On the Devices page, select the device on which you want to install updates.
Navigate to Devices > Maintenance > Software Updates.
You see a message if the software updates are available. To check for updates, you can also click Scan Updates at the bottom of the page.
From the bottom of the page, click Download Updates. A dialog notifies the user that the update is disruptive. Given the StorSimple Virtual Array is a single node device, the device restarts after it is updated. This disrupts any IO in progress. Click the check icon to launch a job to download the available updates.
You are notified when the updates are downloaded.
From the bottom of the page, click Install Updates to begin updating the device. The dialog is presented to you again. Click the check icon to start a job to install the updates.
You are notified after the job is created.
Click View Job link to go to the Jobs page and monitor the install status. You can click Details at any time to get detailed information about the update job.