Use your Microsoft account credentials to log on to the Microsoft Azure Government Portal.
In the Government Portal, click New > Data Services > StorSimple Manager > Quick Create.
In the form that is displayed, do the following:
Supply a unique Name for your service. This is a friendly name that can be used to identify the service. The name can have between 2 and 50 characters that can be letters, numbers, and hyphens. The name must start and end with a letter or a number.
Supply a Location for your service. Location refers to the geographical region where you want to deploy your device. Select US Govt Iowa or US Govt Virgina.
Choose a Subscription from the drop-down list. The subscription is linked to your billing account. This field is not present if you have only one subscription.
Select Create a new storage account to automatically create a storage account with the service. This storage account will have a special name such as "storsimplebwv8c6dcnf."
Click Create StorSimple Manager to create the service.
You will be directed to the Service landing page. The service creation will take a few minutes. After the service is successfully created, you will be notified appropriately and the status of the service will change to Active.