Use the following steps in the Azure portal to create a new Azure SQL database on a new or existing Azure SQL Database logical server.
If you're not currently connected, connect to the Azure portal.
Click New, type SQL Database, and then click SQL Database (new database).
Click SQL Database (new database).
Click Create to create a new database in the SQL Database service.
Provide the values for the following server properties:
Database name
Subscription: This applies only if you have multiple subscriptions.
Resource group: If you're just getting started, use the resource group of the logical server.
Select source: You can choose a blank database, sample data, or an Azure database backup. To migrate an on-premises SQL Server database or load data by using the BCP command-line tool, see the links at the end of this article.
Server: A new or existing logical server.
Server admin login
Pricing tier: If you're just getting started, use the default value S0.
Collation: This applies only if a blank database was chosen.
Click Create. In the notification area, you can see that deployment has started.
Wait for deployment to finish before continuing to the next step.