Parameter Name | Type | Description | Possible Values |
/ServerMode | Mandatory | Specifies whether both the configuration and process servers should be installed, or the process server only | CS PS |
/InstallLocation | Mandatory | The folder in which the components are installed | Any folder on the computer |
/MySQLCredsFilePath | Mandatory | The file path in which the MySQL server credentials are stored | The file should be the format specified below |
/VaultCredsFilePath | Mandatory | The path of the vault credentials file | Valid file path |
/EnvType | Mandatory | Type of envrionment that you want to protect | VMware NonVMware |
/PSIP | Mandatory | IP address of the NIC to be used for replication data transfer | Any valid IP Address |
/CSIP | Mandatory | The IP address of the NIC on which the configuration server is listening on | Any valid IP Address |
/PassphraseFilePath | Mandatory | The full path to location of the passphrase file | Valid file path |
/BypassProxy | Optional | Specifies that the configuration server connects to Azure without a proxy | To do get this value from Venu |
/ProxySettingsFilePath | Optional | Proxy settings (The default proxy requires authentication, or a custom proxy) | The file should be in the format specified below |
DataTransferSecurePort | Optional | Port number on the PSIP to be used for replication data | Valid Port Number (default value is 9433) |
/SkipSpaceCheck | Optional | Skip space check for cache disk | |
/AcceptThirdpartyEULA | Mandatory | Flag implies acceptance of third-party EULA | |
/ShowThirdpartyEULA | Optional | Displays third-party EULA. If provided as input all other parameters are ignored |