Push notifications are normally sent in a back-end service like Mobile Apps or ASP.NET using a compatible library. You can also use the REST API directly to send notification messages if a library is not available for your back-end.
Here is a list of some other tutorials you may want to review for sending notifications:
- Azure Mobile Apps : For an example of how to send notifications from an Mobile Apps backend integrated with Notification Hubs, see Add Push Notifications to your iOS App.
- ASP.NET : Use Notification Hubs to push notifications to users.
- Azure Notification Hub Java SDK: See How to use Notification Hubs from Java for sending notifications from Java. This has been tested in Eclipse for Android Development.
- PHP: How to use Notification Hubs from PHP.
In the next section of the tutorial, you will learn how to use the Notification Hub REST interface to send the notification message directly in your app. All registered devices receive the notification sent by any device.