- Copy the installer to a local folder (for example, /tmp) on the server that you want to protect. In a terminal, run the following commands:
cd /tmp
tar -xvzf Microsoft-ASR_UA*release.tar.gz
- To install Mobility Service, run the following command:
sudo ./install -t both -a host -R Agent -d /usr/local/ASR -i <IP address> -p <port> -s y -c https -P MobSvc.passphrase
Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
-t | Mandatory | Agent type (deprecated in an upcoming release) |
both |
-a | Mandatory | Agent configuration (deprecated in an upcoming release) |
host |
-R | Optional | Role of the agent | Agent MasterTarget |
-d | Optional | Location where Mobility Service will be installed | /usr/local/ASR |
-i | Mandatory | IP address of the configuration server | Any valid IP address |
-p | Mandatory | Port on which the configuration server listens for incoming connections | 443 |
-s | Mandatory | Starts the service after a successful installation (deprecated in an upcoming release) |
y |
-c | Mandatory | Communication mode between the agent and process server (deprecated in an upcoming release) |
https |
-P | Mandatory | Configuration server passphrase | Any valid UNC or local file path |
sudo ./install -t both -a host -R Agent -d /usr/local/ASR -i -p 443 -s y -c https -P /tmp/MobSvc.passphrase