An Azure account; you can create a free account
An Azure SQL Database with its connection information, including the server name, database name, and username/password. This information is included in the SQL Database connection string:
Server=tcp:yoursqlservername.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=yourqldbname;Persist Security Info=False;User ID={your_username};Password={your_password};MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;
Read more about Azure SQL Databases.
When you create an Azure SQL Database, you can also create the sample databases included with SQL.
Before using your Azure SQL Database in a logic app, connect to your SQL Database. You can do this easily within your logic app on the Azure portal.
Connect to your Azure SQL Database using the following steps:
Create a logic app. In the Logic Apps designer, add a trigger, and then add an action. Select Show Microsoft managed APIs in the drop down list, and then enter "sql" in the search box. Select one of the actions:
If you haven't previously created any connections to SQL Database, you are prompted for the connection details:
Enter the SQL Database details. Properties with an asterisk are required.
Property Details Connect via Gateway Leave this unchecked. This is used when connecting to an on-premises SQL Server. Connection Name * Enter any name for your connection. SQL Server Name * Enter the server name; which is something like servername.database.windows.net. The server name is displayed in the SQL Database properties in the Azure portal, and also displayed in the connection string. SQL Database Name * Enter the name you gave your SQL Database. This is listed in the SQL Database properties in the connection string: Initial Catalog=yoursqldbname. Username * Enter the username you created when the SQL Database was created. This is listed in the SQL Database properties in the Azure portal. Password * Enter the password you created when the SQL Database was created. These credentials are used to authorize your logic app to connect, and access your SQL data. Once complete, your connection details look similar to the following:
Select Create.
Notice the connection has been created. Now, proceed with the other steps in your logic app: