On the Devices page, select the device, double-click it, and then click the Volume containers tab.
Click Add at the bottom of the page. In the Create volume container dialog box, do the following:
Supply a unique Name for your volume container. This name can contain a maximum of 32 characters.
Select a Storage Account to be associated with this volume container. You can choose from an existing storage account within the same subscription or select Add more to select a storage account from another subscription. You can also choose the storage account that was first generated when the service was created.
Specify bandwidth as Unlimited if you want to consume all available bandwidth, or Custom to employ bandwidth controls. For a custom bandwidth, supply a value between 1 and 1000 Mbps. To allocate bandwidth based on a schedule, you can Select a bandwidth template.
We recommend that you keep Enable Cloud Storage Encryption selected to encrypt the data that is going to the cloud. Disable encryption only if you are employing other means to encrypt your data. You cannot modify the encryption setting once the volume container has been created.
Provide a Cloud Storage Encryption Key that contains between 8 and 32 characters. The device uses this key to access the encrypted data. In the Confirm Cloud Storage Encryption Key field, enter the cloud storage encryption key again to confirm it.
Click the arrow to proceed to the next page.
If you specified Select a bandwidth template, choose from the dropdown list of existing bandwidth templates. Review the schedule settings and click the check icon
The volume container will be saved and the newly created volume container will be listed on the Volume container page.