- Add support for xml (and externalDocs and properties) inside a @SWG\Items. #279
- Nested properties are no longer injected into the Definition #297
- Fixed nesting issue with verbose property notation #297
- Added Deserializer for converting json string into a Swagger Annotations object. #290
- Various readme improvements #284 #286
- Various PSR-2 coding standard fixes #291
- Travis now enforces passing PHP CodeSniffer PSR-2 tests #291
- Use badges from shields.io #288
- Removed JSON-Schema properties that are not supported in swagger. #273
- Added ordering filenames to guarantee a consistent output #263
- Fixed minor regression #254
- Removed format restrictions from the remaining annotations #253
- Removed format restrictions #253
- Fixed a bug with inherited properties #250
- Added support for @SWG\Head & @SWG\Options for documenting the HEAD and OPTIONS responses
- Removed restrictions in @SWG\Items, allow @SWG\Property and other @SWG\Schema options.
- Minimal support for traits (no inheritance)
- Generates swagger.json with Swagger Specification v2
- New simplified architecture (crawl -> analysis -> processors -> validation -> output)