Sign in to the Azure classic portal.
On the command bar at the bottom of the window, click New.
Under Compute, click Virtual Machine, and then click From Gallery.
Under the SUSE group, select an OpenSUSE virtual machine image, and then click the arrow to continue.
On the first Virtual machine configuration page:
- Type a Virtual Machine Name, such as "testlinuxvm". The name must contain between 3 and 15 characters, can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens, and must start with a letter and end with either a letter or number.
- Verify the Tier and pick a Size. The tier determines the sizes you can choose from. The size affects the cost of using it, as well as configuration options such as how many data disks you can attach. For details, see Sizes for virtual machines.
- Type a New User Name, or accept the default, azureuser. This name is added to the Sudoers list file.
- Decide which type of Authentication to use. For general password guidelines, see Strong passwords.
On the next Virtual machine configuration page:
Use the default Create a new cloud service.
In the DNS Name box, type a unique DNS name to use as part of the address, such as "testlinuxvm".
In the Region/Affinity Group/Virtual Network box, select a region where this virtual image will be hosted.
Under Endpoints, keep the SSH endpoint. You can add others now, or add, change, or delete them after the virtual machine is created.
[!NOTE] If you want a virtual machine to use a virtual network, you must specify the virtual network when you create the virtual machine. You can't add a virtual machine to a virtual network after you create the virtual machine. For more information, see Virtual Network Overview.
On the last Virtual machine configuration page, keep the default settings and then click the check mark to finish.
The portal lists the new virtual machine under Virtual Machines. While the status is reported as (Provisioning), the virtual machine is being set up. When the status is reported as Running, you can move on to the next step.
You'll use SSH or PuTTY to connect to the virtual machine, depending on the operating system on the computer you'll connect from:
From a computer running Linux, use SSH. At the command prompt, type:
$ ssh [email protected] -o ServerAliveInterval=180
Type the user's password.
From a computer running Windows, use PuTTY. If you don't have it installed, download it from the PuTTY Download Page.
Save putty.exe to a directory on your computer. Open a command prompt, navigate to that folder, and run putty.exe.
Type the host name, such as "testlinuxvm.cloudapp.net", and type "22" for the Port.
After you're connected to the virtual machine, you can optionally install system updates and patches. To run the update, type:
$ sudo zypper update
Select Software, then Online Update to list available updates. Select Accept to start the installation and apply all new available patches (except the optional ones).
After installation is done, select Finish. Your system is now up to date.