UnifiedSetup.exe [/ServerMode <CS/PS>] [/InstallDrive ] [/MySQLCredsFilePath ] [/VaultCredsFilePath ] [/EnvType <VMWare/NonVMWare>] [/PSIP <IP address to be used for data transfer] [/CSIP ] [/PassphraseFilePath ]
- /ServerMode: Mandatory. Specifies whether both the configuration and process servers should be installed, or the process server only. Input values: CS, PS.
- InstallLocation: Mandatory. The folder in which the components are installed.
- /MySQLCredsFilePath. Mandatory. The file path in which the MySQL server credentials are stored. The file should be in this format:
- [MySQLCredentials]
- MySQLRootPassword = ""
- MySQLUserPassword = ""
- /VaultCredsFilePath. Mandatory. The location of the vault credentials file
- /EnvType. Mandatory. The type of installation. Values: VMware, NonVMware
- /PSIP and /CSIP. Mandatory. The IP address of the process server and configuration server.
- /PassphraseFilePath. Mandatory. The location of the passphrase file.
- /BypassProxy. Optional. Specifies that the configuration server connects to Azure without a proxy.
- /ProxySettingsFilePath. Optional. Proxy settings (The default proxy requires authentication, or a custom proxy). The file should be in this format:
- [ProxySettings]
- ProxyAuthentication = "Yes/No"
- Proxy IP = "IP Address>"
- ProxyPort = ""
- ProxyUserName=""
- ProxyPassword=""
- DataTransferSecurePort. Optional. The port number for replication data.
- SkipSpaceCheck. Optional. Skip space checking for cache.
- AcceptThirdpartyEULA. Mandatory. Accepts the third-party EULA.
- ShowThirdpartyEULA. Mandatory. Displays third-party EULA. If provided as input, all other parameters are ignored.