diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/OGL.txt b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/OGL.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0b579536 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/OGL.txt @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a + +The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. + +1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. + +2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. + +3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. + +4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. + +5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. + +6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. + +7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. + +8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. + +9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. + +10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. + +11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. + +12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. + +13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. + +14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. + +15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE +Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. +System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. +Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors Complete Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. +Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors Complete Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. +Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street Copyright 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Mikko Kallio, Nicolas Logue, Michael McCarthy, Mike Myler, and David N. Ross. +PCGen dataset conversion for the System Reference Document Copyright 2001-2004, PCgen Data team (Including, but not limited to Andrew McDougall (Tir Gwaith), Doug McMill, Paul W. King, Chris Chandler (Barak), Michael Gray (Taluonr Iscandar), Kenneth Walters (GldDragon35), Mike Sledge (zodar6), Patryk Adamski (Ruemere), Larry Davis (Sir George Anonymous), James Dempsey, Bryan (Merton Monk) McRoberts, Thomas Jannes (chipoulou), Samuel Hendricks (NotMousse), Sigurdur H. Olafsson, Jayme Cox, Jeremy "Illrigger" Turnley, Emily Smirle, Martin Fagerström, Chris McLaughlin, Raymond Yao, Eddy Anthony (MoSaT), Thomas Clegg (Arknight), Andargor, Devon Jones) diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_heroes_of_the_street.pcc b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_heroes_of_the_street.pcc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9d0e4508 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_heroes_of_the_street.pcc @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +CAMPAIGN:Heroes of the Streets +GAMEMODE:Pathfinder|Pathfinder_PFS +RANK:3 +TYPE:Paizo Publishing.Pathfinder Player Companion +GENRE:Fantasy +BOOKTYPE:Supplement +SETTING:Pathfinder|Golarion +STATUS:Alpha +PRECAMPAIGN:6,INCLUDESBOOKTYPE=Core Rules,INCLUDES=Bestiary,INCLUDES=Advanced Player's Guide,INCLUDES=Ultimate Magic,INCLUDES=Ultimate Combat,INCLUDES=Advanced Class Guide +PUBNAMELONG:Paizo Inc. +PUBNAMESHORT:Paizo +#PUBNAMEWEB:http://www.paizo.com +SOURCELONG:Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Streets +SOURCESHORT:HotS +SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets +SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +ISOGL:YES + +COVER:heroes_of_the_street.jpg +LOGO:@/publisher_logos/Paizo_Publishing.png +URL:WEBSITE|http://www.paizo.com/|Visit Paizo Publishing! +URL:WEBSITE|http://www.paizo.com/communityuse|Paizo's Community Use Policy. +URL:Paizo Publishing|http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets|Buy this publication from Paizo Publishing! +DESC:Not every adventure awaits within a sealed tomb or mad wizard’s tower. In seemingly civilized cities, dangers lurk down every twisting alley, and backroom deals might spell the end for nosy investigators. Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Streets provides the resources to take your Pathfinder RPG character from a dungeon-delver to a witty and backstabbing urbanite. +INFOTEXT:This dataset uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This dataset is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com. +COPYRIGHT:Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. +COPYRIGHT:System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. +COPYRIGHT:Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors Complete Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. +COPYRIGHT:Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors Complete Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. +COPYRIGHT:Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street Copyright 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Mikko Kallio, Nicolas Logue, Michael McCarthy, Mike Myler, and David N. Ross. +COPYRIGHT:PCGen dataset conversion for "Player Companion: Heroes of the Street" Copyright 2017, PCgen Data team (including but not limited to Gwen T. (evilpixie87)) + +ABILITY:hots_abilities.lst +ABILITY:hots_abilities_class.lst +ABILITY:hots_abilities_race.lst +ABILITY:hots_feats.lst +ABILITYCATEGORY:hots_abilitycategories.lst +DEITY:hots_deities.lst +DOMAIN:hots_domains.lst +EQUIPMENT:hots_equip_general.lst +EQUIPMENT:hots_equip_magic_items.lst +KIT:hots_kits.lst +SKILL:hots_skills.lst +SPELL:hots_spells.lst + +# Support +DEITY:support/hots_deities_deg.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Dragon Empires Gazetteer +DEITY:support/hots_deities_isg.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Inner Sea Gods + +#end diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/_.pcc b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/_.pcc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58c190be4 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/_.pcc @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +CAMPAIGN:Heroes of the Streets (PFS) +#GAMEMODE:Pathfinder|Pathfinder_PFS +RANK:3 +TYPE:Paizo Publishing PFS.Pathfinder Player Companion +GENRE:Fantasy +BOOKTYPE:Supplement +SETTING:Pathfinder|Golarion +STATUS:Alpha +PRECAMPAIGN:1,Pathfinder Society Core Assumption +PUBNAMELONG:Paizo Inc. +PUBNAMESHORT:Paizo +#PUBNAMEWEB:http://www.paizo.com +SOURCELONG:Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Streets +SOURCESHORT:HotS +SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets +SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +ISOGL:YES + +#COVER:heroes_of_the_street.jpg +LOGO:@/publisher_logos/Paizo_Publishing.png +URL:WEBSITE|http://www.paizo.com/|Visit Paizo Publishing! +URL:WEBSITE|http://www.paizo.com/communityuse|Paizo's Community Use Policy. +URL:Paizo Publishing|http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets|Buy this publication from Paizo Publishing! +DESC:Not every adventure awaits within a sealed tomb or mad wizard’s tower. In seemingly civilized cities, dangers lurk down every twisting alley, and backroom deals might spell the end for nosy investigators. Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Streets provides the resources to take your Pathfinder RPG character from a dungeon-delver to a witty and backstabbing urbanite. +INFOTEXT:This dataset uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This dataset is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com. +COPYRIGHT:Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. +COPYRIGHT:System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. +COPYRIGHT:Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors Complete Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. +COPYRIGHT:Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors Complete Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors: Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. +COPYRIGHT:Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street Copyright 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Mikko Kallio, Nicolas Logue, Michael McCarthy, Mike Myler, and David N. Ross. +COPYRIGHT:PCGen dataset conversion for "Player Companion: Heroes of the Street" Copyright 2017, PCgen Data team (including but not limited to Gwen T. (evilpixie87)) + + +#Campaign Clarifications +#Last Updated Saturday, April 29, 2017 +# +#Heroes of the Streets +#NOTE:Changes for pages 8, 18, and 30 were applied universally, as they do not alter the listed abilities. Change for page 25 was applied only to PFS version. +#Page 8—The inspire imitation alternate racial trait replaces a half-elf's Skill Focus feat. +#Page 18—You can use the Competition subdomain's athletic exploit power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. +#Page 25—Remove the second paragraph in the Urban Hunter's altered animal companion class ability. +#Page 30—The coin shot spell does not apply the caster's ability modifier (for most characters, Strength) to damage. +# +#ADDITIONAL RESOURCES +#Last Updated Wednesday, March 22, 2017 +# +#All archetypes, feats, traits alternate racial traits, equipment, magic items, spells, magus arcana, oracle mysteries, rogue talents, shaman spirits, and subdomains are legal for play with the following exceptions and clarificaitons. +#Alternate Racial Traits: The Illustrious Urbanite alternate racial trait is not legal for play. Archetypes: The eldritch archer archetype is not legal for play; the Alley Witch archetype's crowd patron grants ventriloquism instead of ears of the city; ignore the second paragraph in the Urban Hunter's altered animal companion class ability; a bard with the busker archetype can use Acrobatics, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth for Day Job checks. Equipment: The cat burglar's kit is not legal for play. Feats: The Cunning Caster, Guild Emissary, Subtle Devices, Throat Slicer, and Underworld Connections feats are not legal for play Magic Items: The diminishing sash is not legal for play. Rogue Talents: Eerie Disappearance and False Attacker are not legal for play. Spells: Cloak of secrets, ears of the city, illusory crowd, and secret coffer are not legal for play. As of 22 February 2016, coin shot is legal for play. Subdomains: To qualify for one of the subdomains on pages 18-19, a PC must select one of the listed deities as her patron. The Legislation subdomain's prohibition ability can only prohibit any actions referenced by the forbid action spell. Traits: The Wiscrani Ear trait is not legal for play. + +ABILITY:pfs_hots_abilities.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Heroes of the Streets +ABILITY:pfs_hots_abilities_class.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Heroes of the Streets +ABILITY:pfs_hots_abilities_race.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Heroes of the Streets +ABILITY:pfs_hots_feats.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Heroes of the Streets +EQUIPMENT:pfs_hots_equip_general.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Heroes of the Streets +EQUIPMENT:pfs_hots_equip_magic_items.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Heroes of the Streets +SPELL:pfs_hots_spells.lst|PRECAMPAIGN:1,INCLUDES=Heroes of the Streets diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29e44d1dd --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +CATEGORY=Special Ability|Domain Power ~ Prohibition.MOD DESC:.CLEAR DESC:As a standard action, you can command a creature within 30 feet to refrain from committing a particular action (limited to those actions referenced in the spell forbid action). If the creature performs the named action before the beginning of your next turn, it takes 1d6+%1 points of damage and the effect ends. This is a language-dependent effect. You can use this ability %2 times per day.|DomainLVL/2|3+WIS DESC: You can attach a spell effect to the prohibition as if it were the spell rune domain ability; the spell takes effect if the creature performs the named action. This spell must be of at least 1 level lower than the highest-level cleric spell you can cast, and it must target one or more creatures. Regardless of the number of targets the spell can normally affect, it affects only the creature that triggers the rune. Attaching a spell in this way extends the duration of the prohibition by a number of rounds equal to the spell's level, or until it is discharged.|PREVARGTEQ:DomainLVL,8|PREDOMAIN:1,Legislation Subdomain (Rune) + +CATEGORY=Special Ability|Trait ~ Wiscrani Ear.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities_class.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities_class.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ccb118d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities_class.lst @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +CATEGORY=Special Ability|Urban Hunter ~ Animal Companion.MOD DESC:.CLEAR DESC:Urban hunters have animal companions that are domesticated animals or animals native to a major city. The urban hunter must select her animal companion from the following list: axe beak (Bestiary 3), badger, bird, camel, dire rat, dog, horse, llama (Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive), ostrich (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs), pony, ram (Bestiary 2), or trumpeter swan (Bestiary 4). In urban settings, an urban hunter's animal companion seems domesticated and likely harmless to anyone who has not seen it in combat (potentially reducing the DC of Diplomacy checks to convince anyone to allow it into secure areas). It draws no more attention than a friendly dog, loyal horse, or similar tame animal. +CATEGORY=Special Ability|Alley Witch ~ Crowd Patron.MOD SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=1|Ventriloquism|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,2 +CATEGORY=Archetype|Bard Archetype ~ Busker.MOD DESC: A bard with the busker archetype can use Acrobatics, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth for Day Job checks. + +CATEGORY=Archetype|Magus Archetype ~ Eldritch Archer.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC +CATEGORY=Special Ability|Rogue Talent ~ Eerie Disappearance.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC +CATEGORY=Special Ability|Rogue Talent ~ False Attacker.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities_race.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities_race.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a917c3883 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_abilities_race.lst @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +CATEGORY=Special Ability|Elf ~ Illustrious Urbanite.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_equip_general.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_equip_general.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fc653571 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_equip_general.lst @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +Cat Burglar's Kit.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_equip_magic_items.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_equip_magic_items.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43cc56612 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_equip_magic_items.lst @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +Diminishing Sash.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_feats.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_feats.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..13168b77c --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_feats.lst @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +CATEGORY=FEAT|Cunning Caster.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC +CATEGORY=FEAT|Guild Emissary.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC +CATEGORY=FEAT|Subtle Devices.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC +CATEGORY=FEAT|Throat Slicer.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC +CATEGORY=FEAT|Underworld Connections.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal !PRECHARACTERTYPE:1,PC diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_spells.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_spells.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccbf0d38f --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/_pfs/pfs_hots_spells.lst @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +Cloak of Secrets.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal +Ears of the City.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal +Illusory Crowd.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal +Secret Coffer.MOD TYPE:PFSNotLegal diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/heroes_of_the_street.jpg b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/heroes_of_the_street.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..332e8bc19 Binary files /dev/null and b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/heroes_of_the_street.jpg differ diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ad6dd22d --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Traits +# ============================== + +Cloistered Upbringing (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Cloistered Upbringing CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Cloistered Upbringing] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against the supernatural effects of channeled energy or abilities powered by ki, and regain 1 additional hit point when healed by supernatural effects. +Cultivated (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Cultivated CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Cultivated] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:You learn one additional language. Additionally, when attempting a Diplomacy check to gather information using this language, you can do so in 1d6 × 10 minutes, rather than the normal 1d4 hours. MULT:YES STACK:NO CHOOSE:LANG|ANY AUTO:LANG|%LIST +Diligence (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Diligence CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Diligence] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:Select one specific Craft or Profession skill. You can take 20 with that skill in half the amount of time normally required to take 20. +Good Folk (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Good Folk CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Good Folk] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks with creatures that have a friendly or helpful attitude towards you. +Lost Origins (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Lost Origins CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Lost Origins] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you, and you can always take 10 on Knowledge (local) checks, even when stress or distractions would normally prevent you from doing so. CSKILL:Knowledge (local) +Charmed Innocent (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Charmed Innocent CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Charmed Innocent] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:Once per day, before you roll any Charisma check or Charisma-based skill check against a nonevil creature, you can roll twice and take the better result. +Cunning Liar (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Cunning Liar CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Cunning Liar] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:You can use your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Bluff checks. BONUS:SKILL|Bluff|(max(INT,WIS))-CHA|PREMULT:1,[PREVARGT:INT,CHA],[PREVARGT:WIS,CHA] +Street Wary (Any City) KEY:Trait ~ Street Wary CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.RegionalTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RegionalTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Street Wary] SOURCEPAGE:p.5 DESC:Sense Motive is always a class skill for you, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks to get a hunch. CSKILL:Sense Motive BONUS:SITUATION|Sense Motive=Social Hunch|2|TYPE=Trait + +Cutting Condescension KEY:Trait ~ Cutting Condescension CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.SocialTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SocialTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Cutting Condescension] SOURCEPAGE:p.10 DESC:You gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks to force a creature to act friendly towards you, and can attempt such checks in half the normal time. BONUS:SITUATION|Intimidate=Force a friendly attitude|2|TYPE=Trait +Mock Gladiator KEY:Trait ~ Mock Gladiator CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.SocialTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SocialTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Mock Gladiator] SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:You take no penalty on attack rolls when dealing nonlethal damage with that weapon, and once per day if you score a critical hit with the weapon, you can immediately attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize your target. +Practiced Disruptor KEY:Trait ~ Practiced Disruptor CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.SocialTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SocialTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Practiced Disruptor] SOURCEPAGE:p.17 DESC:You can attempt Knowledge (arcana) checks untrained; if you have ranks in that skill, you instead gain a +1 trait bonus on those checks. The concentration DC to cast a spell defensively in your threatened area increases by 1. BONUS:SKILL|Knowledge (arcana)|1|TYPE=Trait|PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (arcana)=1 +Seafaring Reputation KEY:Trait ~ Seafaring Reputation CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.SocialTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SocialTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Seafaring Reputation] SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against sailors and residents of Absalom. +Vigilant Spycatcher KEY:Trait ~ Vigilant Spycatcher CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.SocialTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SocialTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Vigilant Spycatcher] SOURCEPAGE:p.10 DESC:If you roll less than 10 on Perception checks to see through disguises, determine your result as if you had rolled 10. +Wiscrani Ear NAMEISPI:YES KEY:Trait ~ Wiscrani Ear CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.SocialTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SocialTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Wiscrani Ear] SOURCEPAGE:p.17 DESC:You can always take 10 on Perception checks, even when stress and distractions would normally prevent you from doing so. + +Urban Acolyte KEY:Trait ~ Urban Acolyte CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Trait.FaithTrait PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.FaithTrait],[PREVAREQ:BypassTraitRestriction,1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte] SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:You gain Knowledge (local) as a class skill. Additionally, you can select one of the new subdomains found in this book using the normal rules for subdomains so long as your deity grants access to its associated domain. CSKILL:Knowledge (local) + +# ============================== +# Domain Powers +# ============================== + +Athletic Exploit KEY:Domain Power ~ Athletic Exploit CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:As a swift action, you gain the ability to overcome physical obstacles with ease. Until the beginning of your next turn, you halve your armor check penalty when attempting Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, and Swim skill checks (reduce penalty by %1), and you gain a %2 bonus on such skill checks. You can use this ability %3 times per day.|ACCHECK/2|max(1,DomainLVL/2)|3+WIS +Aura of Efficiency KEY:Domain Power ~ Aura of Efficiency CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.19 DESC:You can emit a 30-foot-radius aura that grants your allies a +4 bonus on all saving throws against effects that inflict the fatigued or exhausted condition. Any equipment wielded by your allies within this area gets a +%1 bonus to hardness, and your allies' attacks against targets within this area ignore an equal amount of hardness. You can use this aura for %2 rounds per day. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.|DomainLVL/2|DomainLVL +Deep Cover KEY:Domain Power ~ Deep Cover CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:When you prepare your spells, you can also choose one cover identity—whether that of a real person or a fictitious one. You can assume the disguise of your cover identity in half the normal amount of time. When targeted by a spell or effect that would compromise your chosen disguise (such as detect evil, detect thoughts, or zone of truth), as an immediate action you can force the creature using the ability to attempt a Will save (DC %1). If the creature fails, it gains false information in keeping with your cover identity. You can use this false information ability %2 times per day.|10+DomainLVL/2+WIS|3+WIS +Divine Challenge KEY:Domain Power ~ Divine Challenge CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:As a swift action, you can challenge a visible foe within 30 feet, gaining a +1 sacred bonus to your AC against that creature's attacks and a +%1 bonus on Bluff skill checks to feint against it. These bonuses last for %1 rounds. You can use this ability %2 times per day.|DomainLVL/2|3+WIS +Prohibition KEY:Domain Power ~ Prohibition CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.19 DESC:As a standard action, you can command a creature within 30 feet to refrain from committing a particular action (including any referenced in the spell forbid action). If the creature performs the named action before the beginning of your next turn, it takes 1d6+%1 points of damage and the effect ends. This is a language-dependent effect. You can use this ability %2 times per day.|DomainLVL/2|3+WIS DESC: You can attach a spell effect to the prohibition as if it were the spell rune domain ability; the spell takes effect if the creature performs the named action. This spell must be of at least 1 level lower than the highest-level cleric spell you can cast, and it must target one or more creatures. Regardless of the number of targets the spell can normally affect, it affects only the creature that triggers the rune. Attaching a spell in this way extends the duration of the prohibition by a number of rounds equal to the spell's level, or until it is discharged.|PREVARGTEQ:DomainLVL,8|PREDOMAIN:1,Legislation Subdomain (Rune) +Sheltering Walls KEY:Domain Power ~ Sheltering Walls CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.SpellLike.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:As a standard action, you can touch an ally to summon a floating blockade of stone, granting the ally the benefits of partial cover for %1 rounds. This ability does not grant the ally enough cover to attempt a Stealth check or avoid provoking attacks of opportunity. If the ally benefits from any other form of cover against an attack, the bonuses to AC and on Reflex saving throws increase by 1. You can use this power %2 times per day.|1+(DomainLVL/6)|3+WIS +Teaching Moment KEY:Domain Power ~ Teaching Moment CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.18 DESC:When you or an ally within 30 feet rolls a natural 1 or a natural 20 on an attack roll, an ability check, a skill check, or a saving throw, as an immediate action you can grant all allies within 30 feet special insights that help them overcome similar challenges. Once during the next minute, each affected creature can choose to roll twice and take the better result before attempting an attack roll, ability check, skill check, or saving throw. You can use this ability %1 times per day.|(DomainLVL-4)/4 +Touch of Virulence KEY:Domain Power ~ Touch of Virulence CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.19 DESC:As a standard action, you can touch a diseased creature and exacerbate its condition. If it fails a Fortitude save (DC %1), the creature takes damage as though it had failed its Fortitude save against the disease and any remaining onset time for the disease ends. You can use this ability %2 times per day.|10+DomainLVL/2+WIS|1+(DomainLVL>=14)+(DomainLVL>=20) +Aura of Bedlam KEY:Domain Power ~ Aura of Bedlam CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.DomainPower SOURCEPAGE:p.19 DESC:You can emit a 30-foot-radius aura of chaos and strife for %1 rounds. Enemies in the aura take a –%2 penalty on concentration checks and are treated as experiencing vigorous motion (concentration DC = 10 + spell level) when attempting to cast spells. This is a mind-affecting effect. These rounds need not be consecutive.|DomainLVL|((DomainLVL-8)/2)+4 diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities_class.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities_class.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83fbe40f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities_class.lst @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Bard Archetype - Busker +# ============================== + +Busker KEY:Bard Archetype ~ Busker CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.BardArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.26 DESC:A busker uses his dazzling physical stunts to get by on his own in the city streets. Buskers commonly use their skills to entertain for a few coins, but also pick pockets, hide in plain sight as statues, and manipulate the desperate in medicine shows. Many buskers are also jugglers (Pathfinder Player Companion: Ranged Tactics Toolbox). PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Bard Archetype ~ Busker],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Bard_Archetype_BardicPerformance=True] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker ~ Busker Stunts|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker ~ Flexible Performer|PRECLASS:1,Bard=1 FACT:Bard_Archetype_BardicPerformance|true FACT:Bard_CF_BardicPerformance|true COST:0 + +Busker Stunts KEY:Busker ~ Busker Stunts CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.BuskerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker knows how to magically enhance the effectiveness of his physical stunts. He can use this ability for %1 rounds per day. Maintaining a stunt is a free action, but it ends immediately if the busker is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. This ability is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, and other effects that affect bardic performance. Like a bardic performance, a busker stunt cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities.|BardicPerformanceDuration DEFINE:BardicPerformanceDuration|0 DEFINE:BardicPerformanceLVL|0 BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceDuration|4+CHA BONUS:VAR|BardicPerformanceLVL|BardLVL ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker Stunt ~ Quick Hands|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker Stunt ~ Patter|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker Stunt ~ Living Statue|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker Stunt ~ Fascinate|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,6 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker Stunt ~ Suggestion|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker Stunt ~ Inventive Juggler|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,9 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Busker Stunt ~ Impossible Sleight of Hand|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,15 ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|BardicPerformanceDuration ASPECT:CheckType|Rounds per day ASPECT:MasterAbility|Busker Stunts +Flexible Performer KEY:Busker ~ Flexible Performer CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.BuskerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker can attempt Acrobatics, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks to earn money instead of Perform checks. He can use his Bluff modifier in place of his Diplomacy modifier on Diplomacy checks. + +Quick Hands KEY:Busker Stunt ~ Quick Hands CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Supernatural.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:As a swift action, a busker can call on his stunts to gain a +%1 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks, a +%1 dodge bonus to AC and on Reflex saves, and a +%1 bonus on attack rolls as if from haste.|1+((BardLVL+1)/6) DESC: While maintaining this stunt the busker also gains an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus as if from haste.|PREVARGTEQ:BardicPerformanceLVL,5 ASPECT:ChildAbility|Busker Stunts +Patter KEY:Busker Stunt ~ Patter CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Supernatural.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker can engage in brisk conversation that seems innocuous, but actually encourages creatures to reveal secrets to the busker. Each round while maintaining this stunt, the busker can force one creature within 30 feet that is able to see and hear the busker and has an attitude of indifferent or better towards him to attempt a Will save (DC %1). On a failed save, the target must answer one yes/no question the busker asks to the best of its ability. Anyone observing this (including the creature asked, even if it succeeds at its save) must succeed at a Sense Motive check (opposed by the busker's Bluff check) to realize the question was asked or answered. A target that feels threatened or is in combat is immune to this ability. This is a language-dependent, mind-affecting enchantment effect.|10+(BardicPerformanceLVL/2)+CHA ASPECT:ChildAbility|Busker Stunts +Living Statue KEY:Busker Stunt ~ Living Statue CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Supernatural.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker can use this stunt to hold perfectly still. While maintaining this stunt the busker can attempt a Bluff check (opposed by all observers' Sense Motive checks) to appear paralyzed, dead, or as a statue (this requires that the busker be disguised to look as though he were made of stone or metal, which is aided with a statue disguise kit). Even magical means of determining the true nature of the busker do not function for an observer that fails this check. If the busker takes any physical actions, this stunt ends. ASPECT:ChildAbility|Busker Stunts +Fascinate KEY:Busker Stunt ~ Fascinate CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Supernatural.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance DEFINE:FascinateCreatures|0 DEFINE:FascinateDC|0 SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker can use this stunt to cause up to %1 creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the busker, and capable of paying attention to him. The busker must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working. Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC %2) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the busker cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the busker's performance for as long as he continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function.|FascinateCreatures|FascinateDC BONUS:VAR|FascinateCreatures|(BardicPerformanceLVL+2)/3 BONUS:VAR|FascinateDC|10+(BardicPerformanceLVL/2)+CHA ASPECT:ChildAbility|Busker Stunts +Suggestion KEY:Busker Stunt ~ Suggestion CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.SpellLike.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance DEFINE:SuggestionDC|0 SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker can use this stunt to make a Suggestion (as per the spell) to a creature he has already fascinated. Using this ability does not disrupt the Fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate (in addition to the free action to continue the Fascinate effect). The busker can use this ability more than once against an individual creature during an individual performance. Making a Suggestion does not count against the daily use of Busker Stunts. A Will saving throw (DC %1) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature. Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind affecting, language-dependent ability and relies on audible components.|SuggestionDC BONUS:VAR|SuggestionDC|10+(BardicPerformanceLVL/2)+CHA ASPECT:ChildAbility|Busker Stunts +Inventive Juggler KEY:Busker Stunt ~ Inventive Juggler CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker masters unconventionally dangerous juggling techniques. While maintaining this stunt, the busker can use a thrown weapon (even an improvised one) to threaten spaces as though he were using a reach weapon. The busker treatens squares up to %1 feet away from him with thrown weapons|((BardicPerformanceLVL-6)/3)*10 ASPECT:ChildAbility|Busker Stunts +Impossible Sleight of Hand KEY:Busker Stunt ~ Impossible Sleight of Hand CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BardClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Supernatural.BardicPerformance.Bardic Performance SOURCEPAGE:p.27 DESC:A busker can store items in or retrieve them from a personal extradimensional space with a maximum capacity of 8,000 cubic feet and 8,000 pounds as a busker stunt. The item may be sent from or called to his hand or any place it fits on his person. He can access the extradimensional space only to store or retrieve a single object at a time; to retrieve or store an object larger than Fine size, the busker must expend 1 additional round of busker stunts for each size category larger than Fine. This stunt is instantaneous and must be activated again each time the busker wishes to use it. The extradimensional space empties its contents within the busker's space if he dies. + +# ============================== +# Bloodrager Archetype - Urban Bloodrager +# ============================== +##Unable to implement Adopted Magic; requires choosing spells from spell lists of other classes. +Urban Bloodrager KEY:Bloodrager Archetype - Urban Bloodrager CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.BloodragerArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.24 DESC:Like the urban barbarian, the urban bloodrager has learned to control her rage in so-called polite society. Though she lacks the untamed resilience of her wilder fellows, she's an expert at keeping her rage from causing collateral damage in crowds. PRECLASS:1,Bloodrager=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Bloodrager Archetype - Urban Bloodrager],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Bloodrager_Archetype_ClassSkills=True,Bloodrager_Archetype_ArmorProficiency=True,Bloodrager_Archetype_Bloodrage=True,Bloodrager_Archetype_BloodSanctuary=True,Bloodrager_Archetype_DamageReduction=True] ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Urban Bloodrager ~ Class Skills|PRECLASS:1,Bloodrager=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Bloodrager ~ Armor Proficiency|PRECLASS:1,Bloodrager=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Bloodrager ~ Controlled Bloodrage|PRECLASS:1,Bloodrager=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Bloodrager ~ Restrained Magic|PRECLASS:1,Bloodrager=3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Bloodrager ~ Adopted Magic|PRECLASS:1,Bloodrager=7 FACT:Bloodrager_Archetype_ClassSkills|true FACT:Bloodrager_Archetype_ArmorProficiency|true FACT:Bloodrager_Archetype_Bloodrage|true FACT:Bloodrager_Archetype_BloodSanctuary|true FACT:Bloodrager_Archetype_DamageReduction|true FACT:Bloodrager_CF_ClassSkills|true FACT:Bloodrager_CF_ArmorProficiency|true FACT:Bloodrager_CF_Bloodrage|true FACT:Bloodrager_CF_BloodSanctuary|true FACT:Bloodrager_CF_DamageReduction|true COST:0 + +Class Skills KEY:Urban Bloodrager ~ Class Skills CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Bloodrager Class Features.UrbanBloodragerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality CSKILL:Acrobatics|Climb|TYPE=Craft|Diplomacy|Intimidate|Knowledge (Arcana)|Knowledge (local)|Linguistics|Perception|TYPE=Profession|Ride|Survival|Swim +Armor Proficiency KEY:Urban Bloodrager ~ Armor Proficiency CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Bloodrager Class Features.UrbanBloodragerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality SOURCEPAGE:p.24 DESC:An urban bloodrager isn't proficient with shields. This alters the bloodrager's weapon and armor proficiencies. ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Weapon Prof ~ Martial|Weapon Prof ~ Simple|PREVAREQ:Bloodrager_CF_WeaponProficiencies,0 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|TYPE=ArmorProfMedium|PREVAREQ:Bloodrager_CF_ArmorProficiencies,0 +Controlled Bloodrage KEY:Urban Bloodrager ~ Controlled Bloodrage CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Bloodrager Class Features.UrbanBloodragerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.24 DESC:When an urban bloodrager rages, she does not gain the normal benefits. Instead, she can apply a +4 morale bonus to her Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength. This bonus increases to +6 when she gains greater bloodrage and to +8 when she gains mighty bloodrage. She can apply the full bonus to one ability score or split the bonus between several scores in increments of 2. When using a controlled bloodrage, an urban bloodrager gains no bonus on Will saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Charisma-, Dexterity-, and Intelligence-based skills. A controlled bloodrage still counts as a bloodrage for the purposes of any spells, feats, and other effects. This ability alters bloodrage. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Controlled Bloodrage +Restrained Magic KEY:Urban Bloodrager ~ Restrained Magic CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Bloodrager Class Features.UrbanBloodragerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.24 DESC:An urban bloodrager can attune her spells so they are less likely to impact her allies or innocent bystanders. When the bloodrager casts a spell, she can grant a +2 bonus on the saving throw against that spell to any creatures she is aware of that are targeted by the spell or within the spell's area. Any creature that receives this bonus and succeeds at its save is unaffected by the spell, as if it hadn't been targeted or wasn't in the area. +Adopted Magic KEY:Urban Bloodrager ~ Adopted Magic CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Bloodrager Class Features.UrbanBloodragerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality SOURCEPAGE:p.24 DESC:[NOT IMPLEMENTED] At 7th level, an urban bloodrager learns some of the secrets of other magical traditions from other denizens of the city. She can select from the bard or magus spell list any spell of a level she can cast, and add it to her bloodrager spell list and to her bloodrager spells known. At 10th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the urban bloodrager can add another such spell to her spell list and spells known. If she chooses to learn a new spell in place of an old one, she can exchange a bard or magus spell for another. + +###Block: Bloodrage Expansion +Controlled Bloodrage CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:BloodrageSelection.BloodrageSelectionAlt DEFINE:ControlledBloodrageBonus|0 DEFINE:ControlledBloodrageStrBonus|0 DEFINE:ControlledBloodrageDexBonus|0 DEFINE:ControlledBloodrageConBonus|0 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Controlled Bloodrage Choice|1 BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageBonus|4 BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageBonus|2||PREVARGTEQ:BloodrageStage,1 BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageBonus|2||PREVARGTEQ:BloodrageStage,2 TEMPBONUS:PC|STAT|STR|ControlledBloodrageStrBonus|TYPE=Morale TEMPBONUS:PC|STAT|DEX|ControlledBloodrageDexBonus|TYPE=Morale TEMPBONUS:PC|STAT|CON|ControlledBloodrageConBonus|TYPE=Morale TEMPBONUS:PC|VAR|Bloodraging|1 +# Selection (1 only) +Controlled Bloodrage (Allocation Choice) SORTKEY:1a CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Choice DESC:Select this to determine each +2 Bonus allocation as you increase. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Controlled Bloodrage Allocation|ControlledBloodrageBonus/2 +Controlled Bloodrage (Strength) SORTKEY:1b CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Choice DESC:Select this to assign full bonus to Strength. BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageStrBonus|ControlledBloodrageBonus +Controlled Bloodrage (Dexterity) SORTKEY:1c CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Choice DESC:Select this to assign full bonus to Dexterity. BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageDexBonus|ControlledBloodrageBonus +Controlled Bloodrage (Constitution) SORTKEY:1d CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Choice DESC:Select this to assign full bonus to Constitution. BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageConBonus|ControlledBloodrageBonus + +# Allocation from "Choice" up to 4 selections +Controlled Bloodrage +2 Strength SORTKEY:1a CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Allocation DEFINE:ControlledBloodrageStrBonus|0 STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageStrBonus|2 +Controlled Bloodrage +2 Dexterity SORTKEY:1b CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Allocation DEFINE:ControlledBloodrageDexBonus|0 STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageDexBonus|2 +Controlled Bloodrage +2 Constitution SORTKEY:1c CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Allocation DEFINE:ControlledBloodrageConBonus|0 STACK:YES MULT:YES CHOOSE:NOCHOICE BONUS:VAR|ControlledBloodrageConBonus|2 + +# ============================== +# Cavalier Archetype - Constable +# ============================== + +Constable KEY:Cavalier Archetype ~ Constable CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.CavalierArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:Constables keep order in the narrow streets and dark alleys of settlements. PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Cavalier Archetype ~ Constable],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Cavalier_Archetype_ClassSkills=True,Cavalier_Archetype_Mount=True,Cavalier_Archetype_CavaliersCharge=True,Cavalier_Archetype_ExpertTrainer=True,Cavalier_Archetype_Banner=True,Cavalier_Archetype_MightyCharge=True,Cavalier_Archetype_SupremeCharge=True,Cavalier_Archetype_GreaterBanner=True] ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Constable ~ Class Skills|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Constable ~ Apprehend|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Constable ~ Squad Commander|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Constable ~ Quick Interrogator|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Constable ~ Badge|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=5 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Constable ~ Instant Order|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=11 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Constable ~ Greater Badge|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=14 FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_ClassSkills|true FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_Mount|true FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_CavaliersCharge|true FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_ExpertTrainer|true FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_Banner|true FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_MightyCharge|true FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_SupremeCharge|true FACT:Cavalier_Archetype_GreaterBanner|true FACT:Cavalier_CF_Mount|true FACT:Cavalier_CF_CavaliersCharge|true FACT:Cavalier_CF_ExpertTrainer|true FACT:Cavalier_CF_Banner|true FACT:Cavalier_CF_MightyCharge|true FACT:Cavalier_CF_SupremeCharge|true FACT:Cavalier_CF_GreaterBanner|true COST:0 + +Class Skills KEY:Constable ~ Class Skills CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Cavalier Class Features.ConstableClassFeatures.SpecialQuality CSKILL:Perception +Apprehend KEY:Constable ~ Apprehend CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Cavalier Class Features.ConstableClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A constable gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check in place of the attack at the end of a charge. DESC: The constable receives a +%1 bonus on Perception checks and combat maneuver checks to disarm, grapple, or trip opponents.|(CavalierLVL+3)/5|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=2 DESC: The constable does not treat crowds as difficult terrain.|PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=4 ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Improved Unarmed Strike +Squad Commander KEY:Constable ~ Squad Commander CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Cavalier Class Features.ConstableClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A constable can spend 1 minute laying out a plan to activate the tactician ability without having it count against his number of uses per day. The ability must be triggered within 1 hour of the plan being made, and the benefits last for %1 minutes. The constable can have only one plan at a time, and if a new plan is made, any old plan is lost.|CavalierLVL +Quick Interrogator KEY:Constable ~ Quick Interrogator CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Cavalier Class Features.ConstableClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A constable can attempt a Diplomacy check to gather information in 1d6 Ă— 5 minutes and attempt a Diplomacy or Intimidate check to change someone's attitude in 5 rounds. +Badge KEY:Constable ~ Badge CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Cavalier Class Features.ConstableClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A constable's badge becomes a powerful symbol of rules and authority. As long as he wears his badge, allies within 30 feet who can see him gain a +%1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm, compulsion, and fear effects and a +%2 morale bonus on attack rolls against targets the constable has challenged.|(CavalierLVL/5)+1|CavalierLVL/5 +Instant Order KEY:Constable ~ Instant Order CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Cavalier Class Features.ConstableClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A constable can bark an order to an ally within 30 feet as a standard action. |!PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=20 DESC:A constable can bark an order to an ally within 30 feet as a move action, but no more than once per round. |PRECLASS:1,Cavalier=20 DESC:That ally can instantly take a single move or standard action to comply with the order. Taking the action dazes the ally for 1 round afterward. +Greater Badge KEY:Constable ~ Greater Badge CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Cavalier Class Features.ConstableClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A constable can hold his badge aloft as a standard action to inspire his allies to be steadfast. All allies within 30 feet gain %1 temporary hit points for 10 minutes. A given ally can benefit from this ability only once per day.|CavalierLVL*2 + +# ============================== +# Fighter Archetype - Siegebreaker +# ============================== + +Siegebreaker KEY:Fighter Archetype ~ Siegebreaker CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.FighterArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:The siegebreaker is trained to break through lines of enemy soldiers. PRECLASS:1,Fighter=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Fighter Archetype ~ Siegebreaker],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat1=True,Fighter_Archetype_Bravery=True,Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat2=True,Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat4=True,Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat8=True,Fighter_Archetype_WeaponMastery=True] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Siegebreaker ~ Breaker Rush|PRECLASS:1,Fighter=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Siegebreaker ~ Armored Vigor|PRECLASS:1,Fighter=2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Siegebreaker ~ Breaker Momentum|PRECLASS:1,Fighter=2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Siegebreaker ~ Persistent Menace|PRECLASS:1,Fighter=4 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Siegebreaker ~ Disorienting Blow|PRECLASS:1,Fighter=8 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Siegebreaker ~ Masterful Distraction|PRECLASS:1,Fighter=20 FACT:Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat1|true FACT:Fighter_Archetype_Bravery|true FACT:Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat2|true FACT:Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat4|true FACT:Fighter_Archetype_BonusFeat8|true FACT:Fighter_Archetype_WeaponMastery|true FACT:Fighter_CF_BonusFeat1|true FACT:Fighter_CF_Bravery|true FACT:Fighter_CF_BonusFeat2|true FACT:Fighter_CF_BonusFeat4|true FACT:Fighter_CF_BonusFeat8|true FACT:Fighter_CF_WeaponMastery|true COST:0 + +Breaker Rush KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Breaker Rush CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Fighter Class Features.SiegebreakerClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary DEFINE:BreakerRushBonus|0 SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:A siegebreaker can attempt bull rush or overrun combat maneuvers without provoking attacks of opportunity. When he performs either combat maneuver, he deals %1 points of bludgeoning damage.|BreakerRushBonus DESC: He also adds any enhancement bonus from his armor or shield (though such enhancement bonuses do not stack, if both armor and shield are magic).|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Bull Rush,Improved Overrun BONUS:VAR|BreakerRushBonus|max(1,STR) BONUS:VAR|BreakerRushBonus|2|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Bull Rush,Improved Overrun +Armored Vigor KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Armored Vigor CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Fighter Class Features.SiegebreakerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:As a swift action, a siegebreaker can gain %1 temporary hit points that last for 1 minute. He can use this ability %2 times per day, but only while wearing armor.|((FighterLVL+2)/4)*2|max(1,3+CON) +Breaker Momentum KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Breaker Momentum CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Fighter Class Features.SiegebreakerClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:When a siegebreaker successfully bull rushes a foe, he can attempt an overrun combat maneuver check against that foe as a free action. +Persistent Menace KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Persistent Menace CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Fighter Class Features.SiegebreakerClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Siegebreaker Bonus Feat|1 +Persistent Menace (Disruptive) KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Disruptive CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SiegebreakerBonusFeat ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Disruptive +Persistent Menace (Step Up) KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Step Up CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:SiegebreakerBonusFeat ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Step Up +Disorienting Blow KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Disorienting Blow CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Fighter Class Features.SiegebreakerClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:As an immediate action, a siegebreaker can distract a foe he just hit with an attack or combat maneuver, imposing a –%1 penalty on the foe's attack rolls, caster level checks, or skill checks for 1 round. The foe can negate this penalty with a successful Fortitude save (DC %2).|(1+(FighterLVL>=14))*2|10+FighterLVL/2+STR +Masterful Distraction KEY:Siegebreaker ~ Masterful Distraction CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Fighter Class Features.SiegebreakerClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:A siegebreaker can nauseate a foe he targets with his disorienting blow instead of inflicting a penalty. + +# ============================== +# Hunter Archetype - Urban Hunter +# ============================== + +Urban Hunter KEY:Hunter Archetype - Urban Hunter CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.HunterArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:Urban hunters help guards track down and apprehend criminals or spies, find lost children and disaster victims, and protect animals from abuse in the city. They still draw their inspiration and strength from the natural world, marveling at how nature flourishes wherever the city allows. PRECLASS:1,Investigator=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Hunter Archetype - Urban Hunter],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Hunter_Archetype_ClassSkills=True,Hunter_Archetype_HunterTactics=True,Hunter_Archetype_TeamworkFeats=True,Hunter_Archetype_WoodlandStride=True,Hunter_Archetype_OneWithTheWild=True] ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Urban Hunter ~ Class Skills|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Hunter ~ Animal Companion|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Hunter ~ Captor|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Hunter ~ Animal Insight|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=5 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Hunter ~ Frightful Ferocity|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=17 FACT:Hunter_Archetype_ClassSkills|true FACT:Hunter_Archetype_HunterTactics|true FACT:Hunter_Archetype_WoodlandStride|true FACT:Hunter_Archetype_TeamworkFeats|true FACT:Hunter_Archetype_OneWithTheWild|true FACT:Hunter_CF_ClassSkills|true FACT:Hunter_CF_HunterTactics|true FACT:Hunter_CF_TeamworkFeats|true FACT:Hunter_CF_WoodlandStride|true FACT:Hunter_CF_OneWithTheWild|true COST:0 + +Class Skills KEY:Urban Hunter ~ Class Skills CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Hunter Class Features.UrbanHunterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality CSKILL:Climb|TYPE=Craft|Diplomacy|Handle Animal|Heal|Intimidate|Knowledge (Dungeoneering)|Knowledge (Geography)|Knowledge (local)|Perception|TYPE=Profession|Ride|Sense Motive|Spellcraft|Stealth|Swim +Animal Companion KEY:Urban Hunter ~ Animal Companion CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Hunter Class Features.UrbanHunterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:Urban hunters have animal companions that are domesticated animals or animals native to a major city. The urban hunter must select her animal companion from the following list: axe beak (Bestiary 3), badger, bird, camel, dire rat, dog, horse, llama (Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive), ostrich (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs), pony, ram (Bestiary 2), or trumpeter swan (Bestiary 4). In urban settings, an urban hunter's animal companion seems domesticated and likely harmless to anyone who has not seen it in combat (potentially reducing the DC of Diplomacy checks to convince anyone to allow it into secure areas). It draws no more attention than a friendly dog, loyal horse, or similar tame animal. Creatures who have never seen the animal companion make an attack must succeed at a Sense Motive check (opposed by the animal companion's Stealth check) to realize the animal companion is a potential threat. The hunter can calm those who witness her animal companion's attacks (so long as they were not injured) with a successful Handle Animal check (DC = 15 + the target's Will save modifier). +Captor KEY:Urban Hunter ~ Captor CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Hunter Class Features.UrbanHunterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:An urban hunter and her animal companion take no penalties when dealing nonlethal damage with weapons or natural attacks. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the urban hunter selects a bonus feat to be gained by both the hunter and her animal companion. Neither the hunter nor her animal companion needs to meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Urban Hunter Bonus Feat|1|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=6 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Urban Hunter Bonus Feat|1|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=9 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Urban Hunter Advanced Bonus Feat|1|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=12 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Urban Hunter Advanced Bonus Feat|1|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=15 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Urban Hunter Advanced Bonus Feat|1|PRECLASS:1,Hunter=18 +Animal Insight KEY:Urban Hunter ~ Animal Insight CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Hunter Class Features.UrbanHunterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:An urban hunter and her animal companion learn to combine their insights to defeat deception and manipulation. As long as they are within 30 feet of each other, both hunter and animal companion gain a +%1 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks. They also gain a +2 insight bonus on Will saving throws against illusions and mind-affecting effects.|HunterLVL/2 ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 on Will saves vs. illusions and mind-affecting effects. +Frightful Ferocity KEY:Urban Hunter ~ Frightful Ferocity CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Hunter Class Features.UrbanHunterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:An urban hunter and her animal companion can each attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize a foe as a swift action. + +# ============================== +# Investigator Archetype - Lamplighter +# ============================== + +Lamplighter KEY:Investigator Archetype ~ Lamplighter CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.InvestigatorArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:Lamplighters are investigators tasked with keeping the night streets safe and lit, and securing darkened areas against whatever dangers lurk in the shadows. They also investigate those who seek to hide their crimes from the light of day. PRECLASS:1,Investigator=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Investigator Archetype ~ Lamplighter],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Investigator_Archetype_ClassSkills=True,Investigator_Archetype_PoisonLore=True,Investigator_Archetype_PoisonResistance=True,Investigator_Archetype_PoisonImmunity=True,Investigator_Archetype_KeenRecollection=True,Investigator_Archetype_TrapSense=True] ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Lamplighter ~ Class Skills|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Lamplighter ~ Lamplighter|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Lamplighter ~ Alchemical Illumination|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Lamplighter ~ Ready for the Revelation|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=3 FACT:Investigator_Archetype_ClassSkills|true FACT:Investigator_Archetype_PoisonLore|true FACT:Investigator_Archetype_PoisonResistance|true FACT:Investigator_Archetype_PoisonImmunity|true FACT:Investigator_Archetype_KeenRecollection|true FACT:Investigator_Archetype_TrapSense|true FACT:Investigator_CF_ClassSkills|true FACT:Investigator_CF_PoisonLore|true FACT:Investigator_CF_PoisonResistance|true FACT:Investigator_CF_PoisonImmunity|true FACT:Investigator_CF_KeenRecollection|true FACT:Investigator_CF_TrapSense|true COST:0 + +Class Skills KEY:Lamplighter ~ Class Skills CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Investigator Class Features.LamplighterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality CSKILL:Acrobatics|Appraise|Bluff|Climb|TYPE=Craft|Diplomacy|Disable Device|Disguise|Escape Artist|Heal|Intimidate|TYPE=Knowledge|Linguistics|Perception|Sense Motive|Sleight of Hand|Spellcraft|Stealth|Use Magic Device +Lamplighter KEY:Lamplighter ~ Lamplighter CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Investigator Class Features.LamplighterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A lamplighter can take a move action to create a small flame that immediately ignites a lamp, torch, or similar flammable item he's holding. +Alchemical Illumination KEY:Lamplighter ~ Alchemical Illumination CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Investigator Class Features.LamplighterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.SpellLike SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:As a standard action, a lamplighter can cast certain light spells by burning a magic extract, infusion, or potion of a spell of the same or greater level than the light spell in a lit lantern or torch. If the spell has a range of touch, the lantern or torch counts as the object touched. The spell's DC, if any, equals 10 + spell level + the lamplighter's Intelligence modifier. DESC: The lamplighter can cast light and continual flame (24 hour duration).|!PRECLASS:1,Investigator=5 DESC: The lamplighter can cast light,continual flame (24 hour duration), daylight, and discovery torch.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=5|!PRECLASS:1,Investigator=8 DESC: The lamplighter can cast light,continual flame (24 hour duration), daylight, discovery torch, and searing light.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=8|!PRECLASS:1,Investigator=11 DESC: The lamplighter can cast light,continual flame (24 hour duration), daylight, discovery torch, searing light, and judgment light. The lamplighter need not have an active judgment to cast this spell, can choose what color of judgment light is created, can use his alignment for golden light, and can select any element for copper light.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=11 +Ready for the Revelation KEY:Lamplighter ~ Ready for the Revelation CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Investigator Class Features.LamplighterClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.16 DESC:A lamplighter can use inspiration on initiative checks without spending a use of inspiration. DESC: He can use his Intelligence modifier in place of his Dexterity modifier on initiative checks.|!PRECLASS:1,Investigator=12 DESC: He adds his Intelligence bonus as well as his Dexterity bonus to initiative checks.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=12 DESC: The lamplighter can draw a weapon as part of his initiative check.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=6|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Quick Draw DESC: He isn't flat-footed before he acts in the first round of combat.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=9 DESC: The lamplighter can act last during the surprise round even if he is otherwise unaware combat has started.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=15 DESC: He is not limited to just a move or standard action during the surprise round—he can act normally.|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=18 BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|INT-DEX|PREVARGT:INT,DEX|!PRECLASS:1,Investigator=12 BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|max(0,INT)|PRECLASS:1,Investigator=12 + +# ============================== +# Magus Arcana +# ============================== + +Distant Spellstrike KEY:Magus Arcana ~ Distant Spellstrike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural.MagusArcana PREVARGTEQ:MagusArcanaLVL,12 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RangedSpellstrike SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:The range of any spell the magus delivers through a ranged weapon attack increases to the maximum range of the weapon if that is greater than the spell's range. +Reach Spellstrike KEY:Magus Arcana ~ Reach Spellstrike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural.MagusArcana PREVARGTEQ:MagusArcanaLVL,9 PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.RangedSpellstrike SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:The magus can deliver spells with a range of touch with ranged spellstrike up to a maximum range of close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 caster levels). + +# ============================== +# Magus Archetype - Eldritch Archer +# ============================== + +Eldritch Archer KEY:Magus Archetype ~ Eldritch Archer CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.MagusArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:The eldritch archer rains magical attacks down on her foes from the city walls. PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Magus Archetype ~ Eldritch Archer],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Magus_Archetype_ClassSkills=True,Magus_Archetype_ArcanePool=True,Magus_Archetype_SpellCombat=True,Magus_Archetype_Spellstrike=True,Magus_Archetype_Counterstrike=True] ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Eldritch Archer ~ Class Skills|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Eldritch Archer ~ Ranged Weapon Bond|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Eldritch Archer ~ Ranged Spell Combat|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Eldritch Archer ~ Ranged Spellstrike|PRECLASS:1,Magus=2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Eldritch Archer ~ Arcane Pool|PRECLASS:1,Magus=5 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Eldritch Archer ~ Focusing Spellstrike|PRECLASS:1,Magus=16 FACT:Magus_Archetype_ClassSkills|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_ArcanePool|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_SpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_Spellstrike|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_Counterstrike|true FACT:Magus_CF_ClassSkills|true FACT:Magus_CF_Counterstrike|true COST:0 + +Class Skills KEY:Eldritch Archer ~ Class Skills CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Magus Class Features.EldritchArcherClassFeatures.SpecialQuality CSKILL:Climb|TYPE=Craft|Fly|Intimidate|Knowledge (Arcana)|Knowledge (Dungeoneering)|Knowledge (Planes)|Perception|TYPE=Profession|Ride|Spellcraft|Swim +Ranged Weapon Bond KEY:Eldritch Archer ~ Ranged Weapon Bond CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.EldritchArcherClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:An eldritch archer gains a bonded object as per the wizard's arcane bonded object; it must be a ranged weapon, and it can't be used to cast a spell once per day. Holding her bonded item does not prevent the eldritch archer from providing somatic components for her spells. +Ranged Spell Combat KEY:Eldritch Archer ~ Ranged Spell Combat CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.EldritchArcherClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:Instead of a light or one-handed melee weapon, an eldritch archer must use a ranged weapon for spell combat. She doesn't need a free hand for ranged spell combat. The eldritch archer cannot accept an attack penalty to gain a bonus on concentration checks to cast a spell defensively. This ability modifies spell combat. +Ranged Spellstrike KEY:Eldritch Archer ~ Ranged Spellstrike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.EldritchArcherClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Supernatural.RangedSpellstrike SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:Whenever an eldritch archer casts a spell that calls for a ranged attack, she can deliver the spell through a ranged weapon she wields as part of a ranged attack. Instead of the free ranged attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, an eldritch archer can make one free ranged attack with a ranged weapon (at her highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. The attack does not increase the spell's range. If the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies each attack; if the spell allows multiple attacks and the eldritch archer can make additional ranged attacks as part of a full-round action with spell combat, one additional ray, missile, or effect from the spell accompanies each subsequent ranged attack the eldritch archer makes in the same round until all attacks allowed by the spell are made. Unused missiles, rays, or effects remaining at the end of the eldritch archer's turn are wasted. This ability alters spellstrike. +Arcane Pool KEY:Eldritch Archer ~ Arcane Pool CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.EldritchArcherClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:An eldritch archer's choices of weapon special abilities to apply with arcane pool at 5th level include distance, nimble shot, and returning but not dancing, keen, or vorpal. This ability modifies the magus's arcane pool. +Focusing Spellstrike KEY:Eldritch Archer ~ Focusing Spellstrike CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.EldritchArcherClassFeatures.SpecialAttack.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.11 DESC:An eldritch archer can use ranged spellstrike to deliver a cone- or line-shaped spell as a ray, affecting only the creature or object struck. + +# ============================== +# Oracle Mystery - Streets +# ============================== + +Streets Mysteries KEY:Oracle ~ Streets Mystery CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.OracleMystery DEFINE:StreetsMysteriesQualify|0 SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:You draw upon the divine mystery of Streets to grant your spells and powers. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Streets Mystery ~ Final Revelation|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=20],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_FinalRevelation,0] ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Streets Mysteries Class Skills|PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySkills,0 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Streets Mystery Revelation|OracleMysteryLevel BONUS:VAR|StreetsMysteriesQualify|1 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=1|Disguise Self|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=2],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell2,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=2|Detect Thoughts|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=4],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell4,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=3|Glyph of Warding|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=6],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell6,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=4|Illusory Wall|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=8],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell8,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=5|False Vision|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=10],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell10,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=6|Getaway|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=12],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell12,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=7|Screen|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=14],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell14,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=8|Mage's Magnificent Mansion|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=16],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell16,0] SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Oracle=9|Clone|PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Oracle=18],[PREVAREQ:Oracle_CF_MysterySpell18,0] +Streets Mysteries Class Skills CATEGORY:Internal CSKILL:Bluff|Knowledge (local)|Perception|Stealth + +The City Provides KEY:Streets Mystery ~ The City Provides CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation.PerDayOracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:Once per day as a full-round action when in an urban environment, you can scrounge up any nonmagical item of your choosing with a value of up to %1 gp. You cannot obtain coins or trade goods, and the item is too tattered to resell (though fully functional). If you scrounge a new item, any item previously obtained in this way becomes useless.|10*OracleLVL +Eyes of the Streets KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Eyes of the Streets CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation.PerDayOracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:Once per day as a full-round action, you can summon a spirit rat, pigeon, or similar tiny creature to serve as your eyes on, above, and beneath the streets. DESC: this spirit serves as an arcane eye.|!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=10 DESC: You can summon multiple such spirits; this ability functions as prying eyes.|PRECLASS:1,Oracle=10|!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 DESC: You can summon multiple such spirits; this ability functions as greater prying eyes.|PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 +Face in the Crowd KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Face in the Crowds CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:You gain a +4 bonus on Stealth checks, and can attempt a Stealth check in a crowd even while being observed. BONUS:SKILL|Stealth|4 +Keep to the Corners KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Keep to the Corners CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation.PerDayOracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:Once |!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=7 DESC:Twice |PRECLASS:1,Oracle=7|!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 DESC:Three times |PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 DESC:per day when you fail a Reflex saving throw, you can reroll the saving throw with a +4 insight bonus. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. +Knife in the Dark KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Knife in the Dark CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation.PerDayOracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:As a standard action, you can make a sneak attack as if you were a rogue of your oracle level. You can use this ability %1/day.|1+(OracleLVL/5) BONUS:VAR|SneakAttackDice|(OracleLVL+1)/2 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Sneak Attack +Nooks and Crannies KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Nooks and Crannies CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:You can move through any sort of obstacle or difficult terrain in an urban environment (including crowds) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you. +Secrets of City KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Secrets of City CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation.PerDayOracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:Once |!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=7 DESC:Twice |PRECLASS:1,Oracle=7|!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 DESC:Three times |PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 DESC: per day when you cast a divination spell affecting creatures or areas in urban environments, you can double the spell's range. +Shroud of the City KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Shroud of the City CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.SpellLike.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation.PerDayOracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:You can melt into the streets and alleys. You can cast veil DESC:once |!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=7 DESC:twice |PRECLASS:1,Oracle=7|!PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 DESC:three times |PRECLASS:1,Oracle=15 DESC: per day, but can affect only yourself and %1 willing allies within 30 feet. You can make the targets appear only as typical members of a settlement with which you are familiar, and can't match the appearance of specific creatures.|OracleLVL +The Streets Are Your Friend KEY:Streets Mystery ~ The Streets Are Your Friend CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.StreetsRevelation.OracleRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:As long as you are in an urban environment, you can call upon the city to help an ally within 30 feet succeed at a task. The ally gets a +%1 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as you concentrate.|2+(OracleLVL>=9)+(OracleLVL>=15) +Final Revelation KEY:Streets Mystery ~ Final Revelation CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:OracleClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.FinalLifeRevelation SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:You become an avatar of the city. When you speak the name of a creature and a city out loud, you know whether that creature is in that city. You can also learn about any settlement you are in at will; this functions as commune with nature, operating only in towns and settlements rather than natural terrain. + +# ============================== +# Rogue Archetype - Dark Lurker +# ============================== + +Dark Lurker KEY:Rogue Archetype ~ Dark Lurker CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.RogueArchetype DESCISPI:YES SOURCEPAGE:p.26 DESC:Dark lurkers use darkness as an ally. They are widely feared in many major metropolises, spoken of as “living shadows” by guards of Magnimar who patrol under the Irespan and called “the hungry night” by citizens of Absalom who mistake them for fetchling assassins. PRECLASS:1,Rogue=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Rogue Archetype ~ Dark Lurker],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Rogue_Archetype_Evasion=True,Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent2=True,Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent8=True,Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent14=True,Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent20=True] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Dark Lurker ~ Blades from the Shadows|PRECLASS:1,Rogue=2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Dark Lurker ~ Blind-Fight|PRECLASS:1,Rogue=2 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Dark Lurker ~ Improved Blind-Fight|PRECLASS:1,Rogue=8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Dark Lurker ~ Greater Blind-Fight|PRECLASS:1,Rogue=14 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Dark Lurker ~ Instinctual Sense|PRECLASS:1,Rogue=20 FACT:Rogue_Archetype_Evasion|true FACT:Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent2|true FACT:Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent8|true FACT:Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent14|true FACT:Rogue_Archetype_RogueTalent20|true FACT:Rogue_CF_Evasion|true FACT:Rogue_CF_RogueTalent2|true FACT:Rogue_CF_RogueTalent8|true FACT:Rogue_CF_RogueTalent14|true FACT:Rogue_CF_RogueTalent20|true COST:0 + +Blades from the Shadows KEY:Dark Lurker ~ Blades from the Shadows CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.26 DESC:A dark lurker gains shadow strike as a bonus rogue talent. (A character using the unchained rogue class from Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained instead gains the ability to make attacks of opportunity against foes with cover, though not foes with improved cover or total cover). DESC: The dark lurker can deal precision damage to targets with total concealment (though any miss chance applies normally, and may prevent an attack from hitting in the first place).|PRECLASS:1,Rogue=6 DESC: This ability replaces Evasion; the dark lurker can take evasion as a rogue talent. ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Shadow Strike|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=CLASS,Rogue ~ Unchained Class +Blind-Fight KEY:Dark Lurker ~ Blind-Fight CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Blind-Fight +Improved Blind-Fight KEY:Dark Lurker ~ Improved Blind-Fight CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Improved Blind-Fight +Greater Blind-Fight KEY:Dark Lurker ~ Greater Blind-Fight CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Greater Blind-Fight +Instinctual Sense KEY:Dark Lurker ~ Instinctual Sense CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary VISION:Blindsight (30') + +Evasion KEY:Rogue Talent ~ Dark Lurker ~ Evasion CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RogueClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.RogueTalent PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Rogue Archetype ~ Dark Lurker ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Evasion + +# ============================== +# Rogue Talents +# ============================== + +Eerie Disappearance KEY:Rogue Talent ~ Eerie Disappearance CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RogueClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.RogueTalent PREVARGTEQ:RogueTalentLVL,6 SOURCEPAGE:p.26 DESC:As a full-round action, the rogue can move up to her speed. If she successfully reaches a location that offers her cover or concealment, any creature observing her must attempt a Perception check opposed by the rogue's Stealth check. On a failed check, the observer loses track of the rogue and fails to note where she moved to. The rogue does not take a penalty on this Stealth check for moving up to her speed. At the end of her movement, the rogue can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 60 feet who were aware of her at any point during her movement and are unaware of her current location. She rolls the Intimidate check only once and compares her result to the DC for each opponent. +False Attacker KEY:Rogue Talent ~ False Attacker CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RogueClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.RogueTalent SOURCEPAGE:p.26 DESC:Whenever the rogue strikes a foe from hiding, she can attempt a Bluff check as an immediate action (opposed by the target's Sense Motive or Perception check, whichever has a higher bonus) before rolling damage to convince the foe that another creature was the attacker. This Bluff check applies the normal modifiers for convincing a creature of a falsehood, but can be accomplished with just physical trickery (a shared language is not required). If the Bluff is successful, and the rogue maintains concealment or cover, the rogue's stealth does not end. +Pierce the Darkness KEY:Rogue Talent ~ Pierce the Darkness CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RogueClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.RogueTalent SOURCEPAGE:p.26 DESC:The rogue can extend her senses of hearing and smell in darkness or when blinded. She gains blindsense out to a range of 5 feet, but only against creatures concealed by darkness or her own blindness. She still suffers the normal miss chance for attacking creatures with concealment. + +# ============================== +# Shaman Spirit - Slums +# ============================== + +Spirit Animal KEY:Spirit Animal ~ Slums CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:The shaman's spirit animal looks like a leaner version of its species, with hungry eyes and a wiry frame. It gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks. BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|4 + +Slums (Spirit) KEY:Shaman Spirit ~ Slums CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSpirit.SpecialQuality DEFINE:ShamanSlumsSpirit|0 DEFINE:ShamanSlumsSpiritAnimal|0 SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:Spirit Magic Spells: Charm person (1st), summon swarm (2nd), hold person (3rd), confusion (4th), wall of stone (5th), mislead (6th), mass hold person (7th), maze (8th), imprisonment (9th). ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ Doors to Everywhere ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ City's Shroud|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanSpiritGreater,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ Paragon of the City|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanSpiritTrue,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ Manifestation|PREVARGTEQ:Shaman Manifestation,1 BONUS:VAR|ShamanSlumsSpirit|1 BONUS:VAR|ShamanSlumsSpiritAnimal|FamiliarIsSpiritAnimal + +Slums (Wandering Spirit) KEY:Shaman Wandering Spirit ~ Slums CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanWanderingSpirit.SpecialQuality SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:Spirit Magic Spells: Charm person (1st), summon swarm (2nd), hold person (3rd), confusion (4th), wall of stone (5th), mislead (6th), mass hold person (7th), maze (8th), imprisonment (9th). ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ Doors to Everywhere|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanWanderingSpiritBonus,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ City's Shroud|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanWanderingSpiritGreater,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ Paragon of the City|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanWanderingSpiritTrue,1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Shaman Slums Wandering Hex|ShamanWanderingHexUses + +Slums (Wandering Spirit) KEY:Secondary Shaman Wandering Spirit ~ Slums CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:SecondaryShamanWanderingSpirit.SpecialQuality !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Wandering Spirit ~ Slums SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:Spirit Magic Spells: Charm person (1st), summon swarm (2nd), hold person (3rd), confusion (4th), wall of stone (5th), mislead (6th), mass hold person (7th), maze (8th), imprisonment (9th). ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ Doors to Everywhere|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanWanderingSpiritBonus,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ City's Shroud|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanWanderingSpiritGreater,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Slums Spirit ~ Paragon of the City|PREVARGTEQ:ShamanWanderingSpiritTrue,1 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Shaman Slums Wandering Hex|ShamanWanderingHexUses + +Accident KEY:Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Accident CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSpiritHex.ShamanSlumsHex.SpecialAttack.Supernatural !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ Accident SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:The shaman causes a target within 30 feet to stumble and fall. The shaman attempts a caster level check with a DC equal to the target's CMD against trip attempts. On a successful check, the target falls prone and takes 1d6 points of damage. If the target is adjacent to a pit or similar drop-off, he must also succeed at a Reflex save (with a DC equal to the shaman's caster level check) or fall into the pit. Observers must succeed at a Perception or Sense Motive check with a DC equal to the shaman's caster level check to identify her as the source of the accident. PREVARGTEQ:ShamanSlumsSpirit,1 +Bad Penny KEY:Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Bad Penny CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSpiritHex.ShamanSlumsHex.SpecialAttack.Supernatural !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ Bad Penny SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:As a standard action, the shaman can curse a coin. The next bearer of the cursed coin takes a –%1 penalty on all saving throws and skill checks as long he has the coin on his person. Once the coin leaves his person, the curse ends and the coin becomes a mundane piece of tender again. If the shaman curses a new coin, the previous curse ends. This is a curse effect.|(1+(ShamanLVL>=8))*2 PREVARGTEQ:ShamanSlumsSpirit,1 +City Spirit KEY:Shaman Spirit Hex ~ City Spirit CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSpiritHex.ShamanSlumsHex.SpecialQuality.Supernatural !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ City Spirit SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:As a swift action, the shaman channels the city's spirit through herself, gaining a +4 bonus on all Dexterity- and Wisdom-based skill checks. She can use this ability for %1 rounds per day. These rounds need not be consecutive.|3+CHA PREVARGTEQ:ShamanSlumsSpirit,1 +Ward of the City KEY:Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Ward of the City CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSpiritHex.ShamanSlumsHex.SpecialQuality.Supernatural !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ Ward of the City SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:The spirit of the city shrouds one creature the shaman touches from the hazards of the slums. The warded creature gains a +%1 bonus on saves against disease and poison, and a +%2%% bonus on percentage chances to negate critical hits and sneak attacks. (This stacks with effects such as fortification, or abilities that grant a creature with no chance to negate critical hits a flat 25%% chance.) Each time the ward is used (whether the roll is successful or not), the bonuses are reduced by 1 and 5%%, respectively. The ward ends when the bonuses are reduced to 0, when the shaman wards a new creature, or after 24 hours, whichever comes first. A creature affected by this hex cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.|5+((ShamanLVL>=8)+(ShamanLVL>=16))*2|25+((ShamanLVL>=8)+(ShamanLVL>=16))*10 PREVARGTEQ:ShamanSlumsSpirit,1 + +Accident (Wandering) KEY:Shaman Wandering Spirit Hex ~ Accident CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSlumsHex !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ Accident PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Accident],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Wandering Hex ~ Accident] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Accident +Bad Penny (Wandering) KEY:Shaman Wandering Spirit Hex ~ Bad Penny CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSlumsHex !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ Bad Penny PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Bad Penny],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Wandering Hex ~ Bad Penny] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Bad Penny +City Spirit (Wandering) KEY:Shaman Wandering Spirit Hex ~ City Spirit CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSlumsHex !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ City Spirit PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Spirit Hex ~ City Spirit],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Wandering Hex ~ City Spirit] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Shaman Spirit Hex ~ City Spirit +Ward of the City (Wandering) KEY:Shaman Wandering Spirit Hex ~ Ward of the City CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSlumsHex !PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch Hex ~ Ward of the City PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Ward of the City],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman Wandering Hex ~ Ward of the City] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Shaman Spirit Hex ~ Ward of the City + +Doors to Everywhere KEY:Slums Spirit ~ Doors to Everywhere CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Shaman Class Feature.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:As a standard action, the shaman can step through any door and instantly exit through another distant doorway. DESC:This functions as per jester's jaunt, but it can transport only you, and |!PRECLASS:1,Shaman=9 DESC:This functions as per dimension door it can transport only you, and |PRECLASS:1,Shaman=9|!PRECLASS:1,Shaman=14 DESC:The shaman can use this ability as per tree stride (treating all doors as generic coniferous trees), but |PRECLASS:1,Shaman=14 DESC:both your departure and arrival spaces must be adjacent to a door or similar opening. You can use this ability %1 times per day.|3+(ShamanLVL>=12)+(ShamanLVL>=20) +City's Shroud KEY:Slums Spirit ~ City's Shroud CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Shaman Class Feature.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:When in an urban environment, the shaman blends into the streets around her, making her difficult to pin down. She gains the evasion and improved uncanny dodge class features. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Evasion ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Improved Uncanny Dodge +Paragon of the City KEY:Slums Spirit ~ Paragon of the City CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Shaman Class Feature.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:As a standard action, the shaman assumes a spirit-infused paragon form that makes her a lethal stalker of the alleys and shadows. She gains the ability to make sneak attacks as a rogue of her shaman level for 1 minute or until dismissed (+%1d6 damage). She can use this ability %2 times per day.|(ShamanLVL+1)/2|3+CHA +Manifestation KEY:Slums Spirit ~ Manifestation CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Shaman Class Feature.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.21 DESC:The shaman becomes a spirit of the slums. She is immune to all diseases and poisons. When in an urban environment, she gains a +4 insight bonus to her AC and on Reflex saves. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+4 on Reflex saves in urban environments ASPECT:CombatBonus|+4 on AC in urban environments + +# ============================== +# Skald Archetype - Urban Skald +# ============================== + +Urban Skald KEY:Skald Archetype ~ Urban Skald CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.SkaldArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:The urban skald finds that challenging and mocking foes is sometimes more effective than inspiring uncontrolled rage in a city. PRECLASS:1,Skald=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Skald Archetype ~ Urban Skald],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Skald_Archetype_ArmorProficiencies=True,Skald_Archetype_InspiredRage=True,Skald_Archetype_SongOfMarching=True,Skald_Archetype_DamageReduction=True,Skald_Archetype_DirgeOfDoom=True] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Skald ~ Weapon and Armor Proficiency|PRECLASS:1,Skald=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Skald ~ Controlled Inspired Rage|PRECLASS:1,Skald=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Skald ~ Infuriating Mockery|PRECLASS:1,Skald=3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Skald ~ Humiliating Defamation|PRECLASS:1,Skald=10 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Urban Skald ~ Back of the Crowd|PRECLASS:1,Skald=3 FACT:Skald_Archetype_ArmorProficiencies|true FACT:Skald_Archetype_InspiredRage|true FACT:Skald_Archetype_SongOfMarching|true FACT:Skald_Archetype_DamageReduction|true FACT:Skald_Archetype_DirgeOfDoom|true FACT:Skald_CF_ArmorProficiencies|true FACT:Skald_CF_InspiredRage|true FACT:Skald_CF_SongOfMarching|true FACT:Skald_CF_DamageReduction|true FACT:Skald_Archetype_DirgeOfDoom|true COST:0 + +Weapon and Armor Proficiency KEY:Urban Skald ~ Weapon and Armor Proficiency CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:An urban skald is not proficient with medium armor. This ability modifies the skald's weapon and armor proficiencies. ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Shield Prof|TYPE=ArmorProfLight +Controlled Inspired Rage KEY:Urban Skald ~ Controlled Inspired Rage CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:When the urban skald inspires rage, he does not grant the normal benefits. Instead, he can apply a +2 morale bonus to his allies' Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and to +6 at 16th level. The urban skald can apply the full bonus to one ability score or split the bonus between several scores in increments of 2. The choice applies to all affected allies. The controlled inspired rage grants no bonus on Will saves, imposes no penalties to AC, and does not prevent affected allies from using Intelligence-, Dexterity-, or Charisma-based skills. +Infuriating Mockery KEY:Urban Skald ~ Infuriating Mockery CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:The urban skald can inspire reckless fury in %1 foes within 30 feet. If the foe fails a Will saving throw (DC %2), it takes a –2 penalty to AC and on attack rolls, cannot use any Intelligence-, Dexterity-, or Charisma-based skills, and must succeed at a concentration check to cast spells (DC = 15 + spell level) for as long as it remains in range of the skald and the performance is maintained.|(SkaldLVL-3)/4|10+SkaldLVL/2+CHA +Humiliating Defamation KEY:Urban Skald ~ Humiliating Defamation CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:The urban skald can ostracize a foe. The song has one primary target, who the skald must see and name or describe. That target must attempt a Will save (DC %1). On a failed save, the primary target cannot benefit from any morale bonus or teamwork feats, cannot treat any creature as an ally, and must attempt to save against any spell cast on it (including harmless spells, even if it casts them on itself). These effects remain as long as the primary target can hear the skald and the skald maintains the performance. All other foes within 60 feet of the skald are secondary targets. Secondary targets must succeed at Will saves (DC %1) or they cannot treat the primary target as an ally, and cannot target it with spells or abilities that are harmless. These effects remain as long as the secondary targets are within 60 feet of the skald and the skald maintains the performance. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect.|10+SkaldLVL/2+CHA +Back of the Crowd KEY:Urban Skald ~ Back of the Crowd CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Skald Class Features.UrbanSkaldClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary SOURCEPAGE:p.25 DESC:An urban skald has learned to maximize the defensive benefit of being near allies. He gains a +%1 dodge bonus to AC when adjacent to 2 or more allies.|1+(SkaldLVL>=9)+(SkaldLVL>=15) + +# ============================== +# Witch Archetype - Alley Witch +# ============================== + +Alley Witch KEY:Witch Archetype ~ Alley Witch CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.WitchArchetype SOURCEPAGE:p.20 DESC:Some witches find their spark of magic in the long, dark shadows and forgotten places within the city. PRECLASS:1,Witch=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Witch Archetype ~ Alley Witch],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Witch_Archetype_ClassSkills=True,Witch_Archetype_Familiar=True,Witch_Archetype_Hex1=True,Witch_Archetype_Hex6=True] ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Alley Witch ~ Child of the Streets|PRECLASS:1,Witch=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alley Witch ~ Crowd Patron|PRECLASS:1,Witch=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alley Witch ~ Speak to the City|PRECLASS:1,Witch=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Alley Witch ~ Hex Trader|PRECLASS:1,Witch=6 FACT:Witch_Archetype_ClassSkills|true FACT:Witch_Archetype_Familiar|true FACT:Witch_Archetype_Hex1|true FACT:Witch_Archetype_Hex6|true FACT:Witch_CF_ClassSkills|true FACT:Witch_CF_Familiar|true FACT:Witch_CF_Hex1|true FACT:Witch_CF_Hex6|true COST:0 + +Child of the Streets KEY:Alley Witch ~ Child of the Streets CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:Witch Class Features.Alley WitchClassFeatures.SpecialQuality CSKILL:Bluff|TYPE=Craft|Fly|Heal|Intimidate|Knowledge (Arcana)|Knowledge (History)|Knowledge (local)|TYPE=Profession|Spellcraft|Use Magic Device +Crowd Patron KEY:Alley Witch ~ Crowd Patron CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Witch Class Features.Alley WitchClassFeatures.SpecialQuality SOURCEPAGE:p.20 DESC:An alley witch draws power not from a patron, but from the crowd of minds around her. She doesn't select a patron at 1st level; the city itself grants her bonus spells. SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=1|Ears of the City|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,2 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=2|Alter Self|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,4 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=3|Witness|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,6 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=4|Shadow Step|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,8 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=5|Mage's Private Sanctum|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,10 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=6|Heroes' Feast|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,12 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=7|Limited Wish|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,14 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=8|Create Demiplane|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,16 SPELLKNOWN:CLASS|Witch=9|Shades|PREVARGTEQ:WitchPatronLVL,18 BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Witch Patron|-1 +Speak to the City KEY:Alley Witch ~ Speak to the City CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Witch Class Features.Alley WitchClassFeatures.SpecialQuality SOURCEPAGE:p.20 DESC:An alley witch builds a special rapport with a single city. At 1st level, she can select one settlement whose type is large town size or larger. Within this settlement, she gains a +%1 bonus on initiative checks, as well as Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Sense Motive checks. The alley witch can build a rapport with a new city after 30 days of remaining there; this severs her bond to her previous settlement. |((WitchLVL+4)/5)*2 +Hex Trader KEY:Alley Witch ~ Hex Trader CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Witch Class Features.Alley WitchClassFeatures.SpecialQuality SOURCEPAGE:p.20 DESC:Once per day as a full-round action, an alley witch can bind a hex she knows into a feather, bead, or other small token. Any creature holding this token can use that hex once as if using a potion, targeting itself or a creature it touches. While a hex is sealed into a token, the alley witch loses her ability to use that hex until the token is used or she can recover the token. If a hex can be used in increments (like the disguise hex), the alley witch decides how many increments the token contains when making it. If a hex has no set duration, it lasts for 1 minute once activated. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities_race.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities_race.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84f19e955 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilities_race.lst @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# New Racial Traits +# ============================== + +Industrious Urbanite KEY:Dwarf ~ Industrious Urbanite CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RacialTrait.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfHatred DESC:Double the normal progress on Craft checks to create nonmagical items and gain a +4 bonus on Profession checks to earn money. PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Industrious Urbanite],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfHatred] COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.8 +Illustrious Urbanite KEY:Elf ~ Illustrious Urbanite CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RacialTrait.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfKeenSenses DESC:Gain Spell Focus with conjuration, illusion, or transmutation spells as a bonus feat. When casting spells of this school, the elves can choose to have the spell leave undamaged any building or structure that would normally be affected. BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Illustrious Urbanite Feat Choice|1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Illustrious Urbanite],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfKeenSenses] COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.8 +Student of the City KEY:Gnome ~ Student of the City CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RacialTrait.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeObsessive DESC:Gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks; can use that skill to gather information in place of Diplomacy. BONUS:SKILL|Knowledge (local)|2|TYPE=Racial PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Student of the City],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeObsessive] COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.8 +Inspire Imitation KEY:Half-Elf ~ Inspire Imitation CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RacialTrait.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.HalfElfRacialTrait.HalfElfAdaptability DESC:Whenever a half-elf succeeds at a skill check, she can inspire imitators as a swift action. Any ally within 30 feet who witnesses the successful check and attempts the same check within the next minute gains a +2 bonus on the check as if from the aid another action. PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Elf ~ Inspire Imitation],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfElfAdaptability] COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.8 +Tenacious KEY:Half-Orc ~ Tenacious CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RacialTrait.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcFerocity DESC:Once per day if a half-orc fails a Fortitude save, Will save, or Constitution check, he can reroll the save or check. The half-orc must take the second result, even if it is worse. PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Tenacious],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcFerocity] COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.9 +Underfoot Dodger KEY:Halfling ~ Underfoot Dodger CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RacialTrait.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingFearless.HalflingWeaponFamiliarity DESC:Do not treat crowd squares as difficult terrain and gain a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through the spaces of larger foes. PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Underfoot Dodger],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingFearless,TYPE.HalflingWeaponFamiliarity] COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.9 +One of the Multitude KEY:Human ~ One of the Multitude CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:RacialTrait.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.HumanRacialTrait.HumanSkilled DESC:Gain a +1 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks when within 10 feet of at least two other humanoids. Gain a +1 racial bonus on attacks of opportunity made while flanking. PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Human ~ One of the Multitude],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HumanSkilled] COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.9 + +Illustrious Urbanite Feat (conjuration) KEY:Illustrious Urbanite Feat (conjuration) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:IllustriousUrbaniteFeat ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Spell Focus (conjuration) +Illustrious Urbanite Feat (illusion) KEY:Illustrious Urbanite Feat (illusion) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:IllustriousUrbaniteFeat ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Spell Focus (illusion) +Illustrious Urbanite Feat (transmutation) KEY:Illustrious Urbanite Feat (transmutation) CATEGORY:Internal TYPE:IllustriousUrbaniteFeat ABILITY:FEAT|VIRTUAL|Spell Focus (transmutation) diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilitycategories.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilitycategories.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f25125a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_abilitycategories.lst @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +# SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Illustrious Urbanite Feat Choice VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:IllustriousUrbaniteFeat DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Siegebreaker Bonus Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:SiegebreakerBonusFeat PLURAL:Siegebreaker Bonus Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Streets Mystery Revelation VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:StreetsRevelation.GeneralRevelation PLURAL:Streets Mystery Revelations DISPLAYLOCATION:Class Features + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Controlled Bloodrage Choice VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Choice DISPLAYLOCATION:Class Features +ABILITYCATEGORY:Controlled Bloodrage Allocation VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Controlled Bloodrage Allocation DISPLAYLOCATION:Class Features + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Urban Hunter Bonus Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:UrbanHunterBonusFeat PLURAL:Urban Hunter Bonus Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats +ABILITYCATEGORY:Urban Hunter Advanced Bonus Feat VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:UrbanHunterBonusFeat.UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat PLURAL:Urban Hunter Advanced Bonus Feats DISPLAYLOCATION:Feats + +ABILITYCATEGORY:Shaman Slums Wandering Hex VISIBLE:QUALIFY EDITABLE:YES EDITPOOL:YES FRACTIONALPOOL:NO CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:ShamanSpiritHex.ShamanSlumsHex DISPLAYLOCATION:Class Features + diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_deities.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_deities.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..007b3ccdd --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_deities.lst @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Subdomain Associations +# ============================== + +Abadar.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG,TN +Asmodeus.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Calistria.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Cayden Cailean.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Desna.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Erastil.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community)|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Gorum.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Iomedae.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Irori.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:LG,LN,TN,NG DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,TN,NG +Lamashtu.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Nethys.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Norgorber.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Pharasma.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Death)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Rovagug.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Shelyn.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Torag.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Industry Subdomain|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Urgathoa.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Zon-Kuthon.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_domains.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_domains.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7baf57c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_domains.lst @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Subdomains +# ============================== + +Competition Subdomain PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Competition Subdomain],[PREVARLT:StrengthDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Athletic Exploit|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Strength)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainStrengthAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Might of the Gods|PREVARGTEQ:DomainStrengthAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Strength SOURCEPAGE:p.18 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Competition Subdomain=1|Jump|Competition Subdomain=2|Bull's Strength|Competition Subdomain=3|Animal Aspect (Greater)|Competition Subdomain=4|Spell Immunity|Competition Subdomain=5|Righteous Might|Competition Subdomain=6|Heroism (Greater)|Competition Subdomain=7|Grasping Hand|Competition Subdomain=8|Clenched Fist|Competition Subdomain=9|Crushing Hand FACT:Domain|Strength +Duels Subdomain PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Duels Subdomain],[PREVARLT:WarDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Divine Challenge|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (War)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainWarAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Weapon Master|PREVARGTEQ:DomainWarAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ War SOURCEPAGE:p.18 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Duels Subdomain=1|Magic Weapon|Duels Subdomain=2|Warding Weapon|Duels Subdomain=3|Magic Vestment|Duels Subdomain=4|Divine Power|Duels Subdomain=5|Dance of a Hundred Cuts|Duels Subdomain=6|Blade Barrier|Duels Subdomain=7|Power Word Blind|Duels Subdomain=8|Dance of a Thousand Cuts|Duels Subdomain=9|Power Word Kill FACT:Domain|War +Education Subdomain (Community) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Education Subdomain (Community)],[PREVARLT:CommunityDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Calming Touch|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Community)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainCommunityAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Teaching Moment|PREVARGTEQ:DomainCommunityAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Community SOURCEPAGE:p.18 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Education Subdomain (Community)=1|Know The Enemy|Education Subdomain (Community)=2|Fox's Cunning|Education Subdomain (Community)=3|Prayer|Education Subdomain (Community)=4|Imbue with Spell Ability|Education Subdomain (Community)=5|Telepathic Bond|Education Subdomain (Community)=6|Battlemind Link|Education Subdomain (Community)=7|Refuge|Education Subdomain (Community)=8|Circle of Clarity|Education Subdomain (Community)=9|Miracle FACT:Domain|Community +Education Subdomain (Knowledge) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Education Subdomain (Knowledge)],[PREVARLT:KnowledgeDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Lore Keeper|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Knowledge)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainKnowledgeAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Teaching Moment|PREVARGTEQ:DomainKnowledgeAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Knowledge SOURCEPAGE:p.18 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=1|Know The Enemy|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=2|Fox's Cunning|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=3|Speak with Dead|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=4|Divination|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=5|True Seeing|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=6|Battlemind Link|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=7|Legend Lore|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=8|Circle of Clarity|Education Subdomain (Knowledge)=9|Foresight FACT:Domain|Knowledge +Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)],[PREVARLT:KnowledgeDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Deep Cover|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Knowledge)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainKnowledgeAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Remote Viewing|PREVARGTEQ:DomainKnowledgeAbilityTriggerLVL,6 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Knowledge SOURCEPAGE:p.18 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=1|Comprehend Languages|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=2|Anonymous Interaction|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=3|Speak with Dead|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=4|Zone of Silence|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=5|True Seeing|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=6|Find the Path|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=7|Legend Lore|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=8|Mind Blank|Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)=9|Foresight FACT:Domain|Knowledge +Espionage Subdomain (Trickery) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)],[PREVARLT:TrickeryDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Deep Cover|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Trickery)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainTrickeryAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Master's Illusion|PREVARGTEQ:DomainTrickeryAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Trickery SOURCEPAGE:p.18 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=1|Disguise Self|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=2|Anonymous Interaction|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=3|Nondetection|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=4|Zone of Silence|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=5|False Vision|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=6|Mislead|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=7|Screen|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=8|Mind Blank|Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)=9|Time Stop FACT:Domain|Trickery +Fortifications Subdomain PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Fortifications Subdomain],[PREVARLT:ProtectionDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Sheltering Walls|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Protection)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainProtectionAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Aura of Protection|PREVARGTEQ:DomainProtectionAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Protection SOURCEPAGE:p.18 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Fortifications Subdomain=1|Hold Portal|Fortifications Subdomain=2|Shield Other|Fortifications Subdomain=3|Protection from Energy|Fortifications Subdomain=4|Spell Immunity|Fortifications Subdomain=5|Wall of Stone|Fortifications Subdomain=6|Antimagic Field|Fortifications Subdomain=7|Repulsion|Fortifications Subdomain=8|Mind Blank|Fortifications Subdomain=9|Prismatic Wall FACT:Domain|Protection +Industry Subdomain PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Industry Subdomain],[PREVARLT:ArtificeDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Artificer's Touch|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Artifice)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainArtificeAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Aura of Efficiency|PREVARGTEQ:DomainArtificeAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Artifice SOURCEPAGE:p.19 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Industry Subdomain=1|Crafter's Fortune|Industry Subdomain=2|Wood Shape|Industry Subdomain=3|Stone Shape|Industry Subdomain=4|Minor Creation|Industry Subdomain=5|Fabricate|Industry Subdomain=6|Major Creation|Industry Subdomain=7|Mage's Magnificent Mansion|Industry Subdomain=8|Statue|Industry Subdomain=9|Wooden Phalanx FACT:Domain|Artifice +Legislation Subdomain (Law) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Legislation Subdomain (Law)],[PREVARLT:LawDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Prohibition|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Law)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainLawAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Staff of Order|PREVARGTEQ:DomainLawAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Law SOURCEPAGE:p.19 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=1|Forbid Action|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=2|Align Weapon (Law Only)|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=3|Magic Circle against Chaos|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=4|Order's Wrath|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=5|Forbid Action (Greater)|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=6|Hold Monster|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=7|Dictum|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=8|Shield of Law|Legislation Subdomain (Law)=9|Hold Monster (Mass) FACT:Domain|Law +Legislation Subdomain (Rune) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Legislation Subdomain (Rune)],[PREVARLT:RuneDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Prohibition|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Rune)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainRuneAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Spell Rune|PREVARGTEQ:DomainRuneAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Rune SOURCEPAGE:p.19 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=1|Forbid Action|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=2|Secret Page|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=3|Glyph of Warding|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=4|Explosive Runes|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=5|Forbid Action (Greater)|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=6|Glyph of Warding (Greater)|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=7|Instant Summons|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=8|Symbol of Death|Legislation Subdomain (Rune)=9|Hold Monster (Mass) FACT:Domain|Rune +Plague Subdomain (Death) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Plague Subdomain (Death)],[PREVARLT:DeathDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Bleeding Touch|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Death)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainDeathAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Virulence|PREVARGTEQ:DomainDeathAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Death SOURCEPAGE:p.19 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Plague Subdomain (Death)=1|Ray of Sickening|Plague Subdomain (Death)=2|Death Knell|Plague Subdomain (Death)=3|Contagion|Plague Subdomain (Death)=4|Death Ward|Plague Subdomain (Death)=5|Slay Living|Plague Subdomain (Death)=6|Plague Storm|Plague Subdomain (Death)=7|Destruction|Plague Subdomain (Death)=8|Horrid Wilting|Plague Subdomain (Death)=9|Wail of the Banshee FACT:Domain|Death +Plague Subdomain (Evil) PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Plague Subdomain (Evil)],[PREVARLT:EvilDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Evil|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Evil)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainEvilAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Virulence|PREVARGTEQ:DomainEvilAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Evil SOURCEPAGE:p.19 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=1|Ray of Sickening|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=2|Align Weapon (Evil Only)|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=3|Contagion|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=4|Unholy Blight|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=5|Dispel Good|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=6|Plague Storm|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=7|Blasphemy|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=8|Horrid Wilting|Plague Subdomain (Evil)=9|Summon Monster IX (Evil Spell Only) FACT:Domain|Evil +Riot Subdomain PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Riot Subdomain],[PREVARLT:ChaosDomain,1] ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Chaos|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Internal,DisableDomainLVL1 (Chaos)|PREVARGTEQ:DomainChaosAbilityTriggerLVL,1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Aura of Bedlam|PREVARGTEQ:DomainChaosAbilityTriggerLVL,8 ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Domain Base ~ Chaos SOURCEPAGE:p.19 SPELLLEVEL:DOMAIN|Riot Subdomain=1|Protection from Law|Riot Subdomain=2|Align Weapon (Chaos Only)|Riot Subdomain=3|Magic Circle against Law|Riot Subdomain=4|Confusion|Riot Subdomain=5|Dispel Law|Riot Subdomain=6|Animate Objects|Riot Subdomain=7|Song of Discord|Riot Subdomain=8|Cloak of Chaos|Riot Subdomain=9|Symbol of Strife FACT:Domain|Chaos diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_equip_general.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_equip_general.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c0866206 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_equip_general.lst @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Adventuring Gear +# ============================== + +A Grand Tour of Absalom NAMEISPI:YES TYPE:Goods.Tools.Book COST:1100 WT:0 SOURCEPAGE:12 SPROP:Guidebook with Knowledge (local) +7 about Absalom. Possible bonuses if reader has ranks in Profession (sailor). +City Map TYPE:Goods.Tools COST:40 WT:0 SOURCEPAGE:12 +Cryptography Book TYPE:Goods.Tools.Book COST:100 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:12 +False-Bottomed Wagon TYPE:Goods.Transportation.Vehicle.Container CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:375 WT:400 SOURCEPAGE:12 SPROP:DC 20 Perception check to find hidden compartment. +Fashionable Accessories TYPE:Goods.Clothing.Resizable COST:20 WT:5 SOURCEPAGE:13 +Hollow-Heeled Boot TYPE:Goods.Clothing.Resizable.Boot.Container CONTAINS:1|Any COST:10 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:13 SPROP:+4 on Slight of Hand checks +Poison in the Water DESCISPI:YES TYPE:Goods.Tools.Book COST:600 WT:0 SOURCEPAGE:12 SPROP:Guidebook with Knowledge (local) +3 about Daggermark. Possible bonuses if reader has ranks in Bluff. +River of Ink and Silk DESCISPI:YES TYPE:Goods.Tools.Book COST:3500 WT:0 SOURCEPAGE:12 SPROP:Guidebook with Knowledge (local) +5 about Minkai. Possible bonuses if reader has ranks in Perform (sing). +Statue Disguise Kit TYPE:Goods.Tools COST:50 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:13 + +Litmus Strip TYPE:Goods.Alchemical.Consumable COST:15 WT:0 +Badge TYPE:Goods.Clothing.Resizable COST:.5 WT:0 + +# ============================== +# Adventuring Kits +# ============================== + +Cat Burglar's Kit TYPE:Kit COST:15 WT:12 SOURCEPAGE:p.13 SPROP:This kit includes a glass cutter, glue paper (5 sheets), a grappling hook, a masterwork backpack, and silk rope (50 feet). +Out-of-Towner's Kit TYPE:Kit COST:55 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.13 SPROP:This kit includes a blue book, a city map, and fashionable accessories. +Spycatcher's Kit TYPE:Kit COST:260 WT:7.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.13 SPROP:This kit includes an antidote kit, a cryptography book, litmus strips (5; Pathfinder Player Companion: Dungeoneer's Handbook 26), and a portrait book. +Spy's Kit TYPE:Kit COST:140 WT:12.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.13 SPROP:This kit includes a book of letters, a disguise kit, a hollow-heeled boot (see above), ink (1 vial), an inkpen, paper (10 sheets), a poison pill ring UE (signet ring), sealing wax, simple invisible ink (3 vials), and a wrist sheath. +Watchman's Kit TYPE:Kit COST:3 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.13 SPROP:This kit includes a badge (tin brooch worth 5 sp), flint and steel, a shield sconce, a signal whistle, and torches (10). diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_equip_magic_items.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_equip_magic_items.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c4f45dd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_equip_magic_items.lst @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Magic Weapon and Armor +# ============================== + +Cornerstone Crossbow PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Crossbow (Light) TYPE:Weapon.Magic.Resizable.Simple.Ranged.Specific.Piercing.Container.Projectile.Crossbow CONTAINS:UNLIM|Bolt COST:35 WT:4 CRITMULT:x2 CRITRANGE:2 DAMAGE:1d8 EQMOD:MAGIC_COST|13000.Seeking.PLUS1W.WOOD WIELD:TwoHandsOnly RANGE:80 SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.14 + +Emissary's Breastplate PROFICIENCY:ARMOR|Breastplate TYPE:Armor.Magic.Medium.ArmorProfMedium.Suit.Specific COST:200 WT:30 ACCHECK:-4 MAXDEX:3 SPELLFAILURE:25 EQMOD:MAGIC_COST|10000.STEEL.PLUS1A BONUS:COMBAT|AC|6|TYPE=Armor|PREVAREQ:DisableArmorBonus,0 BONUS:VAR|ArmorCheckPenalty|4 SOURCEPAGE:p.15 + +# ============================== +# Magic Items +# ============================== + +Cloak of Daggers TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Cloak COST:18000 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.14 +Combat Sandals TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Boot COST:18000 WT:3 SOURCEPAGE:p.14 +Diminishing Sash TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Belt COST:5000 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.14 +Maintenance Overseer's Ring TYPE:Magic.Ring COST:8000 SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Marker's Monocle TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Eyegear COST:5600 SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Pauper's Robes TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Robe COST:2400 WT:4 SOURCEPAGE:p.15 +Pickpocket's Bandolier TYPE:Magic.Wondrous.Shirt.Container CONTAINS:12|Any COST:12500 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.15 diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_feats.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_feats.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17a121670 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_feats.lst @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Feats +# ============================== + +Cunning Caster CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Deceitful PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER=1 PRETEXT:Deceitful, ability to cast 1st-level spells. DESC:Whether a smuggler or spy, you've learned to use misdirection and legerdemain to conceal your own magical abilities. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 BENEFIT:When casting a spell, you can attempt a Bluff check (opposed by observers' Perception checks) to conceal your actions from onlookers. If the spell requires material components, you take a –4 penalty on the Bluff check. If the spell requires somatic components, you take a –4 penalty on the Bluff check. If the spell requires verbal components, you take a –4 penalty on the Bluff check. If the spell requires a focus or divine focus, you take a –4 penalty on the Bluff check. If the spell produces an obvious effect (such as a summoned creature or visible spell effect), you take a –4 penalty on the Bluff check, and even if your check is successful, observers still see the spell effect (though they fail to notice that you are responsible for it). All Bluff check penalties are cumulative. +Edge Runner CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREVARGTEQ:PreStatScore_DEX,13 PRETEXT:Dex 13. DESC:You move with speed and assurance in places that cause others to fall into danger. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 BENEFIT:You can move at full speed while using Acrobatics to balance on narrow surfaces, and do not become flat-footed or lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while doing so. You also gain a +4 bonus on Climb checks to catch yourself while falling. You also gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against effects that would cause you to fall into a pit (such as create pit or a pit trap). This bonus does not apply to your CMD against bull rush or trip attacks. +Filth Forager CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:Your regular exposure to the filth and unfortunate residues common to sewers and subterranean urban environs has caused you to develop a resistance to the effects of such conditions. SOURCEPAGE:p.28 BENEFIT:You gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against diseases and any effect that would cause you to become nauseated or sickened. ASPECT:SaveBonus|+4 on save vs. diseases and effects that cause nauseated or sickened or sickened conditions. +Filthy Weapons CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESKILL:2,Knowledge (dungeoneering)=1,Knowledge (nature)=1 PRETEXT:Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank, Knowledge (nature) 1 rank. DESC:You spread contagion with your weapons by covering their business ends in virulent muck and sewage. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 BENEFIT:You can take a standard action to cover a weapon in decomposing waste, slimy filth, or other virulent agent. The next attack with that weapon that succeeds against a foe exposes the target to filth fever. If the attack is a critical hit, the filth fever has an onset time of 1 round, and a %1 save DC.|10+BAB/2+INT +Guild Emissary CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Leadership,Underworld Connections PRETEXT:Leadership or Underworld Connections. DESC:Not only are you associated with a powerful thieves' guild or similar shadowy group, you are well-enough connected to gain benefits when dealing with the underworld in any settlement. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 BENEFIT:You can attempt a special character level check (1d20+%1) in place of a Diplomacy check when attempting to gather information. You can ask local contacts to find information for you. While this still takes the normal amount of time (typically 1d4 hours), you can gather information about multiple topics at once (up to a maximum of %2 topics). Additionally, when you are in a settlement no smaller than a small city and are seeking a magic item with a value equal to or less than the city's base value and the item is not available, you can check again after 1 day (rather than 1 week). If using the contact rules (Ultimate Campaign) you gain a single reliable contact each time you enter a settlement no smaller than a small city. This contact is randomly determined to be a fence, gossip, manipulator, merchant, petty criminal, snitch, or thug. The contact operates only within that city, and if the contact's Trust score goes down, it immediately drops to 1.|TL+CHA|3+CHA +Mud in Your Eye CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Throw Anything PRETEXT:Throw Anything. DESC:You are used to fighting in muck and slime, and happily hurl it in your foes' eyes in the heat of battle. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 BENEFIT:As a standard action when in urban or subterranean terrain, you can scoop filth, sewage, mud, or similar grime off a nearby surface and hurl it at a foe as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 5 feet. If the attack hits, you can immediately attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver against the target as a free action; this dirty trick can be used only to blind the target. As a ranged touch attack, this action provokes attacks of opportunity, even if your dirty trick attempts normally wouldn't provoke such attacks (such as via the Improved Dirty Trick feat). [Special] A character with favored terrain (as the ranger class feature) can use this feat when in any of his favored terrains in addition to urban and subterranean. +Rat Catcher CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (dungeoneering)=1 PRETOTALAB:1 PRETEXT:Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank, base attack bonus +1. DESC:You have a great deal of experience dealing with the subterranean pests common in cities. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 BENEFIT:You gain a +1 dodge bonus against attacks made by creatures at least two size categories smaller than yourself, and gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against such creatures. Additionally, you take only half damage from swarm attacks, and as a full-round action can make a single attack with a natural or bludgeoning weapon against an adjacent swarm. If the attack hits, you deal half damage to the target, even if the swarm is small enough to normally be immune to such attacks. +Subtle Devices CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Stealthy PRETEXT:Stealthy. DESC:You are skilled at concealing your use of magic items with guile and deft tricks. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 BENEFIT:When triggering a wand, staff or any other magic item, you can attempt a Stealth check (opposed by observers' Perception checks) to conceal the trigger from onlookers. If the magic item produces an obvious effect (such as a summoned creature or visible spell effect), you take a –4 penalty on the Stealth check, and even if your check is successful, observers still see the spell effect (though they fail to notice you are responsible for it). +Throat Slicer CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:Combat PRETOTALAB:1 PRETEXT:Base attack bonus +1. DESC:Sometimes the only way to deal with those who see your illicit activities is to get rid of them. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 BENEFIT:When using a 1-handed, light, or natural weapon, you can deliver a coup de grace to an unconscious, bound, or pinned target (though not other kinds of helpless targets) as a standard action. +Underworld Connections CATEGORY:FEAT TYPE:General DESC:You know people and things that interact with the underworld, whether through crime syndicate connections or friends that literally dwell beneath the surface. SOURCEPAGE:p.29 BENEFIT:You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks and Survival checks while underground or in urban terrain. Additionally, while within a settlement and attempting a check modified by that settlement's corruption, crime, or economy modifiers (GameMastery Guide), you can use your knowledge of local contacts to gain a +4 bonus on that roll. However, if the check fails, anyone witnessing your attempt sees you committing some violation of local law. BONUS:SITUATION|Knowledge (Dungeoneering)=Underground,Survival=Underground,Knowledge (Dungeoneering)=Urban,Survival=Urban|2 + +# ============================== +# Archetype Support +# ============================== + +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Bull Rush.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Dirty Trick.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Disarm.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Grapple.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Trip.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Patrol.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Reflexes.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Disarming Strike.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Greater Bull Rush.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Greater Dirty Trick.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Greater Disarm.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Greater Grapple.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Greater Trip.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat +CATEGORY=FEAT|Lunge.MOD TYPE:UrbanHunterAdvancedBonusFeat diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_kits.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_kits.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2de1b1dfe --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_kits.lst @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Adventuring Kits +# ============================== + +STARTPACK:Cat Burglar's Kit TYPE:Adventuring Kit APPLY:INSTANT TOTALCOST:15 +GEAR:Backpack (Masterwork) QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Glass Cutter QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Backpack +GEAR:Glue Paper QTY:5 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Backpack +GEAR:Grappling Hook QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Backpack +GEAR:Rope (Silk/50 ft) QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Backpack + +STARTPACK:Out-of-Towner's Kit TYPE:Adventuring Kit APPLY:INSTANT TOTALCOST:55 +GEAR:Blue Book QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:City Map QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Fashionable Accessories QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried + +STARTPACK:Spycatcher's Kit TYPE:Adventuring Kit APPLY:INSTANT TOTALCOST:260 +GEAR:Antidote Kit QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Cryptography Book QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Litmus Strip QTY:5 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Portrait Book QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried + +STARTPACK:Spy's Kit TYPE:Adventuring Kit APPLY:INSTANT TOTALCOST:140 +GEAR:Book of Letters QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Disguise Kit QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Hollow-Heeled Boot QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Ink (1 oz Vial) QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Inkpen QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Paper (Sheet) QTY:10 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Ring (Poison Pill) QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Sealing Wax QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Invisible Ink (Simple) QTY:3 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Wrist Sheath QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried + +STARTPACK:Watchman's Kit TYPE:Adventuring Kit APPLY:INSTANT TOTALCOST:10 +GEAR:Badge QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Flint and Steel QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Shield Sconce QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Signal Whistle QTY:1 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried +GEAR:Torch QTY:10 SIZE:PC LOCATION:Carried diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_skills.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_skills.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fefe167b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_skills.lst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +Intimidate.MOD SITUATION:Force a friendly attitude +Knowledge (Dungeoneering).MOD SITUATION:Urban diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_spells.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_spells.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e316c8083 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/hots_spells.lst @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# New Spells +# ============================== + +Beloved of the Forge TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Alchemist,Bard,Cleric,Shaman=2 SCHOOL:Divination COMPS:V,S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SOURCEPAGE:p.22 DESC:You gain an innate sense of the direction to your home or to the place where you last attempted a Craft check, whichever you choose when you cast the spell. You gain a +10 insight bonus on Survival checks made to find your way back to the chosen place. While under the effects of this spell, items in your possession gain a +2 luck bonus on saving throws against spells and effects, and you gain a +5 luck bonus on Craft checks to create or repair objects with Craft skills in which you are trained. +Blessing of Liberty TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Bard,Shaman=2 SCHOOL:Abjuration COMPS:V,S,M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Personal TARGETAREA:You DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SOURCEPAGE:p.22 DESC:You imbue yourself with the blessings of liberty. You gain a +%1 luck bonus to your CMD and on saving throws against spells and traps that would move you or impede your movement. You can end the spell's effects as a swift action to gain a +20 foot enhancement bonus to your base speed for 1 round per whole minute of duration remaining.|1+(CASTERLEVEL>=12)+(CASTERLEVEL>=18) +Cloak of Secrets TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Antipaladin,Bard,Cleric,Inquisitor,Sorcerer,Witch,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Glamer COMPS:V,S CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:5-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.30 DESC:This spell forms an invisible bubble that filters all speech coming from inside the affected area so that creatures outside hear a completely different version of the conversation. The bubble also disguises lip movements to match the false conversation. Any creature listening to the conversation for at least 1 round can attempt a DC 15 Sense Motive check to realize that the apparent conversation doesn't actually make any sense. The bubble also obscures the verbal components of spells cast within the area so it's impossible to identify spells by their verbal components alone, and anyone outside the bubble attempting a Spellcraft check to identify a spell cast within the bubble takes a –5 penalty on the check. Furthermore, the bubble renders any language-dependent spells and effects used within the bubble ineffective against creatures outside the area. +Coin Shot TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Alchemist,Antipaladin,Bard,Bloodrager,Magus,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Transmutation COMPS:S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Up to three coins touched DURATION:10 minutes or until discharged SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object) SOURCEPAGE:p.30 DESC:You turn up to three coins into deadly projectiles that gain the velocity of a bullet when thrown. The coins retain their normal appearance but can be used as simple thrown weapons with a range increment of 20 feet and a critical multiplier of ×2. The transmuted coins are treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them. Like firearm bullets, the coins deal bludgeoning and piercing damage, and attacks with them are resolved as touch attacks within the first range increment. Regardless of whether a transmuted coin hits or misses the target, it is destroyed after the attack. Only you can make attacks with the coins, though other creatures can safely handle them without discharging the spell. You can make a single ranged attack with a coin as part of casting this spell. Different types of coins create different bullet effects. Copper coins deal 1d4+%1 points of damage. Silver coins deal 1d6+%1 points of damage and count as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Gold coins deal 1d8+%1 points of damage and count as masterwork weapons. Platinum coins deal 1d10+%1 points of damage, count as masterwork weapons, and are treated as adamantine weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness. The coin shot spell does not apply the caster's ability modifier (for most characters, Strength) to damage.|min(10,CASTERLEVEL/2) +Ears of the City TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Inquisitor,Shaman,Sorcerer,Witch,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Divination COMPS:V,S,M/DF CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.30 DESC:The target of this spell sees and hears a stream of past scenes and pieces of conversations related to local people and events. The flashes are so brief that it is impossible to identify individual people or places, but when the target concentrates on a particular topic or individual, she can piece together a coherent narrative told in a multitude of changing voices in her mind. Each round for the duration of the spell, the target can attempt a Diplomacy check to gather information as though she had spent 1d4 hours talking to local people. Since the information gathering doesn't involve actual interaction with people, only observation, the target can use her Perception skill instead of her Diplomacy skill. While thus concentrating, the target is effectively blind and deaf. +Harmless Form TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Shaman,Sorcerer,Witch,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Transmutation SUBSCHOOL:Polymorph COMPS:V,S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One willing animal companion, familiar, or spirit animal DURATION:8 hours [D] SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.23 DESC:You transform the target into a harmless animal of the same approximate body type. The form assumed must be one considered unobtrusive by local communities, such as a cat, a dog, a hunting hawk, a horse, or a rat. This transformation can reduce the target by up to two size categories, but cannot make an animal smaller than Tiny. It cannot increase the size of the target or give it new natural attacks or new forms of movement. The spell otherwise functions as beast shape II. +Harvest Season TYPE:Divine CLASSES:Druid,Shaman=2 SCHOOL:Abjuration COMPS:V,S,M CASTTIME:1 minute RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One plant DURATION:Instantaneous; see text SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.23 DESC:You cause an explosive burst of growth in a single plant, causing it to grow through a cycle of flower, fruit, or grain production as appropriate. If the plant is not one that normally produces food fit for humanoid consumption, it produces edible flowers under the effect of this spell. The plant produces enough food to nourish (CASTERLEVEL) Medium creatures. Food harvested through this spell rots if not eaten within 24 hours. This spell nourishes, fertilizes, and pollinates the plant, and doesn't harm the plant in any way. This spell has no effect on plant creatures. +Illusory Crowd TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Bard,Shaman,Witch=1 SCHOOL:Illusion SUBSCHOOL:Figment COMPS:V,S,M CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:One 10-ft. cube of illusory people DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D] SAVEINFO:Will disbelief (if interacted with) SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.30 DESC:This spell creates an illusion of a stationary group of people milling about. They can be of any humanoid race or ethnicity you are familiar with, and they speak a language of your choice that you know. To anyone not paying close attention, their conversations sound perfectly normal but are in fact repetitive and essentially meaningless. The crowd appears to be a group of typical citizens, and cannot duplicate any specific group, guild, or military squad. The crowd affects movement and provides cover like a real crowd (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 436), but anyone who disbelieves the illusion can move and attack through the crowd without impediment. Each round a creature enters or makes an attack through a crowd-filled square, it can attempt a save to disbelieve the illusion. Similarly, any creature that spends a round listening to or talking to the crowd can attempt a save to disbelieve the illusion. If the group is placed in any terrain other than urban, each creature attempting a save to disbelieve the spell gains a +5 bonus on the save. +Locksight TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Alchemist,Antipaladin,Bard,Inquisitor,Sorcerer,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Divination COMPS:V,S,M/DF CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:One creature DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) SOURCEPAGE:p.31 DESC:The target can observe for 1 full round a lock that he is aware of (or object that includes a lock, such as a chest or door) that is within 60 feet to automatically determine whether it is open, closed, or jammed. If the target creature is trained in Disable Device, by concentrating on a lock for 3 rounds, he can also determine the quality of the lock (simple, average, good, or superior). This spell does not enable the target to see hidden locks, such as those on secret doors. +Peace Bond TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Druid,Inquisitor,Paladin,Shaman,Sorcerer,Witch,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Abjuration COMPS:V,S,M/DF CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Close TARGETAREA:One or more 5-ft. cubes, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.31 DESC:This spell creates %1 glowing runes of peace. An identical symbol appears on your forehead for the duration of the spell and cannot be disguised (though it is visible only if you are visible). Each rune illuminates a 5-foot cube, preventing any spell you cast of up to 3rd level and that has a defined area (as opposed to targets or an effect) from entering or affecting the 5-foot cube. For example, creatures and items within any square affected by peace bond take no damage from a fireball you cast. However, if you cast stinking cloud, the noxious vapors are an effect and enter such cubes normally. This spell does not break line of effect within any other spells you cast; it simply negates all effects of your 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-level area spells within the peace bond's area. Peace bond offers no protection against your spell-like abilities or supernatural area effects.|min(5,((CASTERLEVEL+1)/2)) +Secret Coffer TYPE:Arcane CLASSES:Sorcerer,Witch,Wizard=2 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Summoning COMPS:V,S,F CASTTIME:10 minutes RANGE:See text TARGETAREA:One small coffer and up to 1 cu. ft. of goods DURATION:60 days or until discharged SAVEINFO:None SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.31 DESC:This spell functions like secret chest, except it enchants a coffer just large enough to contain a maximum of 1 cubic foot of goods. Once hidden on the Ethereal Plane, the coffer can remain safely hidden for 14 days, after which there is a cumulative 10%% chance per day the coffer will become lost. The spell automatically fails if a living creature enters the coffer. The coffer used as a focus for this spell must be exceptionally well crafted, costing at least 500 gp. Once constructed, it is bound to a ring made from the same materials and costing at least 10 gp. +Speak Local Language TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Inquisitor,Ranger,Sorcerer,Witch,Wizard=1 SCHOOL:Divination COMPS:V,M/DF CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Touch TARGETAREA:Creature touched DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) SPELLRES:No SOURCEPAGE:p.31 DESC:This spell functions as tongues, except the creature touched gains only the ability to speak and understand a regional human language, such as Varisian or Common (Taldane in the Inner Sea region or Tien in Tian Xia), and the language granted must be one you know. You must select the language at the time of casting. The language can't be a dead language, such as Ancient Osiriani or Jistka. The target speaks the language with a native accent, but the spell doesn't impart knowledge about any culture associated with the language, nor does it change the target's appearance. DESCISPI:YES +Wall of Clockwork TYPE:Arcane.Divine CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5 SCHOOL:Conjuration SUBSCHOOL:Creation COMPS:V,S CASTTIME:1 standard action RANGE:Medium TARGETAREA:Wall of bronze clockworks whose area is up to one (CASTERLEVEL*5)-ft.-square (S) DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes SAVEINFO:Reflex half or Reflex negates; see text SPELLRES:Yes SOURCEPAGE:p.23 DESC:An immobile, vertical wall of spinning cogs and gears springs into existence. Any creature passing through the wall takes %1d6 points of piercing and slashing damage; a successful Reflex save halves the damage. The wall cannot be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or another object. It must always be a flat plane, though you can shape its edges to fit the available space. A wall of clockwork provides cover (+4 bonus to AC, +2 bonus on Reflex saves) against attacks made through it. A wall of clockwork is %2 inches thick. You can double the wall's area by halving its thickness. Each 5-foot square of the wall has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 9. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 25 + 2 per inch of thickness. If an attacker's attack roll is a natural 20 (and only a natural 20, regardless of the weapon's threat range) and confirms the critical hit (even though the wall is otherwise immune to critical hits), that section of wall gains the broken condition. If already broken, that section of wall is destroyed instead. Bronze created by this spell is not suitable for use in the creation of other objects (even for the limited duration of the spell) and cannot be sold.|min(10,(CASTERLEVEL/2))|CASTERLEVEL/4 diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/support/hots_deities_deg.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/support/hots_deities_deg.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef38143e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/support/hots_deities_deg.lst @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Subdomain Associations +# ============================== + +Daikitsu.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain|PREALIGN:CN,LN,TN,NG,NE DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CN,LN,TN,NG,NE +Fumeiyoshi.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,NE,CE,LE +General Susumu.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Hei Feng.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,CN,TN,CE +Kofusachi.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,NG,CN +Lady Nanbyo.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CN,CE,NE +Lao Shu Po.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,NE,LE,CE +Nalinivati.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,TN,LN,CN,NE +Qi Zhong.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Sun Wukong.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,CN,CE +Yaezhing.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LE,LN,NE +Yamatsumi.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,NG,LN,CN,NE diff --git a/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/support/hots_deities_isg.lst b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/support/hots_deities_isg.lst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f20bbfa61 --- /dev/null +++ b/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/heroes_of_the_street/support/hots_deities_isg.lst @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +# CVS $Revision: 21640 $ $Author: amaitland $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00 +SOURCELONG:Heroes of the Street SOURCESHORT:HotS SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ghc?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Heroes-of-the-Streets SOURCEDATE:2015-10 +# Original Entry By: Gwen T. (evilpixie87) + +# ============================== +# Subdomain Associations +# ============================== + +Achaekek.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Ahriman.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Alazhra.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Alseta.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN +Apsu.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Arazni.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Besmara.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Brigh.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Camazotz.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Dahak.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Easivra.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Erecura.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN +Feronia.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Ghlaunder.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Groetus.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Gyronna.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Hanspur.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Kitumu.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Kurgess.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Lissala.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Milani.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Nivi Rhombodazzle.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Sivanah.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Ydersius.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Zyphus.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +# Archdevils +Baalzebul.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Barbatos.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Belial.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Dispater.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Geryon.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Mammon.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Mephistopheles.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Moloch.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +# Daemon Harbingers +Aesdurath.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Ajids.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Anogetz.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Arlachramas.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Education Subdomain (Community),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Braismois.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Cixyron.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Industry Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Corosbel.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Diceid.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Ealdeez.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Folca.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Geon.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Hastrikhal.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Jacarkas.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Laivatiniel.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Llamolaek.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Mneoc.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Nalmungder.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Osolmyr.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Pavnuri.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Roqorolos.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Ruapceras.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Slandrais.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Stygidvod.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Tamede.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Tresmalvos.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Uaransaph.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Vorasha.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Xsistaid.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Zaigasnar.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Zelishkar.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +# Demon Lords +Abraxas.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Aldinach.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Andirifkhu.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Angazhan.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Areshkagal.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Baphomet.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Cyth-V'sug.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Dagon.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Deskari.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Flauros.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Gogunta.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Haagenti.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Industry Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Jezelda.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Jubilex.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Kabriri.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Kostchtchie.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Mazmezz.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Mestama.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Nocticula.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Nurgal.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Orcus.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Pazuzu.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Shax.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Shivaska.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Sifkesh.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Socothbenoth.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Urxehl.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Xoveron.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Yhidothrus.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Zevgavizeb.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Zura.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +# Dwarven Deities +Angradd.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Bolka.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Dranngvit.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN +Droskar.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Folgrit.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Grundinnar.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Kols.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN +Magrim.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN +Trudd.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +# Eldest +Count Ranalc.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +The Green Mother.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Imbrex.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Education Subdomain (Community),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN +The Lantern King.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +The Lost Prince.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Magdh.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LG,LE,TN +Ng.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Ragadahn.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Shyka.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +# Elemental Lords +Ayrzul.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Hshurha.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Kelizandri.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Ymeri.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +# Elven Deities +Findeladlara.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Industry Subdomain,Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Ketephys.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Yuelral.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Industry Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +# Empyreal Lords +Andoletta.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Arqueros.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Arshea.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Ashava.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Benorus.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Bharnarol.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Industry Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Black Butterfly.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Cernunnos.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Chadali.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Chucaro.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Dalenydra.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Dammerich.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Eldas.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Eritrice.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Falayna.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Ghenshau.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Hembad.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Immonhiel.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Irez.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Rune)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Jaidz.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Jalaijatali.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Kelinahat.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Keltheald.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Korada.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Kroina.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Lalaci.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Lorris.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Lymnieris.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Lythertida.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Plague Subdomain (Death)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Marishi.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Neshen.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Olheon.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Ondisso.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Picoperi.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Pulura.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Ragathiel.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Reymenda.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Rowdrosh.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Shei.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community)|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Sinashakti.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Smiad.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Soralyon.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Industry Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Svarozic.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community)|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Tanagaar.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Thisamet.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Tolc.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Uskyeria.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Valani.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Vildeis.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Winlas.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Fortifications Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +Zohls.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LG,LN,NG +# Giant Deities +Bergelmir.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Education Subdomain (Knowledge)|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Fandarra.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Death)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban AcolytePREALIGN:LN,NG,TN,NE,CN +Haggakal.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Minderhal.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Skode.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Skrymir.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NG,CG,CN +Thremyr.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Tjasse.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Urazra.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Zursvaater.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +# Goblin Hero-Gods +Hadregash.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Venkelvore.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Zarongel.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Zogmugot.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +#Great Old Ones +Bokrug.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Cthulhu.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Hastur.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Mhar.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Orgesh.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Xhamen-Dor.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +# Halfling Deities +Chaldira Zuzaristan.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Espionage Subdomain (Trickery)|PREALIGN:LG,NG,CG,TN +Thamir Gixx.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +# Horsemen +Apollyon.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Charon.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Szuriel.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +Trelmarixian.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:TN,LE,NE,CE +# Infernal Dukes +Alocer.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Bifrons.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Crocell.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Deumus.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Eaqueo.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Eligos.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Furcas.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Gaap.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Legislation Subdomain (Rune),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Haborym.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Iaozrael.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Jiraviddain.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Kalma.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Lorcan.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Lorthact.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Losarkur.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Malthus.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Nergal.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Ose.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Pirias.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Quindiovatos.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Rasvocel.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Ruzel.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Sabnach.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Industry Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Titivilus.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Uruskreil.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Vapula.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Vois.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Wylgart.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Xhasnaphar.MOD DOMAINS:Fortifications Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Yan-gant-y-tan.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Zaebos.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Zepar.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +# Malebranche +Alichino.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Barbariccia.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Cagnazzo.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Calcabrina.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Circiatto.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Draghignazzo.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Farfarello.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Graffiacane.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Libicocco.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Malacoda.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Rubicante.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Scarmiglione.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +# Nascent Demon Lords +Daclau-Sar.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Izyagna.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Menxyr.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Murnath.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Nightripper.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Ovonovo.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Shamira.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Sithhud.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Treerazer.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +# Orc Deities +Dretha.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Community),Fortifications Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Lanishra.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Nulgreth.MOD DOMAINS:Competition Subdomain,Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Rull.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Sezelrian.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Varg.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Verex.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Zagresh.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +# Outer Gods +Azathoth.MOD DOMAINS:Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +Nyarlathotep.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Shub-Niggurath.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Yog-Sothoth.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:CG,TN,CN,CE +# Qlippoth Lords +Chavazvug.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Isph-Aun-Vuln.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Oaur-Ooung.MOD DOMAINS:Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Shiggarreb.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Thuskchoon.MOD DOMAINS:Education Subdomain (Knowledge),Espionage Subdomain (Knowledge),Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +Yamasoth.MOD DOMAINS:Industry Subdomain,Plague Subdomain (Evil),Riot Subdomain|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:NE,CN,CE +# Whore Queens +Ardad Lili.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Doloras.MOD DOMAINS:Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Eiseth.MOD DOMAINS:Duels Subdomain,Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE +Mahathallah.MOD DOMAINS:Espionage Subdomain (Trickery),Legislation Subdomain (Law),Plague Subdomain (Death),Plague Subdomain (Evil)|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Trait ~ Urban Acolyte|PREALIGN:LN,LE,NE diff --git a/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/pathfinder_society/_guide_to_pathfinder_society_organized_play.pcc b/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/pathfinder_society/_guide_to_pathfinder_society_organized_play.pcc index 6c52848bb..1865eaeca 100644 --- a/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/pathfinder_society/_guide_to_pathfinder_society_organized_play.pcc +++ b/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/pathfinder_society/_guide_to_pathfinder_society_organized_play.pcc @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ PCC:&/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/player_companion/pfs_pathfinder_society_primer/pfs_pa PCC:&/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/player_companion/pfs_people_of_the_north/pfs_people_of_the_north.pcc PCC:&/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/player_companion/pfs_people_of_the_river/_.pcc PCC:&/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/player_companion/pfs_taldor_echoes_of_glory/pfs_taldor_echoes_of_glory.pcc +PCC:&/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/player_companion/pfs_heroes_of_the_street/_pfs_heroes_of_the_street.pcc # PCC:&/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/player_companion/pfs_alchemy_manual/pfs_alchemy_manual.pcc # PCC:&/pathfinder_pfs/paizo/player_companion/pfs_blood_of_the_elements/pfs_blood_of_the_elements.pcc