Login to your Azure account.
After providing your credentials, the command returns information about your account.
Id Type ... -- ---- [email protected] User ...
If you have multiple subscriptions, provide the subscription id you wish to use for deployment.
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionID <YourSubscriptionId>
Switch to the Azure Resource Manager module.
Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager
If you do not have an existing resource group, create a new resource group. Provide the name of the resource group and location that you need for your solution.
New-AzureResourceGroup -Name ExampleResourceGroup -Location "West US"
A summary of the new resource group is returned.
ResourceGroupName : ExampleResourceGroup Location : westus ProvisioningState : Succeeded Tags : Permissions : Actions NotActions ======= ========== * ResourceId : /subscriptions/######/resourceGroups/ExampleResourceGroup
To create a new deployment for your resource group, run the New-AzureResourceGroupDeployment command and provide the necessary parameters. The parameters will include a name for your deployment, the name of your resource group, the path or URL to the template you created, and any other parameters needed for your scenario.
You have the following options for providing parameter values:
Use inline parameters.
New-AzureResourceGroupDeployment -Name ExampleDeployment -ResourceGroupName ExampleResourceGroup -TemplateFile <PathOrLinkToTemplate> -myParameterName "parameterValue"
Use a parameter object.
$parameters = @{"<ParameterName>"="<Parameter Value>"} New-AzureResourceGroupDeployment -Name ExampleDeployment -ResourceGroupName ExampleResourceGroup -TemplateFile <PathOrLinkToTemplate> -TemplateParameterObject $parameters
Using a parameter file.
New-AzureResourceGroupDeployment -Name ExampleDeployment -ResourceGroupName ExampleResourceGroup -TemplateFile <PathOrLinkToTemplate> -TemplateParameterFile <PathOrLinkToParameterFile>
When the resource group has been deployed, you will see a summary of the deployment.
DeploymentName : ExampleDeployment ResourceGroupName : ExampleResourceGroup ProvisioningState : Succeeded Timestamp : 4/14/2015 7:00:27 PM Mode : Incremental ...
To get information about deployment failures.
Get-AzureResourceGroupLog -ResourceGroup ExampleResourceGroup -Status Failed
To get detailed information about deployment failures.
Get-AzureResourceGroupLog -ResourceGroup ExampleResourceGroup -Status Failed -DetailedOutput