Your first step is to create a new account to use for the tutorial. You can use the FREE Sandbox plan, it's perfect for this tutorial.
Log in to the Azure Management Portal.
In the lower pane of the management portal, click New.
Click Store.
In the Choose an Add-on dialog, select Pusher and click the right arrow.
In the Personalize Add-on dialog select the Pusher plan you want to sign up for.
Enter a name to identify your Pusher service in your Azure settings, or use the default value of Pusher. Names must be between 1 and 100 characters in length and contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, dots, and underscores. The name must be unique in your list of subscribed Azure Store Items.
Choose a value for the region; for example, West US.
Click the right arrow.
On the Review Purchase tab, review the plan and pricing information, and review the legal terms. If you agree to the terms, click the check mark. After you click the check mark, your Pusher account will begin the provisioning process.
After confirming your purchase you are redirected to the add-ons dashboard and you will see the message Purchasing Pusher.
Your Pusher account is provisioned immediately and you will see the message Successfully purchased Add-On Pusher. Your account has been created and you are now ready to use the Pusher service.
To modify your subscription plan or see the Pusher contact settings, click the name of your Pusher service to open the Pusher add-ons dashboard.
When using Pusher you will need to supply your Pusher app connection settings.
Click Connection Info.
In the Connection info dialog you will see your app ID, key and secret. You will use these values later in the tutorial so copy them for late use.
For more information on getting started with Pusher, see Understanding Pusher.