On the device Quick Start page, click Add a backup policy. This will start the Add Backup Policy wizard.
On the Define your backup policy page:
On the Define a schedule page:
Select the type of backup from the drop-down list. For faster restores, select Local Snapshot. For data resiliency, select Cloud Snapshot.
Specify the backup frequency in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
Select a retention time. The retention choices depend on the backup frequency. For example, for a daily policy, the retention can be specified in weeks, whereas retention for a monthly policy is in months.
Select the starting time and date for the backup policy.
Select the Enable check box to enable the backup policy.
Click the check icon
to save the policy.
You now have a backup policy that will create scheduled backups of your volume data.
You have completed the device configuration.
To watch a video that demonstrates how to take a StorSimple backup, click here.