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File metadata and controls

88 lines (67 loc) · 2.4 KB

To add a tag to a resource group, use azure group set. If the resource group does not have any existing tags, pass in the tag.

azure group set -n tag-demo-group -t Dept=Finance

Tags are updated as a whole. If you want to add a tag to a resource group that has existing tags, pass all the tags.

azure group set -n tag-demo-group -t Dept=Finance;Environment=Production;Project=Upgrade

Tags are not inherited by resources in a resource group. To add a tag to a resource, use azure resource set. Pass the API version number for the resource type that you are adding the tag to. If you need to retrieve the API version, use the following command with the resource provider for the type you are setting:

azure provider show -n Microsoft.Storage --json

In the results, look for the resource type you want.

"resourceTypes": [
  "resourceType": "storageAccounts",
  "apiVersions": [

Now, provide that API version, resource group name, resource name, resource type, and tag value as parameters.

azure resource set -g tag-demo-group -n storagetagdemo -r Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts -t Dept=Finance -o 2016-01-01

Tags exist directly on resources and resource groups. To see the existing tags, get a resource group and its resources with azure group show.

azure group show -n tag-demo-group --json

Which returns metadata about the resource group, including any tags applied to it.

  "id": "/subscriptions/4705409c-9372-42f0-914c-64a504530837/resourceGroups/tag-demo-group",
  "name": "tag-demo-group",
  "properties": {
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
  "location": "southcentralus",
  "tags": {
    "Dept": "Finance",
    "Environment": "Production",
    "Project": "Upgrade"

You view the tags for a particular resource by using azure resource show.

azure resource show -g tag-demo-group -n storagetagdemo -r Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts -o 2016-01-01 --json

To retrieve all the resources with a tag value, use:

azure resource list -t Dept=Finance --json

To retrieve all the resource groups with a tag value, use:

azure group list -t Dept=Finance

You can view the existing tags in your subscription with the following command:

azure tag list