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Hydraulic 2D structure

vcloarec edited this page May 11, 2022 · 26 revisions

Available since version 2.3

Hydraulic 2D structure are a hydraulic network type that represent a complete flow 2D model. As a part of a hydaulic network, its biundary conditions can be connected to other part of the network by hydraulic network link.

Create new Hydraulic 2D Structure

To create a new Hydraulic 2D Structure, the user has to select the map tool "Structure 2D":

With this tool, the user has to delineate the domain of the model by digitizing on the map. Note that a right click on an existing vector layer polygon feature allow the user to defined the domain by the polygon.

Hydraulic 2D Structure properties

The entry to Hydraulic 2D Structure is through the properties window of this element (see Hydraulic network).

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