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107 lines (82 loc) · 4.94 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (82 loc) · 4.94 KB
  1. In Project Explorer in Android Studio, open the file and add the following import statements.

     import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
     import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
     import android.content.Context;
     import android.content.SharedPreferences;
     import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
  2. Add the following method to the ToDoActivity class:

     // You can choose any unique number here to differentiate auth providers from each other. Note this is the same code at login() and onActivityResult().
     public static final int GOOGLE_LOGIN_REQUEST_CODE = 1;
     private void authenticate() {
         // Login using the Google provider.
         mClient.login("Google", "{url_scheme_of_your_app}", GOOGLE_LOGIN_REQUEST_CODE);
     protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
         // When request completes
         if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
             // Check the request code matches the one we send in the login request
             if (requestCode == GOOGLE_LOGIN_REQUEST_CODE) {
                 MobileServiceActivityResult result = mClient.onActivityResult(data);
                 if (result.isLoggedIn()) {
                     // login succeeded
                     createAndShowDialog(String.format("You are now logged in - %1$2s", mClient.getCurrentUser().getUserId()), "Success");
                 } else {
                     // login failed, check the error message
                     String errorMessage = result.getErrorMessage();
                     createAndShowDialog(errorMessage, "Error");

    This creates a new method to handle the authentication process. The user is authenticated by using a Google sign-in. A dialog displays the ID of the authenticated user. You cannot proceed without a positive authentication.

    [!NOTE] If you are using an identity provider other than Google, change the value passed to the login method above to one of the following: MicrosoftAccount, Facebook, Twitter, or windowsazureactivedirectory.

  3. In the onCreate method, add the following line of code after the code that instantiates the MobileServiceClient object.


    This call starts the authentication process.

  4. Move the remaining code after authenticate(); in the onCreate method to a new createTable method. This looks like the following:

     private void createTable() {
         // Get the table instance to use.
         mToDoTable = mClient.getTable(ToDoItem.class);
         mTextNewToDo = (EditText) findViewById(;
         // Create an adapter to bind the items with the view.
         mAdapter = new ToDoItemAdapter(this, R.layout.row_list_to_do);
         ListView listViewToDo = (ListView) findViewById(;
         // Load the items from Azure.
  5. Add the following snippet of RedirectUrlActivity to AndroidManifest.xml to ensure redirect works.

     <activity android:name="">
             <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
             <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
             <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
             <data android:scheme="{url_scheme_of_your_app}"
  6. Add redirectUriScheme to build.gradle of your Android application.

    android {
        buildTypes {
            release {
                // … …
                manifestPlaceholders = ['redirectUriScheme': '{url_scheme_of_your_app}://easyauth.callback']
            debug {
                // … …
                manifestPlaceholders = ['redirectUriScheme': '{url_scheme_of_your_app}://easyauth.callback']
  7. Add to the dependencies in your build.gradle:

    dependencies { // ... compile '' }

  8. From the Run menu, click Run app to start the app and sign in with your chosen identity provider.

When you are successfully signed in, the app should run without errors, and you should be able to query the back-end service and make updates to data.