Hardware | |
Number of CPU cores | 8 |
RAM | 12 GB |
Number of disks | 3 - OS disk - Process server cache disk - Retention drive (for failback) |
Disk free space (process server cache) | 600 GB |
Disk free space (retention disk) | 600 GB |
Software | |
Operating system version | Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Operating system locale | English (en-us) |
VMware vSphere PowerCLI version | PowerCLI 6.0 |
Windows Server roles | Do not enable the following roles: - Active Directory Domain Services - Internet Information Services - Hyper-V |
Network | |
Network interface card type | VMXNET3 |
IP address type | Static |
Internet access | The server should be able to access the following URLs either directly or through a proxy server: - *.accesscontrol.windows.net - *.backup.windowsazure.com - *.store.core.windows.net - *.blob.core.windows.net - *.hypervrecoverymanager.windowsazure.com - https://cdn.mysql.com/archives/mysql-5.5/mysql-5.5.37-win32.msi (not required for Scale-out Process Servers) - time.nist.gov - time.windows.com |
Ports | 443 (Control channel orchestration) 9443 (Data transport) |