To create a classic VNet based on the scenario above, follow the steps below.
From a browser, navigate to and, if necessary, sign in with your Azure account.
Click NEW > Networking > Virtual network, notice that the Select a deployment model list already shows Classic, and then click Create, as seen in the figure below.
On the Virtual network blade, type the Name of the VNet, and then click Address space. Configure your address space settings for the VNet and its first subnet, then click OK. The figure below shows the CIDR block settings for our scenario.
Click Resource Group and select a resource group to add the VNet to, or click Create new resource group to add the VNet to a new resource group. The figure below shows the resource group settings for a new resource group called TestRG. For more information about resource groups, visit Azure Resource Manager Overview.
If necessary, change the Subscription and Location settings for your VNet.
If you do not want to see the VNet as a tile in the Startboard, disable Pin to Startboard.
Click Create and notice the tile named Creating Virtual network as shown in the figure below.
Wait for the VNet to be created, and when you see the tile below, click it to add more subnets.
You should see the Configuration for your VNet as shown below.
Click Subnets > Add, then type a Name and specify an Address range (CIDR block) for your subnet, and then click OK. The figure below shows the settings for our current scenario.