKAC|1 +Stealth KEY:Drone Chasis ~ Stealth CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Chasis Selection TEMPLATE:SIZE ~ Small BONUS:VAR|Walk|40 BONUS:VAR|Climb|20 BONUS:VAR|DroneGoodSave_Reflex|1 BONUS:STAT|DEX,WIS|DroneAbilityIncrease KIT:1|Drone ~ Stealth ABILITY:DRONE Skill Unit|AUTOMATIC|DRONE Skill Unit ~ Stealth ABILITY:Drone Mod|AUTOMATIC|Drone Mod ~ Climbing Claws|Drone Mod ~ Reactive Camouflage|Drone Mod ~ Weapon Mount BONUS:VAR|AC_DroneKAC|2 + +# +Drone Special Abilities CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Drone Special Ability LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,1 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Drone Special Ability LVL 7|PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,7 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Drone Special Ability LVL 11|PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,11 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Drone Special Ability LVL 20|PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,20 + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Drone Special Abilities +Basic Mods CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 1 SOURCEPAGE:p.75 DESC:You can choose any of the mods on the basic mod list whenever your drone gains a new mod. Unless otherwise specified, you cannot install a single mod more than once. The list of basic mods appears starting on page 77. +Limited AI CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.75 DESC:Each round on your turn, after you have acted, your drone can take either a move action or a standard action to attack (your drone doesn't make a separate initiative roll). You must be able to issue simple commands to your drone, but you don't have to spend actions to issue these commands. To receive these commands, your drone must be able to see or hear you or be within range of your custom rig. If you become unconscious or otherwise unresponsive, or if your drone is ever out of range, your drone cannot take any actions until you are again able to command it or it is once more within range. +Master Control CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.75 DESC:As a move action, you can directly control your drone. This allows the drone to take both a move action and any standard action this turn (one from your control, and one from its limited AI). If you also take a swift action, your drone can take a swift action as well, or it can combine its actions into a full action. Your drone must be able to see or hear you, or be within range of your custom rig, for you to directly control your drone. +Skill Unit CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 1.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.76 DESC:Choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Computers, Engineering, Perception, or Stealth. This is a class skill for your drone, and it gains a number of ranks in the chosen skill equal to your class level. Your drone can use this skill when not under your direct control. You can change your drone's skill unit whenever you rebuild your drone from scratch. Additionally, whenever you are directly controlling your drone, it can use any of your skill ranks if you wish, assuming it has the appropriate tools to do so (a drone without manipulator arms cannot use Engineering to disable a device, for example). +Expert AI CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 7.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.76 DESC:Your drone's AI has grown more sophisticated, giving it a more robust combat routine when not under your direct control. Each round on your turn, the drone can take a move action, take a standard action to attack, or make a full attack (this last option allows it to shoot more than once if it has the necessary weapons to do so). The drone takes a -6 penalty to full attacks made without your direct control instead of the normal -4 penalty. Like limited AI, you must still be conscious and within range. +Upgraded Power Core CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 10.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.76 DESC:Your drone gains a pool of Resolve Points equal to 1 per 2 levels it has (minimum 1). Your drone can spend 1 Resolve Point to make a full attack without requiring your direct control and at only the normal -4 penalty for a full attack instead of the -6 penalty. Your drone regains Resolve Points after a full 8-hour rest as normal. +Advanced Mods CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 11 SOURCEPAGE:p.76 DESC:You can choose from any of the mods on the advanced mod list whenever your drone gains a new mod (in addition to those from the basic mod list). Your drone must always have at least 5 mods from the basic list before you can add any advanced mods, even if you rebuild your drone after it gains this ability. The list of advanced mods appears on pages 78-79. +True AI CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Drone Special Ability LVL 20.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.76 DESC:Your drone's AI can act with complete autonomy. Each round on your turn, your drone can take a full suite of actions (either a full action or else a move action, a standard action, and a swift action) without requiring your direct control, and it makes full attacks without your direct control with the normal -4 penalty. You don't need to issue commands to your drone for it to take actions. You must still directly control the drone for it to use your skill ranks. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Drone Skill Unit +Acrobatics KEY:DRONE Skill Unit ~ Acrobatics CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Skill Unit CSKILL:Acrobatics BONUS:SKILLRANK|Acrobatics|DroneMasterLVL +Athletics KEY:DRONE Skill Unit ~ Athletics CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Skill Unit CSKILL:Athletics BONUS:SKILLRANK|Athletics|DroneMasterLVL +Computers KEY:DRONE Skill Unit ~ Computers CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Skill Unit CSKILL:Computers BONUS:SKILLRANK|Computers|DroneMasterLVL +Engineering KEY:DRONE Skill Unit ~ Engineering CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Skill Unit CSKILL:Engineering BONUS:SKILLRANK|Engineering|DroneMasterLVL +Perception KEY:DRONE Skill Unit ~ Perception CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Skill Unit CSKILL:Perception BONUS:SKILLRANK|Perception|DroneMasterLVL +Stealth KEY:DRONE Skill Unit ~ Stealth CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Skill Unit CSKILL:Stealth BONUS:SKILLRANK|Stealth|DroneMasterLVL + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Drone Feats +Blind-Fight CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Blind-Fight TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Blind-Fight +Cleave CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Cleave TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Cleave +Deadly Aim CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Deadly Aim TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Deadly Aim +Far Shot CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Far Shot TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Far Shot +Great Cleave CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Great Cleave TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Great Cleave +Great Fortitude CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Great Fortitude TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Great Fortitude +Improved Combat Maneuver CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Improved Combat Maneuver TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Improved Combat Maneuver +Improved Critical CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Improved Critical TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Improved Critical +Iron Will CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Iron Will TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Iron Will +Jet Dash CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Jet Dash TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Jet Dash +Kip Up CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Kip Up TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Kip Up +Lightning Reflexes CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Lightning Reflexes TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Lightning Reflexes +Lunge CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Lunge TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Lunge +Mobility CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Mobility TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Mobility +Multi-Weapon Fighting CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Multi-Weapon Fighting TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Multi-Weapon Fighting +Nimble Moves CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Nimble Moves TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Nimble Moves +Opening Volley CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Opening Volley TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Opening Volley +Penetrating Attack CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Penetrating Attack TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Penetrating Attack +Shot on the Run CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Shot on the Run TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Shot on the Run +Skill Focus CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Skill Focus TYPE:Drone Feat BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Skill Focus|1 +Skill Synergy CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Skill Synergy TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Synergy +Slippery Shooter CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Slippery Shooter TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Slippery Shooter +Spring Attack CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Spring Attack TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Spring Attack +Strike Back CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Strike Back TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Strike Back +Suppressive Fire CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Suppressive Fire TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Suppressive Fire +Versatile Focus CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Versatile Focus TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Versatile Focus +Versatile Specialization CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Versatile Specialization TYPE:Drone Feat ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Versatile Specialization +Weapon Focus CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Weapon Focus TYPE:Drone Feat BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Weapon Focus|1 +Weapon Specialization CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Weapon Specialization TYPE:Drone Feat BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Weapon Specialization|1 +# +Extra Resolve CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Extra Resolve TYPE:Drone Feat PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,10 ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Extra Resolve +Improved Great Fortitude CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Improved Great Fortitude TYPE:Drone Feat PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,10 ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Improved Great Fortitude +Improved Iron Will CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Improved Iron Will TYPE:Drone Feat PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,10 ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Improved Iron Will +Improved Lightning Reflexes CATEGORY:Internal KEY:Drone Feat ~ Improved Lightning Reflexes TYPE:Drone Feat PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterLVL,10 ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Improved Lightning Reflexes + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Drone Mods +Armor Slot KEY:Drone Mod ~ Armor Slot CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone gains an armor upgrade slot for an armor upgrade (see page 204). If you do not already have an armor upgrade to install, you must purchase one separately. You can install the armor upgrade only if your drone has enough open upgrade slots to meet the upgrade's requirements. You can select this mod up to four times, each time adding an additional slot. BONUS:VAR|DroneArmorSlot|1 MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE STACK:YES PREVARLTEQ:DroneArmorSlot_TakenTimes,4 BONUS:VAR|DroneArmorSlot_TakenTimes|1 +Camera KEY:Drone Mod ~ Camera CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone has a camera that you can see through using your custom rig as long as your drone is within range. The camera has ordinary sight, and is capable of seeing whatever an ordinary human could see. The camera can also record up to 1 hour of footage, which can be downloaded and viewed using your custom rig. +Cargo Rack KEY:Drone Mod ~ Cargo Rack CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone is outfitted with cargo space. The drone's Strength score counts as 4 higher for the purpose of how determining much bulk it can carry, but all of this extra bulk must be stored gear and cargo, not mounted weapons, armor mods, or the like. This does not affect the drone's actual Strength score in any way, merely how much it can carry. Due to its size, a drone might still be unable to carry awkward or unwieldy items. +Climbing Claws KEY:Drone Mod ~ Climbing Claws CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone gains a climb speed equal to half its land speed. This mod can be applied to only combat and stealth drones. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.CombatDrone,TYPE.StealthDrone MOVECLONE:Walk,Climb,/2 +Enhanced Armor KEY:Drone Mod ~ Enhanced Armor CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone gains a +2 bonus to its AC. At 11th level, you can choose this mod a second time as an advanced mod. BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=Basic Mod +Enhanced Senses KEY:Drone Mod ~ Enhanced Senses CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone gains low-light vision, darkvision to 60 feet, and a +2 insight bonus to Perception skill checks. If your drone has the camera mod, the camera gains these senses as well. VISION:Low-light vision|Darkvision (60') BONUS:SKILL|Perception|2|TYPE=Insight +Extra Ammo KEY:Drone Mod ~ Extra Ammo CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:One of your drone's weapon mounts can hold two additional batteries, magazines, or other type of ammunition in addition to its usual weapon and ammunition capacity. Your drone must have the weapon mount mod before selecting this mod. You can select this mod more than once, up to the number of weapon mounts the drone has. CHOOSE:NOCHOICE STACK:YES MULT:YES PREVARLT:DroneExtraAmmoTaken,DroneWeaponMount BONUS:VAR|DroneExtraAmmoTaken|1 +Hardened AI KEY:Drone Mod ~ Hardened AI CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone's AI is secured against outside influence. Any attempt to hack your drone takes a -4 penalty, and your drone receives a +4 insight bonus to saving throws against spells or effects that attempt to take control of the drone or otherwise dictate its actions. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+4 insight bonus to saving throws against spells or effects that attempt to take control of the drone or otherwise dictate its actions. +Hydrojets KEY:Drone Mod ~ Hydrojets CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone is equipped with miniature marine jet engines, granting it a swim speed equal to half its land speed. This mod can be applied to only combat drones and stealth drones. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,TYPE.CombatDrone,TYPE.StealthDrone MOVECLONE:Walk,Swim,/2 +Jump Jets KEY:Drone Mod ~ Jump Jets CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone is equipped with powerful miniature jets. It can use these jets to jump up to 30 feet as a move action (either vertically, horizontally, or in any combination that does not exceed 30 feet). If applied to a hover drone, these jets instead allow your drone to increase its fly speed by 30 feet for 1 round. Once used, these jets must cool down for 1 minute before they can be used again. +Manipulator Arms KEY:Drone Mod ~ Manipulator Arms CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone is equipped with two robotic arms with simple hands. They can perform most functions that your arms can perform (such as opening doors, typing on a keypad, wielding a weapon, or attempting skill checks that require manual dexterity), but attacks made with them take a -4 penalty. +Melee Weapon Arm KEY:Drone Mod ~ Melee Weapon Arm CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone is equipped with a robotic arm to which you can affix a one-handed melee weapon, allowing your drone to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Wielding a two-handed melee weapon requires two melee weapon arms. If you do not already have a weapon to equip, you must purchase it separately. Swapping out a weapon in a melee weapon arm requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional melee weapon arm to the drone. CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES BONUS:VAR|DroneMeleeWeaponArm|1 +Resistance KEY:Drone Mod ~ Resistance CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone gains resistance to an energy type of your choice- acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic-equal to your mechanic level, to a maximum of 10. You can select this mod multiple times. Its effects do not stack; each time you select this mod, it must apply to a different energy type from the list above. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Drone Resistance|1 BONUS:VAR|DroneResistanceTaken|1 BONUS:VAR|DroneResistanceBase|min(10,DroneMasterLVL) +Riding Saddle KEY:Drone Mod ~ Riding Saddle CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 DESC:Your drone is equipped with a seat and programming to carry a rider as a combat-trained mount. If you ride your drone, it must be at least your size or larger. To carry another rider, the drone must be at least one size larger than the rider. You can direct your drone mount in battle without attempting Survival checks. +Skill Subroutines KEY:Drone Mod ~ Skill Subroutines CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 DESC:Choose another skill from the skill unit list. This is a class skill for your drone, which gains a number of ranks in that skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score by 2. At 11th level, you can choose this mod a second time as an advanced mod. If you do, choose an additional skill to become a class skill for your drone (this skill doesn't have to be on the skill unit list). Your drone gains ranks in the skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score again by 2. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|DRONE Skill Unit|1 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 +Smuggler's Compartment KEY:Drone Mod ~ Smuggler's Compartment CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 DESC:Your drone has a secret compartment that can hold a single item of light bulk or smaller. A successful Perception check (DC = 15 + your mechanic level) is needed to notice or find the compartment. Accessing this compartment is a move action. +Speed KEY:Drone Mod ~ Speed CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 DESC:Your drone's land speed increases by 10 feet. BONUS:VAR|Walk|10 +Tool Arm KEY:Drone Mod ~ Tool Arm CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 DESC:Select one technological item from Chapter 7: Equipment of no more than light bulk and an item level no higher than your mechanic level. Your drone is equipped with a robotic arm with that item attached and the proper programming to use the item, although it cannot use a tool that requires skill checks unless it also has ranks in the relevant skill (or you have ranks in the relevant skill and the drone is under your direct control). +Weapon Mount KEY:Drone Mod ~ Weapon Mount CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 DESC:You can affix a small arm or another one-handed ranged weapon on your drone, allowing it to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Mounting a longarm, a heavy weapon, or another two-handed ranged weapon requires two weapon mounts. A weapon mount can hold up to two batteries, two magazines, or two of another type of ammunition for the affixed weapon, provided this ammunition is of light bulk or less. Multiple weapon mounts used to affix a single two-handed weapon count as a single weapon mount for the purpose of how much ammunition it can hold. The drone reloads these batteries or magazines automatically, which takes the usual amount of time for the weapon. Spent batteries or magazines are stored within the drone. You can replace all of a weapon mount's batteries or magazines as a move action. You must purchase separately or already have the weapon and ammunition for use with a weapon mount. You can replace the weapon with any other weapon that meets the criteria for your mount (for example, if you have two weapon mounts, you could replace a longarm with a heavy weapon). Swapping out a weapon in a weapon mount requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional weapon mount to the drone. BONUS:VAR|DroneWeaponMount|1 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES +Weapon Proficiency KEY:Drone Mod ~ Weapon Proficiency CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 DESC:Your drone gains one of the following feats as a bonus feat (it must meet all the prerequisites of the chosen feat): Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency, Basic Melee Weapon Proficiency, Heavy Weapon Proficiency, Longarm Proficiency, Small Arm Proficiency, or Special Weapon Proficiency. You can select this mod multiple times; each time, your drone gains another of the available proficiency feats as a bonus feat. CHOOSE:ABILITYSELECTION|FEAT|Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency|Basic Melee Weapon Proficiency|Heavy Weapon Proficiency|Longarm Proficiency|Small Arm Proficiency|Special Weapon Proficiency MULT:YES STACK:NO ABILITY:Feat|AUTOMATIC|%LIST + +# Advanced Mods 11th+ +Enhanced Armor (Adv.) KEY:Drone Mod ~ Enhanced Armor II CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.77 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone gains a +2 bonus to its AC. BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=Advanced Mod +Skill Subroutines (Adv.) KEY:Drone Mod ~ Skill Subroutines II CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Choose another skill from the skill unit list. This is a class skill for your drone, which gains a number of ranks in that skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score by 2. At 11th level, you can choose this mod a second time as an advanced mod. If you do, choose an additional skill to become a class skill for your drone (this skill doesn't have to be on the skill unit list). Your drone gains ranks in the skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score again by 2. CHOOSE:SKILL|ALL CSKILL:LIST MULT:YES STACK:NO BONUS:SKILLRANK|%LIST|DroneMasterLVL BONUS:STAT|INT|2 +Echolocators KEY:Drone Mod ~ Echolocators CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone uses basic echolocation to notice unseen foes. The drone gains the blindsense (sound) ability (see page 262). +Energy Shield KEY:Drone Mod ~ Energy Shield CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone gains an energy shield that provides it with a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your mechanic level. This shield remains active until all of its temporary Hit Points are depleted. The drone can replenish the shield's Hit Points to full by spending 1 Resolve Point when you rest to regain Stamina Points. You can select this mod a second time to double the energy shield's temporary Hit Points. CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES + PREVARLT:DroneModEnergyShieldTaken,2 BONUS:HP|ALTHP|DroneMasterLVL +Excavator KEY:Drone Mod ~ Excavator CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone gains a burrow speed equal to half its land speed. It can use this speed to move through clay, dirt, earth, and sand. It does not leave a hole behind, nor is its passage marked on the surface. MOVECLONE:Walk,Burrow,/2 +Flight System KEY:Drone Mod ~ Flight System CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone gains a fly speed equal to half its land speed with average maneuverability for up to 10 minutes per day. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can select this mod a second time; in this case, the drone's fly speed increases to its full land speed, and there is no limit on the amount of time it can fly. + BONUS:VAR|DroneModFlightSystemTaken|1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Drone Flight System|PREVAREQ:DroneModFlightSystemTaken,2 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES PREVARLT:DroneModFlightSystemTaken,2 +Greater Resistance KEY:Drone Mod ~ Greater Resistance CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Choose one type of energy for which your drone already has the resistance mod. Increase your drone's resistance to that energy type by 5. You can select this mod multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you select this mod, it applies to a different energy type for which your drone has the resistance mod. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Drone Greater Resistance|1 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES PREVARLT:DroneGreaterResistanceTaken,DroneResistanceTaken + DEFINE:DroneGreaterResistanceTaken|0 BONUS:VAR|DroneGreaterResistanceTaken|1 +Invisibility Field KEY:Drone Mod ~ Invisibility Field CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Once per day as a standard action, your drone can turn invisible for 10 minutes, as per the invisibility spell. If it makes an attack during this time, the invisibility ends. Your drone can spend 2 Resolve Points to use this ability again on the same day. Your drone must have the reactive camouflage mod to select this. PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Drone Mod ~ reactive camouflage +Medical Subroutine KEY:Drone Mod ~ Medical Subroutine CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.78 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone is equipped with first aid capabilities. If you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, your drone can attempt to administer emergency medical treatment to you, even despite you being unconscious. On subsequent rounds on your turn, your drone takes as many move actions as necessary to return to your side, followed by a standard action to administer first aid. Once it has done so, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your mechanic level. Your drone cannot use this mod on anyone but you nor use it if you are dead or have fewer than 2 RP remaining. You can't benefit from this treatment more than once every 24 hours. Your drone must have the manipulator arms and skill subroutines (with the Medicine skill) mods to select this mod. PRECSKILL:1,Medicine PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Drone Mod ~ manipulator arms +Reactive Camouflage KEY:Drone Mod ~ Reactive Camouflage CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.79 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone is equipped with a thin coating that can change color to match the drone's surroundings. Whenever your drone stays stationary for 1 round, it gains a +10 bonus to Stealth checks (this bonus doesn't stack with the invisibility spell or similar effects). If your drone takes any action, it loses this bonus until it once again spends 1 round remaining still. +Reductive Plating KEY:Drone Mod ~ Reductive Plating CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.79 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Your drone gains damage reduction 1/-. This increases to DR 2/- at 7th level and increases by 1 again at 13th level and every 3 levels thereafter. DR:DroneDR/- BONUS:VAR|DroneDR|1+(DroneMasterLVL>=7)+(DroneMasterLVL>=13)+(DroneMasterLVL>=16)+(DroneMasterLVL>=19) +Shock Wave KEY:Drone Mod ~ Shock Wave CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod.Class Feature.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.79 PREMULT:1,[PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11],[PREVARGTEQ:DroneMasterTotalLVL,11] DESC:Whenever your drone is reduced to fewer than 10 HP, it immediately shuts down and unleashes a shock wave of electricity as a reaction (even if it is deactivated or destroyed by the attack). This deals 1d6 electricity damage per level to every creature within 10 feet (except the drone). An affected creature can attempt a Reflex save to take half damage (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Drone Resistance +Acid KEY:Drone Resistance ~ Acid CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Resistance.Class Feature DESC:%1|DroneResistance_Acid BONUS:VAR|AcidResistanceBonus|DroneResistance_Acid|TYPE=Resistance BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Acid|DroneResistanceBase +Cold KEY:Drone Resistance ~ Cold CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Resistance.Class Feature DESC:%1|DroneResistance_Cold BONUS:VAR|ColdResistanceBonus|DroneResistance_Cold|TYPE=Resistance BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Cold|DroneResistanceBase +Electricity KEY:Drone Resistance ~ Electricity CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Resistance.Class Feature DESC:%1|DroneResistance_Elec BONUS:VAR|ElectricityResistanceBonus|DroneResistance_Elec|TYPE=Resistance BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Elec|DroneResistanceBase +Fire KEY:Drone Resistance ~ Fire CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Resistance.Class Feature DESC:%1|DroneResistance_Fire BONUS:VAR|FireResistanceBonus|DroneResistance_Fire|TYPE=Resistance BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Fire|DroneResistanceBase +Sonic KEY:Drone Resistance ~ Sonic CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Resistance.Class Feature DESC:%1|DroneResistance_Sonic BONUS:VAR|SonicResistanceBonus|DroneResistance_Sonic|TYPE=Resistance BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Sonic|DroneResistanceBase + +Acid KEY:Drone Greater Resistance ~ Acid PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Drone Resistance ~ Acid CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Greater Resistance.Class Feature BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Acid|5 +Cold KEY:Drone Greater Resistance ~ Cold PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Drone Resistance ~ Cold CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Greater Resistance.Class Feature BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Cold|5 +Electricity KEY:Drone Greater Resistance ~ Electricity PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Drone Resistance ~ Electricity CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Greater Resistance.Class Feature BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Elec|5 +Fire KEY:Drone Greater Resistance ~ Fire PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Drone Resistance ~ Fire CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Greater Resistance.Class Feature BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Fire|5 +Sonic KEY:Drone Greater Resistance ~ Sonic PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Drone Resistance ~ Sonic CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Greater Resistance.Class Feature BONUS:VAR|DroneResistance_Sonic|5 + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Exocortex +Combat Tracking KEY:Exocortex ~ Combat Tracking CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Extraordinary.Exocortex LVL 1 SOURCEPAGE:p.79 DESC:Your exocortex provides you with enhanced combat ability, granting you proficiency with heavy armor and longarms. At 3rd level, you gain weapon specialization in longarms just as if your class granted proficiency. As a move action during combat, you can designate a foe for your exocortex to track. As long as that target is in sight, the exocortex feeds you telemetry, vulnerabilities, and combat tactics, allowing you to make attacks against that target as if your base attack bonus from your mechanic levels were equal to your mechanic level. Designating another target causes you to immediately lose this bonus against the previous target. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Heavy Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Longarms ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Longarms|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=3 +Memory Module KEY:Exocortex ~ Memory Module CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Extraordinary.Exocortex LVL 1 SOURCEPAGE:p.79 DESC:You can use your exocortex's memory module to enhance your own knowledge. Once per day, as a reaction while not in combat, you can reroll a failed skill check (see page 243) to recall knowledge (see page 143). In addition, your exocortex grants you the Skill Focus feat as a bonus feat. You can't use your exocortex's memory module while combat tracking is activated. Every time you gain a mechanic level, you can rebuild your exocortex's memory module, replacing the exocortex's bonus Skill Focus feat with Skill Focus in a different skill. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Skill Focus|1 +Wireless Hack KEY:Exocortex ~ Wireless Hack CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Extraordinary.Exocortex LVL 5 SOURCEPAGE:p.79 DESC:Instead of combat tracking, your exocortex can access another computer system within 20 feet, allowing it to attempt a Computers check against that computer each round, using your skill bonus. This counts as a standard action for the purpose of the Computers skill. You must remain within 20 feet of the computer system for the entire time your exocortex is interacting with the computer. If the task requires multiple actions (or even rounds) to accomplish, you can spend your actions to work in concert with your exocortex, counting both your action and the exocortex's effective standard action toward the total time required. If you don't have the remote hack class feature, you must be adjacent to the computer to attempt your checks. +Exocortex Mods KEY:Exocortex ~ Exocortex Mods CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Extraordinary.Exocortex LVL 7 SOURCEPAGE:p.79 DESC:[Not Implemented]Your exocortex allows you to apply any one of the following drone mods to yourself as if you were a drone with that mod installed: armor slot, cargo rack, climbing claws, enhanced senses, hydrojets, jump jets, resistance, smuggler's compartment, speed, or weapon proficiency (gaining proficiency in advanced melee or heavy weapons). At 11th level, you can apply an additional mod, and your options expand to include echolocators, excavator, flight system, greater resistance, invisibility field, and reactive camouflage. At 14th and 17th levels, you can apply an additional mod. Each time you gain a level, you can switch any of your mods for different mods, but you must always choose at least one mod from the 7th-level list. +Twin Tracking KEY:Exocortex ~ Twin Tracking CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Extraordinary.Exocortex LVL 10 SOURCEPAGE:p.79 DESC:You can designate two targets for your exocortex to track, increasing your base attack bonus against each. You can designate both targets with a single move action, but you must be able to see them both at that time. +Multitasking KEY:Exocortex ~ Multitasking CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Extraordinary.Exocortex LVL 15 SOURCEPAGE:p.79 DESC:You can designate three targets for your exocortex to track (and designate them all as a single move action). In addition, the range of your exocortex's wireless hack increases to 40 feet. Your exocortex can also engage in combat tracking and hack a nearby computer at the same time, but the computer counts as one of the exocortex's designated targets (allowing you to track only two targets at the same time while wirelessly hacking the computer). Lastly, you can access your exocortex's memory module in combat, even while it is engaged in combat tracking. +Quad Tracking KEY:Exocortex ~ Quad Tracking CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Extraordinary.Exocortex LVL 20 SOURCEPAGE:p.79 DESC:Your exocortex can track four targets simultaneously, and hacking a nearby computer doesn't count against that limit. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: MECHANIC TRICKS +Distracting Hack KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Distracting Hack SOURCEPAGE:p.71 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]You can hack a computer within 30 feet of a foe to distract that foe, such as with a sudden noise or an image. You must be able to access the computer (whether it is your own computer or you are within range to access one manually or via remote hack). This functions as a feint action except that it uses your Computers skill instead of Bluff, so you can apply the benefits of Improved Feint and Greater Feint if you have them. +Energy Shield KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Energy Shield SOURCEPAGE:p.71 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]As a standard action, you can use your custom rig to activate an energy shield around yourself. This shield provides you with a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your mechanic level. The shield remains active for 1 minute per mechanic level or until all of its temporary Hit Points are depleted, whichever comes first. Once used, you cannot use this ability again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest; your shield automatically shuts off during this period of rest. +Hack Directory KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Hack Directory SOURCEPAGE:p.71 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Whenever you attempt to hack a system and fail the check, you immediately become aware of any countermeasures that were activated due to your failure. You can then select one of these countermeasures and attempt another Computers check (with the same DC as the original). If you succeed at this second check, you can prevent that countermeasure from activating, as if you had not attempted to access the system at all. Any other countermeasures have their normal effect. +Neural Shunt KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Neural Shunt SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Once per day, as a reaction when you fail a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, you can shunt that effect into your exocortex instead. When you do so, you are not affected by the mind-affecting effect, but for the normal duration of that effect, you lose the Skill Focus feat granted by your exocortex's memory module and cannot use any of the exocortex's abilities in any way (including any proficiencies and mods it grants you). When a mind-affecting effect is shunted into the exocortex, spells such as dispel magic or break enchantment can be cast on you to end the effect as if you were affected by it. Once the duration of the mindaffecting effect has ended, your exocortex resumes its normal functions. You must have an exocortex to learn this trick. +Nightvision Processor KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Nightvision Processor SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Your visual data processor allows you to see better in conditions of poor lighting, granting you low-light vision and darkvision to a range of 60 feet. You must have the visual data processor mechanic trick to learn this trick. +Overcharge KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Overcharge SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]As a standard action, you can use your custom rig to overcharge and attack with a ranged energy weapon or a melee weapon with the powered special property (see page 181) that you're holding. If you hit, you deal 1d6 additional damage of the same type the weapon normally deals. This attack uses three times as many charges from the battery or power cell as normal and can't be used if the weapon doesn't have enough charges. This trick has no effect on a weapon without a battery or power cell. You can instead use this ability as a move action on a touched powered weapon that is unattended or attended by an ally to grant the same effect to that weapon's next attack before the beginning of your next turn. +Overclocking KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Overclocking SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]You have augmented the performance of your AI for maximum response timing. You gain a +2 insight bonus to initiative checks, and either you (if you have an exocortex) or your drone (if you have a drone) gains a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves. +Overload Weapon KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Overload Weapon SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]As a full action or as a move action by spending 1 Resolve Point, you can cause a powered weapon (either a ranged energy weapon or a melee weapon with the powered special property) in your possession to explode. You can use the weapon as if it were a grenade of the weapon's item level or lower dealing the weapon's normal damage type, except the weapon has a range increment of only 10 feet unless it is a thrown weapon. If someone tries to attack with the weapon, it explodes as a grenade would instead, centered on the user, and the user doesn't receive a Reflex save to negate the grenade's effect (if any). Once you've primed a weapon to explode in this way, it's difficult to reverse the effect, requiring 8 hours of work and a successful Engineering check (DC = 15 + your Engineering bonus); failing the check by 5 or more detonates the weapon. Once detonated, the weapon is destroyed, just like a grenade. +Portable Power KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Portable Power SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]You can use your custom rig to supply limited power for up to 1 minute to a computer or starship system that lacks power. If this system is part of a much larger network, this trick does not supply power to the entire network, just to a limited point of access (typically a terminal), which might greatly limit functionality. Once you have used portable power on a system, you cannot do so again on that system for 24 hours. +Quick Patch KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Quick Patch SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]When you attempt to patch a system on a starship, you reduce the number of actions required to do so by one. This does not reduce the time needed to patch a glitching system, but you can patch two systems with one action. +Quick Repair KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Quick Repair SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]When you attempt to repair an item, you can do so in half the time normally required (to a minimum of a full action). +Repair Drone KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Repair Drone SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]When you spend 10 minutes to repair your drone, you repair 25%% of its maximum Hit Points instead of 10%%. You must have a drone to learn this trick. +Visual Data Processor KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Visual Data Processor SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 2 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]You notice even the smallest shifts in movement, temperature, and vibration, gaining the insight bonus from your bypass class feature to Perception skill checks. +Boost Shield KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Boost Shield SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Your energy shield grants you a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your Intelligence modifier + double your mechanic level. In addition, if you have already used your shield, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to use it again without having to regain Stamina Points first. This replenishes your shield's temporary Hit Points to full. You must have the energy shield mechanic trick to learn this trick. +Drone Meld KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Drone Meld SOURCEPAGE:p.72 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]As a full action while in contact with your drone, you can reconfigure it into a mechanical drone suit (or a backpack-like apparatus, for the Tiny hover drone) that you can wear. While in this form, the drone can't take any actions or use any of its abilities, but you gain either the drone's flight system mods if you have a hover drone, reactive camouflage (and an invisibility field if your drone has it) if you have a stealth drone, or reductive plating if you have a combat drone. You can end the meld and return the drone to its normal form as a full action. Though it normally acts on your turn just after you, the drone can take no actions on that turn other than transforming back. +Engineer's Eye KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Engineer's Eye SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]When you are within 10 feet of a trapped or malfunctioning machine or computer, you receive a free Computers, Engineering, or Perception check (as decided by the GM) to notice the trap or defect, whether or not you are actively looking. In addition, due to your intimate knowledge of your ship, you receive one of these checks whenever you board your ship to notice if anything is wrong with the ship's systems. +Ghost Intrusion KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Ghost Intrusion SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Whenever you use the Computers skill to access a system and you fail to overcome its defenses by 4 or less, you do not trigger any countermeasures and there is no log of your attempt. If you fail by 5 or more, any countermeasures take effect against you as normal. +Holographic Projector KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Holographic Projector SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Your custom rig can project holographic images as a standard action as often as you like, as per 2nd-level holographic image except it can create speech and has a range of only 120 feet. +Hyperclocking KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Hyperclocking SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]You further improve the response time of your AI. If you have a drone, your drone gains a +1 insight bonus to AC. In addition, if your drone is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, it takes no damage if it succeeds at its saving throw. If you have an exocortex, you gain a +1 insight bonus to AC. In addition, whenever you fail a Reflex saving throw, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll the saving throw (see page 243) and take the higher result. You must have the overclocking mechanic trick to learn this trick. +Improved Overcharge KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Improved Overcharge SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]The additional damage of the overcharge mechanic trick increases to 2d6. You must have the overcharge mechanic trick to learn this trick. +Invisibility Bypass Processor KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Invisibility Bypass Processor SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Your visual data processor now allows you to see invisible creatures as per see invisibility. You must have the visual data processor mechanic trick to learn this trick. +Resistant Energy KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Resistant Energy SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Even when your energy shield is inactive, the ambient energy protects you from a particular type of energy attack. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You gain resistance 5 against that energy type. You must have the energy shield mechanic trick to learn this trick. +Scoutbot KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Scoutbot SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 8 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]You're always crafting rudimentary bots in your spare time, and can use them to scout. It takes you 10 minutes and 1 Resolve Point to create a scoutbot. A scoutbot is a Small technological construct, its EAC and KAC are equal to 10 + your mechanic level, and it has 1 Hit Point per mechanic level you have (and no Stamina Points). It has a land speed of 30 feet, and you can control its movements with your custom rig as a move action. It has a camera that streams visual and auditory data back to your rig. The scoutbot uses your saving throw bonuses if necessary. It is untrained in all skills and has a +0 bonus in all of them, though you can use your own Perception skill when examining the feed from its stream. Once created, the scoutbot lasts for 1 minute per mechanic level you have before falling apart unless otherwise destroyed. +Extra Mod KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Extra Mod SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 14 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]If you have a drone, your drone gains an additional basic mod. If you have an exocortex, you gain an additional basic mod. It can't be a basic mod taken a second time as an advanced mod. You can rebuild this extra mod when you gain a mechanic level as with any other mod, but you can't rebuild this mod to convert it into the advanced version of the mod. +Improved Resistant Energy KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Improved Resistant Energy SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 14 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Choose an additional energy type from resistant energy. You gain resistance 15 against both this and your original energy type. You must have the energy shield and resistant energy mechanic tricks to learn this trick. +Invisibility-Hampering Projector KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Invisibility-Hampering Projector SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 14 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]As a move action, you can use your custom rig's holographic projector to project a holographic image in a direct overlay over an invisible creature within 120 feet, and your custom rig's computer moves the image to follow the invisible creature, effectively negating the creature's invisibility as long as it remains within 120 feet of you. If it moves beyond that range, it breaks the effect until you use this ability again. You must have the holographic projector, invisibility bypass processor, and visual data processor mechanic tricks to learn this trick. +Mod Tinkerer KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Mod Tinkerer SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 14 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]You can spend 24 hours of uninterrupted work to exchange all your drone or exocortex mods at any time, even if you haven't gained a level. Any other drone features (such as its chassis or bonus feats) can still be exchanged only when you gain a level. +Saboteur KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Saboteur SOURCEPAGE:p.73 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 14 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]Whenever you use the Engineering skill to sabotage or disable a device, you can roll twice and take the better result. In addition, if you have the appropriate tools (including your custom rig), performing these tasks takes half the normal amount of time, to a minimum of 1 move action. +Superior Overcharge KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Superior Overcharge SOURCEPAGE:p.74 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 14 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]The additional damage of the overcharge mechanic trick increases to 4d6. You must have the overcharge and improved overcharge mechanic tricks to learn this trick. You can select this trick multiple times. Each time you do after the first, increase the damage by 1d6 (to a maximum of 7d6 if you select it all four times). +Ultraclocking KEY:Mechanic Trick ~ Ultraclocking SOURCEPAGE:p.74 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Extraordinary.Mechanic Trick.Mechanic Trick LVL 14 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED]If you have a drone, you can grant the effects of haste to your drone for 1 minute as a move action. If you have an exocortex, you can gain the effects of haste for 1 minute as a move action. Once you or your drone has used this ability, you cannot use it again until you spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points from a 10-minute rest. You must have the overclocking and hyperclocking mechanic tricks to learn this trick. + + + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Mystic 83 +Connection KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ CONNECTION SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature DESC:You have a mysterious connection with some force that grants you magical powers. The exact nature of your connection can vary widely, and even mystics who share the same connection may interpret it differently. You must pick one connection upon taking your first level of mystic-once made, this choice can't be changed. Connections you can choose from begin on page 85. Many mystics serve as priests of various gods, and while you can theoretically choose any type of connection with any entity or concept, deities rarely grant connections that don't fit within their ethos (for example, Weydan, the god of freedom, is unlikely to look kindly on overlords). As such, each connection lists the deities and philosophies commonly associated with it. + BONUS:VAR|MysticHighestCastableLVL|1+(MysticLVL>=4)+(MysticLVL>=7)+(MysticLVL>=10)+(MysticLVL>=13)+(MysticLVL>=16) + BONUS:VAR|MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL|1+(MysticLVL>=4)+(MysticLVL>=7)+(MysticLVL>=10)+(MysticLVL>=13)+(MysticLVL>=16) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Connection Selection|1 BONUS:VAR|MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL|-1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticLVL,4|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=true +Connection Power KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ Connection Power SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature DESC:At 1st level, 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, you gain a connection power unique to your connection. If a connection power allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your mystic level + your Wisdom modifier. If the power requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 x your mystic level + your Wisdom modifier. + BONUS:VAR|MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL|1+floor(MysticLVL/3) BONUS:VAR|MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL|-(MysticLVL>=6)+(MysticLVL>=18)|PREVARGTEQ:MysticLVL,6|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=true +Connection Spell KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ Connection Spell SOURCEPAGE:p.83 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature DESC:Your connection grants you additional spells known, one for each level of mystic spell you can cast, starting at 1st level and at any level when you normally gain access to a new spell level. These spells are in addition to the spells known listed on Table 4-6: Mystic Spells Known. These spells can't be exchanged for different spells at higher levels (except in specific cases; see below). The spell level of each spell is listed in your connection's entry. If your connection lists a single variable-level spell (see page 330) for all spell levels at the start of its spells entry, you gain that variable-level spell when you first get your connection spell for each level. The next time you gain a connection spell, add the next higher level of the variable-level spell to your list of spells known. You immediately lose the lower-level version of that variable-level spell and replace it with the listed connection spell for that lower level. +Healing Touch KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ HEALING TOUCH SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes to magically heal an ally up to 5 Hit Points per mystic level. +Channel Skill KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ CHANNEL SKILL SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:You draw strange feelings, instincts, knowledge, and urges from your connection, augmenting your prowess in certain tasks. Each connection has two skills associated with it. You gain a +1 insight bonus to skill checks with your connection's associated skills. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter. + BONUS:VAR|MysticChannelSkillBonus|1+((MysticLVL+1)/3) BONUS:VAR|MysticChannelSkillBonus|-(MysticLVL>=11)+(MysticLVL>=14)|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=true +Mindlink KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ MINDLINK SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature.SpellLike DESC:You can form a mental link with creatures you touch, communicating information rapidly through it. You can use mindlink at will as a spell-like ability, though only once per day on any given individual. +Weapon Specialization KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat for each weapon type this class grants you proficiency with. ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Small Arms +Telepathic Bond KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ TELEPATHIC BOND SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature.SpellLike DESC:As a standard action, you can form a telepathic link with up to six other willing creatures, allowing you to communicate telepathically at great distances. This functions as telepathic bond, except the duration is permanent. You can have only one telepathic bond active in this way at any given time; creating a new telepathic bond immediately ends the previous one. +Transcendence KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ TRANSCENDENCE SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature.SpellLike DESC:You are close to becoming one with your connection. You can cast each of your connection spells once per day without consuming a spell slot. In addition, you learn how to temporarily transcend your physical form. Once per day, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to project your consciousness outside of your physical body in the form of an intangible psychic image of yourself. This counts as a 6th-level illusion effect and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your mystic level. While your consciousness is projected, your physical body is considered blind, deaf, and helpless, but you can return to your body as a swift action. You control your psychic image as though it was your own body, and your senses perceive only what the image can see and hear. You move with a fly speed of 60 feet and perfect maneuverability. You can pass through solid objects as though you were incorporeal, but you can't go farther into a solid object than your space (5 feet for a Medium creature). You can't directly affect physical objects. Your projected consciousness is immune to most attacks or effects, whether or not they affect incorporeal creatures, but mindaffecting effects have their full effect on you. You can cast any mystic spell or spell-like ability with a range of touch or greater from your projected consciousness. The spells affect other targets normally. You can't cast any spells on your projected consciousness except for illusion spells. You need not maintain line of effect to your projected consciousness, but if you cross into another plane, even momentarily (including via Drift travel), your mind immediately returns to your physical body. +Enlightenment KEY:Mystic Class Feature ~ ENLIGHTENMENT SOURCEPAGE:p.84 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mystic Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:You achieve enlightenment, becoming a living incarnation of your connection. You no longer age, nor do you die of old age. Once per day as a move action, you can enter a state of total communion with your connection that lasts for 1 minute. During this time, you gain a +4 insight bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, and you gain 20 temporary Resolve Points that you can use only on connection powers. Any unspent temporary Resolve Points disappear at the end of this minute. In addition, once per week, you can cast miracle as a spell-like ability + +# +Lose Healing Touch KEY:Mystic ~ Lose Healing Touch TYPE:Mystic LV 9 Archetype Choice.Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature DESC:You chose to lose Healing Touch as part of your Archetype. +Lose Feat KEY:Mystic ~ Lose Feat TYPE:Mystic LV 9 Archetype Choice.Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature DESC:You chose to lose a Feat as part of your Archetype. + +#### +# Connections +#### + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Akashic CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection.Connection Selection DESC:You're linked to the collective knowledge of every sentient species that ever lived that's held in the Akashic Record, an Astral library of perfect psychic records of every moment in history. You might be an ancient lorekeeper, an inquisitive student of the occult, an intuitive consulting detective, or a secret-hoarding spy. DESC:&nl;Associated Deities: Eloritu, Nyarlathotep, Pharasma, Talavet, Triune, Weydan, Yaraesa DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Culture and Mysticism BONUS:SKILL|Culture,Mysticism|MysticChannelSkillBonus DESC:&nl;Spells: 1st-identify, 2nd-augury, 3rd-tongues, 4th-divination, 5th-contact other plane, 6th-vision ABILITY:Akashic Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Akashic Connection Power LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,1 ABILITY:Akashic Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Akashic Connection Power LVL 3|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,3 ABILITY:Akashic Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Akashic Connection Power LVL 6|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,6 ABILITY:Akashic Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Akashic Connection Power LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,9 ABILITY:Akashic Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Akashic Connection Power LVL 12|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,12 ABILITY:Akashic Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Akashic Connection Power LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,15 ABILITY:Akashic Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Akashic Connection Power LVL 18|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,18 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Akashic Connection Spell - 1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Akashic Connection Spell - 2|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Akashic Connection Spell - 3|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Akashic Connection Spell - 4|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Akashic Connection Spell - 5|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,5 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Akashic Connection Spell - 6|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,6 +Empath CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection.Connection Selection DESC:Your connection helps you sense emotions and notice details others can't. You might be a diplomat, an investigator, a mindreading bodyguard, a ship's psychologist, or a psychic con artist. DESC:&nl;Associated Deities: Abadar, Hylax, Iomedae, Sarenrae, Talavet, Triune (Casandalee) DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Perception and Sense Motive BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Sense Motive|MysticChannelSkillBonus DESC:&nl;Spells: 1st-detect thoughts, 2nd-zone of truth, 3rd-clairaudience/clairvoyance, 4th-mind probe, 5th-telepathy, 6th-true seeing ABILITY:Empath Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Empath Connection Power LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,1 ABILITY:Empath Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Empath Connection Power LVL 3|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,3 ABILITY:Empath Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Empath Connection Power LVL 6|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,6 ABILITY:Empath Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Empath Connection Power LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,9 ABILITY:Empath Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Empath Connection Power LVL 12|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,12 ABILITY:Empath Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Empath Connection Power LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,15 ABILITY:Empath Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Empath Connection Power LVL 18|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,18 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Empath Connection Spell - 1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Empath Connection Spell - 2|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Empath Connection Spell - 3|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Empath Connection Spell - 4|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Empath Connection Spell - 5|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,5 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Empath Connection Spell - 6|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,6 +Healer CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection.Connection Selection DESC:Your connection channels the life force of all things-as well as its counterpart, death. You're an expert healer, but not necessarily a selfless one. You might be a traveling doctor, a haunted medium, a military medic, or a tyrannical necromancer. DESC:&nl;Associated Deities: Desna, Hylax, Iomedae, Pharasma, Sarenrae, Talavet, Urgathoa, Weydan DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Medicine and Mysticism BONUS:SKILL|Medicine,Mysticism|MysticChannelSkillBonus DESC:&nl;Spells: 1st-6th Mystic Cure; replaced by 1st-lesser remove condition, 2nd-remove condition, 3rd-remove affliction, 4th-restoration, 5th-greater remove condition ABILITY:Healer Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Healer Connection Power LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,1 ABILITY:Healer Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Healer Connection Power LVL 3|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,3 ABILITY:Healer Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Healer Connection Power LVL 6|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,6 ABILITY:Healer Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Healer Connection Power LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,9 ABILITY:Healer Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Healer Connection Power LVL 12|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,12 ABILITY:Healer Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Healer Connection Power LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,15 ABILITY:Healer Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Healer Connection Power LVL 18|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,18 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Healer Connection Spell - 1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Healer Connection Spell - 2|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Healer Connection Spell - 3|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Healer Connection Spell - 4|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Healer Connection Spell - 5|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,5 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Healer Connection Spell - 6|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,6 +Mindbreaker CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection.Connection Selection DESC:You use your raw will and understanding of the mind's structure to crush and demoralize your enemies. You might be a special ops assassin, a psychic interrogator, or a righteous military crusader breaking the enemy's spirit on the battlefield. DESC:&nl;Associated Deities: Besmara, Damoritosh, The Devourer, Iomedae, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Bluff and Intimidate BONUS:SKILL|Bluff,Intimidate|MysticChannelSkillBonus DESC:&nl;Spells: 1st-6th mind thrust; replaced by 1st-lesser confusion, 2nd-inflict pain, 3rd-synaptic pulse, 4th-confusion, 5th- feeblemind ABILITY:Mindbreaker Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,1 ABILITY:Mindbreaker Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 3|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,3 ABILITY:Mindbreaker Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 6|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,6 ABILITY:Mindbreaker Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,9 ABILITY:Mindbreaker Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 12|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,12 ABILITY:Mindbreaker Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,15 ABILITY:Mindbreaker Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 18|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,18 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 2|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 3|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 4|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 5|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,5 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 6|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,6 +Overlord CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection.Connection Selection DESC:You realize that not all connections are symmetrical, and seek to be the dominant force in any situation. You aren't necessarily evil; perhaps you consider yourself a benevolent philosophermonarch who takes control for the good of your charges. You might also be a cult leader, a criminal mastermind, or a hypnotist. DESC:&nl;Associated Deities: Abadar, Besmara, Damoritosh, Lao Shu Po, Zon-Kuthon DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Diplomacy and Intimidate BONUS:SKILL|Diplomacy,Intimidate|MysticChannelSkillBonus DESC:&nl;Spells: 1st-command, 2nd-hold person, 3rd-suggestion, 4th-confusion, 5th-dominate person, 6th-mass suggestion ABILITY:Overlord Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Overlord Connection Power LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,1 ABILITY:Overlord Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Overlord Connection Power LVL 3|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,3 ABILITY:Overlord Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Overlord Connection Power LVL 6|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,6 ABILITY:Overlord Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Overlord Connection Power LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,9 ABILITY:Overlord Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Overlord Connection Power LVL 12|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,12 ABILITY:Overlord Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Overlord Connection Power LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,15 ABILITY:Overlord Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Overlord Connection Power LVL 18|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,18 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Overlord Connection Spell - 1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Overlord Connection Spell - 2|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Overlord Connection Spell - 3|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Overlord Connection Spell - 4|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Overlord Connection Spell - 5|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,5 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Overlord Connection Spell - 6|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,6 +Star Shaman CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection.Connection Selection DESC:Your connection channels the energy of the cosmos, its celestial bodies, and the dark voids between them. You might be a brilliant astronomer, a daredevil starpilot, a Drift explorer, a prophetic astrologer, or a would-be transhuman godling. DESC:&nl;Associated Deities: Desna, The Devourer, Ibra, Nyarlathotep, Sarenrae, Triune DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Perception and Piloting BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Piloting|MysticChannelSkillBonus DESC:&nl;Spells: 1st-shooting stars (as magic missile), 2nd-darkvision, 3rd-irradiate, 4th-remove radioactivity, 5th-telekinesis, 6th-control gravity ABILITY:Star Shaman Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,1 ABILITY:Star Shaman Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 3|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,3 ABILITY:Star Shaman Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 6|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,6 ABILITY:Star Shaman Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,9 ABILITY:Star Shaman Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 12|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,12 ABILITY:Star Shaman Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,15 ABILITY:Star Shaman Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 18|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,18 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Star Shaman Connection Spell - 1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Star Shaman Connection Spell - 2|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Star Shaman Connection Spell - 3|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Star Shaman Connection Spell - 4|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Star Shaman Connection Spell - 5|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,5 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Star Shaman Connection Spell - 6|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,6 +Xenodruid CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection.Connection Selection DESC:You channel the energy inherent in the ecosystems around you, taking inspiration from the endless cycles of the natural world. You might be a corporate biotech researcher, a hermitic shaman of the Green Faith, or one of the legendary Xenowardens. DESC:&nl;Associated Deities: Green Faith (philosophy), Oras DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Life Science and Survival BONUS:SKILL|Life Science,Survival|MysticChannelSkillBonus DESC:&nl;Spells: 1st-life bubble, 2nd-fog cloud, 3rd-entropic grasp, 4th-reincarnate, 5th-commune with nature, 6th-terraform SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|detect thoughts|Mystic=2|zone of truth|Mystic=3|clairaudience/clairvoyance|Mystic=4|mind probe|Mystic=5|telepathy|Mystic=6|true seeing ABILITY:Xenodruid Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,1 ABILITY:Xenodruid Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 3|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,3 ABILITY:Xenodruid Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 6|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,6 ABILITY:Xenodruid Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,9 ABILITY:Xenodruid Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 12|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,12 ABILITY:Xenodruid Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 15|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,15 ABILITY:Xenodruid Connection Power|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 18|PREVARGTEQ:MysticHighestConnectionPowerLVL,18 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Xenodruid Connection Spell - 1|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Xenodruid Connection Spell - 2|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Xenodruid Connection Spell - 3|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Xenodruid Connection Spell - 4|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Xenodruid Connection Spell - 5|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,5 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Xenodruid Connection Spell - 6|PREVAREQ:MysticHighestCastableConnectionLVL,6 + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Akashic Connection Powers +Akashic Knowledge KEY:Akashic Connection Power ~ Akashic Knowledge SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power LVL 1.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain the channel skill ability at 1st level (instead of 2nd level). Each day when you recover your spell slots, you can tap into the Akashic Record, enabling you to choose one Profession skill and add that to your list of associated skills for the channel skill class feature. ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ CHANNEL SKILL +Access Akashic Record KEY:Akashic Connection Power ~ Access Akashic Record SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power LVL 3.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You can access the Akashic Record to augment your skills. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt a skill check as if you had ranks in that skill equal to your mystic level. +Peer into the Future KEY:Akashic Connection Power ~ Peer into the Future SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power LVL 6.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes in uninterrupted meditation to receive visions of possible futures. At any point over the next 24 hours, you can declare that you are using the benefit of this ability before rolling one initiative check, saving throw, or skill check. You gain a +4 insight bonus to that check. At 11th level, you can use this ability twice per day, though you can't use it again until after you've used your first bonus. +Mind Probe KEY:Akashic Connection Power ~ Mind Probe SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power LVL 9.Class Feature.SpellLike DESC:You can use mind probe as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your mystic level, lasting for 1 round. A creature that successfully saves against your mind probe is immune to further uses of this ability for 24 hours. +Telepathic Memories KEY:Akashic Connection Power ~ Telepathic Memories SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power LVL 12.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You can share memories at will with allies linked by your telepathic bond class feature. As a full action, you or a linked ally can send a memory of up to 1 minute to as many others in the bond as they choose. Sending a relevant memory counts as a successful aid another attempt for a skill check, even if you wouldn't otherwise be able to use aid another (to a limit of one such memory per skill check). +Memory Palace KEY:Akashic Connection Power ~ Memory Palace SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power LVL 15.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You assemble an extradimensional library to house mental constructs representing your accumulated knowledge. This memory palace has a single shimmering entrance. You can access your memory palace once per day; when you do, the entrance appears within close range. If any creatures or objects that were not part of the memory palace when it was created remain inside it, the entrance remains where it first appeared. Only those you designate can enter the memory palace, and the entrance closes and becomes invisible behind you when you enter. Anyone inside can open the entrance and exit the memory palace at will. The only way to enter and exit the memory palace is via the entrance; even plane shift and similar magic do not access it. You can create any floor plan you desire for your memory palace, up to a number of 10-foot cubes equal to your mystic level. Inside, the atmosphere is clean, fresh, and warm; outside conditions don't affect the memory palace, nor do conditions inside it pass beyond. There is no furniture other than bookcases, computers, and a few desks and sofas. A number of unseen servants (as per the spell of the same name) equal to half your mystic level serve as librarians. The library keeps the same layout each time you access it, though you can alter its appearance each time you gain a level or by spending 15 minutes concentrating-you don't need to be inside it to alter it. When you gain this ability, choose one skill that can be used with the recall knowledge task. Consulting your memory palace gives anyone who studies within-including you-a +4 enhancement bonus to skill checks to recall knowledge of that type, and creatures inside the memory palace can attempt checks of that type untrained. At 16th level, and at each level thereafter, choose another skill that can be used with the recall knowledge task to which your memory palace's skill bonus applies. +Glean Spell KEY:Akashic Connection Power ~ Glean Spell SOURCEPAGE:p.85 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power.Akashic Connection Power LVL 18.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Once per day, you can delve into the Akashic Record to cast a spell from either the mystic or technomancer spell list as if it were on your list of spells known. The spell consumes a spell slot 1 level higher than the level of the spell. + +# Empath Connection Powers +Empathy KEY:Empath Connection Power ~ Empathy SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Empath Connection Power.Empath Connection Power LVL 1.Extraordinary DESC:As a full action, you can attempt a Sense Motive check to read the emotions of a particular creature (DC = 20 or 10 + its Bluff modifier, whichever is higher). If you succeed, you learn its general disposition and attitude toward creatures within 30 feet of it, and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against that creature for 1 hour. Whether you succeed or fail, after opening your mind to read emotions, you take a -2 penalty to saving throws against mind-affecting effects for 1 minute. +Greater Mindlink KEY:Empath Connection Power ~ Greater Mindlink SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Empath Connection Power.Empath Connection Power LVL 3.Extraordinary DESC:You can use your mindlink ability on the same creature as many times per day as you wish, and the communication can be both ways, though the maximum of 10 minutes of communication per round still applies. +Emotionsense KEY:Empath Connection Power ~ Emotionsense SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Empath Connection Power.Empath Connection Power LVL 6.Extraordinary DESC:You can detect and locate creatures within 60 feet that have emotions, as if you had blindsense (emotion); see page 262. A creature can keep its emotions calm to avoid detection by this ability by succeeding at a Bluff check with a DC equal to 10 + your Sense Motive modifier, but a creature under the influence of an emotion effect cannot try to avoid detection. Creatures under the effects of nondetection or similar effects automatically avoid detection by this ability. Unless otherwise stated, constructs and creatures with Intelligence scores of 2 or lower don't have emotions and can't be sensed this way. +Discern Lies KEY:Empath Connection Power ~ Discern Lies SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Empath Connection Power.Empath Connection Power LVL 9.SpellLike DESC:You can use discern lies as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your mystic level, each time targeting a single creature. This effect lasts 1 round. Once a creature successfully saves against this ability, it becomes immune to further uses of this ability for 24 hours. +Greater Emotionsense KEY:Empath Connection Power ~ Greater Emotionsense SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Empath Connection Power.Empath Connection Power LVL 12.Extraordinary DESC:Your emotionsense is far more discerning, as if you had blindsight (emotion); see page 262. +Retrocognition KEY:Empath Connection Power ~ Retrocognition SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Empath Connection Power.Empath Connection Power LVL 15.SpellLike DESC:You can use retrocognition as a spell-like ability at will. When doing so, you take a -2 penalty to saving throws against mind-affecting effects for as long as you concentrate on retrocognition and an equal amount of time afterward. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to negate this penalty. +Empathic Mastery KEY:Empath Connection Power ~ Empathic Mastery SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Power.Empath Connection Power.Empath Connection Power LVL 18.SpellLike DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point to use psychic surgery as a spell-like ability. If you are incapacitated by an effect that psychic surgery could remove and have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to use this ability on yourself, even without being able to take any actions. + +# Healer Connection Powers +Healing Channel KEY:Healer Connection Power ~ Healing Channel SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Healer Connection Power.Healer Connection Power LVL 1.Supernatural DESC:You can heal yourself and your allies. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to channel this energy. Healing yourself with channeled energy is a move action, healing an ally you touch is a standard action, and healing all allies within 30 feet is a full action. This energy restores 2d8 Hit Points and increases by 2d8 at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter. +Lifelink KEY:Healer Connection Power ~ Lifelink SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Healer Connection Power.Healer Connection Power LVL 3.Supernatural DESC:At the start of each turn, you can choose an ally within 30 feet who has taken Hit Point damage and transfer her wounds to yourself, dealing an amount of damage up to your mystic level to your Hit Points (bypassing any Stamina Points you may have) and healing the ally's Hit Points an equal amount. This doesn't require any action on your part. You can't prevent or reduce the damage you take from lifelink. +Healer's Bond KEY:Healer Connection Power ~ Healer's Bond SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Healer Connection Power.Healer Connection Power LVL 6.SpellLike DESC:As a standard action, you can form a bond with up to three allies, allowing you to constantly sense their condition as per the status spell. This bond lasts until dispelled or until you create a new healer's bond, which immediately ends the previous one. At 11th level, when you gain the telepathic bond class feature, you also gain the effects of status on all creatures linked by your telepathic bond. +Steal Life KEY:Healer Connection Power ~ Steal Life SOURCEPAGE:p.86 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Healer Connection Power.Healer Connection Power LVL 9.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to steal part of a creature's life force and transfer it to yourself or others. You must touch the target (requiring a successful melee attack against its EAC), which deals 1d6 damage for every 2 mystic levels you have (maximum 10d6). Choose an ally within 30 feet; that ally recovers an amount of Hit Points equal to the damage dealt (to a maximum of the foe's remaining Hit Points). Alternatively, you can heal yourself instead, but you restore only a number of Hit Points equal to half the damage dealt. If this heals the recipient (you or your ally) up to maximum Hit Points, any excess persists for 1 hour as temporary Hit Points. If your attack misses, you don't lose the Resolve Point. +Channel Bond KEY:Healer Connection Power ~ Channel Bond SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Healer Connection Power.Healer Connection Power LVL 12.Supernatural DESC:When you use healing channel as a standard action, you can heal an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature as if you were touching that ally, as long as the ally is within 120 feet. When you use healing channel as a full action, it heals all allies linked by your telepathic bond class feature within 120 feet (as well as all other allies within 30 feet). +Channel Life KEY:Healer Connection Power ~ Channel Life SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Healer Connection Power.Healer Connection Power LVL 15.Supernatural DESC:If you use healing channel on a creature that has died within 1 round, you can bring it back to life as per a 5thlevel mystic cure spell. +Deny Death KEY:Healer Connection Power ~ Deny Death SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Healer Connection Power.Healer Connection Power LVL 18.Supernatural DESC:You are immune to death effects and negative levels. If you would normally die from damage, as long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining, you can immediately spend all of your remaining Resolve Points to instead stay alive. If your Hit Points would have been reduced to 0, you now have 1 Hit Point instead. Once you use this ability, you can't regain Resolve Points again until you rest for 8 hours, even if you have another means to do so. + +# Mindbreaker Connection Powers +Share Pain KEY:Mindbreaker Connection Power ~ Share Pain SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mindbreaker Connection Power.Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 1.Supernatural DESC:Whenever a foe deals damage to you, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to shift some of the pain back onto that foe. Unless the foe succeeds at a Will save, reduce the damage you take from the attack by your mystic level (to a maximum of the attack's damage), and the foe takes an equal amount of damage. This is a mind-affecting pain effect. +Backlash KEY:Mindbreaker Connection Power ~ Backlash SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mindbreaker Connection Power.Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 3.Supernatural DESC:Whenever a foe succeeds at a Will save against one of your spells and completely negates the effect, that foe takes 1 nonlethal damage for each mystic level you have. This is a mind-affecting pain effect. +Sow Doubt KEY:Mindbreaker Connection Power ~ Sow Doubt SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mindbreaker Connection Power.Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 6.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to create uncertainty in the mind of a foe within 30 feet. You choose whether the target becomes flat-footed, becomes off-target, takes a -2 penalty to saving throws, or takes a -2 penalty to skill checks. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your mystic level, unless the target succeeds at a Will save to reduce the duration to just 1 round. A creature can be affected only by one sow doubt effect. If you use this ability on the same creature again, the new effect replaces the old effect. This is a mind-affecting effect. +Mental Anguish KEY:Mindbreaker Connection Power ~ Mental Anguish SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mindbreaker Connection Power.Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 9.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can tweak the pain centers in the brain of a foe within 60 feet, causing it to suffer intense agony. The target must succeed at a Will save or be nauseated for 1 round. Regardless of the save, the creature becomes immune to this ability for 24 hours. This is a mindaffecting pain effect. +Mindbreaking Link KEY:Mindbreaker Connection Power ~ Mindbreaking Link SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mindbreaker Connection Power.Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 12.Supernatural DESC:Whenever you or an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature scores a critical hit against a foe, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to confuse that foe. The foe must succeed at a Will save or become confused for 1 round. Whether or not it succeeds at this save, the target is affected by your sow doubt ability for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. +Mindkiller KEY:Mindbreaker Connection Power ~ Mindkiller SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mindbreaker Connection Power.Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 15.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can mold the subconscious fear of a foe within 60 feet into a psychic image of the most disturbing creature imaginable to the target. Only the target can see the mindkiller, and if the target succeeds at a Will save to recognize the image as unreal, the mindkiller has no effect. If the target fails this Will save, the mindkiller touches the target, which must then succeed at a Fortitude save or die from fear. On a successful Fortitude save, the target instead takes 3d6 damage. Once a creature succeeds at either save against this ability, it becomes immune to this ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. +Explode Head KEY:Mindbreaker Connection Power ~ Explode Head SOURCEPAGE:p.87 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Mindbreaker Connection Power.Mindbreaker Connection Power LVL 18.Supernatural DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to psychically assault the brain of a foe within 60 feet, causing incredible pressure to build in its head. If the target has 20 Hit Points or fewer, its head explodes, instantly killing the target and spreading debris in a 10-foot radius. Each creature in the area must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or take 2d6 slashing damage from the flying debris. A target with more than 20 Hit Points takes 1d6 damage per mystic level you have (maximum 20d6), but can attempt a Fortitude save to take only half damage. If this damage would reduce the target to 0 HP, the target's head explodes as described above. This ability works only on a creature that has a head and would die from the loss of a head. + +# Overlord +Inexplicable Commands KEY:Overlord Connection Power ~ Inexplicable Commands SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Overlord Connection Power.Overlord Connection Power LVL 1.Supernatural DESC:When one of your mind-affecting charm or compulsion spells or spell-like abilities ends, the target loses all memory that it was magically controlled or influenced. That creature still remembers the actions it took, but may be confused by them. +Forced Amity KEY:Overlord Connection Power ~ Forced Amity SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Overlord Connection Power.Overlord Connection Power LVL 3.SpellLike DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to shunt positive emotions and thoughts through your connection, forcing a humanoid creature to become friendly to you for a time. This functions as charm person. +Echoes of Obedience KEY:Overlord Connection Power ~ Echoes of Obedience SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Overlord Connection Power.Overlord Connection Power LVL 6.Supernatural DESC:Even creatures that resist your dominance can't shake the lingering echoes of your mind. When a creature succeeds at a saving throw against one of your mind-affecting charm or compulsion spells or spell-like abilities and negates the effect, it takes a -1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and skill checks until the beginning of your next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect. +Greater Forced Amity KEY:Overlord Connection Power ~ Greater Forced Amity SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Overlord Connection Power.Overlord Connection Power LVL 9.SpellLike DESC:Your forced amity ability functions as charm monster. +Jealous Overlord KEY:Overlord Connection Power ~ Jealous Overlord SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Overlord Connection Power.Overlord Connection Power LVL 12.Supernatural DESC:When an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature is subject to mind-affecting effect that issues commands, as a reaction you can issue a countermand allowing the linked ally to act normally. When you do, attempt an opposed Charisma check against the originator of the mind-affecting effect; if you succeed, your ally can act normally. +Forceful Commands KEY:Overlord Connection Power ~ Forceful Commands SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Overlord Connection Power.Overlord Connection Power LVL 15.Supernatural DESC:When you use a mind-affecting charm or compulsion spell or spell-like ability against a target benefiting from an active spell that protects against your attack, you automatically become aware of the presence of such defenses, and can spend 1 Resolve Point as part of casting the spell to attempt a caster level check to dispel the highest-level such spell, as if you had cast dispel magic. +Absolute Control KEY:Overlord Connection Power ~ Absolute Control SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Overlord Connection Power.Overlord Connection Power LVL 18.Supernatural DESC:When you issue a command to a dominated creature that would force it to act against its nature, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to deny it a new saving throw against your domination. The dominated creature still won't carry out an obviously self-destructive order. + +# Star Shaman +Walk the Void KEY:Star Shaman Connection Power ~ Walk the Void SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Star Shaman Connection Power.Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 1.Supernatural DESC:You are immune to the harmful environmental effects of outer space and vacuum. You also gain a fly speed of 20 feet while in space. In addition, whenever you can see the stars, you can determine your precise location. Finally, add Piloting to your list of class skills. +Starlight Form KEY:Star Shaman Connection Power ~ Starlight Form SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Star Shaman Connection Power.Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 3.Supernatural DESC:You can transform yourself into blazing starlight as a standard action. Your body sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius, and you gain the benefits of concealment (20%% miss chance). At 7th level, a creature that ends its turn adjacent to your starlight form must succeed at a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round. You can maintain your starlight form for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level; this duration does not need to be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can forgo the ability's concealment and blinding aspects to instead simply shed light, though this still counts against the ability's duration for the day. +Stargazer KEY:Star Shaman Connection Power ~ Stargazer SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Star Shaman Connection Power.Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 6.Supernatural DESC:You can study the stars to gain a bit of good luck. Twice per day, if you are outdoors and can see the stars, you can reroll a failed ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (see page 243). +Starflight KEY:Star Shaman Connection Power ~ Starflight SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Star Shaman Connection Power.Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 9.Supernatural DESC:While in starlight form, you gain the ability to fly as per the flight spell (spell level 3rd or lower). +Starry Bond KEY:Star Shaman Connection Power ~ Starry Bond SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Star Shaman Connection Power.Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 12.Supernatural DESC:You can share the good fortune of your stargazer class feature with your allies. Whenever an ally linked by your telepathic bond class feature fails an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to enable your ally to reroll the failed check (see page 243). This ability otherwise functions as the stargazer class feature. +Meteor Shower KEY:Star Shaman Connection Power ~ Meteor Shower SOURCEPAGE:p.88 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Star Shaman Connection Power.Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 15.Supernatural DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a full action to call down a rain of meteorites in a 10-foot-radius vertical cylinder, 40 feet high, at a range of up to 250 feet. The meteorites deal 12d6 damage to every creature in the area (Reflex half). Half the damage is bludgeoning damage; the other half is fire damage. If you are outdoors and can see stars, the meteorites instead deal 12d10 damage. +Interplanetary Teleport KEY:Star Shaman Connection Power ~ Interplanetary Teleport SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Star Shaman Connection Power.Star Shaman Connection Power LVL 18.SpellLike DESC:At 18th level, once per day, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a full action to use interplanetary teleport as a spell-like ability. If you have been to a location in another star system before, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to use interplanetary teleport to travel there, even though it exceeds the spell's normal range. + +# Xenodruid +Speak with Animals KEY:Xenodruid Connection Power ~ Speak with Animals SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Xenodruid Connection Power.Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 1.Supernatural DESC:You can communicate with any creature of the animal type, though this doesn't make it friendly. If an animal is friendly toward you, it may do you favors. This ability allows you to use Intimidate to bully animals, and you can use any other language-dependent effect against animals. +Grasping Vines KEY:Xenodruid Connection Power ~ Grasping Vines SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Xenodruid Connection Power.Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 3.Supernatural DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a standard action to cause an area within 100 feet to sprout writhing vines in a 20-footradius spread. The target surface must be solid but does not need to be capable of sustaining plants normally. The vines have a reach of 5 feet and attempt to wrap around creatures in the area of effect or those that enter the area; such a creature must succeed at a Reflex save or gain the entangled condition. Creatures that successfully save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must attempt a new save at the end of your turn each round. Creatures moving into the area must attempt a save immediately; failure ends their movement and they become entangled. An entangled creature can break free as a move action with a successful Acrobatics check or DC 15 Strength check. The vines last for a number of rounds equal to your mystic level, and the entire area is difficult terrain while the effect lasts. At 11th level, the vines can reach 10 feet and sprout thorns that deal 1d6 piercing damage each round to creatures in the area. +Animal Adaptation KEY:Xenodruid Connection Power ~ Animal Adaptation SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Xenodruid Connection Power.Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 6.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can modify your body. Choose one of the following to gain the noted benefit: elongated legs (increase your land speed by 10 feet), fins and webbed digits (granting you a swim speed equal to half your land speed), suckers on wrists and feet (granting you a climb speed equal to half your land speed), or vertical-slit pupils (granting you darkvision 60 feet). This ability lasts for a number of minutes per day equal to your mystic level; this duration doesn't need to be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. Your base form and size are largely unchanged, but some of your body parts are altered. Armor and gear you are wearing adjusts to your new shape for the duration of this ability. You can have only one of these adaptations active at a time; choosing a new adaptation is a standard action and the new choice replaces the old. At 12th level, the climb and swim speeds granted by your adaptation are equal to your land speed, and you add wings (granting you a fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability) to the list of possible adaptations. +Reactive Resistance KEY:Xenodruid Connection Power ~ Reactive Resistance SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Xenodruid Connection Power.Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 9.Supernatural DESC:The first time each day you would take energy damage, you immediately gain resistance 10 to that energy type for the remainder of the day. (If you are damaged by more than one energy type simultaneously, choose which type you resist.) +Share Resistance KEY:Xenodruid Connection Power ~ Share Resistance SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Xenodruid Connection Power.Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 12.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant allies linked by your telepathic bond class feature resistance 5 to the same energy type that you can resist through your reactive resistance class feature for 1 minute. You can't use this ability if your reactive resistance class feature has not yet been activated for the day. +Plant Transport KEY:Xenodruid Connection Power ~ Plant Transport SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Xenodruid Connection Power.Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 15.Supernatural DESC:Once per day as a full action, you can enter any living plant equal to your size or larger and exit from another plant of the same kind in the same solar system, regardless of the distance separating the two. The destination plant does not need to be familiar to you. If you are uncertain of the location of a particular kind of destination plant, you merely designate direction and distance and this ability moves you as close as possible to the desired location. If a particular destination plant is desired but the plant is not living, this ability fails and you are ejected from the entry plant. You cannot travel through plant creatures. You can bring along objects as long as their bulk doesn't exceed your Strength score. You can also bring up to five willing Medium or smaller creatures (each carrying no more bulk than their Strength scores) with you, provided they are linked to you with joined hands. +Guided Rebirth KEY:Xenodruid Connection Power ~ Guided Rebirth SOURCEPAGE:p.89 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Xenodruid Connection Power.Xenodruid Connection Power LVL 18.Supernatural DESC:As long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining, you can spend all your remaining Resolve Points as a full action to surround yourself with an organic cocoon. While enclosed in the cocoon, you are considered helpless. Eight hours later, you emerge having changed your type to animal, humanoid (of any subtype), or your original type, gaining superficial physical characteristics as appropriate. This change does not alter your ability scores, Hit Points, Stamina Points, saving throws, skill points, class skills, or proficiencies. Each time you make this transformation, you are cleansed of all poisons and diseases, are restored to full Hit Points and Stamina Points, and heal all ability damage. You must select a type other than your current type every time you make the transformation. You can use this ability once per day. Once you use this ability, you can't regain Resolve Points until you rest for 8 hours, even if you have another means to do so. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Connection Spells +Akashic Connection Spell - 1 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|identify +Akashic Connection Spell - 2 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|identify|Mystic=2|augury +Akashic Connection Spell - 3 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|identify|Mystic=2|augury|Mystic=3|tongues +Akashic Connection Spell - 4 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|identify|Mystic=2|augury|Mystic=3|tongues|Mystic=4|divination +Akashic Connection Spell - 5 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|identify|Mystic=2|augury|Mystic=3|tongues|Mystic=4|divination|Mystic=5|contact other plane +Akashic Connection Spell - 6 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|identify|Mystic=2|augury|Mystic=3|tongues|Mystic=4|divination|Mystic=5|contact other plane|Mystic=6|vision + +Empath Connection Spell - 1 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|detect thoughts +Empath Connection Spell - 2 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|detect thoughts|Mystic=2|zone of truth +Empath Connection Spell - 3 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|detect thoughts|Mystic=2|zone of truth|Mystic=3|clairaudience/clairvoyance +Empath Connection Spell - 4 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|detect thoughts|Mystic=2|zone of truth|Mystic=3|clairaudience/clairvoyance|Mystic=4|mind probe +Empath Connection Spell - 5 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|detect thoughts|Mystic=2|zone of truth|Mystic=3|clairaudience/clairvoyance|Mystic=4|mind probe|Mystic=5|telepathy +Empath Connection Spell - 6 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|detect thoughts|Mystic=2|zone of truth|Mystic=3|clairaudience/clairvoyance|Mystic=4|mind probe|Mystic=5|telepathy|Mystic=6|true seeing + +Healer Connection Spell - 1 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Mystic Cure (Level 1) +Healer Connection Spell - 2 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Remove Condition (Lesser)|Mystic=2|Mystic Cure (Level 2) +Healer Connection Spell - 3 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Remove Condition (Lesser)|Mystic=2|remove condition|Mystic=3|Mystic Cure (Level 3) +Healer Connection Spell - 4 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Remove Condition (Lesser)|Mystic=2|remove condition|Mystic=3|remove affliction|Mystic=4|Mystic Cure (Level 4) +Healer Connection Spell - 5 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Remove Condition (Lesser)|Mystic=2|remove condition|Mystic=3|remove affliction|Mystic=4|restoration|Mystic=5|Mystic Cure (Level 5) +Healer Connection Spell - 6 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Remove Condition (Lesser)|Mystic=2|remove condition|Mystic=3|remove affliction|Mystic=4|restoration|Mystic=5|Remove Condition (Greater)|Mystic=6|Mystic Cure (Level 6) + +Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 1 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Mind Thrust (Level 1) +Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 2 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Confusion (Lesser)|Mystic=2|Mind Thrust (Level 2) +Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 3 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Confusion (Lesser)|Mystic=2|inflict pain|Mystic=3|Mind Thrust (Level 3) +Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 4 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Confusion (Lesser)|Mystic=2|inflict pain|Mystic=3|synaptic pulse|Mystic=4|Mind Thrust (Level 4) +Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 5 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Confusion (Lesser)|Mystic=2|inflict pain|Mystic=3|synaptic pulse|Mystic=4|confusion|Mystic=5|Mind Thrust (Level 5) +Mindbreaker Connection Spell - 6 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Confusion (Lesser)|Mystic=2|inflict pain|Mystic=3|synaptic pulse|Mystic=4|confusion|Mystic=5|feeblemind|Mystic=6|Mind Thrust (Level 6) + +Overlord Connection Spell - 1 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|command +Overlord Connection Spell - 2 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|command|Mystic=2|hold person +Overlord Connection Spell - 3 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|command|Mystic=2|hold person|Mystic=3|suggestion +Overlord Connection Spell - 4 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|command|Mystic=2|hold person|Mystic=3|suggestion|Mystic=4|confusion +Overlord Connection Spell - 5 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|command|Mystic=2|hold person|Mystic=3|suggestion|Mystic=4|confusion|Mystic=5|dominate person +Overlord Connection Spell - 6 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|command|Mystic=2|hold person|Mystic=3|suggestion|Mystic=4|confusion|Mystic=5|dominate person|Mystic=6|suggestion (mass) + +Star Shaman Connection Spell - 1 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Shooting Stars +Star Shaman Connection Spell - 2 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Shooting Stars|Mystic=2|darkvision +Star Shaman Connection Spell - 3 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Shooting Stars|Mystic=2|darkvision|Mystic=3|irradiate +Star Shaman Connection Spell - 4 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Shooting Stars|Mystic=2|darkvision|Mystic=3|irradiate|Mystic=4|remove radioactivity +Star Shaman Connection Spell - 5 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Shooting Stars|Mystic=2|darkvision|Mystic=3|irradiate|Mystic=4|remove radioactivity|Mystic=5|telekinesis +Star Shaman Connection Spell - 6 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|Shooting Stars|Mystic=2|darkvision|Mystic=3|irradiate|Mystic=4|remove radioactivity|Mystic=5|telekinesis|Mystic=6|control gravity + +Xenodruid Connection Spell - 1 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|life bubble +Xenodruid Connection Spell - 2 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|life bubble|Mystic=2|fog cloud +Xenodruid Connection Spell - 3 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|life bubble|Mystic=2|fog cloud|Mystic=3|entropic grasp +Xenodruid Connection Spell - 4 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|life bubble|Mystic=2|fog cloud|Mystic=3|entropic grasp|Mystic=4|reincarnate +Xenodruid Connection Spell - 5 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|life bubble|Mystic=2|fog cloud|Mystic=3|entropic grasp|Mystic=4|reincarnate|Mystic=5|commune with nature +Xenodruid Connection Spell - 6 CATEGORY:Internal SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Mystic=1|life bubble|Mystic=2|fog cloud|Mystic=3|entropic grasp|Mystic=4|reincarnate|Mystic=5|commune with nature|Mystic=6|terraform + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Operative +Operative's Edge SORTKEY:Operative / 001 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ OPERATIVE'S EDGE SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary + DESC:Your diverse training as an operative grants you a +%1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to skill checks.|OperativeEdgeBonus BONUS:VAR|OperativeEdgeBonus|1+((OperativeLVL+1)/4) BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|OperativeEdgeBonus|TYPE=Insight +Specialization SORTKEY:Operative / 002a0 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ SPECIALIZATION SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:Your specialization represents your primary area of expertise. Pick one specialization upon taking your 1st level of the operative class. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. Descriptions of the specializations appear on page 94. Your specialization grants you the Skill Focus feat (see page 161) in your specialization's associated skills, and you gain a free skill rank in each of those skills at each operative level (this does not allow you to exceed the maximum number of skill ranks in a single skill). BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION|1 +Specialization Exploit SORTKEY:Operative / 003 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ Specialization Exploit SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:You gain your specialization's listed exploit as a bonus operative exploit, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. +Specialization Skill Mastery SORTKEY:Operative / 004 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ Specialization Skill Mastery SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:You become so confident in certain skills that you can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When attempting a skill check with a skill in which you have the Skill Focus feat, you can take 10 even if stress or distractions would normally prevent you from doing so. +Specialization Power SORTKEY:Operative / 005a0 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ Specialization Power SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:You gain a special power depending on the specialization you chose at 1st level. +Trick Attack SORTKEY:Operative / 006 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ TRICK ATTACK SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Archetype altered. |PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,OperativeArchetype=true DESC:You can trick or startle a foe and then attack when she drops her guard. As a full action, you can move up to your speed. Whether or not you moved, you can then make an attack with a melee weapon with the operative special property or with any small arm. Just before making your attack, attempt a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (or a check associated with your specialization; see page 94) with a DC equal to 20 + your target's CR. If you succeed at the check, you deal 1d4 additional damage and the target is flat-footed. This damage increases to 1d8 at 3rd level, to 3d8 at 5th level, and by an additional 1d8 every 2 levels thereafter. You can't use this ability with a weapon that has the unwieldy special property or that requires a full action to make a single attack. [Trick Attack Damage: %1d%2]|TrickAttackDice|TrickAttackDamage BONUS:VAR|TrickAttackDice|1+if(OperativeLVL>=5,2,0)+max(0,floor((OperativeLVL-5)/2)) BONUS:VAR|TrickAttackDamage|4+if(OperativeLVL>=3,4,0) BONUS:VAR|TrickAttackDice|-1|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,9|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,OperativeArchetype=true +Evasion SORTKEY:Operative / 007 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ EVASION SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:If you succeed at a Reflex save against an effect that normally has a partial effect on a successful save, you instead suffer no effect. You gain this benefit only when unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, and you lose the benefit when you are helpless or otherwise unable to move. +Operative Exploit SORTKEY:Operative / 008a0 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ OPERATIVE EXPLOIT SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:Archetype altered. |PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,OperativeArchetype=True DESC:As you gain experience, you learn special tricks called operative exploits. You learn your first operative exploit at 2nd level, and you learn an additional exploit every 2 levels thereafter. If an operative exploit allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. If it requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 x your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. The list of operative exploits appears on page 95. You cannot learn the same exploit more than once unless it specially says otherwise. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT|floor(OperativeLVL/2) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Operative Exploit|OperativeImprovisationCount BONUS:VAR|OperativeImprovisationCount|floor(OperativeLVL/2)|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,OperativeArchetype=True BONUS:VAR|OperativeImprovisationCount|1+(OperativeLVL>=8)+(OperativeLVL>=10)+(OperativeLVL>=14)+(OperativeLVL>=16)+(OperativeLVL>=20)|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,OperativeArchetype=True +Quick Movement SORTKEY:Operative / 009 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ QUICK MOVEMENT SOURCEPAGE:p.93 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:As long as you are unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, your land speed increases by 10 feet. At 9th level, your land speed instead increases by 20 feet, and at 15th level, your land speed instead increases by 30 feet. BONUS:VAR|Walk|10+if(OperativeLVL>=9,10,0)+if(OperativeLVL>=15,10,0)|PREMULT:2,[PREVAREQ:ENCUMBERANCE,0],[!PREARMORTYPE:1,TYPE.Heavy_Armor,TYPE.Powered_Armor] +Weapon Specialization SORTKEY:Operative / 010 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency. +Debilitating Trick SORTKEY:Operative / 011 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ DEBILITATING TRICK SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When you hit an enemy with a trick attack, you can make the creature flat-footed or off-target until the beginning of your next turn. You might learn exploits that grant you additional options for your debilitating trick, but you can select only one option each time you hit with a trick attack. +Uncanny Agility SORTKEY:Operative / 012 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ UNCANNY AGILITY SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You are immune to the flat-footed condition, and your opponent doesn't gain any bonuses to attack rolls against you from flanking you or attacking you when you're prone. Furthermore, covering fire and harrying fire don't provide any advantage against you. +Triple Attack SORTKEY:Operative / 013 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ TRIPLE ATTACK SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When making a full attack using only melee weapons with the operative special property or small arms, you can make up to three attacks instead of two. +Quad Attack SORTKEY:Operative / 014 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ QUAD ATTACK SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When making a full attack using only melee weapons with the operative special property or small arms, you can make up to four attacks instead of two. +Double Debilitation SORTKEY:Operative / 015 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ DOUBLE DEBILITATION SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When you hit an enemy with a trick attack, you can apply two of the effects from your debilitating trick. +Supreme Operative SORTKEY:Operative / 016 KEY:Operative Class Feature ~ SUPREME OPERATIVE SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Operative Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Whenever you attempt a skill check with your specialization's associated skills, you can roll twice and take the higher result. Once per day as a move action, you can temporarily trade out one of your operative exploits for another operative exploit requiring the same level or lower. This trade lasts 24 hours. If the exploit you trade away is a prerequisite for any of your other abilities, you lose all abilities that require it as a prerequisite for the duration. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATIONS +Daredevil SORTKEY:Operative / 002a1 KEY:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION ~ Daredevil SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION.NoExtension DESC:You specialize in missions requiring courage and athleticism. DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Acrobatics and Athletics. You can attempt an Acrobatics check to make a trick attack. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Focus(Acrobatics)|Skill Focus(Athletics) BONUS:SKILLRANK|Acrobatics,Athletics|OperativeLVL DESC:&nl;Specialization Exploit: Versatile movement. ABILITY:Class Feature|VIRTUAL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Versatile Movement ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Specialization Power ~ Terrain Attack|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,11 +Detective SORTKEY:Operative / 002a1 KEY:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION ~ Detective SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION.NoExtension DESC:Your ability to read people and make deductions helps you ferret out the truth in any situation. DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Culture and Sense Motive. You can attempt a Sense Motive check with a +4 bonus to make a trick attack by reading your foe. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Focus(Culture)|Skill Focus(Sense Motive) BONUS:SKILLRANK|Culture,Sense Motive|OperativeLVL DESC:&nl;Specialization Exploit: Glimpse the truth. ABILITY:Class Feature|VIRTUAL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Glimpse the Truth ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Specialization Power ~ Detective's Insight|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,11 +Explorer SORTKEY:Operative / 002a1 KEY:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION ~ Explorer SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION.NoExtension DESC:You're an expert in scouting out dangerous locations using your knowledge and survival skills. DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Culture and Survival. You can attempt a Survival check with a +4 bonus to make a trick attack by using your surroundings to your advantage. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Focus(Culture)|Skill Focus(Survival) BONUS:SKILLRANK|Culture,Survival|OperativeLVL DESC:&nl;Specialization Exploit: Ever vigilant. ABILITY:Class Feature|VIRTUAL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Ever Vigilant ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Specialization Power ~ Into the Unknown|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,11 +Ghost SORTKEY:Operative / 002a1 KEY:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION ~ Ghost SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION.NoExtension DESC:You can move from place to place without being noticed. DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Acrobatics and Stealth. When you use Stealth to make a trick attack, you gain a +4 bonus to the skill check. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Focus(Acrobatics)|Skill Focus(Stealth) BONUS:SKILLRANK|Acrobatics,Stealth|OperativeLVL DESC:&nl;Specialization Exploit: Cloaking field. ABILITY:Class Feature|VIRTUAL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Cloaking Field ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Specialization Power ~ Phase Shift Escape|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,11 +Hacker SORTKEY:Operative / 002a1 KEY:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION ~ Hacker SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION.NoExtension DESC:Whether it's a computer system or a mechanical device, you can hack it. DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Computers and Engineering. You can attempt a Computers check with a +4 bonus to make a trick attack by creating a computerized distraction (you can't use this option if stripped of all computerized gear in an area with no computers). ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Focus(Computers)|Skill Focus(Engineering) BONUS:SKILLRANK|Computers,Engineering|OperativeLVL DESC:&nl;Specialization Exploit: Elusive hacker. ABILITY:Class Feature|VIRTUAL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Elusive Hacker ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Specialization Power ~ Control Hack|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,11 +Spy SORTKEY:Operative / 002a1 KEY:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION ~ Spy SOURCEPAGE:p.95 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION.NoExtension DESC:You can steal or adopt new identities as easily as most people change clothes, allowing you to infiltrate nearly any circle. DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Bluff and Disguise. When you use Bluff to make a trick attack, you gain a +4 bonus to the skill check. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Focus(Bluff)|Skill Focus(Disguise) BONUS:SKILLRANK|Bluff,Disguise|OperativeLVL DESC:&nl;Specialization Exploit: Master of disguise. ABILITY:Class Feature|VIRTUAL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Master of Disguise ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Specialization Power ~ Fool Detection|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,11 +Thief SORTKEY:Operative / 002a1 KEY:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION ~ Thief SOURCEPAGE:p.95 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION.NoExtension DESC:You specialize in acquisition, from quick swipes to complex heists. DESC:&nl;Associated Skills: Perception and Sleight of Hand. You can use Sleight of Hand to make a trick attack by concealing your weapons and motions. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Skill Focus(Perception)|Skill Focus(Sleight of Hand) BONUS:SKILLRANK|Perception,Sleight of Hand|OperativeLVL DESC:&nl;Specialization Exploit: Holographic distraction. ABILITY:Class Feature|VIRTUAL|OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Holographic Distraction ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Specialization Power ~ Contingency Plan|PREVARGTEQ:OperativeLVL,11 + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Specialization Power +Terrain Attack SORTKEY:Operative / 005a1 KEY:Specialization Power ~ Terrain Attack SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Specialization Power.Extraordinary DESC:At 11th level, when you and a foe are both balancing, climbing, flying, or swimming, you automatically succeed at any Bluff check required to make a trick attack against that foe. +Detective's Insight SORTKEY:Operative / 005a1 KEY:Specialization Power ~ Detective's Insight SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Specialization Power.Extraordinary DESC:At 11th level, your incredible insights help you move investigations forward where mundane inquiries fail. Once per day, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and take 10 minutes pondering a mystery or quandary to gain an enigmatic insight as if you had cast divination (though the result is often presented as a cryptic clue). +Into the Unknown SORTKEY:Operative / 005a1 KEY:Specialization Power ~ Into the Unknown SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Specialization Power.Extraordinary DESC:At 11th level, you gain a +4 bonus to Culture and Survival checks. While you're outside both the Pact Worlds and your home star system (if different), you gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks. At the GM's discretion, in games centered around a different star system than the Pact Worlds, replace the Pact Worlds with that star system. +Phase Shift Escape SORTKEY:Operative / 005a1 KEY:Specialization Power ~ Phase Shift Escape SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Specialization Power.Extraordinary DESC:At 11th level, you can move through solid matter by taking your body's matter out of phase for just a moment. As a full action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to phase through up to 5 feet of solid matter. If you attempt to phase through something that is too thick, you spend the Resolve Point and take the action but the attempt fails. You cannot phase through force effects such as force fields or the barrier created by wall of force. After using phase shift escape, you can't use it again until after you've taken a full 8-hour rest. +Control Hack SORTKEY:Operative / 005a1 KEY:Specialization Power ~ Control Hack SOURCEPAGE:p.94 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Specialization Power.Extraordinary DESC:At 11th level, when you exceed the DC of a Computers or Engineering check to disable a device or computer system by 5 or more, you can instead take control of the device or system. For every 5 by which you exceed the DC, you can typically make the device or system perform one task, at the GM's discretion. Once the device or system has done what you commanded, you choose whether the device deactivates or returns to normal. +Fool Detection SORTKEY:Operative / 005a1 KEY:Specialization Power ~ Fool Detection SOURCEPAGE:p.95 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Specialization Power.Extraordinary DESC:At 11th level, whenever you succeed at a saving throw against a spell, technological device, or ability that would provide information about you (such as detect thoughts), instead of negating the effect, you can provide false information that matches your cover identity. If such an effect has no saving throw, you can attempt a Bluff check opposed by the Sense Motive check of the caster or user, and provide similar false information on a success. +Contingency Plan SORTKEY:Operative / 005a1 KEY:Specialization Power ~ Contingency Plan SOURCEPAGE:p.95 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Specialization Power.Extraordinary DESC:At 11th level, you've performed enough heists to realize that things never go exactly as you had planned. When something unexpected happens during a heist or infiltration, you can spend 2 Resolve Points and specify a contingency plan that you had set up in advance for this eventuality, either having the right prop (such as an ID or a computer file, but not a particularly valuable item), having the right information, or having hired a confederate to perform a single task at the right time. You then attempt a skill check. The appropriate skill and the DC are at the GM's discretion, with a higher DC for a more elaborate or unlikely contingency (see Skill DCs on page 392 for more information on setting skill DCs). If you succeed, you have the item or knowledge, or the confederate performs the task as specified. If you fail, either you don't have what you need or your plan fails. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# OPERATIVE EXPLOITS +Alien Archive SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Alien Archive SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Your vast experience makes identifying new creatures easier for you. Double your operative's edge bonus to your skill checks when identifying a creature and its abilities. If you successfully identify a creature, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your skill check when you make a trick attack against that creature. +Combat Trick SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Combat Trick SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a bonus combat feat. You must meet all of that feat's prerequisites. +Field Treatment SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Field Treatment SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You can take 1 minute to tend your wounds and spend 1 Resolve Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to three times your operative level. +Holographic Clone SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Holographic Clone SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You can create holographic duplicates or psychic projections of yourself that conceal your true location. Once per day as a standard action, you can create 1d4 images of yourself that last for 1 minute per operative level. This ability otherwise functions as mirror image. You can use this exploit an additional time per day at 6th level, and again at 10th level. +Inoculation SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Inoculation SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You've trained to resist various chemical and biological weapons, toxins, and pathogens you come across in the course of your missions. You add your operative's edge bonus to Fortitude saves against poison and disease. +Jack of All Trades SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Jack of All Trades SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You've learned how to handle any situation. You can use all skills untrained, and you double your operative's edge bonus when using a skill in which you have no ranks. +Nightvision SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Nightvision SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You can see in the dark as if you had low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet. +Quick Disguise SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Quick Disguise SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Once per day as a standard action, you can quickly change your appearance. This functions as disguise self and lasts for 1 minute per operative level. You can use this exploit an additional time per day at 6th level, and again at 10th level. +Uncanny Mobility SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Uncanny Mobility SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When you make a trick attack, if you choose the target of your attack before you move, your movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity from that target. When you use your standard action to move, you can choose one creature; you don't provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature for this movement. +Uncanny Pilot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Uncanny Pilot SOURCEPAGE:p.95 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When you attack while you're driving a vehicle, you halve the vehicle's penalty to your attack roll (to a minimum of no penalty if the vehicle normally imposes a -1 penalty). When you're in a chase, you gain a +2 bonus to skill checks you attempt when taking the evade or trick pilot actions. +Bleeding Shot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Bleeding Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:For your debilitating trick, you can afflict your target with an amount of bleed damage equal to your operative level. +Certainty SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Certainty SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to reroll one of your specialization's associated skill checks (see page 243). +Debilitating Sniper SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Debilitating Sniper SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You can use trick attack with sniper weapons. You do not add trick attack damage to your attack, but the target is still flatfooted, and you can use debilitating tricks. +Enhanced Senses SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Enhanced Senses SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You can sense your surroundings without needing to see them. You gain blindsense with a range of 60 feet. You must have darkvision and low-light vision, or the nightvision exploit, to learn this exploit. +Hampering Shot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Hampering Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:For your debilitating trick, you can reduce your target's speeds by half and prevent it from using the guarded step action until the beginning of your next turn. +Improved Quick Movement SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Improved Quick Movement SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You can move even faster than other operatives. You gain double the benefits of your quick movement ability, up to a maximum additional increase of +20 feet. You must have quick movement to learn this exploit. +Interfering Shot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Interfering Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:For your debilitating trick, you can prevent your target from using reactions (see page 244) until the end of your next turn. +Mentalist's Bane SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Mentalist's Bane SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:If you fail your Will saving throw against a mind-affecting effect with a duration of 1 round or more, you can attempt another saving throw against the effect 1 round later at the same DC. You get only one extra chance to save per effect. If you succeed at a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect, you can prevent the effect's originator from knowing you succeeded. You gain basic knowledge of what the mental effect would have made you do or feel, and you can attempt a Bluff check to pretend you are under that effect. If the mental effect would provide a link between you and the originator (like the dominate person spell), you can choose to allow the link without the control. +Speed Hacker SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Speed Hacker SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You can disable mechanical devices with Engineering and computer systems with Computers in half the usual time. In the rare cases when disabling a system or device would normally be a full action, you can do it as a standard action, and if it would normally be a standard action, you can do it as a move action. +Staggering Shot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Staggering Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:For your debilitating trick, you can attempt to stagger your target. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered until the beginning of your next turn. Once you've used this ability to attempt to stagger a creature, that creature is immune to your staggering shot for 24 hours. +Stalwart SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Stalwart SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:If you succeed at a Fortitude save against an effect that normally requires multiples successful saves to cure (such as a disease or poison), that effect immediately ends and is cured with a single successful save. +Sure-Footed SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Sure-Footed SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You move at your full speed when moving over difficult terrain, and without penalty when using Acrobatics or Stealth at your full speed. +Uncanny Shooter SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Uncanny Shooter SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:Your ranged attacks with small arms do not provoke attacks of opportunity. +Cloaking Field SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Cloaking Field SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You can bend light around yourself and muffle any minor sounds you make, allowing you to nearly vanish when not moving. Even when you move, you appear only as an outline with blurry features. This cloaking field doesn't make you invisible, but it does make it easier to sneak around. Activating the cloaking field is a move action. While the cloaking field is active, you can use Stealth to hide, even while being directly observed and with no place to hide. Attacking doesn't end the cloaking field, but it does end that particular attempt to hide. If you remain perfectly still for at least 1 round, you gain a +10 bonus to Stealth checks (which doesn't stack with invisibility) until you move. Your cloaking field lasts for up to 10 rounds before it becomes inactive. While inactive, the cloaking field recharges automatically at the rate of 1 round of cloaking per minute. +Deactivating Shot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Deactivating Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.96 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Supernatural DESC: For your debilitating trick, you can attempt to temporarily suppress one magic item or deactivate one weapon, piece of equipment, or armor upgrade worn or carried by the target. Roll 1d20 + your operative level; the DC is equal to 10 + the item level. If you succeed, you deactivate the device (or suppress the item's magical properties) until the beginning of your next turn. The device's owner can spend a move action and attempt an Engineering check (for technological devices) or a Mysticism check (for magic items) against your operative exploit DC to try to reactivate the device. You can instead use this debilitating trick to temporarily deactivate a construct that has either the magical subtype (such as a golem) or the technological subtype (such as a robot). You don't need to attempt a check, but the creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the debilitating effect. If it fails, it's stunned until the beginning of your next turn. Once you've used this ability to attempt to deactivate a construct, that creature is immune to your deactivating shot for 24 hours. +Elusive Hacker SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Elusive Hacker SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:Your hacking skills make your code incredibly difficult for countermeasures to pin down. Whenever you would trigger a system's countermeasure while hacking the system, there is a 50%% chance that you manage to elude the countermeasure and it doesn't trigger. You still haven't disarmed the countermeasure, and it might trigger in the future. +Ever Vigilant SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Ever Vigilant SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You've been on enough solo missions to know that you can't let your guard down, even while sleeping. You take no penalties to Perception checks for being asleep, though you still can't succeed at purely visual Perception checks while asleep. You can always act on the surprise round, though if you choose to do so when you would otherwise be surprised, you use your initiative result or the initiative result of the first creature that would have surprised you - 1, whichever is lower. +Glimpse the Truth SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Glimpse the Truth SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:By picking up on subtle clues and hidden traces in your immediate surroundings, you can see things as they really are. As a full action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to gain the effects of true seeing for 1 round with a range of 60 feet. +Holographic Distraction SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Holographic Distraction SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to create a single holographic duplicate or psychic projection of yourself that moves away from you for 1 round per operative level. The double climbs walls, jumps across pits, or simply passes through obstacles, moving at twice your speed in one direction indicated by you when the ability is activated. Its course cannot be changed. Those who interact with the double can attempt a Will save to recognize that it is not real. You must have the holographic clone exploit to learn this exploit. +Improved Evasion SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Improved Evasion SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:When you fail a Reflex save against an effect that has a partial effect on a successful save, you take the partial effect instead of the full effect. You must have evasion to learn this exploit. +Improved Uncanny Mobility SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Improved Uncanny Mobility SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:When you use the trick attack action or take a standard action to move up to your speed, your movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. You still provoke attacks of opportunity normally when making ranged attacks or casting spells. You must have the uncanny mobility exploit to learn this exploit. +Master of Disguise SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Master of Disguise SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You can take on the appearances of other creatures and even specific individuals. This functions as the quick disguise exploit, but the duration increases to 10 minutes per operative level. Alternatively, for 1 minute per operative level, you can take on the appearance of a specific individual that you have seen before. If you have heard the individual talk and can speak her language, you can also modulate your speech to match hers. This disguise is so convincing that creatures familiar with the individual must succeed at a Will saving throw before they can attempt a Perception check to pierce the disguise. You must have the quick disguise exploit to learn this exploit. +Stunning Shot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Stunning Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:For your debilitating trick, you can try to stun your target. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be stunned until the start of your next turn. Once you've used this ability to try to stun a creature, it's immune to your stunning shot for 24 hours. You must have the staggering shot exploit to learn this exploit. +Versatile Movement SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Versatile Movement SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a climb speed and a swim speed equal to your land speed. This speed is not increased by the quick movement class feature or improved quick movement exploit. +Efficient Cloaking Field SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Efficient Cloaking Field SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:Your cloaking field lasts for up to 100 rounds (10 minutes), and it recharges at the rate of 2 rounds of cloaking per minute while inactive. You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a move action to recharge 20 rounds immediately, and you can do this even while the cloaking field is active. You must have the cloaking field exploit to learn this exploit. +Knockout Shot SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Knockout Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:For your debilitating trick, you can attempt to knock the target out in one blow. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or fall unconscious for 1 minute. Once you've used this ability to attempt to knock a creature out, that creature is immune to your knockout shot for 24 hours. You must have the staggering shot and stunning shot exploits to learn this exploit. +Multiattack Mastery SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Multiattack Mastery SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:When you use triple attack or quad attack to attack the same target with all of your attacks, after your full attack is complete, if at least two of your attacks hit, you can apply a debilitating trick to the target. +Uncanny Senses SORTKEY:Operative / 008a1 KEY:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT ~ Uncanny Senses SOURCEPAGE:p.97 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.OPERATIVE EXPLOIT.Extraordinary DESC:Your enhanced senses grow even more discerning. Your blindsense becomes blindsight with a range of 60 feet. If you have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. You must have the enhanced senses exploit to learn this exploit. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Solarian +Skill Adept SORTKEY:Solarian / 001 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ SKILL ADEPT SOURCEPAGE:p.101 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:As part of the process that led you to become a solarian, you gained additional insight and training. Choose two additional skills and add them to your list of class skills. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Solarian Skill Adept|2 +Solar Manifestation SORTKEY:Solarian / 002 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ SOLAR MANIFESTATION SOURCEPAGE:p.101 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:At 1st level, you gain a physical manifestation of your stellar power. The base form of your solar manifestation, when not actively in use, is a mote of stellar energy slightly smaller than your fist that hovers near your head. Beyond the solar mote, your manifestation can take one of two additional forms: armor or a weapon. You must pick one solar manifestation (either armor or a weapon) upon taking your first level of solarian. You also choose whether your solar manifestation (in any form) either glows brightly with one color common to stars (including blue, red, white, or yellow) or is the perfect darkness of a black hole. A glowing solar manifestation, regardless of its form, sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. You can shut off the light or darkness as a standard action in order to blend in or assist in stealth, but whenever you enter a stellar mode (see page 102), the glow or darkness returns immediately. Once made, these choices cannot be changed. Only you can interact with your solar manifestation, whether in mote, armor, or weapon form. No other creature or effect can affect your solar manifestation in any way, including disarming or sundering it. DESC:&nl;Solar Armor - You can form your solar mote into a suit of armor made out of stellar energy that outlines your body. This armor appears to be made out of glowing light or solid darkness, as determined by the appearance of your solar manifestation, but it can take whatever general shape you choose, whether glowing armored plates of solidified stellar energy, a form-fitting suit of crackling energy, or an aura of stellar plasma. Your solar armor's general design has no impact on its function and doesn't give the armor any special abilities. Once you've selected the general design, you can't change it until you gain a new solarian level. Your solar armor grants you a +1 enhancement bonus to both your Kinetic Armor Class and your Energy Armor Class. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. It is compatible with light armor, but it gives you no benefit if you're wearing heavy armor. At 5th level, you also gain energy resistance 5 while your solar armor is active. You can choose either cold resistance or fire resistance when you activate the armor, and can switch energy types as a move action. This energy resistance increases by 5 at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter. Forming or dismissing solar armor is a move action. DESC:&nl;Solar Weapon - You can seize your solar mote in one hand to form a melee weapon out of stellar energy. This weapon appears to be made out of glowing light or solid darkness, as determined by the appearance of your solar manifestation, but it can be whatever general shape you choose. Normal melee weapons like axes, swords, and spears are most common, but other shapes, such as a large rune of stellar energy, a mass of writhing energy tendrils, or an energized fist that fits over your own hand, are possible as well. Your solar weapon's general design has no impact on its function, and doesn't give the weapon any special abilities such as reach. Once you've selected the general design, you can't change it until you gain a new solarian level. Your solar weapon functions as a one-handed kinetic advanced melee weapon, and you're automatically proficient with it. At 1st level, choose whether your solar weapon deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You can change the damage type each time you gain a new solarian level. Your solar weapon deals damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. This damage increases by 1d6 at 6th level, 9th level, 12th level, and every level thereafter. Solarian weapon crystals (see page 170) can increase your solar weapon's damage. Forming or dismissing a solar weapon is a move action that takes the same amount of effort as drawing or sheathing a weapon (and can be combined with a move as a single move action or used with the Quick Draw feat). Your solar weapon is automatically dismissed if it ever leaves your hand. [Selections: DESC: Armor|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation ~ Armor DESC: Weapon|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation ~ Weapon DESC: Glows blue|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Blue DESC: Glows red|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Red DESC: Glows white|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ White DESC: Glows yellow|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Yellow DESC: perfect darkness of a black hole|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Black DESC:]. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Solarian Solar Manifestation|1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Solarian Solar Manifestation Color|1 +Stellar Mode SORTKEY:Solarian / 003 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ STELLAR MODE SOURCEPAGE:p.102 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:The stellar forces you call on are attuned to either photons (representing the power of stars to emit heat, light, and plasma) or gravitons (representing the power of stars to attract and imprison objects through gravity). The ultimate expression of photon power is the supernova, when all of a star's energy is exerted outward, while the ultimate expression of graviton power is the black hole, where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. The balance between these two opposing cosmic forces is the source of your power, and your stellar mode represents the strength of your connection with one or both of these forces-a relationship that shifts from one moment to the next as you use your stellar revelations. When in battle, you enter a state of metaphysical alignment with cosmic forces. At the start of your first turn in combat, if you are conscious, you must choose one of three stellar modes: graviton, photon, or unattuned (see below). At the start of each subsequent turn of combat, you must choose to either stay in your current stellar mode or to become unattuned. If you choose to stay in your mode, you gain another attunement point for that mode. As long as you have 1 or 2 attunement points in a mode, you are attuned to that mode. Once you reach 3 attunement points in a mode, you become fully attuned to that mode. Some of your stellar revelations are zenith revelations, which can be used only when you're fully attuned to one mode or the other. When you are fully attuned, you cannot gain more points in your mode, but you stay fully attuned until combat ends, your stellar mode ends, or you become unattuned. If you choose to become unattuned, you lose all attunement points you've accrued so far. At the start of your next turn, you can enter a new stellar mode or stay unattuned. At the end of combat, your stellar mode ends. If you fall unconscious during an encounter, you become unattuned. If you regain consciousness while still under threat, you can enter a stellar mode on your first turn after regaining consciousness, as if it were the first round of combat; if combat ends before you regain consciousness, your stellar mode ends. If you are not in a stellar mode, for any reason, you are considered unattuned for the purposes of your stellar revelations. When you're not in combat, you can't enter a stellar mode. This ability manifests only in high-stakes situations, when your training takes over and connects your mind to the universe. There needs to be some risk to you for your stellar mode to activate, so you must be facing a significant enemy (see page 242). If there's any doubt about whether you're in combat or able to access your stellar mode, the GM decides. This also means that your stellar mode might end before what was previously a dangerous battle is over, once all that remains are dregs that don't pose a real threat to you. DESC:&nl;Graviton Mode - When you enter graviton mode, you gain 1 graviton attunement point and become graviton-attuned. Some of your stellar revelations are graviton powers and get stronger if you're graviton-attuned. While graviton-attuned, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves. This bonus increases by 1 for every 9 solarian levels you have. DESC:&nl;Photon Mode - When you enter photon mode, you gain 1 photon attunement point and become photon-attuned. Some of your stellar revelations are photon powers and get stronger if you're photon-attuned. While photon-attuned, you gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls (including damage rolls for your stellar powers). This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 solarian levels you have. DESC:&nl;Unattuned - While unattuned, you gain no attunement points and you are neither photon-attuned nor graviton-attuned. You gain no benefits while unattuned. +Stellar Revelation SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a0 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ STELLAR REVELATION SOURCEPAGE:p.102 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:Archetype altered. |PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SolarianArchetype=True DESC:As you gain experience, you uncover new secrets about the powers of energy, gravity, stars, and other fundamental sources of cosmic power that grant you the ability to channel these forces and manifest potent preternatural powers. At 1st level, you automatically learn the black hole and supernova stellar revelations. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you learn an additional stellar revelation. You cannot select the same stellar revelation more than once unless it says otherwise. You can choose any stellar revelations you wish, but if you have more photon revelations than graviton revelations, or vice versa, it is more difficult to become fully attuned in either mode (see Disproportionate Revelations on page 104). The list of stellar revelations begins on page 103. Stellar revelations normally note what kind of action they require. If a stellar revelation does not note the kind of action it takes and it modifies some other action (such as an attack or skill check), it can be used as part of that action. If a stellar revelation allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your solarian level + your Charisma modifier. A revelation that says it lasts for 1 round or until you leave the associated mode lasts for whichever of these durations is longer. You can use stellar revelations both in and out of combat, but since you can't enter a stellar mode outside of battle, any revelation that lasts for 1 round or as long as you're in a stellar mode lasts only 1 round if you're not in combat. ABILITY:Stellar Revelation|AUTOMATIC|STELLAR REVELATION ~ Black Hole|STELLAR REVELATION ~ Supernova BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Stellar Revelation|StellarRevelationCount + BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Stellar Revelation|StellarRevelationCount BONUS:VAR|StellarRevelationCount|floor(SolarianLVL/2)|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SolarianArchetype=True BONUS:VAR|StellarRevelationCount|(SolarianLVL>=8)+(SolarianLVL>=14)+(SolarianLVL>=16)+(SolarianLVL>=20)|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SolarianArchetype=True +Sidereal Influence SORTKEY:Solarian / 005 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ SIDEREAL INFLUENCE SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:You can tap into stellar forces outside of battle, using the properties of gravitons or photons to affect your skill use. At 3rd level, choose two skills from the lists below, one from the graviton list and one from the photon list. At 11th level and again at 19th level, choose two more skills. Each time you pick skills, choose one from the graviton list and one from the photon list. To use your sidereal influence, you must spend 1 minute in meditation, then choose either graviton skills or photon skills. When attempting a skill check with one of your selected skills of the chosen type (either graviton or photon), you can roll 1d6 and add the result as an insight bonus to your check. This ability lasts until you enter combat, fall unconscious, sleep, or meditate again to choose a different skill type. You can reactivate this ability by meditating again for 1 minute. DESC:&nl;Graviton Skills: Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Mysticism (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex) DESC:&nl;Photon Skills: Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Medicine (Int), Survival (Wis) +Weapon Specialization SORTKEY:Solarian / 006 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat for each weapon type for which this class grants you proficiency. If you selected solar weapon as your solar manifestation, it gains the benefit of Weapon Specialization as if it were an advanced melee weapon. ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Small Arms|Weapon Specialization ~ Advanced Melee Weapons +Flashing Strikes SORTKEY:Solarian / 007 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ FLASHING STRIKES SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:Your mastery of melee combat allows you to make multiple attacks more accurately. When making a full attack entirely with melee weapons, you take a -3 penalty to each attack roll instead of the normal -4 penalty. +Zenith Revelations SORTKEY:Solarian / 008 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:At 9th level and again at 17th level, you gain two powerful stellar revelations. Choose two revelations from the zenith revelations list: one graviton revelation and one photon revelation. The list of zenith revelations begins on page 107. Zenith revelations are powerful stellar revelations that require you to be fully attuned in a stellar mode. After using a zenith revelation, your stellar mode immediately becomes unattuned. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Graviton Zenith Revelation|1+(SolarianLVL>=17) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Photon Zenith Revelation|1+(SolarianLVL>=17) +Solarian's Onslaught SORTKEY:Solarian / 009 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ SOLARIAN'S ONSLAUGHT SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When making a full attack, you can make up to three attacks instead of two attacks. You take a -6 penalty to these attacks instead of a -4 penalty. If you have the flashing strikes class feature, you instead take a -5 penalty to these attacks as long as they are all melee attacks. +Stellar Paragon SORTKEY:Solarian / 010 KEY:Solarian Class Feature ~ STELLAR PARAGON SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Solarian Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:You are the spiritual kin of the stars themselves. As a move action, you can raise or lower light levels within 30 feet of yourself by one step. When you enter a stellar mode, you gain 2 attunement points of the corresponding type immediately and are considered attuned, and when you keep your current stellar mode at the start of your turn, you can gain 2 attunement points instead of 1, allowing you to become fully attuned after 2 rounds. In addition, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to gain enough attunement points to be fully attuned on the first round of combat (but not after using a zenith revelation), or spend 1 Resolve Point at the start of your turn in combat to exchange all of your attunement points in one stellar mode for an equal number of attunement points in the other mode. For example, you can switch from being fully attuned in graviton mode to being fully attuned in photon mode. + + +Solarian Skill Adept Choice TYPE:Solarian Skill Adept CATEGORY:Internal CHOOSE:SKILL|CROSSCLASS CSKILL:LIST MULT:YES STACK:NO + +Armor KEY:Solar Manifestation ~ Armor CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation BONUS:COMBAT|AC|SolarianArmorBonus|TYPE=EACArmorEnhancement BONUS:COMBAT|AC|SolarianArmorBonus|TYPE=KACArmorEnhancement BONUS:VAR|SolarianArmorBonus|1+(TL>=10)|TYPE=Base|!PREEQUIP:1,TYPE=Armor_Heavy BONUS:VAR|SolarianResistanceBonus|floor(TL/5) + +Weapon KEY:Solar Manifestation ~ Weapon CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Solarian Weapon BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Solarian Weapon Damage Type|1 KIT:1|Solarian Weapon BONUS:VAR|SolarianDamageProgression|1+(TL>=6)+(TL>=9)+max(0,TL-11) + +# +Glows blue KEY:Solar Manifestation Color ~ Blue CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation Color +Glows red KEY:Solar Manifestation Color ~ Red CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation Color +Glows white KEY:Solar Manifestation Color ~ White CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation Color +Glows yellow KEY:Solar Manifestation Color ~ Yellow CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation Color +perfect darkness of a black hole KEY:Solar Manifestation Color ~ Black CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation Color +# +Bludgeoning KEY:Solarian Weapon Damage Type ~ B TYPE:Solarian Weapon Damage Type CATEGORY:Internal +Slashing KEY:Solarian Weapon Damage Type ~ S TYPE:Solarian Weapon Damage Type CATEGORY:Internal +Piercing KEY:Solarian Weapon Damage Type ~ P TYPE:Solarian Weapon Damage Type CATEGORY:Internal + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# STELLAR REVELATIONS +Black Hole SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Black Hole SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:When you're fully graviton-attuned, as a standard action, you can pull any number of creatures within 20 feet of you closer. You choose which creatures are affected and which ones aren't. Each target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be pulled 10 feet toward you. The range of this revelation and the distance pulled increase by 5 feet at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Solid objects do not block this ability, but any creature that runs into a solid object ceases moving closer to you. Creatures moved by this ability do not provoke attacks of opportunity from this movement. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Black hole functions as a zenith revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them. +Supernova SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Supernova SOURCEPAGE:p.103 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:When you're fully photon-attuned, as a standard action, you can deal 1d6 fire damage plus 1d6 additional fire damage per solarian level to all creatures within 10 feet of you. A creature that succeeds at a Reflex save takes half damage. At 9th level, you can increase the radius to 15 feet, and at 17th level, you can increase the radius to 20 feet. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Supernova functions as a zenith revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them. +Dark Matter SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Dark Matter SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can draw on the properties of dark matter to increase your density, allowing you to resist physical damage. You gain damage reduction 1/-. This increases to DR 2/- at 6th level and increases by 1 again every 3 solarian levels thereafter. This benefit lasts for 1 round or until you leave graviton mode. When you are attuned or fully attuned, your DR from dark matter is equal to half your solarian level. +Flare SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Flare SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can shed light in a 30-foot radius for 1 minute. You choose dim, normal, or bright light each time you activate this revelation. As a standard action, you can create a flash of brilliant light, forcing one creature within 30 feet to succeed at a Reflex save or be blinded for 1 round. Once you've targeted a creature with flare, you can't target it with this revelation again for 10 minutes. Blind or sightless creatures are not affected by this use of this revelation. When you create a flash of light as a standard action and you are attuned or fully attuned, you can instead choose to make all enemies within range dazzled for 1 round (no save). +Gravity Anchor SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Gravity Anchor SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can form a gravitational bond between yourself and either the surface you're standing on or the objects you are holding. This grants you a +4 bonus to your AC against bull rush, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers if you choose the surface underfoot, or against disarm combat maneuvers if you choose objects. The bonus lasts for 1 round or until you leave graviton mode. You can have only one gravity anchor active at a time. When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can activate this revelation as a reaction when targeted by a bull rush, disarm, reposition, or trip combat maneuver, in which case it defends against only that attack. +Gravity Boost SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Gravity Boost SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:You can increase or reduce the gravitational attraction between yourself and the terrain around you. You can add a bonus equal to one-third your solarian level (minimum +1) to Athletics checks to climb, jump, or swim as part of the action you take to attempt the skill check. In addition, as a reaction when you are falling, you can reduce the falling damage you take by half. At 6th level, you can move along vertical surfaces and even upside down along ceilings for 1 round. This functions as spider climb, but it leaves your hands free and you can also run. You must end your movement on a surface that can support you normally. If you end your movement while you are standing on a vertical surface or ceiling, you fall unless you succeed at an Athletics check to climb to remain in position. When you are attuned or fully attuned, the bonus you gain from this revelation to checks to climb, jump, or swim doubles. +Gravity Hold SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Gravity Hold SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:This revelation allows you to move objects at a distance as per psychokinetic hand (see page 370). When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can use the psychokinetic hand ability of your gravity hold to immobilize, lift, or move a Medium or smaller creature. The creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the effect. While under this effect, the target creature cannot move, but can take any other normal actions. This ability follows all of the restrictions of the spell other than the weight limit, but you can't lift a creature higher than 5 feet off the ground. When you spend a standard action concentrating to maintain the gravity hold, the target can attempt a new save to end the effect. Once a creature successfully saves against this ability, it becomes immune to further uses of this revelation for 24 hours. +Plasma Sheath SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Plasma Sheath SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can cause all of your melee attacks to deal fire damage instead of their normal damage type. (The attacks are still made against the target's EAC or KAC as normal for the weapon.) This benefit lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode. When you are attuned or fully attuned, your attacks with plasma sheath deal additional fire damage equal to half your level. +Radiation SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Radiation SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can emit an aura of low-level radiation. Creatures within 5 feet of you must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened. A sickened creature recovers as soon as it moves out of your aura, and a creature that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to your radiation for 24 hours. This is a poison effect (see page 415). The radiation lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode. When you are attuned or fully attuned, the size of your aura increases to 10 feet. +Stellar Rush SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Stellar Rush SOURCEPAGE:p.104 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can wreathe yourself in stellar fire and make a charge without the penalties (see page 248). When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can substitute a bull rush for the melee attack at the end of the charge. Whether or not you succeed at the bull rush, the target takes 2d6 fire damage (Reflex half). This damage increases by 1d6 at 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter. +Astrologic Sense SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Astrologic Sense SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:You can sense the movement of all objects influencing you to gain insight into upcoming events. Once per day as a full action, you can try to determine whether a particular action of yours will bring good or bad results for you in the immediate future. This functions as augury (see page 340) with your effective caster level equal to your solarian level. You can spend 1 Resolve Point to use this revelation again on the same day, but you still can't use it more than once per hour. When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can see 1 hour into the future (instead of half an hour as is normal for augury) when you use this revelation. +Blazing Orbit SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Blazing Orbit SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can move up to your speed, gaining concealment against any attack made against you during the move, and you can leave a trail of flames in every square you pass through. The flames last for 1 round and deal 2d6 fire damage to anyone who moves into them. You can't move through another creature's space during this movement. If you use blazing orbit again, any flames you previously created with it go out. The damage from the flames increases by 1d6 at 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter. When you are attuned or fully attuned, any creature damaged by the flames also gains the burning condition (1d6 fire damage; see page 273). +Corona SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Corona SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can surround your body with an envelope of fiery plasma. You gain cold resistance 10, and any adjacent creature that hits you with a natural weapon or a melee weapon takes 2d6 fire damage. The corona lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode. At 12th level, the damage increases to 3d6 and the cold resistance increases to 15. At 18th level, the damage increases to 4d6 and the cold resistance increases to 20. When you are attuned or fully attuned, any creature that starts its turn adjacent to you while your corona is in effect takes fire damage equal to half your solarian level. +Crush SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Crush SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can increase the effects of gravity on the internal organs or workings of a target within 30 feet, causing it to have difficulty maintaining its normal functionality. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round. This revelation also affects constructs. You can maintain this effect as a move action each round, but the target can attempt a new saving throw each round to end the effect. Once a creature succeeds at this save or the effect ends, you can't target that creature with crush again for 24 hours. When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to also stun the target for 1 round. Maintaining crush on subsequent rounds extends the staggered effect, but not the stunned effect. +Defy Gravity SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Defy Gravity SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can fly up to your speed. You must end this movement on solid ground or you fall. At 12th level or higher, you don't have to land if you immediately follow your flight with another move action to use defy gravity. On your last move action of the turn, you still have to land or fall. When you are attuned or fully attuned, your fly speed from this revelation increases by 10 feet. +Glow of Life SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Glow of Life SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to twice your solarian level. Once you use this revelation, you can't use it again until the next time you regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest. When you are attuned or fully attuned, increase the amount you heal with this revelation to three times your solarian level. +Gravity Surge SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Gravity Surge SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a full action, you can perform a disarm or trip combat maneuver against a target within 30 feet. Use your Charisma modifier on your attack roll instead of your Strength modifier, and you gain a +4 bonus to this attack roll that doesn't stack with the bonus from the Improved Combat Maneuver feat. When you are attuned or fully attuned, if you disarm a target with gravity surge and have a hand free, the dropped item flies toward you and you can snatch it from the air. If you trip a target with gravity surge, you can pull the target up to 10 feet closer to you. +Hypnotic Glow SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Hypnotic Glow SOURCEPAGE:p.105 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can convince one living creature that you are to be trusted. This functions as charm person (see page 342), but with a duration of 1 round per solarian level you have. When the effect ends, if you are out of line of sight and the target is not engaged in an activity it wouldn't have begun without being charmed, the target does not realize it was charmed or has acted unusually unless someone else points it out. You can't use this revelation again while you currently have a creature charmed via this ability, and once you've attempted to charm a creature, whether or not the attempt was successful, you can't charm the same creature again for 24 hours. Your influence over the creature ends once the duration has expired, and at that time the target likely ceases doing anything you've requested of it. At 9th level, hypnotic glow functions as charm monster (see page 342). When you are attuned or fully attuned and you successfully charm a creature using this ability, you can also command it to approach, flee, or halt on its next turn, as per the command spell (no save; see page 343). +Reflection SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Reflection SOURCEPAGE:p.106 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=6 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:You can reflect ranged attacks back at your enemies. If you took the total defense action on your last turn, or if you were fighting defensively and spend 1 Resolve Point, as a reaction you can redirect a ranged attack that misses you. Select a new target within 30 feet and make a ranged attack roll with a -4 penalty. If your attack hits, the new target is damaged as if it had been the intended target of the original ranged attack. When you are attuned or fully attuned, you don't take a -4 penalty to your redirected attack roll. +Soul Furnace SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Soul Furnace SOURCEPAGE:p.106 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:You can stoke the internal energy of your entire physiology, allowing you to boost your life processes. As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point. If you are suffering from an affliction (a curse, disease, drug or poison), you can immediately attempt an additional saving throw at the affliction's normal save DC. If you succeed at this saving throw, the affliction ends (regardless of how many successful saving throws it normally takes to end the affliction). Once you have used this revelation, you can't use it again until the next time you regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest. When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can also use this revelation to end any one of the following conditions you have: bleeding, blinded, burning, cowering, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, panicked, shaken, or sickened. +Stealth Warp SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Stealth Warp SOURCEPAGE:p.106 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=10 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:You can bend light, sound, and even vibrations around your body, making you harder to notice. As a move action, you can grant yourself a +4 bonus to Stealth checks. This lasts for 1 round or until you leave graviton mode. When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can use this revelation to reduce your sensory output so much that you can attempt a Stealth check even when you're directly observed and lack cover or a distraction. You are not invisible, simply difficult to see clearly, and if a creature was observing you prior to your Stealth check, it remains aware of your location until you successfully reach cover or concealment. Your stealth warp ends if you make an attack or cause another creature to attempt a saving throw, or at the beginning of your next turn unless you immediately take another move action to use this revelation. +Gravity Shield SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Gravity Shield SOURCEPAGE:p.106 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can create a minor shield of compressed gravity waves, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to your AC. The shield lasts for 1 round or until you leave graviton mode. When you are attuned or fully attuned, as a move action, you can create a disk of massive gravitational energies that is capable of deflecting incoming attacks. Choose one edge of your space. The shield extends along three continuous edges in a straight line centered on the chosen edge. The shield provides cover against attacks coming from its far side, but not against attacks originating from the side you're on. If you move, you can reposition your shield as part of your move action, moving it to a different edge of your space. You must use one of your hands to direct and maintain an active gravity shield. You cannot use this version of the gravity shield at the same time you use this revelation to gain a circumstance bonus to your AC. This gravity shield also lasts 1 round or until you leave graviton mode. +Sunbolt SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Sunbolt SOURCEPAGE:p.106 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can fire a bolt of concentrated solar energy at one target within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per solarian level you have) as a ranged attack targeting the foe's EAC. If you hit, you deal 9d6 fire damage. If you have a solarian crystal (see Solarian Weapon Crystals on page 170) that changes the type of damage dealt by a solar weapon, you can use it to change the type of damage you deal with your sunbolt. Once you have used this revelation, you can't use it again until the next time you regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest. When you are attuned or fully attuned, you gain a +2 bonus to your ranged attack roll to use this revelation. +Ultimate Graviton SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Ultimate Graviton SOURCEPAGE:p.106 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=16 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:As your ability to manipulate powers of gravity expands, the range of any graviton revelation (but not zenith revelation) you have with a range doubles. Any graviton revelation (but not zenith revelation) you have that targets a single creature can now simultaneously target two creatures, who must be within 20 feet of each other. You also increase the power of any of the following gravity revelations you have. Defy Gravity: Your fly speed increases by 20 feet. Gravity Anchor: As a move action, you can gain both types of gravity anchor simultaneously. Gravity Boost: Your bonus applies to all Acrobatics checks, and you take no damage from any fall. Reflection: If you successfully redirect an attack as a reaction, you can continue to reflect additional attacks until the beginning of your next turn. You have a cumulative -2 penalty to your redirect attack roll on each reflection attempt after the first. If any reflected attack misses, you can't make further redirect attempts until you use this revelation again. +Ultimate Photon SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Ultimate Photon SOURCEPAGE:p.107 PREPCLEVEL:MIN=16 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural DESC:Your ability to manipulate powers of light and energy expand greatly. The radius of any photon revelation (but not zenith revelation) you have with a radius expands by 10 feet. Any photon revelation (but not zenith revelation) that lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode now lasts for 1d4 rounds if you are not in photon mode. You also increase the power of any of the following photon revelations you have. Astrologic Sense: You can see twice as far into the future as normal. Glow of Life: You can use this revelation as a swift action, rather than a move action. Hypnotic Glow: The charm's duration doubles. Stellar Rush: You gain a +2 bonus to your EAC until the beginning of your next turn. +Miniature Star SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Miniature Star SOURCEPAGE:p.107 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural.Photon.Photon Zenith Revelation DESC:When you're fully photon-attuned, you can create a simulacrum of a star as a standard action. The star is a 10-foot-radius sphere that fills your square (or one square of your space, if you're larger than Medium) and all squares within 5 feet of that space. Any creature that starts its turn in the same space as the star takes 1d6 fire damage for every 2 solarian levels you have, and any creature that starts its turn outside the star but within 5 feet of it takes half that damage. At 17th level, you can create your star simulacrum as a 15-foot-radius sphere that affects your square and all squares within 10 feet of that space (a total of 21 squares). Creatures can move through the star, but it exerts a gravitational pull, and any creature inside it or within 5 feet of it must spend twice as much movement for each square of movement that takes it away from the center of the star. The star remains for 1d4+1 rounds, and stays in place even if you later move. You are immune to all effects of your own miniature star. +Ray of Light SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Ray of Light SOURCEPAGE:p.107 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural.Photon.Photon Zenith Revelation DESC:When you're fully photon-attuned, as a move action, you can transform yourself into a ray of light and move at light speed to any space you can see within long range. Any barrier that would block, reflect, or scatter light prevents you from moving through it. No creature can use a reaction to interfere with your movement or make attacks of opportunity against you unless it's capable of reacting faster than the speed of light. At 17th level, you can touch one willing or unconscious creature to convert it to light and bring it with you as part of the same action. +Solar Acceleration SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Solar Acceleration SOURCEPAGE:p.107 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural.Photon.Photon Zenith Revelation DESC:When you're fully photon-attuned, you can make a full attack as a standard action. In addition, you and up to six allies within 30 feet are affected by haste (see page 358) for 1 minute after you use this revelation. At 17th level, the extra speed from the haste effect increases to 60 feet (to a maximum of three times the creature's normal speed). +Starquake SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Starquake SOURCEPAGE:p.107 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural.Graviton.Graviton Zenith Revelation DESC:When you're fully graviton-attuned, you can create a violent ripple of movement to knock down your foes. As a move action, you can move up to your speed along the ground without provoking attacks of opportunity. Each creature you are adjacent to at any point during that movement takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage and must succeed at a Reflex save or be knocked prone. The affected creatures don't need to be standing on solid ground to fall prone, and any that were in the air (but still adjacent to you) fall to the ground on a failed save. The damage increases by 1d8 for every 3 solarian levels you have beyond 7th. At 17th level, you can move up to twice your speed along the ground with this revelation. +Time Dilation SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Time Dilation SOURCEPAGE:p.107 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural.Graviton.Graviton Zenith Revelation DESC:When you're fully graviton-attuned, you can make time pass more slowly for your enemies. As a standard action, you can project a gravitational wave in a 30-foot cone. You choose which creatures in the cone are affected and which ones aren't. Each target must succeed at a Fortitude save or by affected by slow (see page 377) for a number of rounds equal to your solarian level. At 17th level, even targets that succeed at their saving throws are affected by slow for 1 round. +Wormholes SORTKEY:Solarian / 004a1 KEY:STELLAR REVELATION ~ Wormholes SOURCEPAGE:p.107 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.STELLAR REVELATION.Supernatural.Graviton.Graviton Zenith Revelation DESC:When you're fully graviton-attuned, you can create two linked wormholes as a standard action. One wormhole must be adjacent to you, and the other appears anywhere in line of sight within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per solarian level). Each wormhole is 5 feet across and appears at an intersection between two squares. You and any Large or smaller creatures you mentally designate (you can designate "all creatures," "all lashuntas," or similar categories) can travel between the wormholes. This is considered extradimensional travel. Entering a wormhole instantly transports a creature to a square adjacent to the other wormhole's intersection, where the creature can continue its movement. The wormholes remain for 1 round for every 2 solarian levels you have. At 17th level, you can create three wormholes using this ability, and upon entering the wormhole, a creature can decide which of the other two wormholes to exit. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Soldier +Primary Fighting Style SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a0 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:You have a preferred fighting style that represents the type of soldier you are. Each fighting style is composed of various style techniques that you learn as you gain experience. You must pick one fighting style upon taking your first soldier level, and once made, this choice cannot be changed. Descriptions of the fighting styles you can choose from appear on pages 112-115. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE|1 + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Primary|SoldierLVL +Primary Style Technique SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a0 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ PRIMARY STYLE TECHNIQUE SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:At 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a style technique unique to your primary fighting style. +Combat Feat SORTKEY:Soldier / 003 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ COMBAT FEAT SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:Archetype altered. |PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SoldierArchetype=True DESC:At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats. Whenever you gain a new bonus feat, you can also choose to replace one of the bonus feats you have already learned with a different bonus feat. The feat you replace can't be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat or other ability. You can change only one feat at any given level, and you must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time you gain the new bonus feat. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Combat Feat|SoldierCombatFeatCount BONUS:VAR|SoldierCombatFeatCount|floor(SoldierLVL/2)|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SoldierArchetype=True BONUS:VAR|SoldierCombatFeatCount|(SoldierLVL>=8)+(SoldierLVL>=14)+(SoldierLVL>=16)+(SoldierLVL>=20)|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SoldierArchetype=True +Gear Boost SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a0 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ GEAR BOOST SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you learn a trick called a gear boost that make you better with a particular type of weapon or armor. Choose from the gear boosts listed below. Some gear boosts require you to reach a certain soldier level to select them; this level is indicated in parentheses after the boost's name. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Gear Boost|floor((SoldierLVL+1)/4) +Weapon Specialization SORTKEY:Soldier / 005 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat for each weapon type this class grants you proficiency with. ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Small Arms|Weapon Specialization ~ Advanced Melee Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Longarms|Weapon Specialization ~ Heavy Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Sniper Weapons +Secondary Fighting Style SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a0 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:You choose another fighting style. Once you choose this second style, it cannot be changed. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE|1 +Secondary Style Technique SORTKEY:Soldier / 007 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ SECONDARY STYLE TECHNIQUE SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a style technique unique to your secondary fighting style. For the purposes of these style techniques, treat your soldier level as equal to your soldier level - 8. + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary|SoldierLVL-8 +Soldier's Onslaught SORTKEY:Soldier / 008 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ SOLDIER'S ONSLAUGHT SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:When you make a full attack, you can make up to three attacks instead of two attacks. You take a -6 penalty to these attacks instead of a -4 penalty. +Kill Shot SORTKEY:Soldier / 009 KEY:Soldier Class Feature ~ KILL SHOT SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Soldier Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:As a standard action, you can make a single attack against an enemy. If the attack hits and does not kill your enemy, you can expend 1 Resolve Point to force the creature to succeed at a Fortitude save or die. Once you've used this ability on a creature (regardless of whether or not you forced it to attempt a Fortitude save), that creature is immune to your kill shot for 24 hours. + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# GEAR BOOST +Anchoring Arcana SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Anchoring Arcana PREPCLEVEL:MIN=7 SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Supernatural DESC:As a full action, you can make a single attack with a magic weapon against a single foe. If the attack is a ranged attack, the target must be within the first range increment. Even if the attack normally affects an area or multiple targets, it affects only your selected target. If your attack hits, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to force the target to attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your soldier level + your key ability score modifier). If the target fails its save, it can't voluntarily move from its current space for 1d4 rounds. This has no effect on involuntary movement, but it does prevent the creature from teleporting or moving to another plane. Once you've struck a foe with this attack, whether it succeeds at or fails its saving throw, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours. +Armored Advantage SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Armored Advantage SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:When you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your Kinetic Armor Class. +Brutal Blast SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Brutal Blast SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a +2 insight bonus to damage rolls with weapons that have the blast special property (such as a scattergun). This extra damage applies only to creatures within 10 feet of you; creatures farther away take the normal amount of damage. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have. +Bullet Barrage SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Bullet Barrage SOURCEPAGE:p.111 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls for weapons in the projectile category. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 soldier levels you have. +Electric Arc SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Electric Arc PREPCLEVEL:MIN=7 SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:When you hit a target with a weapon in the shock category, electricity arcs out from your original target to deal electricity damage to a secondary subject within 10 feet of the original target. This damage is equal to the weapon's level. The secondary subject must be the creature nearest to the original target (your choice if multiple creatures are equidistant). This gear boost does not function for weapons that have the explode or blast special property. If you use this gear boost with a weapon with the arc critical hit effect (see page 182), your secondary subject for electric arc must be the same as your secondary subject for the arc critical effect. +Flash Freeze SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Flash Freeze PREPCLEVEL:MIN=7 SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:When you hit a creature with a weapon in the cryo category, that creature's speeds are reduced by 10 feet for 1 round, to a minimum of 10 feet. +Heavy Onslaught SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Heavy Onslaught PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11 SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:Your attacks with heavy weapons bypass part of the target's damage reduction. If your heavy weapon does not already overcome the target's damage reduction, treat the target's damage reduction as though it were 5 lower. At 15th level, treat the target's damage reduction as 10 lower. +Laser Accuracy SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Laser Accuracy SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls with weapons in the laser category. +Melee Striker SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Melee Striker SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:Add an additional bonus equal to half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with melee weapons. +Plasma Immolation SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Plasma Immolation PREPCLEVEL:MIN=7 SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:You are expert at setting things on fire with plasma. If your attack roll with a weapon in the plasma category is a 19 (the d20 shows a 19), and the attack hits your target, the target gains the burning condition. The condition deals 1d4 fire damage if the weapon has an item level of 1st-6th, 1d8 if its item level is 7th-14th, and 2d8 if its item level is 15th or higher. +Powerful Explosive SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Powerful Explosive PREPCLEVEL:MIN=7 SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:When you attack with a weapon with the explode special property and a radius of 10 feet or greater, you can increase the radius of the explosion by 5 feet. +Sonic Resonance SORTKEY:Soldier / 004a1 KEY:GEAR BOOST ~ Sonic Resonance PREPCLEVEL:MIN=7 SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GEAR BOOST.Extraordinary DESC:When you hit a creature within 30 feet of you using a weapon in the sonic category, the sonic energy continues to resonate within that creature, giving it the flat-footed condition for 1 round. If you hit multiple creatures at the same time (such as with an automatic, blast, or explode weapon), only the creature nearest to you or to the center of the explosion (your choice if multiple creatures are equidistant) is affected. +# + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# FIGHTING STYLES --The following fighting styles represent those most commonly chosen by soldiers. Each fighting style lists the style techniques you learn as you gain levels. +Arcane Assailant SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a1 KEY:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Arcane Assailant SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_ArcaneAssailant|FightingStyleLVL_Primary DESC:The arcane assailant fighting style supplements its combat effectiveness with magic powers, drawing on traditions of warrior-wizards dating back to well before the Gap. This allows you to use magic runes to augment your weapons and call on legendary powers, giving you access to arcane options even when you don't have a magic weapon in your possession. ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1 ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,5 ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Armor Storm SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a1 KEY:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Armor Storm SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_ArmorStorm|FightingStyleLVL_Primary DESC:The armor storm fighting style focuses on using armor as a weapon by maximizing the damage of armor-based weapons while withstanding enemy fire. You learn to increase the effectiveness of attacks made with your armor and to add equipment normally beyond your armor's capacity. ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1 ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,5 ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Blitz SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a1 KEY:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Blitz SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Blitz|FightingStyleLVL_Primary DESC:The blitz fighting style is all about using speed and aggression to get into the thick of melee. You increase your speed and responsiveness, gain abilities that make you better at melee combat than your enemies, and keep on fighting even when surrounded by foes. ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1 ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,5 ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Bombard SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a1 KEY:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Bombard SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Bombard|FightingStyleLVL_Primary DESC:The bombard fighting style emphasizes attacking multiple targets, often using grenades, and leverages substantial physical strength to control large weapons with significant recoil. At higher levels, you can use launchers, missiles, and other heavy weapons. ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1 ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,5 ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Guard SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a1 KEY:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Guard SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Guard|FightingStyleLVL_Primary DESC:The guard fighting style focuses on defense. You become adept at wearing armor, protecting against attacks, and enduring damage and other setbacks from attacks that get through your defenses. ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1 ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,5 ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Hit-and-Run SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a1 KEY:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Hit-and-Run SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_HitAndRun|FightingStyleLVL_Primary DESC:The hit-and-run fighting style focuses on tactical movement as you move in and out of combat. You use ranged weapons but fight close up, and you can even mix ranged and melee attacks. Your abilities allow you to move even when you make full attacks and to avoid getting locked down by your enemies. ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1 ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,5 ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Sharpshoot SORTKEY:Soldier / 001a1 KEY:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Sharpshoot SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Sharpshoot|FightingStyleLVL_Primary DESC:The sharpshoot fighting style enables you to excel at making accurate attacks, usually with ranged weapons at a long distance. You can ignore cover and other impediments to your shots, and your attacks are improved by your intense focus. ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1 ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,5 ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE +Arcane Assailant SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a1 KEY:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Arcane Assailant SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_ArcaneAssailant|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary DESC:The arcane assailant fighting style supplements its combat effectiveness with magic powers, drawing on traditions of warrior-wizards dating back to well before the Gap. This allows you to use magic runes to augment your weapons and call on legendary powers, giving you access to arcane options even when you don't have a magic weapon in your possession. ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Armor Storm SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a1 KEY:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Armor Storm SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_ArmorStorm|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary DESC:The armor storm fighting style focuses on using armor as a weapon by maximizing the damage of armor-based weapons while withstanding enemy fire. You learn to increase the effectiveness of attacks made with your armor and to add equipment normally beyond your armor's capacity. ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Blitz SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a1 KEY:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Blitz SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Blitz|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary DESC:The blitz fighting style is all about using speed and aggression to get into the thick of melee. You increase your speed and responsiveness, gain abilities that make you better at melee combat than your enemies, and keep on fighting even when surrounded by foes. ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Bombard SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a1 KEY:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Bombard SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Bombard|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary DESC:The bombard fighting style emphasizes attacking multiple targets, often using grenades, and leverages substantial physical strength to control large weapons with significant recoil. At higher levels, you can use launchers, missiles, and other heavy weapons. ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Guard SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a1 KEY:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Guard SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Guard|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary DESC:The guard fighting style focuses on defense. You become adept at wearing armor, protecting against attacks, and enduring damage and other setbacks from attacks that get through your defenses. ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Hit-and-Run SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a1 KEY:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Hit-and-Run SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_HitAndRun|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary DESC:The hit-and-run fighting style focuses on tactical movement as you move in and out of combat. You use ranged weapons but fight close up, and you can even mix ranged and melee attacks. Your abilities allow you to move even when you make full attacks and to avoid getting locked down by your enemies. ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 +Sharpshoot SORTKEY:Soldier / 006a1 KEY:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE ~ Sharpshoot SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE.NoExtension + BONUS:VAR|FightingStyleLVL_Sharpshoot|FightingStyleLVL_Secondary DESC:The sharpshoot fighting style enables you to excel at making accurate attacks, usually with ranged weapons at a long distance. You can ignore cover and other impediments to your shots, and your attacks are improved by your intense focus. ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,9 ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,13 ABILITY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9|PREVARGTEQ:SoldierLVL,17 + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Arcane Assailant +Rune of the Eldritch Knight SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a1 KEY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE ~ Rune of the Eldritch Knight SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1.Supernatural DESC:You can imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune of the eldritch knight, allowing the weapon to act as a magic weapon for the purposes of bypassing DR and affecting incorporeal creatures. This takes 10 minutes, and you can imbue only a single weapon at a time. If you imbue a new weapon with the rune of the eldritch knight, any previously imbued weapon loses this benefit. When calculating the Hit Points and hardness of a weapon imbued with the rune of the eldritch knight, treat its item level as 5 higher. +Secret of the Magi SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a1 KEY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE ~ Secret of the Magi SOURCEPAGE:p.112 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5.Supernatural DESC:When you imbue a weapon with the rune of the eldritch knight, in addition to its normal benefits, the rune grants the weapon one of the following weapon fusions of your choice: ethereal, flaming, frost, merciful, or shock. The weapon can't gain a fusion it already has, and this bonus fusion doesn't count toward the maximum total level of fusions the weapon can have at once. The bonus fusion ends when the weapon ceases to be imbued with the rune of the eldritch knight. For more information on fusions, see page 191. +Power of Legend SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a1 KEY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE ~ Power of Legend SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9.Supernatural DESC:You can call on the link between you and the legendary heroes who wielded powerful magic weapons eons ago to overcome adversity. As a move action when wielding a magic weapon or a weapon imbued with the rune of the eldritch knight, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to end one of the following conditions affecting you: bleeding, burning, confused, exhausted, fatigued, flat-footed, off-target, shaken, or sickened. Alternatively, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to change the cowering condition to the frightened condition or change the frightened condition to the shaken condition. In this case, the new condition lasts for the same duration the original condition would have and can't be further affected by this ability. +Secret of the Archmagi SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a1 KEY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE ~ Secret of the Archmagi SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13.Supernatural DESC:You can imbue two weapons with the rune of the eldritch knight. If you attempt to imbue a third weapon, the weapon infused first loses its rune and all benefits. In addition to the normal benefits, the runes grant the weapons one or more of the following weapon fusions (see page 191) of your choice: bane, corrosive, ethereal, flaming, frost, holy, merciful, shock, thundering, or unholy. You can grant no more than 10 total levels' worth of fusions between the two weapons, and the bane fusion counts as a 10th-level fusion for this purpose. +Arcane Attack SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a1 KEY:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE ~ Arcane Attack SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE.Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to use a weapon imbued with the rune of the eldritch knight to make an attack that strikes true. This attack ignores all cover and concealment, including total concealment (though you must at least be aware of a creature's presence to target it with this attack). If the attack is a ranged attack, the target must be within the first range increment. The attack only affects your selected target, even if it normally affects an area or multiple targets. You still must make a normal attack roll, and if your attack misses, it has no effect. + +# Armor Storm +Hammer Fist SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a2 KEY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE ~ Hammer Fist SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1.Extraordinary DESC:[Not Implemented]You treat any unarmed attack you make while wearing heavy or powered armor as being made with a battleglove (see page 187) with an item level equal to or lower than your soldier level, and you calculate damage for these attacks as if you had the melee striker gear boost (see page 112). If you have the melee striker gear boost, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with your unarmed attacks when using this ability. These unarmed attacks don't benefit from other abilities that apply specifically to unarmed attacks (such as the Improved Unarmed Strike feat). +Enhanced Tank SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a2 KEY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE ~ Enhanced Tank SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5.Extraordinary DESC:[PartialImplementation]You gain the Powered Armored Proficiency feat and access to improved armor. This might be the result of your own engineering abilities, having earned the trust of contacts that can get you experimental equipment, or a powerful patron giving you gear not available to the general public to help you achieve mutual goals. You can add one more upgrade to your armor than its normal maximum number of upgrade slots. If you add this bonus upgrade to heavy armor, you can select an upgrade normally limited to powered armor. An upgrade placed in this bonus slot costs half the normal credit amount. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Powered Armored Proficiency +Smash Through SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a2 KEY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE ~ Smash Through SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9.Extraordinary DESC:While you are wearing heavy armor or powered armor, you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls to perform a bull rush combat maneuver (see page 246). If you successfully push the target back 10 feet or more, you can also damage the target with an unarmed attack (and can use your hammer fist ability when doing so). ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to perform a bull rush combat maneuver (see page 246). If you successfully push the target back 10 feet or more, you can also damage the target with an unarmed attack (and can use your hammer fist ability when doing so).|PREEQUIP:1,TYPE=Powered_Armor,TYPE=Heavy_Armor +Mobile Army SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a2 KEY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE ~ Mobile Army SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13.Extraordinary DESC:[Not Implemented]You become a master of all weapons associated with your armor. You deal 1d6 additional damage with any attack from a weapon that is part of your armor, including unarmed attacks using the hammer fist ability and weapons that have been attached to your armor as an armor upgrade. The additional damage is of the same type as the weapon's normal type. Also, while wearing heavy or powered armor, you gain a +2 bonus to your KAC against combat maneuvers. ASPECT:CombatBonus|+2 bonus to your KAC against combat maneuvers|PREEQUIP:1,TYPE=Powered_Armor,TYPE=Heavy_Armor +On the Bounce SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a2 KEY:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE ~ On the Bounce SOURCEPAGE:p.113 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE.Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17.Extraordinary DESC:[Not Implemented]You learn to control your armor with such ease, you are actually more maneuverable in it than out of it. While wearing heavy armor or powered armor, you can move up to your speed when you make a full attack. You can move before or after all your attacks, but not both. If you have the Shot on the Run feat, you can divide your movement to move both before and after making a full attack as long as all the attacks are ranged attacks. If you have the Spring Attack feat, you can divide your movement to move both before and after making a full attack as long as all the attacks are melee attacks. If you have both feats, your attacks can be any combination of melee and ranged attacks. + +# Blitz +Rapid Response SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a3 KEY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE ~ Rapid Response SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a +4 bonus to initiative checks and increase your land speed by 10 feet. BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|4 BONUS:VAR|Walk|10 +Charge Attack SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a3 KEY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE ~ Charge Attack SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5.Extraordinary DESC:As a standard action, you can make a charge without the charge penalties (see page 248), and you can substitute a bull rush for the melee attack at the end of the charge. When you gain the soldier's onslaught class feature, you can make two attacks instead of one at the end of your charge, both with a -4 penalty. +Keep Fighting SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a3 KEY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE ~ Keep Fighting SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9.Extraordinary DESC:As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points equal to 2d6 + your soldier level. You can't use this ability again until after you regain Stamina Points from a 10-minute rest. The number of Stamina Points you regain increases by 1d6 at 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. +Perfect Opportunity SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a3 KEY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE ~ Perfect Opportunity SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13.Extraordinary DESC:When you hit a creature with an attack of opportunity, that creature can't move out of the squares you threaten until the start of its next turn. In addition, when an enemy takes a guarded step (see page 247) out of a square you threaten, you can make an attack of opportunity against it with a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If the target provoked an attack of opportunity by moving, hitting with your attack of opportunity ends the target's movement immediately, preventing it from carrying out the rest of its movement. +Against the Odds SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a3 KEY:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE ~ Against the Odds SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE.Blitz FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a bonus to melee damage rolls equal to double the number of enemies within 10 feet of you. Enemies who don't constitute a significant threat (those with a CR equal to your level - 4 or less, or as determined by the GM) don't count when calculating this bonus. + +# Bombard +Grenade Expert SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a4 KEY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Grenade Expert SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1.Extraordinary DESC:You increase the range increment of your thrown grenades by 5 x your Strength bonus. In addition, you're able to salvage enough materials to create a grenade without paying for it. Creating a grenade takes 10 minutes. You can create any grenade whose item level is less than or equal to your soldier level, but this grenade is unstable and only you can use it effectively. If anyone else tries to use the grenade, it is a dud. You can have only one grenade created by this ability at one time (if you create a new grenade using this ability, the old grenade no longer works). +Heavy Fire SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a4 KEY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Heavy Fire SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5.Extraordinary DESC:You can use your physical power to steady your weapon and make your attacks more dangerous. As a full action, you can make a single ranged attack that deals additional damage equal to your Strength bonus to all targets. You can use this ability in conjunction with the automatic, explode, or unwieldy special property (see pages 180-182). +Debilitating Attack SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a4 KEY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Debilitating Attack SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9.Extraordinary DESC:When you hit an enemy with a ranged attack or an attack with a weapon with the blast or explode special property, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to inflict a debilitating effect on that enemy for a number of rounds equal to your Strength bonus. You can choose to make the target deafened, flatfooted, or off-target (see pages 275-277), or to reduce its speeds by half (to a minimum of 10 feet). The target can negate this effect with a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half your soldier level + your Strength modifier). +Explosives Acumen SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a4 KEY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Explosives Acumen SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13.Extraordinary DESC:You increase the DC to avoid attacks you make using weapons with the explode special property by 1. You reduce the amount of any damage you take from any weapon with the explode special property by an amount equal to your Strength bonus. +Impactful Attack SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a4 KEY:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Impactful Attack SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE.Bombard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17.Extraordinary DESC:As a full action, you can make a ranged attack that knocks enemies back. Targets you hit are knocked back 5 feet from you. If you use a weapon with the explode special property, all targets that fail their saving throws are instead knocked back 5 feet from the center of the explosion. An enemy that you critically hit or that rolls a natural 1 on its saving throw is also knocked prone. You can't make an impactful attack with an automatic weapon, but you can use this ability with a weapon that has the blast special property + +# Guard +Armor Training SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a5 KEY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Armor Training SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Guard FIGHTING STYLE.Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1.Extraordinary DESC:You reduce the armor check penalty of armor you wear by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by 1. BONUS:MISC|ACCHECK|1 BONUS:MISC|MAXDEX|1 +Guard's Protection SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a5 KEY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Guard's Protection SOURCEPAGE:p.114 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Guard FIGHTING STYLE.Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5.Extraordinary DESC:When an ally adjacent to you is damaged by an attack, you can use your reaction to intercede. You take half the damage, and your ally takes the other half. This has no effect on spells, and any conditions delivered by the attack apply to both of you. In addition, you are now proficient with powered armor. +Rapid Recovery SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a5 KEY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Rapid Recovery SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Guard FIGHTING STYLE.Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9.Extraordinary DESC:You can spend Resolve Points to ignore detrimental conditions. As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to suppress one of the following conditions for 10 minutes: exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, shaken, sickened, or staggered (see pages 276-277). After 10 minutes, if the condition's duration hasn't ended, the condition's effects return. You can suppress only one condition at a time; if you are both fatigued and shaken, you can avoid the effects of only one of them, and if you are affected by two different instances of the same condition, you're still affected by the second one. +Kinetic Resistance SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a5 KEY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Kinetic Resistance SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Guard FIGHTING STYLE.Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13.Extraordinary DESC:You gain DR 3/-. At 17th level, this DR increases to 5/-. DR:GuardFIGHTINGSTYLE_KR/- BONUS:VAR|GuardFIGHTINGSTYLE_KR|3+if(SoldierLVL>=17,2,0) +Impenetrable Defense SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a5 KEY:Guard FIGHTING STYLE ~ Impenetrable Defense SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Guard FIGHTING STYLE.Guard FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17.Extraordinary DESC:As a standard action, you can set up a strong defense for yourself and an adjacent ally. Until the start of your next turn, you gain three benefits: your damage reduction increases to DR 10/-; you and the chosen ally each gain a +4 bonus to AC; and if you use guard's protection, you direct all the damage to yourself such that your ally takes none. + +# Hit-and-Run +Opening Volley SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a6 KEY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE ~ Opening Volley SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1.Extraordinary DESC:You gain Opening Volley as a bonus feat. If you already have this feat, choose a bonus combat feat instead. At 9th level, you can use Opening Volley on both your first and second turns in combat. ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Opening Volley BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Opening Volley Choice|1 +Nimble Fusillade SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a6 KEY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE ~ Nimble Fusillade SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5.Extraordinary DESC:When you make a full attack, you can also either take a guarded step or move up to half your speed. This movement can come before, between, or after your attacks, but it can't be split up. +Duck and Weave SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a6 KEY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE ~ Duck and Weave SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9.Extraordinary DESC:When you move or make a ranged attack, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity from that movement or ranged attack. +Elusive Target SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a6 KEY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE ~ Elusive Target SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13.Extraordinary DESC:On any turn in which you move, you gain a +1 insight bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn. +Harrying Shot SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a6 KEY:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE ~ Harrying Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE.Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17.Extraordinary DESC:As a full action, you can make one attack and give the benefit of harrying fire (see page 247) against any creature you hit with that attack. If you use a blast weapon or automatic weapon, the benefit applies against all targets hit. You can also take your nimble fusillade movement before or after this attack. + +# Sharpshoot +Sniper's Aim SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a7 KEY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE ~ Sniper's Aim SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 1.Extraordinary DESC:When you make a ranged attack against a target with cover, reduce the AC bonus from cover by 2. You can't use sniper's aim against an enemy with total cover. +Focus Fire SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a7 KEY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE ~ Focus Fire SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 5.Extraordinary DESC:When you make a full attack with a ranged weapon, you can make both attacks with a -3 penalty instead of a -4 penalty as long as they both target the same creature. If your first attack kills or knocks out the target, you can instead make the second attack against a different creature at a -4 penalty. Once you have the soldier's onslaught class feature (see page 112), you can use this ability with it, making three attacks against the same creature at a -5 penalty; if your first or second attack kills or knocks out your target, you can make your remaining attacks against a different creature at a -6 penalty. +Intense Focus SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a7 KEY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE ~ Intense Focus SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 9.Extraordinary DESC:When you make a ranged attack against a target with cover or concealment, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to negate its AC bonus from cover and reduce its concealment by one category (from total concealment to concealment or from concealment to no concealment). This benefit applies to all ranged attacks you make against that target this round. You can't use intense focus more than once per round, nor can you use it against an enemy with total cover. +Focused Damage SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a7 KEY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE ~ Focused Damage SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 13.Extraordinary DESC:When you use focus fire, each attack against the first target deals 2d6 additional damage. Additional creatures you attack after killing or knocking out your first target don't take this extra damage. +Prepared Shot SORTKEY:Soldier / 002a7 KEY:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE ~ Prepared Shot SOURCEPAGE:p.115 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE.Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE LVL 17.Extraordinary DESC:As a standard action, you can study a target before you attack. The target must be within line of sight of you and either flat-footed or unaware of your presence. On the first attack you make against that target on your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll. If your attack hits, the target is staggered for 1 round; if you score a critical hit, the target is instead stunned for 1 round. Once you make a prepared shot, you can't use this ability again against the same target for 24 hours. You can't make an attack on the same round you study the target, even if an ability would let you attack without spending a standard or full action. + + +# +Gain Opening Volley TYPE:Opening Volley Choice CATEGORY:Internal ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Opening Volley !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Feat,Opening Volley +Choose Combat Feat TYPE:Opening Volley Choice CATEGORY:Internal BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Combat Feat|1 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Feat,Opening Volley + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Technomancer +Spell Cache SORTKEY:Technomancer / 001 KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ SPELL CACHE SOURCEPAGE:p.119 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:As the culmination of your early study of the fundamental forces of the galaxy, you have created a spell cache that allows you to store and access spells. Your spell cache could be a device such as a handheld computer or technological implant; an item such as a ring or staff; or a symbol such as a brand, tattoo, or other permanent modification to your body. While you don't need your spell cache to cast your spells, once per day, you can activate your spell cache to cast any one spell you know and are capable of casting, even if you've expended all your spell slots for that spell's level. If your spell cache is damaged, it is restored to full Hit Points the next time you prepare spells. If the spell cache is lost or destroyed, you can replace it after 1 week with a special ritual that takes 8 hours to complete. +Magic Hack SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ MAGIC HACK SOURCEPAGE:p.119 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:You have carefully studied the forces that define magic and can manipulate them. You learn your first magic hack at 2nd level, and you learn an additional magic hack every 3 levels thereafter. When casting a spell, you can apply no more than one magic hack that affects the attributes of a spell (such as distant spell or extended spell). If a magic hack allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your technomancer level + your Intelligence modifier. The list of magic hacks appears starting on page 120. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Magic Hack|floor((TechnomancerLVL+1)/3) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Magic Hack|-1|PREVARGTEQ:TechnomancerLVL,11|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,TechnomancerArchetype=true +Spell Focus SORTKEY:Technomancer / 003 KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ SPELL FOCUS SOURCEPAGE:p.120 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.NoExtension DESC:You gain Spell Focus as a bonus feat. +Techlore SORTKEY:Technomancer / 004 KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ TECHLORE SOURCEPAGE:p.120 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You rewire your mind to give you greater insight into the nature of magic and technology. You gain a +1 insight bonus to Computers and Mysticism checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter. +Weapon Specialization SORTKEY:Technomancer / 005 KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION SOURCEPAGE:p.120 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type this class grants you proficiency with. ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Small Arms +Cache Capacitor SORTKEY:Technomancer / 006 KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ CACHE CAPACITOR SOURCEPAGE:p.120 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.Supernatural DESC:Archetype altered. |PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,TechnomancerArchetype=true DESC:You expand your spell cache into a cache capacitor. As part of regaining your spells each day, you can cast a single spell into your spell cache and have it affect you continuously for 24 hours. The cache capacitor can hold any of the following spells: detect radiation, disguise self, keen senses, or unseen servant. You must know a spell to store it in your cache capacitor. When you cast the spell into your cache capacitor, you expend the spell slot normally and make any decisions required for that spell, but the duration doesn't expire for 24 hours. If the spell in your cache capacitor is dispelled or dismissed, you can spend 5 minutes of uninterrupted concentration to reestablish it, keeping the same decisions you made when you cast it, and gaining whatever duration the spell had remaining. You can't exchange the stored spell for another spell until you again regains your spells. At 12th level, your cache capacitor gains a second slot that can hold darkvision, lesser resistant armor, life bubble, or spider climb. At 18th level, your cache capacitor gains a third slot that can hold arcane sight, flight (spell level 3rd or lower), see invisibility, or tongues. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Cache Capacitor Slot 1|if(CacheCapacitorProgession>=1,1,0) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Cache Capacitor Slot 2|if(CacheCapacitorProgession>=2,1,0) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Cache Capacitor Slot 3|if(CacheCapacitorProgession>=3,1,0) BONUS:VAR|CacheCapacitorProgession|(TechnomacerLVL>=6)+(TechnomacerLVL>=12)+(TechnomacerLVL>=18) BONUS:VAR|CacheCapacitorProgession|-(TechnomacerLVL>=12)+(TechnomacerLVL>=18)|PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,TechnomancerArchetype=true +Resolve Attunement SORTKEY:Technomancer / 007 KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ RESOLVE ATTUNEMENT SOURCEPAGE:p.120 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You recover Resolve Points when you use powerful magic. Each time you cast a 6th-level spell, you regain 1 Resolve Point, up to your normal maximum. This applies only to spells you cast using your normal 6th-level spell slots, not to those you cast using magic items or other methods such as fuse spells. +Fuse Spells SORTKEY:Technomancer / 008 KEY:Technomancer Class Feature ~ FUSE SPELLS SOURCEPAGE:p.120 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer Class Feature.Extraordinary DESC:You can combine lower-level spell slots to cast higher-level spells. As part of casting a spell, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to exchange a number of unused spell slots for a single spell slot of a higher level; this expends the lower-level spell slots. Add up the levels of the expended slots to determine which higher level of spell you can cast (maximum 6th). For instance, you could exchange three 1st-level slots to cast a 3rd-level spell, or you could exchange two 3rd-level slots to cast a 6th-level spell. If you combine spell slots to cast a 6th-level spell, it doesn't count as such for resolve attunement. Furthermore, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to combine two 6th-level spell slots to cast wish. + +Cache Capacitor Slot 1 KEY:Technomancer ~ Cache Capacitor Slot 1 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Cache Capacitor.Cache Capacitor Slot 1 MULT:YES STACK:NO CHOOSE:STRING|Detect Radiation|Disguise Self|Keen Senses|Unseen Servant +Cache Capacitor Slot 2 KEY:Technomancer ~ Cache Capacitor Slot 2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Cache Capacitor.Cache Capacitor Slot 2 MULT:YES STACK:NO CHOOSE:STRING|Darkvision|Lesser Resistant Armor|Life Bubble|Spider Climb +Cache Capacitor Slot 3 KEY:Technomancer ~ Cache Capacitor Slot 3 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Cache Capacitor.Cache Capacitor Slot 3 MULT:YES STACK:NO CHOOSE:STRING|Arcane Sight|Flight (Level 3)|Flight (Level 2)|Flight (Level 1)|See Invisibility|Tongues + + +Gain Cache Capacitor KEY:Technomacer ~ Gain Cache Capacitor TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer LV 8 Archetype Choice CATEGORY:Class Feature ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ CACHE CAPACITOR +Gain Magic Hack KEY:Technomacer ~ Gain Magic Hack TYPE:Class Feature.Technomancer LV 8 Archetype Choice CATEGORY:Class Feature BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Magic Hack|1 + + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# MAGIC HACKS +Countertech SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Countertech PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.120 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a reaction when you take damage from an attack by a technological weapon or source within medium range that specifically targets you, you can expend an unused spell slot to disrupt the attack. With a spell slot of 1st to 5th level, you can counter an attack from a technological weapon whose item level is equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot x 3, to a maximum of your caster level. 6th-level spell slots can counter any weapon with a level equal to or less than your caster level. For example, at 2nd level, you could expend a 1st-level spell slot to counter an attack from a 1st- or 2nd-level weapon. To successfully counter the attack, you must roll a countertech check (1d20 + your caster level) with a DC equal to 11 + the weapon's level. If the countertech check succeeds, the attack deals half damage. If the countertech check fails, the attack deals normal damage. This magic hack only affects attacks that target you directly; you cannot use countertech against attacks that target an area or that target another person. +Empowered Weapon SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Empowered Weapon PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can expend an unused spell slot to reconfigure and enhance a weapon you're wielding. Until the start of your next turn, your attacks with the enhanced weapon gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to the level of the spell slot you expended. In addition, your attacks with that weapon deal 1d6 additional damage per level of the expended spell slot. This damage is of the same type the weapon normally deals. +Energize Spell SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Energize Spell PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:Once per day as a move action, you can use a battery or a weapon's power cell to power your spellcasting, enabling you to cast one spell you know without using a spell slot. This expends 20 charges per spell level from the battery or power cell and requires you to touch the battery, power cell, or weapon. You must cast the spell before the start of your next turn, or the charges are wasted with no effect. +Fabricate Tech SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Fabricate Tech PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.SpellLike DESC:As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily construct a piece of technological gear from raw magic. You can create any single technological item with a level equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot x 3, to a maximum of your caster level. The item appears in your hands or in an adjacent square. You can use fuse spells with this magic hack. The size of the item cannot exceed 10 bulk or Medium size, and the quality of the item is average. Treat this as a spell of the same level as the expended spell slot. For example, at 4th level, you could expend a 1st-level spell slot to fabricate an item of up to 3rd level, or you could expend a 2nd-level spell slot to fabricate an item of up to 4th level. The item persists for a number of minutes equal to your technomancer level. At the end of this duration, the item disappears. You can't create armor, weapons, magic items, or items with limited uses or charges (such as batteries, drugs, or fuel) with this hack. +Harmful Spells SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Harmful Spells PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:When you cast an instantaneous spell that deals damage, you can increase the spell's damage by half your technomancer level. This increased damage applies to all creatures damaged by an area spell, but for spells that target multiple creatures with multiple rays or other attacks (such as magic missile), the increased damage applies only to a single ray or missile. This increased damage doesn't apply to ongoing damage from the spell (such as bleed or burn). This magic hack doesn't increase ability damage or other spell effects, only damage to Stamina Points or Hit Points. +Quick Scan SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Quick Scan PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can get a general sense of what information is stored on drives or other digital storage media. You must pass your hand in the air near the data source, but don't have to touch it or connect to it. The information you get is very general, such as "financial records," "military records," or "spells." Getting detailed information requires interfacing with the data more directly. If you attempt a quick scan on a creature that stores its memories in a digital medium-to get a sense of the memories stored in a robot, for example-the target can attempt a Will save to negate the scan and prevent you from trying against it again for 24 hours. +Robot Influence SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Robot Influence PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:You can affect constructs, robots, and other creatures that have the technological subtype with your mind-affecting spells, even if they're mindless or normally immune to such effects. However, they receive a +2 bonus to their Will saves against your mind-affecting spells. +Selective Targeting SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Selective Targeting PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:When you cast an instantaneous spell with an area effect, you can shape the spell so it doesn't affect one of your allies. Choose one 5-foot square within the spell's area to be unaffected by the spell. At 5th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to exclude any number of squares with this ability. +Spell Countermeasures SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Spell Countermeasures PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and other magical effects. +Technomantic Proficiency SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Technomantic Proficiency PREPCLEVEL:MIN=2 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to temporarily learn how to use a weapon in combat. Choose a single weapon; you gain proficiency with it (and any identical weapon) for a number of minutes equal to your class level. Each round you use the weapon reduces this magic hack's duration by 1 minute. For example, at 4th level, you could gain proficiency with corona laser rifles for 4 minutes. If you fire such a weapon for 2 rounds, you remain proficient with it for 2 more minutes. +Charging Jolt SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Charging Jolt PREPCLEVEL:MIN=5 SOURCEPAGE:p.121 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can expend an unused spell slot to refill charges in a weapon's power cell. This requires you to touch the weapon or its power cell. The power cell regains 10 charges per spell level, up to its capacity. You can also use this ability to jump-start or short out an electronic device, allowing you to attempt an Engineering check to disable a device with a bonus equal to double the level of the spell you expended. +Debug Spell SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Debug Spell PREPCLEVEL:MIN=5 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:Any piece of code has bugs, but you can turn the bugs in your spellcode into features. After rolling damage for an instantaneous spell that deals Hit Point damage, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll one die with a result of 1 (see page 243). At 11th level, you can reroll up to two dice with a result of 1, and at 17th level, you can reroll up to three dice with a result of 1. For example, if you were 17th level and cast disintegrate, you could spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll up to three dice that rolled 1s, after rolling and seeing how many 1s you rolled. +Distant Spell SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Distant Spell PREPCLEVEL:MIN=5 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:When you cast a spell with a range of close, medium, or long, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to double its range. Spells whose ranges are not defined by distance, as well as spells whose ranges are not close, medium, or long, do not benefit from this magic hack. If the spell affects an area, doubling its range doesn't alter the size of its area. +Extended Spell SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Extended Spell PREPCLEVEL:MIN=5 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to double its duration. This has no effect on spells with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, 1 round or less, or permanent, nor can it increase a spell's duration to more than 24 hours. +Fabricate Arms SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Fabricate Arms PREPCLEVEL:MIN=5 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a full action, you can expend an unused spell slot to temporarily construct a technological weapon or suit of armor out of raw magic. You can create one suit of armor or weapon with a level equal to or less than the level of the expended spell slot x 3, to a maximum of your caster level. The item appears in your hands, on your person, or in an adjacent square. You can use fuse spells with this magic hack. A weapon can't be larger than two-handed, and the size of the item can't exceed 10 bulk. The quality of the item is average for its type. Treat this as a spell of the same level as the expended spell slot. For example, at 10th level, you could expend a 3rd-level spell slot to fabricate a weapon of 9th level or lower, or expend a 4thlevel spell slot to fabricate a suit of armor of 10th level or lower. The armor or weapon persists for a number of rounds equal to your technomancer level. At the end of this duration, the item disappears. You are proficient with (but not specialized in) any weapons you create with this ability. You can't create magic items, weapons made from a special material, or weapons that are expended with use (such as arrows, grenades, or missiles) with this magic hack. +Magic Negation SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Magic Negation PREPCLEVEL:MIN=5 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.SpellLike DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 RP to temporarily suppress magic, as if using dispel magic. Choose either an ongoing spell or a magic item within 30 feet of you. The magical effects of the spell or magic item are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, and then they return. If the spell's level is higher than you can cast or the item's caster level is greater than yours, you can't suppress it. If you target a spell affecting a creature, the creature can attempt a Will save to stop you from suppressing the spell. +Spell Grenade SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Spell Grenade PREPCLEVEL:MIN=5 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.SpellLike DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point to store a spell with a range of touch in a grenade, allowing you to affect a target within the grenade's blast radius with the spell. Casting a spell with spell grenade uses the spell's standard casting time, and throwing the spell grenade is a standard action. You must throw the grenade before the end of your next turn, or the spell is wasted. You are considered proficient with the grenade for this attack. Choose a single target within the grenade's blast radius; that target is affected by the spell as if you had successfully touched it. The grenade goes off as normal, with all of its usual effects within its blast radius. If you miss the targeted intersection with the grenade, you must choose a target within the grenade's new blast radius. If there are no suitable targets within the grenade's blast radius, the spell is wasted. Spells whose ranges are not touch don't benefit from this magic hack. +Diviner's Tap SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Diviner's Tap PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:You can hack a computer to set up magical surveillance. This takes 10 minutes and requires a successful Computers check against the device's DC. If you fail, you can't try again on the same device. On a success, your tap lasts for a number of days equal to your caster level. You can program your tap either to give you general information about user activity on the device or to receive a mental alarm when a user accesses or transmits data about a specific topic (getting an idea of the information found). For instance, a user might hold a video call to talk about your exploits. If you chose to receive general information, you might know that a video call took place but not the call's topic. If you chose to have the tap receive an alarm when the topic is you, you'd get the gist of the conversation (but not a complete transcript). Setting up a new diviner's tap ends the duration of any previous one still in effect. +Flash Teleport SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Flash Teleport PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.SpellLike DESC:As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to teleport up to 30 feet. You must have line of sight to your destination. This movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. +Mental Mark SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Mental Mark PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:When an enemy fails a Will save against one of your technomancer spells, it takes a -2 penalty to saving throws and AC for 1 round. When an enemy succeeds at a Will save against one of your technomancer spells, it takes a -1 penalty to saving throws against your spells for 1 round. A creature can take only one penalty from a mental mark at a time. +Spellshot SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Spellshot PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 SOURCEPAGE:p.122 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.SpellLike DESC:You can cast an area spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less through a ranged weapon, allowing you to use the weapon's range rather than the spell's range. You must target a single creature with your attack, and the spell's area is centered on that creature, or originates at the creature's location for a cone or line effect (oriented in whichever direction you choose), even if the spell would normally be centered on or originate from a point. You can fire the weapon as part of the standard action to cast the spell. You must fire the weapon during the round that the casting is completed, or the spell is wasted. If the attack misses, the spell is wasted. Spells with an emanation effect that would be centered on you don't benefit from this magic hack. +Tech Countermeasures SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Tech Countermeasures PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make it more difficult for enemies to target you with technological weapons for 1 round. Until the start of your next turn, as a reaction just before an enemy attacks you with a technological weapon, you can force that enemy to roll the attack twice and take the lower result; if the weapon allows a Reflex save instead of requiring an attack roll, you instead gain the benefit of evasion (as the operative's class feature; see page 93) against the attack. This magic hack has no effect on spells that target you or on weapons or attacks that are not technological in nature. +Widened Spell SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Widened Spell PREPCLEVEL:MIN=8 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:When you cast a spell with a burst, emanation, or spread, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to double its radius. For instance, a spell with a 30-foot burst would have a 60-foot burst instead. Spells that don't have an area of one of these three types are not affected by this magic hack. +Countertech Sentinel SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Countertech Sentinel PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:You can spend 1 Resolve Point to use your countertech magic hack to counter a direct attack against an ally within 15 feet. You can't use countertech sentinel against attacks that target an area. You must have the countertech magic hack to choose this magic hack. +Eternal Spell SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Eternal Spell PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:Choose one 1st-level spell you know from the list of technomancer spells in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. You can cast it at will, as though it were a 0-level spell. It still counts as one of your 1st-level spells known, not one of your 0-level spells known. You can choose a 1st-level spell from a source other than the Core Rulebook with the GM's permission. +Reboot Mind SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Reboot Mind PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:You can free someone from magical mental control or conditions. As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and touch a willing creature. This restarts the subject's brain, ending all mind-affecting effects affecting it, as well as all conditions that could be removed by greater remove condition that were imparted on the creature by mindaffecting effects, but the subject becomes stunned until the end of its next turn. Once you reboot a mind, you can't use this ability again for 24 hours. You can attempt to reboot the mind of an ally who is unwilling due to the influence of a mind-affecting effect. In this case, the ally can attempt a new saving throw against the effect at the same DC. If she succeeds, the ally can allow her mind to be rebooted, but if she fails, you waste the expended Resolve Point and action. You can use this ability to reboot your own mind. If you're unable to take actions, you can reboot your mind without spending actions, but it must be the first thing you do on your turn, and you are stunned until the end of your next turn. +Seeking Shot SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Seeking Shot PREPCLEVEL:MIN=11 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to fire a single shot from a ranged weapon at a target known to you within range. The shot travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the weapon's range prevents the shot from reaching the target. This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. +Phase Shot SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Phase Shot PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to fire a single shot from a ranged weapon at a target known to you within range. The shot travels straight to the target, passing through any nonmagical barrier in its way, ignoring hardness and Hit Points (any magical barrier, such as a wall of force, stops the shot). This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. +Quickened Spell SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Quickened Spell PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:You can cast a spell as a move action. You can spend 2 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 0-level spell or 4 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 1st-level spell. You can quicken only spells with a casting time of 1 full action or shorter. At 16th level, you can spend 6 Resolve Points to cast a quickened 2nd-level spell. +Rain of Fire SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Rain of Fire PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Supernatural DESC:Once per day as a full action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to shoot a ranged weapon at multiple targets within range; the maximum number of targets is equal to half your technomancer level or the number of shots in your weapon, whichever is lower. Each attack uses your highest attack bonus, and each enemy can be targeted only by a single shot. +Spell Library SORTKEY:Technomancer / 002a0 KEY:MAGIC HACK ~ Spell Library PREPCLEVEL:MIN=14 SOURCEPAGE:p.123 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.MAGIC HACK.Extraordinary DESC:You gain one extra spell known for each level of spell you can cast. You must choose the new spells when you gain this magic hack. If you gain access to a higher level of spell after choosing this hack, you gain one extra spell known for that spell level. + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Archetypes +#PHRENIC ADEPT +Phrenic Adept KEY:Envoy Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Envoy Archetype PRECLASS:1,Envoy=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Envoy Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True,PhrenicAdept=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Phrenic adepts are able to draw on psychic abilities to a much greater extent than most psychic races such as lashuntas and shirrens, but their abilities lack the full depth and breadth of a spellcaster's power. They thus use their supernatural talents to augment other options rather than drawing on them as their primary source of power. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=6 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=9 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=12 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=18 FACT:EnvoyArchetype|True FACT:PhrenicAdept|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|PhrenicAdeptLVL|EnvoyLVL +Phrenic Adept KEY:Mechanic Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Mechanic Archetype PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Mechanic Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MechanicArchetype=True,PhrenicAdept=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Phrenic adepts are able to draw on psychic abilities to a much greater extent than most psychic races such as lashuntas and shirrens, but their abilities lack the full depth and breadth of a spellcaster's power. They thus use their supernatural talents to augment other options rather than drawing on them as their primary source of power. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=6 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=9 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=12 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=18 FACT:MechanicArchetype|True FACT:PhrenicAdept|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|PhrenicAdeptLVL|MechanicLVL +Phrenic Adept KEY:Mystic Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Mystic Archetype PRECLASS:1,Mystic=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Mystic Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True,PhrenicAdept=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Phrenic adepts are able to draw on psychic abilities to a much greater extent than most psychic races such as lashuntas and shirrens, but their abilities lack the full depth and breadth of a spellcaster's power. They thus use their supernatural talents to augment other options rather than drawing on them as their primary source of power. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=6 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=9 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=12 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=18 FACT:MysticArchetype|True FACT:PhrenicAdept|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|PhrenicAdeptLVL|MysticLVL +Phrenic Adept KEY:Operative Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Operative Archetype PRECLASS:1,Operative=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Operative Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,OperativeArchetype=True,PhrenicAdept=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Phrenic adepts are able to draw on psychic abilities to a much greater extent than most psychic races such as lashuntas and shirrens, but their abilities lack the full depth and breadth of a spellcaster's power. They thus use their supernatural talents to augment other options rather than drawing on them as their primary source of power. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening|PRECLASS:1,Operative=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense|PRECLASS:1,Operative=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses|PRECLASS:1,Operative=6 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Operative=9 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Operative=12 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Operative=18 FACT:OperativeArchetype|True FACT:PhrenicAdept|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|PhrenicAdeptLVL|OperativeLVL +Phrenic Adept KEY:Solarian Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Solarian Archetype PRECLASS:1,Solarian=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Solarian Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SolarianArchetype=True,PhrenicAdept=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Phrenic adepts are able to draw on psychic abilities to a much greater extent than most psychic races such as lashuntas and shirrens, but their abilities lack the full depth and breadth of a spellcaster's power. They thus use their supernatural talents to augment other options rather than drawing on them as their primary source of power. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=6 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=9 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=12 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=18 FACT:SolarianArchetype|True FACT:PhrenicAdept|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|PhrenicAdeptLVL|SolarianLVL +Phrenic Adept KEY:Soldier Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Soldier Archetype PRECLASS:1,Soldier=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Soldier Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SoldierArchetype=True,PhrenicAdept=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Phrenic adepts are able to draw on psychic abilities to a much greater extent than most psychic races such as lashuntas and shirrens, but their abilities lack the full depth and breadth of a spellcaster's power. They thus use their supernatural talents to augment other options rather than drawing on them as their primary source of power. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=6 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=9 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=12 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=18 FACT:SoldierArchetype|True FACT:PhrenicAdept|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|PhrenicAdeptLVL|SoldierLVL +Phrenic Adept KEY:Technomancer Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Technomancer Archetype PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Technomancer Archetype ~ Phrenic Adept],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,TechnomancerArchetype=True,PhrenicAdept=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Phrenic adepts are able to draw on psychic abilities to a much greater extent than most psychic races such as lashuntas and shirrens, but their abilities lack the full depth and breadth of a spellcaster's power. They thus use their supernatural talents to augment other options rather than drawing on them as their primary source of power. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=6 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=9 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=12 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=18 FACT:TechnomancerArchetype|True FACT:PhrenicAdept|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|PhrenicAdeptLVL|TechnomancerLVL + +#STARFINDER FORERUNNER +Starfinder Forerunner KEY:Envoy Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Envoy Archetype PRECLASS:1,Envoy=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Envoy Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,EnvoyArchetype=True,StarfinderForerunner=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:Whether they're investigating the ruins of ancient cultures, worlds with no modern technology, or civilizations with no prior contact with the Pact Worlds, Starfinders are always pushing the boundaries of explored space in a quest for snippets of knowledge about the edges of history before and after the Gap. When possible, these expeditions are preceded by, or at least accompanied by, a Starfinder forerunner who is specifically trained in exploration, scouting, and survival. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix|PRECLASS:1,Envoy=6 FACT:EnvoyArchetype|True FACT:StarfinderForerunner|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|StarfinderForerunnerLVL|EnvoyLVL +Starfinder Forerunner KEY:Mechanic Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Mechanic Archetype PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Mechanic Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MechanicArchetype=True,StarfinderForerunner=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:Whether they're investigating the ruins of ancient cultures, worlds with no modern technology, or civilizations with no prior contact with the Pact Worlds, Starfinders are always pushing the boundaries of explored space in a quest for snippets of knowledge about the edges of history before and after the Gap. When possible, these expeditions are preceded by, or at least accompanied by, a Starfinder forerunner who is specifically trained in exploration, scouting, and survival. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix|PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=6 FACT:MechanicArchetype|True FACT:StarfinderForerunner|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|StarfinderForerunnerLVL|MechanicLVL +Starfinder Forerunner KEY:Mystic Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Mystic Archetype PRECLASS:1,Mystic=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Mystic Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MysticArchetype=True,StarfinderForerunner=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:Whether they're investigating the ruins of ancient cultures, worlds with no modern technology, or civilizations with no prior contact with the Pact Worlds, Starfinders are always pushing the boundaries of explored space in a quest for snippets of knowledge about the edges of history before and after the Gap. When possible, these expeditions are preceded by, or at least accompanied by, a Starfinder forerunner who is specifically trained in exploration, scouting, and survival. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix|PRECLASS:1,Mystic=6 FACT:MysticArchetype|True FACT:StarfinderForerunner|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|StarfinderForerunnerLVL|MysticLVL +Starfinder Forerunner KEY:Operative Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Operative Archetype PRECLASS:1,Operative=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Operative Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,OperativeArchetype=True,StarfinderForerunner=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:Whether they're investigating the ruins of ancient cultures, worlds with no modern technology, or civilizations with no prior contact with the Pact Worlds, Starfinders are always pushing the boundaries of explored space in a quest for snippets of knowledge about the edges of history before and after the Gap. When possible, these expeditions are preceded by, or at least accompanied by, a Starfinder forerunner who is specifically trained in exploration, scouting, and survival. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble|PRECLASS:1,Operative=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything|PRECLASS:1,Operative=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix|PRECLASS:1,Operative=6 FACT:OperativeArchetype|True FACT:StarfinderForerunner|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|StarfinderForerunnerLVL|OperativeLVL +Starfinder Forerunner KEY:Solarian Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Solarian Archetype PRECLASS:1,Solarian=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Solarian Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SolarianArchetype=True,StarfinderForerunner=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:Whether they're investigating the ruins of ancient cultures, worlds with no modern technology, or civilizations with no prior contact with the Pact Worlds, Starfinders are always pushing the boundaries of explored space in a quest for snippets of knowledge about the edges of history before and after the Gap. When possible, these expeditions are preceded by, or at least accompanied by, a Starfinder forerunner who is specifically trained in exploration, scouting, and survival. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix|PRECLASS:1,Solarian=6 FACT:SolarianArchetype|True FACT:StarfinderForerunner|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|StarfinderForerunnerLVL|SolarianLVL +Starfinder Forerunner KEY:Soldier Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Soldier Archetype PRECLASS:1,Soldier=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Soldier Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SoldierArchetype=True,StarfinderForerunner=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:Whether they're investigating the ruins of ancient cultures, worlds with no modern technology, or civilizations with no prior contact with the Pact Worlds, Starfinders are always pushing the boundaries of explored space in a quest for snippets of knowledge about the edges of history before and after the Gap. When possible, these expeditions are preceded by, or at least accompanied by, a Starfinder forerunner who is specifically trained in exploration, scouting, and survival. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix|PRECLASS:1,Soldier=6 FACT:SoldierArchetype|True FACT:StarfinderForerunner|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|StarfinderForerunnerLVL|SoldierLVL +Starfinder Forerunner KEY:Technomancer Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.Technomancer Archetype PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Technomancer Archetype ~ Starfinder Forerunner],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,TechnomancerArchetype=True,StarfinderForerunner=True] SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:Whether they're investigating the ruins of ancient cultures, worlds with no modern technology, or civilizations with no prior contact with the Pact Worlds, Starfinders are always pushing the boundaries of explored space in a quest for snippets of knowledge about the edges of history before and after the Gap. When possible, these expeditions are preceded by, or at least accompanied by, a Starfinder forerunner who is specifically trained in exploration, scouting, and survival. ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=2 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=4 ABILITY:Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix|PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=6 FACT:TechnomancerArchetype|True FACT:StarfinderForerunner|True COST:1 + BONUS:VAR|StarfinderForerunnerLVL|TechnomancerLVL + + + +# Phrenic +Phrenic Awakening KEY:Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Awakening CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:You gain limited telepathy, as per the lashunta racial trait (see page 48). If your race already grants you limited telepathy (such as with the lashunta and shirren races), you instead increase the range of your limited telepathy by 60 feet. You can also select two additional languages to act as languages that you can use only to communicate telepathically with creatures that know the language. If you learn the full version of a language in which you can only communicate telepathically through other means (such as investing ranks in the Culture skill), you can select a new language to be able to communicate telepathically in at the same time. Additionally, you no longer need to meet the minimum Charisma requirement of the feat Minor Psychic Power or of any feat that has Minor Psychic Power as a prerequisite. +Phrenic Defense KEY:Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Defense CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Your psychic powers give you additional defenses against mental attacks. The first time you fail a saving throw against a spell or effect with the emotion, fear, mind-affecting, or pain descriptor (see page 269), you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to immediately reroll the failed saving throw. Even if the second saving throw fails, your stronger defenses might reduce the effect of the spell or ability. If the spell or ability deals damage, reduce the damage done by %1. If the spell or ability has a duration of 2 rounds or longer, reduce its duration by half.|PhrenicAdeptLVL +Phrenic Senses KEY:Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Senses CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:You gain the power to sense mental abilities and the creatures who have them. As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to activate your phrenic senses. This acts as the spell arcane sight, except you see only magic sources with the emotion, fear, mind-affecting, or pain descriptor. If you succeed at a Mysticism check to determine a source's school of magic, you also learn which of these descriptors apply to it. If you concentrate on a specific creature within 120 feet of you as a standard action to determine whether it has any spellcasting or spell-like abilities (see arcane sight on page 340), you learn only that it does if at least one of those abilities has one of these descriptors, and you learn the caster level of only the most powerful of these abilities. While your phrenic senses are active, you also gain blindsense (emotion) with a range of 30 feet. See page 262 for more details about blindsense. +Lesser Phrenic Power KEY:Phrenic Adept ~ Lesser Phrenic Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Your psychic abilities have grown strong enough to allow you to duplicate the effects of a few specific spells. DESC: Once per day,|PREVARLT:PhrenicAdeptLVL,13 DESC: Twice per day,|PREVARGTEQ:PhrenicAdeptLVL,13|PREVARLT:PhrenicAdeptLVL,17 DESC: Three times per day,|PREVARGTEQ:PhrenicAdeptLVL,17 DESC: you can cast a spell from the following list as a spell-like ability: charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, and psychokinetic strangulation. The save DC of these spells is equal to 10 + the spell level + your key ability score modifier. +Phrenic Power KEY:Phrenic Adept ~ Phrenic Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Your psychic abilities have significantly strengthened, allowing you to duplicate the effects of specific higher-level spells. DESC: Once per day,|PREVARLT:PhrenicAdeptLVL,16 DESC: Twice per day,|PREVARGTEQ:PhrenicAdeptLVL,16|PREVARLT:PhrenicAdeptLVL,20 DESC: Three times per day,|PREVARGTEQ:PhrenicAdeptLVL,20 DESC: you can cast a spell from the following list as a spell-like ability: confusion, mind probe, and telepathic bond. The save DC of these spells is equal to 10 + the spell level + your key ability score's modifier. +Greater Phrenic Power KEY:Phrenic Adept ~ Greater Phrenic Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.128 DESC:Your psychic powers have grown to grant you potent mental abilities. Once per day you can use one of the following abilities. The save DC of these abilities is equal to 10 + half your class level + your key ability score modifier. [Mass Synesthesia] As a standard action, you can scramble the senses of creatures, causing their sensory input to be processed by the wrong senses, such that noises trigger bursts of color, smells are perceived as sounds, and so on. You can target %1 creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart and all of which must be within 100 feet of you. Each target must succeed at a Will save or be staggered and forced to treat all creatures as having concealment (see page 253) for %2 rounds. Abilities that negate or reduce the effects of concealment have no effect on mass synesthesia. This is a mind-affecting ability. [Psychic Crush] As a standard action, you can invade the mind of a single creature within 60 feet of you. You deal 15d8 nonlethal damage and cause the target to be sickened for %2 rounds. If the target succeeds at a Fortitude save, it takes half damage and is not sickened. This is a pain effect. [Thought Shield] As a move action, you can grant yourself a +5 enhancement bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects for %2 rounds. For this duration, you are also immune to spells and effects that allow creatures to read your thoughts.|PhrenicAdeptLVL/2|PhrenicAdeptLVL + +#STARFINDER FORERUNNER +Trained for Trouble KEY:Starfinder Forerunner ~ Trained for Trouble CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:You gain Culture and Survival as class skills. For each of these skills that is already a class skill for you (or becomes a class skill) from a source other than this archetype, once per day you can choose to roll a check with that skill twice and take the best result. You can attempt Engineering, Life Science, and Mysticism skill checks to identify creatures (see page 133) even if you are not trained in those skills. You can attempt Survival skill checks to endure severe weather while moving at your full overland speed and receive the bonus you would normally receive for moving at half your overland speed. You can also attempt Survival checks to live off the land while moving at your full overland speed. +Ready for Anything KEY:Starfinder Forerunner ~ Ready for Anything CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:As an advance scout and planner for larger expeditions, you have trained yourself to be ready for nearly anything. This experience and expertise at planning gives you a number of abilities. When you are able to act in the surprise round of a combat, you gain a +2 bonus to your initiative check for that combat. When you successfully identify a creature with a skill check (see page 133), you learn DESC: one more useful piece of information than normal.|PREVARLT:StarfinderForerunnerLVL,11 DESC: two more useful pieces of information than normal.|PREVARGTEQ:StarfinderForerunnerLVL,11 DESC: When you attempt a Culture check to decipher writing (see page 139), there is no chance you will misconstrue the message (though you might still be unable to translate it), and you can take 20 (see page 133) on Culture checks to decipher writing even if you are not trained in Computers and don't have access to a computer or downloaded dataset. +Field Fix KEY:Starfinder Forerunner ~ Field Fix CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.Archetype Class Feature SOURCEPAGE:P.129 DESC:You've spent enough time in strange lands, far from the safety of known civilization, to learn to patch up technology and vehicles-and even yourself and fellow travelers-using whatever is at hand. Once per day as a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to regain %1 Stamina Points (up to your maximum). Alternatively, you can take 10 minutes and spend 1 Resolve Point to restore %1 Hit Points to one vehicle, piece of equipment, or creature. It is assumed you have gathered whatever materials you need to perform this action in your normal activities.|StarfinderForerunnerLVL + + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Pathfinder Legacy + +# +Dwarf CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Dwarf Race Selection ~ Default +Elf CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Elf Race Selection ~ Default +Gnome CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Gnome Race Selection ~ Default +Half-Elf CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Half-Elf Race Selection ~ Default BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|+2 Racial Stat Bonus|1 +Half-Orc CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Half-Orc Race Selection ~ Default BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|+2 Racial Stat Bonus|1 +Halfling CATEGORY:Race ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Playable Race Selected|Halfling Race Selection ~ Default +# +Dwarf Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:DwarfRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|6 ABILITY:Dwarf Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Dwarf Default Racial Trait +Elf Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:ElfRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|4 ABILITY:Elf Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Elf Default Racial Trait +Gnome Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:GnomeRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|4 ABILITY:Gnome Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Gnome Default Racial Trait +Half-Elf Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Half-ElfRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|4 ABILITY:Half-Elf Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Half-Elf Default Racial Trait +Half-Orc Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Half-OrcRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|6 ABILITY:Half-Orc Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Half-Orc Default Racial Trait +Halfling Race Selection ~ Default CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:HalflingRaceSelection BONUS:VAR|RaceHP|2 ABILITY:Halfling Racial Trait|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=Halfling Default Racial Trait + +# Dwarf +Size and Type KEY:Dwarf Default ~ Size and Type SORTKEY:Race_01 SOURCEPAGE:p.506 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Dwarf Racial Trait.Dwarf Default Racial Trait DESC:Dwarves are Medium humanoids with the dwarf subtype. +Darkvision KEY:Dwarf Default ~ Darkvision SORTKEY:Race_02 SOURCEPAGE:p.506 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Dwarf Racial Trait.Dwarf Default Racial Trait DESC:Dwarves can see up to 60 feet in the dark. VISION:Darkvision (60') +Slow but Steady KEY:Dwarf Default ~ Slow but Steady SORTKEY:Race_03 SOURCEPAGE:p.506 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Dwarf Racial Trait.Dwarf Default Racial Trait DESC:Dwarves have a land speed of 20 feet, which is never modified when they are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. They also gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities, and when standing on the ground they gain a +4 racial bonus to their KAC against bull rush and trip combat maneuvers. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 racial bonus to saving throws against poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities ASPECT:CombatBonus|when standing on the ground they gain a +4 racial bonus to their KAC against bull rush and trip combat maneuvers UNENCUMBEREDMOVE:HeavyLoad|HeavyArmor +Stonecunning KEY:Dwarf Default ~ Stonecunning SORTKEY:Race_04 SOURCEPAGE:p.506 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Dwarf Racial Trait.Dwarf Default Racial Trait DESC:Dwarves gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking. ASPECT:SkillBonus|+2 bonus to Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors +Traditional Enemies KEY:Dwarf Default ~ Traditional Enemies SORTKEY:Race_05 SOURCEPAGE:p.506 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Dwarf Racial Trait.Dwarf Default Racial Trait DESC:Dwarves still train to fight their ancient enemies. A dwarf gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against a creature with the goblinoid or orc subtype and a +4 racial bonus to AC against an attack from a creature with the giant subtype. ASPECT:CombatBonus|+1 racial bonus to attack rolls against a creature with the goblinoid or orc subtype and a +4 racial bonus to AC against an attack from a creature with the giant subtype +Weapon Familiarity KEY:Dwarf Default ~ Weapon Familiarity SORTKEY:Race_06 SOURCEPAGE:p.506 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Dwarf Racial Trait.Dwarf Default Racial Trait DESC:Dwarves are proficient with basic and advanced melee weapons and gain specialization with those weapons at 3rd level. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Specialization ~ Advanced Melee Weapons|PREPCLEVEL:MIN=3 + +# Elf +Size and Type KEY:Elf Default ~ Size and Type SORTKEY:Race_01 SOURCEPAGE:p.507 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Elf Racial Trait.Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Elves are Medium humanoids with the elf subtype. +Elven Immunities KEY:Elf Default ~ Elven Immunities SORTKEY:Race_02 SOURCEPAGE:p.507 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Elf Racial Trait.Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects. +Elven Magic KEY:Elf Default ~ Elven Magic SORTKEY:Race_03 SOURCEPAGE:p.507 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Elf Racial Trait.Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Mysticism skill checks. +Keen Senses KEY:Elf Default ~ Keen Senses SORTKEY:Race_04 SOURCEPAGE:p.507 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Elf Racial Trait.Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks. BONUS:SKILL|Perception|2|TYPE=Racial +Low-Light Vision KEY:Elf Default ~ Low-Light Vision SORTKEY:Race_05 SOURCEPAGE:p.507 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Elf Racial Trait.Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Elves can see in dim light as if it were normal light. See Vision and Light on page 261. + +# Gnome +Size and Type KEY:Gnome Default ~ Size and Type SORTKEY:Race_01 SOURCEPAGE:p.508 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Gnome Racial Trait.Gnome Default Racial Trait DESC:Gnomes are Small humanoids with the gnome subtype. +Curious KEY:Gnome Default ~ Curious SORTKEY:Race_02 SOURCEPAGE:p.508 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Gnome Racial Trait.Gnome Default Racial Trait DESC:Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture checks. BONUS:SKILL|Culture|2|TYPE=Racial +Dimorphic KEY:Gnome Default ~ Dimorphic SORTKEY:Race_03a SOURCEPAGE:p.508 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Gnome Racial Trait.Gnome Default Racial Trait DESC:A feychild gnome gains +2 Charisma, while a bleachling receives +2 Intelligence. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Gnome Subrace Selection|1 +Eternal Hope KEY:Gnome Default ~ Eternal Hope SORTKEY:Race_04 SOURCEPAGE:p.508 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Gnome Racial Trait.Gnome Default Racial Trait DESC:Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear and despair effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome can reroll and use the second result (see page 243). ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear and despair effects +Gnome Magic KEY:Gnome Default ~ Gnome Magic SORTKEY:Race_05 SOURCEPAGE:p.508 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Gnome Racial Trait.Gnome Default Racial Trait DESC:Gnomes gain the following spell-like abilities (see page 262): 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, and token spell. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s character level. In addition, gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects SPELLS:Innate|CASTERLEVEL=TL|dancing lights|ghost sound|token spell +Low-Light Vision KEY:Gnome Default ~ Low-Light Vision SORTKEY:Race_06 SOURCEPAGE:p.508 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Gnome Racial Trait.Gnome Default Racial Trait DESC:Gnomes can see in dim light as if it were normal light. See Vision and Light on page 261. + +# Gnome Subrace Selection +Feychild KEY:Gnome Subrace ~ Feychild SORTKEY:Race_03b CATEGORY:Racial Trait TEMPLATE:Feychild TYPE:Gnome Subrace Selection BONUS:STAT|CHA|2|TYPE=Racial +Bleachling KEY:Gnome Subrace ~ Bleachling SORTKEY:Race_03b CATEGORY:Racial Trait TEMPLATE:Bleachling TYPE:Gnome Subrace Selection BONUS:STAT|INT|2|TYPE=Racial + +# Half-Elf +Size and Type KEY:Half-Elf Default ~ Size and Type SORTKEY:Race_01 SOURCEPAGE:p.509 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Elf Racial Trait.Half-Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-elves are Medium humanoids with both the elf and human subtypes. +Adaptability KEY:Half-Elf Default ~ Adaptability SORTKEY:Race_02 SOURCEPAGE:p.509 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Elf Racial Trait.Half-Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Skill Focus|1 +Elven Blood KEY:Half-Elf Default ~ Elven Blood SORTKEY:Race_03 SOURCEPAGE:p.509 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Elf Racial Trait.Half-Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects. +Keen Senses KEY:Half-Elf Default ~ Keen Senses SORTKEY:Race_04 SOURCEPAGE:p.509 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Elf Racial Trait.Half-Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks. BONUS:SKILL|Perception|2|TYPE=Racial +Low-Light Vision KEY:Half-Elf Default ~ Low-Light Vision SORTKEY:Race_05 SOURCEPAGE:p.509 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Elf Racial Trait.Half-Elf Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-elves can see dim light as if it were normal light. See Vision and Light on page 261. + +# Half-Orc +Size and Type KEY:Half-Orc Default ~ Size and Type SORTKEY:Race_01 SOURCEPAGE:p.510 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Orc Racial Trait.Half-Orc Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-orcs are Medium humanoids with both the human and orc subtypes. +Darkvision KEY:Half-Orc Default ~ Darkvision SORTKEY:Race_02 SOURCEPAGE:p.510 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Orc Racial Trait.Half-Orc Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-orcs can see up to 60 feet in the dark. VISION:Darkvision (60') +Intimidating KEY:Half-Orc Default ~ Intimidating SORTKEY:Race_03 SOURCEPAGE:p.510 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Orc Racial Trait.Half-Orc Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate skill checks. BONUS:SKILL|Intimidate|2|TYPE=Racial +Orc Ferocity KEY:Half-Orc Default ~ Orc Ferocity SORTKEY:Race_04 SOURCEPAGE:p.510 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Orc Racial Trait.Half-Orc Default Racial Trait DESC:Once per day, a half-orc brought to 0 Hit Points but not killed can fight on for 1 more round. The half-orc drops to 0 HP and is dying (following the normal rules for death and dying) but can continue to act normally until the end of his next turn, when he becomes unconscious as normal. If he takes additional damage before this, he ceases to be able to act and falls unconscious. +Self-Sufficient KEY:Half-Orc Default ~ Self-Sufficient SORTKEY:Race_05 SOURCEPAGE:p.510 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Half-Orc Racial Trait.Half-Orc Default Racial Trait DESC:Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus to Survival skill checks. BONUS:SKILL|Survival|2|TYPE=Racial + +# Halfling +Size and Type KEY:Halfling Default ~ Size and Type SORTKEY:Race_01 SOURCEPAGE:p.511 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Halfling Racial Trait.Halfling Default Racial Trait DESC:Halflings are Small humanoids with the halfling subtype. +Halfling Luck KEY:Halfling Default ~ Halfling Luck SORTKEY:Race_02 SOURCEPAGE:p.511 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Halfling Racial Trait.Halfling Default Racial Trait DESC:Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus to all saving throws. This bonus increases to +3 against fear effects. BONUS:SAVE|ALL|1|TYPE=Racial ASPECT:SaveBonus|Additional +2 save bonus against fear effects +Keen Senses KEY:Halfling Default ~ Keen Senses SORTKEY:Race_03 SOURCEPAGE:p.511 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Halfling Racial Trait.Halfling Default Racial Trait DESC:Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks. BONUS:SKILL|Survival|2|TYPE=Racial +Sneaky KEY:Halfling Default ~ Sneaky SORTKEY:Race_04 SOURCEPAGE:p.511 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Halfling Racial Trait.Halfling Default Racial Trait DESC:Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus to Stealth checks. In addition, halflings reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5, and reduce the Stealth check penalty for sniping by 10. BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|2|TYPE=Racial +Sure-Footed KEY:Halfling Default ~ Sure-Footed SORTKEY:Race_05 SOURCEPAGE:p.511 CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Racial Trait.Halfling Racial Trait.Halfling Default Racial Trait DESC:Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics,Athletics|2|TYPE=Racial + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Skill Synergy Feat Support +Acrobatics KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Acrobatics CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Acrobatics BONUS:VAR|CS_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Acrobatics,2 +Athletics KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Athletics CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Athletics BONUS:VAR|CS_Athletics|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Athletics|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Athletics,2 +Bluff KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Bluff CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Bluff BONUS:VAR|CS_Bluff|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Bluff|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Bluff,2 +Computers KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Computers CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Computers BONUS:VAR|CS_Computers|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Computers|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Computers,2 +Culture KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Culture CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Culture BONUS:VAR|CS_Culture|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Culture|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Culture,2 +Diplomacy KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Diplomacy CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Diplomacy BONUS:VAR|CS_Diplomacy|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Diplomacy|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Diplomacy,2 +Disguise KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Disguise CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Disguise BONUS:VAR|CS_Disguise|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Disguise|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Disguise,2 +Engineering KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Engineering CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Engineering BONUS:VAR|CS_Engineering|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Engineering|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Engineering,2 +Intimidate KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Intimidate CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Intimidate BONUS:VAR|CS_Intimidate|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Intimidate|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Intimidate,2 +Life Science KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Life Science CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Life Science BONUS:VAR|CS_LifeScience|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Life Science|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_LifeScience,2 +Medicine KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Medicine CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Medicine BONUS:VAR|CS_Medicine|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Medicine|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Medicine,2 +Mysticism KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Mysticism CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Mysticism BONUS:VAR|CS_Mysticism|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Mysticism|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Mysticism,2 +Perception KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Perception CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Perception BONUS:VAR|CS_Perception|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Perception|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Perception,2 +Physical Science KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Physical Science CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Physical Science BONUS:VAR|CS_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Physical Science|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_PhysicalScience,2 +Piloting KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Piloting CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Piloting BONUS:VAR|CS_Piloting|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Piloting|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Piloting,2 +Profession (Accountant) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Accountant) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Accountant) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Accountant)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Actor) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Actor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Actor) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Actor)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Archaeologist) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Archaeologist) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Archaeologist) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Archaeologist)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Architect) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Architect) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Architect) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Architect)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Artist) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Artist) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Artist) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Artist)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Bounty Hunter) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Bounty Hunter) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Bounty Hunter) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Bounty Hunter)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Comedian) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Comedian) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Comedian) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Comedian)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Con Artist) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Con Artist) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Con Artist) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Con Artist)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Cook) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Cook) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Cook) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Cook)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Corporate Professional) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Corporate Professional) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Corporate Professional) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Corporate Professional)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Courtesan) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Courtesan) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Courtesan) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Courtesan)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Counselor) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Counselor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Counselor) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Counselor)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Dancer) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Dancer) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Dancer) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dancer)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Dockworker) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Dockworker) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Dockworker) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dockworker)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Electrician) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Electrician) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Electrician) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Electrician)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Farmer) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Farmer) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Farmer) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Farmer)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Gambler) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Gambler) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Gambler) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Gambler)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (General Contractor) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (General Contractor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (General Contractor) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (General Contractor)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Herbalist) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Herbalist) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Herbalist) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Herbalist)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Lab Technician) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Lab Technician) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Lab Technician) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lab Technician)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Lawyer) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Lawyer) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Lawyer) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lawyer)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Maintenance Worker) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Maintenance Worker) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Maintenance Worker) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Maintenance Worker)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Manager) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Manager) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Manager) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Manager)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Mathematician) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Mathematician) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Mathematician) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mathematician)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Mercenary) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Mercenary) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Mercenary) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mercenary)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Merchant) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Merchant) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Merchant) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Miner) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Miner) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Miner) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Miner)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Musician) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Musician) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Musician) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Musician)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Orator) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Orator) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Orator) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Orator)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Philosopher) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Philosopher) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Philosopher) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Philosopher)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Poet) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Poet) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Poet) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Poet)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Politician) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Politician) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Politician) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Politician)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Professor) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Professor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Professor) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Professor)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Psychologist) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Psychologist) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Psychologist) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Psychologist)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Smuggler) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Smuggler) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Smuggler) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Smuggler)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Video Personality) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Video Personality) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Video Personality) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Video Personality)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Vidgamer) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Vidgamer) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Vidgamer) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Vidgamer)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Profession (Writer) KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Profession (Writer) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Profession (Writer) BONUS:VAR|CS_Profession|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Writer)|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Profession,2 +Sense Motive KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Sense Motive CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Sense Motive BONUS:VAR|CS_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Sense Motive|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_SenseMotive,2 +Sleight of Hand KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Sleight of Hand CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Sleight of Hand BONUS:VAR|CS_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Sleight of Hand|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_SleightofHand,2 +Stealth KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Stealth CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Stealth BONUS:VAR|CS_Stealth|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Stealth,2 +Survival KEY:Skill Synergy ~ Survival CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy CSKILL:Survival BONUS:VAR|CS_Survival|1|TYPE=SkillSynergy BONUS:SKILL|Survival|2|TYPE=Insight|PREVARGTEQ:CS_Survival,2 + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Home Planet +None SORTKEY:1 TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal + +Apostae TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Drow +Aucturn TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Aklo +Liavara TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Brethedan +Bretheda TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Brethedan +Eox TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Eoxian +Triaxus TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Triaxian +Idari TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal +Absalom Station TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal +Aballon TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal +Akiton TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Akitonian +Castrovel TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Castrovelian +Verces TYPE:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal AUTO:LANG|Vercite + + +# Factions +No Faction SORTKEY:1 TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal + +Abadarcorp TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Android Abolitionist Front TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Augmented TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Free Captains TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Hellknights TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Knights of Golarion TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Starfinder Society TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Stewards TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal +Xenowardens TYPE:Faction CATEGORY:Internal + +# Minor Factions +Corporations TYPE:Faction.Minor CATEGORY:Internal +Corpse Fleet TYPE:Faction.Minor CATEGORY:Internal +Cults of the Elder Mythos TYPE:Faction.Minor CATEGORY:Internal +Golden League TYPE:Faction.Minor CATEGORY:Internal +Skyfire Legion TYPE:Faction.Minor CATEGORY:Internal + + + + + + + +###BLOCK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +###Block: Feat Support + +#Enhanced Resistance +Kinetic KEY:Enhanced Resistance ~ Kinetic CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Enhanced Resistance DR:BAB/- +Acid KEY:Enhanced Resistance ~ Acid CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Enhanced Resistance BONUS:VAR|AcidResistanceBonus|BAB|TYPE=Resistance +Cold KEY:Enhanced Resistance ~ Cold CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Enhanced Resistance BONUS:VAR|ColdResistanceBonus|BAB|TYPE=Resistance +Electricity KEY:Enhanced Resistance ~ Electricity CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Enhanced Resistance BONUS:VAR|ElectricityResistanceBonus|BAB|TYPE=Resistance +Fire KEY:Enhanced Resistance ~ Fire CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Enhanced Resistance BONUS:VAR|FireResistanceBonus|BAB|TYPE=Resistance +Sonic KEY:Enhanced Resistance ~ Sonic CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Enhanced Resistance BONUS:VAR|SonicResistanceBonus|BAB|TYPE=Resistance + +#Improved Combat Maneuver +Bull Rush KEY:Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Bull Rush CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Bull Rush ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to resolve bull rush combat maneuvers +Dirty Trick KEY:Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Dirty Trick CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Dirty Trick ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to resolve dirty trick combat maneuvers +Disarm KEY:Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Disarm CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Disarm ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to resolve disarm combat maneuvers +Grapple KEY:Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Grapple CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Grapple ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to resolve grapple combat maneuvers +Reposition KEY:Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Reposition CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Reposition ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to resolve reposition combat maneuvers +Sunder KEY:Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Sunder CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Sunder ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to resolve sunder combat maneuvers +Trip KEY:Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Trip CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Improved Combat Maneuver ~ Trip ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 bonus to attack rolls to resolve trip combat maneuvers + +#Spell-Like Abilities for Connection Inkling feat +Daze KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Daze CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Daze,10+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Detect Affliction KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Detect Affliction CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Affliction|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Detect Magic KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Detect Magic CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Magic|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Fatigue KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Fatigue CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Fatigue,10+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Ghost Sound KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Ghost Sound CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Ghost Sound,10+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Grave Words KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Grave Words CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Grave Words|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Psychokinetic Hand KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Psychokinetic Hand CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Psychokinetic Hand|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Stabilize KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Stabilize CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Stabilize,10+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Telekinetic Projectile KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Telekinetic Projectile CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Telekinetic Projectile|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Telepathic Message KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Telepathic Message CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Telepathic Message|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Token Spell KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Token Spell CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Token Spell|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic + +Charm Person KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Charm Person CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Charm Person,11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Command KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Command CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Command,11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Confusion (Lesser) KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Confusion (Lesser) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Confusion (Lesser),11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Detect Radiation KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Detect Radiation CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Radiation|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Detect Thoughts KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Detect Thoughts CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Thoughts,11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Disguise Self KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Disguise Self CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Disguise Self|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Fear KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Fear CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Fear (Level 1),11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Identify KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Identify CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Identify|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Keen Senses KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Keen Senses CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Keen Senses,11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Life Bubble KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Life Bubble CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Life Bubble,11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Mind Link KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Mind Link CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Mind Link,11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Mind Thrust KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Mind Thrust CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Mind Thrust (Level 1),11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Mystic Cure KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Mystic Cure CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Mystic Cure (Level 1),11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Reflecting Armor KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Reflecting Armor CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Reflecting Armor|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Remove Condition (Lesser) KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Remove Condition (Lesser) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Remove Condition (Lesser),11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Share Language KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Share Language CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Share Language,11+WIS|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic +Wisp Ally KEY:Connection Inkling SLA ~ Wisp Ally CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Wisp Ally|!PRECLASS:1,Mystic + +#Spell-Like Abilities for Technomantic Dabbler feat +Dancing Lights KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Dancing Lights CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Dancing Lights|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Daze KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Daze CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Daze,10+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Detect Affliction KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Detect Affliction CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Affliction|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Detect Magic KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Detect Magic CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Magic|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Energy Ray KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Energy Ray CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Energy Ray|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Ghost Sound KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Ghost Sound CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Ghost Sound,10+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Mending KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Mending CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Mending,10+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Psychokinetic Hand KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Psychokinetic Hand CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Psychokinetic Hand|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Telepathic Message KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Telepathic Message CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Telepathic Message|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Token Spell KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Token Spell CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Token Spell|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Transfer Charge KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Transfer Charge CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Transfer Charge,10+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer + +Comprehend Languages KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Comprehend Languages CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Comprehend Languages|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Detect Radiation KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Detect Radiation CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Radiation|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Detect Tech KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Detect Tech CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Tech|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Disguise Self KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Disguise Self CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Disguise Self|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Erase KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Erase CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Erase|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Flight KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Flight CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Flight (Level 1),11+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Grease KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Grease CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Grease,11+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Hold Portal KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Hold Portal CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Hold Portal|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Holographic Image KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Holographic Image CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Holographic Image (Level 1),11+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Identify KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Identify CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Identify|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Jolting Surge KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Jolting Surge CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Jolting Surge|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Keen Senses KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Keen Senses CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Keen Senses,11+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Life Bubble KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Life Bubble CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Life Bubble,11+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Magic Missile KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Magic Missile CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Magic Missile|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Overheat KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Overheat CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Overheat,11+INT|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Supercharge Weapon KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Supercharge Weapon CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Supercharge Weapon|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer +Unseen Servant KEY:Technomantic Dabbler SLA ~ Unseen Servant CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=TL/3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Unseen Servant|!PRECLASS:1,Technomancer + +#Spell-Like Abilities for Major Psychic Power feat +Augury KEY:Major Psychic Power SLA ~ Augury CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Major Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Augury +Status KEY:Major Psychic Power SLA ~ Status CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Major Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Status,12+CHA + +#Spell-Like Abilities for Minor Psychic Power feat +Dancing Lights KEY:Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Dancing Lights CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Minor Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Dancing Lights !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Dancing Lights +Psychokinetic Hand KEY:Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Psychokinetic Hand CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Minor Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Psychokinetic Hand !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Psychokinetic Hand +Telekinetic Projectile KEY:Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Telekinetic Projectile CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Minor Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Telekinetic Projectile !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Telekinetic Projectile +Telepathic Message KEY:Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Telepathic Message CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Minor Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=3|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Telepathic Message !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Minor Psychic Power SLA ~ Telepathic Message + +#Spell-Like Abilities for Psychic Power feat +Comprehend Languages KEY:Psychic Power SLA ~ Comprehend Languages CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Comprehend Languages !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Psychic Power SLA ~ Comprehend Languages +Detect Thoughts KEY:Psychic Power SLA ~ Detect Thoughts CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Detect Thoughts,11+CHA !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Psychic Power SLA ~ Detect Thoughts +Mind Link KEY:Psychic Power SLA ~ Mind Link CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Psychic Power SLA SPELLS:Innate|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Mind Link,11+CHA !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Psychic Power SLA ~ Mind Link + +#Improved Unarmed Strike +Improved Unarmed Strike Tracker CATEGORY:Internal + BONUS:VAR|UnarmedStrikeStep|(TL/4)+If(TL==15,1,0) ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 1|PREVAREQ:UnarmedStrikeStep,0 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 4|PREVAREQ:UnarmedStrikeStep,1 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 8|PREVAREQ:UnarmedStrikeStep,2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 12|PREVAREQ:UnarmedStrikeStep,3 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 15|PREVAREQ:UnarmedStrikeStep,4 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 20|PREVAREQ:UnarmedStrikeStep,5 + +Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 1 CATEGORY:Internal UDAM:1d3 UMULT:2 +Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 4 CATEGORY:Internal UDAM:1d6 UMULT:2 +Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 8 CATEGORY:Internal UDAM:2d6 UMULT:2 +Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 12 CATEGORY:Internal UDAM:3d6 UMULT:2 +Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 15 CATEGORY:Internal UDAM:5d6 UMULT:2 +Improved Unarmed Strike LVL 20 CATEGORY:Internal UDAM:7d6 UMULT:2 + + + +###Block: Customizations & House Rule Support +###BLOCK: GM AWARD +# Ability Name SORTKEY Category of Ability Type Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Auto Language Bonus Ability Pool Bonus to HP Bonus to skill Bonus to skill rank Bonus to spell cast/day Bonus to spell known/L Cost ++1 Bonus Feat SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 feat. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|FEAT|1 COST:0 ++1 Skill Rank SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 skill rank (won't exceed max ranks). STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Base BONUS:SKILLRANK|%LIST|1 COST:0 ++1 Skill Bonus SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 skill bonus. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Base BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|1 COST:0 ++1 Hit Point SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 hit point. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|1 COST:0 ++1 Spell per Day SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 spell per day. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|GM Bonus Spell Cast|1 COST:0 ++1 Spell Known SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 spell known. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|GM Bonus Spell Known|1 COST:0 +Add Language SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with bonus Language. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:LANG|TYPE=Spoken AUTO:LANG|%LIST COST:0 + +# Spells known ++1 Level 1 Spell Known SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Known DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 1 spell known. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=1|1 ++1 Level 2 Spell Known SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Known DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 2 spell known. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=2|1 ++1 Level 3 Spell Known SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Known DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 3 spell known. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=3|1 ++1 Level 4 Spell Known SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Known DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 4 spell known. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=4|1 ++1 Level 5 Spell Known SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Known DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 5 spell known. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=5|1 ++1 Level 6 Spell Known SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Known DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 6 spell known. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=6|1 + +# Spells per day ++1 Level 1 Spell Cast SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Cast DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 1 spell per day. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=1|1 ++1 Level 2 Spell Cast SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Cast DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 2 spell per day. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=2|1 ++1 Level 3 Spell Cast SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Cast DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 3 spell per day. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=3|1 ++1 Level 4 Spell Cast SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Cast DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 4 spell per day. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=4|1 ++1 Level 5 Spell Cast SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Cast DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 5 spell per day. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=5|1 ++1 Level 6 Spell Cast SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.SpecialQuality.GM Bonus Spell Cast DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 level 6 spell per day. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:CLASS|SPELLCASTER BONUS:SPELLCAST|CLASS=%LIST;LEVEL=6|1 + + +###Block: GM Award to Ability Scores +# Ability Name SORTKEY Category of Ability Type Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Bonus to stat Cost ++1 STR Score Bonus SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 STR bonus. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:STAT|STR|1 COST:0 ++1 DEX Score Bonus SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 DEX bonus. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:STAT|DEX|1 COST:0 ++1 CON Score Bonus SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 CON bonus. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:STAT|CON|1 COST:0 ++1 INT Score Bonus SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 INT bonus. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:STAT|INT|1 COST:0 ++1 WIS Score Bonus SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 WIS bonus. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:STAT|WIS|1 COST:0 ++1 CHA Score Bonus SORTKEY:Z_Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Class Feature.GM_Award.SpecialQuality DESC:GM awarded PC with +1 CHA bonus. STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:STAT|CHA|1 COST:0 + + +###Block: +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (least) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (least) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (least) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (least) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (minor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (minor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (minor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (minor) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (lesser) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (lesser) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (lesser) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (lesser) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (standard) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (standard) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (standard) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (standard) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (greater) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (greater) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (greater) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (greater) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (true) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (true) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (true) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal +Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (true) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SolarianWeaponCrystal diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_abilitycategories.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_abilitycategories.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9381fb6a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_abilitycategories.lst @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ + +###Block: Parent Categories +ABILITYCATEGORY:Race CATEGORY:Race VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Class CATEGORY:Class VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Internal CATEGORY:Internal VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Proficiency CATEGORY:PROFICIENCY VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Theme CATEGORY:Theme VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Weapon CATEGORY:Weapon VISIBLE:NO + + +#ABILITYCATEGORY:Feat CATEGORY:Feat DISPLAYLOCATION:Character + + + + + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Special Ability CATEGORY:Special Ability VISIBLE:NO + +# Special Ability is for displayed abilities +# Race is a base ability to allow quick add-on to a race +# Class is a base ability to allow quick add-on to a class +# Internal is a catch-all for non-displayed internal items +# + + +###Block: Child Categories +ABILITYCATEGORY:PC Level 5 Stat Boost CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:PC Level 5 Stat Boost POOL:PCStatBoostLVL_A VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:PC Level 10 Stat Boost CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:PC Level 10 Stat Boost POOL:PCStatBoostLVL_B VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:PC Level 15 Stat Boost CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:PC Level 15 Stat Boost POOL:PCStatBoostLVL_C VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:PC Level 20 Stat Boost CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:PC Level 20 Stat Boost POOL:PCStatBoostLVL_D VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Soldier Key Ability Score CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Soldier Key Ability Score VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +# Racial Traits +ABILITYCATEGORY:Android Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Android Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Human Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Human Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Kasatha Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Kasatha Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Lashunta Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Lashunta Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Shirren Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Shirren Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Vesk Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Vesk Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Ysoki Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Ysoki Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Lashunta Subrace Selection CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Lashunta Subrace Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +ABILITYCATEGORY:+2 Racial Bonus to Skill ABILITYLIST:+2 Racial Bonus to Skill CATEGORY:Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:+2 Racial Stat Bonus ABILITYLIST:+2 Racial Stat Bonus CATEGORY:Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Theme Selection CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +#ABILITYCATEGORY:Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:ACE PILOT Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:ACE PILOT Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:BOUNTY HUNTER Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:ICON Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:ICON Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:MERCENARY Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:MERCENARY Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:OUTLAW Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:OUTLAW Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:PRIEST Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:PRIEST Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:SCHOLAR Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:SPACEFARER Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:XENOSEEKER Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:THEMELESS Theme Benefit CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:THEMELESS Theme Benefit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +# Class +ABILITYCATEGORY:Envoy Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Envoy Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mechanic Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Mechanic Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mystic Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Mystic Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Operative Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Operative Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Solarian Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Solarian Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Soldier Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Soldier Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Technomancer Class Feature CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Technomancer Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +# Archetype +ABILITYCATEGORY:Envoy Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Envoy Archetype VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mechanic Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Mechanic Archetype VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mystic Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Mystic Archetype VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Operative Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Operative Archetype VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Solarian Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Solarian Archetype VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Soldier Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Soldier Archetype VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Technomancer Archetype CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Technomancer Archetype VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +# Class Specific Pools +ABILITYCATEGORY:Skill Expertise CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Skill Expertise VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Envoy Inspiration CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Envoy Inspiration VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mechanic Trick CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Mechanic Trick VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Connection Selection CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Connection Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Akashic Connection Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Akashic Connection Power VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Empath Connection Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Empath Connection Power VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Healer Connection Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Healer Connection Power VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mindbreaker Connection Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Mindbreaker Connection Power VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Overlord Connection Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Overlord Connection Power VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Star Shaman Connection Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Star Shaman Connection Power VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Xenodruid Connection Power CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Xenodruid Connection Power VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Stellar Revelation CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Stellar Revelation VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Magic Hack CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Magic Hack VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Primary Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Secondary Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Arcane Assailant Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Arcane Assailant FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Armor Storm Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Armor Storm FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Blitz Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Blitz FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Bombard Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Bombard FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Guard Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Guard FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Hit-And-Run Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Hit-and-Run FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Sharpshoot Fighting Style CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Sharpshoot FIGHTING STYLE VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Gear Boost CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Gear Boost VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Operative Specialization CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE SPECIALIZATION VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Operative Exploit CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:OPERATIVE EXPLOIT VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Drone Feat CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Drone Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Drone Mod CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Mod VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mechanic Control Net Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Mechanic Control Net Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mechanic AI Level Divestment CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Mechanic AI Level Divestment VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mechanic AI Selection CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Mechanic AI Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Soldier Key Ability CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Soldier Key Ability VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:DRONE CHASIS SELECTION CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:DRONE CHASIS SELECTION VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Drone Weapon Proficiency CATEGORY:Class Feature ABILITYLIST:Drone Mod ~ Weapon Mount|Drone Mod ~ Melee Weapon Arm VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Combat Drone Initial Mod CATEGORY:Class Feature ABILITYLIST:Drone Mod ~ Weapon Proficiency VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Drone Resistance CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Resistance VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Drone Greater Resistance CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Drone Greater Resistance VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +ABILITYCATEGORY:DRONE Skill Unit CATEGORY:Internal ABILITYLIST:DRONE Skill Unit ~ Acrobatics|DRONE Skill Unit ~ Athletics|DRONE Skill Unit ~ Computers|DRONE Skill Unit ~ Engineering|DRONE Skill Unit ~ Perception|DRONE Skill Unit ~ Stealth VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Combat Feat CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + + + +# Legacy Support +ABILITYCATEGORY:Dwarf Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Dwarf Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Elf Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Elf Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Gnome Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Gnome Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Half-Elf Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Half-Elf Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Half-Orc Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Half-Orc Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Halfling Racial Trait CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Halfling Racial Trait VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Gnome Subrace Selection CATEGORY:Racial Trait TYPE:Gnome Subrace Selection VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +### +ABILITYCATEGORY:Skill Focus CATEGORY:Feat ABILITYLIST:Skill Focus VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Weapon Focus CATEGORY:Feat ABILITYLIST:Weapon Focus VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Weapon Specialization CATEGORY:Feat ABILITYLIST:Weapon Specialization VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Weapon Focus Selection CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Weapon Focus VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Weapon Specialization Selection CATEGORY:Proficiency TYPE:Weapon Specialization VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Personal Upgrade LVL 03 CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade LVL 03 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Personal Upgrade LVL 07 CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade LVL 07 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Personal Upgrade LVL 14 CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Personal Upgrade LVL 14 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Themeless Class Skill CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Themeless Class Skill VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Themeless +1 Ability Score CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Themeless +1 Ability Score VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Scholar Theme Chosen Skill CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Scholar Theme Chosen Skill VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Life Science Specialty CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Life Science Specialty VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Physical Science Specialty CATEGORY:Theme TYPE:Physical Science Specialty VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Skill Synergy CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skill Synergy VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Enhanced Resistance Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Enhanced Resistance VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Improved Combat Maneuver Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Improved Combat Maneuver VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Solarian Skill Adept CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Skill Adept VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Solarian Solar Manifestation CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Solarian Solar Manifestation Color CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Solar Manifestation Color VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Solarian Weapon Damage Type CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Solarian Weapon Damage Type VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Envoy Improvisation CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Envoy Improvisation VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Expertise Talent CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Expertise Talent VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Operative Exploit CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Operative Exploit VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Graviton Zenith Revelation CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Graviton Zenith Revelation VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Photon Zenith Revelation CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Photon Zenith Revelation VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Connection Inkling 0-Level Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-0 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Connection Inkling 1st Level Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Connection Inkling SLA-1 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Technomantic Dabbler 0-Level Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-0 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Technomantic Dabbler 1st Level Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Technomantic Dabbler SLA-1 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Major Psychic Power Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Major Psychic Power SLA VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Minor Psychic Power Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Minor Psychic Power SLA VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Psychic Power Selection CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Psychic Power SLA VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Home Planet CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Home Planet VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Faction CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Faction VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Opening Volley Choice CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Opening Volley Choice VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Exocortex Drone Mod ABILITYLIST:Drone Mod ~ Armor Slot|Drone Mod ~ Cargo Rack|Drone Mod ~ Climbing Claws|Drone Mod ~ Enhanced Senses|Drone Mod ~ Hydrojets|Drone Mod ~ Jump Jets|Drone Mod ~ Resistance|Drone Mod ~ Smuggler's Compartment|Drone Mod ~ Speed|Drone Mod ~ Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee)|Drone Mod ~ Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Weapons)|Drone Mod ~ Echolocators|Drone Mod ~ Excavator|Drone Mod ~ Flight System|Drone Mod ~ Greater Resistance|Drone Mod ~ Invisibility Field|Drone Mod ~ Reactive Camouflage CATEGORY:Class Feature VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Mystic LV 9 Archetype Choice CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Mystic LV 9 Archetype Choice CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Mystic LV 9 Archetype Choice VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Technomancer LV 8 Archetype Choice CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Technomancer LV 8 Archetype Choice VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Cache Capacitor Slot 1 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Cache Capacitor Slot 1 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Cache Capacitor Slot 2 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Cache Capacitor Slot 2 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Cache Capacitor Slot 3 CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Cache Capacitor Slot 3 VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + + +###GM AWARD SECTION +ABILITYCATEGORY:GM Award CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:GM_Award VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYLOCATION:Misc EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:GM Bonus Spell Cast CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:GM Bonus Spell Cast VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Misc EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:GM Bonus Spell Known CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:GM Bonus Spell Known VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Misc EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Icon Profession CATEGORY:Class Feature TYPE:Icon Profession VISIBLE:YES DISPLAYLOCATION:Character EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_biosettings.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_biosettings.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9674020d --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_biosettings.lst @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Standard Grouping +AGESET:0|Youth +AGESET:1|Adult +AGESET:2|Middle-Aged +AGESET:3|Old +AGESET:4|Venerable + + + + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_classes.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_classes.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2d1dc007 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_classes.lst @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ + +# Envoy +CLASS:Envoy MAXLEVEL:20 FACT:KeyAbilityScore|CHA +CLASS:Envoy HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|5*EnvoyLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|6*EnvoyLVL +CLASS:Envoy FACT:Abb|Evy FACT:ClassType|PC +CLASS:Envoy DEFINE:EnvoyLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|EnvoyLVL|CL +CLASS:Envoy SOURCEPAGE:p.60 +CLASS:Envoy BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Envoy BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Envoy BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Envoy BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Envoy STARTSKILLPTS:8 CSKILL:Acrobatics|Intimidate|Athletics|Medicine|Bluff|Perception|Computers|Piloting|Culture|TYPE=Profession|Diplomacy|Sense Motive|Disguise|Sleight of Hand|Engineering|Stealth +###Block - Class Features +1 ABILITY:Class|AUTOMATIC|Envoy + +###Block +1 ABILITY:Envoy Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Envoy Class Feature ~ ENVOY IMPROVISATION +1 ABILITY:Envoy Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Envoy Class Feature ~ EXPERTISE +1 ABILITY:Envoy Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Envoy Class Feature ~ SKILL EXPERTISE +3 ABILITY:Envoy Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Envoy Class Feature ~ EXPERTISE TALENT +3 ABILITY:Envoy Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Envoy Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION +20 ABILITY:Envoy Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Envoy Class Feature ~ TRUE EXPERTISE + +# End Envoy + +# Mechanic - Completed (Need Drone Work) +CLASS:Mechanic MAXLEVEL:20 FACT:KeyAbilityScore|INT +CLASS:Mechanic HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|5*MechanicLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|6*MechanicLVL +CLASS:Mechanic FACT:Abb|Mnc FACT:ClassType|PC +CLASS:Mechanic DEFINE:MechanicLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|MechanicLVL|CL +CLASS:Mechanic SOURCEPAGE:p.68 +CLASS:Mechanic BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Mechanic BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Mechanic BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Mechanic BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Mechanic STARTSKILLPTS:4 CSKILL:Athletics|Perception|Computers|Physical Science|Engineering|Piloting|Medicine|TYPE=Profession +###Block +1 ABILITY:Class|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic +###Block +1 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE +1 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ BYPASS +1 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ CUSTOM RIG +2 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ MECHANIC TRICK +3 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ OVERLOAD +3 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION +5 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ REMOTE HACK +7 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ EXPERT RIG +7 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ MIRACLE WORKER +9 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ OVERRIDE|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,MechanicArchetype=True +11 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ COORDINATED ASSAULT +13 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ ADVANCED RIG +17 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ CONTROL NET +19 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ GHOST IN THE MACHINE +19 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ SUPERIOR RIG +20 ABILITY:Mechanic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mechanic Class Feature ~ TECH MASTER + +# Mystic - Completed +CLASS:Mystic MAXLEVEL:20 FACT:KeyAbilityScore|WIS +CLASS:Mystic HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|5*MysticLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|6*MysticLVL +CLASS:Mystic FACT:Abb|Mys FACT:ClassType|PC +CLASS:Mystic DEFINE:MysticLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|MysticLVL|CL +CLASS:Mystic SOURCEPAGE:p.82 +CLASS:Mystic BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Mystic BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Mystic BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Mystic BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Mystic STARTSKILLPTS:6 CSKILL:Bluff|Medicine|Culture|Mysticism|Diplomacy|Perception|Disguise|TYPE=Profession|Intimidate|Sense Motive|Life Science|Survival +CLASS:Mystic FACT:SpellType|Spell +CLASS:Mystic SPELLSTAT:WIS MEMORIZE:NO +CLASS:Mystic BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|Mystic|Caster_Level_Mystic BONUS:VAR|Caster_Level_Mystic|CL+Caster_Level_Bonus+CasterLevelBLMystic DEFINE:CasterLevelBLMystic|0 BONUS:VAR|CasterLevelBL_Mystic|charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Mystic") +CLASS:Mystic BONUS:VAR|Caster_Level_Highest__All|Caster_Level_Mystic|TYPE=Base +###Block: Proficiencies +1 ABILITY:Class|AUTOMATIC|Mystic +###Block: Cast & Known Progression +1 CAST:0,2 KNOWN:4,2 +2 CAST:0,2 KNOWN:5,3 +3 CAST:0,3 KNOWN:6,4 +4 CAST:0,3,2 KNOWN:6,4,2 +5 CAST:0,4,2 KNOWN:6,4,3 +6 CAST:0,4,3 KNOWN:6,4,4 +7 CAST:0,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,5,4,2 +8 CAST:0,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,5,4,3 +9 CAST:0,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,5,4,4 +10 CAST:0,5,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,5,5,4,2 +11 CAST:0,5,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,6,5,4,3 +12 CAST:0,5,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,6,5,4,4 +13 CAST:0,5,5,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,6,5,5,4,2 +14 CAST:0,5,5,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,6,6,5,4,3 +15 CAST:0,5,5,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,6,6,5,4,4 +16 CAST:0,5,5,5,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,6,6,5,5,4,2 +17 CAST:0,5,5,5,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,5,4,3 +18 CAST:0,5,5,5,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,5,4,4 +19 CAST:0,5,5,5,5,5,4 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,5,5,4 +20 CAST:0,5,5,5,5,5,5 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,6,5,5 +###Block: Class Features +1 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ CONNECTION +1 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ Connection Power +1 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ Connection Spell +1 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ HEALING TOUCH +2 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ CHANNEL SKILL +2 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ MINDLINK +3 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION +11 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ TELEPATHIC BOND +19 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ TRANSCENDENCE +20 ABILITY:Mystic Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Mystic Class Feature ~ ENLIGHTENMENT + +# Operative +CLASS:Operative MAXLEVEL:20 FACT:KeyAbilityScore|DEX +CLASS:Operative HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|5*OperativeLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|6*OperativeLVL +CLASS:Operative FACT:Abb|Opr FACT:ClassType|PC +CLASS:Operative DEFINE:OperativeLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|OperativeLVL|CL +CLASS:Operative SOURCEPAGE:p.92 +CLASS:Operative BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Operative BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Operative BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Operative BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Operative STARTSKILLPTS:8 CSKILL:Acrobatics|Medicine|Athletics|Perception|Bluff|Piloting|Computers|TYPE=Profession|Culture|Sense Motive|Disguise|Sleight of Hand|Engineering|Stealth|Intimidate|Survival +###Block: Proficiencies +1 ABILITY:Class|AUTOMATIC|Operative +###Block +1 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ OPERATIVE'S EDGE +1 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ SPECIALIZATION +5 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ Specialization Exploit +7 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ Specialization Skill Mastery +11 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ Specialization Power +1 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ TRICK ATTACK +2 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ EVASION +2 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ OPERATIVE EXPLOIT +3 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ QUICK MOVEMENT +3 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION +4 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ DEBILITATING TRICK +7 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ UNCANNY AGILITY +11 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ TRIPLE ATTACK +13 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ QUAD ATTACK +17 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ DOUBLE DEBILITATION +20 ABILITY:Operative Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Operative Class Feature ~ SUPREME OPERATIVE + +# Solarian +CLASS:Solarian MAXLEVEL:20 FACT:KeyAbilityScore|CHA +CLASS:Solarian HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|6*SolarianLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|7*SolarianLVL +CLASS:Solarian FACT:Abb|Sol FACT:ClassType|PC +CLASS:Solarian DEFINE:SolarianLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|SolarianLVL|CL +CLASS:Solarian SOURCEPAGE:p.100 +CLASS:Solarian BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABFull|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Solarian BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Solarian BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Solarian BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Solarian STARTSKILLPTS:4 CSKILL:Acrobatics|Perception|Athletics|Physical Science|Diplomacy|TYPE=Profession|Intimidate|Sense Motive|Mysticism|Stealth +###Block: Proficiencies +1 ABILITY:Class|AUTOMATIC|Solarian +###Block ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC| +1 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ SKILL ADEPT +1 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ SOLAR MANIFESTATION +1 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ STELLAR MODE +1 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ STELLAR REVELATION +3 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ SIDEREAL INFLUENCE +3 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION +7 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ FLASHING STRIKES +9 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ ZENITH REVELATIONS|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SolarianArchetype=True +13 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ SOLARIAN'S ONSLAUGHT +20 ABILITY:Solarian Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Solarian Class Feature ~ STELLAR PARAGON + +# Soldier +CLASS:Soldier MAXLEVEL:20 FACT:KeyAbilityScore|Str or Dex +CLASS:Soldier HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|6*SoldierLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|7*SoldierLVL +CLASS:Soldier FACT:Abb|Sld FACT:ClassType|PC +CLASS:Soldier DEFINE:SoldierLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|SoldierLVL|CL +CLASS:Soldier SOURCEPAGE:p.110 +CLASS:Soldier BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABFull|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Soldier BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Soldier BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Soldier BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Soldier STARTSKILLPTS:4 CSKILL:Acrobatics|Medicine|Athletics|Piloting|Engineering|TYPE=Profession|Intimidate|Survival +###Block: Proficiencies +1 ABILITY:Class|AUTOMATIC|Soldier +###Block +1 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ PRIMARY FIGHTING STYLE +1 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ PRIMARY STYLE TECHNIQUE +2 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ COMBAT FEAT +3 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ GEAR BOOST +3 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION +9 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ SECONDARY FIGHTING STYLE|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SoldierArchetype=True +9 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ SECONDARY STYLE TECHNIQUE|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,SoldierArchetype=True +11 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ SOLDIER'S ONSLAUGHT +20 ABILITY:Soldier Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Soldier Class Feature ~ KILL SHOT + +# Technomancer +CLASS:Technomancer MAXLEVEL:20 FACT:KeyAbilityScore|INT +CLASS:Technomancer HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|4*TechnomancerLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|5*TechnomancerLVL +CLASS:Technomancer FACT:Abb|Tec FACT:ClassType|PC +CLASS:Technomancer DEFINE:TechnomancerLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|TechnomancerLVL|CL +CLASS:Technomancer SOURCEPAGE:p.118 +CLASS:Technomancer BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Technomancer BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Technomancer BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Technomancer BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +CLASS:Technomancer STARTSKILLPTS:4 CSKILL:Computers|Physical Science|Engineering|Piloting|Life Science|TYPE=Profession|Mysticism|Sleight of Hand +CLASS:Technomancer FACT:SpellType|Spell +CLASS:Technomancer SPELLSTAT:INT MEMORIZE:NO +CLASS:Technomancer BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|Technomancer|Caster_Level_Technomancer BONUS:VAR|Caster_Level_Technomancer|CL+Caster_Level_Bonus+CasterLevelBLTechnomancer DEFINE:CasterLevelBLTechnomancer|0 BONUS:VAR|CasterLevelBL_Technomancer|charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Technomancer") +CLASS:Technomancer BONUS:VAR|Caster_Level_Highest__All|Caster_Level_Technomancer|TYPE=Base +###Block: Proficiencies +1 ABILITY:Class|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer +###Block: Cast & Known Progression +1 CAST:0,2 KNOWN:4,2 +2 CAST:0,2 KNOWN:5,3 +3 CAST:0,3 KNOWN:6,4 +4 CAST:0,3,2 KNOWN:6,4,2 +5 CAST:0,4,2 KNOWN:6,4,3 +6 CAST:0,4,3 KNOWN:6,4,4 +7 CAST:0,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,5,4,2 +8 CAST:0,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,5,4,3 +9 CAST:0,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,5,4,4 +10 CAST:0,5,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,5,5,4,2 +11 CAST:0,5,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,6,5,4,3 +12 CAST:0,5,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,6,5,4,4 +13 CAST:0,5,5,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,6,5,5,4,2 +14 CAST:0,5,5,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,6,6,5,4,3 +15 CAST:0,5,5,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,6,6,5,4,4 +16 CAST:0,5,5,5,4,3,2 KNOWN:6,6,6,5,5,4,2 +17 CAST:0,5,5,5,4,4,2 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,5,4,3 +18 CAST:0,5,5,5,5,4,3 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,5,4,4 +19 CAST:0,5,5,5,5,5,4 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,5,5,4 +20 CAST:0,5,5,5,5,5,5 KNOWN:6,6,6,6,6,5,5 +###Block +1 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ SPELL CACHE +2 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ MAGIC HACK +3 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ SPELL FOCUS +3 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ TECHLORE +3 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ WEAPON SPECIALIZATION +6 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ CACHE CAPACITOR|!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,TechnomancerArchetype=True +19 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ RESOLVE ATTUNEMENT +20 ABILITY:Technomancer Class Feature|AUTOMATIC|Technomancer Class Feature ~ FUSE SPELLS + + +# Exclusive for Drone Companion +CLASS:Drone HD:1 TYPE:Monster FACT:ClassType|Monster DEFINE:DroneLVL|0 BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|-1 BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|(10*DroneLVL)+if(DroneLVL>=18,10,0)+if(DroneLVL>=19,10,0)+if(DroneLVL>=20,10,0) +CLASS:Drone BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|(DroneLVL+1)*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|DroneLVL|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +CLASS:Drone BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|DroneLVL/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Fort,1 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Fortitude|DroneLVL|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Fort,1 +CLASS:Drone BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|DroneLVL/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Fort,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Fortitude|DroneLVL|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Fort,0 +CLASS:Drone BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|DroneLVL/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Reflex,1 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Reflex|DroneLVL|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Reflex,1 +CLASS:Drone BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|DroneLVL/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Reflex,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Reflex|DroneLVL|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Reflex,0 +CLASS:Drone BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|DroneLVL/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Will,1 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|DroneLVL|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Will,1 +CLASS:Drone BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|DroneLVL/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Will,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Will|DroneLVL|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1|PREVAREQ:DroneGoodSave_Will,0 +1 DONOTADD:SKILLPOINTS \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_companionmods.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_companionmods.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c3f0846c --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_companionmods.lst @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + +# DroneLVL handles the BAB and Saves in the Class +# DroneMasterLVL sets the Variable based upon what the Master DroneCompanionLVL is set too. This is crucial as higher levels the master can alter this. +# DroneAbilityIncrease bonuses the Chasis Ability Increases + +FOLLOWER:SpyDrone=1 TYPE:SpyDrone +FOLLOWER:NormalFollower=1 TYPE:Follower + + +# Drone Companion +FOLLOWER:DroneCompanionLVL=1 TYPE:Drone BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Drone Chasis Selection|1 DEFINE:DroneMasterLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|DroneMasterLVL|MASTERVAR("DroneCompanionLVL") DEFINE:DroneMasterTotalLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|DroneMasterTotalLVL|MASTERVAR("TL") BONUS:VAR|DroneAbilityIncrease|floor((DroneMasterLVL-1)/3) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Drone Feat|1+floor(DroneMasterLVL/3) BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Drone Mod|floor((DroneMasterLVL+1)/2) BONUS:VAR|DroneArmorClass|(DroneMasterLVL-1)-if(DroneMasterLVL>=11,1,0) ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Drone Special Abilities BONUS:VAR|DroneLVL|DroneMasterLVL + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_deities.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_deities.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e1400dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_deities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:SCR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 +# Original Entry by: Gwen T + +###Core Deities### +Abadar NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of civilization, commerce, law, wealth FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Master of the First Vault FACT:Symbol|A golden key ALIGN:LN SOURCEPAGE:p.483 +Besmara NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of piracy, space monsters, strife FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Pirate Queen FACT:Symbol|A skull and crossbones ALIGN:CN SOURCEPAGE:p.483 +Damoritosh NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of conquest, duty, war FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Conqueror FACT:Symbol|Red doshko energy blades on a black field ALIGN:LE SOURCEPAGE:p.484 +Desna NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of dreams, luck, stars, travelers FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Song of the Spheres FACT:Symbol|A butterfly with stars, suns, and moons on its wings ALIGN:CG SOURCEPAGE:p.484 +The Devourer NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of black holes, destruction, supernovas FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Star-Eater FACT:Symbol|A black hole, often tinged with red ALIGN:CE SOURCEPAGE:p.485 +Eloritu NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of history, magic, secrets FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Hidden Truth FACT:Symbol|A glowing ring of magic runes ALIGN:TN SOURCEPAGE:p.485 +Hylax NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Forever Queen FACT:Symbol|A shirren head crowned with stars ALIGN:LG SOURCEPAGE:p.486 +Ibra NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of celestial bodies, the cosmos, mysteries of the universe FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Inscrutable FACT:Symbol|A circle and arrow containing a constellation ALIGN:TN SOURCEPAGE:p.486 +Iomedae NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of honorable battle, humanity, justice, valor FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Spirit of Golarion FACT:Symbol|A longsword surrounded by a sunburst ALIGN:LG SOURCEPAGE:p.487 +Lao Shu Po NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of assassins, rats, spies, thieves FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Grandmother Rat FACT:Symbol|A curled and emaciated rat ALIGN:NE SOURCEPAGE:p.487 +Nyarlathotep NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Outer God of conspiracies, dangerous secrets, forbidden magic FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting|Outer Gods FACT:Title|The Crawling Chaos FACT:Symbol|An inverted black ankh ALIGN:CE SOURCEPAGE:p.488 +Oras NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of adaptation, evolution, natural selection FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Agent of Change FACT:Symbol|A double helix ALIGN:CN SOURCEPAGE:p.488 +Pharasma NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of birth, death, fate, prophecy FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Lady of Graves FACT:Symbol|A cometlike spiral of energy ALIGN:TN SOURCEPAGE:p.489 +Sarenrae NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of healing, redemption, the sun FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Dawnflower FACT:Symbol|An angel with flaming wings ALIGN:NG SOURCEPAGE:p.489 +Talavet NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of community, self-reliance, tradition FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Storyteller FACT:Symbol|An ancient kasathan sigil of community ALIGN:LN SOURCEPAGE:p.490 +Triune NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of artificial intelligence, computers, the Drift FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The All-Code FACT:Symbol|Three interlocking circles of computer code ALIGN:TN SOURCEPAGE:p.490 +Urgathoa NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of disease, gluttony, undeath FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Pallid Princess FACT:Symbol|A skull-backed fly or death’s head moth ALIGN:NE SOURCEPAGE:p.491 +Weydan NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of discovery, equality, exploration, freedom FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Endless Horizon FACT:Symbol|A starship heading into the unknown ALIGN:CG SOURCEPAGE:p.491 +Yaraesa NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Lady of Wisdom FACT:Symbol|An atom with a brain as its nucleus ALIGN:NG SOURCEPAGE:p.492 +Zon-Kuthon NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of darkness, envy, loss, pain FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Midnight Lord FACT:Symbol|A skull with spiked chains through its eye sockets ALIGN:LE SOURCEPAGE:p.492 + +###Philosophies### +The Cycle NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Philosophy of the solarians FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting SOURCEPAGE:p.482 +The Green Faith NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Philosophy of druidism FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting SOURCEPAGE:p.482 +The Prophecies of Kalistrade NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Philosophy of wealth and success FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting SOURCEPAGE:p.482 +Sangpotshi NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Philosophy of enlightenment through reincarnation FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting SOURCEPAGE:p.482 +Singularitism NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Philosophy of interconnected intelligence FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting SOURCEPAGE:p.482 +The Song of Silence NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Philosophy of the perfection of undeath FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting SOURCEPAGE:p.482 + +###Other Gods### +Angradd NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of dwarves, fire, tradition, war FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Forge-Fire ALIGN:LG SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Arshea NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Deity of freedom, physical beauty, sexuality FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Spirit of Abandon ALIGN:NG SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Asmodeus NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of contracts, pride, slavery, tyranny FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Prince of Darkness ALIGN:LE SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Azathoth NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Outer God of entropy, madness, and mindless destruction FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting|Outer Gods FACT:Title|Blind Idiot God ALIGN:CN SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Black Butterfly NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of distance, silence, space FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Silence Between ALIGN:CG SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Calistria NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of elves, lust, revenge, trickery FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|The Savored Sting ALIGN:CN SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +The Eldest NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Fey rulers of the First World FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting|Eldest FACT:Title|Lords of the Fey ALIGN:TN SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Groetus NAMEISPI:YES DESC:God of empty places, oblivion, ruins FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|God of the End Times ALIGN:CN SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Lamashtu NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of madness, monsters, nightmares FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Mother of Monsters ALIGN:CE SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Lissala NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Goddess of duty, fate, obedience, reward of service FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting FACT:Title|Scion of Seven ALIGN:LE SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Shub-Niggurath NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Outer Goddess of fertility, forests, and monsters FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting|Outer Gods FACT:Title|Black Goat of the Woods ALIGN:CE SOURCEPAGE:p.493 +Yog-Sothoth NAMEISPI:YES DESC:Outer God of gates, space, and time FACTSET:Pantheon|Starfinder Setting|Outer Gods FACT:Title|Key and the Gate ALIGN:CN SOURCEPAGE:p.493 + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a50b231a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip.lst @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:SCR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 +# Original Entry by: Andrew Maitland, and Gwen T + +# TYPE:Coin required for OS +Cred Stick COST:1 TYPE:Credit.Coin +Credit COST:1 TYPE:Credit.Coin + + +###Block:BASIC MELEE WEAPONS + +# One-Handed Weapons +Unarmed strike KEY:Unarmed strike PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Unarmed strike TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|0 QUALITY:Level|0 COST:0 DAMAGE:1d3 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:Archaic.nonlethal +Club KEY:Club PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Club TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|0 QUALITY:Level|0 COST:0 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog.archaic +Baton, tactical KEY:Baton (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Baton (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:90 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog.operative +Battleglove, cestus KEY:Battleglove (cestus) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Battleglove (cestus) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:100 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Knife, survival KEY:Knife (survival) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Knife (survival) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:95 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, operative +Dueling sword, tactical KEY:Dueling sword (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dueling sword (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:475 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Knife, tactical KEY:Knife (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Knife (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6000 DAMAGE:2d4 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, operative +Dueling sword, buzzblade KEY:Dueling sword (buzzblade) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dueling sword (buzzblade) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9500 DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Incapacitator KEY:Incapacitator PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Incapacitator TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14200 DAMAGE:3d4 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Nonlethal, operative, powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Battleglove, power KEY:Battleglove (power) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Battleglove (power) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16100 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Dueling sword, ultrathin KEY:Dueling sword (ultrathin) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dueling sword (ultrathin) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:26000 DAMAGE:3d6 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Dagger, ultrathin KEY:Dagger (ultrathin) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger (ultrathin) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:32800 DAMAGE:4d4 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, operative +Battleglove, nova KEY:Battleglove (nova) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Battleglove (nova) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:52500 DAMAGE:3d10 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Dagger, zero-edge KEY:Dagger (zero-edge) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger (zero-edge) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:64400 DAMAGE:6d4 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, operative +Dueling sword, ripper KEY:Dueling sword (ripper) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dueling sword (ripper) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:109250 DAMAGE:7d6 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Peacemaker KEY:Peacemaker PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Peacemaker TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:185300 DAMAGE:6d6 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Operative, powered (capacity 20, usage 2), stun +Battleglove, gravity KEY:Battleglove (gravity) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Battleglove (gravity) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:214850 DAMAGE:5d10 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Dagger, molecular rift KEY:Dagger (molecular rift) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dagger (molecular rift) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:275000 DAMAGE:10d4 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, operative +Dueling sword, molecular rift KEY:Dueling sword (molecular rift) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Dueling sword (molecular rift) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:331200 DAMAGE:10d6 TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Baton, advanced KEY:Baton (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Baton (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:540000 DAMAGE:8d6 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized.Damage_UseStr.Operative WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Operative, powered (capacity 20, usage 1) + +# Two-Handed Weapons +Spear, tactical KEY:Spear (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Spear (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:375 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, block, thrown (20 ft.) +Staff, battle KEY:Staff (battle) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Staff (battle) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:80 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, block +Staff, carbon KEY:Staff (carbon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Staff (carbon) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6150 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, block +Spear, sentinel KEY:Spear (sentinel) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Spear (sentinel) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:10000 DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, block, thrown (20 ft.) +Spear, buzzblade KEY:Spear (buzzblade) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Spear (buzzblade) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:22650 DAMAGE:3d6 TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Block, powered (capacity 40, usage 2), thrown (20 ft.) +Spear, zero-edge KEY:Spear (zero-edge) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Spear (zero-edge) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:107350 DAMAGE:7d6 TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, block, thrown (20 ft.) +Staff, hardlight KEY:Staff (hardlight) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Staff (hardlight) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:320800 DAMAGE:8d8 TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, block +Spear, gravity KEY:Spear (gravity) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Spear (gravity) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Basic Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr.Two-Handed Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:552000 DAMAGE:12d6 TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee Weapons.Uncategorized WIELD:TwoHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Block, powered (capacity 40, usage 2), thrown (20 ft.) + + +###Block:ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS + +# One-Handed Weapons +Skyfire sword, tactical KEY:Skyfire sword (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Skyfire sword (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6120 DAMAGE:2d4 TYPE:F.Flame QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d8 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Skyfire sword, inferno KEY:Skyfire sword (inferno) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Skyfire sword (inferno) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:246000 DAMAGE:7d8 TYPE:F.Flame QUALITY:Critical|Burn 4d12 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Plasma sword, tactical KEY:Plasma sword (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma sword (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14550 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:E & F.Plasma QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Plasma sword, red star KEY:Plasma sword (red star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma sword (red star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:54300 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:E & F.Plasma QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 4) +Plasma sword, yellow star KEY:Plasma sword (yellow star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma sword (yellow star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:127000 DAMAGE:5d8 TYPE:E & F.Plasma QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 4) +Plasma sword, white star KEY:Plasma sword (white star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma sword (white star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:415600 DAMAGE:8d8 TYPE:E & F.Plasma QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 4) +Plasma sword, blue star KEY:Plasma sword (blue star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma sword (blue star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:920250 DAMAGE:10d8 TYPE:E & F.Plasma QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 4) +Shock truncheon, static KEY:Shock truncheon (static) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock truncheon (static) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9150 DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:E.Shock QUALITY:Critical|Arc 1d4 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2), stun +Shock truncheon, aurora KEY:Shock truncheon (aurora) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock truncheon (aurora) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:23000 DAMAGE:2d12 TYPE:E.Shock QUALITY:Critical|Arc 2d4 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2), stun +Shock truncheon, storm KEY:Shock truncheon (storm) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock truncheon (storm) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:80200 DAMAGE:3d12 TYPE:E.Shock QUALITY:Critical|Arc 3d4 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 2), stun +Shock truncheon, tempest KEY:Shock truncheon (tempest) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock truncheon (tempest) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:545000 DAMAGE:6d12 TYPE:E.Shock QUALITY:Critical|Arc 6d4 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 2), stun +Pulse gauntlet, thunderstrike KEY:Pulse gauntlet (thunderstrike) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pulse gauntlet (thunderstrike) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:475 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:B & So.Sonic QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Pulse gauntlet, LFD KEY:Pulse gauntlet (LFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pulse gauntlet (LFD) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:7340 DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:B & So.Sonic QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Pulse gauntlet, HFD KEY:Pulse gauntlet (HFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pulse gauntlet (HFD) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:31300 DAMAGE:5d6 TYPE:B & So.Sonic QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Pulse gauntlet, banshee KEY:Pulse gauntlet (banshee) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pulse gauntlet (banshee) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:148200 DAMAGE:10d6 TYPE:B & So.Sonic QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) + + +# UNCATEGORIZED +Hammer, assault KEY:Hammer (assault) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Hammer (assault) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:95 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Longsword KEY:Longsword PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:375 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Starknife, tactical KEY:Starknife (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Starknife (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:110 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, thrown (20 ft.) TYPE:Ranged.Thrown RANGE:20 +Taclash, standard KEY:Taclash (standard) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Taclash (standard) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:240 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip +Injection glove KEY:Injection (glove) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Injection (glove) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:490 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|Injection DC +2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, injection +Fangblade KEY:Fangblade PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Fangblade TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:5430 DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 1d8 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Longsword, sintered KEY:Longsword (sintered) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword (sintered) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:8420 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Starknife, sintered KEY:Starknife (sintered) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Starknife (sintered) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9810 DAMAGE:4d4 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, thrown (50 ft.) TYPE:Ranged.Thrown RANGE:50 +Longsword, microserrated KEY:Longsword (microserrated) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword (microserrated) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:12100 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 2d6 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Hammer, comet KEY:Hammer (comet) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Hammer (comet) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16900 DAMAGE:4d6 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Longsword, ultrathin KEY:Longsword (ultrathin) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword (ultrathin) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:26300 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Taclash, numbing KEY:Taclash (numbing) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Taclash (numbing) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:24800 DAMAGE:5d4 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Disarm, powered (capacity 20, usage 2), reach, stun, trip +Starknife, accelerated KEY:Starknife (accelerated) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Starknife (accelerated) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:40400 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:F & P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1), thrown (30 ft.) TYPE:Ranged.Thrown RANGE:30 +Grindblade KEY:Grindblade PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grindblade TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:45700 DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 2d8 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Longsword, zero-edge KEY:Longsword (zero-edge) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword (zero-edge) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:79500 DAMAGE:7d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Monowhip KEY:Monowhip PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Monowhip TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:107000 DAMAGE:10d4 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, disarm, reach, trip +Hammer, meteoric KEY:Hammer (meteoric) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Hammer (meteoric) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:164500 DAMAGE:11d6 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Starknife, lightspeed KEY:Starknife (lightspeed) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Starknife (lightspeed) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:183400 DAMAGE:8d8 TYPE:F & P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2), thrown (50 ft.) TYPE:Ranged.Thrown RANGE:50 +Longsword, molecular rift KEY:Longsword (molecular rift) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword (molecular rift) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:245200 DAMAGE:10d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Longsword, ultraserrated KEY:Longsword (ultraserrated) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword (ultraserrated) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:368100 DAMAGE:8d10 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 6d6 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Hammer, gravity well KEY:Hammer (gravity well) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Hammer (gravity well) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:551000 DAMAGE:15d6 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 2) +Starknife, dimensional slice KEY:Starknife (dimensional slice) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Starknife (dimensional slice) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:602200 DAMAGE:8d12 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, thrown (80 ft.) TYPE:Ranged.Thrown RANGE:80 +Longsword, dimensional slice KEY:Longsword (dimensional slice) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Longsword (dimensional slice) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:727300 DAMAGE:14d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog + +#TWO-HANDED WEAPONS LEVEL PRICE DAMAGE CRITICAL BULK SPECIAL +Cryopike, tactical KEY:Cryopike (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Cryopike (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3360 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:C QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 2), reach +Cryopike, advanced KEY:Cryopike (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Cryopike (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:34800 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:C QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 2), reach +Flame doshko, ember KEY:Flame doshko (ember) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flame doshko (ember) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:750 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:F QUALITY:Critical|Wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Flame doshko, blaze KEY:Flame doshko (blaze) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flame doshko (blaze) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8500 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:F QUALITY:Critical|Wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Flame doshko, inferno KEY:Flame doshko (inferno) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flame doshko (inferno) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:53200 DAMAGE:5d8 TYPE:F QUALITY:Critical|Wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Flame doshko, solar flare KEY:Flame doshko (solar flare) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flame doshko (solar flare) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:595000 DAMAGE:10d8 TYPE:F QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 1) +Plasma doshko, red star KEY:Plasma doshko (red star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma doshko (red star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4650 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:E & F QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Plasma doshko, yellow star KEY:Plasma doshko (yellow star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma doshko (yellow star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:17000 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:E & F QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Plasma doshko, white star KEY:Plasma doshko (white star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma doshko (white star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:126800 DAMAGE:5d10 TYPE:E & F QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Plasma doshko, blue star KEY:Plasma doshko (blue star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma doshko (blue star) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:364100 DAMAGE:7d10 TYPE:E & F QUALITY:Critical|Severe wound QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Powered (capacity 20, usage 2) +Doshko, tactical KEY:Doshko (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Doshko (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:240 DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, unwieldy +Pike, tactical KEY:Pike (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pike (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:475 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, reach +Curve blade, carbon steel KEY:Curve blade (carbon steel) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Curve blade (carbon steel) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2230 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 1d6 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog +Swoop hammer, tactical KEY:Swoop hammer (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Swoop hammer (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3360 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, reach, unwieldy +Devastation blade, wrack KEY:Devastation blade (wrack) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Devastation blade (wrack) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:5500 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Doshko, advanced KEY:Doshko (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Doshko (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:5300 DAMAGE:2d12 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, unwieldy +Staff, sentinel KEY:Staff (sentinel) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Staff (sentinel) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6320 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Block, powered (capacity 20, usage 1), stun +Pike, advanced KEY:Pike (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pike (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:12200 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 1d8 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, reach +Swoop hammer, advanced KEY:Swoop hammer (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Swoop hammer (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14300 DAMAGE:3d10 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, reach, unwieldy +Curve blade, ultrathin KEY:Curve blade (ultrathin) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Curve blade (ultrathin) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:18100 DAMAGE:3d10 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 2d6 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Doshko, ultrathin KEY:Doshko (ultrathin) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Doshko (ultrathin) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:24600 DAMAGE:4d12 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, unwieldy +Devastation blade, ruin KEY:Devastation blade (ruin) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Devastation blade (ruin) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:43900 DAMAGE:5d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Staff, repeller KEY:Staff (repeller) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Staff (repeller) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:45200 DAMAGE:3d8 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Block, powered (capacity 20, usage 1), stun +Swoop hammer, mach I KEY:Swoop hammer (mach I) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Swoop hammer (mach I) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:44100 DAMAGE:5d10 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 4), reach, unwieldy +Doshko, zero-edge KEY:Doshko (zero-edge) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Doshko (zero-edge) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:71500 DAMAGE:7d12 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, unwieldy +Pike, elite KEY:Pike (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pike (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Advanced Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:95700 DAMAGE:7d8 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 3d8 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, reach + + +Curve blade, buzzblade KEY:Curve blade (buzzblade) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Curve blade (buzzblade) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Weapon ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:184300 DAMAGE:8d10 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 5d6 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 2) +Doshko, molecular rift KEY:Doshko (molecular rift) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Doshko (molecular rift) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Weapon ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:248000 DAMAGE:10d12 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:powered (capacity 20, usage 1), unwieldy +Swoop hammer, mach II KEY:Swoop hammer (mach II) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Swoop hammer (mach II) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Weapon ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:273000 DAMAGE:10d10 TYPE:B QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, reach, unwieldy +Devastation blade, apocalypse KEY:Devastation blade (apocalypse) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Devastation blade (apocalypse) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Weapon ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:410200 DAMAGE:12d8 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Doshko, dimensional blade KEY:Doshko (dimensional blade) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Doshko (dimensional blade) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Weapon ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:546100 DAMAGE:13d12 TYPE:P QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, unwieldy +Curve blade, dimensional slice KEY:Curve blade (dimensional slice) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Curve blade (dimensional slice) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Weapon ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:815000 DAMAGE:12d10 TYPE:S QUALITY:Critical|Bleed 6d6 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 2) +Swoop hammer, mach III KEY:Swoop hammer (mach III) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Swoop hammer (mach III) TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Prof Group Advanced Melee.Weapon ToHit_UseStr.Damage_UseStr WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:905700 DAMAGE:14d10 TYPE:B & F QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Powered (capacity 40, usage 4), reach, unwieldy + + + +# TABLE 7-3:SMALL ARMS +# ONE-HANDED WEAPONS LEVEL PRICE DAMAGE RANGE CRITICAL CAPACITY USAGE BULK SPECIAL +Zero pistol, frostbite-class KEY:Zero pistol (frostbite-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero pistol (frostbite-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3060 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Zero pistol, hailstorm-class KEY:Zero pistol (hailstorm-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero pistol (hailstorm-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16900 DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Zero pistol, blizzard-class KEY:Zero pistol (blizzard-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero pistol (blizzard-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:94500 DAMAGE:4d6 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Zero pistol, avalanche-class KEY:Zero pistol (avalanche-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero pistol (avalanche-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:492900 DAMAGE:6d6 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Flare gun, survival KEY:Flare gun (survival) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flare gun (survival) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:90 DAMAGE:1d3 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|1 flare QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, bright +Flame pistol KEY:Flame pistol PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flame pistol TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:470 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:20 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d4 QUALITY:Capacity|20 petrol QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Laser pistol, azimuth KEY:Laser pistol (azimuth) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser pistol (azimuth) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:350 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:F.Laser RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d4 QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Laser pistol, corona KEY:Laser pistol (corona) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser pistol (corona) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4270 DAMAGE:2d4 TYPE:F.Laser RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d4 QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Laser pistol, aphelion KEY:Laser pistol (aphelion) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser pistol (aphelion) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14820 DAMAGE:3d4 TYPE:F.Laser RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d4 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Boost 1d4 +Laser pistol, perihelion KEY:Laser pistol (perihelion) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser pistol (perihelion) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:40200 DAMAGE:4d4 TYPE:F.Laser RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d4 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Laser pistol, parallax KEY:Laser pistol (parallax) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser pistol (parallax) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:82000 DAMAGE:5d4 TYPE:F.Laser RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 3d4 QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Boost 2d4 +Laser pistol, zenith KEY:Laser pistol (zenith) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser pistol (zenith) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:245200 DAMAGE:8d4 TYPE:F.Laser RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 4d4 QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Plasma pistol, red star KEY:Plasma pistol (red star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma pistol (red star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:7200 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:20 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d8 QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Plasma pistol, yellow star KEY:Plasma pistol (yellow star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma pistol (yellow star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:40300 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:25 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d8 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|8 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Plasma pistol, white star KEY:Plasma pistol (white star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma pistol (white star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:107500 DAMAGE:3d8 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d8 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Plasma pistol, blue star KEY:Plasma pistol (blue star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma pistol (blue star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:565000 DAMAGE:5d8 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 3d8 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Semi-auto pistol, tactical KEY:Semi-auto pistol (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Semi-auto pistol (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHandOnly MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:260 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:P.PROJECTILE RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|9 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Semi-auto pistol, advanced KEY:Semi-auto pistol (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Semi-auto pistol (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:5500 DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:P.PROJECTILE RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Semi-auto pistol, elite KEY:Semi-auto pistol (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Semi-auto pistol (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:18200 DAMAGE:3d6 TYPE:P.PROJECTILE RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Semi-auto pistol, paragon KEY:Semi-auto pistol (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Semi-auto pistol (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:45200 DAMAGE:4d6 TYPE:P.PROJECTILE RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|16 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Gyrojet pistol, tactical KEY:Gyrojet pistol (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Gyrojet pistol (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:91500 DAMAGE:3d12 TYPE:B.PROJECTILE RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|8 mini-rockets QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Gyrojet pistol, advanced KEY:Gyrojet pistol (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Gyrojet pistol (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:212700 DAMAGE:4d12 TYPE:B.PROJECTILE RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|8 mini-rockets QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Gyrojet pistol, elite KEY:Gyrojet pistol (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Gyrojet pistol (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:715800 DAMAGE:5d12 TYPE:B.PROJECTILE RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|8 mini-rockets QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog +Pulsecaster pistol KEY:Pulsecaster (pistol) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pulsecaster (pistol) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:250 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Nonlethal +Arc pistol, static KEY:Arc pistol (static) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc pistol (static) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:750 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Arc 2 QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Stun +Arc pistol, aurora KEY:Arc pistol (aurora) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc pistol (aurora) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:45700 DAMAGE:3d6 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Arc 2d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Stun +Arc pistol, storm KEY:Arc pistol (storm) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc pistol (storm) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:365500 DAMAGE:3d12 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Arc 4d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Stun +Sonic pistol, thunderstrike KEY:Sonic pistol (thunderstrike) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic pistol (thunderstrike) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2300 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Sonic pistol, LFD KEY:Sonic pistol (LFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic pistol (LFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:26200 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Boost 1d6 +Sonic pistol, HFD KEY:Sonic pistol (HFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic pistol (HFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:71300 DAMAGE:3d8 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|60 charges QUALITY:Usage|6 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Sonic pistol, banshee KEY:Sonic pistol (banshee) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic pistol (banshee) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:191000 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|8 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Boost 1d10 +Needler pistol KEY:Needler pistol PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Needler pistol TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Small Arms.Weapon WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:105 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:P.UNCATEGORIZED RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Injection DC +2 QUALITY:Capacity|6 darts QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Analog, injection + + + +# TABLE 7-4:Longarms +# TWO-HANDED WEAPONS LEVEL PRICE DAMAGE RANGE CRITICAL CAPACITY USAGE BULK SPECIAL +Zero rifle, frostbite-class KEY:Zero rifle (frostbite-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero rifle (frostbite-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2330 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 +Zero rifle, hailstorm-class KEY:Zero rifle (hailstorm-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero rifle (hailstorm-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:10100 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 +Zero rifle, blizzard-class KEY:Zero rifle (blizzard-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero rifle (blizzard-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:79800 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 +Zero rifle, avalanche-class KEY:Zero rifle (avalanche-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero rifle (avalanche-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:410200 DAMAGE:7d8 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 +Flame rifle KEY:Flame rifle PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flame rifle TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:490 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:25 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|20 petrol QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Laser rifle, azimuth KEY:Laser rifle (azimuth) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser rifle (azimuth) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:425 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Laser rifle, corona KEY:Laser rifle (corona) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser rifle (corona) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4650 DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Laser rifle, aphelion KEY:Laser rifle (aphelion) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser rifle (aphelion) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14300 DAMAGE:3d6 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Autobeam rifle, tactical KEY:Autobeam rifle (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Autobeam rifle (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:26900 DAMAGE:5d4 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d4 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Laser rifle, perihelion KEY:Laser rifle (perihelion) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser rifle (perihelion) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:53800 DAMAGE:5d6 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:130 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Autobeam rifle, advanced KEY:Autobeam rifle (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Autobeam rifle (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:95500 DAMAGE:7d4 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 3d4 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Laser rifle, parallax KEY:Laser rifle (parallax) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser rifle (parallax) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:248000 DAMAGE:8d6 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:150 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 4d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Autobeam rifle, elite KEY:Autobeam rifle (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Autobeam rifle (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:548100 DAMAGE:12d4 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 5d4 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Laser rifle, zenith KEY:Laser rifle (zenith) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Laser rifle (zenith) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:722000 DAMAGE:11d6 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:150 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 5d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Plasma rifle, red star KEY:Plasma rifle (red star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma rifle (red star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4600 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d4 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Plasma rifle, yellow star KEY:Plasma rifle (yellow star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma rifle (yellow star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16800 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d8 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Plasma caster, white star KEY:Plasma caster (white star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma caster (white star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:49100 DAMAGE:3d10 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d10 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Boost 1d10 +Plasma rifle, white star KEY:Plasma rifle (white star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma rifle (white star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:126600 DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d8 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Plasma caster, blue star KEY:Plasma caster (blue star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma caster (blue star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:275000 DAMAGE:5d10 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d10 QUALITY:Capacity|200 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Boost 2d10 +Plasma rifle, blue star KEY:Plasma rifle (blue star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma rifle (blue star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:935000 DAMAGE:8d10 TYPE:E & F.PLASMA RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 4d8 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Hunting rifle KEY:Hunting rifle PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Hunting rifle TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:240 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Scattergun, utility KEY:Scattergun (utility) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Scattergun (utility) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:235 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:15 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|4 shells QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, blast +Acid dart rifle, tactical KEY:Acid dart rifle (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Acid dart rifle (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:485 DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.A & P RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Corrode 1d4 QUALITY:Capacity|10 darts QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Autotarget rifle KEY:Autotarget rifle PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Autotarget rifle TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:755 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|10 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +Crossbolter, tactical KEY:Crossbolter (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Crossbolter (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:475 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|1 arrow QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Unwieldy +Acid dart rifle, dual KEY:Acid dart rifle (dual) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Acid dart rifle (dual) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6900 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.A & P RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|Corrode 2d4 QUALITY:Capacity|24 darts QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Seeker rifle, tactical KEY:Seeker rifle (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Seeker rifle (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6030 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|8 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Crossbolter, dual KEY:Crossbolter (dual) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Crossbolter (dual) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8250 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|4 arrows QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Unwieldy +Scattergun, snub KEY:Scattergun (snub) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Scattergun (snub) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8300 DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:15 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|8 shells QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, blast +Magnetar rifle, tactical KEY:Magnetar rifle (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Magnetar rifle (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:11800 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|18 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +Combat rifle KEY:Combat rifle PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Combat rifle TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16500 DAMAGE:3d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Acid dart rifle, complex KEY:Acid dart rifle (complex) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Acid dart rifle (complex) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:39200 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.A & P RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|Corrode 4d4 QUALITY:Capacity|48 darts QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog +Scattergun, impact KEY:Scattergun (impact) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Scattergun (impact) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:30400 DAMAGE:2d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:15 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 shells QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast +Gyrojet rifle, tactical KEY:Gyrojet rifle (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Gyrojet rifle (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:54000 DAMAGE:3d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.B RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|12 mini-rockets QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog +Magnetar rifle, advanced KEY:Magnetar rifle (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Magnetar rifle (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:53700 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|24 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +Seeker rifle, advanced KEY:Seeker rifle (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Seeker rifle (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:72300 DAMAGE:6d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|18 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Gyrojet rifle, advanced KEY:Gyrojet rifle (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Gyrojet rifle (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:122800 DAMAGE:5d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.B RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|12 mini-rockets QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog +Scattergun, vortex KEY:Scattergun (vortex) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Scattergun (vortex) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:91900 DAMAGE:3d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 shells QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast +Magnetar rifle, elite KEY:Magnetar rifle (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Magnetar rifle (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:185100 DAMAGE:6d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|36 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +Gyrojet rifle, elite KEY:Gyrojet rifle (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Gyrojet rifle (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:245600 DAMAGE:6d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.B RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|12 mini-rockets QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog +Seeker rifle, elite KEY:Seeker rifle (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Seeker rifle (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:242500 DAMAGE:9d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|18 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Scattergun, grapeshot KEY:Scattergun (grapeshot) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Scattergun (grapeshot) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:331000 DAMAGE:4d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 shells QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast +Magnetar rifle, paragon KEY:Magnetar rifle (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Magnetar rifle (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:612600 DAMAGE:8d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|48 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +Gyrojet rifle, paragon KEY:Gyrojet rifle (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Gyrojet rifle (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:723500 DAMAGE:8d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.B RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|12 mini-rockets QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog +Seeker rifle, paragon KEY:Seeker rifle (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Seeker rifle (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:809200 DAMAGE:12d8 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|24 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog +Pulsecaster rifle KEY:Pulsecaster rifle PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Pulsecaster rifle TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:100 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Nonlethal +Arc emitter, tactical KEY:Arc emitter (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc emitter (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:750 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:15 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Blast, stun, unwieldy +Arc rifle, static KEY:Arc rifle (static) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc rifle (static) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4200 DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|Arc 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Stun +Arc emitter, advanced KEY:Arc emitter (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc emitter (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:13200 DAMAGE:2d4 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Blast, stun, unwieldy +Arc rifle, aurora KEY:Arc rifle (aurora) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc rifle (aurora) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:24500 DAMAGE:2d12 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|Arc 2d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Stun +Arc rifle, storm KEY:Arc rifle (storm) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc rifle (storm) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:190300 DAMAGE:4d12 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Arc 4d6 QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Stun +Arc rifle, tempest KEY:Arc rifle (tempest) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Arc rifle (tempest) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:622000 DAMAGE:6d12 TYPE:E.SHOCK RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Arc 6d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Stun +Sonic rifle, thunderstrike KEY:Sonic rifle (thunderstrike) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic rifle (thunderstrike) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3400 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Streetsweeper, thunderstrike KEY:Streetsweeper (thunderstrike) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Streetsweeper (thunderstrike) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:7150 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Boost 1d6 +Sonic rifle, LFD KEY:Sonic rifle (LFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic rifle (LFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:17000 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:- +Streetsweeper, LFD KEY:Streetsweeper (LFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Streetsweeper (LFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:39300 DAMAGE:3d10 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Boost 1d8 +Sonic rifle, HFD KEY:Sonic rifle (HFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic rifle (HFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:80200 DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:- +Streetsweeper, HFD KEY:Streetsweeper (HFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Streetsweeper (HFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:195000 DAMAGE:5d10 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Knockdown QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Boost 1d10 +Sonic rifle, banshee KEY:Sonic rifle (banshee) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Sonic rifle (banshee) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:364500 DAMAGE:6d10 TYPE:So.SONIC RANGE:50 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:- +Needler rifle KEY:Needler rifle PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Needler rifle TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Longarms WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:110 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:P.UNCATEGORIZED RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Injection DC +2 QUALITY:Capacity|12 darts QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP: Analog, injection + + +# TABLE 7-5:HEAVY WEAPONS +# TWO-HANDED WEAPONS LEVEL PRICE DAMAGE RANGE CRITICAL CAPACITY USAGE BULK SPECIAL +Zero cannon, tactical KEY:Zero cannon (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero cannon (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:23000 DAMAGE:3d8 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Zero cannon, advanced KEY:Zero cannon (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero cannon (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:81400 DAMAGE:5d8 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Zero cannon, elite KEY:Zero cannon (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Zero cannon (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:412800 DAMAGE:8d8 TYPE:C.CRYO RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|Staggered QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Line, unwieldy +Flamethrower, ifrit-class KEY:Flamethrower (ifrit-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flamethrower (ifrit-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:780 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:15 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|20 petrol QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast, unwieldy +Flamethrower, salamander-class KEY:Flamethrower (salamander-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flamethrower (salamander-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8600 DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d6 QUALITY:Capacity|20 petrol QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast, unwieldy +Flamethrower, hellhound-class KEY:Flamethrower (hellhound-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flamethrower (hellhound-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:35100 DAMAGE:4d6 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 4d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 petrol QUALITY:Usage|8 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast, unwieldy +Flamethrower, firedrake-class KEY:Flamethrower (firedrake-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flamethrower (firedrake-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:128000 DAMAGE:6d6 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 6d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 petrol QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast, unwieldy +Flamethrower, phoenix-class KEY:Flamethrower (phoenix-class) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Flamethrower (phoenix-class) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:367500 DAMAGE:9d6 TYPE:F.FLAME RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 9d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 petrol QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, blast, unwieldy +Artillery laser, azimuth KEY:Artillery laser (azimuth) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Artillery laser (azimuth) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:425 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|20 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Artillery laser, corona KEY:Artillery laser (corona) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Artillery laser (corona) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4650 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Artillery laser, aphelion KEY:Artillery laser (aphelion) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Artillery laser (aphelion) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14300 DAMAGE:3d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d6 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Autobeam artillery, tactical KEY:Autobeam artillery (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Autobeam artillery (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:19400 DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d8 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Artillery laser, perihelion KEY:Artillery laser (perihelion) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Artillery laser (perihelion) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:53800 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:130 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Autobeam artillery, advanced KEY:Autobeam artillery (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Autobeam artillery (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:145700 DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d8 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Artillery laser, parallax KEY:Artillery laser (parallax) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Artillery laser (parallax) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:248000 DAMAGE:7d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:150 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 4d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Autobeam artillery, elite KEY:Autobeam artillery (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Autobeam artillery (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|19 QUALITY:Level|19 COST:543300 DAMAGE:6d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d10 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Artillery laser, zenith KEY:Artillery laser (zenith) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Artillery laser (zenith) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:722000 DAMAGE:9d8 TYPE:F.LASER RANGE:150 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 5d6 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Plasma cannon, red star KEY:Plasma cannon (red star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma cannon (red star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8650 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:PLASMA.E & F RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 1d8 QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (5 ft.), unwieldy +Plasma cannon, yellow star KEY:Plasma cannon (yellow star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma cannon (yellow star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:62800 DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:PLASMA.E & F RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 2d8 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (5 ft.), unwieldy +Plasma cannon, white star KEY:Plasma cannon (white star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma cannon (white star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:189200 DAMAGE:6d10 TYPE:PLASMA.E & F RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 3d8 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|5 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (5 ft.), unwieldy +Plasma cannon, blue star KEY:Plasma cannon (blue star) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Plasma cannon (blue star) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:950000 DAMAGE:8d10 TYPE:PLASMA.E & F RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|Burn 4d8 QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (10 ft.), unwieldy +Reaction cannon, light KEY:Reaction cannon (light) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Reaction cannon (light) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:250 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Machine gun, squad KEY:Machine gun (squad) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Machine gun (squad) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2060 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|40 rounds QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +X-gen gun, tactical KEY:X-gen gun (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|X-gen gun (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4240 DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|80 rounds QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Reaction cannon, tactical KEY:Reaction cannon (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Reaction cannon (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|7 QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6100 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:90 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Machine gun, light KEY:Machine gun (light) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Machine gun (light) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8600 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|60 rounds QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +X-gen gun, advanced KEY:X-gen gun (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|X-gen gun (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:13100 DAMAGE:2d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|100 rounds QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Reaction cannon, heavy KEY:Reaction cannon (heavy) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Reaction cannon (heavy) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16750 DAMAGE:3d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Stellar cannon, light KEY:Stellar cannon (light) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Stellar cannon (light) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:19200 DAMAGE:2d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Wound QUALITY:Capacity|18 shells QUALITY:Usage|6 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Blast +Crossbolter, advanced KEY:Crossbolter (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Crossbolter (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:21900 DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 arrows QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Unwieldy +Machine gun, medium KEY:Machine gun (medium) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Machine gun (medium) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:23100 DAMAGE:3d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|60 rounds QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +X-gen gun, elite KEY:X-gen gun (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|X-gen gun (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:53700 DAMAGE:4d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|100 rounds QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Crossbolter, elite KEY:Crossbolter (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Crossbolter (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:71400 DAMAGE:6d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|30 arrows QUALITY:Usage|6 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Unwieldy +Reaction cannon, advanced KEY:Reaction cannon (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Reaction cannon (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:73000 DAMAGE:6d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Stellar cannon, heavy KEY:Stellar cannon (heavy) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Stellar cannon (heavy) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:122800 DAMAGE:4d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Wound QUALITY:Capacity|32 shells QUALITY:Usage|8 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Blast +Machine gun, heavy KEY:Machine gun (heavy) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Machine gun (heavy) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:220300 DAMAGE:7d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|100 rounds QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, automatic +Reaction cannon, elite KEY:Reaction cannon (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Reaction cannon (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:244000 DAMAGE:8d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +Crossbolter, paragon KEY:Crossbolter (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Crossbolter (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:327200 DAMAGE:10d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|40 arrows QUALITY:Usage|8 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Unwieldy +Reaction cannon, paragon KEY:Reaction cannon (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Reaction cannon (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:810000 DAMAGE:12d10 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:100 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Penetrating +X-gen gun, paragon KEY:X-gen gun (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|X-gen gun (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:826000 DAMAGE:9d12 TYPE:PROJECTILE.P RANGE:120 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|100 rounds QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Automatic +Shock caster, static KEY:Shock caster (static) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock caster (static) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4620 DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:SHOCK.E RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|2 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (10 ft.), unwieldy +Shock caster, aurora KEY:Shock caster (aurora) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock caster (aurora) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:19100 DAMAGE:2d12 TYPE:SHOCK.E RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (15 ft.), unwieldy +Shock caster, storm KEY:Shock caster (storm) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock caster (storm) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:164800 DAMAGE:5d12 TYPE:SHOCK.E RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (20 ft.), unwieldy +Shock caster, tempest KEY:Shock caster (tempest) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shock caster (tempest) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:735000 DAMAGE:7d12 TYPE:SHOCK.E RANGE:40 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Explode (20 ft.), unwieldy +Screamer, thunderstrike KEY:Screamer (thunderstrike) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Screamer (thunderstrike) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3350 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:SONIC.So RANGE:30 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|40 charges QUALITY:Usage|4 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Blast, unwieldy +Screamer, LFD KEY:Screamer (LFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Screamer (LFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14000 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:SONIC.So RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|80 charges QUALITY:Usage|8 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Blast, unwieldy +Screamer, HFD KEY:Screamer (HFD) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Screamer (HFD) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:107500 DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:SONIC.So RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|Deafen QUALITY:Capacity|100 charges QUALITY:Usage|10 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Blast, unwieldy +NIL grenade launcher, merc KEY:NIL grenade launcher (merc) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|NIL grenade launcher (merc) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:280 SPROP:Damage By grenade TYPE:Uncategorized RANGE:60 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 grenades QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog +NIL grenade launcher, squad KEY:NIL grenade launcher (squad) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|NIL grenade launcher (squad) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9400 SPROP:Damage By grenade TYPE:Uncategorized RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|12 grenades QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|3 WT:3 SPROP:Analog +IMDS missile launcher KEY:IMDS missile launcher PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|IMDS missile launcher TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Heavy WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:18200 TYPE:Uncategorized RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|1 missile QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:- + +# TABLE 7-6:Sniper Weapons +# TWO-HANDED WEAPONS LEVEL PRICE DAMAGE RANGE CRITICAL CAPACITY USAGE BULK SPECIAL +# PROJECTILE +Shirren-eye rifle, tactical KEY:Shirren-eye rifle (tactical) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shirren-eye rifle (tactical) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Sniper WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:755 DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS.PROJECTILE WIELD:TwoHanded RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|1 round QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, sniper (250 ft.), unwieldy +Shirren-eye rifle, advanced KEY:Shirren-eye rifle (advanced) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shirren-eye rifle (advanced) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Sniper WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9350 DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS.PROJECTILE WIELD:TwoHanded RANGE:70 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|4 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, sniper (500 ft.), unwieldy +Shirren-eye rifle, elite KEY:Shirren-eye rifle (elite) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shirren-eye rifle (elite) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Sniper WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:54000 DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS.PROJECTILE WIELD:TwoHanded RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:Analog, sniper (750 ft.), unwieldy +Shirren-eye rifle, paragon KEY:Shirren-eye rifle (paragon) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shirren-eye rifle (paragon) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Sniper WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 COST:147200 DAMAGE:6d10 TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS.PROJECTILE WIELD:TwoHanded RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|6 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, sniper (1,000 ft.), unwieldy +Shirren-eye rifle, warpshot KEY:Shirren-eye rifle (warpshot) PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Shirren-eye rifle (warpshot) TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Prof Group Sniper WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:740800 DAMAGE:10d10 TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS.PROJECTILE WIELD:TwoHanded RANGE:80 QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|4 rounds QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Analog, sniper (1,000 ft.), unwieldy + +# TABLE 7-7:GRENADES +# GRENADES LEVEL PRICE RANGE CAPACITY BULK SPECIAL +Frag grenade I KEY:Frag grenade I PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 SPROP:DC %|10+(1/2)+DEX COST:35 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (1d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:P +Shock grenade I KEY:Shock grenade I PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 SPROP:DC %|10+(1/2)+DEX COST:130 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (1d8 E, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:E +Smoke grenade KEY:Smoke grenade PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 SPROP:DC %|10+(1/2)+DEX COST:40 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (smoke cloud 1 minute, 20 ft.) +Stickybomb grenade I KEY:Stickybomb grenade I PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 SPROP:DC %|10+(1/2)+DEX COST:170 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (entangled 2d4 rounds, 10 ft.) +Flash grenade I KEY:Flash grenade I PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 SPROP:DC %|10+(2/2)+DEX COST:275 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (blinded 1d4 rounds, 5 ft.) +Incendiary grenade I KEY:Incendiary grenade I PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 SPROP:DC %|10+(2/2)+DEX COST:375 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (1d6 F, 1d4 burn, 5 ft.) DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:F +Frag grenade II KEY:Frag grenade II PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 SPROP:DC %|10+(4/2)+DEX COST:700 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (2d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:P +Screamer grenade I KEY:Screamer grenade I PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 SPROP:DC %|10+(4/2)+DEX COST:725 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (1d10 So, deafened 1d4 minutes, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:1d10 TYPE:So +Shock grenade II KEY:Shock grenade II PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 SPROP:DC %|10+(4/2)+DEX COST:650 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (1d12 E, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:1d12 TYPE:E +Stickybomb grenade II KEY:Stickybomb grenade II PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 SPROP:DC %|10+(4/2)+DEX COST:675 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (entangled 2d4 rounds, 15 ft.) +Cryo grenade I KEY:Cryo grenade I PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 SPROP:DC %|10+(6/2)+DEX COST:1220 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (1d8 C, staggered, 10 ft.) DAMAGE:1d8 TYPE:C +Flash grenade II KEY:Flash grenade II PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 SPROP:DC %|10+(6/2)+DEX COST:1350 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (blinded 1d4 rounds, 10 ft.) +Incendiary grenade II KEY:Incendiary grenade II PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 SPROP:DC %|10+(6/2)+DEX COST:1040 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (2d6 F, 1d6 burn, 10 ft.) DAMAGE:2d6 TYPE:F +Frag grenade III KEY:Frag grenade III PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 SPROP:DC %|10+(8/2)+DEX COST:2560 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (4d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:4d6 TYPE:P +Incendiary grenade III KEY:Incendiary grenade III PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 SPROP:DC %|10+(8/2)+DEX COST:2800 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (3d6 F, 1d6 burn, 10 ft.) DAMAGE:3d6 TYPE:F +Screamer grenade II KEY:Screamer grenade II PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 SPROP:DC %|10+(8/2)+DEX COST:2720 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (2d10 So, deafened 1d4 minutes, 20 ft.) DAMAGE:2d10 TYPE:So +Cryo grenade II KEY:Cryo grenade II PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 SPROP:DC %|10+(10/2)+DEX COST:5000 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (2d8 C, staggered, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:2d8 TYPE:C +Frag grenade IV KEY:Frag grenade IV PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 SPROP:DC %|10+(10/2)+DEX COST:5750 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (6d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:6d6 TYPE:P +Shock grenade III KEY:Shock grenade III PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 SPROP:DC %|10+(10/2)+DEX COST:5380 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (3d12 E, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:3d12 TYPE:E +Stickybomb grenade III KEY:Stickybomb grenade III PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 SPROP:DC %|10+(10/2)+DEX COST:5410 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (entangled 2d4 rounds, 20 ft.) +Flash grenade III KEY:Flash grenade III PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 SPROP:DC %|10+(12/2)+DEX COST:10400 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (blinded 1d6 rounds, 15 ft.) +Incendiary grenade IV KEY:Incendiary grenade IV PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 SPROP:DC %|10+(12/2)+DEX COST:9380 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (5d6 F, 3d6 burn, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:5d6 TYPE:F +Screamer grenade III KEY:Screamer grenade III PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 SPROP:DC %|10+(12/2)+DEX COST:11300 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (4d10 So, deafened 1d4 minutes, 25 ft.) DAMAGE:4d10 TYPE:So +Cryo grenade III KEY:Cryo grenade III PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 SPROP:DC %|10+(14/2)+DEX COST:21100 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (4d8 C, staggered, 20 ft.) DAMAGE:4d8 TYPE:C +Frag grenade V KEY:Frag grenade V PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 SPROP:DC %|10+(14/2)+DEX COST:18750 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (10d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:10d6 TYPE:P +Shock grenade IV KEY:Shock grenade IV PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 SPROP:DC %|10+(14/2)+DEX COST:23600 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (6d12 E, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:6d12 TYPE:E +Flash grenade IV KEY:Flash grenade IV PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 SPROP:DC %|10+(16/2)+DEX COST:53000 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (blinded 1d8 rounds, 20 ft.) +Frag grenade VI KEY:Frag grenade VI PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 SPROP:DC %|10+(16/2)+DEX COST:44600 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (12d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:12d6 TYPE:P +Incendiary grenade V KEY:Incendiary grenade V PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 SPROP:DC %|10+(16/2)+DEX COST:44000 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (10d6 F, 5d6 burn, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:10d6 TYPE:F +Screamer grenade IV KEY:Screamer grenade IV PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|16 QUALITY:Level|16 SPROP:DC %|10+(16/2)+DEX COST:43500 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (7d10 So, deafened 1d4 minutes, 30 ft.) DAMAGE:7d10 TYPE:So +Cryo grenade IV KEY:Cryo grenade IV PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 SPROP:DC %|10+(18/2)+DEX COST:108500 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (6d8 C, staggered, 20 ft.) DAMAGE:6d8 TYPE:C +Frag grenade VII KEY:Frag grenade VII PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 SPROP:DC %|10+(18/2)+DEX COST:96900 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (16d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:16d6 TYPE:P +Incendiary grenade VI KEY:Incendiary grenade VI PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 SPROP:DC %|10+(18/2)+DEX COST:108800 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (12d6 F, 6d6 burn, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:12d6 TYPE:F +Frag grenade VIII KEY:Frag grenade VIII PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 SPROP:DC %|10+(20/2)+DEX COST:216000 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (20d6 P, 15 ft.) DAMAGE:20d6 TYPE:P +Shock grenade V KEY:Shock grenade V PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Grenades TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Prof Group Grenade.Weapon Atk Modifier Dex.Splash.Grenade WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 SPROP:DC %|10+(20/2)+DEX COST:110000 RANGE:20 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:Explode (9d12 E, 15 ft. DAMAGE:9d12 TYPE:E + + +# TABLE 7-8:SPECIAL WEAPONS +Carbonedge shuriken (10) KEY:Carbonedge shuriken PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Carbonedge shuriken WIELD:OneHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:85 DAMAGE:1d4 TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Special Weapon.Prof Group Special.UNCATEGORIZED.P RANGE:10 WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|bleed 1d4 QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn SPROP:Quick reload, thrown +Nyfiber net KEY:Nyfiber net PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Nyfiber net WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:460 SPROP:Damage None TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.ToHit_UseStr.Special Weapon.Prof Group Special.UNCATEGORIZED RANGE:10 WIELD:OneHanded QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 +Bow KEY:Bow PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Bow WIELD:TwoHanded MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:255 DAMAGE:1d6 TYPE:Weapon.Ranged.ToHit_UseDex.Special Weapon.Prof Group Special.UNCATEGORIZED.P RANGE:60 WIELD:TwoHandsOnly QUALITY:Critical|- QUALITY:Capacity|Drawn QUALITY:Usage|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Quick reload + + + +# TABLE 7-9:AMMUNITION STANDARD AMMUNITION LEVEL PRICE CHARGES/CARTRIDGES BULK SPECIAL +Arrows KEY:Arrows TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Arrow MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Battery KEY:Battery TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Battery MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:60 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|20 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:- +Battery, high-capacity KEY:Battery (high-capacity) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Battery MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 COST:330 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|40 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:- +Battery, super-capacity KEY:Battery (super-capacity) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Battery MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 COST:390 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|80 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:- +Battery, ultra-capacity KEY:Battery (ultra-capacity) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Battery MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:445 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Darts KEY:Darts TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Dart MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|25 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Flare KEY:Flare TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Flare MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|1 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:- +Mini-rockets KEY:Mini-rockets TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Mini Rocket MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|4 QUALITY:Level|4 COST:300 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Petrol tank, standard KEY:Petrol tank (standard) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Petrol Tank MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:60 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|20 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:- +Petrol tank, high-capacity KEY:Petrol tank (high-capacity) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Petrol Tank MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|3 QUALITY:Level|3 COST:280 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|40 QUALITY:Bulk|2 WT:2 SPROP:- +Rounds, small arm KEY:Rounds (small arm) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Small Arm Round MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:40 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|30 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Rounds, longarm and sniper KEY:Rounds (longarm and sniper) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Longarm Round.Sniper Round MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:75 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|25 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Rounds, heavy KEY:Rounds (heavy) TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Heavy Round MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|2 QUALITY:Level|2 COST:90 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +Scattergun shells KEY:Scattergun shells TYPE:Standard Ammunition.Scattergun Shell MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|1 QUALITY:Level|1 COST:55 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|25 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SPROP:- +# SPECIAL AMMUNITION +Grenade arrow I TYPE:Special Ammunition.Arrow MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:875 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|1 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:As any 1st-level grenade +Grenade arrow II TYPE:Special Ammunition.Arrow MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:5450 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|1 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:As any 5th- or lower-level grenade +Grenade arrow III TYPE:Special Ammunition.Arrow MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:32050 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|1 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:As any 10th- or lower-level grenade +Grenade arrow IV TYPE:Special Ammunition.Arrow MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:245000 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|1 QUALITY:Bulk|- SPROP:As any 15th- or lower-level grenade +Tactical missile TYPE:Special Ammunition.Missile MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|10 QUALITY:Level|10 COST:5700 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:Explode 6d8 B & P (30 ft.) +Advanced missile TYPE:Special Ammunition.Missile MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|13 QUALITY:Level|13 COST:14600 QUALITY:ChargesCartridges|1 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SPROP:13d8 B & F + +# TABLE 7-10:SOLARIAN WEAPON CRYSTALS +Graviton crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (least) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2900 SPROP:+1d3 Knockdown ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (least) +Photon crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (least) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2950 SPROP:+1d3 F, Critical = Burn 1d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (least) +W-boson crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (least) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3050 SPROP:+1d4, Critical = Bleed 1d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (least) +Gluon crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (least) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 QUALITY:Level|6 COST:3900 SPROP:+1d4, Critical = Wound ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (least) +Graviton crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (minor) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9200 SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Knockdown ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (minor) +Photon crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (minor) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9300 SPROP:+1d6 F, Critical = Burn 1d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (minor) +W-boson crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (minor) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9800 SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Bleed 2d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (minor) +Gluon crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (minor) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 QUALITY:Level|9 COST:11500 SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Severe wound ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (minor) +Graviton crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (lesser) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:24000 SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Knockdown ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (lesser) +Photon crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (lesser) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:25100 SPROP:+2d6 F, Critical = Burn 1d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (lesser) +W-boson crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (lesser) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 QUALITY:Level|11 COST:26200 SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Bleed 2d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (lesser) +Gluon crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (lesser) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 QUALITY:Level|12 COST:30800 SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Severe wound ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (lesser) +Graviton crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (standard) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:69800 SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Knockdown ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (standard) +Photon crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (standard) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:71200 SPROP:+3d6 F, Critical = Burn 2d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (standard) +W-boson crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (standard) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 QUALITY:Level|14 COST:81300 SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Bleed 3d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (standard) +Gluon crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (standard) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 QUALITY:Level|15 COST:94200 SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Severe wound ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (standard) +Graviton crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (greater) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:251000 SPROP:+4d6, Critical = Knockdown ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (greater) +Photon crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (greater) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:246200 SPROP:+4d6 F, Critical = Burn 3d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (greater) +W-boson crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (greater) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 QUALITY:Level|17 COST:274100 SPROP:+4d6, Critical = Bleed 4d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (greater) +Gluon crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (greater) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 QUALITY:Level|18 COST:330300 SPROP:+4d6 , Critical = Severe wound ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (greater) +Gluon crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (true) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:916200 SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Severe wound ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (true) +Graviton crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (true) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:727100 SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Knockdown ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (true) +Photon crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (true) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:729500 SPROP:+6d6 F, Critical = Burn 5d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (true) +W-boson crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (true) TYPE:Weapon Crystal.Solarian Weapon Crystal MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 QUALITY:Level|20 COST:806000 SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Bleed 6d6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (true) + +###Block: Armor + +# Light +Estex Suit I KEY:Estex Suit I PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Estex Suit I TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|1 COST:410 SPROP:EAC = 0 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|0|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:-1 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Second Skin KEY:Second Skin PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Second Skin TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|1 COST:250 SPROP:EAC = 1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 2 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|L +Stationwear, Flight Suit KEY:Stationwear (Flight Suit) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Stationwear (Flight Suit) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|1 COST:95 SPROP:EAC = 0 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|0|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Freebooter Armor I KEY:Freebooter Armor I PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Freebooter Armor I TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|2 COST:750 SPROP:EAC = 2 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 3 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Kasantha Microcord I KEY:Kasantha Microcord I PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Kasantha Microcord I TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|2 COST:460 SPROP:EAC = 1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 3 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-1 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Carbon skin, graphite KEY:Carbon skin (graphite) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Carbon skin (graphite) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|3 COST:1220 SPROP:EAC = 3 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 4 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-1 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Stationwear, casual KEY:Stationwear (casual) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Stationwear (casual) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|3 COST:1300 SPROP:EAC = 1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 2 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Defrex hide KEY:Defrex hide PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Defrex hide TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2250 SPROP:EAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|L +Lashunta tempweave, basic KEY:Lashunta tempweave (basic) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Lashunta tempweave (basic) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|4 COST:1950 SPROP:EAC = 4 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 4 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|L +D-suit I KEY:D-suit I PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|D-suit I TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2980 SPROP:EAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 6 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|L +Estex suit II KEY:Estex suit II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Estex suit II TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2700 SPROP:EAC = 4 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:-1 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Stationwear, business KEY:Stationwear (business) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Stationwear (business) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2600 SPROP:EAC = 2 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 3 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Freebooter armor II KEY:Freebooter armor II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Freebooter armor II TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4720 SPROP:EAC = 6 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|L +Kasatha microcord II KEY:Kasatha microcord II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Kasatha microcord II TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|6 COST:3670 SPROP:EAC = 6 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-1 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|L +Statiowear, elite KEY:Statiowear (elite) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Statiowear (elite) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4100 SPROP:EAC = 4 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:7 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Ysoki refactor suit KEY:Ysoki refactor suit PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Ysoki refactor suit TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4120 SPROP:EAC = 7 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 7 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 QUALITY:BULK|L +AbadarCorp travel suit, silver KEY:AbadarCorp travel suit (silver) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|AbadarCorp travel suit (silver) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|7 COST:7250 SPROP:EAC = 6 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 7 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +D-suit II KEY:D-suit II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|D-suit II TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6900 SPROP:EAC = 8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 9 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|9|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 QUALITY:BULK|L +Estex suit III KEY:Estex suit III PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Estex suit III TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|7 COST:5500 SPROP:EAC = 7 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Kasatha microcord III KEY:Kasatha microcord III PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Kasatha microcord III TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|8 COST:9000 SPROP:EAC = 9 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|9|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 11 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|11|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Lashunta tempweave, advanced KEY:Lashunta tempweave (advanced) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Lashunta tempweave (advanced) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8500 SPROP:EAC = 9 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|9|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 10 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|L +AbadarCorp travel suit, gold KEY:AbadarCorp travel suit (gold) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|AbadarCorp travel suit (gold) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|9 COST:12100 SPROP:EAC = 9 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|9|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 10 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +D-suit III KEY:D-suit III PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|D-suit III TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|9 COST:13300 SPROP:EAC = 11 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|11|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|L +Carbon skin, white carbon KEY:Carbon skin (white carbon) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Carbon skin (white carbon) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|10 COST:19650 SPROP:EAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 14 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|14|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Freebooter armor III KEY:Freebooter armor III PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Freebooter armor III TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16900 SPROP:EAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 13 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|13|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|L +Kasatha microcord IV KEY:Kasatha microcord IV PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Kasatha microcord IV TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|10 COST:23800 SPROP:EAC = 13 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|13|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|1 +AbadarCorp travel suit, platinum KEY:AbadarCorp travel suit (platinum) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|AbadarCorp travel suit (platinum) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|11 COST:34600 SPROP:EAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 17 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|17|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Hardlight series, squad KEY:Hardlight series (squad) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Hardlight series (squad) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|12 COST:30750 SPROP:EAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 16 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|16|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|L +D-suit IV KEY:D-suit IV PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|D-suit IV TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|13 COST:45800 SPROP:EAC = 16 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|16|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 16 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|16|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|L +Estex suit IV KEY:Estex suit IV PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Estex suit IV TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|13 COST:49250 SPROP:EAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Echelon fashion, ready to wear KEY:Echelon fashion (ready to wear) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Echelon fashion (ready to wear) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|14 COST:71300 SPROP:EAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Freebooter armor IV KEY:Freebooter armor IV PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Freebooter armor IV TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|14 COST:60600 SPROP:EAC = 17 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|17|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|L +Carbon skin, diamond KEY:Carbon skin (diamond) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Carbon skin (diamond) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|15 COST:126400 SPROP:EAC = 17 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|17|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:7 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Hardlight series, elite KEY:Hardlight series (elite) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Hardlight series (elite) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|15 COST:123500 SPROP:EAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:7 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|L +Swarmsuit KEY:Swarmsuit PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Swarmsuit TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|15 COST:95200 SPROP:EAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:6 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|L +Shotalashu armor KEY:Shotalashu armor PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Shotalashu armor TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|16 COST:149500 SPROP:EAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 20 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|20|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:7 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|L +D-suit V KEY:D-suit V PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|D-suit V TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|17 COST:244300 SPROP:EAC = 20 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|20|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 21 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|21|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:7 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|L +Echelon fashion, bespoke KEY:Echelon fashion (bespoke) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Echelon fashion (bespoke) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|17 COST:285000 SPROP:EAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|L +Freebooter armor V KEY:Freebooter armor V PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Freebooter armor V TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|18 COST:367650 SPROP:EAC = 20 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|20|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 21 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|21|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|L +D-suit VI KEY:D-suit VI PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|D-suit VI TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|19 COST:552000 SPROP:EAC = 21 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|21|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 22 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|22|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|L +Carbon skin, nanotube KEY:Carbon skin (nanotube) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Carbon skin (nanotube) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|20 COST:825000 SPROP:EAC = 21 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|21|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 23 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|23|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:-1 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Hardlight series, specialist KEY:Hardlight series (specialist) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Hardlight series (specialist) TYPE:ARMOR.Light_Armor QUALITY:Level|20 COST:928000 SPROP:EAC = 22 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|22|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 22 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|22|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:8 ACCHECK:0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|L + +# Heavy Armor +Ceremonial Plate, Troop KEY:Ceremonial Plate (Troop) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Ceremonial Plate (Troop) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|1 COST:110 SPROP:EAC = 1 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 3 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Golemforged Plating I KEY:Golemforged Plating I PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Golemforged Plating I TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|1 COST:250 SPROP:EAC = 2 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:0 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Lashunta Ringwear I KEY:Lashunta Ringwear I PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Lashunta Ringwear I TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|1 COST:415 SPROP:EAC = 2 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 4 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Hidden Soldier Armor KEY:Hidden Soldier Armor PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Hidden Soldier Armor TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|2 COST:465 SPROP:EAC = 3 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Iridishell, Basic KEY:Iridishell (Basic) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Iridishell (Basic) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|2 COST:755 SPROP:EAC = 3 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 6 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Thinplate KEY:Thinplate PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Thinplate TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|2 COST:1000 SPROP:EAC = 4 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 6 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Defiance Series, Squad KEY:Defiance Series (Squad) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Defiance Series (Squad) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|3 COST:1220 SPROP:EAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:1 ACCHECK:-4 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Golemforged Plating II KEY:Golemforged Plating II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Golemforged Plating II TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|3 COST:1610 SPROP:EAC = 5 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 7 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Ceremonial Plate, Officer KEY:Ceremonial Plate (Officer) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Ceremonial Plate (Officer) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2275 SPROP:EAC = 6 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Lashunta Ringwear II KEY:Lashunta Ringwear II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Lashunta Ringwear II TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2970 SPROP:EAC = 8 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 10 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Vesk Overplate KEY:Vesk Overplate PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Overplate TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|6 COST:3910 SPROP:EAC = 9 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|9|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 11 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|11|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Ceremonial Plate, Commander KEY:Ceremonial Plate (Commander) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Ceremonial Plate (Commander) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|7 COST:7350 SPROP:EAC = 10 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Defiance Series, Elite KEY:Defiance Series (Elite) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Defiance Series (Elite) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6300 SPROP:EAC = 10 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 13 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|13|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-4 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Golemforged Plating III KEY:Golemforged Plating III PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Golemforged Plating III TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|7 COST:5500 SPROP:EAC = 10 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Lashunta Ringwear III KEY:Lashunta Ringwear III PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Lashunta Ringwear III TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|8 COST:8420 SPROP:EAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 14 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|14|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Vesk Overplat II KEY:Vesk Overplat II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Overplat II TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|8 COST:10250 SPROP:EAC = 13 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|13|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Ididishell, Advanced KEY:Ididishell (Advanced) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Ididishell (Advanced) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|9 COST:13100 SPROP:EAC = 13 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|13|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Skyfire Armor, Pinion KEY:Skyfire Armor (Pinion) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Skyfire Armor (Pinion) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|9 COST:14200 SPROP:EAC = 14 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|14|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 16 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|16|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Defiance Series, Specialist KEY:Defiance Series (Specialist) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Defiance Series (Specialist) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|10 COST:16950 SPROP:EAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:2 ACCHECK:-4 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|3 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Golemfored Plating IV KEY:Golemfored Plating IV PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Golemfored Plating IV TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|11 COST:27100 SPROP:EAC = 15 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 17 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|17|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Lashunta Ringwear IV KEY:Lashunta Ringwear IV PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Lashunta Ringwear IV TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|11 COST:23400 SPROP:EAC = 16 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|16|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Vesk Overplate III KEY:Vesk Overplate III PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Overplate III TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|11 COST:000000 SPROP:EAC = 16 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|16|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Aegis Series, Squad KEY:Aegis Series (Squad) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Aegis Series (Squad) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|12 COST:45200 SPROP:EAC = 17 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|17|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-5 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Iridishell, Superior KEY:Iridishell (Superior) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Iridishell (Superior) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|12 COST:42250 SPROP:EAC = 17 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|17|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Vesk Monolith I KEY:Vesk Monolith I PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Monolith I TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|12 COST:39600 SPROP:EAC = 16 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|16|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Skyfire Armor, Exident KEY:Skyfire Armor (Exident) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Skyfire Armor (Exident) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|13 COST:53600 SPROP:EAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 20 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|20|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Golemforged Plating V KEY:Golemforged Plating V PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Golemforged Plating V TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|14 COST:63750 SPROP:EAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 20 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|20|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|7 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Vesk Overplate IV KEY:Vesk Overplate IV PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Overplate IV TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|14 COST:71850 SPROP:EAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 21 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|21|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Engine Runner KEY:Engine Runner PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Engine Runner TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|15 COST:120900 SPROP:EAC = 21 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|21|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 22 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|22|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Lashunta Ringwear V KEY:Lashunta Ringwear V PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Lashunta Ringwear V TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|15 COST:94200 SPROP:EAC = 20 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|20|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 22 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|22|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|5 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Steelbones KEY:Steelbones PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Steelbones TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|16 COST:145500 SPROP:EAC = 21 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|21|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 23 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|23|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Vesk Monolith II KEY:Vesk Monolith II PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Monolith II TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|16 COST:163400 SPROP:EAC = 22 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|22|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 24 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|24|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Aegis Series, Elite KEY:Aegis Series (Elite) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Aegis Series (Elite) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|17 COST:209000 SPROP:EAC = 23 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|23|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 27 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|27|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:3 ACCHECK:-5 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|6 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Vesk Overplate V KEY:Vesk Overplate V PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Overplate V TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|18 COST:415800 SPROP:EAC = 24 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|24|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 26 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|26|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|7 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Vitrium Plate KEY:Vitrium Plate PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vitrium Plate TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|18 COST:365650 SPROP:EAC = 23 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|23|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 24 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|24|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:-0 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-0 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 QUALITY:BULK|1 +Voidshield Armor KEY:Voidshield Armor PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Voidshield Armor TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|19 COST:610250 SPROP:EAC = 25 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|25|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 26 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|26|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:-3 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|7 QUALITY:BULK|2 +Aegis Series, Specialist KEY:Aegis Series (Specialist) PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Aegis Series (Specialist) TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|20 COST:932000 SPROP:EAC = 25 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|25|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 28 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|28|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:4 ACCHECK:-4 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|7 QUALITY:BULK|3 +Vesk Monolith KEY:Vesk Monolith PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Vesk Monolith TYPE:ARMOR.Heavy_Armor QUALITY:Level|20 COST:827250 SPROP:EAC = 26 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|26|TYPE=EAC_Armor SPROP:KAC = 27 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|27|TYPE=KAC_Armor MAXDEX:5 ACCHECK:-2 MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|ADD|-5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|7 QUALITY:BULK|2 + + +# Powered Armor +Cargo lifter KEY:Cargo lifter PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Cargo lifter TYPE:ARMOR.Powered_Armor QUALITY:ItemLevel|4 COST:2150 SPROP:EAC = 9 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|9|TYPE=EAC_Armor.STACK SPROP:KAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=KAC_Armor.STACK QUALITY:Capacity|20 ACCHECK:-4 QUALITY:Size|M QUALITY:Speed|30 QUALITY:Usage|1/hour MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|1 SPROP:Damage 1d10 B QUALITY:PoweredArmorBulk|20 +Battle harness KEY:Battle harness PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Battle harness TYPE:ARMOR.Powered_Armor QUALITY:ItemLevel|5 COST:3450 SPROP:EAC = 0 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|0|TYPE=EAC_Armor.STACK SPROP:KAC = 7 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=KAC_Armor.STACK QUALITY:Capacity|40 ACCHECK:-10 QUALITY:Size|L QUALITY:Speed|15 QUALITY:Usage|1/minute MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|0 SPROP:Damage 1d10 B QUALITY:PoweredArmorBulk|34 +Spider harness KEY:Spider harness PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Spider harness TYPE:ARMOR.Powered_Armor QUALITY:ItemLevel|10 COST:19500 SPROP:EAC = 12 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12|TYPE=EAC_Armor.STACK SPROP:KAC = 19 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|19|TYPE=KAC_Armor.STACK QUALITY:Capacity|100 ACCHECK:-5 QUALITY:Size|H QUALITY:Speed|30 QUALITY:Usage|1/minute MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|4 SPROP:Damage 2d6 B QUALITY:PoweredArmorBulk|40 +Flight frame KEY:Flight frame PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Flight frame TYPE:ARMOR.Powered_Armor QUALITY:ItemLevel|11 COST:27100 SPROP:EAC = 18 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|18|TYPE=EAC_Armor.STACK SPROP:KAC = 24 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|24|TYPE=KAC_Armor.STACK QUALITY:Capacity|100 ACCHECK:-6 QUALITY:Size|L QUALITY:Speed|20 QUALITY:Usage|1/minute MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 SPROP:Damage 2d8 B QUALITY:PoweredArmorBulk|43 +Jarlslayer KEY:Jarlslayer PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Jarlslayer TYPE:ARMOR.Powered_Armor QUALITY:ItemLevel|15 COST:125500 SPROP:EAC = 10 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=EAC_Armor.STACK SPROP:KAC = 13 BONUS:COMBAT|AC|13|TYPE=KAC_Armor.STACK QUALITY:Capacity|40 ACCHECK:-4 QUALITY:Size|L QUALITY:Speed|25 QUALITY:Usage|1/minute MODIFY:UpgradeSlot|SET|2 SPROP:Damage 1d10 P QUALITY:PoweredArmorBulk|28 + + + + +###Block: Cybernetics +Hideaway limb, standard KEY:Cybernetic ~ Hideaway limb (standard) QUALITY:ItemLevel|1 COST:150 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_1.Arm or leg +Prosthetic limb, standard KEY:Cybernetic ~ Prosthetic limb (standard) QUALITY:ItemLevel|1 COST:100 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_1.Arm and hand.leg and foot +Respiration compounder KEY:Cybernetic ~ Respiration compounder QUALITY:ItemLevel|1 COST:250 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_1.Lungs +Vocal modulator KEY:Cybernetic ~ Vocal modulator QUALITY:ItemLevel|1 COST:125 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_1.Throat +Datajack, standard KEY:Cybernetic ~ Datajack (standard) QUALITY:ItemLevel|2 COST:625 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_2.Brain +Darkvision capacitors, standard KEY:Cybernetic ~ Darkvision capacitors (standard) QUALITY:ItemLevel|3 COST:1750 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_3.Eyes +Prosthetic limb, storage KEY:Cybernetic ~ Prosthetic limb (storage) QUALITY:ItemLevel|3 COST:1450 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_3.Arm and hand.leg and foot +Retinal reflectors KEY:Cybernetic ~ Retinal reflectors QUALITY:ItemLevel|3 COST:1350 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_3.Eyes +Speed suspension, minimal KEY:Cybernetic ~ Speed suspension (minimal) QUALITY:ItemLevel|4 COST:1900 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_4.All legs +Datajack, high-density KEY:Cybernetic ~ Datajack (high-density QUALITY:ItemLevel|5 COST:2600 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_5.Brain +Dermal plating, mk 5 KEY:Cybernetic ~ Dermal plating (mk 5) QUALITY:ItemLevel|1 COST:3025 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_1.Skin +Hideaway limb, quickdraw KEY:Cybernetic ~ Hideaway limb (quickdraw) QUALITY:ItemLevel|5 COST:3050 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_5.Arm or leg +Wide-spectrum ocular implant KEY:Cybernetic ~ Wide-spectrum ocular implant QUALITY:ItemLevel|5 COST:2825 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_5.Eyes +Cardiac accelerator KEY:Cybernetic ~ Cardiac accelerator QUALITY:ItemLevel|6 COST:3850 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_6.Heart +Dermal plating, mk 7 KEY:Cybernetic ~ Dermal plating (mk 7) QUALITY:ItemLevel|2 COST:6950 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_2.Skin +Darkvision capacitors, advanced KEY:Cybernetic ~ Darkvision capacitors (advanced) QUALITY:ItemLevel|8 COST:9000 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_8.Eyes +Datajack, accelerated KEY:Cybernetic ~ Datajack (accelerated) QUALITY:ItemLevel|8 COST:8525 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_8.Brain +Speed suspension, standard KEY:Cybernetic ~ Speed suspension (standard) QUALITY:ItemLevel|8 COST:8800 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_8.All legs +Dermal plating, mk 9 KEY:Cybernetic ~ Dermal plating (mk 9) QUALITY:ItemLevel|3 COST:17975 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_3.Skin +Cybernetic arm, single KEY:Cybernetic ~ Cybernetic arm (single) QUALITY:ItemLevel|11 COST:24750 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_11.Spinal column +Dermal plating, mk 12 KEY:Cybernetic ~ Dermal plating (mk 12) QUALITY:ItemLevel|4 COST:48850 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_4.Skin +Speed suspension, complete KEY:Cybernetic ~ Speed suspension (complete) QUALITY:ItemLevel|12 COST:32900 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_12.All legs +Darkvision capacitors, long-range KEY:Cybernetic ~ Darkvision capacitors (long-range) QUALITY:ItemLevel|13 COST:48950 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_13.Eyes +Cybernetic arm, dual KEY:Cybernetic ~ Cybernetic arm (dual) QUALITY:ItemLevel|14 COST:70150 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_14.Spinal column +Dermal plating, mk 5 KEY:Cybernetic ~ Dermal plating (mk 5) QUALITY:ItemLevel|14 COST:105000 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_14.Skin +Polyhand KEY:Cybernetic ~ Polyhand QUALITY:ItemLevel|14 COST:71000 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_14.Hand +Dermal plating, mk 6 KEY:Cybernetic ~ Dermal plating (mk 6) QUALITY:ItemLevel|16 COST:163500 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_16.Skin +Dermal plating, mk 7 KEY:Cybernetic ~ Dermal plating (mk 7) QUALITY:ItemLevel|19 COST:542000 TYPE:Cybernetic.ItemLevel_19.Skin + +# Bio-tech +Gill sheath KEY:Gill sheath QUALITY:ItemLevel|1 COST:95 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Lungs +Dragon gland, wyrmling KEY:Dragon gland wyrmling QUALITY:ItemLevel|2 COST:755 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Throat +Venom spur KEY:Venom spur QUALITY:ItemLevel|2 COST:625 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Hand +Wildwise KEY:Wildwise QUALITY:ItemLevel|2 COST:500 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Throat +Adaptive biochains KEY:Adaptive biochains QUALITY:ItemLevel|3 COST:0 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Varies +Climbing suckers KEY:Climbing suckers QUALITY:ItemLevel|3 COST:1200 TYPE:Bio-Tech.All feet +Tympanal cluster KEY:Tympanal cluster QUALITY:ItemLevel|4 COST:2150 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Ears +Skin of the chameleon KEY:Skin of the chameleon QUALITY:ItemLevel|6 COST:4050 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Skin +Dragon gland, standard KEY:Dragon gland standard QUALITY:ItemLevel|10 COST:19125 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Throat +Dragon gland, wyrm KEY:Dragon gland wyrm QUALITY:ItemLevel|16 COST:181500 TYPE:Bio-Tech.Throat + +# Personal Upgrades +Personal Upgrade Mk 1 QUALITY:ItemLevel|3 COST:1400 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Personal Upgrade 1 TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 3 +Personal Upgrade Mk 2 QUALITY:ItemLevel|7 COST:1400 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Personal Upgrade 2 TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 7 +Personal Upgrade Mk 3 QUALITY:ItemLevel|14 COST:1400 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Personal Upgrade 3 TYPE:Personal Upgrade.Personal Upgrade LVL 14 + + + + +Solarian Weapon DAMAGE:1d5 TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Special.Solarian PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Solarian Weapon BONUS:WEAPON|DAMAGESIZE|SolarianDamageProgression SPROP:Deals Bludgeoning Damage|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarian Weapon Damage Type ~ B SPROP:Deals Slashing Damage|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarian Weapon Damage Type ~ S SPROP:Deals Piercing Damage|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarian Weapon Damage Type ~ P SPROP:Glows blue|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Blue SPROP:Glows red|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Red SPROP:Glows white|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ White SPROP:Glows yellow|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Yellow SPROP:Solid darkness|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solar Manifestation Color ~ Black +# Weapon Crystals +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d3 Knockdown|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (least) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d3 F, Critical = Burn 1d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (least) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d4, Critical = Bleed 1d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (least) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d4, Critical = Wound|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (least) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Knockdown|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (minor) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d6 F, Critical = Burn 1d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (minor) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Bleed 2d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (minor) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Severe wound|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (minor) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Knockdown|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (lesser) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+2d6 F, Critical = Burn 1d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (lesser) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Bleed 2d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (lesser) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Severe wound|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (lesser) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Knockdown|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (standard) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+3d6 F, Critical = Burn 2d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (standard) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Bleed 3d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (standard) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Severe wound|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (standard) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+4d6, Critical = Knockdown|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (greater) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+4d6 F, Critical = Burn 3d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (greater) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+4d6, Critical = Bleed 4d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (greater) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+4d6 , Critical = Severe wound|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (greater) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Severe wound|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (true) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Knockdown|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (true) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+6d6 F, Critical = Burn 5d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (true) +Solarian Weapon.MOD SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Bleed 6d6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (true) diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip_gear.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip_gear.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1492bf664 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip_gear.lst @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:SCR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 +# Original Entry by: Gwen T + +###Technological Items### +Beacon TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.LightSource QUALITY:Level|1 COST:25 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|10 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/hour SOURCEPAGE:p.220 QUALITY:Increases light level by one step|50-ft. radius +Binders TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Cable Line (Titanium Alloy/10 ft) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.CableLine QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.218 +Cable Line (Adamantine Alloy/20 ft) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.CableLine QUALITY:Level|2 COST:1000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.218 +Comm Unit (Personal) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.CommUnit QUALITY:Level|1 COST:7 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|80 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/hour SOURCEPAGE:p.218 SPROP:Includes a calculator, a flashlight, and several entertainment options. +Comm Unit (System-wide) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.CommUnit QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4000 QUALITY:Bulk|20 WT:20 SOURCEPAGE:p.218 +Comm Unit (Unlimited) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.CommUnit QUALITY:Level|12 COST:32000 QUALITY:Bulk|40 WT:40 SOURCEPAGE:p.218 +Detonator TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:150 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|5 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/use SOURCEPAGE:p.218 +Fire Extinguisher TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:15 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|20 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/round SOURCEPAGE:p.218 +Flashlight TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.LightSource QUALITY:Level|1 COST:1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|10 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/hour SOURCEPAGE:p.220 QUALITY:Increases light level by one step|20-ft. cone +Grappler TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|2 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|20 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/minute SOURCEPAGE:p.219 +Holoskin TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|2 COST:500 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|20 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Lantern TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.LightSource QUALITY:Level|1 COST:1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|10 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/hour SOURCEPAGE:p.220 QUALITY:Increases light level by one step|10-ft. radius +Laser Microphone TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2725 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|10 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/minute SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Lock (Simple) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Lock (Average) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|3 COST:1000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Lock (Good) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|6 COST:3600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Lock (Superior) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|14 COST:60000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Manacles TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|4 COST:350 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Medical Lab TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.MedGear QUALITY:Level|7 COST:7000 QUALITY:Bulk|50 WT:50 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Medkit (Basic) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.MedGear QUALITY:Level|1 COST:100 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Medkit (Advanced) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.MedGear QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2700 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Medpatch TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.MedGear QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|1 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Motion Detector TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|7 COST:6000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|10 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/hour SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Regeneration Table TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.MedGear QUALITY:Level|16 COST:45000 QUALITY:Bulk|20 WT:20 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Signal Jammer (Level 1) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 2) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|2 COST:400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 3) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|3 COST:900 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 4) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|4 COST:1600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 5) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2500 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 6) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|6 COST:3600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 7) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|7 COST:4900 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 8) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|8 COST:6400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 9) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|9 COST:8100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 10) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|10 COST:10000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 11) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|11 COST:12100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 12) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|12 COST:14400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 13) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|13 COST:16900 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 14) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|14 COST:19600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 15) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|15 COST:22500 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 16) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|16 COST:25600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 17) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|17 COST:28900 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 18) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|18 COST:32400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 19) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|19 COST:36100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Signal Jammer (Level 20) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|20 COST:40000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|12 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/10 minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Spotlight TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.LightSource QUALITY:Level|1 COST:25 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|10 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/hour SOURCEPAGE:p.220 QUALITY:Increases light level by one step|100-ft. cone +Sprayflesh TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General.MedGear QUALITY:Level|5 COST:440 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|1 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1 SOURCEPAGE:p.220 +Spy Drone TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4550 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|20 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/minute SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Tool Kit (Armorcrafter Kit) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|2 COST:445 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SITUATION|Engineering=Repair, resize, or upgrade armor|2|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Disguise Kit) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Tool Kit (Engineering Kit) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Tool Kit (Hacking Kit) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 +Tool Kit (Navigator's Tools) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SITUATION|Survival=Orienteering|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Accountant)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Accountant)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Actor)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Actor)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Archaeologist)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Archaeologist)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Architect)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Architect)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Artist)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Artist)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Bounty Hunter)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Bounty Hunter)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Comedian)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Comedian)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Con Artist)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Con Artist)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Cook)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Cook)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Corporate Professional)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Corporate Professional)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Courtesan)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Courtesan)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Counselor)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Counselor)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Dancer)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dancer)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Dockworker)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dockworker)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Electrician)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Electrician)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Farmer)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Farmer)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Gambler)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Gambler)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (General Contractor)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (General Contractor)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Herbalist)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Herbalist)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Lab Technician)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lab Technician)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Lawyer)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lawyer)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Maintenance Worker)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Maintenance Worker)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Manager)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Manager)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Mathematician)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mathematician)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Mercenary)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mercenary)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Merchant)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Miner)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Miner)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Musician)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Musician)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Orator)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Orator)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Philosopher)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Philosopher)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Poet)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Poet)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Politician)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Politician)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Professor)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Professor)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Psychologist)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Psychologist)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Smuggler)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Smuggler)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Video Personality)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Video Personality)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Vidgamer)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Vidgamer)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Profession (Writer)) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Writer)|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Rider's Kit) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SITUATION|Survival=Ride creatures|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Trapsmith's Tools) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:20 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SITUATION|Engineering=Arm or disarm traps,Mysticism=Arm or disarm traps|4|TYPE=Circumstance +Tool Kit (Weaponsmithing Kit) TYPE:Goods.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|2 COST:445 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.221 BONUS:SITUATION|Engineering=Repair weapons|2|TYPE=Circumstance +X-ray Visor TYPE:Goods.TechItem.General QUALITY:Level|9 COST:15000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|40 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/round SOURCEPAGE:p.221 + +###Vehicles### +All-Terrain Transport TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Land Vehicle QUALITY:Level|6 COST:8370 QUALITY:Size|H SOURCEPAGE:p.229 +Basic Enercycle TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Land Vehicle QUALITY:Level|1 COST:700 QUALITY:Size|L SOURCEPAGE:p.228 +Exploration Buggy TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Land Vehicle QUALITY:Level|1 COST:1000 QUALITY:Size|L SOURCEPAGE:p.228 +Goblin Junkcycle TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Land Vehicle QUALITY:Level|1 COST:425 QUALITY:Size|M SOURCEPAGE:p.228 +Hover Pod TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Land Vehicle.Water Vehicle QUALITY:Level|7 COST:14850 QUALITY:Size|L SOURCEPAGE:p.229 +Police Cruiser TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Land Vehicle.Air Vehicle QUALITY:Level|4 COST:6195 QUALITY:Size|L SOURCEPAGE:p.229 +Pump-Jet Sub TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Water Vehicle QUALITY:Level|6 COST:13150 QUALITY:Size|H SOURCEPAGE:p.229 +Torpedo Minisub TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Water Vehicle QUALITY:Level|1 COST:1500 QUALITY:Size|L SOURCEPAGE:p.228 +Urban Cruiser TYPE:Goods.Vehicle.Land Vehicle QUALITY:Level|2 COST:2210 QUALITY:Size|L SOURCEPAGE:p.228 + +###Personal Items### +Backpack (Consumer) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.General.Container QUALITY:Level|1 COST:3 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.230 CONTAINS:2|ANY BONUS:VAR|LOADSCORE|1 SPROP:1 Bulk when not worn. +Backpack (Industrial) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.General.Container QUALITY:Level|1 COST:25 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.230 CONTAINS:2|ANY BONUS:VAR|LOADSCORE|2 SPROP:1 Bulk when not worn. +Bonding Epoxy TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 +Clothing (Environmental/Cold Climate) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 SPROP:+2 on Fortitude saves vs. environmental cold dangers +Clothing (Environmental/Dust Storm) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 SPROP:Reduce damage from dust storms with windstorm-magnitude winds by 1 +Clothing (Environmental/Extreme Gravity) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 SPROP:Reduce damage from extreme gravity environments by 1 +Clothing (Environmental/Heat Climate) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 SPROP:+2 on Fortitude saves vs. environmental heat dangers +Clothing (Environmental/Radiation) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 SPROP:+1 on saves vs. radiation effects +Clothing (Environmental/Zero Gravity) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 SPROP:+2 on Acrobatics or Athletics checks to stop movement or climb along handholds in zero-g +Clothing (Everyday) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:1 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 +Clothing (Formal) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 +Clothing (Profession (Accountant)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Accountant)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Actor)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Actor)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Archaeologist)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Archaeologist)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Architect)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Architect)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Artist)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Artist)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Bounty Hunter)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Bounty Hunter)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Comedian)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Comedian)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Con Artist)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Con Artist)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Cook)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Cook)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Corporate Professional)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Corporate Professional)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Courtesan)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Courtesan)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Counselor)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Counselor)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Dancer)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dancer)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Dockworker)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dockworker)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Electrician)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Electrician)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Farmer)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Farmer)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Gambler)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Gambler)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (General Contractor)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (General Contractor)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Herbalist)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Herbalist)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Lab Technician)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lab Technician)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Lawyer)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lawyer)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Maintenance Worker)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Maintenance Worker)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Manager)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Manager)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Mathematician)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mathematician)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Mercenary)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mercenary)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Merchant)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Miner)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Miner)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Musician)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Musician)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Orator)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Orator)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Philosopher)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Philosopher)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Poet)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Poet)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Politician)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Politician)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Professor)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Professor)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Psychologist)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Psychologist)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Smuggler)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Smuggler)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Video Personality)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Video Personality)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Vidgamer)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Vidgamer)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Profession (Writer)) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:5 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Writer)|1|TYPE=Circumstance +Clothing (Travel) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Clothing QUALITY:Level|1 COST:10 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.230 SPROP:You add 2 miles per 8-hour day of overland movement; +1 to Constitution checks to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march +Gear Clamp TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.231 +Hygiene Kit TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:3 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.231 +Space Suit TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.General QUALITY:Level|1 COST:25 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.231 +Tent (Mass Produced) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:2 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.231 +Tent (Mobile Hotelier) TYPE:Goods.PersonalItem.TechItem.Tools QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.231 QUALITY:Charge Capacity|20 QUALITY:Charge Usage|1/8 hour + +###Drugs, Medicinals, and Poisons### +Analgesic (Tier 1) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|1 COST:150 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Analgesic (Tier 2) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3000 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Analgesic (Tier 3) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|10 COST:15000 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Analgesic (Tier 4) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|15 COST:23500 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Antitoxin (Tier 1) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|1 COST:150 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Antitoxin (Tier 2) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3000 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Antitoxin (Tier 3) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|10 COST:15000 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Antitoxin (Tier 4) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|15 COST:23500 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Drug (Hyperleaf) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Drug QUALITY:Level|1 COST:95 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Drug (Dreamshiver) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Drug QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2500 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Drug (Transdimensional Pesh) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Drug QUALITY:Level|10 COST:14000 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Drug (Megaopiate) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Drug QUALITY:Level|12 COST:22000 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Poison (Id Moss) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Poison QUALITY:Level|2 COST:175 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Poison (Insanity Mist) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Poison QUALITY:Level|4 COST:4000 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Poison (Blue Whinnis) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Poison QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Poison (Green Lotus Extract) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Poison QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1500 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Poison (Ungol Dust) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Poison QUALITY:Level|9 COST:12500 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Poison (Black Lotus Extract) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Poison QUALITY:Level|20 COST:140000 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Poison (Deathblade) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Poison QUALITY:Level|20 COST:132500 SOURCEPAGE:p.419 +Sedative (Tier 1) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|1 COST:150 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Sedative (Tier 2) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3000 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Sedative (Tier 3) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|10 COST:15000 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Sedative (Tier 4) TYPE:Goods.Chemical.Medicinal QUALITY:Level|15 COST:23500 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 + +###Trade Goods### +Fine Art TYPE:Goods.Trade QUALITY:Bulk|- COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 SPROP:Actual cost and weight vary +Gem TYPE:Goods.Trade QUALITY:Bulk|- COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 SPROP:Actual cost varies +Grain TYPE:Goods.Trade QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Textiles (Common) TYPE:Goods.Trade QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +Textiles (Fine) TYPE:Goods.Trade QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:100 SOURCEPAGE:p.232 +UPB (1000) TYPE:Goods.Trade QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 COST:1000 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 + +###Food and Drink### +Field Ration (per week) TYPE:Goods.Food.Consumable QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 +Intoxicant (Minor) TYPE:Goods.Food.Consumable QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 +Intoxicant (Superior) TYPE:Goods.Food.Consumable QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 SPROP:Actual cost varies +Meal (Poor) TYPE:Goods.Food.Consumable QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 +Meal (Common) TYPE:Goods.Food.Consumable QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:3 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 +Meal (Good) TYPE:Goods.Food.Consumable QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 +R2E TYPE:Goods.Food.Consumable QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.233 + +###Services### +Communications (System-Wide/minute) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Communications (Unlimited Range/minute) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Lodging (Efficiency/night) TYPE:Goods.Service.Lodging COST:3 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Lodging (Sleep Pod/night) TYPE:Goods.Service.Lodging COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Lodging (Suite/1-2 beds/night/bed) TYPE:Goods.Service.Lodging COST:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Lodging (Suite/3-4 beds/night/bed) TYPE:Goods.Service.Lodging COST:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Professional Freelancer TYPE:Goods.Service SOURCEPAGE:p.234 SPROP:Cost is (skill bonus a- 2)/day +Recharging Station TYPE:Goods.Service SOURCEPAGE:p.234 SPROP:1 round/charge; 1/2 price of battery or cell +Spellcasting (0-level spell) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:20 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Spellcasting (1st-level spell) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:100 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Spellcasting (2nd-level spell) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:350 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Spellcasting (3rd-level spell) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:1000 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Spellcasting (4th-level spell) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:3000 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Spellcasting (5th-level spell) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:9000 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Spellcasting (6th-level spell) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:30000 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Unskilled Labor (per day) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:4 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Unskilled Labor (per hour) TYPE:Goods.Service COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 + +###Transportation### +Grav-Train Passage (per 100 miles) TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Robo-Taxi Passage (per 10 miles) TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.234 +Sea Vessel Passage (per 50 miles) TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.235 +Starship Passage (Common/per day) TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle COST:50 SOURCEPAGE:p.235 +Starship Passage (Good/per day) TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle COST:300 SOURCEPAGE:p.235 +Starship Passage (Luxurious/per day TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle COST:1000 SOURCEPAGE:p.235 +Suborbital Flight (per 25 miles) TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.235 + + + +Computer MODS:REQUIRED TYPE:Computer + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip_magic.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip_magic.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..514f9e03c --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equip_magic.lst @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:SCR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 +# Original Entry by: Gwen T + +###Magic Items### +Aeon Stone (Clear Spindle) TYPE:Magic.Aeon.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|1 COST:245 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.222 +Aeon Stone (Dark Blue Rhomboid) TYPE:Magic.Aeon.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|10 COST:18000 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.222 BONUS:SKILL|Perception,Sense Motive|2|TYPE=Insight +Aeon Stone (Iridescent Spindle) TYPE:Magic.Aeon.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|2 COST:740 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.222 +Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle) TYPE:Magic.Aeon.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|11 COST:25000 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.222 BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|TYPE.Spell|1 +Amulet of Camouflage TYPE:Magic.Amulet.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|3 COST:300 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 +Charge Cloak TYPE:Magic.Cloak.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|1 COST:200 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.223 +Glove of Storing TYPE:Magic.Glove.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.223 +Ring of Cosmic Alignment TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|11 COST:25000 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Ring of Resistance Mk 1 TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|2 COST:735 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 SPROP:+1 on weakest (or choice of weakest) base save +Ring of Resistance Mk 2 TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|6 COST:4200 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 SPROP:+2 on weakest (or choice of weakest) base save +Ring of Resistance Mk 3 TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|10 COST:18100 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 SPROP:+3 on weakest (or choice of weakest) base save +Ring of Resistance Mk 4 TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|14 COST:70000 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 SPROP:+4 on weakest (or choice of weakest) base save +Ring of Resistance Mk 5 TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|18 COST:361500 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 SPROP:+5 on weakest (or choice of weakest) base save +Ring of Sustenance TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|5 COST:2925 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 +Ring of Whispers TYPE:Magic.Ring.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|1 COST:300 QUALITY:Bulk|- SOURCEPAGE:p.223 +Rod of Cancellation TYPE:Magic.Rod QUALITY:Level|9 COST:2100 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Serum of Appearance Change TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:75 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 +Serum of Enhancement (Commando) TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:475 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 SPROP:+2 insight bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks, and gain temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. +Serum of Enhancement (Diplomat) TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:475 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 SPROP:+2 insight bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks. If Intelligence of 3 or greater, gain the ability to comprehend, speak, and understand one language heard in the last 10 minutes. +Serum of Enhancement (Scientist) TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:475 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 SPROP:+2 insight bonus to Computers, Engineering, and Physical Science checks and can attempt checks with all three skills untrained. +Serum of Enhancement (Sensate) TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:475 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 SPROP:+1 insight bonus to Life Science and Mysticism checks and can attempt checks with both skills untrained. +Serum of Enhancement (Sneak) TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:475 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 SPROP:+2 insight bonus to Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks and can attempt checks with both skills untrained. +Serum of Enhancement (Warrior) TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:475 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 SPROP:+2 insight bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks; when you successfully demoralizes an opponent, the opponent is shaken for an extra round. +Serum of Healing Mk 1 TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 +Serum of Healing Mk 2 TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:425 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 +Serum of Healing Mk 3 TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|9 COST:1950 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 +Serum of Sex Shift TYPE:Magic.Serum.Consumable QUALITY:Level|3 COST:350 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.225 +Shadow Orb TYPE:Magic.LightSource QUALITY:Level|10 COST:2850 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 QUALITY:Decreases light level by one step|20-ft. radius SPROP:Laser attacks against user are at +1, fire resistance 5 against lasers. +Staff of Mystic Healing TYPE:Magic.Staff QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Tiara of Translocation Mk 1 TYPE:Magic.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|14 COST:11750 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Tiara of Translocation Mk 2 TYPE:Magic.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|16 COST:185000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Tiara of Translocation Mk 3 TYPE:Magic.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|18 COST:410000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Tiara of Translocation Mk 4 TYPE:Magic.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|20 COST:875000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 + +###Hybrid Itmes### +Digital Harrow Deck TYPE:Magic.Hybrid QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3500 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.226 +Efficient Bandolier TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Container.Shirt.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.226 CONTAINS:*5|Ammunition|Battery +Mindlink Circlet Mk 1 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|2 COST:1600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 +Mindlink Circlet Mk 2 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|8 COST:11000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 +Mindlink Circlet Mk 3 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|14 COST:78000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 +Mnemonic Editor Mk 1 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid QUALITY:Level|5 COST:500 QUALITY:Bulk|10 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.226 +Mnemonic Editor Mk 2 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid QUALITY:Level|10 COST:3000 QUALITY:Bulk|10 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.226 +Mnemonic Editor Mk 3 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid QUALITY:Level|15 COST:20000 QUALITY:Bulk|10 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.226 +Mnemonic Editor Mk 4 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid QUALITY:Level|20 COST:125000 QUALITY:Bulk|10 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.226 +Null-Space Chamber Mk 1 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Container QUALITY:Level|5 COST:3050 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 CONTAINS:*25 +Null-Space Chamber Mk 2 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Container QUALITY:Level|9 COST:12250 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 CONTAINS:*50 +Null-Space Chamber Mk 3 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Container QUALITY:Level|13 COST:50000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 CONTAINS:*100 +Null-Space Chamber Mk 4 TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Container QUALITY:Level|17 COST:250000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 CONTAINS:*200 +Psychic Booster TYPE:Magic.Hybrid.Headgear.WornMagic QUALITY:Level|4 COST:2000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 +Starstone Compass TYPE:Magic.Hybrid QUALITY:Level|1 COST:3 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.227 + +###Spell Ampoules### +Spell Ampoule (Stabilize) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:200 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Flight (Level 1)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|3 COST:300 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Keen Senses) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|3 COST:300 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Life Bubble) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|3 COST:300 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Mystic Cure (Level 1)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|3 COST:300 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Remove Condition (Lesser)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|3 COST:300 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Darkvision) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|6 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Flight (Level 2)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|6 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Invisibility) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|6 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Mystic Cure (Level 2)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|6 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Remove Condition) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|6 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Restoration (Lesser)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|6 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Spider Climb) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|6 COST:700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Displacement) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|10 COST:3000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Flight (Level 3)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|10 COST:3000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Haste) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|10 COST:3000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Mystic Cure (Level 3)) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|10 COST:3000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Nondetection) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|10 COST:3000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Ampoule (Remove Affliction) TYPE:Magic.SpellAmpoule.Consumable QUALITY:Level|10 COST:3000 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 + +###Spell Gems### +Spell Gem (Dancing Lights) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Daze) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Detect Affliction) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Detect Magic) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Energy Ray) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Fatigue) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Ghost Sound) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Grave Words) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mending) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Psychokinetic Hand) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Stabilize) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Telekinetic Projectile) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Telepathic Message) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Token Spell) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Transfer Charge) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|1 COST:50 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Charm Person) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Command) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Comprehend Languages) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Confusion (Lesser)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Detect Radiation) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Detect Tech) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Detect Thoughts) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Disguise Self) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Erase) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Fear (Level 1)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Flight (Level 1)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Grease) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Hold Portal) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Holographic Image (Level 1)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Identify) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Jolting Surge) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Keen Senses) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Life Bubble) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Magic Missile) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Link) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Thrust (Level 1)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Level 1)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Overheat) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Reflecting Armor) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Remove Condition (Lesser)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Share Language) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Supercharge Weapon) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Unseen Servant) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Wisp Ally) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|2 COST:140 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Augury) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Caustic Conversion) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Command Undead) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Darkvision) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Daze Monster) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Fear (Level 2)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Flight (Level 2)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Fog Cloud) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Force Blast) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Hold Person) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Holographic Image (Level 2)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Hurl Forcedisk) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Implant Data) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Inflict Pain) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Inject Nanobots) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Invisibility) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Knock) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Logic Bomb) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Make Whole) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Microbot Assault) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Thrust (Level 2)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mirror Image) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Level 2)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Recharge) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Remove Condition) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Restoration (Lesser)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Security Seal) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (See Invisibility) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Shield Other) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Spider Climb) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Status) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Zone of Truth) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|5 COST:450 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Arcane Sight) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Arcing Surge) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Bestow Curse) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Charm Monster) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Deep Slumber) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Discharge) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Dispel Magic) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Displacement) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Entropic Grasp) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Explosive Blast) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Fear (Level 3)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Flight (Level 3)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Handy Junkbot) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Haste) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Healing Junkbot) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Hologram Memory) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Holographic Image (Level 3)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Instant Virus) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Irradiate) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Thrust (Level 3)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Level 3)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Nondetection) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Probability Prediction) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Psychokinetic Strangulation) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Ray of Exhaustion) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Remove Affliction) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Resistant Armor (Lesser)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Slow) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Speak with Dead) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Suggestion) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Synaptic Pulse) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Tongues) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|8 COST:1400 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Animate Dead) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Arcane Eye) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Confusion) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Corrosive Haze) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Cosmic Eddy) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Creation (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Death Ward) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Destruction Protocol) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Dimension Door) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Discern Lies) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Dismissal (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Divination) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Enervation) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Fear (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Flight (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Hold Monster) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Holographic Image (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Invisibility (Greater)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Probe) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Thrust (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Overload Systems) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Planar Binding (Level 4)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Reincarnate) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Remove Radioactivity) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Resilient Sphere) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Resistant Armor) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Restoration) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Rewire Flesh) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Soothing Protocol) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Telepathic Bond) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Wall of Fire) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|11 COST:3700 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Break Enchantment) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Call Cosmos) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Command (Greater)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Commune with Nature) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Contact Other Plane) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Control Machines) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Creation (Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Crush Skull) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Dismissal (Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Dispel Magic (Greater)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Dominate Person) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Feeblemind) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Flight (Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Heat Leech) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Holographic Image (Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Holographic Terrain) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Thrust (Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Modify Memory) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mislead) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Passwall) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Planar Binding (Level 5)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Private Sanctum) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Prying Eyes) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Raise Dead) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Rapid Repair) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Remove Condition (Greater)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Resistant Aegis) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Retrocognition) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Synapse Overload) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Synaptic Pulse (Greater)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Telekinesis) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Telepathy) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Teleport) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Unwilling Guardian) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Wall of Force) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Waves of Fatigue) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|14 COST:10600 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Battle Junkbot) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Chain Surge) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Control Gravity) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Control Undead) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Discharge (Greater)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Disintegrate) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Enshrining Refuge) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Ethereal Jaunt) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Flesh to Stone) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Flight (Level 6)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Gravitational Singularity) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Holographic Image (Level 6)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Inflict Pain (Mass)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Interplanetary Teleport) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Invisibility (Mass)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mind Thrust (Level 6)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Level 6)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 6)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Planar Barrier) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Planar Binding (Level 6)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Plane Shift) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Psychic Surgery) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Regenerate) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Resistant Armor (Greater)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Rewire Flesh (Mass)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Shadow Walk) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Shadowy Fleet) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Snuff Life) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Subjective Reality) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Suggestion (Mass)) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Sympathetic Vibration) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Telepathic Jaunt) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Terraform) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (True Seeing) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Veil) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Vision) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 +Spell Gem (Wall of Steel) TYPE:Magic.SpellGem.Consumable QUALITY:Level|17 COST:36650 QUALITY:Bulk|L WT:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.224 + +# Weapon Fusion +Weapon Infusuion Seal (ANARCHIC) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (ANCHORING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (AXIOMATIC) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (BANE) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (BLASTING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (BLEEDING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (BURST) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (CALLED) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (CORROSIVE) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (DEAFENING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (DEFIANT) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (DEVASTATING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (DISPELLING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (DISRUPTIVE) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (DURABLE) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (ENTANGLING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (FLAMING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (FROST) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (GHOST KILLER) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (GLAMERED) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (HOLY) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (HYBRIDIZED) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (ILLUMINATING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (KNOCKDOWN) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (MERCIFUL) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (OMINOUS) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (RETURNING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (SEEKING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (SHOCK) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (SPELLTHROWER) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (THUNDERING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (TRAILBLAZER) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (UNHOLY) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (VENOMOUS) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (VORPAL) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED +Weapon Infusuion Seal (WOUNDING) TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal MODS:REQUIRED + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equipmods.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equipmods.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5eccdf541 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_equipmods.lst @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ + +# Default Properties of Weapons +Analog VISIBLE:NO SPROP: This weapon does not use any advanced electronics, computer systems, or electrical power sources. It is immune to abilities that target technology. While this use of the word "analog" is not technically correct when referring to technology, use of the term in this way has become common throughout the Pact Worlds. +Archaic VISIBLE:NO SPROP: This weapon deals 5 fewer damage unless the target is wearing no armor or archaic armor. Archaic weapons are made of primitive materials such as wood or common steel. +Automatic VISIBLE:NO SPROP: In addition to making ranged attacks normally, a weapon with this special property can fire in fully automatic mode. No action is required to toggle a weapon between making normal ranged attacks and using automatic mode. When you make a full attack with a weapon in automatic mode, you can attack in a cone with a range of half the weapon's range increment. This uses all the weapon's remaining ammunition. Roll one attack against each target in the cone, starting with those closest to you. Attacks made with a weapon in automatic mode can't score critical hits. Roll damage only once, and apply it to all targets struck. Each attack against an individual creature in the cone uses up the same amount of ammunition or charges as taking two shots, and once you no longer have enough ammunition to attack another target, you stop making attacks. For example, if you were using a tactical X-gen gun with 27 rounds remaining, you would target the nearest 6 creatures in the cone and use up all 27 rounds. If more than one creature is equidistant and you don't have enough cartridges remaining to shoot at all equidistant creatures, determine randomly which one you target. You can't avoid shooting at allies in the cone, nor can you shoot any creature more than once, even if you have enough cartridges to fire more shots than you have targets. Attacks in automatic mode take the same penalties as other full attacks. +Blast VISIBLE:NO SPROP: This weapon fires in a cone that extends only to its first range increment. You can't use it to attack creatures beyond that range. For each attack you make with a weapon with the blast special property, roll one attack against each target in the cone, starting with those closest to you. Each attack takes a -2 penalty in addition to other penalties, such as the penalty to all attacks during a full attack. Roll damage only once for all targets. If you roll one or more critical hits, roll the extra critical damage only once (or any other special effects on a critical hit that require you to roll) and apply it to each creature against which you score a critical hit. You can't avoid shooting at allies in the cone, nor can you shoot any creature more than once. Attacks with blast weapons ignore concealment. A blast weapon doesn't benefit from feats or abilities that increase the damage of a single attack (such as the operative's trick attack). Ammunition for blast weapons is designed for blast attacks, so you spend the usage amount only once for each cone of attacks. + + +Block VISIBLE:NO SPROP: Only melee weapons can have the block special property, which represents some kind of guard or crossbar that can protect you from attacks by a foe you strike in melee. When you successfully strike a target with a melee attack using such a weapon, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 1 round against melee attacks from that target. +Boost VISIBLE:NO SPROP: You can charge up a weapon with this special property as a move action. When you do, you increase the weapon's damage by the listed amount on the next attack you make with the weapon. Boosting expends charges from the weapon equal to its usage value. This increases the weapon's damage and is multiplied on a critical hit. Boosting a weapon more than once before firing it doesn't have any extra effect, and the extra charge dissipates if the weapon is not fired by the end of your next turn. +Bright VISIBLE:NO SPROP: Attacks with bright weapons illuminate the area within 20 feet of you and your target for 1 round following the attack, increasing the illumination level by one step, to a maximum of normal light. +Disarm VISIBLE:NO SPROP: When you attempt a disarm combat maneuver while wielding a weapon with the disarm special property, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll. +Entangle VISIBLE:NO SPROP: A creature hit by an entangle weapon becomes entangled until it escapes with an Acrobatics check (DC = 10 + weapon's item level + the attacker's Dexterity modifier) or a Strength check (DC = 15 + weapon's item level + the attacker's Dexterity modifier). An entangled creature can attempt such a check as a move action. Some weapons (such as stickybomb grenades) have a maximum duration for this effect. See page 275 for information about the entangled condition. +Explode VISIBLE:NO SPROP: Explosives have the explode special property, which lists the amount of damage the explosion deals, the damage type, special effects (with a duration, if necessary), and the radius of the explosion. When you attack with this type of weapon or ammunition, aim at a grid intersection. Each creature within the blast radius takes the listed damage but can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. If the explode special property has any special effects other than damage, they are negated with a successful saving throw. Some exploding weapons, such as smoke grenades, don't deal damage, so they don't include the damage and damage type entries. +Injection VISIBLE:NO SPROP: This weapon or its ammunition can be filled with a drug, an injury poison, or a medicinal compound. On a successful attack with the weapon (either the first attack if it's a melee weapon or an attack with the relevant piece of ammunition if it's a ranged weapon), the weapon automatically injects the target with the substance. Refilling the weapon with a new substance acts as reloading it and is a move action. Each different injectable material must be bought separately and can be used in any weapon with the injection special property. See page 231 for rules and prices for drugs, medicinals, and poisons. +Line VISIBLE:NO SPROP: This weapon fires a projectile in a straight line that pierces through multiple creatures or obstacles. When attacking with such a weapon, make a single attack roll and compare it to the relevant Armor Class of all creatures and objects in a line extending to the weapon's listed range increment. Roll damage only once. The weapon hits all targets with an AC equal to or lower than the attack roll. However, if an attack fails to damage a creature or obstacle hit in the line (typically due to damage reduction or hardness), the path is stopped and the attack doesn't damage creatures farther away. A line weapon can't damage targets beyond its listed range. If you score a critical hit, that effect applies only to the first target hit in the line, and you roll the critical damage separately. If multiple creatures are equally close, you choose which one takes the effects of the critical hit. A line weapon doesn't benefit from feats or abilities that increase the damage of a single attack (such as the operative's trick attack). +Nonlethal VISIBLE:NO SPROP: This weapon deals nonlethal damage. See page 252 for more information on how nonlethal damage works. +Operative VISIBLE:NO SPROP: An operative can use the trick attack class feature (see page 93) with a weapon that has this special property. Any character can add her Dexterity modifier rather than her Strength modifier on melee attack rolls with weapons with this special property. +Penetrating VISIBLE:NO SPROP: A penetrating weapon is designed to punch through large objects' outer layers, making it easier to damage them. A penetrating weapon ignores an amount of hardness equal to the weapon's level. +Powered VISIBLE:NO SPROP: A melee weapon with an internal battery that must be charged to function has the powered special property, which lists its capacity and usage. Unlike with a ranged weapon, the usage is for 1 minute of operation rather than per attack, though using a powered weapon for less than 1 full minute still expends 1 full usage. The number of charges expended is equal to the usage x the number of minutes the weapon is used, rounded up to the nearest minute. You can activate the power of the weapon as part of the action used to make an attack with it, and it automatically deactivates after 1 minute. As with ranged weapons, you can recharge the battery of a powered melee weapon using a generator or a recharging station, or you can purchase new batteries for it. If you try to attack with a powered weapon that's out of charges, it functions as an improvised weapon (see page 169). +Quick Reload VISIBLE:NO SPROP:You can reload this weapon as part of the same action as firing it, instead of taking a move action to reload. +Reach VISIBLE:NO SPROP: Only melee weapons can have the reach special property. Wielding a weapon with reach gives you 10 feet of reach for attacks with that weapon. See Reach and Threatened Squares on page 255 for more information. +Sniper VISIBLE:NO SPROP: Weapons with the sniper special property can be fired accurately at very long ranges if aimed properly. If you aim the weapon as a move action and then fire it on the same turn, use the value listed with the sniper special property as the weapon's range increment. You can still fire a sniper weapon as normal, but it has only the range listed under its normal range entry when you do. +Stun VISIBLE:NO SPROP: You can set a weapon with the stun special property to stun mode (or reset it to normal mode) as a move action. While in stun mode, all the weapon's attacks are nonlethal. See page 252 for more about how nonlethal damage works. +Thrown VISIBLE:NO SPROP: Ranged weapons that must be thrown and melee weapons that can be thrown as a ranged attack have the thrown special property. You apply your Strength modifier to damage rolls for thrown attacks. After you throw a weapon, it lands near your target and you must recover it if you want to attack with it again. +Trip VISIBLE:NO SPROP: When you attempt a trip combat maneuver while wielding a weapon with this property, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll. +Unwieldy VISIBLE:NO SPROP: Weapons with the unwieldy special property are large and awkward, can't be fired without cooling down first, or are otherwise difficult to use with repeated attacks. You can't use an unwieldy weapon as part of a full attack (or any other action in which you could make multiple attacks), you can't attack with it more than once per round, and you can't use it to make an attack of opportunity + +###Block: +adamantine alloy KEY:Ammunition (adamantine alloy) COST:50 TYPE:Ammunition VISIBLE:QUALIFY ITYPE:adamantine +adamantine alloy KEY:Weapon (adamantine alloy) COST:2500 TYPE:Weapon VISIBLE:QUALIFY ITYPE:adamantine +cold iron KEY:Ammunition (cold iron) COST:9 TYPE:Ammunition VISIBLE:QUALIFY ITYPE:cold iron +cold iron KEY:Weapon (cold iron) COST:450 TYPE:Weapon VISIBLE:QUALIFY ITYPE:cold iron +silver KEY:Ammunition (silver) COST:6 TYPE:Ammunition VISIBLE:QUALIFY ITYPE:silver +silver KEY:Weapon (silver) COST:300 TYPE:Weapon VISIBLE:QUALIFY ITYPE:silver + +# Weapon Fusion +# MODIFY:Price|SET|lookup("Item Level",ItemLevel,"Price") +ANARCHIC KEY:Weapon (ANARCHIC) TYPE:Weapon !PRETYPE:1,EQMOD=Weapon (AXIOMATIC) SPROP:The anarchic fusion imbues a weapon with divine energy from a chaotic deity. Any attacks with the weapon are chaotic-aligned. Damage from the weapon bypasses DR/chaotic and ignores the energy resistance of lawful dragons and lawful outsiders. The anarchic fusion can't be added to weapons that have the axiomatic fusion. +ANCHORING KEY:Weapon (ANCHORING) TYPE:Weapon +AXIOMATIC KEY:Weapon (AXIOMATIC) TYPE:Weapon !PRETYPE:1,EQMOD=Weapon (ANARCHIC) SPROP:The axiomatic fusion imbues a weapon with divine energy from a lawful deity. Any attacks with the weapon are lawful-aligned. Damage from the weapon bypasses DR/lawful and ignores the energy resistance of chaotic dragons and chaotic outsiders. The axiomatic fusion can't be added to weapons that have the anarchic fusion. +BANE KEY:Weapon (BANE) TYPE:Weapon SPROP:The bane fusion enhances the power of critical hits against certain foes. Against a designated foe, the bane weapon gains the stunned critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit against an appropriate foe, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the stunned effect. When you add this fusion to a weapon (or create it as a fusion seal), you must select a single creature type (aberration, animal, construct, dragon, fey, humanoid, magical beast, ooze, outsider, plant, undead, or vermin) against which it will apply. If you select humanoid or outsider, you must also select one subtype. The stunned critical hit effect applies only against creatures of the selected type (and subtype, if selected). Once selected, the creature type and subtype can't be changed. +BLASTING KEY:Weapon (BLASTING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP:The blasting fusion allows a weapon to make a single attack as a blast (see the blast weapon special property on page 180) once per day as a full action. This attack has a maximum range of 30 feet and deals half the weapon's normal damage. Only ranged weapons that don't have the automatic, explode, line, or thrown weapon special property can benefit from the blasting fusion. Weapons that don't require attack rolls to affect their targets also can't benefit from the blasting fusion +BLEEDING KEY:Weapon (BLEEDING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The bleeding fusion weaves entropic energy into the weapon's form. The weapon gains the bleed critical hit effect (see page 182). The amount of damage taken each round from this effect is equal to 1d6 per 5 levels of the weapon, rounded down. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the bleed effect. Only weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage can have this fusion. +BURST KEY:Weapon (BURST) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the burst fusion, a weapon's energy damage can form a small explosion that spills onto a second target. The weapon gains the arc critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the arc effect. The amount of damage dealt to the secondary target is equal to one-third the level of the weapon with the burst fusion (minimum 1). Only weapons that deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage can benefit from a burst fusion. If your weapon deals more than one type of energy damage, you select one of those types for the arc critical hit effect to apply to secondary targets when the fusion is added. +CALLED KEY:Weapon (CALLED) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the called fusion can be teleported to its owner's hand as a swift action, even if the weapon is in the possession of another creature. This ability has a maximum range of 100 feet, and effects that block teleportation prevent the return of a called weapon. A weapon with the called fusion must be in your possession for at least 24 hours for this ability to function. +CORROSIVE KEY:Weapon (CORROSIVE) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The corrosive fusion weaves the destructive power of acid into the weapon's form. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with acid damage. You can activate or deactivate the corrosive fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with acid (you decide which damage type is replaced each time you activate the corrosive fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal acid damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC. +DEAFENING KEY:Weapon (DEAFENING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the deafening fusion, a weapon releases a blast of lowfrequency sonic energy on impact. The weapon gains the deafen critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the deafen effect. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or sonic damage can benefit from a deafening fusion. +DEFIANT KEY:Weapon (DEFIANT) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the defiant fusion resists efforts to be removed from its wielder. If you are wielding it when you are knocked unconscious, panicked, or stunned, it stays in your hand. You also gain a bonus to your KAC against combat maneuvers to disarm the weapon equal to one-fifth the weapon's level (minimum +1). +DEVASTATING KEY:Weapon (DEVASTATING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: You can apply the devastating fusion only to a weapon with two or more critical hit effects. When you score a critical hit with a weapon that has the devastating fusion, you can select two of the critical hit effects to apply to the target (even if you are normally required to select just one critical hit effect). +DISPELLING KEY:Weapon (DISPELLING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the dispelling fusion gathers spare wisps of latent magic during combat, which it can then unleash in a focused effort to dispel magic. The weapon gains dispelling as a critical hit effect in combat. This ability manifests only in high-stakes situations, so you must be in combat and facing a significant enemy (see page 242) for it to gain this critical hit effect. If there's any doubt about whether you're in combat or able to access the critical hit effect, the GM decides. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the dispelling effect. A target affected by the dispelling critical hit effect is the subject of a targeted dispel magic, as the spell, using the weapon's item level as the dispel check's caster level. +DISRUPTIVE KEY:Weapon (DISRUPTIVE) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The disruptive fusion imbues a weapon with powerful positive energy designed to disrupt the magical forces that allow undead to exist. The weapon ignores any DR and energy resistance of undead creatures. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion. +DURABLE KEY:Weapon (DURABLE) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The durable fusion uses magical runes and reinforcements to significantly increase a weapon's toughness. When determining a weapon's hardness, Hit Points, and saving throws, treat its item level as being 5 higher. For more about calculating these values, see Breaking Objects on page 409. +ENTANGLING KEY:Weapon (ENTANGLING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the entangling fusion gains the entangle weapon special property (see page 181). Only a single attack each day may benefit from this property, and you must announce before making an attack that it is an entangle attack. Regardless of how many targets you can hit with a single attack from your weapon, only a single target of your choice is affected by the entangle condition. The entangle effect ends after 1d4 rounds if the target has not already escaped it. Only weapons that do bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or cold damage can benefit from this fusion. +FLAMING KEY:Weapon (FLAMING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The flaming fusion imbues a weapon with the fiery power of a star. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with fire damage. You can activate or deactivate the flaming fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with fire (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the flaming fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal fire damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC. +FROST KEY:Weapon (FROST) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The frost fusion imbues a weapon with the icy cold of a dead world far from its system's sun. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with cold damage. You can activate or deactivate the frost fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with cold (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the frost fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal cold damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC. +GHOST KILLER KEY:Weapon (GHOST KILLER) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: Attacks from a weapon with this fusion deal full damage to incorporeal creatures. They also pass into the Ethereal Plane, allowing such attacks to affect ethereal creatures normally. Weapons with the ghost killer fusion can also score critical hits against incorporeal creatures. In addition, an incorporeal creature (though not an ethereal one) can pick up, move, or wield a ghost killer weapon. +GLAMERED KEY:Weapon (GLAMERED) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: As a standard action, a weapon with the glamered fusion can be commanded to change its appearance to assume the form of another object of similar size. The weapon retains all its properties (including bulk) when disguised but does not radiate magic. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of a glamered weapon while it is in disguise. After a glamered weapon is used to make an attack, this fusion is suppressed for 1 minute. +HOLY KEY:Weapon (HOLY) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the holy fusion becomes blessed with divine energy from a good deity. Any attacks with the fused weapon are good-aligned. Damage from the weapon bypasses DR/good and ignores the energy resistance of evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead. The holy fusion cannot be added to weapons that have the unholy fusion. +HYBRIDIZED KEY:Weapon (HYBRIDIZED) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the hybridized fusion replaces much of its technological functions with magic counterparts. It gains the analog weapon special property (see page 180), and the core function of the weapon is considered to be a hybrid of magic and technology (rather than only the fusion counting as a hybrid item). A hybridized weapon still consumes ammunition and battery charges normally. +ILLUMINATING KEY:Weapon (ILLUMINATING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The illuminating fusion causes a weapon to gain the bright weapon special property (see page 181). You can deactivate this fusion as a move action, in which case the weapon acts as if it does not have the bright property until it is reactivated (which also requires a move action). +KNOCKDOWN KEY:Weapon (KNOCKDOWN) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the knockdown fusion, a weapon disrupts a target's center of gravity. The weapon gains the knockdown critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the knockdown effect. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion. +MERCIFUL KEY:Weapon (MERCIFUL) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the merciful fusion often hums pleasantly when at rest and makes soft, airy musical noises when it is used to make an attack. The magic of this fusion subdues the damaging effect of the weapon it is added to. While this fusion is active, the weapon's regular damage becomes nonlethal damage. If the weapon deals two types of damage, both of the damage types become nonlethal. You can activate or deactivate the merciful fusion as a swift action. +OMINOUS KEY:Weapon (OMINOUS) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the ominous fusion trails a shadowy haze behind it and moans a menacing dirge in battle. The weapon gains intimidation as a critical hit effect. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the intimidation effect. A target affected by the intimidation critical hit effect is shaken for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude save negates). A creature that gains the shaken condition from a weapon with the ominous fusion can't gain that condition again from the same weapon for 24 hours. +RETURNING KEY:Weapon (RETURNING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: You can add this fusion only to a weapon that has the thrown weapon special property. A returning weapon flies through the air back to you after you make a thrown ranged attack with it. It returns to you just before your next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching the weapon when it comes back takes no action. If you can't catch it, or if you have moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which you threw it. +SEEKING KEY:Weapon (SEEKING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The seeking fusion causes an attack from a weapon to veer toward its target. This negates any miss chance caused by the target having concealment, though it has no effect on miss chances from other sources (and does not offset the miss chance from a target having total concealment). +SHOCK KEY:Weapon (SHOCK) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The shock fusion weaves the electrical energy of the universe into the weapon's form. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with electricity damage. You can activate or deactivate the shock fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with electricity (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the shock fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal electricity damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally target KAC to target EAC. +SPELLTHROWER KEY:Weapon (SPELLTHROWER) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the spellthrower fusion is able to have a single spell gem loaded into it at a time. It takes 1 minute to load a spell gem, and only gems containing a spell with a casting time of one standard action or less and a spell level no greater than one-quarter the weapon's item level can be loaded into the weapon. If you are proficient with and wielding the weapon, as a full action you can cast the spell contained within the spell gem rather than make a normal attack. This allows you to use the spell gem as if you were a spellcaster with the spell on your class's spell list. Unlike the normal rules for using a spell gem, it does not matter if the gem's item level is higher than your caster level (even if your caster level is 0). However, if the spell gem's item level is higher than your base attack bonus, once you've spent the full action to cast the spell, you must succeed at an attack roll with the weapon against an AC equal to the spell gem's level + 1 or you fail to cast the spell. This roll represents your expertise with the weapon, and no actual attack or ammunition is used. If you fail to cast a spell from a spell gem, the spell is expended harmlessly and the spell gem is destroyed. +THUNDERING KEY:Weapon (THUNDERING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The thundering fusion imbues a weapon with heightened frequency vibrations. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with sonic damage. You can activate or deactivate the thundering fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with sonic (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the thundering fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal sonic damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally target KAC to target EAC. +TRAILBLAZER KEY:Weapon (TRAILBLAZER) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the trailblazer fusion manages to alter the nature of its attacks to overcome the penalties of some natural environmental effects. Its attacks ignore the cover provided by bogs and the cover creatures submerged at least chest deep in water receive from attacks made from the surface. Fire damage dealt by the weapon to underwater targets does half normal damage (rather than the normal one-quarter), and other attacks made underwater deal full damage (rather than the normal half damage). Additionally, ranged attack rolls with the weapon don't take a penalty due to the effects of storms, strong and severe winds, or windstorms. It can even be used to make ranged attacks in severe storms as if they were typical storms and in hurricaneforce winds as if they were strong winds. See Biomes on page 396 for more information on environments that impose attack penalties, and see Underwater Combat on page 405 for rules on attacking submerged targets. +UNHOLY KEY:Weapon (UNHOLY) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The unholy fusion imbues a weapon with divine energy from an evil deity. Any attacks with the fused weapon are evil-aligned. Damage from the weapon overcomes DR/evil and ignores the energy resistance of good dragons and good outsiders. The unholy fusion can't be added to weapons that have the holy fusion. +VENOMOUS KEY:Weapon (VENOMOUS) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the venomous fusion gains the injection weapon special property (see page 181). Only a single attack each day may benefit from this property, and you must announce before making an attack that it is an injection attack. Regardless of how many targets you can hit with a single attack from your weapon, only a single target of your choice is exposed to the drug, medicinal, or poison when you use the injection property in an attack. Only weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage can benefit from this fusion. +VORPAL KEY:Weapon (VORPAL) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the vorpal fusion, a weapon can tear between the molecules of a creature. The weapon gains the severe wound critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the severe wound effect. Only a weapon that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage can benefit from this fusion. +WOUNDING KEY:Weapon (WOUNDING) TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The wounding fusion causes a weapon to deal exceptionally traumatic damage. The weapon gains the wound critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the wound effect. + +# ANARCHIC KEY:Weapon (ANARCHIC) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon !PRETYPE:1,EQMOD=Weapon (AXIOMATIC) SPROP:The anarchic fusion imbues a weapon with divine energy from a chaotic deity. Any attacks with the weapon are chaotic-aligned. Damage from the weapon bypasses DR/chaotic and ignores the energy resistance of lawful dragons and lawful outsiders. The anarchic fusion can't be added to weapons that have the axiomatic fusion. +# ANCHORING KEY:Weapon (ANCHORING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon +# AXIOMATIC KEY:Weapon (AXIOMATIC) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon !PRETYPE:1,EQMOD=Weapon (ANARCHIC) SPROP:The axiomatic fusion imbues a weapon with divine energy from a lawful deity. Any attacks with the weapon are lawful-aligned. Damage from the weapon bypasses DR/lawful and ignores the energy resistance of chaotic dragons and chaotic outsiders. The axiomatic fusion can't be added to weapons that have the anarchic fusion. +# BANE KEY:Weapon (BANE) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP:The bane fusion enhances the power of critical hits against certain foes. Against a designated foe, the bane weapon gains the stunned critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit against an appropriate foe, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the stunned effect. When you add this fusion to a weapon (or create it as a fusion seal), you must select a single creature type (aberration, animal, construct, dragon, fey, humanoid, magical beast, ooze, outsider, plant, undead, or vermin) against which it will apply. If you select humanoid or outsider, you must also select one subtype. The stunned critical hit effect applies only against creatures of the selected type (and subtype, if selected). Once selected, the creature type and subtype can't be changed. +# BLASTING KEY:Weapon (BLASTING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP:The blasting fusion allows a weapon to make a single attack as a blast (see the blast weapon special property on page 180) once per day as a full action. This attack has a maximum range of 30 feet and deals half the weapon's normal damage. Only ranged weapons that don't have the automatic, explode, line, or thrown weapon special property can benefit from the blasting fusion. Weapons that don't require attack rolls to affect their targets also can't benefit from the blasting fusion +# BLEEDING KEY:Weapon (BLEEDING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The bleeding fusion weaves entropic energy into the weapon's form. The weapon gains the bleed critical hit effect (see page 182). The amount of damage taken each round from this effect is equal to 1d6 per 5 levels of the weapon, rounded down. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the bleed effect. Only weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage can have this fusion. +# BURST KEY:Weapon (BURST) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the burst fusion, a weapon's energy damage can form a small explosion that spills onto a second target. The weapon gains the arc critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the arc effect. The amount of damage dealt to the secondary target is equal to one-third the level of the weapon with the burst fusion (minimum 1). Only weapons that deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage can benefit from a burst fusion. If your weapon deals more than one type of energy damage, you select one of those types for the arc critical hit effect to apply to secondary targets when the fusion is added. +# CALLED KEY:Weapon (CALLED) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the called fusion can be teleported to its owner's hand as a swift action, even if the weapon is in the possession of another creature. This ability has a maximum range of 100 feet, and effects that block teleportation prevent the return of a called weapon. A weapon with the called fusion must be in your possession for at least 24 hours for this ability to function. +# CORROSIVE KEY:Weapon (CORROSIVE) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,9 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The corrosive fusion weaves the destructive power of acid into the weapon's form. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with acid damage. You can activate or deactivate the corrosive fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with acid (you decide which damage type is replaced each time you activate the corrosive fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal acid damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC. +# DEAFENING KEY:Weapon (DEAFENING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,3 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the deafening fusion, a weapon releases a blast of lowfrequency sonic energy on impact. The weapon gains the deafen critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the deafen effect. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or sonic damage can benefit from a deafening fusion. +# DEFIANT KEY:Weapon (DEFIANT) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the defiant fusion resists efforts to be removed from its wielder. If you are wielding it when you are knocked unconscious, panicked, or stunned, it stays in your hand. You also gain a bonus to your KAC against combat maneuvers to disarm the weapon equal to one-fifth the weapon's level (minimum +1). +# DEVASTATING KEY:Weapon (DEVASTATING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: You can apply the devastating fusion only to a weapon with two or more critical hit effects. When you score a critical hit with a weapon that has the devastating fusion, you can select two of the critical hit effects to apply to the target (even if you are normally required to select just one critical hit effect). +# DISPELLING KEY:Weapon (DISPELLING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,3 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the dispelling fusion gathers spare wisps of latent magic during combat, which it can then unleash in a focused effort to dispel magic. The weapon gains dispelling as a critical hit effect in combat. This ability manifests only in high-stakes situations, so you must be in combat and facing a significant enemy (see page 242) for it to gain this critical hit effect. If there's any doubt about whether you're in combat or able to access the critical hit effect, the GM decides. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the dispelling effect. A target affected by the dispelling critical hit effect is the subject of a targeted dispel magic, as the spell, using the weapon's item level as the dispel check's caster level. +# DISRUPTIVE KEY:Weapon (DISRUPTIVE) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,3 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The disruptive fusion imbues a weapon with powerful positive energy designed to disrupt the magical forces that allow undead to exist. The weapon ignores any DR and energy resistance of undead creatures. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion. +# DURABLE KEY:Weapon (DURABLE) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The durable fusion uses magical runes and reinforcements to significantly increase a weapon's toughness. When determining a weapon's hardness, Hit Points, and saving throws, treat its item level as being 5 higher. For more about calculating these values, see Breaking Objects on page 409. +# ENTANGLING KEY:Weapon (ENTANGLING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the entangling fusion gains the entangle weapon special property (see page 181). Only a single attack each day may benefit from this property, and you must announce before making an attack that it is an entangle attack. Regardless of how many targets you can hit with a single attack from your weapon, only a single target of your choice is affected by the entangle condition. The entangle effect ends after 1d4 rounds if the target has not already escaped it. Only weapons that do bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or cold damage can benefit from this fusion. +# FLAMING KEY:Weapon (FLAMING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The flaming fusion imbues a weapon with the fiery power of a star. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with fire damage. You can activate or deactivate the flaming fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with fire (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the flaming fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal fire damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC. +# FROST KEY:Weapon (FROST) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The frost fusion imbues a weapon with the icy cold of a dead world far from its system's sun. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with cold damage. You can activate or deactivate the frost fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with cold (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the frost fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal cold damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC. +# GHOST KILLER KEY:Weapon (GHOST KILLER) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: Attacks from a weapon with this fusion deal full damage to incorporeal creatures. They also pass into the Ethereal Plane, allowing such attacks to affect ethereal creatures normally. Weapons with the ghost killer fusion can also score critical hits against incorporeal creatures. In addition, an incorporeal creature (though not an ethereal one) can pick up, move, or wield a ghost killer weapon. +# GLAMERED KEY:Weapon (GLAMERED) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: As a standard action, a weapon with the glamered fusion can be commanded to change its appearance to assume the form of another object of similar size. The weapon retains all its properties (including bulk) when disguised but does not radiate magic. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of a glamered weapon while it is in disguise. After a glamered weapon is used to make an attack, this fusion is suppressed for 1 minute. +# HOLY KEY:Weapon (HOLY) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the holy fusion becomes blessed with divine energy from a good deity. Any attacks with the fused weapon are good-aligned. Damage from the weapon bypasses DR/good and ignores the energy resistance of evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead. The holy fusion cannot be added to weapons that have the unholy fusion. +# HYBRIDIZED KEY:Weapon (HYBRIDIZED) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the hybridized fusion replaces much of its technological functions with magic counterparts. It gains the analog weapon special property (see page 180), and the core function of the weapon is considered to be a hybrid of magic and technology (rather than only the fusion counting as a hybrid item). A hybridized weapon still consumes ammunition and battery charges normally. +# ILLUMINATING KEY:Weapon (ILLUMINATING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The illuminating fusion causes a weapon to gain the bright weapon special property (see page 181). You can deactivate this fusion as a move action, in which case the weapon acts as if it does not have the bright property until it is reactivated (which also requires a move action). +# KNOCKDOWN KEY:Weapon (KNOCKDOWN) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,6 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the knockdown fusion, a weapon disrupts a target's center of gravity. The weapon gains the knockdown critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the knockdown effect. Only weapons that deal bludgeoning damage can benefit from this fusion. +# MERCIFUL KEY:Weapon (MERCIFUL) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the merciful fusion often hums pleasantly when at rest and makes soft, airy musical noises when it is used to make an attack. The magic of this fusion subdues the damaging effect of the weapon it is added to. While this fusion is active, the weapon's regular damage becomes nonlethal damage. If the weapon deals two types of damage, both of the damage types become nonlethal. You can activate or deactivate the merciful fusion as a swift action. +# OMINOUS KEY:Weapon (OMINOUS) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the ominous fusion trails a shadowy haze behind it and moans a menacing dirge in battle. The weapon gains intimidation as a critical hit effect. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the intimidation effect. A target affected by the intimidation critical hit effect is shaken for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude save negates). A creature that gains the shaken condition from a weapon with the ominous fusion can't gain that condition again from the same weapon for 24 hours. +# RETURNING KEY:Weapon (RETURNING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: You can add this fusion only to a weapon that has the thrown weapon special property. A returning weapon flies through the air back to you after you make a thrown ranged attack with it. It returns to you just before your next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching the weapon when it comes back takes no action. If you can't catch it, or if you have moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which you threw it. +# SEEKING KEY:Weapon (SEEKING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,3 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The seeking fusion causes an attack from a weapon to veer toward its target. This negates any miss chance caused by the target having concealment, though it has no effect on miss chances from other sources (and does not offset the miss chance from a target having total concealment). +# SHOCK KEY:Weapon (SHOCK) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,5 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The shock fusion weaves the electrical energy of the universe into the weapon's form. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with electricity damage. You can activate or deactivate the shock fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with electricity (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the shock fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal electricity damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally target KAC to target EAC. +# SPELLTHROWER KEY:Weapon (SPELLTHROWER) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the spellthrower fusion is able to have a single spell gem loaded into it at a time. It takes 1 minute to load a spell gem, and only gems containing a spell with a casting time of one standard action or less and a spell level no greater than one-quarter the weapon's item level can be loaded into the weapon. If you are proficient with and wielding the weapon, as a full action you can cast the spell contained within the spell gem rather than make a normal attack. This allows you to use the spell gem as if you were a spellcaster with the spell on your class's spell list. Unlike the normal rules for using a spell gem, it does not matter if the gem's item level is higher than your caster level (even if your caster level is 0). However, if the spell gem's item level is higher than your base attack bonus, once you've spent the full action to cast the spell, you must succeed at an attack roll with the weapon against an AC equal to the spell gem's level + 1 or you fail to cast the spell. This roll represents your expertise with the weapon, and no actual attack or ammunition is used. If you fail to cast a spell from a spell gem, the spell is expended harmlessly and the spell gem is destroyed. +# THUNDERING KEY:Weapon (THUNDERING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,9 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The thundering fusion imbues a weapon with heightened frequency vibrations. Half the weapon's damage type is replaced with sonic damage. You can activate or deactivate the thundering fusion as a swift action. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, replace one of them with sonic (you decide which damage type to replace each time you activate the thundering fusion). You can add this fusion only to a weapon that does not already deal sonic damage. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally target KAC to target EAC. +# TRAILBLAZER KEY:Weapon (TRAILBLAZER) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,1 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the trailblazer fusion manages to alter the nature of its attacks to overcome the penalties of some natural environmental effects. Its attacks ignore the cover provided by bogs and the cover creatures submerged at least chest deep in water receive from attacks made from the surface. Fire damage dealt by the weapon to underwater targets does half normal damage (rather than the normal one-quarter), and other attacks made underwater deal full damage (rather than the normal half damage). Additionally, ranged attack rolls with the weapon don't take a penalty due to the effects of storms, strong and severe winds, or windstorms. It can even be used to make ranged attacks in severe storms as if they were typical storms and in hurricaneforce winds as if they were strong winds. See Biomes on page 396 for more information on environments that impose attack penalties, and see Underwater Combat on page 405 for rules on attacking submerged targets. +# UNHOLY KEY:Weapon (UNHOLY) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The unholy fusion imbues a weapon with divine energy from an evil deity. Any attacks with the fused weapon are evil-aligned. Damage from the weapon overcomes DR/evil and ignores the energy resistance of good dragons and good outsiders. The unholy fusion can't be added to weapons that have the holy fusion. +# VENOMOUS KEY:Weapon (VENOMOUS) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,2 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: A weapon with the venomous fusion gains the injection weapon special property (see page 181). Only a single attack each day may benefit from this property, and you must announce before making an attack that it is an injection attack. Regardless of how many targets you can hit with a single attack from your weapon, only a single target of your choice is exposed to the drug, medicinal, or poison when you use the injection property in an attack. Only weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage can benefit from this fusion. +# VORPAL KEY:Weapon (VORPAL) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,10 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: With the vorpal fusion, a weapon can tear between the molecules of a creature. The weapon gains the severe wound critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the severe wound effect. Only a weapon that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage can benefit from this fusion. +# WOUNDING KEY:Weapon (WOUNDING) PREEQVARGTEQ:ItemLevel,7 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 PREEQVARLT:UpgradeSlotTaken,UpgradeSlot TYPE:Weapon SPROP: The wounding fusion causes a weapon to deal exceptionally traumatic damage. The weapon gains the wound critical hit effect (see page 182). If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon's normal critical hit effect or the wound effect. + +# Weapon Fusion Seal Level Select +Level 1 SORTKEY:01 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL1 COST:132 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 1) +Level 2 SORTKEY:02 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL2 COST:396 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 2) +Level 3 SORTKEY:03 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL3 COST:484 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 3) +Level 4 SORTKEY:04 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL4 COST:748 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 4) +Level 5 SORTKEY:05 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL5 COST:792 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 5) +Level 6 SORTKEY:06 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL6 COST:1144 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 6) +Level 7 SORTKEY:07 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL7 COST:1716 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 7) +Level 8 SORTKEY:08 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL8 COST:2530 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 8) +Level 9 SORTKEY:09 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL9 COST:2860 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 9) +Level 10 SORTKEY:10 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL10 COST:3938 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 10) +Level 11 SORTKEY:11 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL11 COST:5368 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 11) +Level 12 SORTKEY:12 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL12 COST:7612 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 12) +Level 13 SORTKEY:13 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL13 COST:10736 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 13) +Level 14 SORTKEY:14 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL14 COST:12870 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 14) +Level 15 SORTKEY:15 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL15 COST:19580 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 15) +Level 16 SORTKEY:16 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL16 COST:29700 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 16) +Level 17 SORTKEY:17 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL17 COST:44550 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 17) +Level 18 SORTKEY:18 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL18 COST:66330 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 18) +Level 19 SORTKEY:19 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL19 COST:99000 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 19) +Level 20 SORTKEY:20 KEY:Weapon Fusion Seal_LVL20 COST:148500 TYPE:Weapon Infusion Seal FORMATCAT:MIDDLE NAMEOPT:TEXT= (Level 20) + + +###Block: Armor Upgrades +Infrared sensors KEY:Armor (Infrared sensors) SPROP:ItemLevel=1 COST:200 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Quick-release sheath KEY:Armor (Quick-release sheath) SPROP:ItemLevel=1 COST:325 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Radiation buffer KEY:Armor (Radiation buffer) SPROP:ItemLevel=1 COST:200 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Tensile reinforcement KEY:Armor (Tensile reinforcement) SPROP:ItemLevel=1 COST:150 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Automated loader KEY:Armor (Automated loader) SPROP:ItemLevel=2 COST:750 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Powered_Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Jump jets KEY:Armor (Jump jets) SPROP:ItemLevel=2 COST:1000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Light_Armor,Heavy_Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Force field, brown KEY:Armor (Force field (brown)) SPROP:ItemLevel=3 COST:1600 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Backup generator KEY:Armor (Backup generator) SPROP:ItemLevel=4 COST:2100 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Exit pod KEY:Armor (Exit pod) SPROP:ItemLevel=4 COST:1750 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Heavy_Armor,Powered_Armor SPROP:BULK=2 +Targeting computer KEY:Armor (Targeting computer) SPROP:ItemLevel=4 COST:2250 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Electrostatic field, mk KEY:Armor (Electrostatic field (mk 1)) SPROP:ItemLevel=5 COST:3000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Jetpack KEY:Armor (Jetpack) SPROP:ItemLevel=5 COST:3100 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Light_Armor,heavy_Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Load lifter KEY:Armor (Load lifter) SPROP:ItemLevel=5 COST:2550 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Thermal capacitor, mk 1 KEY:Armor (Thermal capacitor (mk 1)) SPROP:ItemLevel=5 COST:3600 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Filtered rebreather KEY:Armor (Filtered rebreather) SPROP:ItemLevel=6 COST:4600 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Force field, purple KEY:Armor (Force field (purple)) SPROP:ItemLevel=6 COST:4550 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Phase shield KEY:Armor (Phase shield) SPROP:ItemLevel=6 COST:4325 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Heavy_Armor,powered_Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Deflective reinforcement KEY:Armor (Deflective reinforcement) SPROP:ItemLevel=7 COST:7500 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Sonic dampener KEY:Armor (Sonic dampener) SPROP:ItemLevel=7 COST:7150 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Force field, black KEY:Armor (Force field (black)) SPROP:ItemLevel=8 COST:10500 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Haste circuit KEY:Armor (Haste circuit) SPROP:ItemLevel=8 COST:9250 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Light_Armor,heavy_Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Electrostatic field, mk 2 KEY:Armor (Electrostatic field (mk 2)) SPROP:ItemLevel=9 COST:13000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Forcepack KEY:Armor (Forcepack) SPROP:ItemLevel=9 COST:13100 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Light_Armor,heavy_Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Force field, white KEY:Armor (Force field (white)) SPROP:ItemLevel=10 COST:20000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Electrostatic field, mk 3 KEY:Armor (Electrostatic field (mk 3)) SPROP:ItemLevel=12 COST:35000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Force field, gray KEY:Armor (Force field (gray)) SPROP:ItemLevel=12 COST:40000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Thermal capacitor, mk KEY:Armor (Thermal capacitor (mk 2)) SPROP:ItemLevel=12 COST:36250 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Spell reflector, mk 1 KEY:Armor (Spell reflector (mk 1) SPROP:ItemLevel=13 COST:47950 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Light_Armor,heavy_Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Force field, green KEY:Armor (Force field (green)) SPROP:ItemLevel=14 COST:80000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Titan shield KEY:Armor (Titan shield) SPROP:ItemLevel=14 COST:75000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Powered_Armor SPROP:BULK=2 +Thermal capacitor, mk 3 KEY:Armor (Thermal capacitor (mk 3)) SPROP:ItemLevel=15 COST:120000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=- +Force field, red KEY:Armor (Force field (red)) SPROP:ItemLevel=16 COST:180000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Force field, blue KEY:Armor (Force field (blue)) SPROP:ItemLevel=17 COST:280000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Force field, orange KEY:Armor (Force field (orange)) SPROP:ItemLevel=18 COST:400000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +Spell reflector, mk 2 KEY:Armor (Spell reflector (mk 2)) SPROP:ItemLevel=18 COST:360000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|1 TYPE:Armor PRETYPE:1,Light_Armor,heavy_Armor SPROP:BULK=1 +Force field, prismatic KEY:Armor (Force field prismatic) SPROP:ItemLevel=20 COST:1000000 MODIFY:UpgradeSlotTaken|ADD|2 TYPE:Armor SPROP:BULK=L +# + + +# using better system +#Graviton crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (least) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 SPROP:Crytal Level 5 COST:2900 SPROP:+1d3 Knockdown +#Photon crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (least) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 SPROP:Crytal Level 5 COST:2950 SPROP:+1d3 F, Critical = Burn 1d6 +#W-boson crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (least) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|5 SPROP:Crytal Level 5 COST:3050 SPROP:+1d4, Critical = Bleed 1d6 +#Gluon crystal, least KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (least) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|6 SPROP:Crytal Level 6 COST:3900 SPROP:+1d4, Critical = Wound +#Graviton crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (minor) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 SPROP:Crytal Level 8 COST:9200 SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Knockdown +#Photon crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (minor) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 SPROP:Crytal Level 8 COST:9300 SPROP:+1d6 F, Critical = Burn 1d6 +#W-boson crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (minor) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|8 SPROP:Crytal Level 8 COST:9800 SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Bleed 2d6 +#Gluon crystal, minor KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (minor) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|9 SPROP:Crytal Level 9 COST:11500 SPROP:+1d6, Critical = Severe wound +#Graviton crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (lesser) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 SPROP:Crytal Level 11 COST:24000 SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Knockdown +#Photon crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (lesser) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 SPROP:Crytal Level 11 COST:25100 SPROP:+2d6 F, Critical = Burn 1d6 +#W-boson crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (lesser) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|11 SPROP:Crytal Level 11 COST:26200 SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Bleed 2d6 +#Gluon crystal, lesser KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (lesser) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|12 SPROP:Crytal Level 12 COST:30800 SPROP:+2d6, Critical = Severe wound +#Graviton crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (standard) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 SPROP:Crytal Level 14 COST:69800 SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Knockdown +#Photon crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (standard) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 SPROP:Crytal Level 14 COST:71200 SPROP:+3d6 F, Critical = Burn 2d6 +#W-boson crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (standard) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|14 SPROP:Crytal Level 14 COST:81300 SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Bleed 3d6 +#Gluon crystal, standard KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (standard) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|15 SPROP:Crytal Level 15 COST:94200 SPROP:+3d6, Critical = Severe wound +#Graviton crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (greater) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 SPROP:Crytal Level 17 COST:251000 SPROP:+4d6, Critical = Knockdown +#Photon crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (greater) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 SPROP:Crytal Level 17 COST:246200 SPROP:+4d6 F, Critical = Burn 3d6 +#W-boson crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (greater) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|17 SPROP:Crytal Level 17 COST:274100 SPROP:+4d6, Critical = Bleed 4d6 +#Gluon crystal, greater KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (greater) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|18 SPROP:Crytal Level 18 COST:330300 SPROP:+4d6 , Critical = Severe wound +#Gluon crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Gluon crystal (true) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 SPROP:Crytal Level 20 COST:916200 SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Severe wound +#Graviton crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Graviton crystal (true) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 SPROP:Crytal Level 20 COST:727100 SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Knockdown +#Photon crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ Photon crystal (true) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 SPROP:Crytal Level 20 COST:729500 SPROP:+6d6 F, Critical = Burn 5d6 +#W-boson crystal, true KEY:Solarion Weapon Crystal ~ W-boson crystal (true) TYPE:Solarion Weapon MODIFY:ItemLevel|SET|20 SPROP:Crytal Level 20 COST:806000 SPROP:+6d6, Critical = Bleed 6d6 + + + +###Block: Computers +Tier 1 KEY:Computer Tier 1 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:50 REPLACES:Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 17 +Tier 2 KEY:Computer Tier 2 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:250 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 21 +Tier 3 KEY:Computer Tier 3 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:1250 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 25 +Tier 4 KEY:Computer Tier 4 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:5000 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 29 +Tier 5 KEY:Computer Tier 5 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:10000 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 33 +Tier 6 KEY:Computer Tier 6 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:20000 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 37 +Tier 7 KEY:Computer Tier 7 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:40000 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 41 +Tier 8 KEY:Computer Tier 8 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:80000 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 9,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 45 +Tier 9 KEY:Computer Tier 9 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:160000 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 10 SPROP:DC to Hack 49 +Tier 10 KEY:Computer Tier 10 TYPE:Computer ITYPE:ComputerTier COST:320000 REPLACES:Computer Tier 1,Computer Tier 2,Computer Tier 3,Computer Tier 4,Computer Tier 5,Computer Tier 6,Computer Tier 7,Computer Tier 8,Computer Tier 9 SPROP:DC to Hack 53 + + +#MODULES +Control, complex KEY:Computer Module ~ Control (complex) TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(0.10*COST)+COST +Secure data, average KEY:Computer Module ~ Secure data (average) TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:10 +Secure data, large KEY:Computer Module ~ Secure data (large) TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:100 +Secure data, specific KEY:Computer Module ~ Secure data (specific) TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:1000 +Spell chip KEY:Computer Module ~ Spell chip TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(1.10*COST)+COST +#UPGRADES +Artificial personality KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Artificial personality TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(.10*COST)+COST +Hardened KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Hardened TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(.50*COST)+COST +Miniaturization KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Miniaturization TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(.10*COST)+COST +Range I (100 feet) KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Range I (100 feet) TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:5 +Range II (1 mile) KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Range II (1 mile) TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:50 +Range III (planetwide) KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Range III (planetwide) TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:100 +Security I KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Security 1 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(.25*COST)+COST +Security II KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Security 2 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(.50*COST)+COST +Security III KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Security 3 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(.75*COST)+COST +Security IV KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Security 4 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|COST+COST +Self-charging KEY:Computer Upgrade ~ Self-charging TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(.10*COST)+COST +#COUNTERMEASURES +Alarm KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Alarm TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:10 +Fake shell KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Fake shell TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:1 +Feedback KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Feedback TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:500 +Firewall KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Firewall TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE.Computer|(0.20*TOTALCOST)+TOTALCOST +Lockout KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Lockout TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:100 +Shock grid 1 KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Shock grid 1 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:500 SPROP:DC 20; 8d6 +Shock grid 2 KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Shock grid 2 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:2000 SPROP:DC 22; 10d6 +Shock grid 3 KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Shock grid 3 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:5000 SPROP:DC 24; 12d6 +Shock grid 4 KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Shock grid 4 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:20000 SPROP:DC 27; 14d6 +Shock grid 5 KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Shock grid 5 TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:50000 SPROP:DC 30; 16d6 +Wipe KEY:Computer Countermeasures ~ Wipe TYPE:Computer VISIBLE:QUALIFY PRETYPE:1,ComputerTier COST:10 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_feats.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_feats.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3961d53ff --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_feats.lst @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:SCR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 +# Original Entry by: Gary Davies + +###Block: General Feats +# Ability Name Output Name Category of Ability Type Required Ability Restricted Ability Required Lvl Multiple Requirements Required Skill Required Stat Required Spell Level PRETOTALAB Var. Min. Value Define Description Stackable? Multiple? Choose Selections Auto Armor Prof Auto Shield Prof Auto Weapon Prof Ability Add Spell Lvl Bonus Ability Pool Combat bonus Bonus DC Bonus to HP Add to base move Save bonus Bonus to skill Modify VAR Weapon prof. bonus Source Page Benefits Temporary Bonus Aspect FACT +Adaptive Fighting CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:3,CATEGORY=FEAT,TYPE=Combat DESC:You can adjust your fighting style to match specific conditions during combat. SOURCEPAGE:p.154 BENEFIT:Select three combat feats that you do not have but whose prerequisites you meet. Once per day as a move action, you can gain the benefit of one of these feats for 1 minute. Each time you gain a level, you can replace one of these three selected feats with a different feat that you don't have but meet the prerequisites for. CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=3|ABILITYSELECTION|FEAT|!PC,QUALIFIED[TYPE=Combat] MULT:YES STACK:NO SELECT:3 +Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PREWEAPONPROF:1,TYPE.Basic Melee],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons] DESC:You know how to use advanced melee weapons. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons SOURCEPAGE:p.154 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in advanced melee weapons (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243). +Agile Casting CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mobility PREVARGTEQ:KeyAbilityScore,15 PREMULT:1,[PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER=4],[PREVARGTEQ:CasterLevel_Highest,4] PRESTAT:1,DEX=15 PREVARGTEQ:KeyAbilityScore,15 DESC:You can move, cast a spell, and move again before foes react. SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:As a full action, you can move up to your speed and cast a single spell with a casting time of one standard action or less at any point during your movement. If you have a supernatural ability that can be activated as a standard action or less, you can instead use that ability at any point during your movement.&nl;Normal: You can move only before or after casting a spell, not both. +Amplified Glitch CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESKILL:2,Computers=3,Intimidate=3 DEFINE:AmplifiedGlitchNumberOfTargets|0 DESC:You can create sudden distractions with technological devices. BONUS:VAR|AmplifiedGlitchNumberOfTargets|CL SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:As a standard action, you can wirelessly introduce a fast-acting virus into nearby technological devices to briefly cause them to malfunction in loud, surprising ways. You can use this ability on up to %1 target creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. Each target must either be carrying technological devices or be within sight and hearing of such devices. While the locations of such devices are up to the GM, most public spaces (aside from technologically underdeveloped areas) contain enough technology for this feat to function. Your glitch causes alarms to go off, automated devices to spin and flail, readouts to flash brightly, and so on. With a successful Computers check (DC = 15 + 1 per target + 1-1/2 x the CR of the highest-CR target), all targets are shaken for 1 round, plus 1 additional round for every 5 by which your result exceeds the DC.&nl;Once you have targeted a creature with this feat, that foe is immune to this ability for 24 hours.|AmplifiedGlitchNumberOfTargets +Antagonize CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:2,Diplomacy=5,Intimidate=5 DESC:You know how to make foes extremely angry with you. SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:As a standard action, you can antagonize a foe that can see and hear you by attempting a Diplomacy or Intimidate check (DC = 10 + your opponent's total Sense Motive skill bonus, or 15 + 1-1/2 x the opponent's CR, whichever is higher). If you succeed, the foe is off-target and takes a -2 penalty to all skill checks for 1 round plus 1 additional round for every 5 by which your result exceeds the DC, or until it makes an attack against you, forces you to attempt a saving throw, or damages you (whichever comes first). Once you have attempted to antagonize a foe, that foe is immune to this ability for 24 hours. This is a language-dependent ability. +Barricade CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESKILL:1,Engineering=1 DEFINE:BarricadeLVL|0 DESC:You are adept at creating quick, temporary cover. BONUS:VAR|BarricadeLVL|min(1,skillinfo("TOTALRANK",Engineering)) SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:As a move action, you can stack and reinforce objects that are too small or too fragile to provide cover into a single square of adjacent cover. The GM has discretion over whether enough such objects are nearby to allow you to use this ability, but most urban and wilderness settings not specifically described as empty or barren have enough such material to allow at least one such temporary barricade to be built. The barricade grants partial cover against attacks with line of effect that pass through it. If the barricade is in a square that already granted partial cover, it instead grants normal cover. For more information about cover, see page 253.&nl;The barricade is temporary and not particularly durable. When determining its hardness and Hit Points, treat it as a piece of equipment with an item level equal to %1. Additionally, once it or a creature adjacent to it is hit by an attack, the barricade collapses at the beginning of your turn in 1d4 rounds (unless the barricade is destroyed completely by the attack). There isn't normally enough material for you to build a second barricade in exactly the same space unless you are in a particularly crowded area (as determined by the GM).|BarricadeLVL +Basic Melee Weapon Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You know how to use basic melee weapons. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in basic melee weapons (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243). +Blind-Fight CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You are skilled at attacking opponents you can't clearly see. SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:In melee, every time you miss because of concealment (see page 253), you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit (see page 243). &nl;You aren't flat-footed against melee attacks from creatures you can't see, and you can withdraw from creatures you can't perceive. You don't need to attempt Acrobatics checks to move at full speed while blinded. +Bodyguard CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You can attempt to ward off attacks that target nearby allies. SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:As a reaction when an adjacent ally is attacked, you can grant that ally a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC against that attack. If you do so, you take a -2 penalty to your own Armor Class until the beginning of your next turn. +Cleave CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESTAT:1,STR=13 PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing. SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:As a standard action, you can make a single melee attack against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional melee attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can make only one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a -2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn. +Climbing Master CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:1,Athletics=5 DESC:You can climb as well as a monkey or a spider. MOVECLONE:Walk,Climb,*1 SOURCEPAGE:p.155 BENEFIT:You gain a climb speed equal to your land speed. +Combat Casting CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESPELLTYPE:1,Spell=2 DESC:You leave fewer openings when casting a spell. SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class and saving throws against attacks of opportunity you provoked by casting a spell and against readied actions triggered by your spellcasting. +Connection Inkling CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General !PRECLASS:1,Mystic PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=5],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,5] PRESTAT:1,WIS=15 DESC:You gain a hint of mystic power. SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:Choose two 0-level mystic spells and one 1st-level mystic spell. You can cast the 0-level spells at will and the 1st-level spell once per day for every 3 character levels you have. Your caster level is equal to your character level, and the key ability score for these spells is Wisdom. If you later gain levels in mystic, you lose the benefits of this feat and can replace it with either Spell Focus or Spell Penetration. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Connection Inkling 0-Level Selection|2 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Connection Inkling 1st Level Selection|1 +Coordinated Shot CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You can maneuver a foe to be in the direct line of an ally's fire. SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:When you are threatening a foe with a melee weapon, any ally that has line of sight to that foe without you granting that foe cover gains a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against that foe. +Deadly Aim CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DEFINE:DeadlyAimDamageBonus|0 DESC:Your can strike your enemies' weak points and deal more damage. BONUS:VAR|DeadlyAimDamageBonus|min(1,BAB/2) SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:When you take the attack or full attack action with weapons (including a solarian's solar manifestation, but not spells or other special abilities of any kind), you can take a -2 penalty to your attack rolls. If you do, those attacks deal an additional %1 (minimum 1).|DeadlyAimDamageBonus +Deflect Projectiles CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:8 DESC:You can use your melee weapon to deflect attacks. SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:When you would be hit by a ranged attack from a weapon or spell that deals energy or kinetic damage, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to make an attack roll with a nonarchaic melee weapon that deals the same general category of damage (energy or kinetic) with a +5 bonus. If your attack roll is higher than the attack roll that hit you, you deflect the attack with your weapon, and it misses. This doesn't work against area attacks, even against area attacks that have attack rolls like blast weapons, and you can't use this reaction if you aren't capable of making an attack with an appropriate weapon. +Diehard CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You are especially hard to kill. Your wounds quickly stabilize when you're grievously wounded. SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:When you are dying, you can spend the required Resolve Points to stabilize and 1 Resolve Point to stay in the fight (regaining 1 Hit Point) in the same round.&nl;Normal: You must use Resolve Points to stabilize and to stay in the fight in separate rounds. +Dive for Cover CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRECHECKBASE:1,Reflex=2 DESC:You know how to dive out of the area of an effect. SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:When you attempt a Reflex save against an area attack or area effect, you can fall prone in an adjacent square and roll that Reflex save twice (taking the better result of the two). If you were in a threatened space, this movement provokes attacks of opportunity normally. +Diversion CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You can draw attention to yourself, allowing your allies to slip away. SOURCEPAGE:p.156 BENEFIT:When you successfully use Bluff to create a distraction, you can allow an ally to attempt a Stealth check to hide (instead of attempting to hide yourself). You can attempt to allow multiple allies to use Stealth to hide, but you take a -5 penalty to your Bluff check for every ally after the first, and on a failed check no ally can attempt to hide.&nl;Normal: Using Bluff to create a distraction allows only you to attempt a Stealth check to hide. +Drag Down CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You are skilled at bringing your opponent down with you when you are knocked prone. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:Whenever an opponent successfully uses the trip combat maneuver against you, you can attempt to trip an adjacent opponent as a reaction. +Enhanced Resistance CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRETOTALAB:4 DESC:You have trained your body to resist a particular type of damage. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:Choose either kinetic damage or one of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. If you choose kinetic damage, you gain damage reduction equal to your base attack bonus. If you choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic, you gain energy resistance against that type of energy equal to your base attack bonus. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Enhanced Resistance Selection|1 +Extra Resolve CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=5],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,5] DESC:Your resolve is stronger than most. BONUS:VAR|Resolve|2 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:You have 2 additional Resolve Points in your pool. +Far Shot CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You remain accurate at longer ranges. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:You take only a -1 penalty per full range increment between you and your target when using a ranged weapon.&nl;Normal: You take a -2 penalty per full range increment between you and your target. ASPECT:CombatBonus|You take only a -1 penalty per full range increment between you and your target when using a ranged weapon. +Fast Talk CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:1,Bluff=5 DESC:You can baffle a foe with chatter to disguise the start of battle. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:You can distract a creature with a confusing barrage of words, causing it to be surprised at the beginning of combat. You can use this ability only on a creature you are able to converse with (it must be able to see or hear you and understand your words) prior to the beginning of combat, and you must continue to converse with it until combat begins. You can't use this ability if you are the one to instigate combat or if you are unaware at the start of combat.&nl;When the GM declares that combat has begun, but before initiative is rolled, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt a Bluff check against a single creature that this ability can affect. The DC is equal to 15 + the target's total Perception skill bonus, or 20 + 1-1/2 x the target's CR, whichever is higher. If your check is successful, the target creature is considered unaware at the start of combat, allowing other creatures (including yourself) to act in a surprise round. Once you have attempted to use this ability on a creature, whether or not you succeed, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours. +Fleet CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You are faster than most. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:While you are wearing light or no armor, your land speed increases by 10 feet. When you are encumbered, your land speed instead increases by only 5 feet. When you are overburdened, your speed is reduced to 10 feet. BONUS:VAR|Fleet_Speed_Base|10 BONUS:VAR|Fleet_Speed_Encumbered|5 BONUS:VAR|Speed_Overburdened|10|TYPE=Base BONUS:VAR|Walk|Fleet_Speed_Base|PREVARLT:ENCUMBERANCE,2,var("COUNT[EQTYPE.ARMOR.IS.HEAVY_ARMOR]"),1 BONUS:VAR|Walk|Fleet_Speed_Encumbered|PREVARGTEQ:ENCUMBERANCE,2,var("COUNT[EQTYPE.ARMOR.IS.HEAVY_ARMOR]"),1 +Fusillade CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREHANDSGTEQ:4 PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You use your numerous limbs to lay down a hail of fire. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:As a full attack when you are wielding four or more identical small arms, you can fire them all simultaneously to duplicate the effects of an automatic weapon (see page 180). You use all of the ammunition in all the small arms used, and you treat this as an attack in automatic mode. Add all the ammunition expended from all of your small arms when determining the maximum number of creatures you can hit. +Great Cleave CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Cleave PRESTAT:1,STR=13 PRETOTALAB:4 DESC:You can strike many adjacent foes with a single blow. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:If you strike a second target with the Cleave feat, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make a melee attack against each subsequent foe that is both adjacent to the last target and within your reach, as long as you hit the previous foe. You can't attack an individual foe more than once during this attack action. +Great Fortitude CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You are resistant to diseases, poisons, and other maladies. BONUS:SAVE|Fortitude|2 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saving throws. +Greater Feint CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Feint PRETOTALAB:6 DESC:You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:Whenever you successfully feint in combat, the foe gains the flat-footed condition until the end of your next turn. +Greater Spell Penetration CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Spell Penetration DESC:Your spells break through spell resistance much more easily than most. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to caster level checks to overcome a creature's spell resistance. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Penetration. +Grenade Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You know how to use grenades. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Grenades SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in grenades (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243). +Harm Undead CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Healer Connection Power ~ Healing Channel PRECLASS:1,Mystic=1 DESC:You can use your healing channel to harm undead. SOURCEPAGE:p.157 BENEFIT:When you use your healing channel, you can expend a mystic spell slot of the highest level you can cast to also deal damage equal to the amount you heal to all undead foes in the area. The undead can attempt a Will save for half damage, at your usual connection power DC. +Heavy Armor Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Armor Prof ~ Light Armor PRESTAT:1,STR=13 DESC:You know how to use heavy armor. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Heavy Armor SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in heavy armor (see page 242). +Heavy Weapon Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms,Weapon Prof ~ Longarms] PRESTAT:1,STR=13 DESC:You know how to use heavy weapons. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Heavy Weapons SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in heavy weapons (see page 243). +Improved Combat Maneuver CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You are particularly skilled with a specific combat maneuver. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:Choose one combat maneuver (bull rush, dirty trick, disarm, grapple, reposition, sunder, or trip). You gain a +4 bonus to your attack roll to resolve that combat maneuver.&nl;Special: You can take Improved Combat Maneuver multiple times. The effects don't stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new combat maneuver. MULT:YES STACK:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Improved Combat Maneuver Selection|1 +Improved Critical CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:8 DESC:Attacks with your chosen weapon are harder to shake off. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:When you score a critical hit with a weapon, increase the DC to resist that weapon's critical effect by 2. +Improved Feint CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You can use Bluff to feint in combat as a move action. +Improved Great Fortitude CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Great Fortitude PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=5],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,5] DESC:You are more resistant to diseases, poisons, and dangers. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You can spend 1 RP to reroll a failed Fortitude save (see page 243). +Improved Initiative CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger. BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|4 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to initiative checks. +Improved Iron Will CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Iron Will PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=5],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,5] DESC:Your clarity of thought allows you to resist mental attacks. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You can spend 1 RP to reroll a failed Will save (see page 243). +Improved Lightning Reflexes CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Lightning Reflexes PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=5],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,5] DESC:You have a knack for avoiding the dangers all around you. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You can spend 1 RP to reroll a failed Reflex save (see page 243). +Improved Sidestep CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Sidestep PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mobility],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Operative Class Feature ~ TRICK ATTACK] PRESTAT:1,DEX=17 DESC:You keep your mobility when sidestepping foes' melee attacks. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:After sidestepping an opponent's missed attack using the Sidestep feat, you can still take a guarded step during your next turn, or you can move up to your full speed if you take an action to move during your next turn.&nl;Normal: If you use the Sidestep feat, you can't take a guarded step during your next turn and your movement is reduced by 5 feet during your next turn. +Improved Stand Still CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Stand Still DESC:You are particularly skilled at stopping foes in their tracks. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to your melee attack roll for Stand Still. +Improved Unarmed Strike CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You have trained to make your unarmed attacks lethal and strike with kicks, head-butts, and similar attacks. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:Your unarmed attack damage increases to 1d6 at 4th level, 2d6 at 8th level, 3d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 15th level, and 7d6 at 20th level. You threaten squares within your natural reach with your unarmed strikes even when you do not have a hand free for an unarmed strike. If you are immobilized, entangled, or unable to use both legs (or whatever appendages you have in place of legs, where appropriate), you lose the ability to make unarmed strikes without your hands. When making an unarmed strike without your hands, you can't use such attacks for combat maneuvers or similar abilities-only to deal damage.&nl;Normal: You don't threaten any squares with unarmed attacks, and you must have a hand free to make an unarmed attack. ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Improved Unarmed Strike Tracker +In Harm's Way CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Bodyguard DESC:You put yourself in danger's path to save your allies. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:When an attack hits an ally whose Armor Class you have increased with the Bodyguard feat, you can intercept the attack. You take all damage and associated effects from that attack, and once you intercept the attack, no other ability can redirect it. This ability takes no action, but you can intercept only one attack in this way each round. +Iron Will CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You are more resistant to mental effects. BONUS:SAVE|Will|2 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Will saving throws. +Jet Dash CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You are swift of foot and can make enormous leaps. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:When running, you move six times your land speed. Whenever you jump, double the height and distance you can jump. While running, you don't gain the flat-footed condition.&nl;Normal: You move four times your land speed and gain the flat-footed condition while running. +Kip Up CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=1 DESC:You can stand up from prone in a hurry. SOURCEPAGE:p.158 BENEFIT:You can stand from prone as a swift action, rather than a move action. +Light Armor Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You know how to use light armor. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor SOURCEPAGE:p.159 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in light armor (see Armor Proficiency on page 242). +Lightning Reflexes CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You have faster reflexes than normal. BONUS:SAVE|Reflex|2 SOURCEPAGE:p.159 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to Reflex saving throws. +Longarm Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PREWEAPONPROF:1,TYPE.Small Arms],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms] DESC:You know how to use longarms. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Longarms SOURCEPAGE:p.159 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in longarms (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243). +Lunge CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:6 DESC:You can strike foes that would normally be out of reach. SOURCEPAGE:p.159 BENEFIT:You can increase the reach of your melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn by taking a -2 penalty to your Armor Class until the beginning of your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before making any attacks in the round. +Major Psychic Power CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Minor Psychic Power,Psychic Power PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=7],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,7] PRESTAT:1,CHA=15 DESC:You have a significant natural psychic ability. SOURCEPAGE:p.159 BENEFIT:Select one of the following 2nd-level spells: augury or status. You can cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability, using your character level as your caster level. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Major Psychic Power Selection|1 +Master Crafter CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:1,Computers=5,Engineering=5,Life Science=5,Mysticism=5,Physical Science=5,TYPE.Profession=5 DEFINE:MasterCrafterRanks|0 DESC:You can construct things more quickly than most. STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|SKILL|RANKS=5|Computers|Engineering|Life Science|Mysticism|Physical Science|TYPE=Profession BONUS:VAR|MasterCraftsmanRanks|var("SKILLRANK=%LIST") SOURCEPAGE:p.159 BENEFIT:Choose one skill that allows you to craft items in which you have the required number of ranks. When you craft items using that skill, it takes half the normal time.&nl;Special: You can take Master Crafter multiple times. Each time you do, it applies to a different skill that meets the prerequisite number of ranks. +Medical Expert CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:3,Life Science=1,Medicine=1,Physical Science=1 DESC:You are an expert at medical science and caring for the ill. SOURCEPAGE:p.159 BENEFIT:You can use the Medicine skill in conjunction with a medpatch or sprayflesh to treat deadly wounds as a full action. If you have an ability that enables you to treat deadly wounds more often but with a longer time frame (such as the envoy's surgeon expertise talent), you cannot use this feat to use that ability more quickly. When used in this way, the medpatch or sprayflesh does not perform any of its normal functions. You can also use the Medicine skill to provide long-term care with just a medkit.&nl;Normal: It takes 1 minute to treat deadly wounds, and long-term care requires a medical bay or medical lab. +Minor Psychic Power CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESTAT:1,CHA=11 DESC:You have a minor natural psychic ability. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:Select one of the following 0-level spells: dancing lights, psychokinetic hand, telekinetic projectile, or telepathic message. You can cast this spell three times per day as a spell-like ability, using your character level as your caster level.&nl;Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each time you do, you must choose a different spell from the list. MULT:YES STACK:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Minor Psychic Power Selection|1 +Mobility CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 DESC:You can easily move past dangerous foes. ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Aspect Combat Bonus ~ Mobility SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus to your Armor Class against attacks of opportunity that you provoke by leaving a threatened square. +Multi-Weapon Fighting CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You know how to fight with several lighter weapons at once and how to take advantage of your multiple attacks. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:When you make a full attack with two or more small arms or with two or more operative melee weapons (see page 184), reduce the penalty for making a full attack by 1. +Mystic Strike CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESPELLTYPE:1,Spell=0 DESC:Your magical power flows into your weapons. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:Your melee and ranged attacks count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction and other situations, such as attacking incorporeal creatures. +Nimble Moves CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESTAT:1,DEX=15 DESC:You can move across a single obstacle with ease. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:You can move through up to 20 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. This feat allows you to take a guarded step into difficult terrain. +Opening Volley CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:Your ranged assault leaves your foe disoriented and vulnerable to your next melee attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:Whenever you deal damage to an opponent with a ranged attack on your first turn in a combat, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your next melee attack roll against that opponent. This melee attack must occur before the end of your next turn. +Parting Shot CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mobility,Shot on the Run PRESTAT:1,DEX=15 PRETOTALAB:6 DESC:You are an expert skirmisher and are able to take a final shot as you retreat. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:When using the withdraw action, you can make a single ranged attack at any point during your movement. If you have the trick attack class feature and are using an appropriate weapon, you can add your trick attack damage to the attack you make while withdrawing. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until the next time you regain Stamina Points with a 10-minute rest.&nl;Normal: You can't attack when using the withdraw action. +Penetrating Attack CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:12 DESC:You know how to angle your attacks so that you penetrate your opponent's defenses. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:Reduce your target's energy resistances and damage reduction by 5 against your weapon attacks. +Penetrating Spell CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESPELLTYPE:1,Spell=4 DESC:You know how to cast spells so that they penetrate your opponent's defenses. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:Reduce your target's energy resistances and damage reduction by 5 against your spell damage. +Powered Armored Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:2,[PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Armor Prof ~ Light Armor],[PREPROFWITHARMOR:1,TYPE.Light_Armor],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Light Armor Proficiency]],[PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Armor Prof ~ Heavy Armor],[PREPROFWITHARMOR:1,TYPE.Heavy_Armor],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Heavy Armor Proficiency]] PRESTAT:1,STR=13 PRETOTALAB:5 DESC:You know how to use powered armor. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Powered Armor SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in powered armor (see Armor Proficiency on page 242). +Psychic Power CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Minor Psychic Power PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=4],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,4] PRESTAT:1,CHA=13 DESC:You have a natural psychic ability. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:Select one of the following 1st-level spells: comprehend languages, detect thoughts, or mind link. You can cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability, using your character level as your caster level.&nl;Special: You can select this feat more than once. Each time you do, you must choose a different spell from the list. MULT:YES STACK:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Psychic Power Selection|1 +Pull the Pin CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Combat Maneuver (disarm) DESC:You can activate a foe's grenade. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:When you make a successful disarm combat maneuver against a foe that you know has grenades, rather than disarming the foe of a weapon, you can activate one grenade in the foe's possession. You can activate only a grenade that is ready to be drawn and thrown (not, for example, a grenade stowed away within an equipment pack). The grenade explodes at the end of your current turn, unless it has a delayed fuse that causes it to go off 1 round or more after it is activated.&nl;The foe takes a -2 penalty to the saving throw against this grenade, and the grenade's explosion has half its normal area. +Quick Draw CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You can draw weapons faster than most. SOURCEPAGE:p.160 BENEFIT:You can draw a weapon as a swift action. Additionally, when making an attack using a thrown weapon as an attack or full attack action, you can draw a weapon as part of the action of making a thrown attack with it. You can draw a hidden weapon (see Sleight of Hand on page 146) as a move action.&nl;Normal: You can draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as part of a move action, and you can draw a hidden weapon as a standard action. +Reflect Projectiles CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Deflect Projectiles PRETOTALAB:16 DESC:You can use your melee weapon to redirect attacks. SOURCEPAGE:p.161 BENEFIT:When you successfully deflect an attack with the Deflect Projectiles feat, you can spend 1 additional Resolve Point to redirect the attack at a target within 60 feet to which you have line of effect. Make a ranged attack at a -4 penalty against the appropriate Armor Class of the new target. If your attack succeeds, the target is damaged as if it had been the target of the original attack. +Shot on the Run CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mobility PRESTAT:1,DEX=15 PRETOTALAB:4 DESC:You can move, fire a ranged weapon, and move again before your foes can react. SOURCEPAGE:p.161 BENEFIT:As a full action, you can move up to your speed and make a single ranged attack at any point during your movement. If you have the trick attack class feature, you can take your movement from trick attack at any time during a trick attack (see page 93) with a ranged weapon (instead of only before).&nl;Normal: You can move only before or after an attack with a ranged weapon, not both. +Sidestep CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mobility],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,Operative Class Feature ~ TRICK ATTACK] PRESTAT:1,DEX=15 DESC:You can reposition yourself after a foe's missed swing. SOURCEPAGE:p.161 BENEFIT:Whenever an opponent misses you with a melee attack, you can take a guarded step as a reaction, as long as you remain within that opponent's threatened area. If you take this step, you can't take a guarded step during your next turn. If you take an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 feet from your total movement. +Skill Focus CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General.SkillFocus DESC:You are particularly adept at a certain skill. STACK:NO MULT:YES CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Base SOURCEPAGE:p.161 BENEFIT:You gain a +3 insight bonus to checks involving the chosen skill.&nl;Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects don't stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new skill. +Skill Synergy CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You understand how two skills work well together. SOURCEPAGE:p.161 BENEFIT:Choose two skills. These skills become class skills for you. If one or both were already class skills, you gain a +2 insight bonus to those skill checks instead.&nl;Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects don't stack. Each time you take it, it applies to two different skills. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Skill Synergy|2 CHOOSE:NOCHOICE MULT:YES STACK:YES +Sky Jockey CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:1,Piloting=5 DESC:You can get the most out of flying technology. SOURCEPAGE:p.161 BENEFIT:When you're using a device to fly (including magic items, but not spells or natural flight), your fly speed increases by 10 feet. If you are operating a flying vehicle, its fly speed increases by 10 (though this has no impact on its full speed or overland movement speed). When you are in the pilot role of starship combat, your starship's speed increases by 1. +Slippery Shooter CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESTAT:1,DEX=15 PRETOTALAB:6 DESC:You leave fewer openings when making a ranged attack. SOURCEPAGE:p.161 BENEFIT:You gain a +3 bonus to your Armor Class against attacks of opportunity you provoke by making a ranged attack. +Small Arm Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You know how to use small arms. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in small arms (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243). +Sniper Weapon Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You know how to use sniper weapons. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in sniper weapons (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243). +Special Weapon Proficiency CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms] DESC:You know how to use a special weapon. ABILITY:Proficiency|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Special Weapons SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:You gain proficiency in a single special weapon of your choice (see Weapon Proficiency on page 243). If the special weapon you choose is a melee special weapon, you must have proficiency in basic melee weapons. If the special weapon you choose is a ranged weapon, you must have proficiency in small arms. If a set of special weapons are all different models of the same weapon, proficiency in one such weapon grants proficiency with all weapons in the set.&nl;Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, select a different special weapon. +Spell Focus CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=3],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,3] PRESPELLTYPE:1,Spell=0 DEFINE:SpellFocusBonus|0 DESC:Through careful study, you have developed methods to make your spells harder to resist. BONUS:DC|ALLSPELLS|SpellFocusBonus BONUS:VAR|SpellFocusBonus|1+(CL>=11)+(CL>=17) SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:The DC of spells you cast increases by 1. At 11th level, the DC of your spells instead increases by 2, and at 17th level, the DC of spells you cast instead increases by 3. This bonus does not apply to spell-like abilities. +Spell Penetration CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:Your spells break through spell resistance more easily than those of other spellcasters. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus to caster level checks to overcome a creature's spell resistance (see page 265). +Spellbane CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREMULT:2,[!PRESPELLTYPE:1,Spell=0],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Class Feature,TYPE=SpellLike] DESC:Your mind and body are fortified against magic. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 insight bonus to saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. If you ever gain the ability to cast spells or use spell-like abilities, you lose the benefits of this feat and can replace it with Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, or Iron Will, or the improved version of one of those feats if you meet its prerequisites. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 insight bonus to saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. +Spring Attack CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Mobility PRESTAT:1,DEX=15 PRETOTALAB:4 DESC:You can deftly move up to a foe, strike, and withdraw before it can react. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:As a full action, you can move up to your speed and make a single melee attack or combat maneuver without provoking any attacks of opportunity from the target of your attack. You can move both before and after the attack, but you must move at least 10 feet before the attack, and the total distance that you move cannot be greater than your speed. You cannot use this ability to attack a foe that is adjacent to you at the start of your turn. If you have the trick attack class feature, you can take your movement from trick attack at any time during a trick attack with a melee weapon (instead of only before), without provoking any attacks of opportunity from the target of your attack.&nl;Normal: You can move only before or after an attack, not both. +Spry Cover CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You can use covering fire to make it easier for your ally to move. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:Instead of the usual benefits of covering fire, you can use covering fire to grant an ally a +4 bonus to her next Acrobatics check to tumble before the end of your next turn. +Stand Still CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat DESC:You can stop foes that try to move past you. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:When a foe provokes an attack of opportunity by leaving a square you threaten, you can attempt a melee attack as a reaction against that foe's Kinetic Armor Class + 8. If you're successful, the enemy cannot take any further movement for the rest of its turn. The enemy can still take the rest of its actions, but cannot leave that square. +Step Up CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You can close the distance when a foe tries to move away. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:Whenever an adjacent foe attempts to take a guarded step away from you, you can also take a guarded step as a reaction as long as you end up adjacent to the foe that triggered this ability. +Step Up and Strike CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Step Up PRESTAT:1,DEX=13 PRETOTALAB:6 DESC:When a foe tries to move away, you can follow and make an attack of opportunity. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:When using the Step Up feat to follow an adjacent foe, you can move up to 10 feet. You can also either make an attack of opportunity against the foe, or wait to see if the foe provokes another attack of opportunity at any point before the end of its turn. Either way, this attack of opportunity does not count toward the number of actions you can usually take each round; it is part of the Step Up reaction. +Strike Back CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You can strike at foes that attack you using their superior reach by targeting their limbs or weapons as they come at you. SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:You can ready an action to make a melee attack against a foe that attacks you with a melee weapon, even if that foe isn't within your reach. +Suppressive Fire CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PREWEAPONPROF:1,TYPE.Heavy Weapons],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Heavy Weapons] PRETOTALAB:1 DESC:You can use automatic weapons to create a cone of covering fire or harrying fire. SOURCEPAGE:p.162 BENEFIT:As a full action, you can use a ranged weapon with the automatic weapon property to provide covering fire or harrying fire in a cone with a range equal to half the weapon's range increment. You must expend 10 charges or rounds of ammunition to use this ability. Decide if you are providing covering fire or harrying fire. Make a single ranged attack roll with a +4 bonus, and compare it to the AC of all creatures in the area. Any creature with an AC equal to or less than your attack roll is affected by the selected effect. If you select covering fire, choose a single ally that gains the benefit of the covering fire bonus to its AC. +Swimming Master CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:1,Athletics=5 DESC:You can swim as well as a fish. MOVECLONE:Walk,Swim,*1 SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed. +Technomantic Dabbler CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General !PRECLASS:1,Technomancer PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=5],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,5] PRESTAT:1,INT=15 DESC:You dabble with coding in the language of magic. SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:Choose two 0-level technomancer spells and one 1st-level technomancer spell. You can cast the 0-level spells at will and the 1st-level spell once per day for every 3 character levels you have. Your caster level is equal to your character level, and the key ability score for these spells is Intelligence. If you later gain levels in technomancer, you lose the benefits of this feat and can replace it with either Spell Focus or Spell Penetration. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Technomantic Dabbler 0-Level Selection|2 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Technomantic Dabbler 1st Level Selection|1 +Toughness CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You have enhanced physical resilience, and harsh conditions or long exertions don't easily tire you. SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:For every character level you have (and whenever you gain a new level), you gain 1 Stamina Point. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus to Constitution checks to continue running, to avoid damage from a forced march, to hold your breath, and to avoid damage from starvation or thirst. You also gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking damage from hot or cold environments, to withstand the harmful effects of thick and thin atmospheres, to avoid choking when breathing in heavy smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused by sleep deprivation. BONUS:HP|ALTHP|TL ASPECT:SaveBonus|+4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws to avoid taking damage from hot or cold environments, to withstand the harmful effects of thick and thin atmospheres, to avoid choking when breathing in heavy smoke, and to avoid fatigue caused by sleep deprivation. +Unfriendly Fire CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESKILL:1,Bluff=5 DESC:You can trick foes into firing at an unintended target. SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:As a reaction when an attacker makes a ranged attack against you and misses, you can attempt a Bluff check to redirect the attack toward a different target. The new target must be adjacent to you and within line of sight and line of effect of the original attacker. The DC for this check is equal to either 10 + the attacker's total Sense Motive skill bonus, or 15 + 1-1/2 x the attacker's CR, whichever is greater. You can't take 10 on this check. If you succeed, the original attacker rerolls the attack roll (see page 243) with the same bonuses against the appropriate Armor Class of the new target.&nl;Once a creature has observed you use this feat, even if that creature is neither the attacker nor the new target, you can't use this feat to attempt to redirect attacks from that creature for 24 hours. +Veiled Threat CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PRESKILL:1,Intimidate=1 PRESTAT:1,CHA=15 DESC:You can be so subtle not even the people you threaten are entirely sure you threatened them. SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:When you successfully use the Intimidate skill to bully a creature, after the duration of its helpful attitude ends, its attitude toward you becomes indifferent rather than hostile. +Versatile Focus CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon Focus],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,TYPE.Weapon Focus] DESC:Your accuracy applies to all weapons with which you are proficient. SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:The benefits of Weapon Focus extend to all weapons with which you are proficient. ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Focus ~ Basic Melee Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Focus ~ Grenades|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Grenades ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Focus ~ Small Arms|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Focus ~ Sniper Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Focus ~ Advanced Melee Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Focus ~ Longarms|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Longarms ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Focus ~ Heavy Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Heavy Weapons +Versatile Specialization CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon Specialization],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,TYPE.Weapon Specialization] PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=3],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,3] DESC:You know how to get full value out of weapon types your class doesn't normally use. SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:You gain specialization (see page 243) in all weapons with which you are proficient that can be selected with Weapon Specialization. ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Small Arms|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Sniper Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Advanced Melee Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Longarms|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Longarms ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Heavy Weapons|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Proficiency,Weapon Prof ~ Heavy Weapons +Weapon Focus CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat.WeaponFocus DEFINE:WeaponFocusToHit|0 DESC:You have increased training in a particular weapon type, making it easier to hit your target. MULT:YES CHOOSE:ABILITYSELECTION|Proficiency|!PC[TYPE=Weapon Focus] ABILITY:Weapon Focus Selection|AUTOMATIC|%LIST SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:Choose one weapon type (small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, etc.). You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with that weapon type. If your base attack bonus is at least 3 lower than your character level (or your mechanic's class level, if you are a drone), you gain a +2 bonus instead. +Weapon Specialization CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREMULT:1,[PRELEVEL:MIN=3],[PREVARGTEQ:EffectiveLVL,3] DEFINE:WeaponSpecializationBonusDamage|0 DEFINE:WeaponSpecializationLVL|0 DESC:You know how to get the full damage out of a weapon type your class doesn't normally use. BONUS:VAR|WeaponSpecializationBonusDamage|WeaponSpecializationLVL BONUS:VAR|WeaponSpecializationBonusDamage|CL/2 SOURCEPAGE:p.163 BENEFIT:Choose one weapon type (small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, etc.). You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades. CHOOSE:ABILITYSELECTION|Proficiency|!PC[TYPE=Weapon Specialization] MULT:YES STACK:NO ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|%LIST diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_kits.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_kits.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efdae9014 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_kits.lst @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + +STARTPACK:Drone ~ Combat VISIBLE:NO +STAT:STR=14|DEX=12|INT=6|WIS=10|CHA=6 + +STARTPACK:Drone ~ Hover VISIBLE:NO +STAT:STR=6|DEX=16|INT=6|WIS=8|CHA=6 + +STARTPACK:Drone ~ Stealth VISIBLE:NO +STAT:STR=12|DEX=14|INT=6|WIS=10|CHA=6 + + +STARTPACK:Playable Race Defaults VISIBLE:NO +# Start with 1,000 Credits +FUNDS:cr QTY:1000 +# Anything should be added here that ALL playable races get + +STARTPACK:Solarian Weapon VISIBLE:NO +GEAR:Solarian Weapon LOCATION:Primary Hand SIZE:PC + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_languages.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_languages.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dad38fb04 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_languages.lst @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +Common TYPE:Default DESC:Everyone + +Akitonian TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(inhabitants of Akiton) +Aklo TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(inhabitants of Aucturn, Dominion of the Black) +Brethedan TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(inhabitants of Bretheda, Liavara, and their moons) +Castrovelian TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:also called Lashunta (lashuntas, inhabitants of Castrovel) +Eoxian TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(inhabitants of Eox) +Kasatha TYPE:Spoken DESC:(kasathas) +Shirren TYPE:Spoken DESC:(shirrens) +Triaxian TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(inhabitants of Triaxus) +Vercite TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(inhabitants of Verces) +Vesk TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(vesk, inhabitants of the Veskarium) +Ysoki TYPE:Spoken DESC:(ysoki) +Lashunta TYPE:Spoken DESC:(lashunta) + + +Abyssal TYPE:Spoken DESC:(demons, chaotic evil outsiders, inhabitants of the Abyss) +Aquan TYPE:Spoken DESC:(inhabitants of the Plane of Water) +Arkanen TYPE:Spoken DESC:(inhabitants of Arkanen and Osoro) +Auran TYPE:Spoken DESC:(inhabitants of the Plane of Air) +Azlanti TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(Azlanti, inhabitants of the Azlanti Star Empire) +Celestial TYPE:Spoken DESC:(angels, good outsiders, inhabitants of the goodaligned planes) +Draconic TYPE:Spoken DESC:(dragons, reptilian humanoids, Triaxian dragonkin) +Drow TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(drow, many residents of Apostae) +Dwarven TYPE:Spoken DESC:(dwarves) +Elven TYPE:Spoken DESC:(drow, elves, half-elves) +Gnome TYPE:Spoken DESC:(gnomes) +Goblin TYPE:Spoken DESC:(bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins) +Halfling TYPE:Spoken DESC:(halflings) +Ignan TYPE:Spoken DESC:(inhabitants of the Plane of Fire) +Infernal TYPE:Spoken DESC:(devils, lawful evil outsiders, inhabitants of Hell) +Kalo TYPE:Spoken.World DESC:(kalo, inhabitants of Kalo-Mahoi) +Nchaki TYPE:Spoken DESC:(inhabitants of Nchak) +Orc TYPE:Spoken DESC:(orcs, half-orcs) +Sarcesian TYPE:Spoken DESC:(sarcesians) +Shobhad TYPE:Spoken DESC:(shobhads) +Terran TYPE:Spoken DESC:(inhabitants of the Plane of Earth) + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_armor.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_armor.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48de03400 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_armor.lst @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ + +Light_Armor +Heavy_Armor +Powered_Armor + +Estex Suit I +Second Skin +Stationwear (Flight Suit) +Freebooter Armor I +Kasantha Microcord I +Carbon skin (graphite) +Stationwear (casual) +Defrex hide +Lashunta tempweave (basic) +D-suit I +Estex suit II +Stationwear (business) +Freebooter armor II +Kasatha microcord II +Statiowear (elite) +Ysoki refactor suit +AbadarCorp travel suit (silver) +D-suit II +Estex suit III +Kasatha microcord III +Lashunta tempweave (advanced) +AbadarCorp travel suit (gold) +D-suit III +Carbon skin (white carbon) +Freebooter armor III +Kasatha microcord IV +AbadarCorp travel suit (platinum) +Hardlight series (squad) +D-suit IV +Estex suit IV +Echelon fashion (ready to wear) +Freebooter armor IV +Carbon skin (diamond) +Hardlight series (elite) +Swarmsuit +Shotalashu armor +D-suit V +Echelon fashion (bespoke) +Freebooter armor V +D-suit VI +Carbon skin (nanotube) +Hardlight series (specialist) + +Ceremonial Plate (Troop) +Golemforged Plating I +Lashunta Ringwear I +Hidden Soldier Armor +Iridishell (Basic) +Thinplate +Defiance Series (Squad) +Golemforged Plating II +Ceremonial Plate (Officer) +Lashunta Ringwear II +Vesk Overplate +Ceremonial Plate (Commander) +Defiance Series (Elite) +Golemforged Plating III +Lashunta Ringwear III +Vesk Overplat II +Ididishell (Advanced) +Skyfire Armor (Pinion) +Defiance Series (Specialist) +Golemfored Plating IV +Lashunta Ringwear IV +Vesk Overplate III +Aegis Series (Squad) +Iridishell (Superior) +Vesk Monolith I +Skyfire Armor (Exident) +Golemforged Plating V +Vesk Overplate IV +Engine Runner +Lashunta Ringwear V +Steelbones +Vesk Monolith II +Aegis Series (Elite) +Vesk Overplate V +Vitrium Plate +Voidshield Armor +Aegis Series (Specialist) +Vesk Monolith + +Battle harness +Cargo lifter +Flight frame +Jarlslayer +Spider harness diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_shield.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_shield.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0085d8d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_shield.lst @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + +None \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_weapon.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_weapon.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22a2c56c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_profs_weapon.lst @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +Unarmed TYPE:Unarmed +Solarian Weapon TYPE:Solarian Weapon + +###Block:BASIC MELEE WEAPONS +Unarmed strike TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Club TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Baton (tactical) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (cestus) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Knife (survival) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (tactical) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Knife (tactical) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (buzzblade) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Incapacitator TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (power) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (ultrathin) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dagger (ultrathin) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (nova) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dagger (zero-edge) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (ripper) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Peacemaker TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Battleglove (gravity) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dagger (molecular rift) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Dueling sword (molecular rift) TYPE:S.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Baton (advanced) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +# Two-Handed Weapons +Spear (tactical) TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Staff (battle) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Staff (carbon) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (sentinel) TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (buzzblade) TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (zero-edge) TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Staff (hardlight) TYPE:B.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +Spear (gravity) TYPE:P.Weapon.Melee.Weapon Group ~ Basic Melee Weapons.Basic Melee.Uncategorized +###Block:ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +# One-Handed Weapons +Skyfire sword (tactical) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Skyfire sword (inferno) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (tactical) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (red star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (yellow star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (white star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma sword (blue star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (static) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (aurora) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (storm) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Shock truncheon (tempest) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (thunderstrike) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (LFD) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (HFD) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pulse gauntlet (banshee) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (assault) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (tactical) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Taclash (standard) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Injection (glove) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Fangblade TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (sintered) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (sintered) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (microserrated) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (comet) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (ultrathin) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Taclash (numbing) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (accelerated) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Grindblade TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (zero-edge) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Monowhip TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (meteoric) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (lightspeed) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (molecular rift) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (ultraserrated) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Hammer (gravity well) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Starknife (dimensional slice) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Longsword (dimensional slice) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Cryopike (tactical) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Cryopike (advanced) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (ember) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (blaze) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (inferno) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Flame doshko (solar flare) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (red star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (yellow star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (white star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Plasma doshko (blue star) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (tactical) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pike (tactical) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (carbon steel) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (tactical) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Devastation blade (wrack) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (advanced) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Staff (sentinel) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pike (advanced) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (advanced) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (ultrathin) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (ultrathin) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Devastation blade (ruin) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Staff (repeller) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (mach I) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (zero-edge) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Pike (elite) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (buzzblade) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (molecular rift) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (mach II) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Devastation blade (apocalypse) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Doshko (dimensional blade) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Curve blade (dimensional slice) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +Swoop hammer (mach III) TYPE:ADVANCED MELEE.ADVANCED MELEE WEAPONS +# SMALL ARMS +Zero pistol (frostbite-class) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Zero pistol (hailstorm-class) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Zero pistol (blizzard-class) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Zero pistol (avalanche-class) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Flare gun (survival) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Flame pistol TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (azimuth) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (corona) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (aphelion) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (perihelion) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (parallax) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Laser pistol (zenith) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (red star) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (yellow star) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (white star) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Plasma pistol (blue star) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (tactical) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (advanced) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (elite) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Semi-auto pistol (paragon) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Gyrojet pistol (tactical) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Gyrojet pistol (advanced) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Gyrojet pistol (elite) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Pulsecaster (pistol) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Arc pistol (static) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Arc pistol (aurora) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Arc pistol (storm) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (thunderstrike) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (LFD) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (HFD) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Sonic pistol (banshee) TYPE:SMALL ARMS +Needler pistol TYPE:SMALL ARMS + +Zero rifle (frostbite-class) TYPE:LONGARMS +Zero rifle (hailstorm-class) TYPE:LONGARMS +Zero rifle (blizzard-class) TYPE:LONGARMS +Zero rifle (avalanche-class) TYPE:LONGARMS +Flame rifle TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (azimuth) TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (corona) TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (aphelion) TYPE:LONGARMS +Autobeam rifle (tactical) TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (perihelion) TYPE:LONGARMS +Autobeam rifle (advanced) TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (parallax) TYPE:LONGARMS +Autobeam rifle (elite) TYPE:LONGARMS +Laser rifle (zenith) TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (red star) TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (yellow star) TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma caster (white star) TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (white star) TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma caster (blue star) TYPE:LONGARMS +Plasma rifle (blue star) TYPE:LONGARMS +Hunting rifle TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (utility) TYPE:LONGARMS +Acid dart rifle (tactical) TYPE:LONGARMS +Autotarget rifle TYPE:LONGARMS +Crossbolter (tactical) TYPE:LONGARMS +Acid dart rifle (dual) TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (tactical) TYPE:LONGARMS +Crossbolter (dual) TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (snub) TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (tactical) TYPE:LONGARMS +Combat rifle TYPE:LONGARMS +Acid dart rifle (complex) TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (impact) TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (tactical) TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (advanced) TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (advanced) TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (advanced) TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (vortex) TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (elite) TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (elite) TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (elite) TYPE:LONGARMS +Scattergun (grapeshot) TYPE:LONGARMS +Magnetar rifle (paragon) TYPE:LONGARMS +Gyrojet rifle (paragon) TYPE:LONGARMS +Seeker rifle (paragon) TYPE:LONGARMS +Pulsecaster rifle TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc emitter (tactical) TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (static) TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc emitter (advanced) TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (aurora) TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (storm) TYPE:LONGARMS +Arc rifle (tempest) TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (thunderstrike) TYPE:LONGARMS +Streetsweeper (thunderstrike) TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (LFD) TYPE:LONGARMS +Streetsweeper (LFD) TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (HFD) TYPE:LONGARMS +Streetsweeper (HFD) TYPE:LONGARMS +Sonic rifle (banshee) TYPE:LONGARMS +Needler rifle TYPE:LONGARMS + +Zero cannon (tactical) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Zero cannon (advanced) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Zero cannon (elite) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (ifrit-class) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (salamander-class) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (hellhound-class) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (firedrake-class) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Flamethrower (phoenix-class) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (azimuth) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (corona) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (aphelion) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Autobeam artillery (tactical) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (perihelion) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Autobeam artillery (advanced) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (parallax) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Autobeam artillery (elite) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Artillery laser (zenith) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (red star) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (yellow star) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (white star) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Plasma cannon (blue star) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (light) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (squad) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (tactical) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (tactical) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (light) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (advanced) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (heavy) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Stellar cannon (light) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Crossbolter (advanced) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (medium) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (elite) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Crossbolter (elite) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (advanced) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Stellar cannon (heavy) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Machine gun (heavy) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (elite) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Crossbolter (paragon) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Reaction cannon (paragon) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +X-gen gun (paragon) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (static) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (aurora) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (storm) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Shock caster (tempest) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Screamer (thunderstrike) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Screamer (LFD) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +Screamer (HFD) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +NIL grenade launcher (merc) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +NIL grenade launcher (squad) TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS +IMDS missile launcher TYPE:HEAVY WEAPONS + +Shirren-eye rifle (tactical) TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (advanced) TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (elite) TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (paragon) TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS +Shirren-eye rifle (warpshot) TYPE:P.SNIPER WEAPONS + +Grenades TYPE:Grenades + +Carbonedge shuriken TYPE:Special Weapons +Nyfiber net TYPE:Special Weapons +Bow TYPE:Special Weapons diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_races.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_races.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf038e960 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_races.lst @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +Android SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.42 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Android MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|DEX,INT|2 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Android KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Human SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.44 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Human MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Human XTRASKILLPTSPERLVL:SkillPointBonus KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Kasatha SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.46 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Kasatha MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:4 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|STR|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-2 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Kasatha KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Kasatha LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Lashunta SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.48 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Lashunta MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|CHA|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Lashunta KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Lashunta LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Shirren SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.50 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Shirren MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Shirren KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Shirren LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Vesk SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.52 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Vesk MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|STR|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|-2 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Vesk KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Vesk LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Ysoki SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:S SOURCEPAGE:p.54 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Ysoki MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Ysoki KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Ysoki LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +# Pathfinder Legacy +Dwarf SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.506 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Dwarf MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|20 BONUS:VAR|Walk|20 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|CON|2 BONUS:STAT|CHA|-2 BONUS:STAT|WIS|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Dwarf KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Dwarven LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Elf SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.507 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Elf MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|CON|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Elf KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Elven LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Gnome SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:S SOURCEPAGE:p.508 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Gnome MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|CON|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 BONUS:STAT|INT|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Gnome KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Gnome LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Half-Elf SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.509 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Elf|Human MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Half-Elf KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Half-Orc SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.510 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Orc|Human MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Half-Orc KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken +Halfling SORTKEY:A_PlayableRace SIZE:S SOURCEPAGE:p.511 RACETYPE:Humanoid TYPE:Humanoid RACESUBTYPE:Halfling MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk MODIFYOTHER:MOVEMENT|Walk|Speed|SET|30 BONUS:VAR|Walk|30 LEGS:2 HANDS:2 STARTFEATS:1 BONUS:STAT|STR|-2 BONUS:STAT|DEX|2 BONUS:STAT|CHA|2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Halfling KIT:1|Playable Race Defaults AUTO:LANG|Common|Halfling LANGBONUS:TYPE=Spoken + +# +Drone SORTKEY:Z_Companion SOURCEPAGE:p.74 RACETYPE:Construct TYPE:Construct RACESUBTYPE:Drone|Technological MOVE:Walk,0 GRANT:MOVEMENT|Walk LEGS:2 HANDS:2 ABILITY:Race|AUTOMATIC|Drone MONSTERCLASS:Drone:1 diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_skills.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_skills.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..314617c6a --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_skills.lst @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:SCR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 +# Original Entry by: Gwen T + +Acrobatics USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Dexterity.ACHECK VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Acrobatics"),SkillCap_Acrobatics SOURCEPAGE:p.135 BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Acrobatics|PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=1 +Athletics USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:STR ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Strength.ACHECK VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Athletics"),SkillCap_Athletics SOURCEPAGE:p.136 BONUS:SKILL|Athletics|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Athletics|PRESKILL:1,Athletics=1 +Bluff USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Bluff"),SkillCap_Bluff SOURCEPAGE:p.137 BONUS:SKILL|Bluff|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Bluff|PRESKILL:1,Bluff=1 +Computers USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Computers"),SkillCap_Computers SOURCEPAGE:p.137 BONUS:SKILL|Computers|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Computers|PRESKILL:1,Computers=1 +Culture USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Culture"),SkillCap_Culture SOURCEPAGE:p.139 BONUS:SKILL|Culture|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Culture|PRESKILL:1,Culture=1 +Diplomacy USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Diplomacy"),SkillCap_Diplomacy SOURCEPAGE:p.139 BONUS:SKILL|Diplomacy|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Diplomacy|PRESKILL:1,Diplomacy=1 +Disguise USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Disguise"),SkillCap_Disguise SOURCEPAGE:p.140 BONUS:SKILL|Disguise|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Disguise|PRESKILL:1,Disguise=1 +Engineering USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Engineering"),SkillCap_Engineering SOURCEPAGE:p.141 BONUS:SKILL|Engineering|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Engineering|PRESKILL:1,Engineering=1 TEMPDESC:Engineering skill checks are made with a -2 circumstance penalty if improvised tools are used TEMPBONUS:PC|SKILL|Engineering|-2|TYPE=Circumstance|!PREITEM:1,TYPE=Tool Kit (Engineering Kit) +Intimidate USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Intimidate"),SkillCap_Intimidate SOURCEPAGE:p.142 BONUS:SKILL|Intimidate|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Intimidate|PRESKILL:1,Intimidate=1 +Life Science USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Life Science"),SkillCap_LifeScience SOURCEPAGE:p.142 BONUS:SKILL|Life Science|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Life Science|PRESKILL:1,Life Science=1 +Medicine USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Medicine"),SkillCap_Medicine SOURCEPAGE:p.143 BONUS:SKILL|Medicine|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Medicine|PRESKILL:1,Medicine=1 +Mysticism USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Mysticism"),SkillCap_Mysticism SOURCEPAGE:p.143 BONUS:SKILL|Mysticism|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Mysticism|PRESKILL:1,Mysticism=1 +Perception USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Perception"),SkillCap_Perception SOURCEPAGE:p.144 BONUS:SKILL|Perception|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Perception|PRESKILL:1,Perception=1 +Physical Science USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Physical Science"),SkillCap_PhysicalScience SOURCEPAGE:p.145 BONUS:SKILL|Physical Science|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Physical Science|PRESKILL:1,Physical Science=1 +Piloting USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX TYPE:Base.Dexterity VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Piloting"),SkillCap_Piloting SOURCEPAGE:p.145 BONUS:SKILL|Piloting|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Piloting|PRESKILL:1,Piloting=1 +Profession (Accountant) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Accountant)"),SkillCap_ProfessionAccountant SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Accountant)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Accountant)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Accountant)=1 +Profession (Actor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Actor)"),SkillCap_ProfessionActor SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Actor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Actor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Actor)=1 +Profession (Archaeologist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Archaeologist)"),SkillCap_ProfessionArchaeologist SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Archaeologist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Archaeologist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Archaeologist)=1 +Profession (Architect) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Architect)"),SkillCap_ProfessionArchitect SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Architect)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Architect)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Architect)=1 +Profession (Artist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Artist)"),SkillCap_ProfessionArtist SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Artist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Artist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Artist)=1 +Profession (Bounty Hunter) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Bounty Hunter)"),SkillCap_ProfessionBountyHunter SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Bounty Hunter)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Bounty Hunter)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Bounty Hunter)=1 +Profession (Comedian) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Comedian)"),SkillCap_ProfessionComedian SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Comedian)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Comedian)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Comedian)=1 +Profession (Con Artist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Con Artist)"),SkillCap_ProfessionConArtist SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Con Artist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Con Artist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Con Artist)=1 +Profession (Cook) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Cook)"),SkillCap_ProfessionCook SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Cook)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Cook)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Cook)=1 +Profession (Corporate Professional) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Corporate Professional)"),SkillCap_ProfessionCorporateProfessional SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Corporate Professional)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Corporate Professional)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Corporate Professional)=1 +Profession (Courtesan) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Courtesan)"),SkillCap_ProfessionCourtesan SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Courtesan)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Courtesan)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Courtesan)=1 +Profession (Counselor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Counselor)"),SkillCap_ProfessionCounselor SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Counselor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Counselor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Counselor)=1 +Profession (Dancer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Dancer)"),SkillCap_ProfessionDancer SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dancer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Dancer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Dancer)=1 +Profession (Dockworker) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Dockworker)"),SkillCap_ProfessionDockworker SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dockworker)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Dockworker)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Dockworker)=1 +Profession (Electrician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Electrician)"),SkillCap_ProfessionElectrician SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Electrician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Electrician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Electrician)=1 +Profession (Farmer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Farmer)"),SkillCap_ProfessionFarmer SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Farmer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Farmer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Farmer)=1 +Profession (Gambler) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Gambler)"),SkillCap_ProfessionGambler SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Gambler)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Gambler)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Gambler)=1 +Profession (General Contractor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (General Contractor)"),SkillCap_ProfessionGeneralContractor SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (General Contractor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (General Contractor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (General Contractor)=1 +Profession (Herbalist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Herbalist)"),SkillCap_ProfessionHerbalist SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Herbalist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Herbalist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Herbalist)=1 +Profession (Lab Technician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Lab Technician)"),SkillCap_ProfessionLabTechnician SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lab Technician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Lab Technician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Lab Technician)=1 +Profession (Lawyer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Lawyer)"),SkillCap_ProfessionLawyer SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lawyer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Lawyer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Lawyer)=1 +Profession (Maintenance Worker) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Maintenance Worker)"),SkillCap_ProfessionMaintenanceWorker SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Maintenance Worker)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Maintenance Worker)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Maintenance Worker)=1 +Profession (Manager) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Manager)"),SkillCap_ProfessionManager SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Manager)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Manager)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Manager)=1 +Profession (Mathematician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Mathematician)"),SkillCap_ProfessionMathematician SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mathematician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Mathematician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Mathematician)=1 +Profession (Mercenary) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Mercenary)"),SkillCap_ProfessionMercenary SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mercenary)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Mercenary)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Mercenary)=1 +Profession (Merchant) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Merchant)"),SkillCap_ProfessionMerchant SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Merchant)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Merchant)=1 +Profession (Miner) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Miner)"),SkillCap_ProfessionMiner SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Miner)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Miner)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Miner)=1 +Profession (Musician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Musician)"),SkillCap_ProfessionMusician SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Musician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Musician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Musician)=1 +Profession (Orator) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Orator)"),SkillCap_ProfessionOrator SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Orator)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Orator)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Orator)=1 +Profession (Philosopher) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Philosopher)"),SkillCap_ProfessionPhilosopher SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Philosopher)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Philosopher)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Philosopher)=1 +Profession (Poet) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Poet)"),SkillCap_ProfessionPoet SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Poet)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Poet)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Poet)=1 +Profession (Politician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Politician)"),SkillCap_ProfessionPolitician SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Politician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Politician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Politician)=1 +Profession (Professor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Professor)"),SkillCap_ProfessionProfessor SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Professor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Professor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Professor)=1 +Profession (Psychologist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Psychologist)"),SkillCap_ProfessionPsychologist SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Psychologist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Psychologist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Psychologist)=1 +Profession (Smuggler) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Smuggler)"),SkillCap_ProfessionSmuggler SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Smuggler)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Smuggler)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Smuggler)=1 +Profession (Video Personality) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Video Personality)"),SkillCap_ProfessionVideoPersonality SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Video Personality)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Video Personality)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Video Personality)=1 +Profession (Vidgamer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Vidgamer)"),SkillCap_ProfessionVidgamer SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Vidgamer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Vidgamer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Vidgamer)=1 +Profession (Writer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Profession (Writer)"),SkillCap_ProfessionWriter SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Writer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Writer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Writer)=1 +Sense Motive USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Sense Motive"),SkillCap_SenseMotive SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Sense Motive|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Sense Motive|PRESKILL:1,Sense Motive=1 +Sleight of Hand USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:DEX ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Dexterity.ACHECK VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Sleight of Hand"),SkillCap_SleightofHand SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Sleight of Hand|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Sleight of Hand|PRESKILL:1,Sleight of Hand=1 +Stealth USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Dexterity.ACHECK VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Stealth"),SkillCap_Stealth SOURCEPAGE:p.147 BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Stealth|PRESKILL:1,Stealth=1 +Survival USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom VISIBLE:DISPLAY PREVARLT:skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Survival"),SkillCap_Survival SOURCEPAGE:p.148 BONUS:SKILL|Survival|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Survival|PRESKILL:1,Survival=1 + + +###Skill Focus Support### +Acrobatics.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Acrobatics) BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Acrobatics)|PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=10 +Athletics.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Athletics|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Athletics) BONUS:SKILL|Athletics|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Athletics)|PRESKILL:1,Athletics=10 +Bluff.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Bluff|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Bluff) BONUS:SKILL|Bluff|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Bluff)|PRESKILL:1,Bluff=10 +Computers.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Computers|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Computers) BONUS:SKILL|Computers|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Computers)|PRESKILL:1,Computers=10 +Culture.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Culture|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Culture) BONUS:SKILL|Culture|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Culture)|PRESKILL:1,Culture=10 +Diplomacy.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Diplomacy|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Diplomacy) BONUS:SKILL|Diplomacy|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Diplomacy)|PRESKILL:1,Diplomacy=10 +Disguise.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Disguise|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Disguise) BONUS:SKILL|Disguise|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Disguise)|PRESKILL:1,Disguise=10 +Engineering.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Engineering|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Engineering) BONUS:SKILL|Engineering|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Engineering)|PRESKILL:1,Engineering=10 +Intimidate.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Intimidate|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Intimidate) BONUS:SKILL|Intimidate|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Intimidate)|PRESKILL:1,Intimidate=10 +Life Science.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Life Science|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Life Science) BONUS:SKILL|Life Science|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Life Science)|PRESKILL:1,Life Science=10 +Medicine.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Medicine|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Medicine) BONUS:SKILL|Medicine|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Medicine)|PRESKILL:1,Medicine=10 +Mysticism.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Mysticism|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Mysticism) BONUS:SKILL|Mysticism|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Mysticism)|PRESKILL:1,Mysticism=10 +Perception.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Perception|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Perception) BONUS:SKILL|Perception|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Perception)|PRESKILL:1,Perception=10 +Physical Science.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Physical Science|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Physical Science) BONUS:SKILL|Physical Science|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Physical Science)|PRESKILL:1,Physical Science=10 +Piloting.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Piloting|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Piloting) BONUS:SKILL|Piloting|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Piloting)|PRESKILL:1,Piloting=10 +Profession (Accountant).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Accountant)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Accountant)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Accountant)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Accountant))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Accountant)=10 +Profession (Actor).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Actor)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Actor)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Actor)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Actor))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Actor)=10 +Profession (Archaeologist).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Archaeologist)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Archaeologist)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Archaeologist)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Archaeologist))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Archaeologist)=10 +Profession (Architect).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Architect)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Architect)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Architect)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Architect))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Architect)=10 +Profession (Artist).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Artist)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Artist)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Artist)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Artist))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Artist)=10 +Profession (Bounty Hunter).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Bounty Hunter)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Bounty Hunter)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Bounty Hunter)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Bounty Hunter))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Bounty Hunter)=10 +Profession (Comedian).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Comedian)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Comedian)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Comedian)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Comedian))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Comedian)=10 +Profession (Con Artist).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Con Artist)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Con Artist)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Con Artist)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Con Artist))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Con Artist)=10 +Profession (Cook).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Cook)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Cook)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Cook)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Cook))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Cook)=10 +Profession (Corporate Professional).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Corporate Professional)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Corporate Professional)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Corporate Professional)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Corporate Professional))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Corporate Professional)=10 +Profession (Courtesan).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Courtesan)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Courtesan)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Courtesan)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Courtesan))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Courtesan)=10 +Profession (Counselor).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Counselor)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Counselor)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Counselor)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Counselor))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Counselor)=10 +Profession (Dancer).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dancer)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Dancer)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dancer)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Dancer))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Dancer)=10 +Profession (Dockworker).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dockworker)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Dockworker)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dockworker)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Dockworker))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Dockworker)=10 +Profession (Electrician).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Electrician)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Electrician)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Electrician)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Electrician))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Electrician)=10 +Profession (Farmer).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Farmer)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Farmer)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Farmer)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Farmer))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Farmer)=10 +Profession (Gambler).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Gambler)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Gambler)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Gambler)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Gambler))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Gambler)=10 +Profession (General Contractor).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (General Contractor)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (General Contractor)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (General Contractor)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (General Contractor))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (General Contractor)=10 +Profession (Herbalist).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Herbalist)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Herbalist)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Herbalist)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Herbalist))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Herbalist)=10 +Profession (Lab Technician).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lab Technician)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Lab Technician)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lab Technician)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Lab Technician))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Lab Technician)=10 +Profession (Lawyer).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lawyer)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Lawyer)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lawyer)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Lawyer))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Lawyer)=10 +Profession (Maintenance Worker).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Maintenance Worker)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Maintenance Worker)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Maintenance Worker)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Maintenance Worker))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Maintenance Worker)=10 +Profession (Manager).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Manager)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Manager)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Manager)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Manager))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Manager)=10 +Profession (Mathematician).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mathematician)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Mathematician)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mathematician)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Mathematician))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Mathematician)=10 +Profession (Mercenary).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mercenary)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Mercenary)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mercenary)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Mercenary))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Mercenary)=10 +Profession (Merchant).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Merchant)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Merchant))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Merchant)=10 +Profession (Miner).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Miner)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Miner)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Miner)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Miner))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Miner)=10 +Profession (Musician).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Musician)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Musician)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Musician)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Musician))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Musician)=10 +Profession (Orator).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Orator)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Orator)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Orator)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Orator))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Orator)=10 +Profession (Philosopher).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Philosopher)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Philosopher)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Philosopher)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Philosopher))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Philosopher)=10 +Profession (Poet).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Poet)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Poet)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Poet)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Poet))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Poet)=10 +Profession (Politician).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Politician)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Politician)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Politician)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Politician))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Politician)=10 +Profession (Professor).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Professor)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Professor)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Professor)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Professor))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Professor)=10 +Profession (Psychologist).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Psychologist)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Psychologist)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Psychologist)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Psychologist))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Psychologist)=10 +Profession (Smuggler).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Smuggler)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Smuggler)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Smuggler)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Smuggler))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Smuggler)=10 +Profession (Video Personality).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Video Personality)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Video Personality)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Video Personality)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Video Personality))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Video Personality)=10 +Profession (Vidgamer).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Vidgamer)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Vidgamer)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Vidgamer)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Vidgamer))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Vidgamer)=10 +Profession (Writer).MOD BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Writer)|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Writer)) BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Writer)|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Profession (Writer))|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Writer)=10 +Sense Motive.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Sense Motive|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Sense Motive) BONUS:SKILL|Sense Motive|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Sense Motive)|PRESKILL:1,Sense Motive=10 +Sleight of Hand.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Sleight of Hand|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand) BONUS:SKILL|Sleight of Hand|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand)|PRESKILL:1,Sleight of Hand=10 +Stealth.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Stealth) BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Stealth)|PRESKILL:1,Stealth=10 +Survival.MOD BONUS:SKILL|Survival|3|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Survival) BONUS:SKILL|Survival|6|TYPE=SkillFocus|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Survival)|PRESKILL:1,Survival=10 + + +###Situational Bonuses### +Engineering.MOD SITUATION:Arm or disarm traps +Engineering.MOD SITUATION:Repair, resize, or upgrade armor +Engineering.MOD SITUATION:Repair weapons +Mysticism.MOD SITUATION:Arm or disarm traps +Survival.MOD SITUATION:Ride creatures +Survival.MOD SITUATION:Orienteering + + + + + + + + +Acrobatics KEY:Display ~ Acrobatics CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.135 +Athletics KEY:Display ~ Athletics CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:STR TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.136 +Bluff KEY:Display ~ Bluff CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.137 +Computers KEY:Display ~ Computers CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Computers"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.137 +Culture KEY:Display ~ Culture CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Culture"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.139 +Diplomacy KEY:Display ~ Diplomacy CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.139 +Disguise KEY:Display ~ Disguise CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.140 +Engineering KEY:Display ~ Engineering CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Engineering"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.141 +Intimidate KEY:Display ~ Intimidate CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.142 +Life Science KEY:Display ~ Life Science CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Life Science"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.142 +Medicine KEY:Display ~ Medicine CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Medicine"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.143 +Mysticism KEY:Display ~ Mysticism CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Mysticism"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.143 +Perception KEY:Display ~ Perception CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.144 +Physical Science KEY:Display ~ Physical Science CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Physical Science"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.145 +Piloting KEY:Display ~ Piloting CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.145 +Profession (Accountant) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Accountant) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Accountant)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Actor) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Actor) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Actor)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Archaeologist) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Archaeologist) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Archaeologist)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Architect) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Architect) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Architect)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Artist) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Artist) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Artist)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Bounty Hunter) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Bounty Hunter) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Bounty Hunter)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Comedian) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Comedian) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Comedian)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Con Artist) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Con Artist) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Con Artist)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Cook) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Cook) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Cook)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Corporate Professional) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Corporate Professional) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Corporate Professional)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Courtesan) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Courtesan) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Courtesan)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Counselor) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Counselor) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Counselor)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Dancer) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Dancer) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Dancer)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Dockworker) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Dockworker) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Dockworker)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Electrician) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Electrician) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Electrician)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Farmer) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Farmer) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Farmer)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Gambler) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Gambler) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Gambler)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (General Contractor) KEY:Display ~ Profession (General Contractor) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (General Contractor)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Herbalist) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Herbalist) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Herbalist)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Lab Technician) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Lab Technician) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Lab Technician)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Lawyer) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Lawyer) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Lawyer)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Maintenance Worker) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Maintenance Worker) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Maintenance Worker)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Manager) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Manager) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Manager)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Mathematician) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Mathematician) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Mathematician)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Mercenary) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Mercenary) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Mercenary)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Merchant) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Merchant) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Merchant)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Miner) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Miner) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Miner)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Musician) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Musician) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Musician)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Orator) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Orator) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Orator)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Philosopher) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Philosopher) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Philosopher)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Poet) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Poet) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Poet)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Politician) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Politician) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Politician)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Professor) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Professor) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Professor)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Psychologist) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Psychologist) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Psychologist)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Smuggler) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Smuggler) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Smuggler)"),1] KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Video Personality) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Video Personality) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Video Personality)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Vidgamer) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Vidgamer) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Vidgamer)"),1] KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Profession (Writer) KEY:Display ~ Profession (Writer) CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Writer)"),1] KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Sense Motive KEY:Display ~ Sense Motive CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Sleight of Hand KEY:Display ~ Sleight of Hand CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:UseSkillUntrained,1],[PREVARGTEQ:skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Sleight of Hand"),1] KEYSTAT:DEX TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.146 +Stealth KEY:Display ~ Stealth CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.147 +Survival KEY:Display ~ Survival CLASSES:ALL VISIBLE:EXPORT USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Display SOURCEPAGE:p.148 + + + +Acrobatics.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Acrobatics|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Acrobatics") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Acrobatics|var("SKILL.Acrobatics.MISC") +Athletics.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Athletics|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Athletics") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Athletics|var("SKILL.Athletics.MISC") +Bluff.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Bluff|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Bluff") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Bluff|var("SKILL.Bluff.MISC") +Computers.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Computers|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Computers") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Computers|var("SKILL.Computers.MISC") +Culture.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Culture|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Culture") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Culture|var("SKILL.Culture.MISC") +Diplomacy.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Diplomacy|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Diplomacy") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Diplomacy|var("SKILL.Diplomacy.MISC") +Disguise.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Disguise|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Disguise") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Disguise|var("SKILL.Disguise.MISC") +Engineering.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Engineering|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Engineering") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Engineering|var("SKILL.Engineering.MISC") +Intimidate.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Intimidate|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Intimidate") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Intimidate|var("SKILL.Intimidate.MISC") +Life Science.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Life Science|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Life Science") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Life Science|var("SKILL.Life Science.MISC") +Medicine.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Medicine|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Medicine") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Medicine|var("SKILL.Medicine.MISC") +Mysticism.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Mysticism|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Mysticism") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Mysticism|var("SKILL.Mysticism.MISC") +Perception.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Perception|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Perception") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Perception|var("SKILL.Perception.MISC") +Physical Science.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Physical Science|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Physical Science") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Physical Science|var("SKILL.Physical Science.MISC") +Piloting.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Piloting|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Piloting") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Piloting|var("SKILL.Piloting.MISC") +Profession (Accountant).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Accountant)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Accountant)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Accountant)|var("SKILL.Profession (Accountant).MISC") +Profession (Actor).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Actor)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Actor)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Actor)|var("SKILL.Profession (Actor).MISC") +Profession (Archaeologist).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Archaeologist)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Archaeologist)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Archaeologist)|var("SKILL.Profession (Archaeologist).MISC") +Profession (Architect).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Architect)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Architect)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Architect)|var("SKILL.Profession (Architect).MISC") +Profession (Artist).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Artist)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Artist)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Artist)|var("SKILL.Profession (Artist).MISC") +Profession (Bounty Hunter).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Bounty Hunter)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Bounty Hunter)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Bounty Hunter)|var("SKILL.Profession (Bounty Hunter).MISC") +Profession (Comedian).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Comedian)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Comedian)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Comedian)|var("SKILL.Profession (Comedian).MISC") +Profession (Con Artist).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Con Artist)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Con Artist)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Con Artist)|var("SKILL.Profession (Con Artist).MISC") +Profession (Cook).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Cook)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Cook)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Cook)|var("SKILL.Profession (Cook).MISC") +Profession (Corporate Professional).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Corporate Professional)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Corporate Professional)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Corporate Professional)|var("SKILL.Profession (Corporate Professional).MISC") +Profession (Courtesan).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Courtesan)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Courtesan)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Courtesan)|var("SKILL.Profession (Courtesan).MISC") +Profession (Counselor).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Counselor)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Counselor)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Counselor)|var("SKILL.Profession (Counselor).MISC") +Profession (Dancer).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Dancer)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Dancer)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Dancer)|var("SKILL.Profession (Dancer).MISC") +Profession (Dockworker).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Dockworker)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Dockworker)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Dockworker)|var("SKILL.Profession (Dockworker).MISC") +Profession (Electrician).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Electrician)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Electrician)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Electrician)|var("SKILL.Profession (Electrician).MISC") +Profession (Farmer).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Farmer)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Farmer)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Farmer)|var("SKILL.Profession (Farmer).MISC") +Profession (Gambler).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Gambler)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Gambler)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Gambler)|var("SKILL.Profession (Gambler).MISC") +Profession (General Contractor).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (General Contractor)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (General Contractor)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (General Contractor)|var("SKILL.Profession (General Contractor).MISC") +Profession (Herbalist).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Herbalist)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Herbalist)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Herbalist)|var("SKILL.Profession (Herbalist).MISC") +Profession (Lab Technician).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Lab Technician)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Lab Technician)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Lab Technician)|var("SKILL.Profession (Lab Technician).MISC") +Profession (Lawyer).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Lawyer)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Lawyer)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Lawyer)|var("SKILL.Profession (Lawyer).MISC") +Profession (Maintenance Worker).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Maintenance Worker)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Maintenance Worker)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Maintenance Worker)|var("SKILL.Profession (Maintenance Worker).MISC") +Profession (Manager).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Manager)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Manager)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Manager)|var("SKILL.Profession (Manager).MISC") +Profession (Mathematician).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Mathematician)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Mathematician)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Mathematician)|var("SKILL.Profession (Mathematician).MISC") +Profession (Mercenary).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Mercenary)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Mercenary)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Mercenary)|var("SKILL.Profession (Mercenary).MISC") +Profession (Merchant).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Merchant)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Merchant)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Merchant)|var("SKILL.Profession (Merchant).MISC") +Profession (Miner).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Miner)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Miner)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Miner)|var("SKILL.Profession (Miner).MISC") +Profession (Musician).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Musician)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Musician)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Musician)|var("SKILL.Profession (Musician).MISC") +Profession (Orator).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Orator)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Orator)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Orator)|var("SKILL.Profession (Orator).MISC") +Profession (Philosopher).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Philosopher)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Philosopher)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Philosopher)|var("SKILL.Profession (Philosopher).MISC") +Profession (Poet).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Poet)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Poet)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Poet)|var("SKILL.Profession (Poet).MISC") +Profession (Politician).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Politician)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Politician)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Politician)|var("SKILL.Profession (Politician).MISC") +Profession (Professor).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Professor)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Professor)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Professor)|var("SKILL.Profession (Professor).MISC") +Profession (Psychologist).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Psychologist)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Psychologist)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Psychologist)|var("SKILL.Profession (Psychologist).MISC") +Profession (Smuggler).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Smuggler)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Smuggler)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Smuggler)|var("SKILL.Profession (Smuggler).MISC") +Profession (Video Personality).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Video Personality)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Video Personality)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Video Personality)|var("SKILL.Profession (Video Personality).MISC") +Profession (Vidgamer).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Vidgamer)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Vidgamer)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Vidgamer)|var("SKILL.Profession (Vidgamer).MISC") +Profession (Writer).MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Profession (Writer)|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Profession (Writer)") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Profession (Writer)|var("SKILL.Profession (Writer).MISC") +Sense Motive.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Sense Motive|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Sense Motive") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Sense Motive|var("SKILL.Sense Motive.MISC") +Sleight of Hand.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Sleight of Hand|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Sleight of Hand") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Sleight of Hand|var("SKILL.Sleight of Hand.MISC") +Stealth.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Stealth|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Stealth") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Stealth|var("SKILL.Stealth.MISC") +Survival.MOD BONUS:SKILLRANK|Display ~ Survival|skillinfo("TOTALRANK", "Survival") BONUS:SKILL|Display ~ Survival|var("SKILL.Survival.MISC") diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_spells.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_spells.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99de18e04 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_spells.lst @@ -0,0 +1,793 @@ +SOURCELONG:Starfinder Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:SCR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 +# Original Entry by: Gwen T + +##NOTE: Variable-level spells are listed once for each level they may be cast at, denoted by (Level x), as well as once with no level indicator, for use with SLAs or similar effects. +##All versions should appear on output sheets as having the same name. I did this because the power of these spells is maximized at the highest level one has learned the particular spell at. +##If a caster has only learned Flight as a 3rd level spell, they do not gain the ability to cast it as a 4th or higher level spell. +##Comps are Credits (Cr) or Resolve Points (RP) + +Animate Dead TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy COMPS:Cr CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One or more corpses DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.340 DESC:Create controlled undead creatures out of target corpses.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Arcane Eye TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Scrying CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Planetary TARGETAREA:Magical sensor DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.340 DESC:Invisible floating eye moves 30 feet per round and sends you visual information.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Arcane Sight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SOURCEPAGE:p.340 DESC:Magical sources become visible to you.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Arcing Surge TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Electricity CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:120 ft. TARGETAREA:Line-shaped burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:Reflex half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.340 DESC:Deal 10d6 electricity damage in a 120-foot line.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Augury TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Personal DURATION:Instantaneous SOURCEPAGE:p.340 DESC:Learn whether an action will be good or bad.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Battle Junkbot TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:At least 1 bulk of inert electronic equipment; see text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.341 DESC:Create a temporary robot from random junk, turning it into a deadly combatant.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Bestow Curse TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy DESCRIPTOR:Curse CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.341 DESC:Target takes â€"4 penalty to attack rolls, saves, and checks or 50%% chance of not acting on each of its turns.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Break Enchantment TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.341 DESC:Free creatures from curses, enchantments, and transmutations.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Call Cosmos TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:Cylinder (20-ft. radius, 40 ft. high) DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.342 DESC:Rain cosmic particles on targets, dealing 4d6 fire damage and 3d6 cold damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Caustic Conversion TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Acid CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature or object DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL/3+1) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.342 DESC:Fling magical nanites as a ranged attack that deals 4d4 acid damage to one target, plus 5 additional damage in subsequent rounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Chain Surge TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Electricity CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:One primary target and up to 10 secondary targets, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. from the primary target DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex half; see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.342 DESC:Deal 13d12 electricity damage to primary target and up to 10 secondary targets; one of the primary target's electrical devices stops functioning for 1 round.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Charm Monster TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Charm|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.342 DESC:Make one creature believe it is your ally for (CASTERLEVEL) days.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Charm Person TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Charm|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One humanoid creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.342 DESC:Make one humanoid creature believe that it is your ally.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Clairaudience/Clairvoyance TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Scrying CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:Magical sensor DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.342 DESC:Hear or see at a distance for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Command TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Language-Dependent|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.343 DESC:One creature obeys a select command for 1 round.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Command (Greater) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Language-Dependent|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.343 DESC:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures obey select command for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Command Undead TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy DESCRIPTOR:Sense-Dependent CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One undead creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.343 DESC:Undead creature obeys your commands.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Commune with Nature TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Personal DURATION:Instantaneous SOURCEPAGE:p.344 DESC:Learn about terrain for (CASTERLEVEL) miles.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Comprehend Languages TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D] SOURCEPAGE:p.344 DESC:You understand all spoken, signed, and written or tactile languages.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Confusion TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:15-ft.-radius burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.344 DESC:Targets behave randomly for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Confusion (Lesser) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.344 DESC:One living creature is confused for 1 round.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Contact Other Plane TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Personal DURATION:Concentration SOURCEPAGE:p.344 DESC:Ask questions of extraplanar entity.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Control Gravity TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL/2) ten-foot cubes [S] DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.345 DESC:Alter gravity in an area.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Control Machines TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Constructs of the technological subtype, individual CRs no greater than (CASTERLEVEL+1), total CR no greater than (CASTERLEVEL*2), no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.345 DESC:Command technological constructs within range telepathically.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Control Undead TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Undead creatures with individual CRs no greater than (CASTERLEVEL+1) and a total CR no greater than (CASTERLEVEL*2), no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.345 DESC:Undead creatures follow your commands and don't attack you.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Corrosive Haze TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Acid CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:5-ft.-diameter cloud of acid DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Reflex negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.346 DESC:Cloud deals 4d8 acid damage per round, plus 10 additional damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Cosmic Eddy TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius spread DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Reflex partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.346 DESC:Whirlwind deals 4d6 damage and knocks creatures prone.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Creation OUTPUTNAME:Creation TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:0 ft. TARGETAREA:One nonmagical, nontechnological object of nonliving matter, up to (CASTERLEVEL) bulk; see text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Create a single object made of vegetable or mineral matter.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Creation (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Creation TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:0 ft. TARGETAREA:One nonmagical, nontechnological object of nonliving matter, up to (CASTERLEVEL) bulk; see text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Create one object made of vegetable matter.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Creation (Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Creation TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:0 ft. TARGETAREA:One nonmagical, nontechnological object of nonliving matter, up to (CASTERLEVEL) bulk; see text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Create a single object made of vegetable or mineral matter.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Crush Skull TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy DESCRIPTOR:Death CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Deal 18d8 damage to living creature's head.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Dancing Lights TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to four lights DURATION:1 minute [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Create and direct up to four lights.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Darkvision TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature or camera DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Grant ability to see 60 feet in total darkness.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Daze TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One humanoid creature of CR 3 or lower DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Humanoid creature of CR 3 or lower is dazed.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Daze Monster TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One living creature of CR 5 or lower DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.347 DESC:Target living creature of CR 5 or lower is dazed.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Death Ward TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.348 DESC:Target gains +4 bonus to saves against death spells, and is immune to negative energy and gaining negative levels.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Deep Slumber TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One or more living creatures with a total CR of 8 or lower, all within a 10-ft.-radius burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.348 DESC:Put a number of creatures whose CRs total 8 or less to sleep.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Destruction Protocol TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One nonhostile construct of the technological subtype; see text DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.348 DESC:Turn nonhostile technological construct against your foes.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Affliction TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature or object DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.348 DESC:Determine whether a creature or object has been poisoned, is diseased, is cursed, or is suffering a similar affliction.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Magic TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.348 DESC:Detect spells and magic items within 60 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Radiation TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:120 ft. TARGETAREA:120-ft. spherical emanation centered on you DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.348 DESC:Detect radiation within 120 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Tech TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.349 DESC:Detect technological items with charges or that replenish charges within 60 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Thoughts TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.349 DESC:“Listen†to surface thoughts.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dimension Door TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Teleportation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:You and touched objects or touched willing or unconscious creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None, Will negates (object) SPELLRES:No, yes (object) SOURCEPAGE:p.349 DESC:Teleport a short distance.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Discern Lies TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.349 DESC:Reveal deliberate falsehoods.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Discharge TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature or technological object DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (object) SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.350 DESC:Disrupts or depowers one target technological item or construct.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Discharge (Greater) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature or technological object, or a 20-ft.-radius burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (object) SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.350 DESC:Disrupts or depowers multiple technological items or constructs.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Disguise Self TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D] SOURCEPAGE:p.350 DESC:Change your appearance.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Disintegrate TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature or object, or up to a 10-ft. cube of nonliving matter DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial (object) SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.350 DESC:Ray reduces one creature or object to dust.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dismissal OUTPUTNAME:Dismissal TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.350 DESC:Force extraplanar creatures whose total CR is no greater than (CASTERLEVEL+2) to return to their native planes.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dismissal (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Dismissal TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.350 DESC:Force a creature to return to its native plane.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dismissal (Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Dismissal TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.350 DESC:Force extraplanar creatures whose total CR is no greater than (CASTERLEVEL+2) to return to their native planes.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dispel Magic TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature, object, spell, or spellcaster DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.351 DESC:Cancel one magical spell or effect.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dispel Magic (Greater) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature, object, spell, or spellcaster; or a 20-ft.-radius burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.352 DESC:Cancel multiple spells or effects.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Displacement TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.352 DESC:Attacks miss target 50%% of the time.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Divination TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination COMPS:RP CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Personal DURATION:Instantaneous SOURCEPAGE:p.352 DESC:Gain useful advice for specific proposed actions.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dominate Person TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One humanoid DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.352 DESC:Control humanoid telepathically.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Energy Ray TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature or object DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.353 DESC:Ray deals 1d3 acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Enervation TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.353 DESC:Ray imposes 2 negative levels.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Enshrining Refuge TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:All creatures in 40-ft. radius burst DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.353 DESC:Targets can't attack or be attacked, but can exist comfortably.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Entropic Grasp TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One nonmagical manufactured object (or the volume of the object within a 3-ft.-radius of the touched point) or one manufactured creature touched each round DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (object) SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.353 DESC:Touch decays a construct or nonmagical manufactured item once per round for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Erase TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One written data set DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.353 DESC:Remove writings of either magical or mundane nature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Ethereal Jaunt TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:You become ethereal for 1 round per level.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Explosive Blast TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:Deal 9d6 fire damage to creatures in a 20-foot radius.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Fatigue TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:Touched creature is fatigued.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear OUTPUTNAME:Fear TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Emotion,|Fear|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:All targets within a cone are panicked for 1 minute.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 1) OUTPUTNAME:Fear TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Emotion,|Fear|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:Frighten a single living creature that's of CR 4 or lower for 1d4 rounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 2) OUTPUTNAME:Fear TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Emotion,|Fear|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:Frighten multiple creatures of CR 4 or lower for 1 minute.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 3) OUTPUTNAME:Fear TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Emotion,|Fear|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:Targets of CR 8 or lower within a cone are panicked for 1 minute.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Fear TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Emotion,|Fear|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:All targets within a cone are panicked for 1 minute.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Feeblemind TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.354 DESC:Target's Intelligence and Charisma scores drop to 1.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flesh to Stone TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:Turn a creature into a statue.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight OUTPUTNAME:Flight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:Multiple targets can fly at a speed of 60 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 1) OUTPUTNAME:Flight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures or objects fall slowly.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 2) OUTPUTNAME:Flight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:Target moves up and down at your direction.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 3) OUTPUTNAME:Flight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:Target flies at a speed of 60 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Flight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:Target flies at a speed of 70 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Flight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:You can fly at a speed of 70 feet and can hustle over long distances.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 6) OUTPUTNAME:Flight TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.355 DESC:Multiple targets can fly at a speed of 60 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fog Cloud TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius spread DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.356 DESC:Create a fog that obscures vision.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Force Blast TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Force CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:30 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.356 DESC:Cone deals 2d6 force damage and bull rushes creatures.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Ghost Sound TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Illusory sounds DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.356 DESC:Create minor illusory sounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Grave Words TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy DESCRIPTOR:Language-Dependent CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One dead creature DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.357 DESC:Force a corpse to babble.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Gravitational Singularity TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:5-ft.-cube gravitational singularity; see text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.357 DESC:Particle with infinite density pulls creatures and objects into it, dealing 12d6 damage each round to those inside.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Grease TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One 10-ft. square or one object DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:Reflex partial, see text SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.357 DESC:Make a 10-ft. square or one object slippery.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Handy Junkbot TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:1 bulk of inert electronic equipment; see text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.357 DESC:Create a temporary robot made of junk to perform Computers, Engineering, Piloting, and Sleight of Hand tasks.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Haste TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.358 DESC:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures move and act faster.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Healing Junkbot TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:1 bulk of inert electronic equipment; see text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.358 DESC:Robot made of junk can perform Medicine tasks and drag unconscious creature to safety.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Heat Leech TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Cold CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:60 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:Reflex half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.359 DESC:Deal 13d8 cold damage to creatures in a cone.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hold Monster TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.359 DESC:Paralyze one creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hold Person TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One humanoid creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.359 DESC:Paralyze one humanoid.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hold Portal TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One portal up to (CASTERLEVEL*20) sq. ft. DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.359 DESC:Hold a door shut.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hologram Memory TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 full action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living or deceased sentient creature; see text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates, see text SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.359 DESC:Extract a creature's memory and replay it as a hologram.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image OUTPUTNAME:Hologram Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Illusory double of your likeness can talk and cast spells.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 1) OUTPUTNAME:Hologram Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Create a silent hologram of your design.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 2) OUTPUTNAME:Hologram Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Create a hologram with some sound of your design.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 3) OUTPUTNAME:Hologram Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Create a hologram with sound, smell, and thermal effects of your design that lasts as long as you concentrate, plus 3 additional rounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Hologram Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Create a hologram with sound, smell, and thermal effects that follows a script determined by you.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Hologram Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Create a detailed hologram that is permanent or is triggered by conditions you set.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 6) OUTPUTNAME:Hologram Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Illusory double of your likeness can talk and cast spells.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Terrain TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) twenty-foot cubes [S] DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) hours [D] SAVEINFO:Will disbelief SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Create a large hologram that depicts terrain and structures.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hurl Forcedisk TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Force CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to five creatures; see text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.360 DESC:Disc deals 3d6 force damage to one target then ricochets to other targets, dealing 2d6 force damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Identify TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:5 ft. TARGETAREA:One magic or technological object DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.361 DESC:Gain a +10 bonus to identify items of a magic or technological nature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Implant Data TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion COMPS:Cr CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One computer system or module DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours or until triggered; see text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.361 DESC:Embed one piece of data per level in a target computer or system.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Inflict Pain TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting|Pain CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.361 DESC:Wracking pain imposes â€"2 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, and skill checks on one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Inflict Pain (Mass) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting|Pain CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.361 DESC:Wracking pain imposes â€"2 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, and skill checks on (CASTERLEVEL) targets.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Inject Nanobots TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature or construct DURATION:Instantaneous and (CASTERLEVEL) rounds; see text SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial and Will partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.361 DESC:Touch deals 4d8 damage to target and causes the confused condition.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Instant Virus TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One construct with the technological subtype DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.361 DESC:Inflict technological construct with disease.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Interplanetary Teleport TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Teleportation COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Solar system or plane; see text TARGETAREA:You and touched objects or touched willing or unconscious creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None, Will negates (object) SPELLRES:No, yes (object) SOURCEPAGE:p.362 DESC:Teleport between planets.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Invisibility TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature or object no more than (CASTERLEVEL*10) bulk DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object), see text SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.362 DESC:Target is invisible for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes or until it attacks.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Invisibility (Greater) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.362 DESC:Target is invisible for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds, even if it attacks.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Invisibility (Mass) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:Any number of creatures, no two of which can be more than 180 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object), see text SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.362 DESC:Multiple targets are invisible for (CASTERLEVEL) minuts or until one target attacks or moves away from other targets affected by spell.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Irradiate TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation|Disease|Poison|Radiation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:10-ft.-radius spread; see text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial, see text SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.362 DESC:Flood area with dangerous radiation.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Jolting Surge TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Electricity CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature or object DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.363 DESC:Touch deals 4d6 electricity damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Keen Senses TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.363 DESC:Target gains low-light vision and a +2 bonus to Perception checks.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Knock TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One door, container, or portal with an area of up to (CASTERLEVEL*10) sq. ft. DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.363 DESC:Opens a locked or magically sealed door.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Life Bubble TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.363 DESC:Encase targeted creatures with a shell of tolerable atmosphere.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Logic Bomb TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One computer system or module DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days or until triggered SAVEINFO:See text SPELLRES:See text SOURCEPAGE:p.364 DESC:Target computer deals 6d6 energy damage to the first creature that tries and fails to use it.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Magic Missile TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Force CASTTIME:1 standard action; see text RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to three creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart; see text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.364 DESC:Two missiles deal 1d4+1 force damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Make Whole TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One object of up to (CASTERLEVEL) bulk or one construct of any size DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.364 DESC:Restore 1d4 Hit Points to an object or construct.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mending TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:10 ft. TARGETAREA:One object of up to 1 bulk DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.364 DESC:Restore 5d6 Hit Points to an object or construct.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Microbot Assault TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Distracting cloud of microbots DURATION:Concentration + 1 round SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.364 DESC:Cloud of tiny robots harasses creatures within it.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Link TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Instantly and telepathically communicate information to a creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Probe TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Potentially access a target creature's memories and its knowledge.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust OUTPUTNAME:Mind Thrust TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Mentally deal 17d10 damage to, exhaust, and stun one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 1) OUTPUTNAME:Mind Thrust TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Mentally deal 2d10 damage to one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 2) OUTPUTNAME:Mind Thrust TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Mentally deal 4d10 damage to one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 3) OUTPUTNAME:Mind Thrust TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Mentally deal 7d10 damage to one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Mind Thrust TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Mentally deal 10d10 damage to and fatigue a single target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Mind Thrust TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Mentally deal 15d10 damage to and exhaust one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 6) OUTPUTNAME:Mind Thrust TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.365 DESC:Mentally deal 17d10 damage to, exhaust, and stun one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Miracle TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:See text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.366 DESC:Requests a deity's intercession.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mirror Image TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SOURCEPAGE:p.366 DESC:Create decoy duplicates of yourself.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mislead TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal; see text TARGETAREA:One illusory double DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] and concentration + 3 rounds; see text SAVEINFO:None or Will disbelief, see text SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.366 DESC:Make yourself invisible and create an illusory double of your likeness.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Modify Memory TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 round; see text RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Permanent SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.366 DESC:Change 5 minutes of target's memories.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 20d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to a living creature or restore life to a recently slain creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 1) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to a living creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 2) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to a living creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 3) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to a living creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 12d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to a living creature or restore life to a recently slain creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 16d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to a living creature or restore life to a recently slain creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 6) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 20d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to a living creature or restore life to a recently slain creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Mass) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure (Mass) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close; see text TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to one living creature per level.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure (Mass) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close; see text TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to one living creature per level.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 6) OUTPUTNAME:Mystic Cure (Mass) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close; see text TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will half (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Restore 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points to one living creature per level.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Nondetection TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature or object DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Hide target from divination and surveillance.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Overheat TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:15 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Reflex half SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.367 DESC:Deal 2d8 fire damage to creatures in cone.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Overload Systems TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.368 DESC:Target creature has a 50%% chance to lose each action.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Passwall TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:5-ft.-by-8-ft. opening DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.368 DESC:Create a passage through most walls.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Barrier TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:6 rounds RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) sixty-foot cubes [S] DURATION:24 hours SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.368 DESC:Seal an area against all planar travel into or within it.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding OUTPUTNAME:Planar Binding TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Calling VARIANTS:Good|Evil|Lawful|Chaotic|Air|Earth|Fire|Water CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes; see text SOURCEPAGE:p.369 DESC:Trap an extraplanar creature of CR 10 or lower until it performs a task.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding (Level 4) OUTPUTNAME:Planar Binding TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Calling VARIANTS:Good|Evil|Lawful|Chaotic|Air|Earth|Fire|Water CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes; see text SOURCEPAGE:p.369 DESC:Trap an extraplanar creature of CR 4 or lower until it performs a task.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding (Level 5) OUTPUTNAME:Planar Binding TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Calling VARIANTS:Good|Evil|Lawful|Chaotic|Air|Earth|Fire|Water CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes; see text SOURCEPAGE:p.369 DESC:Trap an extraplanar creature of CR 7 or lower until it performs a task.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding (Level 6) OUTPUTNAME:Planar Binding TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Calling VARIANTS:Good|Evil|Lawful|Chaotic|Air|Earth|Fire|Water CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes; see text SOURCEPAGE:p.369 DESC:Trap an extraplanar creature of CR 10 or lower until it performs a task.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Plane Shift TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Teleportation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature, or up to eight willing or unconscious creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.369 DESC:As many as eight creatures travel to another plane you choose.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Private Sanctum TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) thirty-foot cubes [S] DURATION:24 hours [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.369 DESC:Prevent anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Probability Prediction TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]; see text SOURCEPAGE:p.369 DESC:Reroll one attack roll, save, or check.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Prying Eyes TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:1 mile TARGETAREA:20 magical sensors DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D]; see text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.370 DESC:Twenty floating eyes scout for you.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Psychic Surgery TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One willing or unconscious, living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.370 DESC:Cure all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage and drain, plus remove other mental afflictions and conditions.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Psychokinetic Hand TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One unattended object of no more than 10 lbs. or 1 bulk DURATION:Concentration SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.370 DESC:Telekinetically move an object of 1 bulk or less.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Psychokinetic Strangulation TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature that breathes DURATION:Concentration up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.370 DESC:Concentrate to immobilize target and deal 3d8 damage per round.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Raise Dead TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing COMPS:Cr CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One dead creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None, see text SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.370 DESC:Restore life to a creature that died no more than (CASTERLEVEL) days ago.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Rapid Repair TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One construct or weapon DURATION:1 minute SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless, object) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.371 DESC:Construct or weapon regains 2d8 Hit Points per round for 1 minute.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Ray of Exhaustion TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.371 DESC:Ray makes target exhausted.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Recharge TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 round RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One object DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) SOURCEPAGE:p.372 DESC:Replenish charges in a battery or item capable of holding charges.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Reflecting Armor TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration DESCRIPTOR:Force CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes or until dismissed [D]; see text SOURCEPAGE:p.372 DESC:Sheath of mystical force can reflect damage back on foe.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Regenerate TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:3 rounds RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.372 DESC:Grow back target's severed limbs, restore 12d8 Hit Points, and remove exhaustion and fatigue.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Reincarnate TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation COMPS:Cr CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One dead creature DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:None, see text SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.372 DESC:Bring a target dead creature back to life in a random body.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Affliction TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature or object DURATION:Instantaneous or (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.373 DESC:Neutralize curses, diseases, infestations, poisons, and other harmful conditions affecting a creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Condition TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.373 DESC:Remove one moderate harmful condition affecting a creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Condition (Greater) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.373 DESC:Remove all harmful conditions affecting a creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Condition (Lesser) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.373 DESC:Remove one minor harmful condition affecting a creature.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Radioactivity TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature or object or one 20-ft.-radius area DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless, object) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Remove ongoing radiation effects from a creature or object.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resilient Sphere TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Force CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One Large or smaller creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:Reflex negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Force globe protects but traps one target.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Aegis TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:30 ft. TARGETAREA:Up to 10 creatures wearing armor within range DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Grant up to 10 creatures DR 5/â€" or energy resistance 5 to all energy types.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Armor TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature wearing armor DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Grant DR 5/â€" or energy resistance 5 against two energy types.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Armor (Greater) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature wearing armor DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Grant DR 10/â€" or energy resistance 10 against three energy types.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Armor (Lesser) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature wearing armor DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Grant DR 15/â€" or energy resistance 15 against four energy types.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Restoration TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing COMPS:RP CASTTIME:3 rounds RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Restores ability score drain and negative levels.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Restoration (Lesser) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:3 rounds RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.374 DESC:Dispel magical ability penalty or cure 1d4 ability damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Retrocognition TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Personal DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes SOURCEPAGE:p.375 DESC:Gain psychic impressions of past events in a certain location.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Rewire Flesh TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates and Fortitude half, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.375 DESC:Turn target partially into a robot, dealing 3d6 damage per round and reducing speed.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Rewire Flesh (Mass) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) living creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]; see text SAVEINFO:Will negates and Fortitude half, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.376 DESC:Deal 3d6 damage per round and reducing targets' speed during that time.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Security Seal TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One door, container, or portal up to (CASTERLEVEL*30) sq. ft. in size DURATION:24 hours SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.376 DESC:Magically lock a portal, a container, or a security system.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +See Invisibility TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D] SOURCEPAGE:p.376 DESC:See invisible creatures or objects.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Shadow Walk TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion DESCRIPTOR:Shadow CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) Medium creatures or vehicles DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) SOURCEPAGE:p.376 DESC:Step into a shadowy realm to travel to a destination rapidly.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Shadowy Fleet TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion DESCRIPTOR:Shadow CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:60-ft. radius DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will disbelief and Reflex half, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.376 DESC:Illusion of starships deals 3d6 piercing damage and 3d6 fire damage to all creatures in the affected area.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Share Language TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:24 hours SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.377 DESC:Target understands chosen languages.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Shield Other TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Abjuration COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.377 DESC:You take half of the target's Hit Point damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Slow TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.377 DESC:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures move and act slower.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Snuff Life TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy DESCRIPTOR:Death CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL/2) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial, see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.377 DESC:Instantly kill or massively damage (CASTERLEVEL/2) creatures, depending on targets' CRs.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Soothing Protocol TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One construct with the technological subtype; see text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.377 DESC:Calm a target hostile technological construct.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Speak with Dead TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy DESCRIPTOR:Language-Dependent CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:10 ft. TARGETAREA:One dead creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minute SAVEINFO:Will negates, see text SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.378 DESC:Corpse answers up to six questions.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Spider Climb TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.378 DESC:Grant ability to walk on walls and ceilings.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Stabilize TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Healing CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.378 DESC:Cause a dying creature to stabilize.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Status TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL/3) living creatures touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.379 DESC:Monitor condition and position of allies.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Subjective Reality TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SOURCEPAGE:p.379 DESC:You convince yourself one creature or object is an illusion.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Suggestion TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Language-Dependent|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours or until completed SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.379 DESC:Compel a target to follow stated course of action.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Suggestion (Mass) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Language-Dependent|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours or until completed SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.379 DESC:Compel (CASTERLEVEL) targets to follow stated course of action.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Supercharge Weapon TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One weapon DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.379 DESC:Touched weapon deals extra damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Sympathetic Vibration TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Sonic CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One freestanding structure or vehicle DURATION:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.379 DESC:Deal 2d10 damage per round to freestanding structure.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Synapse Overload TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One living creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.380 DESC:Target takes 18d8 damage and is staggered for 1 minute.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Synaptic Pulse TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:20 ft. TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius spread centered on you DURATION:1 round SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.380 DESC:Stun all creatures within 20 feet for 1 round.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Synaptic Pulse (Greater) TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:20 ft. TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius spread centered on you DURATION:1d4 rounds SAVEINFO:Will partial SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.380 DESC:Stun all creatures within 20 feet for 1d4 rounds.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Telekinesis TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:Concentration (up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds) or instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:None, Will negates (object), see text SPELLRES:Yes (object), see text SOURCEPAGE:p.380 DESC:Move an object, attack creatures, or hurl objects or creatures with your mind.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telekinetic Projectile TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One object and one creature DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.380 DESC:Telekinetically hurl an object, dealing 1d6 damage to the target and object.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathic Bond TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:You plus up to (CASTERLEVEL/3) willing creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.381 DESC:Link allows allies to communicate.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathic Jaunt TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Teleportation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:You and touched objects and other touched willing or unconscious creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None, Will negates (object) SPELLRES:No, yes (object) SOURCEPAGE:p.381 DESC:Use your telepathic bond with a creature to teleport to its location.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathic Message TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Language-Dependent|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.381 DESC:Send a short telepathic message and hear simple telepathic replies.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathy TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SOURCEPAGE:p.381 DESC:Communicate mentally with any creatures within 100 feet.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Teleport TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Teleportation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:2,000 miles TARGETAREA:You and touched objects and other touched willing or unconscious creatures DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None, Will negates (object) SPELLRES:No, yes (object) SOURCEPAGE:p.381 DESC:Instantly teleport as far as 2,000 miles.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Terraform TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation COMPS:Cr,RP CASTTIME:1 hour RANGE:100 ft. TARGETAREA:100-ft.-radius emanation centered on you DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days; see text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.382 DESC:Alter terrain and climate.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Token Spell TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:10 ft. TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:1 hour SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.382 DESC:Perform simple magical effects.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Tongues TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.383 DESC:Target can speak and understand any language.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Transfer Charge TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Transmutation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Two objects of the same type; see text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (object) SPELLRES:Yes (object) SOURCEPAGE:p.383 DESC:Move charges from one power source to another source of the same type.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +True Seeing TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.383 DESC:Target can see things as they really are.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Unwilling Guardian TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One creature with CR lower than (CASTERLEVEL); see text DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.383 DESC:Charm a target into protecting you during combat.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Unseen Servant TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.383 DESC:Invisible force obeys your commands.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Veil TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Illusion CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Long TARGETAREA:Up to one or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:Concentration + (CASTERLEVEL) hours [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates or disbelief, see text SPELLRES:Yes, see text SOURCEPAGE:p.384 DESC:Change appearance of a group of creatures.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Vision TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Divination COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal DURATION:See text SOURCEPAGE:p.384 DESC:Answer a question about a person, place, or object.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Wall of Fire TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Fire CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Wall up to (CASTERLEVEL*20) ft. long or a ring with a radius up to (CASTERLEVEL/2*5) ft.; either form 20 ft. high DURATION:Concentration + (CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.384 DESC:Blazing curtain deals 2d6 fire damage out to 10 feet and 1d6 fire damage out to 20 feet; passing through the wall deals 5d6 fire damage.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wall of Force TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Evocation DESCRIPTOR:Force CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:Wall with area up to (CASTERLEVEL) ten-foot squares DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.384 DESC:Invisible wall is difficult to destroy.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wall of Steel TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation COMPS:RP CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Steel wall with area up to (CASTERLEVEL*5) five-foot squares; see text DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.385 DESC:Wall has 45 Hit Points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Waves of Fatigue TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Necromancy CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:30 ft. TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst DURATION:Instantaneous SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.385 DESC:Several targets become fatigued.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wish TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Universal CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:See text DURATION:See text SAVEINFO:See text SPELLRES:See text SOURCEPAGE:p.385 DESC:Alters reality (within limits).|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wisp Ally TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Conjuration DESCRIPTOR:Creation CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One distracting, glowing servant DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.385 DESC:Create wisp of energy that shines light and distracts an enemy.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Zone of Truth TYPE:Spell SCHOOL:Enchantment DESCRIPTOR:Compulsion|Mind-Affecting CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius emanation DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.385 DESC:Creatures within range can't lie.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + + +Magic Missile.COPY=Shooting Stars + + + +###Long Spell Descriptions### +Animate Dead.MOD DESC:This spell turns corpses into undead creatures that obey your spoken commands. The undead can be made to follow you, or they can be made to remain in place and attack any creature (or a specific kind of creature) entering the area. They remain animated until they are destroyed. A destroyed undead can't be animated again. You can create one or more undead creatures with a total CR of no more than (CASTERLEVEL/2). You can only create one type of undead with each casting of this spell. Creating undead requires special materials worth 1,000 credits Ã- the total CR of the undead created; these materials are consumed as part of casting the spell. The undead you create remain under your control indefinitely. No matter how many times you use this spell, however, you can control only a number of undead whose total CR is no greater than (CASTERLEVEL). If you exceed this number, all the newly created creatures fall under your control and any excess undead from previous castings become uncontrolled. You choose which creatures are released. Once released, such undead have no particular feelings of loyalty to you, and in time they may grow in power beyond the undead you can create. The corpses you use must be as intact as the typical undead of the type you choose to create. For example, a skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact corpse (that has bones) or skeleton. A zombie can be created only from a creature with a physical anatomy.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Arcane Eye.MOD DESC:You create an invisible magical sensor that sends you visual information. The sensor appears at any point within line of sight, but it can then travel beyond your line of sight without hindrance. An arcane eye travels at 30 feet per round (300 feet per minute) if viewing an area ahead as a humanoid would (primarily looking at the floor) or 10 feet per round (100 feet per minute) if examining the ceiling and walls as well as the floor ahead. The arcane eye sees exactly as you would see if you were there. The arcane eye can travel in any direction as long as the spell lasts. Solid barriers block its passage, but it can pass through a hole or space as small as 1 inch in diameter. The arcane eye can't enter another plane of existence, even through Drift travel or a magical gate or similar magical portal. You must concentrate to use an arcane eye. If you do not concentrate, the sensor is inert until you concentrate again.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Arcane Sight.MOD DESC:This spell allows you to see magic sources within 120 feet of you. The effect is similar to that of a detect magic spell, but arcane sight does not require concentration and discerns information more quickly. You know the location and caster level of all magic sources within your sight. If the magic sources are in line of sight, you can attempt a DC 28 Mysticism check (one check per source) to determine the school of magic involved in each source. If you concentrate on a specific creature within 120 feet of you as a standard action, you can determine whether it has any spellcasting or spell-like abilities and the caster level of the most powerful spell or spell-like ability the creature currently has available for use. As with detect magic, you can use this spell to identify the properties of magic items, but not of artifacts.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Arcing Surge.MOD DESC:You cause an electrical device in your possession to surge in power and unleash a line of electricity from the massive oversurge. This deals 10d6 electricity damage to all creatures and objects in the area.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Augury.MOD DESC:Casting augury can tell you whether a particular action will bring good or bad results for you in the immediate future. Casting this spell takes intense personal focus and requires you to spend 1 Resolve Point. The chance for successfully receiving a meaningful reply is 75%%; this roll is made secretly by the GM. A question may be so straightforward that a successful result is automatic, or it may be so vague as to have no chance of success. If the augury succeeds, you get one of four results; Weal (if the action will probably bring good results), Woe (for bad results), Weal and woe (for both), Nothing (for actions that have neither especially good nor especially bad results). If the augury isn't successful, you get the “nothing†result. A spellcaster who gets the “nothing†result has no way to tell whether it was the consequence of a failed or successful augury. The augury can see only about 30 minutes into the future, so anything that might happen beyond that time frame does not affect the result. Thus, the result might not take into account the long-term consequences of a contemplated action. Multiple castings of augury by the same creature about the same topic use the same die result as the first casting.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Battle Junkbot.MOD DESC:You turn a pile of technological junk into a vicious robot that can hunt down and attack your enemies. You must target inert, nonworking electronic equipment of at least 1 bulk. Valid targets include a large broken computer system, nonworking or unconnected computer or robot parts, a destroyed robot or another such trashed mechanical system, or any related electronic components or combination of the above as long as the junk is found in a large enough quantity. Creating a battle junkbot also requires one ultra-capacity battery. Casting this spell drains all of the battery's charges. While casting this spell, you use your magic and technological know-how to rearrange the junked parts and infuse them with aggression and martial skills. A battle junkbot is Small, its KAC and EAC are each (CASTERLEVEL+15), it has hardness 15, and it has a number of Hit Points equal to half of your own (but no Stamina Points). It uses your saving throw bonuses when it is the target of spells and other targeted effects. It has a land speed of 30 feet and a fly speed of 15 feet with average maneuverability. For purposes of spells and effects that target the junkbot, it is treated as a construct with the magical and technological subtypes. The battle junkbot has four hands. It is treated as if it had the Deadly Aim and Improved Combat Maneuver (Bull Rush, Grapple, Trip) feats. It has an attack bonus of (CASTERLEVEL+6); in one hand it wields a special buzzblade dagger that deals 6d8+6 damage instead of its normal damage, and a second hand carries a special light laser pistol that deals 6d6 damage instead of its normal damage. Damage from the junkbot's special weapons counts as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. You can give new basic commands to your battle junkbot telepathically on your turn as a move action, and the junkbot can take actions as if it were a normal creature. You are aware when the robot has made an attack or combat maneuver and whether or not it was successful, as well as when the battle junkbot has been attacked, has taken damage, or is destroyed, but you can perceive nothing else through this basic telepathic link. When the battle junkbot is destroyed or this spell ends, the electronic equipment you used to create the junkbot falls apart into refuse, its circuitry fried beyond anything recognizable. You cannot use this refuse as a target to create another junkbot.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Bestow Curse.MOD DESC:You place a terrible curse on the target, stealing either its overall competency or its ability to think and act on its feet. Choose one of the following; The target takes a â€"4 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. -OR- Each turn, the target has a 50%% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action. You can also invent your own curse (see Afflictions on page 414 for a few ideas), but it should be no more powerful than those described above. The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a break enchantment, miracle, remove affliction, or wish spell. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. Bestow curse counters remove affliction.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Break Enchantment.MOD DESC:This spell frees victims from curses, enchantments, and transmutations. Break enchantment can reverse even an instantaneous effect. For each such effect, you attempt a caster level check (1d20 + %1) against a DC equal to 11 + the caster level of the effect. Success means that the creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. For a cursed magic item, the DC of the caster level check is equal to the DC of the curse. If the spell is one that can't be dispelled by dispel magic, break enchantment works only if that spell is 5th level or lower. If the effect comes from a permanent magic item, break enchantment doesn't remove the curse from the item but it does free the victim from the item's effects.|min(CASTERLEVEL,15)|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Call Cosmos.MOD DESC:You evoke a vertical column of dangerous material from across the universe that rains down upon creatures in the area. This matter is made up of bits of burning stars and chunks of frozen comets, and it deals 4d6 fire damage and 3d6 cold damage to every creature in the area. This damage occurs only once, when the spell is cast. For the spell's remaining duration, the fallen starstuff makes the entire area difficult terrain, and thick, swirling clouds of particulate space matter magically block vision. This obscures all sight beyond 5 feet, including darkvision and other vision-based senses (including vision-based blindsight and sense through), but doesn't prevent blindsense. A creature within 5 feet of its attacker has concealment (attacks have a 20%% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50%% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). Additionally, the swirling cosmic particles are distracting to spellcasters in the area, who have a 20%% chance of losing any spell they attempt to cast in the area. At the end of the duration, the starstuff disappears, leaving no aftereffects (other than the damage dealt).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Caustic Conversion.MOD DESC:You fling magical nanites that convert water vapor around your target into deadly acid. Make a ranged attack roll against your target's EAC. If you hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage and it takes 5 additional acid damage at the end of its turn each round for the spell's duration.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Chain Surge.MOD DESC:Choose a primary target as well as up to 10 secondary targets within 30 feet of the primary target. The primary target must be carrying or wielding some kind of equipment that uses electricity. This spell causes the primary target's electrical equipment to surge with deadly electricity, which arcs out to strike the secondary targets, dealing 13d12 electricity damage to all targets chosen. If the primary target fails its Reflex save, the spell also shorts out one of that target's electrical items (your choice) for 1 round, meaning the primary target can't use it for that period. If the primary target negates the effect entirely (such as with evasion), the secondary targets also suffer no effects.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Charm Monster.MOD DESC:This charm makes a creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus to its saving throw. The spell does not enable you to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton. It is unlikely to attempt to harm you, but it is also unlikely to attack any of its true friends or allies. You can try to give the target suggestions, but you must succeed at an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (Retries of this check are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful suggestions. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed creature breaks the spell. You must speak the creature's language to communicate your suggestions, or else be good at pantomiming.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Charm Person.MOD DESC:This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus to its saving throw. The spell does not enable you to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton. It is unlikely to attempt to harm you, but it is also unlikely to attack any of its true friends or allies. You can try to give the target suggestions, but you must succeed at an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (Retries of this check are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful suggestions. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed creature breaks the spell. You must speak the creature's language to communicate your suggestions, or else be good at pantomiming.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Clairaudience/Clairvoyance.MOD DESC:You create an invisible magical sensor at a specific location that enables you to hear or see (your choice) almost as if you were there. You don't need line of sight or line of effect to create this sensor in a specific spot within range, but the locale must be either a place that's familiar to you or an obvious location, such as inside a cave whose entrance you can see. The sensor doesn't move, but you can rotate it in all directions to view the area as desired. This spell functions only on the plane of existence you are currently occupying.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Command.MOD DESC:You give the target one of the following commands, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. If the target can't carry out your command on its next turn, the spell automatically fails. Approach - The target moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round, taking no other actions and triggering reactions (such as attacks of opportunity) for this movement as normal. Drop - The target drops whatever it is holding. It can't pick up any dropped item until its next turn. Fall - The target falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It can otherwise act normally. Flee - The target moves away from you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round, taking no other actions and provoking reactions (such as attacks of opportunity) for this movement as normal. Halt - The target is dazed for 1 round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Command (Greater).MOD DESC:This spell functions like command, except you can affect up to (CASTERLEVEL) creatures and the targets continue the specified activity beyond 1 round. At the start of each commanded creature's action after the first, it can attempt another Will saving throw to break free from the spell. Each creature must receive the same command. You give the targets one of the following commands, which they obeys to the best of their ability at the earliest opportunity. If the targets can't carry out your command on its next turn, the spell automatically fails. Approach - The targets move toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round, taking no other actions and triggering reactions (such as attacks of opportunity) for this movement as normal. Drop - The targets drop whatever they are holding. They can't pick up any dropped item until their next turn. Fall - The targets fall to the ground and remain prone for 1 round. They can otherwise act normally. Flee - The targets move away from you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round, taking no other actions and provoking reactions (such as attacks of opportunity) for this movement as normal. Halt - The targets are dazed for 1 round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Command Undead.MOD DESC:This spell allows you a degree of control over an undead creature. If the target is intelligent, it perceives your words and actions favorably (treat its attitude as friendly). It will not attack you while the spell lasts. You can give the target suggestions, but you must succeed at an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An intelligent commanded undead never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful suggestions, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. An unintelligent undead creature gets no saving throw against this spell. When you control a mindless being, you can communicate only basic commands, such as “Come here,†“Go there,†“Fight,†“Stand still,†and so on. Unintelligent undead won't resist suicidal or obviously harmful orders. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the commanded undead (regardless of its Intelligence) breaks the spell. You command the undead creature by voice and it understands you, no matter what language you speak.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Commune with Nature.MOD DESC:You become one with nature, attaining knowledge of the surrounding territory. You instantly gain knowledge of up to three facts from among the following subjects: the ground or terrain, plants, minerals, bodies of water, people, general animal population, presence of native creatures, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, or general state of the natural setting. In outdoor settings, the spell operates in a radius of (CASTERLEVEL) miles. In natural underground settingsâ€"caves, caverns, and the likeâ€"the spell is less powerful and its radius is limited to (CASTERLEVEL*100) feet. The spell does not function where nature has been replaced by construction or settlements, such as in cities, factories, and starships.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Comprehend Languages.MOD DESC:You can understand the spoken or signed words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written or tactile messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it. You can't use this spell to read magic writing or encoded messages (though it does reveal if a message is magic or encoded), but you can use it to read raw computer code or foreign programming languages, allowing you to understand enough to attempt Computers checks on those materials without penalties.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Confusion.MOD DESC:This spell causes confusion in all creatures in the area, making them unable to determine their actions. Any confused creature that is attacked automatically attacks or attempts to attack its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused at the start of its next turn. Note that a confused creature will not make attacks of opportunity against any foe that it is not already devoted to attacking (either because of its most recent action or because it has just been attacked). For confused creatures that have not been attacked, roll on the following table at the start of each affected creature's turn each round to see what it does in that round. [D%% - BEHAVIOR] 1â€"25 Act normally; 26â€"50 Do nothing but babble incoherently; 51â€"75 Deal 1d8 + Str modifier damage to self with item in hand; 76â€"100 Attack nearest creature. A confused creature that can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused target.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Confusion (Lesser).MOD DESC:This spell causes a single creature to become confused for 1 round. Any confused creature that is attacked automatically attacks or attempts to attack its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused at the start of its next turn. Note that a confused creature will not make attacks of opportunity against any foe that it is not already devoted to attacking (either because of its most recent action or because it has just been attacked). For confused creatures that have not been attacked, roll on the following table at the start of each affected creature's turn each round to see what it does in that round. [D%% - BEHAVIOR] 1â€"25 Act normally; 26â€"50 Do nothing but babble incoherently; 51â€"75 Deal 1d8 + Str modifier damage to self with item in hand; 76â€"100 Attack nearest creature. A confused creature that can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused target.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Contact Other Plane.MOD DESC:You send your mind to another plane of existence (an Elemental Plane or some plane further removed) in order to receive advice and information from powers there. The powers reply in a language you understand, but they resent such contact and give only brief answers to your questions. All questions are answered with “Yes,†“No,†“Maybe,†“Never,†“Irrelevant,†or some other one-word answer. You must concentrate on maintaining the spell in order to ask questions at the rate of one per round. A question is answered by the power during the same round. You can ask (CASTERLEVEL/2) questions. On rare occasions, this divination may be blocked by an act of certain deities or forces. Contacting a minor planar power is relatively safe but may not result in useful answers. For each question you ask, the GM secretly rolls 1d20. [1â€"2] The power gives you no answer, the spell ends, and you must attempt a DC 7 Intelligence check. On a failed check, your Intelligence and Charisma scores each fall to 8 for a week and you are unable to cast spells for that period. [3â€"5] You receive a random answer to the question. [6â€"10] You receive an incorrect answer to the question. Based on the nature and needs of the creature contacted, this may be a lie designed to harm you. [11â€"15] You receive no answer to the question. [16 or More] You receive a truthful and useful one-word answer. If the question can't be truthfully answered in this way, no answer is received. Contact with minds further removed from your home plane increases the probability that you will incur a decrease in Intelligence and Charisma due to your brain being overwhelmed by the power's sheer strangeness and force, but it also increases the chance of the power knowing the answer and answering correctly. You can add any value from +1 to +5 to the d20 roll to represent contacting increasingly powerful planar beings. However, on a roll of 1 or 2, the result is still no answer, the spell ends, and you must attempt an Intelligence check to avoid losing Intelligence and Charisma. The DC of this Intelligence check is increased by the same amount added to the d20 check to contact a planar creature.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Control Gravity.MOD DESC:You can control gravity in an area, causing it to reverse, become zero-g, or become extremely strong. A creature or object within the area that succeeds at its saving throw is unaffected (though if it stays in the area, it must succeed at a new save each round or become affected), but it might still suffer secondary effects (such as an object flying up from reversed gravity, or an object falling upon it when the spell ends). You choose how to have this spell affect gravity when you cast it, and you cannot change it without recasting the spell. If two control gravity spells affect the same area, they negate each other in the area of overlap. If you reverse gravity in an area, you cause unattached objects and creatures in the area to fall upward and reach the top of the affected area in 1 round. If a solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in this fall, falling objects and creatures strike it in the same manner as they would during a normal downward fall. If an object or creature reaches the top of the spell's area without striking anything, it remains there, oscillating slightly, until the spell ends. At the end of the spell's duration, affected objects and creatures fall downward. Creatures who can fly or levitate can keep themselves from falling in either direction. If you increase gravity in the area, creatures and objects weigh twice as much as normal, move at half speed, can jump only half as far as normal, and can lift and carry only half as much as normal. Any flying target has its maneuverability worsened by one step (from average to clumsy, for example; minimum clumsy) and plummets to the ground unless it succeeds at a DC 25 Acrobatics check to fly to remain in the air. An area of zero-g works like the zero-g environment (see page 402). You can also use this spell to make areas of zero-g, heavy gravity, or light gravity act as normal gravity for the duration (see page 402).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Control Machines.MOD DESC:You wrest control of the target constructs and command them telepathically. You can issue commands to any number of controlled constructs on your turn, beginning when you cast this spell, as part of the concentration required to sustain its duration (a standard action). If any of the constructs are under the control of a hostile creature, that controlling creature can attempt a Will saving throw (DC equal to this spell's) to negate this spell's effect. Each construct under the control of another creature grants its controlling creature a separate saving throw to negate the effect for that construct. While this spell is in effect, the affected constructs follow any command you give them, even if it would be dangerous to the controlled constructs. At the end of the spell, the constructs revert to their normal behavior. If they are intelligent, they know and remember that you used magic to control them.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Control Undead.MOD DESC:This spell enables you to control undead creatures for a short period of time. You command them by voice and they understand you, no matter what language you speak. No matter what, the controlled undead do not attack you. At the end of the spell, the targets revert to their normal behavior. If any of the undead are under the control of a hostile creature, that controlling creature can attempt a Will saving throw (DC = the spell's DC) to negate this spell's effect if the creature failed its initial saving throw. Each undead under the control of another creature grants its controlling creature a separate saving throw to negate the effect for that undead. Intelligent undead creatures remember that you controlled them, and they may seek revenge after the spell's duration ends.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Corrosive Haze.MOD DESC:A 5-foot cloud of acid-resistant nanites continually converts nearby water vapor into deadly acid. You can create the cloud in the same square as a creature and move it up to 30 feet in any direction as a move action on your turn. If the cloud enters (or is created in) a square containing a creature, it can't move any farther that round and deals 4d6 acid damage to that creature (Reflex negates). The acidic cloud also corrodes any unattended objects along its path, dealing them 4d8 acid damage. If you don't move the cloud, it remains where it is; if it shares its square with any creature at the beginning of your turn, that creature must succeed at a Reflex save or take 4d8 acid damage. Any creature that takes damage from the cloud takes 10 additional acid damage at the end of its next turn.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Cosmic Eddy.MOD DESC:You pull dormant mystical energy from the land and objects around you and use it to create a swirling eddy that batters your foes and can hinder their movement. The eddy deals 4d6 bludgeoning damage to each creature in the area. Additionally, creatures in the area are knocked prone and are reduced to half speed while the spell is in effect. A creature that succeeds at a Reflex save takes only half damage and is not knocked prone, but it is still reduced to half speed. Flying creatures within the eddy's area must attempt an Acrobatics check to fly (DC equals the spell's save DC) each round. Failure means the creature cannot move for that round. The spell deals damage and knocks creatures prone only once. However, if a creature leaves the spell's area and then returns, it is subject to the damage and other effects described above again (and can attempt another Reflex saving throw). Similarly, if a creature is not in this spell's area when it is first cast but later moves into it, it is subject to the damage and other effects described above. Small, unattended items (no more than light bulk) are also thrown around in the eddy's area. At the end of the spell's duration, such items land in a randomly determined space within the spell's area.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Creation.MOD DESC:You create a nonmagical, nontechnological, unattended object of nonliving matter. The volume of the item created can't exceed (CASTERLEVEL) cubic feet (or (CASTERLEVEL) bulk). You must succeed at an appropriate Engineering or Profession check to make a complex item, and you can't create a consumable item. [4th] When you cast creation as a 4th-level spell, it creates an object made out of vegetable matter (such as wood) that has an item level no greater than (CASTERLEVEL/3). The duration is (CASTERLEVEL) hours. [5th] When you cast creation as a 5th-level spell, it creates an object made out of vegetable matter or material of a mineral nature: crystal, metal, stone, or the like. The object can't have an item level greater than (CASTERLEVEL/2). The duration depends on the hardness and rarity of the created object, as indicated on the following table. HARDNESS AND RARITY EXAMPLES DURATION - Vegetable matter (CASTERLEVEL*2) hours; Stone, crystal, base metals (CASTERLEVEL) hours; Precious metals (CASTERLEVEL*20) minutes; Gems (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes; Rare metals* (CASTERLEVEL) rounds. *Includes adamantine, alchemical silver, mithral, and skymetal alloys. You can't use a 5th-level creation spell to create a cold iron item.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Creation (Level 4).MOD DESC:You create a nonmagical, nontechnological, unattended object of nonliving matter. The volume of the item created can't exceed (CASTERLEVEL) cubic feet (or (CASTERLEVEL) bulk). You must succeed at an appropriate Engineering or Profession check to make a complex item, and you can't create a consumable item. [4th] When you cast creation as a 4th-level spell, it creates an object made out of vegetable matter (such as wood) that has an item level no greater than (CASTERLEVEL/3). The duration is (CASTERLEVEL) hours.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Creation (Level 5).MOD DESC:You create a nonmagical, nontechnological, unattended object of nonliving matter. The volume of the item created can't exceed (CASTERLEVEL) cubic feet (or (CASTERLEVEL) bulk). You must succeed at an appropriate Engineering or Profession check to make a complex item, and you can't create a consumable item. [4th] When you cast creation as a 4th-level spell, it creates an object made out of vegetable matter (such as wood) that has an item level no greater than (CASTERLEVEL/3). The duration is (CASTERLEVEL) hours. [5th] When you cast creation as a 5th-level spell, it creates an object made out of vegetable matter or material of a mineral nature: crystal, metal, stone, or the like. The object can't have an item level greater than (CASTERLEVEL/2). The duration depends on the hardness and rarity of the created object, as indicated on the following table. HARDNESS AND RARITY EXAMPLES DURATION - Vegetable matter (CASTERLEVEL*2) hours; Stone, crystal, base metals (CASTERLEVEL) hours; Precious metals (CASTERLEVEL*20) minutes; Gems (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes; Rare metals* (CASTERLEVEL) rounds. *Includes adamantine, alchemical silver, mithral, and skymetal alloys. You can't use a 5th-level creation spell to create a cold iron item.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Crush Skull.MOD DESC:You manipulate the energy that swirls around the target's head, pulling it inward and potentially crushing its skull. You must make a ranged attack against the target's EAC to ensure this spell hits the necessary weak spots in the target's head, but you can add your key ability score modifier to this attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier if it is higher. If you hit and the target fails a Fortitude saving throw, it takes 18d8 damage. If the target succeeds at its saving throw, it instead takes 4d8 damage. The target might die from damage even if it succeeds at its saving throw; in this case, the spell is not a death effect. This spell has no effect against living creatures that don't have an anatomical head.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Dancing Lights.MOD DESC:You create up to four lights that resemble small headlights or flashlights. The dancing lights must stay within a 10-foot-radius area in relation to each other but otherwise move as you desire; forward or back, up or down, straight or turning corners, or the like. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A light winks out if the distance between you and it exceeds the spell's range. You can have only one dancing lights spell active at a time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Darkvision.MOD DESC:The target gains the ability to see 60 feet even in total darkness. Darkvision is black and white only but otherwise like normal sight.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Daze.MOD DESC:This spell short-circuits the mind of a humanoid creature with a CR of 3 or lower so that it is dazed (unable to take actions, but taking no penalty to AC). Humanoids of CR 4 or higher are not affected. After a creature has been dazed by this spell, it is immune to it for 1 minute.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Daze Monster.MOD DESC:This spell short-circuits the mind of a creature with a CR of 5 or lower so that it is dazed (unable to take actions, but taking no penalty to AC). Humanoids of CR 6 or higher are not affected. After a creature has been dazed by this spell, it is immune to it for 1 minute.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Death Ward.MOD DESC:The target gains a +4 morale bonus to saving throws against all spells and effects with the death descriptor. The target can attempt a save to negate such effects even if one is not normally allowed. The target can't gain negative levels and is immune to any negative energy effects. This spell does not remove negative levels the target has already gained, but it does remove the penalties from negative levels for the duration of its effect. Death ward does not protect against other sorts of attacks, even if those attacks might be lethal.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Deep Slumber.MOD DESC:This spell causes living creatures in the area to fall into a magical sleep, gaining the asleep condition (except normal noise doesn't wake up the sleeping creatures). Creatures with the lowest CR are affected first. Among creatures of equal CR, those who are closest to the spell's point of origin are affected first. Deep slumber doesn't affect unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Destruction Protocol.MOD DESC:Waves of inciting programming ebb from your touch, reprogramming a construct to have murderous intentions toward your enemies. This spell must target a construct that is not already programmed or tasked with harming you. The target construct must have a CR lower than (CASTERLEVEL). If the target construct is under the control of another creature, the controlling creature can attempt a Will saving throw (DC = the spell's DC) to negate this spell's effect. While this spell is in effect, the construct is under your control. On your turn starting when you cast this spell, you must direct it to attack a target; the construct then pursues and attacks this target as best it can. You can change which target the construct attacks as part of your concentration to continue this spell's duration (a standard action). When you stop concentrating or when the spell's duration otherwise ends, the construct immediately stops following your commands to attack.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Affliction.MOD DESC:You determine whether a creature or object has been poisoned, is diseased, is cursed, or is suffering a similar affliction. If the target is poisoned or diseased, you automatically detect that fact and can determine the exact type of poison or disease with a successful DC 20 Intelligence or Wisdom check. If you are trained in Life Science or Medicine (depending on the nature of the poison or disease), you can attempt a DC 20 check of that skill if you fail your Wisdom or Intelligence check. If the target is cursed or suffering from a similar affliction, you must succeed at a DC 20 Intelligence or Wisdom check to determine that fact. You can then determine the exact nature of the curse with a successful DC 25 Mysticism check.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Magic.MOD DESC:You detect all magic spells, effects, items, and objects (including those on or affecting creatures you can see), as well as hybrid items, in the area. You can't detect magical traps in this way, as they are created with additional magic that wards them from this common spell. Each round you concentrate on the same area, you can determine if one magic source you detect is from a spell, magic item, or other effect, and the caster level (or item level) of the effect. You can't determine if there are magic sources in areas you can't see, or if there was a magic source in an area at one time but that has since expired.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Radiation.MOD DESC:You detect radiation in the surrounding area, and you can determine the specific intensity of the radiation of one area or object within the spell's area each round without taking an action (see Radiation on page 403 for more details). The spell can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of dirt or wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or any force field blocks it.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Tech.MOD DESC:You detect all technological items (even hybrid items) with charges or that replenish charges in the area, including batteries, power cells, and generators (as well as such items that are on creatures you can see, even if the creatures have hidden those items on themselves). You can't determine if there are technological items in areas you can't see, nor can you detect technological traps in this way. The information this spell provides allows you to differentiate between charged items and items that replenish charges, but it does not provide any further information nor does it tell you, for example, how many charges an item currently has or how many maximum charges it can hold. This spell can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of dirt or wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or any force field blocks it.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Detect Thoughts.MOD DESC:You detect the surface thoughts of intelligent creatures around you. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or target. [1st Round] You detect the presence or absence of thoughts from conscious creatures that have Intelligence scores of at least 1 (or an Intelligence modifier of â€"5) or higher. [2nd Round] You detect the number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score (or modifier) of each. If the highest Intelligence score is 26 (or a modifier of +8) or higher and at least 10 points higher than your own Intelligence score (or 5 points higher than your own Intelligence modifier), you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends. This spell doesn't let you determine the location of the thinking minds if you can't see the creatures whose thoughts you are detecting. [3rd Round] You can read the surface thoughts of any mind in the area. A target who succeeds at its Will save prevents you from reading its thoughts, and you must cast detect thoughts again to have another chance. Creatures of animal intelligence (an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 or an Intelligence modifier of â€"4 or lower) have simple, instinctual thoughts. Each round, you can turn to detect thoughts in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of dirt or wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or any force field blocks it.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dimension Door.MOD DESC:You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You always arrive at exactly the spot desiredâ€"whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating its direction. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed your maximum load. You can also bring up to four additional willing or unconscious Medium or smaller creatures (carrying gear or objects up to their maximum load) or their equivalent. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, and a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until your next turn (and each creature traveling with you can't take any other actions until its next turn). If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, you and each creature traveling with you each take 1d6 damage and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location. If there is no free space within 100 feet, you and each creature traveling with you take 2d6 additional damage and are shunted to a free space within 1,000 feet. If there is no free space within 1,000 feet, you and each creature traveling with you take 4d6 additional damage and the spell simply fails.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Discern Lies.MOD DESC:Each round, you concentrate on one target within range. You know if the target deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie by discerning disturbances in its aura caused by lying. The spell does not reveal the truth or uncover unintentional inaccuracies, and it doesn't necessarily reveal evasions. Each round, you can concentrate on a different target.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Discharge.MOD DESC:You can dissipate the charges from one technological object, temporarily depower one electrically powered technological object that does not use charges, or severely hinder a construct with the technological subtype. If the spell targets an object with charges, the object loses all of its remaining charges. If the object is powered by electrical means other than charges, its functions are suppressed for 1d4 rounds. If the spell targets a creature not of the technological subtype, it affects a random charged or electrically powered item in that creature's possession. If the target is a construct with the technological subtype, it is staggered and cannot use any energy-based attacks for 1d4 rounds. A construct with the technological subtype that is affected by this spell can attempt a Fortitude saving throw at the end of each round to shrug off the effect.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Discharge (Greater).MOD DESC:You can dissipate the charges from technological objects, temporarily depower electrically powered technological objects that do not use charges, or severely hinder a construct with the technological subtype. If the spell targets an object with charges, the object loses all of its remaining charges. If the object is powered by electrical means other than charges, its functions are suppressed for 1d4 rounds. If the spell targets a creature not of the technological subtype, it affects a random charged or electrically powered item in that creature's possession. If the target is a construct with the technological subtype, it is staggered and cannot use any energy-based attacks for 1d4 rounds. A construct with the technological subtype that is affected by this spell can attempt a Fortitude saving throw at the end of each round to shrug off the effect. This spell functions as discharge, except it can discharge multiple technological objects. You can use it in one of two ways - an area discharge or a targeted discharge. [Area Discharge] When used in this way, the spell affects everything within a 20-foot-radius burst. Each creature in the area is affected as though by discharge (affecting only one object in the creature's possession), and each unattended object is similarly affected. [Targeted Discharge] If this spell targets a single creature, it can discharge (CASTERLEVEL/4) randomly determined objects from the target's charged or electrically powered possessions.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Disguise Self.MOD DESC:You make yourselfâ€"and any clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment on youâ€"look different. You can seem up to 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your creature type (although you can appear as another subtype). Otherwise, the extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could merely add or obscure a minor feature, or you could look like an entirely different person or gender. The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible (sound) properties of you or your equipment. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you gain a +10 circumstance bonus to the Disguise check (since it counts as altering your form). A creature that interacts with you directly can attempt a Will saving throw to recognize your appearance as an illusion.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Disintegrate.MOD DESC:Immense power shoots from your finger, with the potential to disintegrate a target where it stands. When you cast this spell, a thin, green ray springs from your pointing finger. You must make a ranged attack against your target's EAC, but you can add your key ability score bonus to this attack instead of your Dexterity modifier if it is higher. If you hit, the target takes 14d20 damage. Any creature reduced to 0 Hit Points by this spell is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature's equipment is unaffected. Only one target is affected per casting of this spell. When used against an object, the ray simply disintegrates as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. Thus, the spell disintegrates only part of any very large object or structure targeted. The ray affects even objects constructed entirely of force, but it does not affect other magical effects that are not an object, creature, or force effect. A creature or object that succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw is partially affected, taking only 4d20 damage. If this damage reduces the creature or object to 0 Hit Points, the target is entirely disintegrated.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dismissal.MOD DESC:The spell instantly forces one or more extraplanar creatures off your current plane, whisking them away instantlyâ€"usually to the creature's home plane, but there is a 20%% chance of sending the target to a random plane other than its own. You can improve the spell's chance of success by presenting one object or substance that the target fears, hates, or otherwise opposes; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your caster level check to overcome the target's spell resistance (if any), and the save DC of the spell increases by 2. At the GM's discretion, certain rare items might work twice as well, providing a +2 circumstance bonus to the caster level check to overcome spell resistance and increasing the spell's save DC by 4. [4th] When you cast dismissal as a 4th-level spell, it affects one extraplanar creature. [5th] When you cast dismissal as a 5th-level spell, it affects a number of extraplanar creatures whose total CR can't exceed (CASTERLEVEL+2), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dismissal.MOD DESC:The spell instantly forces one extraplanar creatures off your current plane, whisking it away instantlyâ€"usually to the creature's home plane, but there is a 20%% chance of sending the target to a random plane other than its own. You can improve the spell's chance of success by presenting one object or substance that the target fears, hates, or otherwise opposes; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your caster level check to overcome the target's spell resistance (if any), and the save DC of the spell increases by 2. At the GM's discretion, certain rare items might work twice as well, providing a +2 circumstance bonus to the caster level check to overcome spell resistance and increasing the spell's save DC by 4. When you cast dismissal, it affects one extraplanar creature.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dismissal.MOD DESC:The spell instantly forces one or more extraplanar creatures off your current plane, whisking them away instantlyâ€"usually to the creature's home plane, but there is a 20%% chance of sending the target to a random plane other than its own. You can improve the spell's chance of success by presenting one object or substance that the target fears, hates, or otherwise opposes; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your caster level check to overcome the target's spell resistance (if any), and the save DC of the spell increases by 2. At the GM's discretion, certain rare items might work twice as well, providing a +2 circumstance bonus to the caster level check to overcome spell resistance and increasing the spell's save DC by 4. [4th] When you cast dismissal as a 4th-level spell, it affects one extraplanar creature. [5th] When you cast dismissal as a 5th-level spell, it affects a number of extraplanar creatures whose total CR can't exceed (CASTERLEVEL+2), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dispel Magic.MOD DESC:You can use dispel magic to end one ongoing spell that has been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or to counter another spellcaster's spell. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. Some spells, as detailed in their descriptions, can't be defeated by dispel magic. Dispel magic can dispel (but not counter) spell-like abilities just as it does spells. The effect of a spell with an instantaneous duration can't be dispelled. You choose to use dispel magic in one of two ways: as a targeted dispel or as a counter. [Targeted Dispel] One creature, object, or spell is the target of the dispel magic spell. You can also use a targeted dispel to specifically end one spell affecting the target or one spell affecting an area (such as zone of truth). You must name the specific spell effect to be targeted in this way or otherwise uniquely identify it (such as “that burning wall†or “the spell that's giving him those duplicatesâ€). Attempt a dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) with a DC equal to 11 + the spell's caster level. If you succeed, the spell ends. If you don't specify a spell and there is more than one possible spell on the target, your targeted dispel attempts to dispel a spell at random. If you target a force, an object, or a creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as unseen servant), you attempt a dispel check to end the spell that conjured the object or creature. If the object that you target is a magic item, you attempt a dispel check against the item level (DC = 11 + the item level). If you succeed, all the item's magical properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, after which the item recovers its magical properties. A suppressed item becomes nonmagical for the duration of the effect. A magic item's nonmagical physical properties are unchanged; a suppressed holy laser pistol is still a laser pistol. Artifacts and deities are unaffected by mortal magic such as this. You can choose to automatically succeed at your dispel check against any spell you have cast. [Counter] You can use the energy of dispel magic to disrupt the casting of other spells. First, select an opponent and take the ready action (see page 249) to cast dispel magic when that target casts a spell. This is considered a purely defensive action. When that readied action is triggered, you cast dispel magic and must attempt a dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) to counter the other spellcaster's spell. The DC is equal to 11 + the other spellcaster's caster level. If the check is successful and the target is in range, the spell fails and has no result.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dispel Magic (Greater).MOD DESC:This spell functions like dispel magic, except it can end more than one spell on a target and it can be used to target multiple creatures. You choose to use greater dispel magic in one of three ways: a targeted dispel, an area dispel, or a counter. [Targeted Dispel] This functions as a targeted dispel magic, but you can dispel one spell for every 4 caster levels you have, attempting a separate dispel check for each spell. Additionally, greater dispel magic has a chance to dispel any curse that remove affliction can remove, even if dispel magic can't dispel that effect. The DC of this check is equal to the curse's DC. [Area Dispel] When greater dispel magic is used in this way, the spell affects everything within a 20-foot-radius burst. Attempt one dispel check and apply that check to each creature or object in the area, as if it were targeted by dispel magic. If you don't specify spells and there is more than one possible spell on the target, your targeted dispel attempts to dispel spells at random. Magic items themselves are not affected by an area dispel but additional magical effects on them may be dispelled. For each ongoing spell effect whose point of origin is within the area of the greater dispel magic spell, apply the result of the dispel check to dispel the spell. For each ongoing spell whose area overlaps that of the greater dispel magic spell, apply the result of the dispel check to end the effect, but only within the overlapping area. If an object or a creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell is in the area, apply the result of the dispel check to end the spell that conjured that object or creature (returning it whence it came) in addition to attempting to dispel one spell targeting the creature or object. You can choose to automatically succeed at your dispel check against any spell you have cast. [Counter] This functions as countering with dispel magic, but you receive a +4 bonus to your dispel check to counter the other spellcaster's spell.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Displacement.MOD DESC:The target of this spell appears to be about 2 feet away from its true location. The creature benefits from a 50%% miss chance as if it had total concealment. Unlike actual total concealment, displacement doesn't prevent enemies from targeting the creature normally. True seeing reveals the target's true location and negates the miss chance. If a creature with blindsense can also see the displaced creature, the visual and blindsense information combined are enough for the creature with blindsense to attack the displaced creature without a miss chance, unlike normal for blindsense.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Divination.MOD DESC:Similar to augury but more powerful, a divination spell can provide you with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that is to occur within 1 week. Casting this spell requires you to expend 1 Resolve Point. The advice granted by the spell can be as simple as a short phrase, or it might take the form of a cryptic rhyme or omen. If you don't act on the information, the conditions may change so that the information is no longer useful. The chance for a correct divination is 75%%. If the die roll fails, you know the spell failed, unless specific magic yielding false information is at work. As with augury, multiple castings of divination about the same topic by the same caster use the same die result as the first divination spell and yield the same answer each time.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Dominate Person.MOD DESC:You fire a bright purple ray at your target, making a ranged attack against your target's EAC, but you can add your key ability score bonus to this attack instead of your Dexterity modifier if it is higher. If you hit and your target fails its Will saving throw, you establish a telepathic link with the target's mind and can control its actions. If you and the target have a common language, you can generally force the target to perform as you desire, within the limits of its abilities. If no common language exists, you can communicate only basic commands, such as “Come here,†“Go there,†“Fight,†and “Stand still.†You know what the target is experiencing, but you don't receive direct sensory input from it, nor can it communicate with you telepathically. Once you have given a dominated creature a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities except those necessary for day-to-day survival (such as sleeping, eating, and so forth). Changing your orders or giving a dominated creature a new command is a move action. By concentrating fully on the spell (a standard action), you can receive full sensory input as interpreted by the mind of the target, though it still can't communicate with you. You don't actually see through the target's eyes, but you still get a good idea of what's going on. The target resists this control, and any target forced to take actions against its nature can attempt a new saving throw with a +2 bonus. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out. Once control is established, the range at which it can be exercised is unlimited as long as you and the target are on the same plane. You don't need to see the target to control it. If you don't spend at least 1 round concentrating on the spell each following day, the target can attempt a new saving throw to throw off the domination. You can be prevented from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the target is under the effects of some spells, but such effects don't automatically dispel the domination.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Energy Ray.MOD DESC:When you cast this spell, choose acid, cold, electricity, or fire; the spell gains that descriptor. You fire a ray at the target, and you must make a ranged attack against its EAC. On a hit, the ray deals 1d3 damage of the chosen energy type.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Enervation.MOD DESC:You shoot a black ray at a target, making a ranged attack against the target's EAC. If you hit, the target gains 2 temporary negative levels. Negative levels stack. If the target survives, it recovers from negative levels after %1 hours. An undead creature struck by the ray gains 10 temporary Hit Points for 1 hour.|min(15,CASTERLEVEL)|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Enshrining Refuge.MOD DESC:All creatures within a 40-foot radius of the spell's point of origin are protected from violence. Any opponent attempting to directly attack a warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will saving throw. If the opponent succeeds, it can attack that creature normally, though it takes a â€"2 penalty to attacks against that creature for the duration of the spell. On a failed save, the opponent can't follow through with the attack, loses that action, and can't directly attack the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Those not attempting to attack a warded creature remain unaffected. This spell doesn't prevent warded creatures from being affected by an attack with an area of effect, though a warded creature receives a +2 bonus to saving throws against such attacks. Each warded creature can breathe normally, no matter the surrounding atmosphere, and it suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. A warded creature can't attack without breaking the spell for itself, but it can use harmless spells and abilities that don't require attack rolls, and it can act otherwise.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Entropic Grasp.MOD DESC:Any unattended, manufactured (built from component parts, including metal, wood, plastic, glass, and so on) item you touch crumbles into dust, rust, and decay. If the item is so large that it can't fit within a 3-foot radius, a 3-foot-radius volume of the material is destroyed. This is an instantaneous effect. You can employ entropic grasp in combat by making a melee attack against your opponent's EAC. If you hit, you instantaneously reduce a manufactured armor's KAC and EAC bonus by 3 (to a minimum of a +0 bonus). Damaged armor can be repaired using the Engineering skill; with a successful check, the armor's armor bonuses are restored to their original values. Against a manufactured creature (generally constructs, but not undead), this attack instead deals 6d12 damage. Weapons and equipment in use by an opponent are more difficult to affect with this spell. You attempt a sunder combat maneuver against the item. If successful, you deal 6d6 damage to the weapon or item. Used in combat, this spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) rounds, and you can make one melee attack each round on future rounds as a standard action. The target can attempt a save to negate each melee attack, but success does not end the spell. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Erase.MOD DESC:Erase removes writings of either magical or mundane nature from any written storage, including paper, computers, or similar devices. You remove up to 1,500 words worth of text (for computer files, this could be a 1,500-word data file or 1,500 words of computer code). With this spell, you can remove magic runes and glyphs created by spells of 3rd-level and lower. Nonmagical writing in a book or manual is automatically erased if you touch it and no one else is holding it. Magical writing and computer programs must be touched (either directly or by touching the physical drive that holds the file) to be erased, and you must also succeed at a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) with a DC equal to 11 + the caster level for the magical writing or the item level of the computer's drive. Computers generally keep backups on a round-by-round basis, and when you erase code from a computer, it takes 1 round for the computer to access its backups. If you erase a file that stores continuous data (like a camera feed), the computer won't be able to recover the missing round. A natural 1 is always a failure on this check. If you fail to erase writing that is part of a trap (magical or otherwise), you set off that trap.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Ethereal Jaunt.MOD DESC:You become ethereal, along with your equipment. For the duration of the spell, you are on the Ethereal Plane, which overlaps the Material Plane. When the spell expires, you return to material existence. An ethereal creature is invisible, insubstantial, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down, albeit at half normal speed. As an insubstantial creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear events and creatures on the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and ephemeral. Sight and hearing on the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet and many kinds of senses (such as blindsense and blindsight) don't work across the planar boundary. Force effects and abjurations affect an ethereal creature normally, but force effects originating on the Ethereal Plane don't affect targets on the Material Plane. An ethereal creature can't attack material creatures, and spells you cast while ethereal affect only other ethereal things. Certain material creatures and objects have attacks or effects that work on the Ethereal Plane. Treat other ethereal creatures and ethereal objects as you would if you were both on the Material Plane. If you end the spell and become material while inside a material object (such as a solid wall), you are shunted to the nearest open space and take 1d6 damage per 5 feet that you so travel.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Explosive Blast.MOD DESC:You magically transform a used battery into a powerful explosive device, propelling it in a straight line to a grid intersection within range, at which point it detonates, dealing 9d6 fire damage to all creatures and objects in the area. If you send the battery through a narrow opening, you must make a ranged attack (usually against an Armor Class of 10 for a narrow opening or an Armor Class of 15 for an extremely narrow opening) to avoid hitting the side and detonating it prematurely.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Fatigue.MOD DESC:You make a melee attack against a single target's EAC, adding your key ability score modifier to the attack roll instead of your Strength modifier if it is higher. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be fatigued for the spell's duration. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear.MOD DESC:With a single mental nudge, you can unlock one or more targets' deepest nightmares. A target that succeeds at its Will saving throw against this spell is shaken for 1 round. [1st] When you cast fear as a 1st-level spell, it affects one living creature of CR 4 or lower at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1d4 rounds. [2nd] When you cast fear as a 2nd-level spell, it affects (CASTERLEVEL/3) living creatures of CR 4 or lower per 3 caster levels at medium range ((100+CASTERLEVEL*10) feet), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. Each target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. [3rd] When you cast fear as 3rd-level spell, it affects all living creatures of CR 8 or lower in 30-foot cone-shaped burst. Each target must succeed at a Will save or become panicked for 1 minute. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering. [4th] When you cast fear as 4th-level spell, it affects all living creatures in 30-foot cone-shaped burst regardless of CR. Each target must succeed at a Will save or become panicked for 1 minute. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 1).MOD DESC:With a single mental nudge, you can unlock one target's deepest nightmares. A target that succeeds at its Will saving throw against this spell is shaken for 1 round. [1st] When you cast fear as a 1st-level spell, it affects one living creature of CR 4 or lower at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1d4 rounds.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 2).MOD DESC:With a single mental nudge, you can unlock one or more targets' deepest nightmares. A target that succeeds at its Will saving throw against this spell is shaken for 1 round. [1st] When you cast fear as a 1st-level spell, it affects one living creature of CR 4 or lower at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1d4 rounds. [2nd] When you cast fear as a 2nd-level spell, it affects (CASTERLEVEL/3) living creatures of CR 4 or lower at medium range ((100+CASTERLEVEL*10) feet), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. Each target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 3).MOD DESC:With a single mental nudge, you can unlock one or more targets' deepest nightmares. A target that succeeds at its Will saving throw against this spell is shaken for 1 round. [1st] When you cast fear as a 1st-level spell, it affects one living creature of CR 4 or lower at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1d4 rounds. [2nd] When you cast fear as a 2nd-level spell, it affects (CASTERLEVEL/3) living creatures of CR 4 or lower per 3 caster levels at medium range ((100+CASTERLEVEL*10) feet), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. Each target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. [3rd] When you cast fear as 3rd-level spell, it affects all living creatures of CR 8 or lower in 30-foot cone-shaped burst. Each target must succeed at a Will save or become panicked for 1 minute. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fear (Level 4).MOD DESC:With a single mental nudge, you can unlock one or more targets' deepest nightmares. A target that succeeds at its Will saving throw against this spell is shaken for 1 round. [1st] When you cast fear as a 1st-level spell, it affects one living creature of CR 4 or lower at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1d4 rounds. [2nd] When you cast fear as a 2nd-level spell, it affects (CASTERLEVEL/3) living creatures of CR 4 or lower per 3 caster levels at medium range ((100+CASTERLEVEL*10) feet), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. Each target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. [3rd] When you cast fear as 3rd-level spell, it affects all living creatures of CR 8 or lower in 30-foot cone-shaped burst. Each target must succeed at a Will save or become panicked for 1 minute. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering. [4th] When you cast fear as 4th-level spell, it affects all living creatures in 30-foot cone-shaped burst regardless of CR. Each target must succeed at a Will save or become panicked for 1 minute. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Feeblemind.MOD DESC:You fire a scintillating ray at your target, making a ranged attack against your target's EAC, but you can add your key ability score bonus to this attack instead of your Dexterity modifier if it is higher. If you hit and your target fails its Will saving throw, the target creature's Intelligence and Charisma scores each drop to 1 (a modifier of â€"5). The affected creature is unable to use Intelligence- or Charisma-based skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate coherently. It still knows who its friends are and can follow them and even protect them. The target remains in this state until a miracle, psychic surgery, wish, or similar spell is used to cancel the effect. It can't be removed by effects like break enchantment.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flesh to Stone.MOD DESC:You fire a dull gray ray at your target, making a ranged attack against your target's EAC, but you can add your key ability score bonus to this attack instead of your Dexterity modifier if it is higher. If you hit and the target fails its Fortitude save, the target, along with all its carried gear, turns into a mindless, inert statue. If the statue resulting from this spell is broken or damaged, the target (if ever returned to its original state) has similar damage or deformities. The creature is not dead, but it gives off no sign of life even upon close inspection. Only creatures made of flesh are affected by this spell. If this spell is cast upon a stone creature that was once flesh, it reverses the petrification.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight.MOD DESC:You tinker with the particles of magic surrounding one or more targets to either allow them to slow a fall, gently rise or descend, or fly short or vast distances. [1st] When you cast flight as a 1st-level spell, you can target (CASTERLEVEL) Medium or smaller falling objects or creatures at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so on. The affected targets instantly fall slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). The targets take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. This spell doesn't affect charging or flying creatures. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts until that target lands or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (whichever happens first). The 1st-level version of this spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can't take a standard action on your next round. [2nd] When you cast flight as a 2nd-level spell, you can target yourself or one willing or unconscious creature or unattended object (total weight up to (CASTERLEVEL*100) pounds or (CASTERLEVEL*10) bulk) at close range. The spell allows you to move the target up or down as you wish. Each round as a move action, you can mentally direct the target up or down as much as 20 feet. You can't move the target horizontally. A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack takes a â€"1 penalty to attack rolls, the second a â€"2 penalty, and so on, to a maximum of â€"5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at â€"1. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minutes and is dismissible. [3rd] When you cast flight as a 3rd-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and give it the power of flight. The target can fly at a speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. Flying while under this spell's effects takes no more concentration than walking, so the target can attack or cast spells normally. The target can charge but not run, and it can't carry aloft more weight than its normal bulk limit. The target gains a +(CASTERLEVEL/2) bonus to Acrobatics checks to fly. If this spell expires or is dispelled while the target is aloft, the target floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 damage per 10 feet fallen. The spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes. [4th] When you cast flight as a 4th-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and affect it as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the target's fly speed is increased by 10 feet and the spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes. [5th] When you cast flight as a 5th-level spell, you can target yourself and be affected as per the 4th-level version of the spell, except the spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) hours. When you use this flight speed for long-distance movement, you can hustle without taking nonlethal damage (a forced march still requires Constitution checks). You can cover 140 miles in an 8-hour period of flight (or 80 miles at a speed of 50 feet). [6th] When you cast flight as a 6th-level spell, you can target multiple willing or unconscious creatures at close range (%1 feet) and affect them as per the 3rd-level version of the spell. You can target (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, all of which must be within 30 feet of each other. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 1).MOD DESC:You tinker with the particles of magic surrounding one or more targets to either allow them to slow a fall, gently rise or descend, or fly short or vast distances. [1st] When you cast flight as a 1st-level spell, you can target (CASTERLEVEL) Medium or smaller falling objects or creatures at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so on. The affected targets instantly fall slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). The targets take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. This spell doesn't affect charging or flying creatures. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts until that target lands or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (whichever happens first). This spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can't take a standard action on your next round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 2).MOD DESC:You tinker with the particles of magic surrounding one or more targets to either allow them to slow a fall, gently rise or descend, or fly short or vast distances. [1st] When you cast flight as a 1st-level spell, you can target (CASTERLEVEL) Medium or smaller falling objects or creatures at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so on. The affected targets instantly fall slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). The targets take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. This spell doesn't affect charging or flying creatures. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts until that target lands or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (whichever happens first). The 1st-level version of this spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can't take a standard action on your next round. [2nd] When you cast flight as a 2nd-level spell, you can target yourself or one willing or unconscious creature or unattended object (total weight up to (CASTERLEVEL*100) pounds or (CASTERLEVEL*10) bulk) at close range. The spell allows you to move the target up or down as you wish. Each round as a move action, you can mentally direct the target up or down as much as 20 feet. You can't move the target horizontally. A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack takes a â€"1 penalty to attack rolls, the second a â€"2 penalty, and so on, to a maximum of â€"5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at â€"1. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minutes and is dismissible.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 3).MOD DESC:You tinker with the particles of magic surrounding one or more targets to either allow them to slow a fall, gently rise or descend, or fly short or vast distances. [1st] When you cast flight as a 1st-level spell, you can target (CASTERLEVEL) Medium or smaller falling objects or creatures at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so on. The affected targets instantly fall slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). The targets take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. This spell doesn't affect charging or flying creatures. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts until that target lands or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (whichever happens first). The 1st-level version of this spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can't take a standard action on your next round. [2nd] When you cast flight as a 2nd-level spell, you can target yourself or one willing or unconscious creature or unattended object (total weight up to (CASTERLEVEL*100) pounds or (CASTERLEVEL*10) bulk) at close range. The spell allows you to move the target up or down as you wish. Each round as a move action, you can mentally direct the target up or down as much as 20 feet. You can't move the target horizontally. A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack takes a â€"1 penalty to attack rolls, the second a â€"2 penalty, and so on, to a maximum of â€"5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at â€"1. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minutes and is dismissible. [3rd] When you cast flight as a 3rd-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and give it the power of flight. The target can fly at a speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. Flying while under this spell's effects takes no more concentration than walking, so the target can attack or cast spells normally. The target can charge but not run, and it can't carry aloft more weight than its normal bulk limit. The target gains a +(CASTERLEVEL/2) bonus to Acrobatics checks to fly. If this spell expires or is dispelled while the target is aloft, the target floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 damage per 10 feet fallen. The spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 4).MOD DESC:You tinker with the particles of magic surrounding one or more targets to either allow them to slow a fall, gently rise or descend, or fly short or vast distances. [1st] When you cast flight as a 1st-level spell, you can target (CASTERLEVEL) Medium or smaller falling objects or creatures at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so on. The affected targets instantly fall slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). The targets take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. This spell doesn't affect charging or flying creatures. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts until that target lands or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (whichever happens first). The 1st-level version of this spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can't take a standard action on your next round. [2nd] When you cast flight as a 2nd-level spell, you can target yourself or one willing or unconscious creature or unattended object (total weight up to (CASTERLEVEL*100) pounds or (CASTERLEVEL*10) bulk) at close range. The spell allows you to move the target up or down as you wish. Each round as a move action, you can mentally direct the target up or down as much as 20 feet. You can't move the target horizontally. A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack takes a â€"1 penalty to attack rolls, the second a â€"2 penalty, and so on, to a maximum of â€"5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at â€"1. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minutes and is dismissible. [3rd] When you cast flight as a 3rd-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and give it the power of flight. The target can fly at a speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. Flying while under this spell's effects takes no more concentration than walking, so the target can attack or cast spells normally. The target can charge but not run, and it can't carry aloft more weight than its normal bulk limit. The target gains a +(CASTERLEVEL/2) bonus to Acrobatics checks to fly. If this spell expires or is dispelled while the target is aloft, the target floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 damage per 10 feet fallen. The spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes. [4th] When you cast flight as a 4th-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and affect it as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the target's fly speed is increased by 10 feet and the spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 5).MOD DESC:You tinker with the particles of magic surrounding one or more targets to either allow them to slow a fall, gently rise or descend, or fly short or vast distances. [1st] When you cast flight as a 1st-level spell, you can target (CASTERLEVEL) Medium or smaller falling objects or creatures at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so on. The affected targets instantly fall slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). The targets take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. This spell doesn't affect charging or flying creatures. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts until that target lands or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (whichever happens first). The 1st-level version of this spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can't take a standard action on your next round. [2nd] When you cast flight as a 2nd-level spell, you can target yourself or one willing or unconscious creature or unattended object (total weight up to (CASTERLEVEL*100) pounds or (CASTERLEVEL*10) bulk) at close range. The spell allows you to move the target up or down as you wish. Each round as a move action, you can mentally direct the target up or down as much as 20 feet. You can't move the target horizontally. A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack takes a â€"1 penalty to attack rolls, the second a â€"2 penalty, and so on, to a maximum of â€"5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at â€"1. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minutes and is dismissible. [3rd] When you cast flight as a 3rd-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and give it the power of flight. The target can fly at a speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. Flying while under this spell's effects takes no more concentration than walking, so the target can attack or cast spells normally. The target can charge but not run, and it can't carry aloft more weight than its normal bulk limit. The target gains a +(CASTERLEVEL/2) bonus to Acrobatics checks to fly. If this spell expires or is dispelled while the target is aloft, the target floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 damage per 10 feet fallen. The spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes. [4th] When you cast flight as a 4th-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and affect it as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the target's fly speed is increased by 10 feet and the spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes. [5th] When you cast flight as a 5th-level spell, you can target yourself and be affected as per the 4th-level version of the spell, except the spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) hours. When you use this flight speed for long-distance movement, you can hustle without taking nonlethal damage (a forced march still requires Constitution checks). You can cover 140 miles in an 8-hour period of flight (or 80 miles at a speed of 50 feet).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Flight (Level 6).MOD DESC:You tinker with the particles of magic surrounding one or more targets to either allow them to slow a fall, gently rise or descend, or fly short or vast distances. [1st] When you cast flight as a 1st-level spell, you can target (CASTERLEVEL) Medium or smaller falling objects or creatures at close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet). The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so on. The affected targets instantly fall slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). The targets take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. This spell doesn't affect charging or flying creatures. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts until that target lands or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (whichever happens first). The 1st-level version of this spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can't take a standard action on your next round. [2nd] When you cast flight as a 2nd-level spell, you can target yourself or one willing or unconscious creature or unattended object (total weight up to (CASTERLEVEL*100) pounds or (CASTERLEVEL*10) bulk) at close range. The spell allows you to move the target up or down as you wish. Each round as a move action, you can mentally direct the target up or down as much as 20 feet. You can't move the target horizontally. A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack takes a â€"1 penalty to attack rolls, the second a â€"2 penalty, and so on, to a maximum of â€"5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at â€"1. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) minutes and is dismissible. [3rd] When you cast flight as a 3rd-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and give it the power of flight. The target can fly at a speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. Flying while under this spell's effects takes no more concentration than walking, so the target can attack or cast spells normally. The target can charge but not run, and it can't carry aloft more weight than its normal bulk limit. The target gains a +(CASTERLEVEL/2) bonus to Acrobatics checks to fly. If this spell expires or is dispelled while the target is aloft, the target floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 damage per 10 feet fallen. The spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes. [4th] When you cast flight as a 4th-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and affect it as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the target's fly speed is increased by 10 feet and the spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes. [5th] When you cast flight as a 5th-level spell, you can target yourself and be affected as per the 4th-level version of the spell, except the spell lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) hours. When you use this flight speed for long-distance movement, you can hustle without taking nonlethal damage (a forced march still requires Constitution checks). You can cover 140 miles in an 8-hour period of flight (or 80 miles at a speed of 50 feet). [6th] When you cast flight as a 6th-level spell, you can target multiple willing or unconscious creatures at close range (%1 feet) and affect them as per the 3rd-level version of the spell. You can target (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, all of which must be within 30 feet of each other. This casting of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Fog Cloud.MOD DESC:A bank of fog billows out from the point you designate. The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20%% miss chance) against its attacker. Creatures farther away have total concealment (50%% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target) against their attackers. A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the fog in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round. This spell doesn't function underwater or in a vacuum.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Force Blast.MOD DESC:You gather mystical energy and blast it outward in a mighty wave originating from your fingertips, damaging and potentially knocking back your enemies. This spell deals 2d6 force damage to each creature in the area unless it succeeds at a Reflex saving throw for half damage. Additionally, the force from this spell effectively attempts to bull rush all creatures in the area. Attempt a single bull rush combat maneuver, using your caster level + your key ability score modifier as your attack bonus. Compare the result to each target's KAC + 8. If you're successful, that creature is knocked back 5 feet, plus 5 additional feet for every 5 by which your attack exceeds the creature's KAC + 8. If there is an obstacle in the way, the creature stops at the obstacle instead.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Ghost Sound.MOD DESC:You create a volume of sound that rises, falls, recedes, approaches, or remains fixed. You choose what type of sound this spell creates when casting it and cannot thereafter change the sound's basic character. The volume of sound created can produce as much noise as 20 normal humans. Thus, you can create shouting, singing, talking, marching, running, or walking sounds, as well as sounds of battle or small explosions. You can make noises that sound like machines, the general chatter of distant conversation, or the roar of an alien predator, but you can't make specific sounds such as intelligible speech or the exact hum of a particular starship's engines.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Grave Words.MOD DESC:You can force a touched corpse talk to you, but you can't ask it specific questions or communicate with it at all. The corpse utters random sentences for 1 round, with a 10%% chance this information is of some use to you. Useful information might include warnings about dangers in a wrecked starship, the password to unlock a computer, or the name of a supernatural creature seeking you or your allies. The GM makes the d%% roll in secret and decides what information, useful or not, the corpse spews out in its babbling. Once a corpse has been subjected to grave words by any caster, any new attempt to cast grave words on that corpse fails. A corpse must have a mouth or means to speak in order for this spell to function, and the spell doesn't affect a corpse that has been turned into an undead creature.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Gravitational Singularity.MOD DESC:You call into being a tiny particle of mass with infinite density. You must conjure the singularity in a square that is unoccupied by any creatures or objects. When you finish casting this spell, the singularity immediately draws all Medium and smaller creatures and unattended objects of no more than light bulk within 30 feet toward it. Each round on your turn, the singularity makes a single special combat maneuver against creatures within 30 feet with an attack bonus equal to 4 + your caster level + your key ability modifier. Compare the result to each creature's KAC + 8. If the singularity is successful, that creature is moved 5 feet toward the singularity plus 5 additional feet for every 5 by which the result exceeds a target's KAC + 8. Unattended objects are automatically moved 10 feet toward the singularity each round. If a creature or object is moved into the square that contains the singularity, it is sucked inside it and takes 12d6 damage at the end of its turn each round it remains within that space. A creature drawn into the singularity can take no actions except a full action to try to escape (it still takes damage during the rounds it attempts to escape). A creature must succeed at either an Athletics check (DC (CASTERLEVEL+CASTERLEVEL/2+15)) or a DC 22 Strength check to escape the singularity. The singularity can hold up to four Medium creatures or objects (two Small creatures or objects count as one Medium creature, and so on); if it would pull in additional creatures, those creatures are simply pulled into a square adjacent to the singularity. A creature within 50 feet of the singularity has its speed reduced by half when it moves away from the singularity. However, it can move at double its normal speed when moving toward the singularity. If a creature moves within 30 feet of the singularity at any point in its movement, it is subject to the combat maneuver described above. A creature that moves neither toward nor away from the singularity moves at its normal speed. When this spell ends, the singularity disappears, and creatures and objects that were sucked into the singularity appear in the space where you conjured it (or as close as possible to that space, if they can't all fit within it).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Grease.MOD DESC:You cover a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must succeed at a Reflex save or fall prone. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a successful DC 10 Acrobatics check. Failure means the creature can't move that round and must then succeed at a Reflex save or fall prone, while failure by 5 or more means it falls prone (see the Acrobatics skill on page 135 for details). A creature that doesn't move on its turn doesn't need to attempt this check and isn't considered flat-footed. The spell can also be used to create a greasy coating on an item. Unattended material objects are always affected by this spell. If you attempt to affect an object in a creature's possession, the creature can attempt a Reflex save to negate the effect. If the creature fails the initial saving throw, it immediately drops the item and must attempt a new save each round it attempts to pick up, hold, or use the item. A creature wearing greased armor or clothing gains a +5 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks to escape a grapple and a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC against grapple combat maneuvers.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Handy Junkbot.MOD DESC:You turn a pile of technological junk into a robot that can accomplish helpful tasks. You must target inert, nonworking electronic equipment of at least 1 bulk. Valid targets include a large broken computer system, nonworking or unconnected computer or robot parts, a destroyed robot or another such trashed mechanical system, or any related electronic components or combination of the above as long as the junk is found in a large enough quantity. While casting this spell, you use your magic and technological know-how to rearrange the junked parts and infuse them with energy and helpful programming. A handy junkbot is Small, its KAC and EAC are each (CASTERLEVEL+10), and it has a number of Hit Points equal to one-quarter of your own (but no Stamina Points). It has a land speed of 30 feet and a fly speed of 15 feet with average maneuverability. It can accomplish all tasks described in the Computers, Engineering, Piloting, and Sleight of Hand skills, is considered trained in those skills, and has a total skill bonus in each of (CASTERLEVEL+3). The junkbot is treated as if it is using a hacker's kit when using the Computers skill and an engineering kit when using the Engineering skill. A handy junkbot can never attack. The junkbot uses your saving throw bonuses if it is the target of a spell or another targeted effect. For purposes of spells and effects that target the junkbot, it is treated as a construct with the technological and magical subtypes. You can give new basic commands to your handy junkbot telepathically on your turn as a move action, and the junkbot can take actions as if it were a normal creature. You are aware when the junkbot has succeeded at or failed a skill check, as well as when it has been attacked or destroyed, but you can perceive nothing else through this basic telepathic link. When the handy junkbot is destroyed or this spell ends, the electronic equipment you used to create it falls apart into refuse, its circuitry fried beyond anything recognizable. You can't use this refuse as a target to create another junkbot.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Haste.MOD DESC:The targeted creatures move and act more quickly than normal. This extra speed has several effects. When making a full attack, a hasted creature can also take a separate move action in order to move. The movement can occur before, after, or between the attacks from the full attack. All movement must occur at the same time. All of the hasted creature's modes of movement (including base, burrow, climb, fly, and swim speeds) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the target's normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for increased speed. Multiple haste effects don't stack. Haste counters and negates slow.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Healing Junkbot.MOD DESC:You turn a pile of technological junk into a robot that can perform basic healing tasks. You must target inert, nonworking electronic equipment of at least 1 bulk. Valid targets include a large broken computer system, nonworking or unconnected computer or robot parts, a destroyed robot or another such trashed mechanical system, or any related electronic components or combination of the above as long as the junk is found in a large enough quantity. While casting this spell, you use your magic and technological know-how to rearrange the junked parts and infuse them with energy and medical skills. A healing junkbot is Small, its KAC and EAC are each equal to (10+CASTERLEVEL), and it has a number of Hit Points equal to one-quarter of your own (but no Stamina Points). It has a land speed of 30 feet and a fly speed of 15 feet with average maneuverability. It is considered trained in the Medicine skill and can perform first aid, treat deadly wounds, and treat drugs or poison as if it had a medkit (though it can't provide long-term care or treat disease). The junkbot has a total skill bonus for Medicine checks of (CASTERLEVEL+3). A healing junkbot can drag or fly one unconscious creature at a time to any spot you designate. It can drag or fly a Small, Medium, or Large creature at half speed. It can drag or fly smaller creatures at normal speed, but it can't move creatures bigger than Large. A healing junkbot can never attack. The junkbot uses your saving throw bonuses if it is the target of a spell or another targeted effect. For purposes of spells and effects that target it, the junkbot is treated as a construct with the technological and magical subtypes. You can give new basic commands to your healing junkbot telepathically on your turn as a move action, and the junkbot can take actions as if it were a normal creature. You are aware when the bot has succeeded at or failed a skill check, as well as when it has been attacked or destroyed, but you can perceive nothing else through this basic telepathic link. When the healing junkbot is destroyed or this spell ends, the electronic equipment you used to create it falls apart into refuse, its components and circuitry fried beyond anything recognizable. You can't use this refuse as a target to create another junkbot.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Heat Leech.MOD DESC:You drain the heat from all creatures and objects in the area, dealing 13d8 cold damage. You can store the gathered heat energy in a used battery. If you do so and use that battery when casting explosive blast within 1 minute, that spell deals 2d6 additional fire damage, destroying the used battery. Otherwise, the energy dissipates normally.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hold Monster.MOD DESC:The target becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes normally but can't take any physical actions, even speech. A held creature can't cast spells. Each round on its turn, the target can spend a full action to attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A winged creature that is paralyzed can't flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can't swim and may drown.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hold Person.MOD DESC:The target becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes normally but can't take any physical actions, even speech. A held creature can't cast spells. Each round on its turn, the target can spend a full action to attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A winged creature that is paralyzed can't flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can't swim and may drown.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hold Portal.MOD DESC:This spell magically holds shut a door, gate, shutter, or window of any standard material (metal, plastic, stone, wood, and so on), or it reinforces an electronic lock. The magic affects the portal just as if it were securely closed and normally locked. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate a hold portal spell. Add 5 to the normal DC for forcing open a portal or hacking an electronic lock affected by this spell.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hologram Memory.MOD DESC:You reach into the target's mind, extract a specific memory, and project that memory into a small hologram that plays in front of you and is visible to all creatures who can see it. The hologram memory can be no longer than 1 minute; if the extracted memory is longer than this, the hologram simply ends. The hologram includes audio as well as visual components, but it does not contain haptic, olfactory, or other components. The hologram typically plays a memory that takes place in a single scene, though it can cut to multiple scenes, if they are accurate to the memory and its length allows. The hologram plays the memory exactly as the target experienced it and from the target's perspective, so it often lacks context. The target creature must remain quiet and still while the hologram plays or the spell and hologram end. This spell can target any living, unconscious, or deceased sentient creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher (or a modifier of â€"4 or higher). If the target is deceased, it cannot have been dead for longer than 1 week, or this spell fails; once a corpse has been subjected to hologram memory by any caster, any subsequent attempts to cast hologram memory on that corpse fail. If the target is unwilling to share this memory (or if it would be unable to share the memory, in the case of an unconscious or deceased target), it can attempt a Will saving throw with a +4 bonus to negate this spell and its effects.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image.MOD DESC:You weave nearby photons into illusory holograms that can take almost any form you can imagine. These holograms are usually effective against cameras, robots, and living creatures. [1st] When you cast holographic image as a 1st-level spell, it produces a purely visual hologram at long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). The image has no sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The image can't extend beyond (CASTERLEVEL+4) 10-foot cubes. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect. [2nd] When you cast holographic image as a 2nd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include minor sounds, but not understandable speech. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 2 additional rounds. [3rd] When you cast holographic image as a 3rd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include sound, smell, and thermal illusions (but not speech). The image disappears when it is struck by an opponent, unless you cause the hologram to react appropriately. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 3 additional rounds. [4th] When you cast holographic image as a 4th-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the hologram follows a script determined by you. It follows that script for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes without you having to concentrate on it. The hologram can include intelligible speech, if you wish. [5th] When you cast holographic image as a 5th-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 4th-level version of the spell, except the size of the hologram can't extend beyond a (20+CASTERLEVEL*10)-foot cube. You can choose to make the hologram permanent at the time of casting. By concentrating, you can move the image within the limits of the range, but it is static while you are not concentrating. Alternatively, you can have the hologram activate when a specific condition (which you set at the time of casting) occurs. The event that triggers the hologram can be as general or as specific and detailed as desired, but it must be based on an audible, olfactory, tactile, or visual trigger. The trigger can't be based on some quality not normally obvious to the senses, such as alignment. The spell lasts until it is triggered, and then the hologram lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds. [6th] When you cast holographic image as a 6th-level spell, it creates a quasi-real, illusory version of yourself at medium range ((100+CASTERLEVEL*10) feet). This hologram looks, sounds, and smells like you, but it is intangible. The hologram mimics your actions (including speech) unless you use a move action to direct it to act differently. You can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you were standing where it is, and during your turn you can switch from using its senses to using your own, or back again, as a move action. While you are using its senses, your body is considered blinded and deafened. If you desire, any spell you cast with a range of touch or greater can originate from the hologram instead of from you. The hologram can't cast spells on itself except for illusion spells. Spells cast in this manner affect other targets normally, despite originating from the hologram. An object isn't deceived by illusions (treat as if it had succeeded at its Will saving throw). The hologram remains for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds, and you must maintain line of effect to the hologram at all times. If your line of effect is obstructed, the spell ends. If you use dimension door, plane shift, teleport, or a similar spell that breaks your line of effect, even momentarily, the spell ends. This casting of the spell is a shadow effect.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 1).MOD DESC:You weave nearby photons into illusory holograms that can take almost any form you can imagine. These holograms are usually effective against cameras, robots, and living creatures. [1st] When you cast holographic image as a 1st-level spell, it produces a purely visual hologram at long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). The image has no sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The image can't extend beyond (CASTERLEVEL+4) 10-foot cubes. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 2).MOD DESC:You weave nearby photons into illusory holograms that can take almost any form you can imagine. These holograms are usually effective against cameras, robots, and living creatures. [1st] When you cast holographic image as a 1st-level spell, it produces a purely visual hologram at long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). The image has no sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The image can't extend beyond (CASTERLEVEL+4) 10-foot cubes. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect. [2nd] When you cast holographic image as a 2nd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include minor sounds, but not understandable speech. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 2 additional rounds.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 3).MOD DESC:You weave nearby photons into illusory holograms that can take almost any form you can imagine. These holograms are usually effective against cameras, robots, and living creatures. [1st] When you cast holographic image as a 1st-level spell, it produces a purely visual hologram at long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). The image has no sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The image can't extend beyond (CASTERLEVEL+4) 10-foot cubes. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect. [2nd] When you cast holographic image as a 2nd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include minor sounds, but not understandable speech. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 2 additional rounds. [3rd] When you cast holographic image as a 3rd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include sound, smell, and thermal illusions (but not speech). The image disappears when it is struck by an opponent, unless you cause the hologram to react appropriately. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 3 additional rounds.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 4).MOD DESC:You weave nearby photons into illusory holograms that can take almost any form you can imagine. These holograms are usually effective against cameras, robots, and living creatures. [1st] When you cast holographic image as a 1st-level spell, it produces a purely visual hologram at long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). The image has no sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The image can't extend beyond (CASTERLEVEL+4) 10-foot cubes. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect. [2nd] When you cast holographic image as a 2nd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include minor sounds, but not understandable speech. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 2 additional rounds. [3rd] When you cast holographic image as a 3rd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include sound, smell, and thermal illusions (but not speech). The image disappears when it is struck by an opponent, unless you cause the hologram to react appropriately. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 3 additional rounds. [4th] When you cast holographic image as a 4th-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the hologram follows a script determined by you. It follows that script for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes without you having to concentrate on it. The hologram can include intelligible speech, if you wish.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 5).MOD DESC:You weave nearby photons into illusory holograms that can take almost any form you can imagine. These holograms are usually effective against cameras, robots, and living creatures. [1st] When you cast holographic image as a 1st-level spell, it produces a purely visual hologram at long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). The image has no sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The image can't extend beyond (CASTERLEVEL+4) 10-foot cubes. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect. [2nd] When you cast holographic image as a 2nd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include minor sounds, but not understandable speech. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 2 additional rounds. [3rd] When you cast holographic image as a 3rd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include sound, smell, and thermal illusions (but not speech). The image disappears when it is struck by an opponent, unless you cause the hologram to react appropriately. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 3 additional rounds. [4th] When you cast holographic image as a 4th-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the hologram follows a script determined by you. It follows that script for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes without you having to concentrate on it. The hologram can include intelligible speech, if you wish. [5th] When you cast holographic image as a 5th-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 4th-level version of the spell, except the size of the hologram can't extend beyond a (20+CASTERLEVEL*10)-foot cube. You can choose to make the hologram permanent at the time of casting. By concentrating, you can move the image within the limits of the range, but it is static while you are not concentrating. Alternatively, you can have the hologram activate when a specific condition (which you set at the time of casting) occurs. The event that triggers the hologram can be as general or as specific and detailed as desired, but it must be based on an audible, olfactory, tactile, or visual trigger. The trigger can't be based on some quality not normally obvious to the senses, such as alignment. The spell lasts until it is triggered, and then the hologram lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Image (Level 6).MOD DESC:You weave nearby photons into illusory holograms that can take almost any form you can imagine. These holograms are usually effective against cameras, robots, and living creatures. [1st] When you cast holographic image as a 1st-level spell, it produces a purely visual hologram at long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). The image has no sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The image can't extend beyond (CASTERLEVEL+4) 10-foot cubes. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect. [2nd] When you cast holographic image as a 2nd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include minor sounds, but not understandable speech. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 2 additional rounds. [3rd] When you cast holographic image as a 3rd-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 1st-level version of the spell, except the hologram can include sound, smell, and thermal illusions (but not speech). The image disappears when it is struck by an opponent, unless you cause the hologram to react appropriately. The image lasts for as long as you concentrate plus 3 additional rounds. [4th] When you cast holographic image as a 4th-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 3rd-level version of the spell, except the hologram follows a script determined by you. It follows that script for (CASTERLEVEL) minutes without you having to concentrate on it. The hologram can include intelligible speech, if you wish. [5th] When you cast holographic image as a 5th-level spell, it produces a hologram as per the 4th-level version of the spell, except the size of the hologram can't extend beyond a (20+CASTERLEVEL*10)-foot cube. You can choose to make the hologram permanent at the time of casting. By concentrating, you can move the image within the limits of the range, but it is static while you are not concentrating. Alternatively, you can have the hologram activate when a specific condition (which you set at the time of casting) occurs. The event that triggers the hologram can be as general or as specific and detailed as desired, but it must be based on an audible, olfactory, tactile, or visual trigger. The trigger can't be based on some quality not normally obvious to the senses, such as alignment. The spell lasts until it is triggered, and then the hologram lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds. [6th] When you cast holographic image as a 6th-level spell, it creates a quasi-real, illusory version of yourself at medium range ((100+CASTERLEVEL*10) feet). This hologram looks, sounds, and smells like you, but it is intangible. The hologram mimics your actions (including speech) unless you use a move action to direct it to act differently. You can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you were standing where it is, and during your turn you can switch from using its senses to using your own, or back again, as a move action. While you are using its senses, your body is considered blinded and deafened. If you desire, any spell you cast with a range of touch or greater can originate from the hologram instead of from you. The hologram can't cast spells on itself except for illusion spells. Spells cast in this manner affect other targets normally, despite originating from the hologram. An object isn't deceived by illusions (treat as if it had succeeded at its Will saving throw). The hologram remains for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds, and you must maintain line of effect to the hologram at all times. If your line of effect is obstructed, the spell ends. If you use dimension door, plane shift, teleport, or a similar spell that breaks your line of effect, even momentarily, the spell ends. This casting of the spell is a shadow effect.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Holographic Terrain.MOD DESC:You make terrain look, sound, and smell like some other sort of terrain. Equipment, structures, and vehicles within the area can be hidden or changed in appearance. The illusion includes audible, olfactory, tactile, and visual elements and is effective against cameras, living creatures, robots, and scrying spells. This spell can't disguise or add creatures nor can it make them invisible (though creatures within the area might hide themselves within the illusion just as they can hide themselves within a real location).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Hurl Forcedisk.MOD DESC:You create a spinning disk made of pure, shimmering force and hurl it at one opponent within range, potentially striking other nearby enemies as the disk ricochets. Choose the initial target, and make a ranged attack against its EAC. If the attack hits, the disk deals 3d6 force damage. The disk then ricochets to hit up to four more creatures of your choice, each no more than 15 feet from the last target. Make a ranged attack against each successive target's EAC in turn; the disk deals 2d6 force damage to each secondary target struck (this damage is rolled separately for each target). The disk continues to ricochet in this way until it has attempted to strike five creatures, or until there are no more valid targets, or until you voluntarily end the spell. A creature can take damage only once from a single casting of this spell. The forcedisk is subject to spell resistance, so you must attempt a caster level check (1d20 + your caster level) against each target with spell resistance before determining whether the target might take damage. If you fail this check, the spell ends. The exact shape of the forcedisk is superficially changeable; as part of casting this spell, a spellcaster can decide to make it shaped differently from a traditional disk. For example, using this spell to create a starknife made of force is popular among Desna's followers. The spell still deals the amount of damage described above regardless of the disk's shape.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Identify.MOD DESC:This spell allows you to attempt to identify the function of a magic item (with Mysticism) or technological device (with Engineering) each round. You gain a +10 insight bonus to skill checks to identify the properties and command words or passwords of items targeted when using this spell. This spell does not allow you to identify artifacts.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Implant Data.MOD DESC:You subtly rearrange the internal circuitry of a computer system or module, programming it to convey a certain dataset when accessed (either normally or if it is hacked). You can implant up to (CASTERLEVEL) pieces of data. A piece of data consists of a simple fact, such as a creature or object's location or physical description, a creature or object's tangible or intangible value, or another simple statement. When an affected computer system or module is accessed, this implanted data is the first data the accessing individual gains, regardless of what data the individual is actually looking for, though the accessing individual can access the system or module's actual information if it looks beyond the implanted data. The implanted data vanishes from the system or module once the accessing individual has reviewed it. If this spell's duration ends before an individual accesses the implanted data, the implanted data vanishes. The implanted data can be made permanent with a special ritual, which takes 1 hour and requires materials worth 5,000 credits. Once it's made permanent, the implanted data temporarily vanishes after it is accessed, but it returns 1 hour later.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Inflict Pain.MOD DESC:You telepathically rack the target's mind and body with agonizing pain that imposes a â€"2 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, and skill checks. A target that succeeds at a Will saving throw reduces the duration to 1 round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Inflict Pain (Mass).MOD DESC:You telepathically rack the targets' minds and bodies with agonizing pain that imposes a â€"2 penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, and skill checks. A target that succeeds at a Will saving throw reduces the duration to 1 round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Inject Nanobots.MOD DESC:You concentrate key particles in your blood into tiny biological nanobots that you can inject into a foe with a touch, disrupting and damaging its natural processes. Make a melee attack against the target's EAC; if you hit, the nanobots deal 4d8 damage and swarm through the target's biological or mechanical systems, causing the creature to be confused, as per confusion, for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds. If the target succeeds at a Fortitude save, it takes only half damage and negates the confusion effect. A confused target can attempt a Will saving throw at the beginning of its turn each round to end the confusion effect. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Instant Virus.MOD DESC:You overwhelm your target's programming, installing a dangerous self-replicating programming virus. This works like a physical or mental disease (your choice), except it ignores the target's immunity to diseases. The programming virus has a frequency of 1 hour and requires two consecutive saving throws to cure. Detect affliction can reveal the existence of this virus in a construct (the virus is considered a disease for purposes of that spell). Additionally, remove affliction can remove this virus.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Interplanetary Teleport.MOD DESC:This spell functions as teleport, except there is no hard range limit and you don't need to have seen your destination. You can teleport to anywhere you are familiar with on the planet you are on while casting the spell, or you can teleport to any other planet in the same solar system. You must have an unambiguous idea of which world you wish to travel to (“the third planet from the sun†is an acceptable destination, but “a habitable world with oceans†is not). If you have a specific location on a planet in mind, you arrive there without a chance of failure; otherwise, you arrive at a location that would not immediately be life threatening. If no such safe landing zone exists on the world, such as someone attempting to travel into the sun without the proper precautions in place, the spell simply fails. You can also attempt to teleport to planets in different solar systems that you have visited before. This increases the casting time to 1 hour and costs a number of Resolve Points equal to the number of days it would take to reach the planet through Drift travel (assume a base engine with a Drift rating of 1; the GM rolls this randomly, after you begin casting the spell). If you don't have enough Resolve Points, you spend all the Resolve Points you have available and the spell fails.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Invisibility.MOD DESC:The creature or object touched becomes invisible (see page 264). If the target is a creature, any gear it is carrying vanishes as well. If you cast the spell on someone else, neither you nor your allies can see the target unless you can normally see invisible things or you employ magic to do so. The spell ends if the target attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell or harmful effect targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. Actions directed at unattended objects don't break the spell. Spells that specifically affect allies but not foes are not attacks for this purpose, even when they include foes in their area. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon security forces and have them attack, start a trash compactor with foes inside, remotely trigger traps, and so forth.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Invisibility (Greater).MOD DESC:The creature or object touched becomes invisible (see page 264). If the target is a creature, any gear it is carrying vanishes as well. If you cast the spell on someone else, neither you nor your allies can see the target unless you can normally see invisible things or you employ magic to do so. This spell doesn't end if the target attacks.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Invisibility (Mass).MOD DESC:This spell functions like invisibility, except the effect moves with the group and is broken when anyone in the group attacks. Individuals in the group can't see one another. Any individual who moves more than 180 feet from the nearest member of the group loses the benefit of this spell. If only two individuals are affected, the one moving away from the other one loses its invisibility. If both are moving away from each other, they both become visible when the distance between them exceeds 180 feet.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Irradiate.MOD DESC:This spell floods the area of effect with dangerous radiation. The strength of the radiation you create depends on your caster level, as detailed below. The central irradiated area is always a 10-foot-radius spread that expands normally per the rules for radiation areas of effect (see page 403). Creatures within the area are exposed to the radiation only once; the radiation does not linger in the area. The saving throw to resist the radiation effects is set by the spell rather than the standard save DC for radiation. Caster Level - 6th or lower, Low Radiation Level; 7thâ€"9th - Medium Radiation Level; 10thâ€"16th - High Radiation Level; 17th or higher - Severe Radiation Level|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Jolting Surge.MOD DESC:You touch a target with a device you're holding that uses electricity, requiring a melee attack against the target's EAC. Alternatively, you can instead touch an electrical device a target is wearing (or a target that is an electrical device, such as a robot) with your hand, gaining a +2 bonus to your attack roll. Either way, if your attack hits, the electrical device surges out of control, dealing 4d6 electricity damage to your target. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Keen Senses.MOD DESC:The target gains a +2 insight bonus to Perception checks and gains low-light vision. Targets that have low-light vision double the distance they can see under the effects of this spell.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Knock.MOD DESC:Knock opens barred, computer-sealed, locked, or stuck doors, as well as those subject to hold portal or security seal. When you complete the casting of this spell, attempt a caster level check (1d20 + your caster level) against the DC of the lock or computer seal with a +10 bonus. If successful, knock opens up to two means of closure. This spell opens secret doors (but doesn't identify secret doors you haven't found) as well as locked or trick-opening containers, starship doors, and similar secured entryways. It also loosens chains, shackles, or welds (provided they serve to hold something shut). If used to open a door closed with security seal, the spell doesn't remove the seal but simply suspends its functioning for 10 minutes. In all other cases, the door does not relock itself or become stuck again on its own. Knock does not raise barred gates or similar impediments (such as a force field barrier) or open any door or container larger than the spell's area, nor does it affect ropes, webs, and the like.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Life Bubble.MOD DESC:You surround the target creatures with a constant and movable 1-inch shell of tolerable living conditions customized for each creature. This shell enables the targets to breathe freely in a variety of atmospheric conditions (including in corrosive, thick, thin, and toxic atmospheres), as well as underwater or in a vacuum. It also makes the targets immune to harmful gases and vapors, including inhaled diseases and poisons as well as spells with a harmful gaseous effect. In addition, the shell protects targets (and their equipment) from extreme temperatures (between â€"50° and 140° F) without having to attempt Fortitude saving throws, as well as extreme pressures. Life bubble doesn't provide protection from energy damage, negative or positive energy (such as found on the Negative and Positive Energy Planes), or radiation; it also doesn't provide the ability to see in conditions of poor visibility (such as in smoke or fog) or the ability to move or act normally in conditions that impede movement (such as underwater).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Logic Bomb.MOD DESC:You infuse one computer system or module with protective energy, inuring it against attempts to access it. As long as this spell is in effect, the first time a creature unsuccessfully attempts to access, destroy, or manipulate the affected computer system or module (using the Computers skill or otherwise), it takes 6d6 damage (either cold, electricity, or fire damage; you choose when casting the spell, and the spell gains the appropriate descriptor). The creature can attempt a Fortitude saving throw for half damage, and spell resistance applies. This damage is in addition to any negative effects the creature suffers due to the system's other countermeasures.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Magic Missile.MOD DESC:You fire two missiles of magical energy that strike targets unerringly (the creatures must still be valid targets) and deal 1d4+1 force damage each. You can't target specific parts of a creature, and objects are not damaged by the spell. You can target a single creature or several creatures, but each missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you attempt to overcome spell resistance or roll damage. You can cast this spell as a full action. If you do, you fire three missiles instead of two.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Make Whole.MOD DESC:This spell functions as mending, except it restores 5d6 Hit Points when cast on an object or construct creature. Make whole can fix destroyed magic items, and it restores the magic properties of the item if your technomancer level is at least twice the item's level. Items with charges (such as batteries) and single-use items (such as potions and grenades) can't be repaired in this way. When you cast make whole on a construct, the spell bypasses any immunity to magic as if the spell did not allow spell resistance.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mending.MOD DESC:This spell repairs damaged objects and constructs, restoring 1d4 Hit Points. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original Hit Points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function. A construct can benefit from this spell only once per day. Magic items can be repaired by this spell, but magic items that are destroyed don't have their magic abilities restored. This spell doesn't reverse effects that warp or otherwise transmute items, but it can still repair damage dealt to such items.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Microbot Assault.MOD DESC:You pull latent technological energy from the air to form a cloud of fist-sized hindering microbots that fill an area you designate. The microbots begin in a 10-foot-square area when you create them, and you can create the cloud so that it shares the space of other creatures. If no creatures are within the cloud's area, the microbots pursue and harass the nearest creature that is hostile to you as best they can each round. Although the microbots generally know which creatures are your enemies, you have no control over their targets or direction of travel. If there are multiple valid targets the microbots can harass, the cloud will split into a maximum of four 5-foot-square segments and pursue different targets. The cloud (and any segments thereof) has a fly speed of 20 feet. Each round on your turn, the microbot cloud grants harrying fire (see page 247) against the foes in its spaces. In addition, the cloud grants covering fire (see page 246) to anyone attacked by foes in its spaces. The microbots constantly repair themselves and the cloud generates new microbots every few seconds, so any attack against them is essentially ineffective.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Link.MOD DESC:You link your mind to that of a touched creature to swiftly communicate a large amount of complex information in an instant. You decide what the target learns, limited to any amount of information that otherwise could be communicated in 10 minutes. This information comes in a series of visual images and emotional sensations, and it isn't language dependent.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Probe.MOD DESC:You gain access to the target's memories and knowledge, and you can pry the information you want from them involuntarily. You can attempt to learn the answer to one question of your choice per round; after each question, the target can attempt a Will saving throw to end the spell. If it fails, the creature can attempt a Bluff check with a DC equal to 11 + your Sense Motive modifier. If it fails its Bluff check, you gain the answer you desire. If it succeeds at its check, you gain no information. If it succeeds by 5 or more, it answers however it chooses and you believe that wrong answer to be the truth. Your questions are purely telepathic inquiries, and the answers to those questions are imparted directly into your mind. You and the target don't need to speak the same language, though less intelligent creatures may yield up only appropriate sensory images in answer to your questions.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust.MOD DESC:You divine the most vulnerable portion of your opponent's mind and overload it with a glut of psychic information. The target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence score. [1st] When you cast mind thrust as a 1st-level spell, it deals 2d10 damage to the target. [2nd] When you cast mind thrust as a 2nd-level spell, it deals 4d10 damage to the target. [3rd] When you cast mind thrust as a 3rd-level spell, it deals 7d10 damage to the target. [4th] When you cast mind thrust as a 4th-level spell, it deals 10d10 damage to the target and the target is fatigued for 1 round if it fails its saving throw. [5th] When you cast mind thrust as a 5th-level spell, it deals 15d10 damage to the target. The target is exhausted for 1 round if it fails its save and it is fatigued for 1 round if it succeeds at its saving throw. [6th] When you cast mind thrust as a 6th-level spell, it deals 17d10 damage to the target. The target is exhausted and stunned for 1 round if it fails its save, and it is fatigued for 1 round if it succeeds at its saving throw.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 1).MOD DESC:You divine the most vulnerable portion of your opponent's mind and overload it with a glut of psychic information. The target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence score. [1st] When you cast mind thrust as a 1st-level spell, it deals 2d10 damage to the target.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 2).MOD DESC:You divine the most vulnerable portion of your opponent's mind and overload it with a glut of psychic information. The target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence score. [1st] When you cast mind thrust as a 1st-level spell, it deals 2d10 damage to the target. [2nd] When you cast mind thrust as a 2nd-level spell, it deals 4d10 damage to the target.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 3).MOD DESC:You divine the most vulnerable portion of your opponent's mind and overload it with a glut of psychic information. The target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence score. [1st] When you cast mind thrust as a 1st-level spell, it deals 2d10 damage to the target. [2nd] When you cast mind thrust as a 2nd-level spell, it deals 4d10 damage to the target. [3rd] When you cast mind thrust as a 3rd-level spell, it deals 7d10 damage to the target.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 4).MOD DESC:You divine the most vulnerable portion of your opponent's mind and overload it with a glut of psychic information. The target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence score. [1st] When you cast mind thrust as a 1st-level spell, it deals 2d10 damage to the target. [2nd] When you cast mind thrust as a 2nd-level spell, it deals 4d10 damage to the target. [3rd] When you cast mind thrust as a 3rd-level spell, it deals 7d10 damage to the target. [4th] When you cast mind thrust as a 4th-level spell, it deals 10d10 damage to the target and the target is fatigued for 1 round if it fails its saving throw.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 5).MOD DESC:You divine the most vulnerable portion of your opponent's mind and overload it with a glut of psychic information. The target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence score. [1st] When you cast mind thrust as a 1st-level spell, it deals 2d10 damage to the target. [2nd] When you cast mind thrust as a 2nd-level spell, it deals 4d10 damage to the target. [3rd] When you cast mind thrust as a 3rd-level spell, it deals 7d10 damage to the target. [4th] When you cast mind thrust as a 4th-level spell, it deals 10d10 damage to the target and the target is fatigued for 1 round if it fails its saving throw. [5th] When you cast mind thrust as a 5th-level spell, it deals 15d10 damage to the target. The target is exhausted for 1 round if it fails its save and it is fatigued for 1 round if it succeeds at its saving throw.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mind Thrust (Level 6).MOD DESC:You divine the most vulnerable portion of your opponent's mind and overload it with a glut of psychic information. The target can attempt a Will saving throw to halve the damage dealt by this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence score. [1st] When you cast mind thrust as a 1st-level spell, it deals 2d10 damage to the target. [2nd] When you cast mind thrust as a 2nd-level spell, it deals 4d10 damage to the target. [3rd] When you cast mind thrust as a 3rd-level spell, it deals 7d10 damage to the target. [4th] When you cast mind thrust as a 4th-level spell, it deals 10d10 damage to the target and the target is fatigued for 1 round if it fails its saving throw. [5th] When you cast mind thrust as a 5th-level spell, it deals 15d10 damage to the target. The target is exhausted for 1 round if it fails its save and it is fatigued for 1 round if it succeeds at its saving throw. [6th] When you cast mind thrust as a 6th-level spell, it deals 17d10 damage to the target. The target is exhausted and stunned for 1 round if it fails its save, and it is fatigued for 1 round if it succeeds at its saving throw.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Miracle.MOD DESC:When you cast miracle, you state what you would like to have happen and request that the power to which you are connected intercede. A request that is out of line with the power's nature is refused. A miracle can do any of the following things - Duplicate any mystic spell of 6th level or lower; Duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower; Undo the harmful effects of certain spells, such as feeblemind; Produce any effect whose power level is in line with the above effects. At the GM's discretion, you may try to use a miracle to produce greater effects than these, but doing so may be dangerous or the spell may have only a partial effect. A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as normal, but the save DCs are the same as for a 7th-level spell. For the purpose of other effects that depend on spell level, miracle counts as a 9th-level spell.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mirror Image.MOD DESC:This spell creates a number of illusory doubles of you that inhabit your square. These doubles make it difficult for enemies to precisely locate and attack you. When you cast mirror image, it creates 1d4 figment images. These images remain in your space and move with you, mimicking your movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your images instead. If the attack hits, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. If it is a figment, the figment is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your figments is destroyed by the near miss, and an attack that misses you due to a miss chance also destroys an image. Area spells and effects that don't require an attack roll affect you normally and don't destroy any of your figments. Spells with a range of touch are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy a figment. An attacker must be able to see the figments to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, the spell has no effect. Blindsense doesn't help distinguish the figments from the real you, but blindsight is sufficient to do so.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mislead.MOD DESC:You become invisible (as greater invisibility), and at the same time, a figment double of you (as per a 3rd-level casting of holographic image) appears. The double appears within close range ((25+5*CASTERLEVEL/2) feet) but thereafter moves as you direct it (which requires concentration beginning on the first round after the casting). You can make the figment appear superimposed perfectly over your own body so that observers don't notice an image appearing and you turning invisible. You and the figment can then move in different directions. The double moves at your speed and can talk and gesture as if it were real, but it can't attack or cast spells, though it can pretend to do so. The illusory double lasts as long as you concentrate upon it plus 3 additional rounds. After you cease concentration, the illusory double continues to carry out the same activity until the duration expires. The invisibility lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds, regardless of concentration.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Modify Memory.MOD DESC:You reach into the target's mind and modify up to 5 minutes of its memories in one of the following ways - Eliminate all memory of an event the target actually experienced. This spell cannot negate charm person, suggestion, or similar spells; Allow the target to recall with perfect clarity an event it actually experienced; Change the details of an event the target actually experienced; Implant a memory of an event the target never experienced. - Casting the spell takes 1 round. If the target fails its saving throw, you proceed with the spell by spending as much as 5 minutes (a period of time equal to the amount of memory you want to modify) visualizing the memory you wish to modify in the target. If your concentration is disturbed before the visualization is complete, or if the target moves beyond the spell's range at any point during this time, the spell fails. A modified memory does not necessarily affect the target's actions, particularly if it contradicts the creature's natural inclinations. An illogical modified memory is usually dismissed as a bad dream, a hallucination, or another similar excuse.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure.MOD DESC:With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all the target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell's level. [1st] 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier [2nd] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier [3rd] 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier [4th] 7d8 + your Wisdom modifier [5th] 9d8 + your Wisdom modifier [6th] 11d8 + your Wisdom modifier. In addition, unlike most healing, when you cast mystic cure as a spell of 4th-level or higher, you have two options to enhance its effects. The first option is to restore an extra 5d8 Hit Points with a 4th-level mystic cure spell, an extra 7d8 Hit Points with a 5th-level mystic cure spell, or an extra 9d8 Hit Points with a 6th-level mystic cure spell. The second option is to bring a target that died within 2 rounds back to life. In addition to healing such a creature, the spell returns the target to life, and the target takes a temporary negative level for 24 hours. This spell can't resuscitate creatures slain by death effects, creatures turned into undead, or creatures whose bodies were destroyed, significantly mutilated, disintegrated, and so on. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 1).MOD DESC:With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all the target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell's level. [1st] 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 2).MOD DESC:With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all the target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell's level. [1st] 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier [2nd] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 3).MOD DESC:With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all the target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell's level. [1st] 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier [2nd] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier [3rd] 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 4).MOD DESC:With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all the target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell's level. [1st] 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier [2nd] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier [3rd] 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier [4th] 7d8 + your Wisdom modifier. In addition, unlike most healing, when you cast mystic cure as a spell of 4th-level or higher, you have two options to enhance its effects. The first option is to restore an extra 5d8 Hit Points with a 4th-level mystic cure spell, an extra 7d8 Hit Points with a 5th-level mystic cure spell, or an extra 9d8 Hit Points with a 6th-level mystic cure spell. The second option is to bring a target that died within 2 rounds back to life. In addition to healing such a creature, the spell returns the target to life, and the target takes a temporary negative level for 24 hours. This spell can't resuscitate creatures slain by death effects, creatures turned into undead, or creatures whose bodies were destroyed, significantly mutilated, disintegrated, and so on. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 5).MOD DESC:With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all the target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell's level. [1st] 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier [2nd] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier [3rd] 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier [4th] 7d8 + your Wisdom modifier [5th] 9d8 + your Wisdom modifier. In addition, unlike most healing, when you cast mystic cure as a spell of 4th-level or higher, you have two options to enhance its effects. The first option is to restore an extra 5d8 Hit Points with a 4th-level mystic cure spell, an extra 7d8 Hit Points with a 5th-level mystic cure spell, or an extra 9d8 Hit Points with a 6th-level mystic cure spell. The second option is to bring a target that died within 2 rounds back to life. In addition to healing such a creature, the spell returns the target to life, and the target takes a temporary negative level for 24 hours. This spell can't resuscitate creatures slain by death effects, creatures turned into undead, or creatures whose bodies were destroyed, significantly mutilated, disintegrated, and so on. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Level 6).MOD DESC:With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all the target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell's level. [1st] 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier [2nd] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier [3rd] 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier [4th] 7d8 + your Wisdom modifier [5th] 9d8 + your Wisdom modifier [6th] 11d8 + your Wisdom modifier. In addition, unlike most healing, when you cast mystic cure as a spell of 4th-level or higher, you have two options to enhance its effects. The first option is to restore an extra 5d8 Hit Points with a 4th-level mystic cure spell, an extra 7d8 Hit Points with a 5th-level mystic cure spell, or an extra 9d8 Hit Points with a 6th-level mystic cure spell. The second option is to bring a target that died within 2 rounds back to life. In addition to healing such a creature, the spell returns the target to life, and the target takes a temporary negative level for 24 hours. This spell can't resuscitate creatures slain by death effects, creatures turned into undead, or creatures whose bodies were destroyed, significantly mutilated, disintegrated, and so on. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Mass).MOD DESC:You restore a number of Hit Points to a number of targets. Choose one of these targets within 10 feet of you; if that target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all of that target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to that target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. The number of Hit Points mass mystic cure restores to each target depends on the spell's level. [5th] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier [6th] 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 5).MOD DESC:You restore a number of Hit Points to a number of targets. Choose one of these targets within 10 feet of you; if that target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all of that target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to that target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. The number of Hit Points mass mystic cure restores to each target depends on the spell's level. [5th] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 6).MOD DESC:You restore a number of Hit Points to a number of targets. Choose one of these targets within 10 feet of you; if that target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn't enough to restore all of that target's Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to that target, healing the target that amount. You can't transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing. The number of Hit Points mass mystic cure restores to each target depends on the spell's level. [5th] 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier [6th] 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Nondetection.MOD DESC:The warded creature or object becomes difficult to detect by divination spells such as clairaudience/clairvoyance and spells with the word “detect†in their names. Nondetection also prevents location by magic items such as crystal balls and technological items such as cameras and surveillance systems. Casting this spell places significant stress on you, and requires you to spend 1 Resolve Point. If a magic divination is attempted against the warded creature or item, the caster of the divination must succeed at a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC equal to 11 + your caster level. If surveillance is attempted with remote cameras or sensors, the viewer must succeed at a Perception check against a DC (11+CASTERLEVEL) to see the target. If you cast nondetection on yourself or on an item currently in your possession, the DC for each these checks is (15+CASTERLEVEL). If cast on a creature, nondetection wards the creature's gear as well as the creature itself. Nondetection protects the target only from discovery by items and remote sensors, not by creatures. A camera mounted to a wall and monitored from a security booth is subject to nondetection, but a camera in a creature (including constructs) is not.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Overheat.MOD DESC:You collect the heat generated by nearby bodies and devices and vent it outward in a thermal wave, dealing 2d8 fire damage to creatures and objects in the area.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Overload Systems.MOD DESC:By touching the target (usually requiring a melee attack roll against the target's EAC, but you can add your key ability score modifier instead of your Strength modifier if it is higher), you flood the target's body with random jolts of electricity or other interference. On a failed Fortitude save, the target is overwhelmed and potentially unable to perform tasks as normal. While this spell is in effect, whenever the target takes any action or reaction, there is a 50%% chance that the target simply takes no action instead. Roll this chance separately for each action the target would take. For example, if the target wishes to move and attack during its turn, it would roll d%% twice to determine whether it could take those actionsâ€"once before each action it wishes to take. Each attack of a full attack action counts as separate action. This spell is effective against living and unliving creatures, and casting it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Passwall.MOD DESC:You can create a passage through metal, plaster, plastic, stone, or wooden walls, but you can not create one through force fields, starship bulkheads, or other harder materials. The passage is 30 feet deep. If the wall's thickness is more than the depth of the passage created, then a single casting of passwall simply makes a niche or short tunnel. Several castings of passwall can then form a continuing passage to breach very thick walls. When passwall ends, creatures within the passage are ejected out the nearest exit. If someone dispels passwall or you dismiss it, creatures in the passage are ejected out the far exit, if there is more than one, or out the sole exit.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Barrier.MOD DESC:Planar barrier seals an area against all planar travel into or within it. This includes all teleportation spells, summoning spells, plane shifting, astral travel, and ethereal travel. Such effects simply fail automatically. Starships cannot enter or emerge from Drift travel in an area affected by this spell. Dispel magic does not dispel your planar barrier effect unless the caster level of the creature attempting to dispel it is at least as high as your own. You can't have multiple overlapping planar barrier effects. If planar barrier effects woulds overlap, the more recent effect stops at the boundary of the older effect. A planar barrier can be made permanent with a special ritual, which takes 1 hour and requires materials worth 15,000 credits per 60-foot cube.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding.MOD DESC:Casting this spell attempts a dangerous act: to lure a creature from another plane to a specifically prepared trap, created by the spell within its range. The called creature is held in the trap until it agrees to perform one service in return for its freedom or breaks free. The kind of creature to be bound must be known and stated. If you wish to call a specific individual, you must use that individual's proper name in casting the spell. The CR of the outsider you can call with planar binding depends on the spell's level. [4th] One outsider of CR 4 or lower [5th] One outsider of CR 7 or lower [6th] One outsider of CR 10 or lower. The target creature can attempt a Will saving throw. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it resists the spell. If it fails, the creature is immediately drawn to the trap (spell resistance does not keep it from being called). The creature can escape from the trap by successfully using its spell resistance (meaning you fail a caster level check against its spell resistance), by dimensional travel, or with a successful Charisma check (DC %1). It can try each method once per day, and a natural 20 on this check always succeeds (and a natural 1 on your caster level check always fails). If it breaks loose, it can flee or attack you. A planar barrier spell cast in the area prevents the creature from escaping via dimensional travel. If the creature does not break free of the trap, you can keep it bound for as long as you dare. You can attempt to convince the creature to perform a task for you in exchange for release and perhaps some sort of reward. The creature decides which terms it is willing to accept, and it must willingly agree to the terms; magical compulsion isn't sufficient. This continues until the creature promises to serve, until it breaks free, or until you decide to get rid of it by means of some other spell. It never agrees to unreasonable commands. Once the requested service has been completed, the creature need only to inform you to be instantly sent back to its home plane. The creature might later seek revenge against you for having imprisoned it. If you assign some open-ended task that the creature can't complete through its own actions, the spell remains in effect for 10 days and the creature gains an immediate chance to break free. A defined task that will take longer than 10 days usually counts as unreasonable. Note that a clever recipient can subvert some instructions. When you use this spell to call a creature with the air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water subtype, the spell gains that descriptor.|15+CASTERLEVEL/2+CHA|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding (Level 4).MOD DESC:Casting this spell attempts a dangerous act: to lure a creature from another plane to a specifically prepared trap, created by the spell within its range. The called creature is held in the trap until it agrees to perform one service in return for its freedom or breaks free. The kind of creature to be bound must be known and stated. If you wish to call a specific individual, you must use that individual's proper name in casting the spell. The CR of the outsider you can call with planar binding depends on the spell's level. [4th] One outsider of CR 4 or lower. The target creature can attempt a Will saving throw. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it resists the spell. If it fails, the creature is immediately drawn to the trap (spell resistance does not keep it from being called). The creature can escape from the trap by successfully using its spell resistance (meaning you fail a caster level check against its spell resistance), by dimensional travel, or with a successful Charisma check (DC %1). It can try each method once per day, and a natural 20 on this check always succeeds (and a natural 1 on your caster level check always fails). If it breaks loose, it can flee or attack you. A planar barrier spell cast in the area prevents the creature from escaping via dimensional travel. If the creature does not break free of the trap, you can keep it bound for as long as you dare. You can attempt to convince the creature to perform a task for you in exchange for release and perhaps some sort of reward. The creature decides which terms it is willing to accept, and it must willingly agree to the terms; magical compulsion isn't sufficient. This continues until the creature promises to serve, until it breaks free, or until you decide to get rid of it by means of some other spell. It never agrees to unreasonable commands. Once the requested service has been completed, the creature need only to inform you to be instantly sent back to its home plane. The creature might later seek revenge against you for having imprisoned it. If you assign some open-ended task that the creature can't complete through its own actions, the spell remains in effect for 10 days and the creature gains an immediate chance to break free. A defined task that will take longer than 10 days usually counts as unreasonable. Note that a clever recipient can subvert some instructions. When you use this spell to call a creature with the air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water subtype, the spell gains that descriptor.|15+CASTERLEVEL/2+CHA|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding (Level 5).MOD DESC:Casting this spell attempts a dangerous act: to lure a creature from another plane to a specifically prepared trap, created by the spell within its range. The called creature is held in the trap until it agrees to perform one service in return for its freedom or breaks free. The kind of creature to be bound must be known and stated. If you wish to call a specific individual, you must use that individual's proper name in casting the spell. The CR of the outsider you can call with planar binding depends on the spell's level. [4th] One outsider of CR 4 or lower [5th] One outsider of CR 7 or lower. The target creature can attempt a Will saving throw. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it resists the spell. If it fails, the creature is immediately drawn to the trap (spell resistance does not keep it from being called). The creature can escape from the trap by successfully using its spell resistance (meaning you fail a caster level check against its spell resistance), by dimensional travel, or with a successful Charisma check (DC %1). It can try each method once per day, and a natural 20 on this check always succeeds (and a natural 1 on your caster level check always fails). If it breaks loose, it can flee or attack you. A planar barrier spell cast in the area prevents the creature from escaping via dimensional travel. If the creature does not break free of the trap, you can keep it bound for as long as you dare. You can attempt to convince the creature to perform a task for you in exchange for release and perhaps some sort of reward. The creature decides which terms it is willing to accept, and it must willingly agree to the terms; magical compulsion isn't sufficient. This continues until the creature promises to serve, until it breaks free, or until you decide to get rid of it by means of some other spell. It never agrees to unreasonable commands. Once the requested service has been completed, the creature need only to inform you to be instantly sent back to its home plane. The creature might later seek revenge against you for having imprisoned it. If you assign some open-ended task that the creature can't complete through its own actions, the spell remains in effect for 10 days and the creature gains an immediate chance to break free. A defined task that will take longer than 10 days usually counts as unreasonable. Note that a clever recipient can subvert some instructions. When you use this spell to call a creature with the air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water subtype, the spell gains that descriptor.|15+CASTERLEVEL/2+CHA|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Planar Binding (Level 6).MOD DESC:Casting this spell attempts a dangerous act: to lure a creature from another plane to a specifically prepared trap, created by the spell within its range. The called creature is held in the trap until it agrees to perform one service in return for its freedom or breaks free. The kind of creature to be bound must be known and stated. If you wish to call a specific individual, you must use that individual's proper name in casting the spell. The CR of the outsider you can call with planar binding depends on the spell's level. [4th] One outsider of CR 4 or lower [5th] One outsider of CR 7 or lower [6th] One outsider of CR 10 or lower. The target creature can attempt a Will saving throw. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it resists the spell. If it fails, the creature is immediately drawn to the trap (spell resistance does not keep it from being called). The creature can escape from the trap by successfully using its spell resistance (meaning you fail a caster level check against its spell resistance), by dimensional travel, or with a successful Charisma check (DC %1). It can try each method once per day, and a natural 20 on this check always succeeds (and a natural 1 on your caster level check always fails). If it breaks loose, it can flee or attack you. A planar barrier spell cast in the area prevents the creature from escaping via dimensional travel. If the creature does not break free of the trap, you can keep it bound for as long as you dare. You can attempt to convince the creature to perform a task for you in exchange for release and perhaps some sort of reward. The creature decides which terms it is willing to accept, and it must willingly agree to the terms; magical compulsion isn't sufficient. This continues until the creature promises to serve, until it breaks free, or until you decide to get rid of it by means of some other spell. It never agrees to unreasonable commands. Once the requested service has been completed, the creature need only to inform you to be instantly sent back to its home plane. The creature might later seek revenge against you for having imprisoned it. If you assign some open-ended task that the creature can't complete through its own actions, the spell remains in effect for 10 days and the creature gains an immediate chance to break free. A defined task that will take longer than 10 days usually counts as unreasonable. Note that a clever recipient can subvert some instructions. When you use this spell to call a creature with the air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water subtype, the spell gains that descriptor.|15+CASTERLEVEL/2+CHA|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Plane Shift.MOD DESC:You move yourself or some other creature to another plane of existence or alternate dimension. If several willing or unconscious creatures are linked by hand in a circle, as many as eight can be affected by a single casting of plane shift. Arriving at a precise location on the intended plane is nigh impossible. From the Material Plane, you can reach any other plane (except for the Drift), though you appear 5 to 500 miles (5d%%) from the last place one of the targets (your choice) was located last time that target traveled to that plane. If it's the first time traveling to a particular plane for all targets, you appear at a random location on the plane, though you can use other means of transit, such as interplanetary teleport, to travel on the new plane. Mystics must have an object attuned to a specific plane or native to that plane in order to use plane shift to travel to a plane. A technomancer requires a planar navigational program for a specific plane in order to travel to that plane with plane shift. Special rituals, jealously hoarded by powerful technomancers and mystics, can allow you to travel to specific locations on the chosen plane, or even to unknown worlds.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Private Sanctum.MOD DESC:This spell ensures privacy. Anyone looking into the area from outside sees only a dark, foggy mass. Darkvision cannot penetrate it. No sounds, no matter how loud, can escape the area, so nobody can eavesdrop from outside. Those inside can see out normally. Divination (scrying) spells can't perceive anything within the area, and those within are immune to detect thoughts. The ward prevents speech between those inside and those outside (because it blocks sound), and technological communication (as it blocks broadcasts), but it doesn't prevent other magic communication, such as a telepathic message spell, or telepathic communication. The spell does not prevent creatures or objects from moving into and out of the area.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Probability Prediction.MOD DESC:You open your mind to read the underlying probability of the universe. At any point during the duration of this spell, you can discharge it to reroll any d20 roll (attack roll, saving throw, skill check, etc.; see page 243). This takes no action, but you must choose to do it before you learn the results of the first roll. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Prying Eyes.MOD DESC:You create 20 semitangible, visible magical orbs called “eyes.†These eyes move out, scout around, and return as you direct them when casting the spell. Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions. While the individual eyes are quite fragile, they're small and difficult to spot. Each eye is a Fine construct (about the size of a small apple) with the magical subtype. They each have 1 Hit Point and EAC and KAC of 18, and they fly at a speed of 30 feet with a +20 bonus to Acrobatics checks to fly and a +16 bonus to Stealth checks. An eye has a +20 Perception bonus and is subject to darkness, fog, illusions, and any other factors that affect your ability to receive visual information about your surroundings. An eye traveling in darkness must find its way by touch. When you create the eyes, you specify instructions you want them to follow in a command of no more than 25 words. The eyes know anything you know. In order to report their findings, the eyes must return to your hand. Each eye replays in your mind all that it has seen during its existence. It takes an eye 1 round to replay 1 hour of recorded images. After relaying all of its findings, an eye simply disappears. If an eye ever gets more than 1 mile away from you, it instantly ceases to exist. However, your link with the eye is such that you won't know if the eye was destroyed because it wandered out of range or because of some other event. The eyes exist for up to (CASTERLEVEL) hours or until they return to you. Dispel magic can destroy the eyes. Roll separately for each eye caught in an area dispel.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Psychic Surgery.MOD DESC:Psychic surgery heals the target of all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage, and it restores all points permanently drained from the target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. It also eliminates all ongoing confusion, fear, and insanity effects. Psychic surgery also removes any mental afflictions that could be removed with dispel magic, as well as mental diseases. Psychic surgery removes all effects magically altering the target's memory, even instantaneous effects, and it can restore a memory to perfect clarity (even if the memory loss is due to the mundane passage of time).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Psychokinetic Hand.MOD DESC:You point your finger at the target object, gaining the ability to lift it and move it at will from a distance. As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between you and the object ever exceeds the spell's range. You can't perform complex operations, such as firing a gun or using a computer, but you can shut a mechanical door or lid and work simple buttons to open or close automated doors or trigger an alarm.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Psychokinetic Strangulation.MOD DESC:You manipulate the mystical energy around a creature's throat into a viselike grip, potentially choking the life out of your victim. Each round you concentrate on this spell, it deals 3d8 bludgeoning damage and immobilizes the target. A creature immobilized in this way cannot move and must hold its breath (see page 404). The creature can still attack with any of its weapons (except any bite attacks), cast spells, and so on. Each round the spell affects the target, the target can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to halve the damage and avoid being immobilized.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Raise Dead.MOD DESC:You restore life to a deceased creature. You can raise a creature that has been dead for no longer than (CASTERLEVEL) days. In addition, the target's soul must be free and willing to return. If the target's soul is not willing to return, the spell fails; therefore, a target that wants to return to life receives no saving throw against this spell. Casting this spell requires you to create a complex representation of the target deceased creature, worth at least 5,000 credits, to serve as a beacon for the creature's soul. This object is consumed when you cast the spell. Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The target of the spell gains 2 permanent negative levels when it is raised, just as if it had been hit by a creature's ability that bestows permanent negative levels. If the target is 1st level, it takes 2 Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Constitution to 0 or less, it can't be raised). A raised creature returns with no Resolve Points, no Stamina Points, and no spell slots (until it rests to recover them normally). It has 5 Hit Points. Any ability scores reduced to 0 are raised to 1. Normal poison and normal disease are cured in the process of raising the target, but magical diseases and curses are not undone. While the spell closes mortal wounds and repairs lethal damage of most kinds, the body of the creature to be raised must be whole. Otherwise, missing parts are still missing when the creature is brought back to life. The spell can't bring back a creature that has died of old age. Constructs, elementals, and outsiders can't be raised by this spell. It is possible to bring back a creature that has been turned into an undead creature, but the beacon for the creature's soul must be more powerful, and must be worth at least 15,000 credits.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Rapid Repair.MOD DESC:On each round, the target construct or weapon regains 2d8 Hit Points. This does not stack with any fast healing the construct or weapon already has. You can't target a construct or weapon that has been brought to 0 Hit Points or destroyed.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Ray of Exhaustion.MOD DESC:You create an enervating ray of magic. You must make a ranged attack against your opponent's EAC. On a hit, the target is immediately exhausted for the spell's duration. A creature that succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw is only fatigued, unless it is already fatigued, in which case it instead becomes exhausted despite the saving throw. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already exhausted. Unlike normal exhaustion or fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the spell's duration expires.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Recharge.MOD DESC:You restore up to 10 charges to a battery or 5 charges to a technological item capable of being charged by a battery. Since this spell takes your personal energy, you must spend 1 Resolve Point to cast it. If you recharge a battery, there is a 20%% chance the battery is destroyed by the attempt. If you restore more charges than the item can hold, the item must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or take 1d6 electricity damage for each excess charge. This spell provides no knowledge of how many charges an item can safely hold, but you can choose to bestow fewer charges than the maximum allowed to reduce the risk; you must declare how many charges you are restoring before casting this spell.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Reflecting Armor.MOD DESC:You create a shimmering skin-like coating of mystical force that covers your body, allowing you to reflect damage you take back against your attacker. At any time during this spell's duration, when you take Hit Point damage from an attack made with a weapon by a foe within 100 feet, you can choose to dismiss the spell as a reaction. If you do, the armor crackles with energy as it disappears, arcing through the air to strike the attacking creature, which takes an amount of force damage equal to the damage dealt to you at the time this spell was dismissed (maximum 10). The target can attempt a Reflex save for half damage.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Regenerate.MOD DESC:The target's severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multiheaded creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs (including eyes) grow back. After the spell is cast, the physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise. Regenerate also restores 12d8 Hit Points, rids the target of exhaustion and fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal damage the target has taken. It has no effect on nonliving creatures (including undead).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Reincarnate.MOD DESC:When you cast this spell, you bring back a dead creature in another body, provided that its death occurred no more than 1 week before the casting of the spell and the target's soul is free and willing to return. If the target's soul is not willing to return, the spell fails; therefore, a target that wants to return receives no saving throw. Casting this spell requires a special monument worth at least 1,000 credits to serve as a beacon for the departed creature's soul. This object is consumed when you cast the spell. Since the dead creature is returning in a new body, all physical ills and afflictions are removed. The condition of the creature's remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the creature's body still exists, it can be reincarnated, but the portion receiving the spell must have been part of the creature's body at the time of death. The magic of the spell creates an entirely new young adult body for the soul to inhabit from the natural elements at hand. This process takes 1 hour to complete. When the body is ready, the target is reincarnated. A reincarnated creature recalls the majority of its former life and form. It retains any class features, feats, and skill ranks it formerly had. Its class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, and Hit Points are unchanged. The creature should recalculate its ability scores from scratch as a member of its new race (remembering to include any ability score increases from leveling up). The target of the spell gains 2 permanent negative levels when it is reincarnated. If the target is 1st level, it takes 2 Constitution drain instead (if the Constitution drain would reduce its Constitution to 0 or less, the creature cannot be reincarnated). The target creature can decide whether its new body retains any of the implants it had in its former body. A spellcasting creature has a 50%% chance of losing any given unused spell slot as if it had been used to cast a spell. For a humanoid creature, the new incarnation is determined using the table on the facing page. For nonhumanoid creatures, a similar table of creatures of the same type should be created. Elementals, outsiders, and undead creatures can't be reincarnated. Any creature that can't benefit from the mystic cure spell cannot be reincarnated. The spell can bring back a creature that has died of old age. The reincarnated creature gains all abilities associated with its new form, including any forms of movement and speeds, natural attacks, extraordinary abilities, and the like, but it does not automatically speak the language of the new form it takes. [D%%] 1â€"6 Android; 7â€"14 Dwarf; 15â€"22 Elf; 23â€"30 Gnome; 31â€"34 Half-elf; 35â€"38 Half-orc; 39â€"46 Halfling; 47â€"55 Human; 56â€"64 Lashunta; 65â€"73 Kasatha; 74â€"81 Shirren; 82â€"90 Vesk; 91â€"99 Ysoki; 100 Other (GM's choice). A miracle or wish spell can restore a reincarnated creature to its original form.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Affliction.MOD DESC:You remove impurities from a creature or object, potentially neutralizing the curses, diseases, infestations, poisons, and other harmful conditions affecting it. If the target is a creature, you must attempt a caster level check (1d20 + your caster level) for each curse, disease, infestation, and poison affecting it (DC = 4 + the DC of the affliction). Success means that affliction is removed. Additionally, if the target is blind or deaf due to an affliction or damage, remove affliction restores vision and hearing unless the appropriate organ has been entirely removed from the creature's body. A creature that is cured with remove affliction takes no additional effects from the curses, diseases, infestations, or poisons removed, and any temporary effects are ended, but the spell does not reverse instantaneous effects, such as Hit Point damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don't go away on their own (such as poison states). This spell cannot remove the curse from a cursed item, though a successful caster level check enables the creature afflicted with any such cursed item to remove the curse and get rid of it. Since the spell's duration is instantaneous, it does not prevent the target from suffering from the same curse, disease, infestation, or poison after a new exposure at a later date. You can instead cast this spell to neutralize the poison in a poisonous creature or object for (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes. If you cast it on a creature, the creature can attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. Remove affliction counters bestow curse.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Condition.MOD DESC:You remove any one of the following conditions affecting the target; frightened, nauseated, shaken, sickened, or staggered. If the condition is the result of a disease or another ongoing effect, this spell removes the condition but does not cure the disease or ongoing effect, and the target can regain the condition from that effect as normal, potentially immediately. Lesser remove condition also doesn't cure or remove other damage or conditions the target is suffering from any source, even the same source that caused the removed condition. Since this spell's duration is instantaneous, it does not prevent the target from gaining the condition again. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Condition (Greater).MOD DESC:You remove all one of the following conditions affecting the target; cowering, dazed, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, and stunned. If the condition is the result of a disease or another ongoing effect, this spell removes the condition but does not cure the disease or ongoing effect, and the target can regain the condition from that effect as normal, potentially immediately. Lesser remove condition also doesn't cure or remove other damage or conditions the target is suffering from any source, even the same source that caused the removed condition. Since this spell's duration is instantaneous, it does not prevent the target from gaining the condition again. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Condition (Lesser).MOD DESC:You remove any one of the following conditions affecting the target; shaken, sickened, or staggered. If the condition is the result of a disease or another ongoing effect, this spell removes the condition but does not cure the disease or ongoing effect, and the target can regain the condition from that effect as normal, potentially immediately. Lesser remove condition also doesn't cure or remove other damage or conditions the target is suffering from any source, even the same source that caused the removed condition. Since this spell's duration is instantaneous, it does not prevent the target from gaining the condition again. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Remove Radioactivity.MOD DESC:You remove all ongoing effects of radiation from a single target if you succeed at a caster level check (DC = the DC associated with the radiation effect). The target is cured of both the radiation's poison effects and the radiation sickness disease, moving the target to the healthy state on both tracks. When cast on an area, a single casting of remove radioactivity removes radiation from a 20-foot-radius area around the point you touch. This spell has no power to negate naturally radioactive materials, and as long as such materials remain in an area, the radiation that was removed may return.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resilient Sphere.MOD DESC:A 10-foot-diameter globe of shimmering force encloses the target creature. The sphere contains the target for the spell's duration. The sphere functions in the same way as a wall of force, except it can be negated by dispel magic. A target inside the sphere can breathe normally. The sphere can't be physically moved either by creatures outside it or by the struggles of those within.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Aegis.MOD DESC:This spell functions as lesser resistant armor, except as indicated above, and the wearers and their gear gain DR 5/â€" or energy resistance 5 that protects against all five energy types.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Armor.MOD DESC:Resistant armor grants the target (and its gear) protection from your choice of either kinetic damage or energy damage. If you choose kinetic damage, the target and her gear gain DR 10/â€" that protects against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. If you choose energy damage, pick any three of acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. The target and her gear gain energy resistance 10 that protects against the chosen types of energy. This damage reduction or energy resistance doesn't stack with any damage reduction or energy resistance the target already has, and multiple castings of this spell don't stack.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Armor (Greater).MOD DESC:Greater resistant armor grants the target (and its gear) protection from your choice of either kinetic damage or energy damage. If you choose kinetic damage, the target and her gear gain DR 15/â€" that protects against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. If you choose energy damage, pick any four of acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. The target and her gear gain energy resistance 15 that protects against the chosen types of energy. This damage reduction or energy resistance doesn't stack with any damage reduction or energy resistance the target already has, and multiple castings of this spell don't stack.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Resistant Armor (Lesser).MOD DESC:Lesser resistant armor grants the target (and its gear) protection from your choice of either kinetic damage or energy damage. If you choose kinetic damage, the target and her gear gain DR 5/â€" that protects against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. If you choose energy damage, pick any two of acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. The target and her gear gain energy resistance 5 that protects against the chosen types of energy. This damage reduction or energy resistance doesn't stack with any damage reduction or energy resistance the target already has, and multiple castings of this spell don't stack.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Restoration.MOD DESC:This spell functions as lesser restoration, except it also removes temporary negative levels or 1 permanent negative level. You must spend 5 Resolve Points when casting this spell to remove a permanent negative level. This spell can't be used to remove more than 1 permanent negative level from a target in a 1-week period. Restoration heals all temporary ability damage, and it restores all points permanently drained from a single ability score (your choice if more than one is drained). It also eliminates any fatigue or exhaustion suffered by the target, but it doesn't remove any underlying source of fatigue or exhaustion. A target that has benefited from the removal of fatigue or exhaustion from this spell can't benefit from either effect again for 24 hours.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Restoration (Lesser).MOD DESC:Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the target's ability scores, or it heals 1d4 temporary ability damage to one of the target's ability scores. It also eliminates any fatigue suffered by the creature or improves an exhausted condition to fatigued, but it doesn't remove any underlying source of fatigue or exhaustion. It also doesn't heal permanent ability drain. A target that has benefited from the removal of fatigue or the reduction of exhaustion from lesser restoration can't benefit from either effect again for 24 hours.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Retrocognition.MOD DESC:This spell allows you to gain psychic impressions from past events that occurred in your current location. Retrocognition reveals psychic impressions from events that occurred over the course of the last hour throughout the first minute of the spell's duration, followed by impressions from the next hour back throughout the next minute you concentrate, and so on. If a psychically traumatic or turbulent event happened during that period, you must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 15, 20, or 25, depending on the severity of the traumatic or turbulent event) or lose your concentration on the spell. If you fail this saving throw, the spell ends. At mystic level 16th and higher, you can choose to collect impressions from over the course of a longer interval of time than an hour, beginning at 1 week per minute of concentration (as listed below). The amount of detail you receive diminishes, so this eventually makes it harder to distinguish impressions left by anything but the most major events. In most circumstances, you can't glean information about what occurred during the Gap with this spell. [Mystic Level] 16thâ€"17th 1 week per minute; 18thâ€"19th 1 year per minute; 20th 1 decade per minute.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Rewire Flesh.MOD DESC:Like rewriting the code that makes up a computer program, you manipulate the target's DNA to painfully rewire that target's biological functions to mimic the cold and rigid processes of a robot. The target must succeed at a Will saving throw, or all of its movement speeds are halved and it takes 3d6 slashing damage per round on its turn as its internal organs shift and transform to become more like the inner components of a robot. Each round, the target can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to halve the damage this spell causes. While this spell is in effect, the target's body becomes visibly more robotic; its voice is tinny and halting, its movements are jerky, and its face is unmoving and emotionless. The target has the flat-footed condition, and it takes a â€"2 penalty to all Sense Motive checks as well as to all Charisma-based and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Rewire Flesh (Mass).MOD DESC:Like rewriting the code that makes up a computer program, you manipulate the targets' DNA to painfully rewire their biological functions to mimic the cold and rigid processes of a robot. The targets must succeed at a Will saving throw, or all their movement speeds are halved and they take 3d6 slashing damage per round on their turn as their internal organs shift and transform to become more like the inner components of a robot. Each round, the targets can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to halve the damage this spell causes. While this spell is in effect, the targets' bodies becomes visibly more robotic; their voices are tinny and halting, their movements are jerky, and their faces are unmoving and emotionless. The targets have the flat-footed condition, and take a â€"2 penalty to all Sense Motive checks as well as to all Charisma-based and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Security Seal.MOD DESC:A security seal spell magically locks a single door, container with a lid or latch, portal, or computer system. Casting this spell requires you to spend 1 Resolve Point. You can freely bypass your own security seal without affecting it. If the sealed object has a lock, the DC to open that lock increases by 5 while it remains attached to the object. If the object doesn't have a lock, this spell creates one that can only be opened with a successful DC 20 Engineering check to disable devices. If the sealed object has computer security, the DC to bypass that security increases by 5. A door or object secured with this spell can be opened only by breaking in or with a successful dispel magic or knock spell. Add 5 to the normal DC to break open a door or portal affected by this spell. A knock spell removes the security seal automatically, counting as one means of closure.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +See Invisibility.MOD DESC:You can see any invisible or ethereal objects or beings within your range of vision, as if they were normally visible. Such creatures are visible to you as translucent shapes, allowing you easily to discern the difference between visible and invisible or ethereal creatures. The spell doesn't reveal the method used to obtain invisibility, doesn't reveal illusions or enable you to see through opaque objects, and doesn't reveal creatures that are simply concealed, hiding, or otherwise hard to see.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Shadow Walk.MOD DESC:To use shadow walk, you must be in an area of dim light. You and any creature or vehicle you touch are then transported along a coiling path of shadowstuff to the edge of the Material Plane where it borders the Plane of Shadow. The effect is largely illusory, but the path is quasi-real. All targets affected must be in direct contact with one another. A Large target counts as two Medium targets, a Huge target counts as four Medium targets, and so forth. Creatures you transport this way can opt to follow you, wander off through the plane, or stumble back into the Material Plane (50%% chance for either of the latter results if the creatures are lost or abandoned by you). Creatures unwilling to accompany you into the Plane of Shadow can attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. In the region of shadow, you move at a rate of 200 miles per hour. Because of the blurring of reality between the Plane of Shadow and the Material Plane, you can't make out details of the terrain or areas you pass over during transit nor can you predict perfectly where your travel will end. It's impossible to judge distances accurately, making the spell virtually useless for scouting or spying. Furthermore, when the spell effect ends, you are shunted 1d10 Ã- 100 feet in a random horizontal direction from your desired endpoint. If this would place you within a solid object, you (and any creatures with you) are shunted to the nearest empty space available, but the strain of this activity renders each creature fatigued (no saving throw). Shadow walk can also be used to travel to other planes that border on the Plane of Shadow (except for the Drift), but this usage requires you to travel across the Plane of Shadow to arrive at a border with another plane of reality, which takes 1d4 hours.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Shadowy Fleet.MOD DESC:You create a powerful vision of a fleet of hostile starships overhead that appears to rain fiery laser shots mercilessly at your enemies. The ships appear to be 1,000 feet overhead and target a 60-foot-radius area that you designate on the ground. You can't cast this spell indoors unless you are within a structure that a fleet of starships could believably fit within. Each round this spell is in effect, the starships deal 3d6 piercing damage and 3d6 fire damage to all hostile creatures in the area as the ships appear to shoot lasers at your enemies. If a creature interacts with the illusion (such as by taking damage), it can attempt a Will saving throw to take only half of this damage per round for the remainder of the spell. Regardless of whether a creature disbelieves the illusion, each round it takes damage from this spell, it can attempt a Reflex saving throw to instead take half damage; thus, if a creature that succeeded at its Will saving throw also succeeds at its Reflex save in a given round, it takes one-quarter the spell's damage that round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Share Language.MOD DESC:For 24 hours, the target can read, understand, and communicate to the best of its ability in up to three languages that you already know. This doesn't change the physical nature of the creature (if it lacks a means of speech, it still can't talk) or its attitude toward you. It does, however, allow intelligent creatures that normally have no language to understand and (if physically capable) communicate in the languages granted by this spell.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Shield Other.MOD DESC:This spell wards the target and creates a mystic connection between you and the target so that some of its wounds are transferred to you. Casting this spell requires you to spend 1 Resolve Point. The target takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks (including those dealt by special abilities) that deal Hit Point damage, and you take the amount of damage not taken by the target. Only Hit Point damage is transferred in this manner; the target's Stamina Points are damaged as normal. If you still have Stamina Points, you take the damage to your Stamina Points before Hit Points, as with normal damage. Forms of harm that do not involve Hit Points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, ability drain, permanent negative levels, and death effects, are not affected. When the spell ends, subsequent damage is no longer divided between the target and you, but damage already split is not reassigned to the target. If you and the target of the spell move out of range of each other, the spell ends.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Slow.MOD DESC:An affected creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. Creatures affected by this spell are staggered (see page 277) and can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both, and it can't take full actions. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment). Multiple slow effects don't stack. Slow counters and negates haste.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Snuff Life.MOD DESC:You twist the essence of life that flows through your targets, snuffing the spark out of weaker creatures and debilitating or disabling others. This spell's effects depend on each target's CR. A creature of CR 5 or lower is slain by this spell. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it is instead reduced to 1 Hit Point. A creature of CR 6â€"10 takes 10d20 damage and is stunned for 3 rounds. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it takes half damage and negates the stunned effect. A creature of CR 11â€"14 takes 8d20 damage and is staggered for 3 rounds. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it takes half damage and negates the staggered effect. A creature of CR 15 or higher takes 6d20 damage. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it takes half damage. Regardless of whether the target succeeds at its saving throw, it still might die from the damage this spell deals, though in this case the spell is not a death effect.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Soothing Protocol.MOD DESC:Waves of calming programming ebb from your touch, potentially stabilizing a construct's harmful intentions toward you and your allies. The target construct must have a CR lower than (CASTERLEVEL); if it does, the construct is convinced that you and your allies pose no threat. It can't take violent actions against you or your allies, and it can't do anything that would otherwise harm or threaten you (though it continues to carry out orders to take actions that do not harm or threaten you). Any aggressive action or damage dealt by you or your allies to a construct soothed in this way or its allies immediately ends this spell's effects (and could cause the construct to attack you, if it was doing so previously). If an affected construct is under the control of a spellcaster or another creature, the controlling creature can spend a full\ action to remove soothing protocol, as long as it can either touch the construct or give it an order.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Speak with Dead.MOD DESC:You grant the semblance of life to a corpse, allowing it to answer questions. You can ask up to six questions. The corpse's knowledge is limited to what it knew during life, including the languages it spoke. Answers are brief, cryptic, or repetitive, especially if the creature would have opposed you in life. If the dead creature was friendly or helpful toward you in life, the spell works automatically. Otherwise, the corpse can attempt a Will saving throw to resist the spell as if it were alive. On a successful save, the corpse can refuse to answer your questions or attempt to deceive you using its Bluff skill. The target can speak only about what it knew in life. It can't answer any questions that pertain to events that occurred after its death. If the corpse has been subjected to speak with dead within the past week, this spell fails. You can cast this spell on a corpse that has been deceased for any amount of time, but the body must be mostly intact to be able to respond. A damaged corpse might be able to give partial answers or partially correct answers, but it must have at least a mouth in order to speak at all. This spell does not affect a corpse that has been turned into an undead creature.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Spider Climb.MOD DESC:The target can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does. An affected creature with four limbs must have three limbs free (not holding equipment or being used to perform skills and so on) to climb in this manner. A creature with six limbs needs only four available. In general, other creatures must have 75%% of their limbs available to benefit from this spell. The target gains a climb speed of 20 feet (and the +8 racial bonus to Athletics checks to climb granted by that climb speed); furthermore, it doesn't need to attempt Athletics checks to climb to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). An affected creature climbing in this way is not flat-footed while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. The creature, however, can't use the run action while climbing.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Stabilize.MOD DESC:If the target of this spell has 0 Hit Points and is dying, it automatically stabilizes. If the creature later takes damage, it is no longer stable.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Status.MOD DESC:When you need to keep track of comrades who get separated, status allows you to mentally monitor their relative positions and general conditions. You are aware of the direction of and distance to the creatures and any conditions or states affecting them: confused, diseased, dying, nauseated, panicked, poisoned, staggered, stunned, unconscious, unharmed, wounded, wounded and out of Stamina points, and the like. Once the spell has been cast upon the targets, the distance between them and the caster does not affect the spell as long as they are on the same plane of existence. If a target leaves the plane (including via Drift travel) or dies, the spell ceases to function for that creature.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Subjective Reality.MOD DESC:Choose one object or creature you can see within long range ((400+CASTERLEVEL*40) feet). You alter your perceptions to become convinced the target is an illusion. For you, the target becomes transparent and does not create sound or smell. Until the spell ends, you can move through the target unimpeded and the target can move through you. The target's nonmagical attacks can't harm you, and the target's magical attacks deal half damage to you. The target's non-damaging magical abilities have only a 50%% chance of affecting you, and you are immune to all its sonic, language-dependent, and scent-based attacks. However, your attacks deal no damage to the target, and your magical abilities don't affect the target at all. You or the target can affect each other normally through intermediaries. For instance, while the target would be immune to the direct effects of your charm monster spell, if you charmed another creature that then attacked the target creature, the target would not be immune to the damage from that attack.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Suggestion.MOD DESC:You influence the actions of the target creature by suggesting a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell. The suggested course of activity can continue for the entire duration of the spell. If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the target finishes what it was asked to do. You can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition is not met before the spell's duration expires, the activity is not performed. A very reasonable suggestion imparts a penalty (such as â€"1 or â€"2) to the target's saving throw.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Suggestion (Mass).MOD DESC:You influence the actions of the target creatures by suggesting a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creatures to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell. The suggested course of activity can continue for the entire duration of the spell. If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the target finishes what it was asked to do. You can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition is not met before the spell's duration expires, the activity is not performed. A very reasonable suggestion imparts a penalty (such as â€"1 or â€"2) to the target's saving throw. All of the affected creatures are subject to the same suggestion.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Supercharge Weapon.MOD DESC:You supercharge the target weapon. If the weapon's next attack hits (provided it is made before the end of the next round), the attack deals 4d6 additional damage if the weapon is a single target attack or 2d6 additional damage if the weapon attacks all creatures in an area. This bonus damage is of the same type as the weapon's normal damage.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Sympathetic Vibration.MOD DESC:By attuning yourself to a freestanding structure or vehicle (this doesn't include starships), you can create a damaging vibration within it. Once it begins, the vibration deals 2d10 sonic damage per round to the target, bypassing hardness. You can choose at the time of casting to limit the duration of the spell; otherwise, it lasts for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds. If the spell is cast upon a target that is not freestanding, the surrounding material dissipates the effect and no damage occurs. Sympathetic vibration can't affect creatures (even if they are constructs).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Synapse Overload.MOD DESC:To affect the target, you must hit with a melee attack against its EAC; you can add your key ability score modifier to this attack roll instead of your Strength modifier if it is higher. You then overload the target's mind, causing the target's synapses to violently trigger. The target takes 18d8 damage and is staggered for 1 minute. A target can negate the staggered effect with a successful Fortitude saving throw, but still takes full damage. Casting this spell doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Synaptic Pulse.MOD DESC:You stun all creatures in range for 1 round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Synaptic Pulse (Greater).MOD DESC:You stun all creatures in range for 1d4 rounds. With a successful Will saving throw, a creature is instead sickened for 1 round.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Telekinesis.MOD DESC:You move objects or creatures by concentrating on them. Depending on your desired effect (choose one from below), the spell can perform a variety of combat maneuvers, provide a gentle, sustained force, or exert a single short, violent thrust. [Combat Maneuver] Once per round, you can use telekinesis to perform a ranged attack that acts as a bull rush, disarm, grapple (including pin), or trip combat maneuver. Resolve these attempts as normal, but use your caster level plus your key ability score modifier as your attack bonus. No saving throw is allowed against these attempts, but spell resistance applies normally. This version of the spell can last (CASTERLEVEL) rounds, but it ends if you cease concentrating. [Sustained Force] A sustained force moves an object of no more than (CASTERLEVEL*25) pounds or (CASTERLEVEL*2) bulk up to 20 feet per round in any direction (including up or down). A creature can negate the effect on an object it holds with a successful Will save or with spell resistance. This version of the spell lasts (CASTERLEVEL) rounds, but it ends if you cease concentrating. The spell ends if the object is forced beyond the spell's range. You can telekinetically manipulate an object as if with one hand. For example, a lever can be pulled, a key turned, a button pushed, an object rotated, and so on if the force required is within the weight limitation. You might even be able to untie simple knots, though a delicate activity such as this requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence check. [Violent Thrust] The spell energy can be spent in a single round. You can hurl up to 15 objects or creatures that are within range (no two of which can be more than 10 feet apart) toward any target within 150 feet of all the objects. You can hurl up to a total weight of 400 pounds or 40 bulk. You must make attack rolls (one per creature or object thrown) to hit the target with the items, using your base attack bonus plus your key ability score modifier as your attack bonus. All objects cause damage ranging from 1 damage per 25 pounds or 2 bulk (for less dangerous objects) to 1d10 damage per 25 pounds or 2 bulk (for extremely dangerous objects, such as weapons or bladed or spiked objects). Objects and creatures that miss the target land in a square adjacent to the target. Creatures that fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they can attempt Will saving throws (or rely on spell resistance) to negate the effect, as can those whose held possessions are targeted by the spell. If a thrown creature is hurled against a solid surface, it takes 1d6 damage as if it had fallen 10 feet.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telekinetic Projectile.MOD DESC:You fling an object weighing up to 5 pounds (less than 1 bulk) at the target, making a ranged attack against its KAC. If you hit, you deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage to both the target and the object. The type of object thrown doesn't change the damage type or any other properties of the attack.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathic Bond.MOD DESC:You forge a telepathic bond between yourself and a number of willing creatures, each of which must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher (or a modifier of â€"4 or higher). Each creature included in the link is linked to all the others. The creatures can communicate telepathically through the bond regardless of language. No special power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another). If desired, you can leave yourself out of the telepathic bond forged. This decision must be made at the time of casting.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathic Jaunt.MOD DESC:Telepathic jaunt thrums along the mental connection you have with a creature with which you currently have an active telepathic bond via your mystic telepathic bond class feature (but not via the telepathic bond spell), and it instantly teleports you to that creature. This spell teleports you to a random, unoccupied square adjacent to the creature with which you have the telepathic bond. If no such square is available, you teleport to the closest eligible square; if the nearest eligible square is more than 50 feet away from the creature, this spell fails. You can be transported any distance within a plane, even across the galaxy, but you can't travel between planes, and you can't transport yourself to a creature if one of you is traveling via Drift travel and the other isn't. In addition to yourself, you can transport any objects you carry as long as their weight doesn't exceed your maximum load. You can also bring up to six additional willing or unconscious Medium or smaller creatures (each carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or their equivalent. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, and a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. Exceeding this limit causes the spell to fail. There must be sufficient space near the creature with which you have the telepathic bond for all the creatures you are teleporting, or this spell fails.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathic Message.MOD DESC:You can send a short telepathic message and hear simple telepathic replies. Any living creature within 10 feet of you or an intended recipient also receives your telepathic message if it succeeds at a DC 25 Perception check. You must be able to see or hear each recipient. The creatures that receive the message can reply telepathically, but no more than a single message can be sent each round, and each message cannot exceed 10 words. A technomancer casting this spell can also use it to send a message to a computer or a construct with the technological subtype if the receiving target is designed to receive messages.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Telepathy.MOD DESC:You can mentally communicate with any other creature within 100 feet that has a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as speaking and listening to multiple people simultaneously. You can't use telepathy to locate creatures to communicate with them, but once you've established telepathic communication, you don't require line of effect to maintain it.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Teleport.MOD DESC:This spell instantly transports you to a designated destination within 2,000 miles. Interplanar and interplanetary travel is not possible, and neither is travel between two moving starships during combat, though you might be able to teleport to a planet's surface from an orbiting starship. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed your maximum bulk limit. You can also bring up to five additional willing or unconscious Medium or smaller creatures (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or their equivalent. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, and a Huge creature counts as four Medium creatures. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you. As the caster, you need not attempt a saving throw, nor is spell resistance applicable to you. Only objects held or in use by another creature receive saving throws and benefit from spell resistance. You must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. The clearer your mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energy can make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible. To see how well the teleportation works, roll d%% and consult Table 10â€"1. Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table. [Familiarity] “Very familiar†describes a place you have been very often and where you feel at home. “Studied carefully†describes a place you know well, either because you can currently physically see it or because you've been there often. “Seen casually†describes a place you have been to more than once but with which you are not very familiar. “Viewed once†describes a place you have seen once in person or have extensively studied through scrying magic, remote cameras, or recorded images (for a remote-viewed location, you still need to have a clear idea of the location; you can't teleport to an unknown location that you've seen in a holovid). “False destination†describes a place that doesn't truly exist, or if you are teleporting to an otherwise familiar location, it is a place that no longer exists as such or has been so completely altered as to no longer be familiar to you. When traveling to a false destination, roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, rather than rolling d%%, since there is no real destination for you to hope to arrive at or even be off target from. {On Target] You appear where you want to be. [Off Target] You appear safely a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. The distance off target is d%% of the distance that was to be traveled. The direction off target is determined randomly. [Similar Area] You wind up in an area that's visually or thematically similar to the target area. Generally, you appear in the closest similar place within range. If no such area exists within the spell's range, the spell simply fails instead. [Mishap] You and anyone else teleporting with you have gotten “scrambled.†You each take 2d10 damage, and you reroll on the chart to see where you wind up. For these rerolls, roll 1d20+80. Each time “mishap†comes up, the creatures take more damage and must reroll. [TELEPORTATION RESULTS] Very familiar - 1â€"97 On Target, 98â€"99 Off Target, 100 Similar Area; Studied Carefully - 1â€"94 On Target, 95â€"97 Off Target, 98â€"99 Similar Area, 100 Mishap; Seen Casually - 1â€"88 On Target, 89â€"94 Off Target, 95â€"98 Similar Area, 99â€"100 Mishap; Viewed Once - 1â€"76 On Target, 77â€"88 Off Target, 89â€"96 Similar Area, 97â€"100 Mishap; False Destination â€" 81â€"92 Similar Area, 93â€"100 Mishap;|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Terraform.MOD DESC:You alter the area's terrain and climate to a new terrain and climate type appropriate to the planet or plane. For example, you might transform a desert into plains. To cast this spell, you must spend 10 Resolve Points along with technological gear worth 30,000 credits (which is magically augmented to do much of the terraforming, then consumed by the spell). A xenodruid mystic instead uses crystals and incenses worth 30,000 credits. This magically alters the area's climate and normal plants to those appropriate to the new terrain, but it doesn't affect creatures or the configuration of the ground. Transforming rocky hills into forested areas converts grasses into shrubs and small trees, but it doesn't flatten the hills or change the animals to suit the new environment. You can alter the climate by one step (cold, temperate, or warm). The maximum extent of the terrain change is up to the GM, but in general it changes to a similar terrain type or by one step within that terrain type (such as from a typical forest to a forest with massive trees or light undergrowth, from a shallow bog to a deep bog, and so on). Multiple castings of the spell in the same area can create an area with radically different terrain and climate than the surrounding land. The GM can decide that certain terrain shifts are unsustainable and shorten the duration or that some are suitable for the area and extend the duration. This spell could have many secondary effects based on the nature of the change, the type of bordering terrain, and so on; these should be determined by the GM on a case-by-case basis. For example, transforming a desert requires drawing water up from underground to sustain the plants, which could deplete the water table in nearby areas.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Token Spell.MOD DESC:Token spells are often some of the first minor changes that spellcasters produce when they begin experimenting with magic. Once cast, token spell enables you to perform simple magical effects for 1 hour. The effects are minor and have severe limitations. You can slowly lift one item of light bulk. You can alter items in a 1-foot cube each round, coloring, cleaning, soiling, cooling, warming, or flavoring them. You can create small objects, but they look artificial and are extremely fragile (they can't be used as tools or weapons). You can illuminate an object to shed dim light in a 30-foot radius. Token spell lacks the power to duplicate any other spell effects. Any actual change to an object (beyond moving, cleaning, or soiling it) persists for only 1 hour.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Tongues.MOD DESC:This spell grants the creature touched the ability to speak and understand the spoken or signed language of any intelligent creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect. The target can speak only one language at a time, although it may be able to understand several languages. Tongues does not enable the target to speak with creatures who don't speak. The target can make itself understood as far as its voice carries.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Transfer Charge.MOD DESC:You can transfer any number of charges from one battery to another battery or from one power cell to another power cell. You can only transfer charges using two objects of the exact same type (two batteries of the same size, two identical power cells, or the like); you transfer charges from the source object to the receiving object. You must declare how many charges you are transferring before casting this spell. If you transfer more charges from the source than the receiving item can hold, the receiving item must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or take 1d6 electricity damage. This spell provides no knowledge of how many charges a receiving item can safely hold, but you can choose to transfer fewer charges than the maximum allowed to reduce the risk.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +True Seeing.MOD DESC:You confer upon the target the ability to see all things within 120 feet as they actually are. The target sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees the exact locations of creatures or objects that are invisible or displaced, sees through illusions, and sees the true form of changed or transmuted things. Further, the target can focus its vision to see into the Ethereal Plane (but not into extradimensional spaces). True seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects. It in no way confers X-ray vision or its equivalent. It does not negate concealment, including that caused by fog and the like. True seeing does not help the viewer see through mundane disguises, spot creatures who are simply hiding, or notice secret doors hidden by mundane means.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Unwilling Guardian.MOD DESC:Your overwhelming presence bores into the target's mind, cowing its will. This turns it into an automaton-like guardian that protects you at all costs. As soon as it is able, the target mindlessly moves along the most direct route toward you and stops when it is within 10 feet of you (provoking attacks of opportunity for movement as normal). If you are being attacked in melee by a creature within 10 feet, the target instead takes the quickest route to intercept that creature from a square within 10 feet of you and attack it on your behalf. While this spell is in effect, the target attacks any creature that attacks you in melee, though it can't move more than 10 feet from you to do so. If multiple creatures are attacking you in melee, you can choose which creature the target attacks on your behalf as part of combat banter. If you are the target of ranged attacks and your guardian is not attacking a melee assailant on your behalf, it moves to provide cover against the ranged attacks. Due to the strong momentary connection between you and your unwilling guardian, if you are the single target of a hostile creature's spell or effect, the creature must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 6 + your caster level) or the spell or effect instead targets your guardian. This spell has no effect on area of effect or multi-target spells or other effects that include you as a target. When this spell ends, the target regains control of its faculties entirely and it knows and remembers that you used magic to control it. Once a creature has been the target of unwilling guardian, it can't be targeted with this spell again for 24 hours if cast by the same spellcaster.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Unseen Servant.MOD DESC:The spell conjures an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at your command (a move action). It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so as long as you remain within range. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift up to 20 pounds or 2 bulk or drag up to 100 pounds or 10 bulk). It can trigger traps and such, but it can't exert enough force to activate certain pressure plates and other devices. It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. This servant can't fly, climb, or swim (though it can walk on water). Its land speed is 15 feet. The servant can't attack in any way; it is never allowed to make attack rolls. It can't be killed, but it dissipates if it takes 6 or more damage from area attacks; it gets no saving throws against attacks.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Veil.MOD DESC:You instantly change the appearance of the targets and then maintain that appearance for the spell's duration. You can make the targets appear to be anything you wish. The targets look, feel, and smell just like what the spell makes them resemble. Affected creatures return to their normal appearances if slain. You must succeed at a Disguise check to duplicate the appearance of a specific individual. This spell gives you a +10 bonus to such a check (since it counts as altering your form). An unwilling target can negate the spell's effect on it by succeeding at a Will saving throw or by relying on spell resistance. Those who interact with the targets can attempt Will saving throws to disbelieve the illusion, but spell resistance doesn't help pierce the illusion.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Vision.MOD DESC:You pose a question about some person, place, or object while casting this spell. If the person or object is at hand or if you are in the place in question and you succeed at a caster level check (1d20 + your caster level, DC 20), you receive a vision about that person, place, or object. The information gained includes everything available about the target that could be discovered by spending weeks in dedicated research with excellent-quality but standard reference works. If the person or object is not at hand or you are not in the place and you know only detailed information about the person, place, or object, the DC of the caster level check is 25 and the information gained is incomplete (though it often provides enough information to help you find the person, place, or thing, thus allowing a better vision result next time). If you know only rumors, the DC is 30 and the information gained is vague (though it often directs you to more detailed information, thus allowing a better vision result next time). In most circumstances, you can't glean information about what occurred during the Gap with this spell. Casting this spell requires access to a computer or similar device, which displays the information gained. Additionally, casting this spell places considerable strain on you, requiring you to spend 1 Resolve Point.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Wall of Fire.MOD DESC:An immobile blazing curtain of opaque, shimmering, violet fire springs into existence. One side of the wall, selected by you, sends forth waves of heat, dealing 2d6 fire damage to creatures within 10 feet and 1d6 fire damage to those beyond 10 feet but within 20 feet. The wall deals this damage when it appears and on your turn each subsequent round. In addition, the wall deals 5d6 fire damage to any creature passing through it. The wall deals double damage to undead creatures. If you evoke the wall so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. If any 5-foot length of wall takes 20 or more cold damage in 1 round, that length goes away.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wall of Force.MOD DESC:Wall of force creates an invisible wall of pure force. You can form the wall into a flat, vertical plane whose area is up to (CASTERLEVEL) ten-foot squares. The wall must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails. This counts as a force field for effects that can't penetrate a force field. The wall can't move and is not easily destroyed. A wall of force is immune to dispel magic. A greater dispel magic specifically targeting the wall of force can dispel it, but treat the wall of force's caster level as being 5 higher than the actual caster level. A wall of force can be damaged by spells and attacks as normal, but a wall of force has hardness 30 and 300 Hit Points. Disintegrate instantly destroys a wall of force. Breath weapons and spells can't pass through a wall of force in either direction, though dimension door, teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barrier. The wall blocks ethereal creatures as well as material ones (though ethereal creatures can usually circumvent the wall by going around it, through material floors and ceilings). Gaze attacks operate normally through a wall of force.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wall of Steel.MOD DESC:You cause a flat, vertical steel wall to spring into existence. The stress of casting this spell requires you to spend 1 Resolve Point. The wall can fit into any space of surrounding nonliving material if its area is sufficient to do so. The wall can't be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object. It must always be a flat plane, though you can shape its edges to fit the available space. A wall of steel is 4 inches thick. You can double the wall's area by halving its thickness. Each 5-foot square of the wall has hardness 15 and 45 Hit Points per inch of thickness. A section of wall that is reduced to 0 Hit Points is breached. The DC of the Strength check for a creature to break through the wall with a single attack is 30. The wall is firmly anchored to its surroundings, and it doesn't easily tip over; it can't be summoned into any area where it is likely to fall or collapse. Like any steel wall, this wall is subject to perforation and other natural phenomena, though it doesn't rust or corrode under typical circumstances. The metal created by this spell is not suitable for use in the creation of other objects and can't be sold.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Waves of Fatigue.MOD DESC:Waves of negative energy render all living creatures in the spell's area fatigued. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wish.MOD DESC:By simply speaking aloud, you can alter reality to better suit you. Even wish, however, has its limits. A wish spell can produce any one of the following effects - Duplicate any technomancer spell of 6th level or lower; Duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower; Undo the harmful effects of certain spells, such as feeblemind; Produce any effect whose power level is in line with the above effects. At the GM's discretion, you may try to use a wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so may be dangerous or the spell may have only a partial effect. A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as normal, but the save DCs are the same as for a 7th-level spell. For the purpose of other effects that depend on spell level, wish counts as a 9th-level spell.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell +Wisp Ally.MOD DESC:You draw forth otherworldly energy to create a small, spherical, floating wisp that can distract your enemies in combat. This wisp can move 60 feet per round in any direction, and you can direct it as a move action on your turn. If the wisp occupies the same space as an enemy, the wisp provides your choice of either harrying fire or covering fire (see pages 246â€"247) against the enemy each round on your turn, and it follows that enemy within range automatically unless you direct it to change targets. The wisp is made of pure light and energy and can't be damaged in combat, though it can be dispelled as normal. In addition to the function described above, the wisp sheds light in a 20-foot radius in a color of your choice (chosen when you cast the spell).|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + +Zone of Truth.MOD DESC:Creatures within the emanation area can't speak any deliberate and intentional lies. Each potentially affected creature can attempt a Will saving throw to avoid the effect when the spell is cast or when that creature first enters the emanation area. Affected creatures are aware of this enchantment, and they can therefore avoid answering questions to which they would normally respond with a lie, or they can be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth. Creatures who leave the area are free to speak as they choose.|PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell + + +###Class Spell Lists### +#Mystic 0 +Daze.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Detect Affliction.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Detect Magic.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Fatigue.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Ghost Sound.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Grave Words.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Psychokinetic Hand.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Stabilize.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Telekinetic Projectile.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Telepathic Message.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +Token Spell.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=0 +#Mystic 1 +Charm Person.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Command.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Confusion (Lesser).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Detect Radiation.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Detect Thoughts.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Disguise Self.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Fear (Level 1).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Identify.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Keen Senses.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Life Bubble.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Mind Link.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Mind Thrust (Level 1).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Mystic Cure (Level 1).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Reflecting Armor.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Remove Condition (Lesser).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Share Language.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +Wisp Ally.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=1 +#Mystic 2 +Augury.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Command Undead.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Darkvision.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Daze Monster.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Fear (Level 2).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Fog Cloud.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Force Blast.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Hold Person.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Hurl Forcedisk.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Inflict Pain.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Mind Thrust (Level 2).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Mystic Cure (Level 2).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Remove Condition.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Restoration (Lesser).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +See Invisibility.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Shield Other.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Spider Climb.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Status.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +Zone of Truth.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=2 +#Mystic 3 +Bestow Curse.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Charm Monster.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Clairaudience/Clairvoyance.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Deep Slumber.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Dispel Magic.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Fear (Level 3).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Haste.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Hologram Memory.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Irradiate.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Mind Thrust (Level 3).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Mystic Cure (Level 3).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Psychokinetic Strangulation.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Ray of Exhaustion.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Remove Affliction.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Resistant Armor (Lesser).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Slow.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Speak with Dead.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Suggestion.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Synaptic Pulse.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +Tongues.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=3 +#Mystic 4 +Animate Dead.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Confusion.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Cosmic Eddy.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Death Ward.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Discern Lies.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Dismissal (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Divination.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Enervation.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Fear (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Hold Monster.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Mind Probe.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Mind Thrust (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Mystic Cure (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Planar Binding (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Reincarnate.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Remove Radioactivity.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Resistant Armor.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Restoration.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +Telepathic Bond.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=4 +#Mystic 5 +Break Enchantment.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Call Cosmos.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Command (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Commune With Nature.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Contact Other Plane.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Crush Skull.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Dismissal (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Dispel Magic (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Dominate Person.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Feeblemind.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Mind Thrust (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Modify Memory.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Mystic Cure (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Planar Binding (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Raise Dead.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Remove Condition (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Resistant Aegis.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Retrocognition.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Synaptic Pulse (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Telepathy.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +Waves of Fatigue.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=5 +#Mystic 6 +Control Gravity.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Control Undead.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Enshrining Refuge.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Ethereal Jaunt.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Flesh to Stone.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Gravitational Singularity.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Inflict Pain (Mass).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Mind Thrust (Level 6).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Mystic Cure (Level 6).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Mystic Cure (Mass)(Level 6).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Planar Barrier.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Planar Binding (Level 6).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Plane Shift.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Psychic Surgery.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Regenerate.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Resistant Armor (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Shadow Walk.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Snuff Life.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Subjective Reality.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Suggestion (Mass).MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Telepathic Jaunt.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +True Seeing.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 +Vision.MOD CLASSES:Mystic=6 + + +#Technomancer 0 +Dancing Lights.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Daze.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Detect Affliction.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Detect Magic.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Energy Ray.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Ghost Sound.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Mending.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Psychokinetic Hand.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Telepathic Message.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Token Spell.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +Transfer Charge.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=0 +#Technomancer 1 +Comprehend Languages.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Detect Radiation.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Detect Tech.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Disguise Self.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Erase.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Flight (Level 1).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Grease.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Hold Portal.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Holographic Image (Level 1).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Identify.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Jolting Surge.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Keen Senses.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Life Bubble.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Magic Missile.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Overheat.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Supercharge Weapon.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +Unseen Servant.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=1 +#Technomancer 2 +Caustic Conversion.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Command Undead.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Darkvision.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Daze Monster.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Flight (Level 2).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Fog Cloud.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Holographic Image (Level 2).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Implant Data.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Inject Nanobots.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Invisibility.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Knock.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Logic Bomb.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Make Whole.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Microbot Assault.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Mirror Image.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Recharge.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Security Seal.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +See Invisibility.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +Spider Climb.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=2 +#Technomancer 3 +Arcane Sight.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Arcing Surge.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Clairaudience/Clairvoyance.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Discharge.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Dispel Magic.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Displacement.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Entropic Grasp.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Explosive Blast.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Flight (Level 3).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Handy Junkbot.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Haste.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Healing Junkbot.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Holographic Image (Level 3).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Instant Virus.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Irradiate.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Nondetection.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Probability Prediction.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Resistant Armor (Lesser).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Slow.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +Tongues.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=3 +#Technomancer 4 +Animate Dead.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Arcane Eye.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Corrosive Haze.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Creation (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Destruction Protocol.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Dimension Door.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Dismissal (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Flight (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Holographic Image (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Invisibility (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Overload Systems.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Planar Binding (Level 4).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Remove Radioactivity.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Resilient Sphere.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Resistant Armor.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Rewire Flesh.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Soothing Protocol.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +Wall of Fire.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=4 +#Technomancer 5 +Break Enchantment.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Contact Other Plane.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Control Machines.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Creation (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Dismissal (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Dispel Magic (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Flight (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Heat Leech.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Holographic Image (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Holographic Terrain.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Mislead.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Passwall.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Planar Binding (Level 5).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Private Sanctum.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Prying Eyes.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Rapid Repair.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Resistant Aegis.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Synapse Overload.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Telekinesis.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Teleport.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Unwilling Guardian.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +Wall of Force.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=5 +#Technomancer 6 +Battle Junkbot.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Chain Surge.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Control Gravity.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Control Undead.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Discharge (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Disintegrate.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Ethereal Jaunt.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Flight (Level 6).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Holographic Image (Level 6).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Interplanetary Teleport.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Invisibility (Mass).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Planar Barrier.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Planar Binding (Level 6).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Plane Shift.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Resistant Armor (Greater).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Rewire Flesh (Mass).MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Shadow Walk.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Shadowy Fleet.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Sympathetic Vibration.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Terraform.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +True Seeing.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Veil.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 +Wall of Steel.MOD CLASSES:Technomancer=6 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_templates.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_templates.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35299e79b --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_templates.lst @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + +# Display for Lashunta Race choice +Korasha SUBRACE:Korasha VISIBLE:NO +Damaya SUBRACE:Damaya VISIBLE:NO +Bleachling SUBRACE:Bleachling VISIBLE:NO +Feychild SUBRACE:Feychild VISIBLE:NO + +# +SIZE ~ Tiny SIZE:T VISIBLE:NO +SIZE ~ Small SIZE:S VISIBLE:NO +SIZE ~ Medium SIZE:M VISIBLE:NO + + + + + + + +Medium REACH:5 FACE:5 VISIBLE:NO +Large L PREVAREQ:RaceIsLong,1 VISIBLE:NO +Large T PREVAREQ:RaceIsLong,0 VISIBLE:NO + + + +Hands Tracker VISIBLE:NO DEFINE:PC_Hands|0 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 01|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,01 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 02|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,02 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 03|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,03 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 04|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,04 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 05|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,05 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 06|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,06 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 07|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,07 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 08|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,08 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 09|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,09 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Hands ~ 10|PREVAREQ:PC_Hands,10 +Legs Tracker VISIBLE:NO + +Test VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:Weapon Specialization Selection|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Specialization ~ Basic Melee Weapons + +Hands ~ 01 HANDS:01 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 02 HANDS:02 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 03 HANDS:03 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 04 HANDS:04 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 05 HANDS:05 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 06 HANDS:06 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 07 HANDS:07 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 08 HANDS:08 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 09 HANDS:09 VISIBLE:NO +Hands ~ 10 HANDS:10 VISIBLE:NO + +First Level Base Class VISIBLE:NO TEMPLATE:%LIST CHOOSE:TEMPLATE|QUALIFIED[TYPE=BaseClass] REMOVABLE:NO +###Block: Choices +# Template Name Visible Required Class Removable? Type +Envoy VISIBLE:NO PRECLASS:1,Envoy=1 REMOVABLE:NO TYPE:BaseClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Intimidate|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Athletics|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Medicine|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Bluff|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Perception|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Computers|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Piloting|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Culture|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Profession|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Diplomacy|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Disguise|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Engineering|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Stealth|1|TYPE=EnvoyClass +Mechanic VISIBLE:NO PRECLASS:1,Mechanic=1 REMOVABLE:NO TYPE:BaseClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Athletics|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Perception|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Computers|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Engineering|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Piloting|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Medicine|1|TYPE=MechanicClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Profession|1|TYPE=MechanicClass +Mystic VISIBLE:NO PRECLASS:1,Mystic=1 REMOVABLE:NO TYPE:BaseClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Bluff|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Medicine|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Culture|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Mysticism|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Diplomacy|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Perception|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Disguise|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Profession|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Intimidate|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_LifeScience|1|TYPE=MysticClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Survival|1|TYPE=MysticClass +Operative VISIBLE:NO PRECLASS:1,Operative=1 REMOVABLE:NO TYPE:BaseClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Medicine|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Athletics|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Perception|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Bluff|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Piloting|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Computers|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Profession|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Culture|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Disguise|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Engineering|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Stealth|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Intimidate|1|TYPE=OperativeClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Survival|1|TYPE=OperativeClass +Solarian VISIBLE:NO PRECLASS:1,Solarian=1 REMOVABLE:NO TYPE:BaseClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Perception|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Athletics|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Diplomacy|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Profession|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Intimidate|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SenseMotive|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Mysticism|1|TYPE=SolarianClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Stealth|1|TYPE=SolarianClass +Soldier VISIBLE:NO PRECLASS:1,Soldier=1 REMOVABLE:NO TYPE:BaseClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Acrobatics|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Medicine|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Athletics|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Piloting|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Engineering|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Profession|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Intimidate|1|TYPE=SoldierClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Survival|1|TYPE=SoldierClass +Technomancer VISIBLE:NO PRECLASS:1,Technomancer=1 REMOVABLE:NO TYPE:BaseClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Computers|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_PhysicalScience|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Engineering|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Piloting|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_LifeScience|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Profession|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_Mysticism|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass BONUS:VAR|CS_First_SleightofHand|1|TYPE=TechnomancerClass + +# +Class ~ Envoy VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Grenades|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms +Class ~ Mechanic VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Grenades|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms +Class ~ Mystic VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms +Class ~ Operative VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms|Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons +Class ~ Solarian VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms|Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons +Class ~ Soldier VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Armor Prof ~ Heavy Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms|Weapon Prof ~ Advanced Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Longarms|Weapon Prof ~ Heavy Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Sniper Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Grenades BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Soldier Key Ability|1 DEFINE:SoldierKeyAbilityScore|0 DEFINE:SoldierKeyAbilityBonus|0 +Class ~ Technomancer VISIBLE:NO ABILITY:PROFICIENCY|AUTOMATIC|Armor Prof ~ Light Armor|Weapon Prof ~ Basic Melee Weapons|Weapon Prof ~ Small Arms diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_todoList.txt b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_todoList.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..baf02f775 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scr_todoList.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + +# Outstanding Issues... diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/scrz_blanks.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/scrz_blanks.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31169ded5 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/scrz_blanks.lst @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + +# CLASS:xxx MAXLEVEL:20 +# CLASS:xxx HD: HD:1 TYPE:Base.PC BONUS:HP|CURRENTMAX|6*EnvoyLVL BONUS:HP|ALTHP|6 +# CLASS:xxx FACT:Abb| FACT:ClassType|PC +# CLASS:xxx DEFINE:yyyLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|yyyLVL|CL +# CLASS:xxx SOURCEPAGE:p. +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABFull|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*3/4|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABModerate|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:COMBAT|BASEAB|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")*1/2|TYPE=Base.REPLACE|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateBABProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassBABPoor|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalBAB,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Fortitude|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Fortitude|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Reflex|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Reflex|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/2+2|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSaveGood_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:SAVE|BASE.Will|classlevel("APPLIEDAS=NONEPIC")/3|PREVAREQ:UseAlternateSaveProgression,0 BONUS:VAR|ClassSavePoor_Will|classlevel()|PREVAREQ:UseFractionalSave,1 +# CLASS:xxx PRETEXT: +# CLASS:xxx STARTSKILLPTS: CSKILL: +# CLASS:xxx FACT:SpellType| +# CLASS:xxx SPELLSTAT: MEMORIZE: +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|xxx|Caster_Level_yyy BONUS:VAR|Caster_Level_yyy|CL+Caster_Level_Bonus+CasterLevelBLyyy DEFINE:CasterLevelBLyyy|0 BONUS:VAR|CasterLevelBL_yyy|charbonusto("PCLEVEL","xxx") +# CLASS:xxx BONUS:VAR|Caster_Level_Highest__All|Caster_Level_yyy|TYPE=Base +###Block ABILITY:xxx Class Feature|AUTOMATIC| + + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_abilities_starship.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_abilities_starship.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12997e577 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_abilities_starship.lst @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ + +# Default to go with +Starship CATEGORY:Starship DEFINE:StarshipAC_TLModified|0 DEFINE:StarshipSizeCat|0 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Starship Base Frame|1 + + +# Base Frames +Racer CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Interceptor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Fighter CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Shuttle CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Light Freighter CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Explorer CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Transport CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Destroyer CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Heavy Freighter CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Bulk Freighter CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Cruiser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Carrier CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Battleship CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame +Dreadnought CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Base Frame + +# Power Core +Micron Light CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T BONUS:VAR|PCU|50 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 DESC:Build Point Cost 4 ; PCU 50 +Micron Heavy CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T BONUS:VAR|PCU|70 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 DESC:Build Point Cost 6 ; PCU 70 +Micron Ultra CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T BONUS:VAR|PCU|80 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 DESC:Build Point Cost 8 ; PCU 80 +Arcus Light CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S BONUS:VAR|PCU|75 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|7 DESC:Build Point Cost 7 ; PCU 75 +Pulse Brown CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S BONUS:VAR|PCU|90 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|9 DESC:Build Point Cost 9 ; PCU 90 +Pulse Black CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S BONUS:VAR|PCU|120 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|12 DESC:Build Point Cost 12; PCU 120 +Pulse White CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S BONUS:VAR|PCU|140 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|14 DESC:Build Point Cost 14; PCU 140 +Pulse Gray CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S, M BONUS:VAR|PCU|100 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|10 DESC:Build Point Cost 10; PCU 100 +Arcus Heavy CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S, M BONUS:VAR|PCU|130 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|13 DESC:Build Point Cost 13; PCU 130 +Pulse Green CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S, M BONUS:VAR|PCU|150 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|15 DESC:Build Point Cost 15; PCU 150 +Pulse Red CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S, M BONUS:VAR|PCU|175 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|17 DESC:Build Point Cost 17; PCU 175 +Pulse Blue CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:T, S, M BONUS:VAR|PCU|200 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|20 DESC:Build Point Cost 20; PCU 200 +Arcus Ultra CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:S, M, L BONUS:VAR|PCU|150 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|15 DESC:Build Point Cost 15; PCU 150 +Arcus Maximum CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:S, M, L BONUS:VAR|PCU|200 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|20 DESC:Build Point Cost 20; PCU 200 +Pulse Orange CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:S, M, L BONUS:VAR|PCU|250 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|25 DESC:Build Point Cost 25; PCU 250 +Pulse Prismatic CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:S, M, L BONUS:VAR|PCU|300 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|30 DESC:Build Point Cost 30; PCU 300 +Nova Light CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:M, L, H BONUS:VAR|PCU|150 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|15 DESC:Build Point Cost 15; PCU 150 +Nova Heavy CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:M, L, H BONUS:VAR|PCU|200 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|20 DESC:Build Point Cost 20; PCU 200 +Nova Ultra CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:M, L, H BONUS:VAR|PCU|300 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|30 DESC:Build Point Cost 30; PCU 300 +Gateway Light CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:L, H, G BONUS:VAR|PCU|300 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|30 DESC:Build Point Cost 30; PCU 300 +Gateway Heavy CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:L, H, G BONUS:VAR|PCU|400 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|40 DESC:Build Point Cost 40; PCU 400 +Gateway Ultra CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Power Core PRETEXT:H, G, C BONUS:VAR|PCU|500 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|50 DESC:Build Point Cost 50; PCU 500 + +# Thrusters +T6 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:T DESC:Speed 6 DESC: Pilot Modifier +1 DESC: BuildPoints 3 PCU 20 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +T8 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:T DESC:Speed 8 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 4 PCU 25 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +T10 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:T DESC:Speed 10 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 5 PCU 30 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|5 +T12 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:T DESC:Speed 12 DESC: Pilot Modifier –1 DESC: BuildPoints 6 PCU 35 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 +T14 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:T DESC:Speed 14 DESC: Pilot Modifier –2 DESC: BuildPoints 7 PCU 40 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|7 +S6 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:S DESC:Speed 6 DESC: Pilot Modifier +1 DESC: BuildPoints 3 PCU 30 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +S8 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:S DESC:Speed 8 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 4 PCU 40 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +S10 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:S DESC:Speed 10 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 5 PCU 50 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|5 +S12 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:S DESC:Speed 12 DESC: Pilot Modifier –1 DESC: BuildPoints 6 PCU 60 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 +M4 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:M DESC:Speed 4 DESC: Pilot Modifier +2 DESC: BuildPoints 2 PCU 40 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|2 +M6 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:M DESC:Speed 6 DESC: Pilot Modifier +1 DESC: BuildPoints 3 PCU 50 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +M8 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:M DESC:Speed 8 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 4 PCU 60 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +M10 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:M DESC:Speed 10 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 5 PCU 70 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|5 +M12 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:M DESC:Speed 12 DESC: Pilot Modifier –1 DESC: BuildPoints 6 PCU 80 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 +L4 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:L DESC:Speed 4 DESC: Pilot Modifier +2 DESC: BuildPoints 4 PCU 60 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +L6 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:L DESC:Speed 6 DESC: Pilot Modifier +1 DESC: BuildPoints 6 PCU 80 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 +L8 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:L DESC:Speed 8 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 8 PCU 100 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +L10 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:L DESC:Speed 10 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 10 PCU 120 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|10 +H4 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:H DESC:Speed 4 DESC: Pilot Modifier +2 DESC: BuildPoints 4 PCU 80 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +H6 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:H DESC:Speed 6 DESC: Pilot Modifier +1 DESC: BuildPoints 6 PCU 120 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 +H8 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:H DESC:Speed 8 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 8 PCU 140 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +H10 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:H DESC:Speed 10 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 10 PCU 160 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|10 +G4 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:G DESC:Speed 4 DESC: Pilot Modifier +2 DESC: BuildPoints 8 PCU 120 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +G6 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:G DESC:Speed 6 DESC: Pilot Modifier +1 DESC: BuildPoints 12 PCU 180 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|12 +G8 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:G DESC:Speed 8 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 16 PCU 240 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|16 +C4 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:C DESC:Speed 4 DESC: Pilot Modifier +2 DESC: BuildPoints 8 PCU 200 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +C6 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:C DESC:Speed 6 DESC: Pilot Modifier +1 DESC: BuildPoints 12 PCU 300 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|12 +C8 thrusters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Thrusters PRESIZEEQ:C DESC:Speed 8 DESC: Pilot Modifier +0 DESC: BuildPoints 16 PCU 400 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|16 + +# Armor +Mk 1 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*1 +Mk 2 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*2 +Mk 3 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|3 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*3 +Mk 4 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*5 +Mk 5 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*7 +Mk 6 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*9 +Mk 7 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*12 +Mk 8 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|8 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*15 +Mk 9 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|9 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-2 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTurnDistance|1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*18 +Mk 10 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|10 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-2 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTurnDistance|1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*21 +Mk 11 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|11 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-2 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTurnDistance|1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*25 +Mk 12 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|12 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-3 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTurnDistance|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*30 +Mk 13 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|13 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-3 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTurnDistance|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*35 +Mk 14 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|14 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-3 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTurnDistance|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*40 +Mk 15 armor CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Armor BONUS:COMBAT|AC|15 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTL|-4 BONUS:VAR|StarshipTurnDistance|3 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*45 + + + +Basic Computer CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|0 +Mk 1 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Mk 1 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|2 +Mk 1 trinode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +Mk 1 tetranode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +Mk 2 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +Mk 2 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +Mk 2 trinode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|12 +Mk 2 tetranode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|16 +Mk 3 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|9 +Mk 3 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|18 +Mk 3 trinode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|27 +Mk 3 tetranode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|36 +Mk 4 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|16 +Mk 4 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|32 +Mk 4 trinode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|48 +Mk 5 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|25 +Mk 5 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|50 +Mk 5 trinode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|75 +Mk 6 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|36 +Mk 6 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|72 +Mk 7 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|49 +Mk 7 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|98 +Mk 8 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|64 +Mk 8 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|128 +Mk 9 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|81 +Mk 9 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|162 +Mk 10 mononode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|100 +Mk 10 duonode CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Computer BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|200 + +#Crew Quarters +Common CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Crew Quarters +Good CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Crew Quarters BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|2 +Luxurious CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Crew Quarters BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|5 + +# Defensive Countermeasures +Mk 1 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|2 +Mk 2 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +Mk 3 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +Mk 4 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 +Mk 5 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +Mk 6 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|11 +Mk 7 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|14 +Mk 8 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|18 +Mk 9 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|22 +Mk 10 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|27 +Mk 11 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|33 +Mk 12 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|40 +Mk 13 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|50 +Mk 14 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|65 +Mk 15 defenses CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Defensive Countermeasure BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|90 + +# Drift Engines +Signal Basic CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Drift Engine BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*2 +Signal Booster CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Drift Engine BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*5 +Signal Major CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Drift Engine BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*10 +Signal Superior CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Drift Engine BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*15 +Signal Ultra CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Drift Engine BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*20 + +# Expansion Bays +Arcane laboratory CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Cargo hold CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|0 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|0 +Escape pods CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Guest quarters CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Hangar bay CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|30 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|10 +Life boats CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|5 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +Medical bay CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|4 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +Passenger seating CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|0 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|0 +Power core housing CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|0 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|10 +Recreation suite (gym) CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|0 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Recreation suite (trivid den) CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|1 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Recreation suite (HAC) CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|3 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Science lab CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Sealed environment chamber CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Shuttle bay CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|10 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +Smuggler compartment CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|4 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|2 +Synthesis bay CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Tech workshop CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Expansion Bays BONUS:VAR|PCU|3 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 + +# Security +Anti-hacking systems CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Security BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +Antipersonnel weapon (heavy) CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Security BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|5+WeaponItemLVL +Antipersonnel weapon (longarm) CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Security BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|WeaponItemLVL +Biometric locks CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Security BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|5 +Computer countermeasures CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Security BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|ComputerTier +Self-destruct system CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Security BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|StarshipSizeCat*5 + + +# Sensors +Cut-rate CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Short BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|-2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|1 +Budge short-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Short BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|0 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|2 +Basic short-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Short BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +Advanced short-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Short BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|4 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|4 +Budget medium-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Medium BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|0 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|3 +Basic medium-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Medium BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|5 +Advanced medium-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Medium BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|4 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|8 +Budget long-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Long BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|0 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|6 +Basic long-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Long BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|2 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|10 +Advanced long-range CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Sensors DESC:Sensor Long BONUS:VAR|SensorModifier|4 BONUS:VAR|BuildPoints|14 + +# Starship Weapons +Chain cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Coilgun CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Flak thrower CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Gyrolaser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Laser net CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Light EMP cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Light laser cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Light particle beam CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Light plasma cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +# TRACKING WEAPONS CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +High explosive missile launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Light plasma torpedo launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Light torpedo launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Micromissile battery CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Tactical nuclear missile launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons + +#HEAVY WEAPONS RANGE SPEED (IN HEXES +#DIRECT-FIRE WEAPONS CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Graser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Gravity gun CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy EMP cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy laser array CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy laser cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy laser net CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Maser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Particle beam CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Persistent particle beam CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Plasma cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Railgun CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Twin laser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +X-laser cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +#TRACKING WEAPONS CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy antimatter missile launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy nuclear missile launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy plasma torpedo launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Heavy torpedo launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons + +#CAPITAL WEAPONS RANGE SPEED (IN HEX CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +#DIRECT-FIRE WEAPONS CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Gravity cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Mass driver CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Particle beam cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Persistent particle beam cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Super EMP cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Super plasma cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Super X-laser cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Supergraser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Superlaser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Supermaser CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Vortex cannon CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +#TRACKING WEAPONS CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Antimatter mega-missile launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Hellfire torpedo launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Nuclear mega-missile launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Quantum missile launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons +Solar torpedo launcher CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:BuildPointSystem.Starship Weapons diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_abilitycategories_starship.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_abilitycategories_starship.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17dc4e013 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_abilitycategories_starship.lst @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Starship CATEGORY:Starship VISIBLE:NO +ABILITYCATEGORY:Starship Base Frame CATEGORY:Starship TYPE:Starship Base Frame VISIBLE:QUALIFY DISPLAYLOCATION:Starship EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_equip_starship.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_equip_starship.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fddceed8e --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_equip_starship.lst @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ + + + +#DIRECT-FIRE WEAPONS +Chain cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:6d4 SPROP:15 15 Ripper +Coilgun TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:4d4 SPROP:10 6 — +Flak thrower TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:3d4 SPROP:10 5 Point (+8) +Gyrolaser TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:1d8 SPROP:10 3 Broad arc +Laser net TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d6 SPROP:10 9 Point (+10) +Light EMP cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 SPROP:DAMAGE -Special 10 8 EMP +Light laser cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d4 SPROP:5 2 — +Light particle beam TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:3d6 SPROP:10 10 — +Light plasma cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d12 SPROP:10 12 — +# TRACKING WEAPONS +High explosive missile launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|12 DAMAGE:4d8 SPROP:10 4 Limited fire 5 +Light plasma torpedo launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|14 DAMAGE:3d8 SPROP:5 5 Limited fire 5 +Light torpedo launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|16 DAMAGE:2d8 SPROP:5 4 — +Micromissile battery TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|10 DAMAGE:2d6 SPROP:10 3 Array, limited fire 5 +Tactical nuclear missile launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|10 DAMAGE:5d8 SPROP:10 5 Irradiate (low), limited fire 5 + +#HEAVY WEAPONS RANGE SPEED (IN HEXES) DAMAGE PCU COST (IN BP) SPECIAL PROPERTIES +#DIRECT-FIRE WEAPONS +Graser TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:7d10 SPROP:40 35 Irradiate (medium) +Gravity gun TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:6d6 SPROP:40 30 Tractor beam +Heavy EMP cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 SPROP:DAMAGE:Special 30 24 EMP +Heavy laser array TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:6d4 SPROP:15 10 Array +Heavy laser cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:4d8 SPROP:10 8 — +Heavy laser net TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Short QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:5d6 SPROP:15 12 Point (+12) +Maser TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:6d10 SPROP:35 22 — +Particle beam TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:8d6 SPROP:25 15 — +Persistent particle beam TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:10d6 SPROP:40 25 — +Plasma cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:5d12 SPROP:30 20 — +Railgun TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:8d4 SPROP:20 15 — +Twin laser TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:5d8 SPROP:15 12 — +X-laser cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:8d6 SPROP:40 35 Line +#TRACKING WEAPONS +Heavy antimatter missile launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|8 DAMAGE:10d10 SPROP:15 12 Limited fire 5 +Heavy nuclear missile launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|10 DAMAGE:10d8 SPROP:15 10 Irradiate (medium), limited fire 5 +Heavy plasma torpedo launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|12 DAMAGE:5d10 SPROP:10 10 Limited fire 5 +Heavy torpedo launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|14 DAMAGE:5d8 SPROP:10 8 Limited fire 5 + +#CAPITAL WEAPONS RANGE SPEED (IN HEXES) DAMAGE PCU COST (IN BP) SPECIAL PROPERTIES +#DIRECT-FIRE WEAPONS +Gravity cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d6 SPROP:× 10 40 50 Tractor beam +Mass driver TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d6 SPROP:× 10 25 25 — +Particle beam cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:3d4 SPROP:× 10 30 30 — +Persistent particle beam cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d10 SPROP:× 10 50 40 — +Super EMP cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 SPROP:DAMAGE:Special 45 45 EMP +Super plasma cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:3d6 SPROP:× 10 45 35 — +Super X-laser cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:3d4 SPROP:× 10 50 60 Line +Supergraser TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d8 SPROP:× 10 50 60 Irradiate (high) +Superlaser TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d4 SPROP:× 10 20 20 — +Supermaser TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d8 SPROP:× 10 40 35 — +Vortex cannon TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Medium QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|0 DAMAGE:2d12 SPROP:× 10 55 75 Vortex +#TRACKING WEAPONS +Antimatter mega-missile launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|6 DAMAGE:4d10 SPROP:× 10 15 25 Limited fire 5 +Hellfire torpedo launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|8 DAMAGE:2d10 SPROP:× 10 10 25 Limited fire 5 +Nuclear mega-missile launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|8 DAMAGE:4d8 SPROP:× 10 15 20 Limited fire 5 +Quantum missile launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|12 DAMAGE:2d8 SPROP:× 10 15 20 Limited fire 5, quantum +Solar torpedo launcher TYPE:StarshipWeaponry QUALITY:StarshipWeaponRange|Long QUALITY:StarshipWeaponSpeed|10 DAMAGE:2d6 SPROP:× 10 10 20 Limited fire 5 + + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_kits_starship.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_kits_starship.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1548b918 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_kits_starship.lst @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + +STARTPACK:Starship Defaults VISIBLE:NO +# Just in case... + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_races_starship.lst b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_races_starship.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb2a86a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/starfinder/paizo/core/starship/scr_races_starship.lst @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# +Starship SORTKEY:Z_Starship PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,Starship TYPE:Starship MOVE:Drift,0 ABILITY:Starship|AUTOMATIC|Starship KIT:1|Starship Defaults + diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/first_contact/_.pcc b/starfinder/paizo/first_contact/_.pcc index e69de29bb..5e2838ce1 100644 --- a/starfinder/paizo/first_contact/_.pcc +++ b/starfinder/paizo/first_contact/_.pcc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +CAMPAIGN:First Contact \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/starfinder/paizo/roleplaying_game/core_rulebook/cr_skills.lst b/starfinder/paizo/roleplaying_game/core_rulebook/cr_skills.lst deleted file mode 100644 index e76b24649..000000000 --- a/starfinder/paizo/roleplaying_game/core_rulebook/cr_skills.lst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -SOURCELONG:Core Rulebook SOURCESHORT:CR SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9qy1 SOURCEDATE:2017-08 -# Original Entry by: Gwen T - -Acrobatics USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Dexterity.ACHECK SOURCEPAGE:p.135 BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Acrobatics|PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=1 -Athletics USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:STR ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Strength.ACHECK SOURCEPAGE:p.136 BONUS:SKILL|Athletics|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Athletics|PRESKILL:1,Athletics=1 -Bluff USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma SOURCEPAGE:p.137 BONUS:SKILL|Bluff|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Bluff|PRESKILL:1,Bluff=1 -Computers USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence SOURCEPAGE:p.137 BONUS:SKILL|Computers|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Computers|PRESKILL:1,Computers=1 -Culture USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence SOURCEPAGE:p.139 BONUS:SKILL|Culture|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Culture|PRESKILL:1,Culture=1 -Diplomacy USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma SOURCEPAGE:p.139 BONUS:SKILL|Diplomacy|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Diplomacy|PRESKILL:1,Diplomacy=1 -Disguise USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma SOURCEPAGE:p.140 BONUS:SKILL|Disguise|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Disguise|PRESKILL:1,Disguise=1 -Engineering USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence SOURCEPAGE:p.141 BONUS:SKILL|Engineering|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Engineering|PRESKILL:1,Engineering=1 -Intimidate USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma SOURCEPAGE:p.142 BONUS:SKILL|Intimidate|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Intimidate|PRESKILL:1,Intimidate=1 -Life Science USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence SOURCEPAGE:p.142 BONUS:SKILL|Life Science|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Life Science|PRESKILL:1,Life Science=1 -Medicine USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence SOURCEPAGE:p.143 BONUS:SKILL|Medicine|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Medicine|PRESKILL:1,Medicine=1 -Mysticism USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom SOURCEPAGE:p.143 BONUS:SKILL|Mysticism|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Mysticism|PRESKILL:1,Mysticism=1 -Perception USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom SOURCEPAGE:p.144 BONUS:SKILL|Perception|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Perception|PRESKILL:1,Perception=1 -Physical Science USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence SOURCEPAGE:p.145 BONUS:SKILL|Physical Science|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Physical Science|PRESKILL:1,Physical Science=1 -Piloting USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX TYPE:Base.Dexterity SOURCEPAGE:p.145 BONUS:SKILL|Piloting|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Piloting|PRESKILL:1,Piloting=1 -Profession (Accountant) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Accountant)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Accountant)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Accountant)=1 -Profession (Actor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Actor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Actor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Actor)=1 -Profession (Archaeologist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Archaeologist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Archaeologist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Archaeologist)=1 -Profession (Architect) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Architect)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Architect)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Architect)=1 -Profession (Artist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Artist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Artist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Artist)=1 -Profession (Bounty Hunter) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Bounty Hunter)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Bounty Hunter)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Bounty Hunter)=1 -Profession (Comedian) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Comedian)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Comedian)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Comedian)=1 -Profession (Con Artist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Con Artist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Con Artist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Con Artist)=1 -Profession (Cook) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Cook)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Cook)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Cook)=1 -Profession (Corporate Professional) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Corporate Professional)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Corporate Professional)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Corporate Professional)=1 -Profession (Courtesan) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Courtesan)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Courtesan)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Courtesan)=1 -Profession (Counselor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Counselor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Counselor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Counselor)=1 -Profession (Dancer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dancer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Dancer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Dancer)=1 -Profession (Dockworker) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Dockworker)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Dockworker)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Dockworker)=1 -Profession (Electrician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Electrician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Electrician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Electrician)=1 -Profession (Farmer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Farmer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Farmer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Farmer)=1 -Profession (Gambler) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Gambler)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Gambler)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Gambler)=1 -Profession (General Contractor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (General Contractor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (General Contractor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (General Contractor)=1 -Profession (Herbalist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Herbalist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Herbalist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Herbalist)=1 -Profession (Lab Technician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lab Technician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Lab Technician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Lab Technician)=1 -Profession (Lawyer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Lawyer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Lawyer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Lawyer)=1 -Profession (Maintenance Worker) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Maintenance Worker)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Maintenance Worker)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Maintenance Worker)=1 -Profession (Manager) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Manager)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Manager)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Manager)=1 -Profession (Mathematician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mathematician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Mathematician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Mathematician)=1 -Profession (Mercenary) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Mercenary)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Mercenary)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Mercenary)=1 -Profession (Merchant) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Merchant)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Merchant)=1 -Profession (Miner) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Miner)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Miner)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Miner)=1 -Profession (Musician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Musician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Musician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Musician)=1 -Profession (Orator) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Orator)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Orator)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Orator)=1 -Profession (Philosopher) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Philosopher)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Philosopher)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Philosopher)=1 -Profession (Poet) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Poet)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Poet)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Poet)=1 -Profession (Politician) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Politician)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Politician)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Politician)=1 -Profession (Professor) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Professor)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Professor)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Professor)=1 -Profession (Psychologist) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Psychologist)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Psychologist)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Psychologist)=1 -Profession (Smuggler) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Smuggler)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Smuggler)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Smuggler)=1 -Profession (Video Personality) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Video Personality)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Video Personality)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Video Personality)=1 -Profession (Vidgamer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:INT TYPE:Base.Intelligence.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Vidgamer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Vidgamer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Vidgamer)=1 -Profession (Writer) USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:CHA TYPE:Base.Charisma.Profession SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Writer)|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Profession (Writer)|PRESKILL:1,Profession (Writer)=1 -Sense Motive USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Sense Motive|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Sense Motive|PRESKILL:1,Sense Motive=1 -Sleight of Hand USEUNTRAINED:No KEYSTAT:DEX ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Dexterity.ACHECK SOURCEPAGE:p.146 BONUS:SKILL|Sleight of Hand|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Sleight of Hand|PRESKILL:1,Sleight of Hand=1 -Stealth USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:DEX ACHECK:YES TYPE:Base.Dexterity.ACHECK SOURCEPAGE:p.147 BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Stealth|PRESKILL:1,Stealth=1 -Survival USEUNTRAINED:Yes KEYSTAT:WIS TYPE:Base.Wisdom SOURCEPAGE:p.148 BONUS:SKILL|Survival|3|TYPE=ClassSkill|PRECSKILL:1,Survival|PRESKILL:1,Survival=1