+ /** @module leaf-detective/main */
+import { plus } from "./helpers.js";
+ * Class representing layer weights
+ * @extends Array
+ */
+export class Weights extends Array {
+ /**
+ * Creates weights matrix
+ * @param {Number} width width of weights matrix
+ * @param {Number} height height of weights matrix
+ */
+ constructor(width, height) {
+ super(height)
+ .fill(0)
+ .forEach((_, i, arr) => (arr[i] = new Array(width).fill(0)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fills weights matrix with random numbers between 0 (included) and 1
+ * (excluded)
+ * @returns {Weights}
+ */
+ fillRandom() {
+ return this.map(row => row.map(_ => Math.random()));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fills given data into matrix
+ * @param {Array} data array of data to populate weights matrix with; must
+ * be of same width and height as matrix
+ * @returns {Weights}
+ */
+ populate(data) {
+ return this.map((row, i) => row.map((_, j) => data[i][j]));
+ }
+ * Class representing layer biases
+ * @extends Array
+ */
+export class Biases extends Array {
+ /**
+ * Creates a bias matrix
+ * @param {Number} height height of bias matrix; must correspond to output
+ * layers length
+ */
+ constructor(height) {
+ super(height).fill(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fills bias matrix with random numbers between -1 (included) and 1
+ * (excluded)
+ * @returns {Biases}
+ */
+ fillRandom() {
+ return this.map(_ => Math.random() * 2 - 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fills given data into matrix
+ * @param {Array} data array of data to populate bias matrix with; must be
+ * same width as matrix
+ * @returns {Biases}
+ */
+ populate(data) {
+ return this.map((_, i) => data[i]);
+ }
+ * Class representing layer matrix
+ * @example
+ * // Import constructors and helpers
+ * import { Layer, Weights, Biases } from "./index.js";
+ * import { sigmoid } from "./helpers.js";
+ *
+ * // Create Layers
+ * let inputLayer = new Layer(5);
+ * let outputLayer = new Layer(2);
+ *
+ * // Create weights and biases
+ * let weights = new Weights(inputLayer.length, outputLayer.length).fillRandom();
+ * let biases = new Biases(outputLayer.length).populate([-10, 10]);
+ *
+ * // Connect weights and outputLayer to inputLayer
+ * inputLayer.addWeights(weights).connect(outputLayer);
+ * // Connect biases to outputLayer
+ * outputLayer.addBiases(biases);
+ *
+ * // Add data and run neural net
+ * inputLayer.populate([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).run().apply(sigmoid);
+ */
+export class Layer {
+ /**
+ * Creates a layer with given amount of neurons
+ * @param {Number} length length / amount of neurons of layer
+ */
+ constructor(length) {
+ this.neurons = new Array(length).fill(0);
+ this.length = length;
+ this.weights = null;
+ this.biases = null;
+ this.next = null;
+ this.previous = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds Biases object to layer
+ * @param {Biases} biases biases object from Biases constructor; belongs to
+ * ouput layer
+ * @example
+ * let inputLayer = new Layer(5);
+ * let outputLayer = new Layer(2);
+ *
+ * outputLayer.addBiases(biases);
+ * @returns layer
+ */
+ addBiases(biases) {
+ if (!(biases instanceof Biases))
+ throw new Error("Please pass a bias object");
+ this.biases = biases;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds Weights object to layer
+ * @param {Weights} weights weights object from Weights constructor; belongs
+ * to input layer
+ * @example
+ * let inputLayer = new Layer(5);
+ * let outputLayer = new Layer(2);
+ *
+ * inputLayer.addWeights(weights);
+ * @returns layer
+ */
+ addWeights(weights) {
+ if (!(weights instanceof Weights))
+ throw new Error("Please pass a weights object");
+ else if (!weights.every(row => row.length === this.length))
+ throw new Error(
+ "Width of weight matrix must be equal to amount of neurons"
+ );
+ this.weights = weights;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applys given function to all neurons of the layer
+ * @param {Function} func mapping function called with neuron value and
+ * index
+ * @example
+ * outputLayer.apply(sigmoid);
+ * @returns layer
+ */
+ apply(func) {
+ this.neurons = this.neurons.map((neuron, i) => func(neuron, i));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Connects an input layer with an output layer
+ * @param {Layer} layer output layer object
+ * @example
+ * let inputLayer = new Layer(5);
+ * let outputLayer = new Layer(2);
+ *
+ * inputLayer.connect(outputLayer)
+ * @returns layer
+ */
+ connect(layer) {
+ if (!(layer instanceof Layer)) throw new Error("Please pass a layer");
+ this.next = layer;
+ layer.previous = this;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Populates neurons with data
+ * @param {Array} data array of data to populate layer / neurons with; must
+ * be same length as layer
+ * @returns layer
+ */
+ populate(data) {
+ if (data.length !== this.length)
+ throw new Error(
+ `Please pass data of length ${this.neurons.length}`
+ );
+ this.neurons = [...data];
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs connection between two layers by applying weights to input layer's
+ * neurons and biases to resulting output layer's neurons
+ * @example
+ * let inputLayer = new Layer(5);
+ * let outputLayer = new Layer(2);
+ *
+ * inputLayer.connect(outputLayer).run()
+ * @returns connected output layer
+ */
+ run() {
+ this.next.neurons = this.next.neurons
+ .map((_, row) =>
+ this.neurons
+ .map((neuron, col) => neuron * this.weights[row][col])
+ .reduce(plus, 0)
+ )
+ .map((output, row) => output + this.next.biases[row]);
+ return this.next;
+ }
+ * Neural Network Class
+ * @extends Array
+ * @example
+ * // Import Constructors and helpers
+ * import { Network, Layer, Weights, Biases } from "./index.js";
+ * import { sigmoid } from "./helpers.js";
+ *
+ * // Create network
+ * let network = new Network([2048, 1024, 512, 256]);
+ * // Run network
+ * network
+ * .addWeights()
+ * .addBiases()
+ * .connect()
+ * .run()
+ * .apply(sigmoid);
+ */
+export class Network extends Array {
+ /**
+ * Creates a neural network with given layers
+ * @param {Array} layers array of Layer objects or numbers representing
+ * layer length
+ */
+ constructor(layers) {
+ super(...layers.map(el => (el instanceof Layer ? el : new Layer(el))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds randomly filled bias matrix with correct dimensions to every layer
+ * by calling Biases constructor
+ * @returns {Network}
+ */
+ addBiases() {
+ this.forEach((layer, i) => {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ layer.addBiases(new Biases(layer.length).fillRandom());
+ }
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds randomly filled weight matrix with correct dimensions to every layer
+ * by calling Weights constructor
+ * @returns {Network}
+ */
+ addWeights() {
+ this.forEach((layer, i) => {
+ if (i < this.length - 1) {
+ layer.addWeights(
+ new Weights(layer.length, this[i + 1].length).fillRandom()
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Applies a function to every layer by calling layer.apply() on every layer
+ * @param {Function} func mapping function called on every layer with
+ * layer.apply()
+ * @returns {Network}
+ */
+ apply(func) {
+ this.forEach((layer, i) => (i > 0 ? layer.apply(func) : ""));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Connects every layers with its succedding layer by calling layer.connect
+ * @returns {Network}
+ */
+ connect() {
+ this.forEach((layer, i) =>
+ i < this.length - 1 ? layer.connect(this[i + 1]) : ""
+ );
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs the neural network
+ * @returns {Network}
+ */
+ run() {
+ this.forEach(layer => (layer.next ? layer.run() : ""));
+ return this;
+ }