Click New, search logical server, and then hit ENTER.
Select SQL server (logical server)
Click Create to open the new SQL Server (logical server) blade.
In the SQL Server (logical server) blade's server name text box, provide a valid name for the new logical server. A green check mark indicates that you have provided a valid name.
[!IMPORTANT] The fully qualified name for your new server will be <your_server_name>.database.windows.net.
In the Server admin login text box, provide a user name for the SQL authentication login for this server. This login is known as the server principal login. A green check mark indicates that you have provided a valid name.
In the Password and Confirm password text boxes, provide a password for the server principal login account. A green check mark indicates that you have provided a valid password.
Select a subscription in which you have permission to create objects.
In the Resource group text box, select Create new and then, in the resource group text box, provide a valid name for the new resource group (you can also use an existing resource group if you have already created one for yourself). A green check mark indicates that you have provided a valid name.
In the Location text box, select a data center appropriate to your location - such as "Australia East".
[!TIP] The checkbox for Allow azure services to access server cannot be changed on this blade. You can change this setting on the server firewall blade. For more information, see Get started with security.
Click Create.