From version 1.0.96 onwards there is a new aikau
package provided. The code in this package is intended to form the basis of a 1.1 version of Aikau (which will be the first release to contain breaking changes). The contents of this package at not subject to the same backwards compatibility rules as the alfresco
package. Instead this will be a collaboration space where code can be changed with breaking changes up until the point where 1.1 is released. You should not use anything from the aikau
package in production until 1.1 is released. There is no date yet determined for the 1.1 release, 1.0.x releases will continue as always as we prepare for it.
- alfresco/dialogs/AlfFormDialog (use alfresco/services/DialogService)
- alfresco/renderers/Thumbnail.js
- onNodePromiseResolved (configure usePreviewService to be true)
- onLoadNode (configure usePreviewService to be true)
- onNodeLoaded (configure usePreviewService to be true)
- onShowPreview (configure usePreviewService to be true)
- alfresco/buttons/AlfFormDialogButton.js (use alfresco/services/DialogService)
- alfresco/core/Core "alfDeleteFrameworkAttributes" (use alfresco/core/Core "alfCleanFrameworkAttributes")
- alfresco/core/NotificationUtils.js (use alfresco/services/NotificationService)
- alfresco/core/UrlUtils.js (use alfresco/util/urlUtils or alfresco/core/UrlUtilsMixin)
- alfresco/dialogs/_AlfCreateFormDialogMixin.js (use alfresco/services/DialogService)
- alfresco/dialogs/AlfDialogService (use: alfresco/services/Dialog)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/_AlfFilterMixin (use alfresco/documentlibrary/_AlfHashMixin)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfDocumentListInfiniteScroll.js (use: alfresco/services/InfiniteScrollService)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfDocumentListPaginator (use: alfresco/lists/Paginator)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfResultsPerPageGroup (use: alfresco/lists/ResultsPerPageGroup)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfSearchList (use: alfresco/search/AlfSearchList)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/_AlfAdditionalViewControlMixin (use: alfresco/lists/views/_AlfAdditionalViewControlMixin)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/AlfDocumentListView (use: alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/AlfSearchListView (use: alfresco/search/AlfSearchListView)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/DocumentListRenderer (use: alfresco/lists/views/ListRenderer)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/_MultiItemRendererMixin (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/_MultiItemRendererMixin)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Carousel (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Carousel)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Cell (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Cell)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Column (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Column)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Grid (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Grid)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/HeaderCell (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Popup (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Popup)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Row (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Row)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Table (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Table)
- alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/XhrLayout (use: alfresco/lists/views/layouts/XhrLayout)
- alfresco/forms/controls/DojoCheckBox (use: alfresco/forms/controls/CheckBox)
- alfresco/forms/controls/DojoDateTextBox (use: alfresco/forms/controls/DateTextBox)
- alfresco/forms/controls/DojoRadioButtons (use: alfresco/forms/controls/RadioButtons)
- alfresco/forms/controls/DojoSelect (use: alfresco/forms/controls/Select)
- alfresco/forms/controls/DojoTextarea (use: alfresco/forms/controls/TextArea)
- alfresco/forms/controls/DojoValidationTextBox (use: alfresco/forms/controls/TextBox)
- alfresco/renderers/SearchResultPropertyLink (use: alfresco/search/SearchResultPropertyLink)
- alfresco/renderers/SearchThumbnail (use: alfresco/search/SearchThumbnail)
- alfresco/services/_PreferenceServiceTopicMixin.js (use alfresco/core/topics)
- alfresco/services/actions/SimpleWorkflowService.js (use alfresco/services/actions/WorkflowService)
- alfresco/upload/AlfUpload (use: alfresco/services/UploadService)
- AKU-1148 - Converted renderers and layout modules to create DOM natively
- AKU-1151 - Improve performance enhanced view rendering completion
- AKU-1152 - Support multiple classes assigned to renderedValueClass
- AKU-1153 - Include details of 3rd party libs in readme
- AKU-1154 - Update site creation failure error message
- AKU-1155 - Fix InlineEditProperty re-rendering bug
- AKU-878 - Performance test page added
- AKU-1138 - Prevent PDF.js preview horizontal scrollbar clipping
- AKU-1139 - Prevent horizontal scrollar showing on downlad as zip dialog
- AKU-1140 - Scoped Toggle renderer fix
- AKU-1141 - Ensure all search thumbnails have correct tooltip
- AKU-1143 - Add caching to temporalUtils
- AKU-1145 - Added BaseWidget for reducing applyAttributes overhead
- AKU-1146 - Add debug mode check within alfLog
- AKU-1147 - Define pattern for avoiding TemplatedMixin overhead
- AKU-1149 - Improvements to ChildProcessing module
- AKU-1150 - Improve legacy edit site resource loading
- AKU-1133 - Improve rendering of Create Site dialog opening
- AKU-1134 - Copyright year update
- AKU-1135 - Improve SearchService configuration options for search term highlighting
- AKU-1136 - Improve MoreInfo widget styling
- AKU-1137 - Impove create site validation display
- AKU-1130 - Improve create/edit site customization options through configuration
- AKU-1131 - Create Link label updated
- AKU-1132 - Ensure site is created on first click of button
- AKU-1108 - Ensure sites are favourited when created
- AKU-1130 - Improve create/edit site customization options through configuration
- AKU-1111 - Update AlfSearchList to support additional query parameters
- AKU-1112 - Update FilePicker to properly support required state
- AKU-1113 - Upgrade of CodeMirror to 5.20.2
- AKU-1125 - Update AlfSelectDocumentListItems to disable correctly
- AKU-1127 - Increate Create Site dialog height to prevent jumping on validation
- AKU-1128 - Ensure FilteringSelect and ComboBox only request initial options once
- AKU-1129 - Add support for showing all option in FilteringSelect and ComboBox when drop-down opened
- AKU-1108 - Ensure new sites are favourited (Firefox fix)
- AKU-1114 - Remove unicode STH delineation from Thumbnail title
- AKU-1115 - Redirect to user dashboard on request to join moderated site
- AKU-1116 - Add support for enter key completing dialog forms (within field)
- AKU-1117 - Update site creation error messages
- AKU-1118 - Support PathTree updates with no "/" prefix
- AKU-1119 - Improve SiteService preset configuration options
- AKU-1121 - Debounce form validation styling changes
- AKU-1123 - OSX fix for dialog form field highlighting clipping
- AKU-1107 - Ensure spaces are trimmed in site data
- AKU-1108 - Ensure new sites are favourited
- AKU-1109 - Fix Cloud Sync action issues
- AKU-1101 - Support for click on Row
- AKU-1105 - Remove unicode chars from MoreInfo on search
- AKU-1106 - Ensure edit site redirects to correct URL
- AKU-1092 - Improvements to site edit/creation validation
- AKU-1094 - Updated error message for Copy/Move failures
- AKU-1098 - Hide list error messages when loading
- AKU-1099 - Fixed validationTopic backwards compatibility
- AKU-1093 - Fixed bug with inverting selection on AlfGalleryView
- AKU-1094 - Updated error message for Copy/Move failures
- AKU-1095 - Ensure copy/move dialog model is properly cloned
- AKU-1096 - Fixed AlfMenuBarToggle URL hash updating
- AKU-1092 - Updated SiteService to improve site creation and editing
- Added MarkdownWithPreviewEditor widget
- Improvements to Document Library import lib
- AKU-1075 - Improve dialog title handling on copy/move action
- AKU-1084 - Ensure ContainerPicker selects recent sites on display
- AKU-1085 - Fix IE10/11 & Edge middle click, right click handling
- AKU-1086 - Support middle click, ctrl click open in new tab on menu items
- AKU-1072 - Support hiding form control validation indicators
- AKU-1076 - Ensure filteringTopics does not need to be configured on AlfFilteredList
- AKU-1077 - Support label maps on AlfFilteredList summary
- AKU-1079 - Support copy/paste value update trigger in form controls
- AKU-1080 - Clone models for dialogs
- AKU-1081 - Support mix-in values on FormsRuntimeService requests
- AKU-1082 - Ensure DateTextBox value change publication is correct
- AKU-1083 - Support empty value options for Select form control
- AKU-1053 - Support for grouped form rules
- AKU-1054 - Ensure expanded panels remain expanded on grid resize
- AKU-1069 - Full metadata refresh on InlineEditPropertyLink
- AKU-1071 - PushButton in form dialog layout fix
- AKU-1061 - Update bulk action filtering to include file type
- AKU-1063 - Ensure that SelectedItemStateMixin publishes empty array for zero-item selection
- AKU-1064 - Disable AlfSelectDocumentListItems when no list items are available
- AKU-1067 - Update GalleryThumbnail to support selection and inverting selection
- AKU-1068 - Update copy/move action messages
- AKU-1070 - Support added/removed values for form controls
- AKU-1033 - Initial drop of alfresco/forms/controls/FilePicker
- AKU-1044 - Support for excluding form value from additional button payloads
- AKU-1048 - Further update to changes in 1.0.80 to reduce opacity of disabled form fields
- AKU-1052 - Support for mapping of non-truthy values in DynamicPayload
- AKU-1047 - Ensure PushButtons respect disabled state
- AKU-1048 - Set themeable opacity on disabled form controls
- AKU-1049 - Ensure late registered form controls process rules
- AKU-1050 - Ensure PreferenceService uses correct URL
- AKU-1051 - Support for optional no buttons label on PushButtons
- AKU-945 - Break word on long form control labels in form dialogs
- AKU-1039 - Re-instate border around tabs
- AKU-1040 - Support fixed width on Select form control
- AKU-1041 - Increase gap betwen filter widgets
- AKU-1042 - Brackets in upload file name display fix
- AKU-1043 - Ensure values are set in TabbedControls
- AKU-1045 - Support for generated payloads in AlfButton
- #1169 - Use site for XHR loading actions and client specific view
- #1172 - PropertyLink CSS typo fix
- #1173 - Support for 0-value in Progress
- #1175 - Page title prefix encoding correction
- #1176 - TinyMCE locale generalization
- #1181 - FileSelect updated to filter on MIME type
- #1182 - Support for empty array in XHR actions
- AKU-1020 - Support for item focus on AlfList load
- AKU-1023 - Set minimum height for dialogs
- AKU-1026 - Update selection/focus colours for PushButtons
- AKU-1019 - Ensure invertion action works for item selection
- AKU-1021 - Improve focus highlighting on CellContainer
- AKU-1024 - Update form control focus colours
- AKU-1025 - Reduce spacing between buttons in inline forms
- AKU-1027 - Update HeaderCell sort icon display
- AKU-1029 - FormsRuntime - initial workflow and task support
- AKU-1030 - FormsRuntime - improve structure handling
- AKU-1032 - FormsRuntime - "info.ftl" mapping
- AKU-1034 - FormsRuntime - improve MultiSelectInput array value handling
- AKU-1010 - Ensure failure message is not displayed for lists with pending request
- AKU-1011 - Handle long, unbroken names in SearchBox results
- AKU-1013 - Configurable results height for SearchBox
- AKU-1015 - Provide basic support for Share XML forms runtime
- AKU-1017 - Prevent progress notifications on download actions
- AKU-1018 - Fix Firefox specific handling of PublishAction clicks
- AKU-1009 - Provide additional sort controls
- AKU-1003 - Update UserService to work with lists
- AKU-1004 - Update UserService to support filtering, sort and pagination
- AKU-996 - Improvements to menus handling sorting
- AKU-988 - Support scoping in visibilityConfig
- AKU-1000 - Support for removing document title prefix via alfresco/header/SetTitle
- AKU-1010 - Ensure AlfList publishes pending load requests
- AKU-1007 - Block infinite scroll page load requests when a request is in progress
- AKU-1006 - Support for group images in AvatarThumbnail
- AKU-1002 - Trigger form control validation on disable state change
- AKU-947 - Added 'simpleLayout' config option to PushButtons
- AKU-982 - Added support for disabling actions in Indicators
- AKU-995 - Additional layout CSS class for ClassicWindow
- AKU-997 - Support for toggling edit mode via topic in InlineEditProperty
- AKU-998 - PubQueue fix for pages with neither widgets nor services
- AKU-1001 - Improvements to progress indicator on navigation
- AKU-998 - PubQueue release when no widgets or services
- AKU-981 - Support for legacyMode fallback via whitelist validation in alfresco/renderers/Indicators
- AKU-983 - Added generic "processing" notification
- AKU-986 - Improved alfresco/misc/AlfTooltip orientation options
- AKU-987 - Handle variable publication scopes in alfresco/buttons/AlfDynamicPayloadButton
- AKU-989 - Added alfresco/forms/CollapsibleSection widget
- AKU-990 - Variable pubSubScope form warnings support
- AKU-991 - NodeRef attribute fallback in alfresco/services/NodePreviewService
- AKU-992 - Support for simple links in alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfBreadcrumbTrail
- AKU-945 - Standardize form control layout
- AKU-955 - Handle text mis-alignment in FileUploadService
- AKU-956 - Added custom TinyMCE specific empty content validator
- AKU-959 - Support for disable state in Selector renderer
- AKU-963 - Support for onlyShowOnHover in PublishAction
- AKU-979 - Disable isDraggable by default
- AKU-980 - Configurable result count message in AlfSearchList
- AKU-968 - Support for preventing click bubbling in PublishOrLinkMixin
- AKU-970 - Improve visibilityConfig in forms
- AKU-972 - Ensure FilteringSelect option can be preselected
- AKU-973 - Improve widgetsForNoDataDisplay rendering in AlfListView
- AKU-974 - Support state management in visibilityConfig for all widgets
- AKU-975 - Ensure forward slash present in folder link AlfSearchResult
- AKU-977 - Fix SimplePicker layout issue
- AKU-956 - Prevent empty comments from being saved
- AKU-962 - Fix siteMode in DocumentListPicker
- AKU-965 - Support multiple Aikau Surf Component true publication order
- AKU-966 - Configurable icon paths in PublishAction
- AKU-969 - Internationalization for simple date rendering
- AKU-971 - ObjectProcessingMixin improvements
- AKU-942 - Add info for empty AlfDocumentList folder views
- AKU-949 - Additinonal local storage access protection
- AKU-954 - Ensure DND upload highlighting only shown for appropriate permissions
- AKU-956 - Prevent saving empty comments
- AKU-957 - Ensure comment edits trigger CommentsList refresh
- AKU-958 - Fix archetype Spring config for Surf 6 login
- ALF-21614 - AlfFormDialog fix (and deprecation)
- AKU-941 - Add support for Smart Folders in alfresco/renderers/Thumbnail
- AKU-944 - Improve encoding on data typed into MultiSelectInput
- AKU-946 - Ensure list loading element does not block pointer events
- AKU-947 - Improved rendering of long text on PushButton values
- AKU-949 - Improved local storage handling in lists
- AKU-951 - Ensure error messages are displayed on form controls without labels
- AKU-952 - Improve TinyMCE configuration options
- AKU-953 - Improve SelectedItemStateMixin value handling
- AKU-955 - Improve rendering of upload display in FileUploadService
- AKU-907 - Supoort line item removal from UploadMonitor
- AKU-929 - Support close Notification by published topic
- AKU-932 - Ensure localization of menu item tooltips
- AKU-933 - Optional view model processing in list views
- AKU-934 - Better rendering in Date for deleted users
- AKU-937 - Fix scoping issue in DocumentPicker
- AKU-938 - Ensure form value initialization consistency
- AKU-940 - Fixed drop-down arrow alignment issue in menus
- AKU-943 - Fixed SelectList item selection on list rendering
- AKU-948 - Support deselect in non-multiMode PushButton
- AKU-883 - Added ToggleStateActions widget
- AKU-893 - Improved configuration options for Paginator
- AKU-924 - Ensure page back/forward works with infinite scrolling Document Library
- AKU-926 - Ensure empty string itemsAttribute property works with OptionsService
- AKU-927 - Fixed scoping issue with CommentsList
- AKU-928 - Improved content creation failure experience
- AKU-930 - Fixed edit site details behaviour
- AKU-411 - Versionable lib file support
- AKU-777 - Prevent MultiSelectInput opening when deleting item (IE only)
- AKU-913 - Ensure upload button works
- AKU-914 - Notifications support nested widgets
- AKU-916 - Prevent page scrolling on dialog open
- AKU-921 - Support cursor key use in forms in views
- AKU-922 - Ensure service exception at startup doesn't cause widgets to render before services
- AKU-923 - Prevent XSS injection in leave site action
- AKU-842 - Ensure infinite scrolling Document Library can be sorted via menu
- AKU-898 - Support for UploadMonitor completed upload actions
- AKU-904 - Added support for additional form config in form dialogs
- AKU-908 - Inline edit renderers use buttons rather than labels for save/cancel
- AKU-912 - Removal of hardcoded "Relevance" sorting from SearchBox links
- AKU-757 - Prevent browser popup blocker on download requests
- AKU-903 - Prevent click bubbling on PublishAction
- AKU-910 - Success actions on UploadMonitor
- AKU-879 - Ensure drag and drop overlay fits to visible area
- AKU-884 - OptionsService improvements
- AKU-885 - Ensure correct Accept-Language header in IE
- AKU-887 - Ensure upload works on Safari
- AKU-888 - Improvements to create site dialog
- AKU-889 - Upload display customization improvements
- AKU-891 - Prevent browser rendering dropped files
- AKU-895 - Ensure AlfBreadcrumbTrail reflects initial path
- AKU-897 - Ensure it is possible to cancel unstarted upload
- AKU-869 - Added alfresco/services/NodePreviewService
- AKU-870 - Ensure HeaderCell sorting works with AlfFilteredList
- AKU-871 - Accessibility updates to AlfMenuBarSelectItems
- AKU-872 - Accessibility updates to AlfCheckableMenuItem
- AKU-873 - Accessibility updates to AlfMenuBarSelect
- AKU-874 - Support alternate true/false values on Checkbox
- AKU-882 - Added alfresco/forms/controls/SelectedListItems
- AKU-896 - Update clickable button area
- AKU-207 - Add support for change type action
- AKU-820 - Added visual progress indicator to UploadMonitor
- AKU-832 - Update min/max actions on StickyPanel
- AKU-838 - Test selectors for BaseFormControl
- AKU-839 - Test selectors for AlfTabContainer
- AKU-846 - Form dialog disable button behaviour
- AKU-852 - Add fail icon to UploadMonitor
- AKU-860 - Support for cancel request to join site
- AKU-862 - Improve DND file upload highlighting behaviour
- AKU-864 - UploadContainer style changes
- AKU-865 - Prevent notification interaction blocking
- AKU-867 - Improve error handling output
- AKU-875 - Defensive coding around list loading message hiding
- AKU-834 - Ensure FileSelect does not fire change event on selection of same file
- AKU-837 - Externalise MultiSelectInput selectors for testing
- AKU-844 - Added requestAnimationFrame shim for IE9 (for list fix)
- AKU-851 - Ensure widgetsForUploadDisplay can be customized for upload services
- AKU-853 - Improve customization options for upload dialogs
- AKU-855 - Support warnIfNotAvailable message for Date renderer
- AKU-859 - Ensure compactMode option on Paginator works correctly
- AKU-863 - Support for renderFilter client properties for models defined within widgets with currentItem
- AKU-795 - Cancel in-progress uploads from UploadMonitor
- AKU-796 - Configurable action suppport in UploadMonitor
- AKU-840 - Updates to preview MIME type conditions for video
- AKU-842 - Added missing localization to dialog close icon
- AKU-843 - Improve StickPanel overlay click handling
- AKU-847 - Update PublishAction to support label config
- AKU-817 - Prevent double encoding of tooltips on menu items
- AKU-819 - Added non-Share create/edit site behaviour
- AKU-821 - Upload monitor tooltip removal
- AKU-822 - Upload monitor content scrolling
- AKU-823 - Ensure minimized upload monitor restores on new uploads
- AKU-824 - Added support for named targets via NavigationService
- AKU-825 - Ensure upload monitor never displays NaN as percentage complete
- AKU-827 - Prevent double encoding of DragAndDropItems
- AKU-829 - Added support for custom indicator icons
- AKU-830 - Added configurable support for forthcoming upload API
- AKU-831 - Updates to AlfHashList hash trigger processing
- AKU-833 - Improved handling of upload failures
- AKU-836 - Fixed property spelling error in Grid.js
- AKU-785 - Update video preview plugin to play H264 proxy when available
- AKU-794 - Disable UploadMonitor close during file upload
- AKU-805 - Prevent double rendering off model previews
- AKU-807 - Resolved NumberSpinner validation on focus
- AKU-808 - Supprt permitEmpty with min/max in NumberSpinner
- AKU-809 - Ensure lists can be scrolled horizontally
- AKU-812 - Ensure NumberSpinner supports "," as decimal place in appropriate locales
- AKU-813 - Ensure renderFilter can be used with form children
- AKU-814 - Added alfresco/lists/utilities/FilterSummary widget
- AKU-818 - Improve LoggingService filtering configuration
- AKU-763 - Add LESS variables to StickyPanel and UploadMonitor
- AKU-791 - Resolved AlfDialog scrolling issues (in Share)
- AKU-792 - Improve list loading/rendering message handling
- AKU-797 - Fixed zoom tooltip text in PDF.js preview plugin
- AKU-799 - Resolved form dialog margins regression
- AKU-802 - Resolved list margin regression
- AKU-676 - Added alfresco/buttons/DropDownButton
- AKU-747 - Added alfresco/services/FileUploadService
- AKU-769 - Support Mac cmd-click to open new tab
- AKU-787 - Added label node to InlineEditPropery template
- AKU-788 - Ensure arrow is visible on ellipsis displayed AlfMenuBarPopup
- AKU-789 - Support page reload option on become site manager
- AKU-775 - Improve auto-resizing TinyMCE improvements
- AKU-777 - Fixed MultiSelect options list expansion
- AKU-778 - Fixed MultiSelect options filtering
- AKU-779 - Ensure non-focused filmstrip view previews are paused
- AKU-780 - Ensure videos in filmstrip view can be replayed
- AKU-781 - Support client-side propety evaluation in renderFilter
- AKU-782 - Prevent selection of facet filters when search in progress
- AKU-784 - Fix drag-and-drop file upload
- AKU-786 - Allow thumbnail preview of cm:content sub-type
- AKU-764 - Added warnings for scoped form controls
- AKU-766 - Resolve Firefox iframe rendering issues
- AKU-768 - Added alfresco/upload/UploadMonitor widget
- AKU-769 - Add mouse middle/control click support for search links
- AKU-770 - PathTree refresh on root node additions
- AKU-771 - InlineEditProperty edit value encoding correction
- AKU-774 - Fixed DebugLog filtering issue
- AKU-775 - Ensure TinyMCE editor resizes correctly on first use
- AKU-776 - Ensure "No Data" message is not displayed in lists when loading data
- AKU-750 - Support for form submission from textbox on enter key
- AKU-751 - Support to configure forms to focus first field
- AKU-752 - Support for title on AlfButton
- AKU-761 - Support showValidationErrorsImmediately for form fields within ControlRow
- AKU-765 - Update shims to support textContent use in IE8
- AKU-687 - Add "primary-call-to-action" CSS class for AlfButton
- AKU-700 - Improve list loading to make "smoother"
- AKU-732 - Add hash update support for AlfBreadcrumbTrail
- AKU-739 - Make PathTree respond to creation/deletion
- AKU-742 - Placeholder support for ComboBox
- AKU-744 - Height config support for FilmStripViewSearchResult
- AKU-745 - Escaping of variables in AlfBreadcrumbTrail
- AKU-747 - Created StickyPanel widget
- AKU-749 - Removed HTML from search count label
- AKU-754 - Dutch date format correction
- AKU-759 - AlfShareFooter copyright correction
- AKU-679 - Ensure form elementrs pass Wave accessibility checks
- AKU-703 - Added config option for full-width FacetFilters
- AKU-715 - Added config option to hide Save/Cancel links in Tag renderer
- AKU-717 - Added config option to auto-resize TinyMCE editor
- AKU-723 - Prevent double encoding in InlineEditProperty
- AKU-725 - Fix TypeError in ActionService (Edit Offline action)
- AKU-734 - Ensure selected items retained on sort order change
- AKU-736 - Prevent double encoding in SearchBox results
- AKU-737 - Fix NavigationService page relative site handling
- AKU-738 - Fix scoping on ContentService requests
- AKU-743 - Tooltip delegates resize requests
- AKU-692 - Resolved iframe in Firefox issues
- AKU-706 - Ensure actions menu items are visible
- AKU-707 - Improve AlfSideBarContainer height calculations
- AKU-711 - Ensure carat appears in TinyMCE editor in dialogs
- AKU-713 - Fix thumbnail height/width issues
- AKU-714 - Verify thumbnail margin configuration
- AKU-719 - Update preferences key for CommentsList
- AKU-721 - Prevent double encoding in AlfDocumentFilters
- AKU-727 - Hide IE10/11 "X" in input fields
- AKU-731 - Prevent double-escaping of hash by updateHash function
- AKU-665 - Clean Aikau internal attributes from payload before XHR requests
- AKU-694 - Ensure that generation of download zip can be cancelled
- AKU-695 - Ensure list is refreshed on partial upload
- AKU-696 - Ensure page cannot be scrolled when dialogs are displayed
- AKU-698 - Ensure placeholder text is not shown with auto-complete
- AKU-701 - Allow TextBox to configure "autocomplete" attribute
- AKU-704 - Grid should only resize root widgets
- AKU-718 - Ensure long dialogs can be scrolled in IE8/IE9
- AKU-724 - Correction to function name
- AKU-670 - Ensure twister supports resizing
- AKU-674 - Appendix support for AlfListView
- AKU-675 - Support for expandable panel in grids
- AKU-682 - Added alfresco/forms/controls/PushButtons widget
- AKU-683 - Support for disabling/re-labelling button on form submit
- AKU-689 - Gallery view cell resizing fix
- AKU-693 - Fixed suggestions scoping in SearchService
- AKU-697 - Ensure consistent preview heigh in SearchFilmStripView
- AKU-416 - Added download action definition
- AKU-663 - Updated PathTree to highlight current path
- AKU-664 - Updated SearchService to support non-hash based sorting
- AKU-668 - Updated UploadService to use dialog with single, label changing button
- AKU-671 - Re-center dialogs on dimension change
- AKU-672 - Fit TinyMCE form control into comment dialog
- AKU-673 - Support full screen dialogs in CommentsList
- AKU-677 - Added "smart" download capabilities
- AKU-678 - Fixed AlfButton accessibility issues
- AKU-680 - Support encoded facet filter selection
- AKU-681 - Update renderFilter config to support token substitution
- AKU-685 - Prevent encoding display error when setting browser title bar
- AKU-690 - Keyboard navigation support for widgets in grid with no focus function
- AKU-647 - AlfDocumentList extends AlfFilteredList
- AKU-652 - Ensure Logo title generates correctly
- AKU-653 - Row mixes _AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin
- AKU-654 - Added alfresco/layout/UploadContainer
- AKU-655 - Ensure delete actions triggers reload
- AKU-657 - Resize detection moved to ResizeMixin
- AKU-658 - Ensure CrudService uses responseScope
- AKU-659 - Ensure full screen dialogs have fixed position
- AKU-660 - Ensure MultiSelectInput supports fixed options
- AKU-661 - Encode username on leave site
- AKU-662 - Ensure Logo uses either class or image source
- AKU-666 - Ensure upload file selection is required
- AKU-667 - Ensure UploadService cancel aborts requests
- AKU-679 - Remove superfluous title attributes from BaseFormControl
- AKU-632 - Support configurable images in Carousel
- AKU-637 - Disable draggable thumbnails in AlfFilmStripView
- AKU-638 - Support configurable height in AlfFilmStripView
- AKU-642 - Updated drag-and-drop upload highlighting
- AKU-643 - Added simple clickable icon widget
- AKU-644 - Prevent ClassicWindow overflowing content
- AKU-646 - Capture resize events in FixedHeaderFooter
- AKU-648 - Override default itemKeyProperty in AlfSearchList
- AKU-626 - Thumbnail highlighting on selection
- AKU-627 - Thumbnail click to select support
- AKU-628 - Gallery view thumbnail resizing
- AKU-629 - Gallery view layout fixes
- AKU-630 - Truncate display name on GalleryThumbnail
- AKU-631 - Configurable Thumbnail rendering
- AKU-633 - Link support for Logo
- AKU-634 - Disable resizing in sidebar
- AKU-548 - New bulk action support (sync to cloud)
- AKU-605 - Fix horizontal scrollbars in IE and possibly address dialog width-change on hover issue (IE only)
- AKU-610 - AlfFilteredList hash ignored on load in non-English locales
- AKU-611 - Navigation target/type now configurable in _SearchResultLinkMixin
- AKU-612 - Send Accept-Language header with all XHR requests
- AKU-614 - Dialogs should now resize larger on browser resize, where apropriate
- AKU-615 - Selection now retained when changing number of displayed columns in search results
- AKU-617 - Request to join a site now correctly returns user to their home page (defaults to their dashboard)
- AKU-619 - "Advanced Search with name, title or description is not working"
- AKU-622 - Remove default drag/drop capability within faceted search results
- AKU-623 - Make user home page configurable in SiteService and default to /dashboard
- AKU-559 - Widget instantiation order different in non English languages
- AKU-590 - Correct Dojo locale initialisation problems
- AKU-598 - Properly handle ALF_DOCUMENT_TAGGED topic
- AKU-600 - Resize FixedHeaderFooter widget when header/footer children visibility is altered
- AKU-604 - Field focus order incorrect in non English languages
- AKU-606 - Site landing page now configurable (still defaults to /dashboard)
- AKU-607 - Aikau actions now work properly in a search result list
- AKU-608 - XhrActions now supports widgetsForActions
- AKU-609 - Support multiple nodes when adding/removing favourites
- AKU-586 - Ensure AlfTagFilters publish to correct scope
- AKU-591 - Ensure delete action issues reload request on completion
- AKU-545 - Support Move in bulk actions
- AKU-554 - Support configurable URIs in SearchBox
- AKU-555 - Externalise LiveSearchItem creation in SearchBox
- AKU-583 - Support publishOnAdd for AlfTabContainer
- AKU-467 - Support for truncated text in Select form control
- AKU-596 - Defend against corrupt thumbnail rendition artifacts
- AKU-597 - Ensure AlfSearchList respects initial URL hash parameters
- AKU-599 - Prevent search terms from being truncated
- AKU-595 - Ensure LeftAndRight ordering is correct
- AKU-592 - Ensure PublishingDropDown cancellation behaves correctly
- AKU-593 - Ensure dialog height is sized correctly for content
- AKU-588 - Ensure GalleryView renders correctly on initial load
- AKU-464 - DateTextBox support current date config
- AKU-465 - Added place holder support in DateTextBox
- AKU-468 - Use consistent font in TextArea
- AKU-544 - Bulk action support for copy
- AKU-547 - Bulk action support for start workflow
- AKU-559 - Async dependency handling
- AKU-568 - Added alfresco/layout/DynamicWidgets
- AKU-571 - Prevent form control cropping in dialogs
- AKU-573 - Prevent creating tabs with duplicate IDs in AlfTabContainer
- AKU-574 - Ensure AlfSideBarContainer can be re-opened
- AKU-578 - Suppress user preferences in LoggingService
- AKU-579 - Pervent nnnecessary scrollbar showing in form dialog
- AKU-580 - PublishingDropDown cancel subscription updates
- AKU-584 - SearchService scoping fix
- AKU-551 - Retain item selection when switching views
- AKU-557 - Added support for "full screen" dialogs
- AKU-558 - Remove text-decoration from menu item links
- AKU-559 - Address non-default locale AlfFilteredList rendering
- AKU-563 - Improve InlineEditProperty re-rendering on updates
- AKU-565 - Added 20x20 delete icon
- AKU-567 - Defensive code against reference error in DebugLog
- AKU-569 - Support disable in PublishingDropDownMenu
- AKU-572 - FixedHeaderFooter height calculations
- AKU-575 - ComboBox on change event handling updates
- AKU-576 - AlfGalleryViewSlider default column handling updates
- AKU-577 - IE9 keyboard navigation fix in menu items
- AKU-581 - Ensure form control labels are visible
- AKU-507 - Ensure clearing filters for AlfFilteredList loads data
- AKU-538 - Updated AlfFilmStripView carousel to set height appropriately
- AKU-541 - Added support for OR in forms rule engine
- AKU-543 - Reset new style buttons not have bold text
- AKU-546 - Added support for bulk delete on selected items
- AKU-550 - Upload widgets
- AKU-556 - Ensure "In folder" links on search results work
- AKU-559 - Resolved missing dependency issue from non en locales
- AKU-478 - Dynamic visibility width calculations in HorizontalWidgets
- AKU-516 - Reduce options calls to server from MultiSelectInput
- AKU-518 - Add default primary button to certain dialogs
- AKU-532 - Multi-select download as zip in search support
- AKU-534 - Changed default search style in FilteringSelect
- AKU-536 - Remove encoding from AlfShareFooter
- AKU-537 - Take AlfGalleryViewSlider columns configuration from AlfGalleryView
- AKU-539 - Fix SingleTextFieldForm layout (also in
- AKU-540 - Fix default InlinedEditProperty permissions (also in and
- AKU-542 - Remove animation from dialog fade in/out (now configurable)
- AKU-549 - Remove default facets from SearchService
- AKU-460 - Improved handling of hidden terms in alfresco/headers/SearchBox
- AKU-515 - Fixed pubSubScope handling in alfresco/renderers/Thumbnail
- AKU-521 - Improved change event handling in alfresco/forms/controls/DateTextBox
- AKU-523 - Added support for dynamic warning configuration in forms
- AKU-526 - Updated alfresco/documentlibrary/views/AlfFilmStripView to support infinite scrolling mode
- AKU-528 - LESS support for global link colour and decoration
- AKU-529 - Fixed alfresco/layout/FixedHeaderFooter resizing issue
- AKU-531 - Created service registry to prevent duplicate service subscriptions
- AKU-290 - Added configurable support for alfresco/lists/Paginator to hide when list data is requested
- AKU-483 - Update alfresco/layout/FixedHeaderFooter to assume numeric height is intended to be pixels
- AKU-492 - Improved undefined variable handling by widgets used by doclib.lib.js
- AKU-494 - Updated alfresco/navigation/PathTree to support useHash configuration
- AKU-498 - Added support to enable list item focus highlighting
- AKU-499 - Correction of search icon placement in alfresco/header/SearchBox
- AKU-502 - Improved alt text for alfresco/renderers/InlineEditProperty with missing propertyToRender
- AKU-503 - Updated default views and alfresco/renderers/MoreInfo to have a consistent approach to inline editing title and description
- AKU-504 - Ensure cross-browser tag creation via keyboard in alfresco/renderers/Tags
- AKU-505 - Ensure browser back button re-applies filters for alfresco/lists/AlfFilteredList
- AKU-506 - Improved resizing behaviour in alfresco/layout/AlfSideBarContainer, alfresco/layout/AlfTabContainer and alfresco/layout/FixedHeaderFooter
- AKU-507 - Resolved alfresco/lists/AlfFilteredList regressions
- AKU-508 - Ensure that lists don't reload when dialogs are displayed
- AKU-509 - Ensure alfresco/renderers/AvatarThumbnail uses correct URL for user names containing %
- AKU-510 - Ensure alfresco/accessibility/AccessibilityMenu focues on items accessed via skip links
- AKU-514 - Updates to alfresco/layout/AlfSideBarContainer layout to prevent resizer overlapping content
- AKU-520 - Accessibilitt contrast correction on button colours
- AKU-522 - Added configuration option to prevent lists automatically requesting data when created
- AKU-527 - Update to make alfresco/services/SearchService APIs configurable
- AKU-452 - Button re-styling and LESS updates
- AKU-472 - Support search without URL hashing
- AKU-475 - AlfCheckableMenuItem hashName fix
- AKU-476 - Improved local storage fallbacks in lists
- AKU-477 - Publish ALF_PAGE_WIGETS_READY when dynamically creating widgets
- AKU-488 - Ensure AlfSearchList honours selectedScope configuration
- AKU-489 - Improved initial height calculations for AlfSideBarContainer and AlfTabContainer
- AKU-490 - Ensure pending form validation errors are cleared on valid data entry
- AKU-491 - Ensure NumberSpinner can accept empty value
- AKU-493 - Prevent duplicates in MultiSelectInput
- AKU-495 - Fixed filter display in AlfBreadcrumbTrail
- AKU-496 - All documents filter message update
- AKU-497 - Fixed list paging with hash enabled
- AKU-500 - Fixed alfResponseScope issues with global scope logic processing
- AKU-405 - Added alfresco/forms/TabbedControls
- AKU-421 - Updates to alfresco/renderers/InlineEditPropertyLink publications
- AKU-422 - Fixed alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfBreadcrumbTrail scoping issues
- AKU-424 - Ensure gallery views render correct column count initially
- AKU-447 - Updates to action handling to support multiple scoped Document Library instances
- AKU-448 - Long dialog layout tweaks
- AKU-449 - Updated ESC key handling for dialogs
- AKU-450 - Updated alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult to make it more configurable/extendable
- AKU-453 - Encode search result folder name characters for navigation purposes
- AKU-455 - Hide Dojo error display in alfresco/forms/controls/NumberSpinner
- AKU-456 - Allow menu bar popups to open on hover
- AKU-457 - Decimal place support in alfresco/forms/controls/NumberSpinner
- AKU-458 - Support read only mode for alfresco/forms/controls/MultiSelectInput
- AKU-466 - Ensure alfresco/layout/AlfTabContainer will render in dialogs
- AKU-479 - Support accented characters in facet filters
- AKU-480 - Further updates to alfresco/renderers/InlineEditPropertyLink publications
- AKU-487 - Further alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfBreadcrumbTrail updates
- AKU-462 - General Document Library tweaks
- AKU-415 - Add hash support to
- AKU-437 - It is now possible to initialise a
with thecurrentItem
as its value, by specifyinguseCurrentItemAsValue: true
in the Picker config - AKU-451 - Ensure form controls can be displayed (events are now setup correctly) on tabs
- AKU-459 - Ability to set user home page preference (
) via a publish to theUserService
- AKU-420 -
being reset byAlfSortablePaginatedList
because of hardcoded preference name (fixed by making configurable property) - AKU-423 -
properties added toDialogService
config property, to give greater control over resultant dialog-form submission - AKU-425 - Resolve all Blocker and Critical issues on Sonar raised by the SQALE plugin
- AKU-430 -
does not handle empty values very well (converts it to "epoch" date, i.e. 1/1/1970) - AKU-431 -
cannot be submitted with empty value (fixed by adding optionalpermitEmpty
property) - AKU-436 -
notifications could be scrolled or even appear off screen (fixed) and also added new close button for manual closing of long-lasting notifications
- AKU-18 - Update
to make it more useful for testing - AKU-267 - Add a mechanism to allow a "Create Another" pattern for dialogs
- AKU-403 -
does not support LESS theming - AKU-407 - Add support for publishing when clicking on an
- AKU-409 - Fix
to handle invalid initial values better - AKU-410 - Create prototype
for displaying Favorites and Recents - AKU-412 - Fix intermittent unit test failures
- AKU-413 - Fix "dragging an item containing nested items causes single-use palette to empty"
- AKU-414 -
does not work withPaginator
- AKU-367 - Added alfresco/html/HR widget
- AKU-377 - Update alfresco/layout/InfiniteScrollArea to request more list data when vertical space is available
- AKU-378 - Update form to provide option to not validate on load
- AKU-390 - Drag and drop nested item re-ordering fixes
- AKU-396 - Update alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult to include manage aspects in filtered actions
- AKU-397 - Refactor of alfresco/core/UrlUtils and including abstraction of addQueryParam from alfresco/services/CrudService
- AKU-398 - Added alfresco/forms/controls/SitePicker
- AKU-399 - Drag amd drop nested acceptance type verification handling
- AKU-400 - Update alfresco/core/NotificationUtils to fix displayPrompt function regression
- AKU-337 - Remove Share dependencies from alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet
- AKU-375 - Improvements to alfresco/layout/Twister
- AKU-376 - Improvements to alfresco/services/InfiniteScrollService
- AKU-379 - Prevent single use DND times being added via keyboard actions
- AKU-380 - Support for DND nested accept types
- AKU-382 - Fixes for alfresco/forms/Form useHash behaviour
- AKU-383 - Fixes for alfresco/forms/Form auto-save behaviour
- AKU-385 - Apply logging filters to pub/sub console output
- AKU-388 - Ensure alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItem supports PROCESS payload type
- AKU-392 - Fix reload behaviour on infinite scroll lists
- AKU-395 - Ensure dashlet supports alfresco/layout/InfiniteScrollArea
- AKU-394 - Revert URI encoding back to false on alfresco/core/CoreXhr
- AKU-393 - Added service-filtering.lib.js
- AKU-66 - Improved concurrent request handling in alfresco/lists/AlfList and alfresco/search/AlfSearchList
- AKU-353 - Improved testability of alfresco/renderers/PublishingDropDownMenu
- AKU-359 - Added alfresco/node/MetdataGroups widget for node metadata rendering
- AKU-360 - Further improvements to alfresco/header/SeachBox configurability
- AKU-361 - Support ability to merge REST API and custom actions in alfresco/renderers/Actions
- AKU-362 - Ensure that alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfBreadcrumbList supports useHash false
- AKU-366 - Added support for zebra striping using LESS variables in lists
- AKU-368 - Ensure that text only content in dialogs is centered
- AKU-370 - Fixed issues with ManageAspects action
- AKU-381 - Remove unnecessary whitespace from dialog without buttons
- AKU-299 - Add support for clearing alfresco/forms/controls/DragAndDropTargetControl via pub/sub
- AKU-332 - Added classes to improve testing for list state
- AKU-354 - Ensure consistency in favourites display in alfresco/header/AlfSitesMenu
- AKU-356 - Added support for auto-save in forms
- AKU-364 - Added alfresco/layout/InfiniteScrollArea
- AKU-365 - Improvements to alfresco/misc/AlfTooltip
- AKU-331 - Updated alfresco/services/CoreXhr to support configurable encoding of URLs
- AKU-336 - Began to annotate modules with support status
- AKU-341 - Ensure alfresco/forms/controls/NumberSpinner can be initialised with value over 999 without initial validation error
- AKU-343 - Improved alfresco/lists/Paginator preference handling
- AKU-344 - Improved cancellation handling in alfresco/renderers/PublishingDropDownMenu
- AKU-347 - Ensure alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfBreadcrumbTrail can be wrapped
- AKU-350 - Improved default config rendering of alfresco/layout/FixedHeaderFooter
- AKU-352 - Improved alfresco/lists/Paginator control visibility handling on invalid data
- AKU-298 - Global support for "additionalCssClasses" attribute
- AKU-301 - Configurable edit publication for drag and dropped items
- AKU-316 - Added support for "hashVarsForUpdate" to alfresco/forms/Form
- AKU-317 - Added support for automatic cache busting to alfresco/core/CoreXhr
- AKU-318 - Ensure nested drag and dropped item label data is retained when editing parent item
- AKU-321 - Added alfresco/lists/views/HtmlListView
- AKU-322 - Ensure form controls nested within alfresco/forms/ControlRow publish initial value
- AKU-328 - Prevent event bubbling on alfresco/debug/WidgetInfo image click
- AKU-330 - Added support for automatic scroll to item in list
- AKU-342 - Infinite scroll support in all paginated lists
- AKU-345 - Improvements to logging in alfresco/services/NavigationService
- AKU-346 - Ensure assign workflow URL is generated correctly
- AKU-290 - Prevent menu items opening on hover
- AKU-293 - Fix URL hash sorting/pagination support
- AKU-296 - Dialog CSS tweaks
- AKU-297 - Remove "flutter" on DND, set explicit target
- AKU-300 - Improved search result calendar links
- AKU-302 - Page size URL hash attribute fix
- AKU-307 - Fix potential memory leak in ResizeMixin
- AKU-313 - Added configurable display for "alfresco/dnd/DroppedItem" widget
- AKU-314 - Improved JSDoc on "alfresco/forms/controls/HiddenValue"
- AKU-319 - "alfresco/services/ActionService" createLinkContent fix
- AKU-323 - "alfresco/services/DocumentService" fixes
- AKU-325 - "alfresco/forms/controls/MultiSelectInput" keyboard navigation fixes
- AKU-204 - Add support for "document-upload-new-version" action
- AKU-281 - NavigationService postToPage ignores target
- AKU-282 - ActionService is ignoring the currentTarget config value for action type "link"
- AKU-283 - MultiSelectInput: Loading... message is not replaced by results
- AKU-284 - Pub/sub logging goes directly to console when client-debug is enabled
- AKU-285 - Create activity summary widget
- AKU-286 - Update alfresco/header package widgets to use LESS variables
- AKU-289 - PublishingDropDownMenu does not always render options if loaded within a List
- AKU-291 - Update tutorial 1 to include instructions on using remote Repo
- AKU-294 - Fixed header and footer
- AKU-295 - PublishingDropDownMenu does not support aborted change requests.
- AKU-305 - Right Click on header menu issue
- AKU-306 - Keyboard navigation for the multi select input widget does not work with IE11
- AKU-312 - MultiSelectInput: Dropdown list not populated fully if previous item was selected using keyboard.
- AKU-304 - The confirmation dialog is not displayed correctly
- AKU-19 - Upgrade to use Dojo 1.10.4
- AKU-203 - Added support for document-locate action
- AKU-244 - Added HTML sanitizing proxy WebScript
- AKU-262 - Made alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfBreadcrumbTrail more abstract
- AKU-275 - Ensure form button disabled HTML attribute is set correctly
- AKU-277 - Fix keybord navigation of MultiSelectInput form control
- AKU-278 - Added "alfresco/layout/StripedContent" widget
- AKU-279 - Support for add tab in "alfresco/layout/AlfTabContainer"
- AKU-280 - Improved handling of long text in MultiSelectInput
- AKU-247 - Ensure value is retained when options updated
- AKU-248 - Ensure filter selection resets pagination
- AKU-249 - Fix to tag render filter selection publication
- AKU-250 - Ensure initially rendered view is marked as selected
- AKU-251 - Fix favouriting and PreferenceService for use in standalone clients
- AKU-252 - Make create content dialog wider
- AKU-253 - Improve sidebar defaults and preference handling
- AKU-254 - Ensure templated content can be created on standalone clients
- AKU-257 - Ensure Gallery View folder thumbnail can be selected
- AKU-266 - Create tooltip that supports widget models
- AKU-268 - Update renderFilter to support array data
- AKU-271 - Ensure required NumberSpinner can have 0 as a valid value
- AKU-272 - NumberSpinner validation handling improvements
- AKU-273 - Add scroll bar to dialog body as content grows
- AKU-195 - Basic support for edit document properties
- AKU-220 - PubSub options handling improvements
- AKU-232 - ActionService updates for deleting content
- AKU-234 - Added alfresco/renderers/AvatarThumbnail
- AKU-235 - Update test app and archetype to not use Maven snapshots
- AKU-238 - Ensure MultiSelectInput options are not clipped in dialog
- AKU-239 - Include empty array data as missing required value
- AKU-242 - Support configurable page sizes in alfresco/lists/Paginator
- AKU-243 - Added pagination and sorting to alfresco/renderers/CommentsList
- AKU-158 - Improved publication/subscription log
- AKU-219 - Nested "use-once" items returned to palette
- AKU-220 - PubSub options on form controls honour previous value
- AKU-221 - Prevent dropped items being added to palette
- AKU-227 - CommentsList widget improvements
- AKU-229 - Support nested drop targets
- AKU-230 - InlineEditProperty with renderOnNewLine enabled layout fix
- AKU-231 - Simple mode for alfresco/renderers/Date
- AKU-233 - alfresco/renderers/Thumbnail enhancements
- AKU-236 - Updates to alfresco/dnd/DragAndDropItemsListView widget
- AKU-245 - Localize alfresco/services/CrudService messages
- AKU-163 - alfresco/lists/AlfHashList can update load payload from hash parameters
- AKU-178 - New alfresco/forms/controls/MultiSelectInput widget
- AKU-191 - New alfresco/dnd/DragAndDropItemsListView widget
- AKU-196 - Added support for "document-approve" action
- AKU-197 - Added support for "document-reject" action
- AKU-216 - Updated ContainerPicker to support configurable repository root node.
- AKU-218 - Added modelling service config creator
- AKU-14 - Code Mirror form control updates
- AKU-150 - CSS updates to support Share title bar
- AKU-188 - Hide edit button on DND items by default
- AKU-189 - Use-once DND items
- AKU-190 - Multiple DND source keyboard control fix
- AKU-192 - Added alfresco/lists/AlfFilteredList widget
- AKU-193 - Form control options localization fix
- AKU-217 - CSS correction for Logo
- AKU-3 - Updated tests to work against Selenium Grid
- AKU-37 - Added folder view preference handling
- AKU-159 - Support for truncated property rendering
- AKU-175 - Improved image source logo width handling
- AKU-177 - Fixed scoping on AlfDetailedViewItem
- AKU-180 - PDF.js preview faults test fix
- AKU-182 - Update archetype to include repo connection config
- AKU-183 - Index page for unit test application
- AKU-184 - DND item label localization
- AKU-133 - FileType configurable images
- AKU-157 - Ensure HiddenValue form control can be set
- AKU-170 - Improvements to test reporter
- AKU-172 - SearchBox configurability updates
- AKU-176 - Form dialog width setting updates
- AKU-33 - Add dedicated Detailed View result widget for performance
- AKU-115 - Use keyboard to add DND items
- AKU-116 - Re-order DND items using keyboard navigation
- AKU-148 - Alias AlfDocumentListPaginator
- AKU-149 - When a publishPayloadType 'BUILD' updates
- AKU-150 - Title overflow handling
- AKU-155 - Improved form dialog submission failures
- AKU-160 - Duplicate BaseFormControlfunctions
- AKU-161 - Fix noValueUpdateWhenHiddenOrDisabled
- AKU-164 - SearchBox styling
- AKU-168 - PickedItem fails in singleItemMode
AKU-5 - Remove YUI2 and Share dependencies from TinyMCE modules
AKU-30 - Updates to Indicators renderer
AKU-112 - Drag and drop items and post form value
AKU-113 - Re-order items and post updated value
AKU-114 - Delete dropped items and post updated value
AKU-117 - Render widgets as dropped items
AKU-118 - Implement drag and drop modelling service
AKU-140 - Search scope issues resolved
AKU-142 - Add hash fragment support to AlfDynamicPayloadButton
AKU-151 - Fixed DialogService config issue
AKU-13 - Added support for stacked dialogs
AKU-27 - Add support for create folder templated content
AKU-94 - Added Grunt task for patching clients
AKU-124 - Added alfresco/lists/views/layouts/EditableRow
AKU-127 - Add alt text to developer mode widgets
AKU-131 - Ensure pub/sub options for form controls work in dialogs
AKU-139 - Updated tests for more reliable code coverage
- AKU-41 - Add Manage Aspects support
- AKU-41 - Add colspan support to Cell
- AKU-102 - Add additionalCssClasses support to Row
- AKU-102 - NLS updates for alfresco/html/Heading
- AKU-103 - NLS updates for alfresco/header/SetTitle
- AKU-105 - Add notification after joining site
- AKU-108 - Allow form values to be set via publication
- AKU-109 - Fix typo in sites menu
- AKU-119 - Add IDs to dialogs from alfresco/services/DialogService
- AKU-40 - Remove picked items from simple picker available list
- AKU-81 - Allow copy/move content into empty document libraries
- AKU-96 - CSS updates to copy/move action dialogs
- AKU-97 - Ensure en locale files are generated
- AKU-17 - Implement standalone Aikau transient notifications
- AKU-76 - Updated NPM to use specific tested versions
- AKU-78 - Clean up Vagrant image configuration files that shouldn't have been committed
- AKU-79 - Add callback to LogoutService to ensure logout redirection
- AKU-80 - Modifications to Vagrant provisioned versions
- AKU-83 - Resolve issues in filtered search page introduced by v1.0.3 updates