You can subscribe to an Azure-hosted, fully-managed MongoDB database in the Azure Store. To do so, follow these steps:
- Log into the Azure Management Portal.
- Click New.
- Select Store.
- Select MongoLab. You can find us in the App Services category, as well as under All.
- Click Next.
The MongoLab store entry displays.
- Select your desired Subscription option.
- Enter a Name for your database. Your name can only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, dots, and underscores. MongoLab also requires that this name be unique, so you may be asked to re-submit your request if the name is taken.
- Select your desired Region.
- Click Next.
- Review your store purchase information, and then click Purchase to confirm.
- The toolbar progress button provides your provisioning status.
A success message displays when provisioning completes.
Congratulations! MongoLab has just provisioned a MongoDB database in the Azure region you selected. You now have access to our management UI and 24/7 support.