diff --git a/jose/Jose/Header/index.html b/jose/Jose/Header/index.html index 53a694b..cdfc08b 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/Header/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/Header/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Header (jose.Jose.Header)

Module Jose.Header

type t = {
  1. alg : Jwa.alg;
  2. jwk : Jwk.public Jwk.t option;
  3. kid : string option;
  4. x5t : string option;
  5. x5t256 : string option;
  6. typ : string option;
  7. cty : string option;
  8. enc : Jwa.enc option;
  9. extra : (string * Yojson.Safe.t) list;

The header has the following properties:

  • alg Jwa.alg
  • jwk JSON Web Key
  • kid Key ID - We currently always expect this to be there, this can change in the future
  • x5t X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint -
  • x5t#S256 X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint
  • typ Type
  • cty Content Type Not implemented

Link to RFC

Complete list of registered header parameters

val make_header : +Header (jose.Jose.Header)

Module Jose.Header

type t = {
  1. alg : Jwa.alg;
  2. jwk : Jwk.public Jwk.t option;
  3. kid : string option;
  4. x5t : string option;
  5. x5t256 : string option;
  6. typ : string option;
  7. cty : string option;
  8. enc : Jwa.enc option;
  9. extra : (string * Yojson.Safe.t) list;

The header has the following properties:

  • alg Jwa.alg
  • jwk JSON Web Key
  • kid Key ID - We currently always expect this to be there, this can change in the future
  • x5t X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint -
  • x5t#S256 X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint
  • typ Type
  • cty Content Type Not implemented

Link to RFC

Complete list of registered header parameters

val make_header : ?typ:string -> ?alg:Jwa.alg -> ?enc:Jwa.enc -> diff --git a/jose/Jose/Jwa/index.html b/jose/Jose/Jwa/index.html index ff2980f..7905f66 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/Jwa/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/Jwa/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Jwa (jose.Jose.Jwa)

Module Jose.Jwa

JSON Web Algorithm

Link to RFC

type alg = [
  1. | `RS256

    HMAC using SHA-256

  2. | `HS256

    RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256

  3. | `ES256

    ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256

  4. | `ES384

    ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384

  5. | `ES512

    ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512

  6. | `EdDSA
  7. | `RSA_OAEP

    RSAES OAEP using default parameters

  8. | `RSA1_5

    RSA PKCS 1

  9. | `None
  10. | `Unsupported of string

Link to RFC

  • RS256 and HS256 and none is currently the only supported algs for signature - RSA_OAEP is currently the only supported alg for encryption
val alg_to_string : alg -> string
val alg_of_string : string -> alg
val alg_to_json : alg -> Yojson.Safe.t
val alg_of_json : Yojson.Safe.t -> alg
type kty = [
  1. | `oct

    Octet sequence (used to represent symmetric keys)

  2. | `RSA

    RSA Link to RFC

  3. | `EC

    Elliptic Curve

  4. | `OKP

    Octet Key Pair Link to RFC

  5. | `Unsupported of string
val kty_to_string : kty -> string
val kty_of_string : string -> kty
type enc = [
  1. | `A128CBC_HS256

    AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 authenticated encryption algorithm, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-5.2.3

  2. | `A256GCM

    AES GCM using 256-bit key



val enc_to_string : enc -> string
val enc_of_string : string -> enc
+Jwa (jose.Jose.Jwa)

Module Jose.Jwa

JSON Web Algorithm

Link to RFC

type alg = [
  1. | `RS256

    HMAC using SHA-256

  2. | `HS256

    RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256

  3. | `ES256

    ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256

  4. | `ES384

    ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384

  5. | `ES512

    ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512

  6. | `EdDSA
  7. | `RSA_OAEP

    RSAES OAEP using default parameters

  8. | `RSA1_5

    RSA PKCS 1

  9. | `None
  10. | `Unsupported of string

Link to RFC

  • RS256 and HS256 and none is currently the only supported algs for signature - RSA_OAEP is currently the only supported alg for encryption
val alg_to_string : alg -> string
val alg_of_string : string -> alg
val alg_to_json : alg -> Yojson.Safe.t
val alg_of_json : Yojson.Safe.t -> alg
type kty = [
  1. | `oct

    Octet sequence (used to represent symmetric keys)

  2. | `RSA

    RSA Link to RFC

  3. | `EC

    Elliptic Curve

  4. | `OKP

    Octet Key Pair Link to RFC

  5. | `Unsupported of string
val kty_to_string : kty -> string
val kty_of_string : string -> kty
type enc = [
  1. | `A128CBC_HS256

    AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 authenticated encryption algorithm, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-5.2.3

  2. | `A256GCM

    AES GCM using 256-bit key



val enc_to_string : enc -> string
val enc_of_string : string -> enc
diff --git a/jose/Jose/Jwe/index.html b/jose/Jose/Jwe/index.html index 3df58de..09f6ebc 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/Jwe/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/Jwe/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Jwe (jose.Jose.Jwe)

Module Jose.Jwe

Link to RFC

type t = {
  1. header : Header.t;
  2. cek : string;

    Content Encryption Key

  3. iv : string;

    Initialization Vector

  4. payload : string;

    plaintext to be encrypted

  5. aad : string option;

    Additional Authentication Data, for future use


A JWE ready for encryption

val make : +Jwe (jose.Jose.Jwe)

Module Jose.Jwe

Link to RFC

type t = {
  1. header : Header.t;
  2. cek : string;

    Content Encryption Key

  3. iv : string;

    Initialization Vector

  4. payload : string;

    plaintext to be encrypted

  5. aad : string option;

    Additional Authentication Data, for future use


A JWE ready for encryption

val make : header:Header.t -> string -> (t, [> `Missing_enc | `Unsupported_alg ]) Stdlib.result

make header payload creates a JWE from a Header.t and the plaintext that you want to encrypt

val encrypt : diff --git a/jose/Jose/Jwk/index.html b/jose/Jose/Jwk/index.html index e105c61..32aac0f 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/Jwk/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/Jwk/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Jwk (jose.Jose.Jwk)

Module Jose.Jwk

JSON Web Key

Link to RFC

type use = [
  1. | `Sig
  2. | `Enc
  3. | `Unsupported of string

use will default to `Sig in all functions unless supplied

type public =
  1. | Public
type priv =
  1. | Private
type 'key jwk = {
  1. alg : Jwa.alg option;

    The algorithm for the key

  2. kty : Jwa.kty;

    The key type for the key

  3. use : use option;
  4. kid : string option;

    Key ID

  5. key : 'key;

    The key implementation

type pub_rsa = Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.pub jwk

rsa represents a public JWK with kty `RSA and a Rsa.pub key

type priv_rsa = Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.priv jwk

rsa represents a private JWK with kty `RSA and a Rsa.priv key

type oct = string jwk

oct represents a JWK with kty `OCT and a string key.

oct will in most cases be a private key but there are some cases where it will be considered public, eg. if you parse a public JSON

type priv_es256 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P256.Dsa.priv jwk

es256 represents a public JWK with kty `EC and a P256.pub key

type pub_es256 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P256.Dsa.pub jwk

es256 represents a private JWK with kty `EC and a P256.priv key

type priv_es384 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P384.Dsa.priv jwk

es384 represents a public JWK with kty `EC and a P384.pub key

type pub_es384 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P384.Dsa.pub jwk

es384 represents a private JWK with kty `EC and a P384.priv key

type priv_es512 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P521.Dsa.priv jwk

es512 represents a public JWK with kty `EC and a P512.pub key

type pub_es512 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P521.Dsa.pub jwk

es512 represents a private JWK with kty `EC and a P512.priv key

type priv_ed25519 = Mirage_crypto_ec.Ed25519.priv jwk

ed25519 represents a public JWK with kty `OKP and a Ed25519.pub key

type pub_ed25519 = Mirage_crypto_ec.Ed25519.pub jwk

ed25519 represents a private JWK with kty `OKP and a Ed25519.priv key

type 'a t =
  1. | Oct : oct -> 'a t
  2. | Rsa_priv : priv_rsa -> priv t
  3. | Rsa_pub : pub_rsa -> public t
  4. | Es256_priv : priv_es256 -> priv t
  5. | Es256_pub : pub_es256 -> public t
  6. | Es384_priv : priv_es384 -> priv t
  7. | Es384_pub : pub_es384 -> public t
  8. | Es512_priv : priv_es512 -> priv t
  9. | Es512_pub : pub_es512 -> public t
  10. | Ed25519_priv : priv_ed25519 -> priv t
  11. | Ed25519_pub : pub_ed25519 -> public t

t describes a JSON Web Key which can be either public or private

Public keys

These keys are safe to show and should be used to verify signed content.

val make_pub_rsa : ?use:use -> Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.pub -> public t

rsa_of_pub use pub takes a public key generated by Nocrypto and returns a result t or a message of what went wrong.

val of_pub_pem : +Jwk (jose.Jose.Jwk)

Module Jose.Jwk

JSON Web Key

Link to RFC

type use = [
  1. | `Sig
  2. | `Enc
  3. | `Unsupported of string

use will default to `Sig in all functions unless supplied

type public =
  1. | Public
type priv =
  1. | Private
type 'key jwk = {
  1. alg : Jwa.alg option;

    The algorithm for the key

  2. kty : Jwa.kty;

    The key type for the key

  3. use : use option;
  4. kid : string option;

    Key ID

  5. key : 'key;

    The key implementation

type pub_rsa = Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.pub jwk

rsa represents a public JWK with kty `RSA and a Rsa.pub key

type priv_rsa = Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.priv jwk

rsa represents a private JWK with kty `RSA and a Rsa.priv key

type oct = string jwk

oct represents a JWK with kty `OCT and a string key.

oct will in most cases be a private key but there are some cases where it will be considered public, eg. if you parse a public JSON

type priv_es256 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P256.Dsa.priv jwk

es256 represents a public JWK with kty `EC and a P256.pub key

type pub_es256 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P256.Dsa.pub jwk

es256 represents a private JWK with kty `EC and a P256.priv key

type priv_es384 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P384.Dsa.priv jwk

es384 represents a public JWK with kty `EC and a P384.pub key

type pub_es384 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P384.Dsa.pub jwk

es384 represents a private JWK with kty `EC and a P384.priv key

type priv_es512 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P521.Dsa.priv jwk

es512 represents a public JWK with kty `EC and a P512.pub key

type pub_es512 = Mirage_crypto_ec.P521.Dsa.pub jwk

es512 represents a private JWK with kty `EC and a P512.priv key

type priv_ed25519 = Mirage_crypto_ec.Ed25519.priv jwk

ed25519 represents a public JWK with kty `OKP and a Ed25519.pub key

type pub_ed25519 = Mirage_crypto_ec.Ed25519.pub jwk

ed25519 represents a private JWK with kty `OKP and a Ed25519.priv key

type 'a t =
  1. | Oct : oct -> 'a t
  2. | Rsa_priv : priv_rsa -> priv t
  3. | Rsa_pub : pub_rsa -> public t
  4. | Es256_priv : priv_es256 -> priv t
  5. | Es256_pub : pub_es256 -> public t
  6. | Es384_priv : priv_es384 -> priv t
  7. | Es384_pub : pub_es384 -> public t
  8. | Es512_priv : priv_es512 -> priv t
  9. | Es512_pub : pub_es512 -> public t
  10. | Ed25519_priv : priv_ed25519 -> priv t
  11. | Ed25519_pub : pub_ed25519 -> public t

t describes a JSON Web Key which can be either public or private

Public keys

These keys are safe to show and should be used to verify signed content.

val make_pub_rsa : ?use:use -> Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.pub -> public t

rsa_of_pub use pub takes a public key generated by Nocrypto and returns a result t or a message of what went wrong.

val of_pub_pem : ?use:use -> string -> (public t, [> `Msg of string | `Unsupported_kty ]) Stdlib.result

of_pub_pem use pem takes a PEM as a string and returns a public t or a message of what went wrong.

val to_pub_pem : diff --git a/jose/Jose/Jwks/index.html b/jose/Jose/Jwks/index.html index 997dbf1..f83b099 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/Jwks/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/Jwks/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Jwks (jose.Jose.Jwks)

Module Jose.Jwks

JSON Web Key Set

Link to RFC

type t = {
  1. keys : Jwk.public Jwk.t list;

t describes a Private JSON Web Key Set

val to_json : t -> Yojson.Safe.t

to_json t takes a t and returns a Yojson.Safe.t

val of_json : Yojson.Safe.t -> t

of_json json takes a Yojson.Safe.t and returns a t. Keys that can not be serialized safely will be removed from the list

val of_string : string -> t

of_string json_string takes a JSON string representation and returns a t. Keys that can not be serialized safely will be removed from the list

val to_string : t -> string

to_string t takes a t and returns a JSON string representation

val find_key : t -> string -> Jwk.public Jwk.t option
+Jwks (jose.Jose.Jwks)

Module Jose.Jwks

JSON Web Key Set

Link to RFC

type t = {
  1. keys : Jwk.public Jwk.t list;

t describes a Private JSON Web Key Set

val to_json : t -> Yojson.Safe.t

to_json t takes a t and returns a Yojson.Safe.t

val of_json : Yojson.Safe.t -> t

of_json json takes a Yojson.Safe.t and returns a t. Keys that can not be serialized safely will be removed from the list

val of_string : string -> t

of_string json_string takes a JSON string representation and returns a t. Keys that can not be serialized safely will be removed from the list

val to_string : t -> string

to_string t takes a t and returns a JSON string representation

val find_key : t -> string -> Jwk.public Jwk.t option
diff --git a/jose/Jose/Jws/index.html b/jose/Jose/Jws/index.html index 0f1b310..bea44af 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/Jws/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/Jws/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Jws (jose.Jose.Jws)

Module Jose.Jws

JSON Web Signature

Link to RFC

type signature = string
type t = {
  1. header : Header.t;
  2. raw_header : string;
  3. payload : string;
  4. signature : signature;
type serialization = [
  1. | `Compact
  2. | `General
  3. | `Flattened
val of_string : +Jws (jose.Jose.Jws)

Module Jose.Jws

JSON Web Signature

Link to RFC

type signature = string
type t = {
  1. header : Header.t;
  2. raw_header : string;
  3. payload : string;
  4. signature : signature;
type serialization = [
  1. | `Compact
  2. | `General
  3. | `Flattened
val of_string : string -> (t, [> `Msg of string | `Not_json | `Not_supported ]) Stdlib.result
val to_string : ?serialization:serialization -> t -> string
val validate : jwk:'a Jwk.t -> diff --git a/jose/Jose/Jwt/index.html b/jose/Jose/Jwt/index.html index a0a8669..7774193 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/Jwt/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/Jwt/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -Jwt (jose.Jose.Jwt)

Module Jose.Jwt

JSON Web Token

type payload = Yojson.Safe.t
type claim = string * Yojson.Safe.t
val empty_payload : payload
type t = {
  1. header : Header.t;
  2. raw_header : string;
  3. payload : payload;
  4. raw_payload : string;
  5. signature : Jws.signature;
val add_claim : string -> Yojson.Safe.t -> payload -> payload
val get_yojson_claim : t -> string -> Yojson.Safe.t option
val get_string_claim : t -> string -> string option
val get_int_claim : t -> string -> int option
val to_string : ?serialization:Jws.serialization -> t -> string
val of_string : +Jwt (jose.Jose.Jwt)

Module Jose.Jwt

JSON Web Token

type payload = Yojson.Safe.t
type claim = string * Yojson.Safe.t
val empty_payload : payload
type t = {
  1. header : Header.t;
  2. raw_header : string;
  3. payload : payload;
  4. raw_payload : string;
  5. signature : Jws.signature;
val add_claim : string -> Yojson.Safe.t -> payload -> payload
val get_yojson_claim : t -> string -> Yojson.Safe.t option
val get_string_claim : t -> string -> string option
val get_int_claim : t -> string -> int option
val to_string : ?serialization:Jws.serialization -> t -> string
val of_string : jwk:'a Jwk.t -> now:Ptime.t -> string -> diff --git a/jose/Jose/index.html b/jose/Jose/index.html index 13b5cbf..cd11be6 100644 --- a/jose/Jose/index.html +++ b/jose/Jose/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Jose (jose.Jose)

Module Jose

module Jwa : sig ... end
module Jwk : sig ... end
module Jwks : sig ... end
module Header : sig ... end
module Jws : sig ... end
module Jwt : sig ... end
module Jwe : sig ... end
+Jose (jose.Jose)

Module Jose

module Jwa : sig ... end
module Jwk : sig ... end
module Jwks : sig ... end
module Header : sig ... end
module Jws : sig ... end
module Jwt : sig ... end
module Jwe : sig ... end
diff --git a/jose/index.html b/jose/index.html index d1df89a..196535b 100644 --- a/jose/index.html +++ b/jose/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -index (jose.index)

jose index

Library jose

The entry point of this library is the module: Jose.

+index (jose.index)

jose index

Library jose

The entry point of this library is the module: Jose.

diff --git a/odoc.support/odoc.css b/odoc.support/odoc.css index f0f22a1..1b0bb98 100644 --- a/odoc.support/odoc.css +++ b/odoc.support/odoc.css @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ @charset "UTF-8"; /* Copyright (c) 2016 The odoc contributors. All rights reserved. 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+ --bg: #282828; + --bg_s: #32302f; + --bg1: #3c3836; + --bg2: #504945; + --bg3: #665c54; + --bg4: #7c6f64; + + --fg: #fbf1c7; + --fg1: #ebdbb2; + --fg2: #d5c4a1; + --fg3: #bdae93; + --fg4: #a89984; + + --red: #fb4934; + --green: #b8bb26; + --yellow: #fabd2f; + --blue: #83a598; + --purple: #d3869b; + --aqua: #8ec07c; + --gray: #928374; + --orange: #fe8019; + + --red-dim: #cc2412; + --green-dim: #98971a; + --yellow-dim: #d79921; + --blue-dim: #458588; + --purple-dim: #b16286; + --aqua-dim: #689d6a; + --gray-dim: #a89984; + --orange-dim: #d65d0e; + + /* odoc colors */ + --odoc-blue: #5c9cf5; + --odoc-bg: #202020; + --odoc-bg1: #252525; + --odoc-fg: #bebebe; + --odoc-fg1: #777; + } +} - --search-results-border: #505050; - --search-results-shadow: #404040; +:root { + --main-background: var(--odoc-bg); + --color: var(--odoc-fg); + --anchor-hover: var(--fg1); + --anchor-color: var(--bg2); + --xref-shadow: var(--red-dim); + --xref-unresolved: var(--blue-dim); + --header-shadow: var(--bg3); + --by-name-version-color: var(--bg4); + --by-name-nav-link-color: var(--fg2); + --target-background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--main-background) 70%, var(--odoc-blue) 30%); + --target-border: var(--odoc-blue); + --pre-border-color: var(--fg4); + --link-color: var(--odoc-blue); + --source-link-color: var(--fg4); + + + --toc-color: var(--fg); + --toc-before-color: var(--odoc-fg1); + --toc-background: var(--odoc-bg1); + --toc-list-border: var(--fg1); + + --hljs-bg: var(--code-background); + --hljs-link: var(--fg2); + --source-code-keyword: var(--orange); + --hljs-regexp: var(--yellow); + --hljs-title: var(--yellow-dim); + + --spec-label-color: var(--aqua); + --spec-summary-background: var(--code-background); + --spec-summary-border-color: var(--odoc-blue); + --spec-summary-hover-background: var(--odoc-bg1); + --spec-details-after-background: var(--odoc-bg1); + --spec-details-after-border: var(--fg3); + --search-results-border: var(--fg1); + --search-results-shadow: var(--bg3); + --search-highlight-color: var(--odoc-blue); + --search-snake-color: var(--odoc-blue); + /* code colors */ + --code-color: var(--fg); + --code-background: var(--bg); + --li-code-background: var(--bg); + --li-code-color: var(--fg); + + + --source-line-column: var(--fg3); + --source-line-column-bg: var(--bg_h); + + --source-code-comment: var(--gray); + --source-code-docstring: var(--green-dim); + --source-code-lident: var(--fg1); + --source-code-uident: var(--blue); + --source-code-literal: var(--yellow); + --source-code-keyword: var(--red); + --source-code-underscore: var(--fg3); + --source-code-operator: var(--purple); + --source-code-parens: var(--orange-dim); + --source-code-separator: var(--orange-dim); + + --hljs-variable: var(--yellow); + --hljs-literal: var(--red); + --hljs-name: var(--green-dim); + --hljs-tag: var(--fg4); + --hljs-attr: var(--purple); + --hljs-addition: var(--green-dim); + --hljs-addition-bg: color-mix(in srgb, var(--hljs-addition) 10%, var(--hljs-bg) 90%); + --hljs-deletion: var(--red-dim); + --hljs-deletion-bg: color-mix(in srgb, var(--hljs-deletion) 10%, var(--hljs-bg) 90%); -} -@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { - :root { - --main-background: #202020; - --code-background: #333; - --line-numbers-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125); - --navbar-background: #202020; - - --meter-unvisited-color: #622; - --meter-visited-color: #252; - --meter-separator-color: black; - - --color: #bebebe; - --dirname-color: #666; - --underline-color: #444; - --visited-color: #002800; - --visited-number-color: #252; - --unvisited-color: #380000; - --unvisited-number-color: #622; - --somevisited-color: #303000; - --highlight-color: #303e3f; - --line-number-color: rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.3); - --unvisited-margin-color: #622; - --border: #333; - --navbar-border: #333; - --code-color: #ccc; - --by-name-nav-link-color: var(--color); - - --li-code-background: #373737; - --li-code-color: #999; - --toc-color: #777; - --toc-before-color: #777; - --toc-background: #252525; - --toc-background-emph: #2a2a2a; - --toc-list-border: #ccc; - --spec-summary-hover-background: #ebeff2; - --spec-details-after-background: rgba(0, 4, 15, 0.05); - --spec-details-after-shadow: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.53); - - --hljs-link: #999; - --hljs-keyword: #cda869; - --hljs-regexp: #f9ee98; - --hljs-title: #dcdcaa; - --hljs-type: #ac885b; - --hljs-meta: #82aaff; - --hljs-variable: #cf6a4c; - - --spec-label-color: lightgreen; - - --search-results-border: #505050; - --search-results-shadow: #404040; - } } /* Reset a few things. */ @@ -258,7 +283,6 @@ html { body { text-align: left; - background: #FFFFFF; color: var(--color); background-color: var(--main-background); font-family: "Noticia Text", Georgia, serif; @@ -269,23 +293,69 @@ body { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0 4ex; + margin-top: 0; } body.odoc { - max-width: 132ex; + max-width: 181ex; display: grid; - grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr; + grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr min-content; + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar nav ." + "toc-global preamble toc-local" + "toc-global content toc-local"; column-gap: 4ex; - row-gap: 2ex; + grid-template-rows: auto auto 1fr; +} + +body.odoc:has(> .odoc-search:focus-within) { + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar search-bar search-bar" + ". nav ." + "toc-global preamble toc-local" + "toc-global content toc-local"; +} + +body.odoc:not(:has(> .odoc-tocs .odoc-global-toc)) { + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar search-bar" + "nav ." + "preamble toc-local" + "content toc-local"; + grid-template-columns: 1fr min-content; +} + +/* When there is no global sidebar */ +body.odoc:not(:has(> .odoc-tocs .odoc-global-toc)) nav.odoc-nav { + padding-top: 0; +} + +/* When there is no global sidebbar and the searchbar is focused */ +body.odoc:not(:has(> .odoc-tocs .odoc-global-toc)) nav.odoc-nav:has(+ .odoc-search:focus-within) { + padding-top: var(--search-padding-top); +} + +nav.odoc-nav:has(+ .odoc-search:focus-within) { + padding-top: 0; } body.odoc-src { - margin-right: calc(10vw + 20ex); + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr; + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar nav " + "toc-global preamble" + "toc-global content "; + column-gap: 4ex; + grid-template-rows: auto auto 1fr; } .odoc-content { - grid-row: 4; - grid-column: 2; + grid-area: content; +} + +.odoc-content > *:first-child { + margin-top: 0; } .odoc-preamble > *:first-child { @@ -294,13 +364,13 @@ body.odoc-src { margin-top: 0; } -header { +/* Add margin after the preamble if it contains more than one element. */ +header.odoc-preamble:has(> :nth-child(2)) { margin-bottom: 30px; } header.odoc-preamble { - grid-column: 2; - grid-row: 3; + grid-area: preamble; } nav { @@ -308,8 +378,9 @@ nav { } nav.odoc-nav { - grid-column: 2; - grid-row: 2; + grid-area: nav; + padding-top: var(--search-padding-top); + padding-bottom: var(--search-padding-top); } /* Basic markup elements */ @@ -385,15 +456,15 @@ a { color: inherit; } -a:hover { +a:hover:not(.img-link) { box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 var(--link-color); } /* Linked highlight */ -*:target { +*:target, .current_unit { background-color: var(--target-background) !important; - box-shadow: 0 0px 0 1px var(--target-shadow) !important; border-radius: 1px; + border: var(--target-border) 1px solid !important; } *:hover > a.anchor { @@ -430,7 +501,7 @@ a.anchor { } .xref-unresolved { - color: #2C94BD; + color: var(--xref-unresolved); } .xref-unresolved:hover { box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 var(--xref-shadow); @@ -439,7 +510,7 @@ a.anchor { /* Source links float inside preformated text or headings. */ a.source_link { float: right; - color: var(--source-color); + color: var(--source-link-color); font-family: "Fira Sans", sans-serif; font-size: initial; } @@ -652,7 +723,7 @@ div.def-doc>*:first-child { bottom: 1px; width: 15px; background: var(--spec-details-after-background, rgba(0, 4, 15, 0.05)); - box-shadow: 0 0px 0 1px var(--spec-details-after-shadow, rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.53)); + box-shadow: 0 0px 0 1px var(--spec-details-after-border, rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.53)); } .odoc-include summary { @@ -668,7 +739,7 @@ div.def-doc>*:first-child { /* FIXME: Does not work in Firefox. */ .odoc-include summary::-webkit-details-marker { - color: #888; + color: #888; /* todo : use color from palette */ transform: scaleX(-1); position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 5px); @@ -701,7 +772,13 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { /* Alert emoji */ .alert::before, .deprecated::before { - content: '⚠️ '; + content: '⚠️ ' / ''; +} + +/* Since emoji */ + +.since::before { + content: '🕚 ' / ''; } /* Lists of modules */ @@ -786,26 +863,43 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { line-height: 1.2; } +.odoc-toc.odoc-local-toc:before { + content: "Local content"; + +} +.odoc-toc.odoc-global-toc:before { + content: "Global content"; +} + /* When a search bar is present, we need the sticky sidebar to be a bit lower, so `top` is higher */ -.odoc-search + * + .odoc-toc { - --toc-top: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + var(--search-padding-top) + 20px); +body.odoc:has( .odoc-search) .odoc-toc { + --toc-top: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + 2 * var(--search-padding-top)); max-height: calc(100vh - 2 * var(--toc-top)); top: var(--toc-top) } +.odoc-tocs { + display: contents; +} + +.odoc-local-toc { + grid-area: toc-local; +} + +.odoc-global-toc { + grid-area: toc-global; +} + .odoc-toc { --toc-top: 20px; - width: 28ex; + width: 42ex; background: var(--toc-background); overflow: auto; color: var(--toc-color); padding-left: 2ex; padding-right: 2ex; - grid-row-start: 3; - grid-row-end: 5; - grid-column: 1; height: fit-content; border: solid 1px var(--border); border-radius: 5px; @@ -823,9 +917,29 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { display: block; } -.odoc-sidebar ul li a:hover { - box-shadow: none; - text-decoration: underline; +.odoc-toc.odoc-global-toc > ul > li { + margin-left:0; +} + +.odoc-toc.odoc-global-toc > ul > li > ul > li { + margin-left:0; + padding-left:0; + border: 0; + margin-top: 10px; + margin-bottom: 10px; +} + +.odoc-toc.odoc-global-toc > ul > li > ul > li { + font-weight: 500; +} + +.odoc-toc.odoc-global-toc > ul > li > ul > li > a { + font-weight: inherit; + font-size: inherit; +} + +.odoc-toc.odoc-global-toc > ul > li > a { + font-size: 1.2em; } :root { @@ -840,13 +954,13 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { /* This amounts to fit-content when the search is not active, but when you have the search results displayed, you do not want the height of the search container to change. */ - height: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + var(--search-padding-top)); + height: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + 2 * var(--search-padding-top)); width: 100%; padding-top: var(--search-padding-top); + padding-bottom: var(--search-padding-top); z-index: 1; - grid-row: 1; - grid-column-start: 1; - grid-column-end: 3; + grid-area: search-bar; + } @@ -870,10 +984,30 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { transition: font-size 0.3s; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0.2rem 0.3em var(--main-background); height: var(--search-bar-height); + border: 1px solid var(--fg4); + /* inputs are of fixed size by default, even if you display:block them */ + width: 100%; + color: var(--odoc-fg); + background: var(--odoc-bg1); + border-radius: 5px; + outline: none; +} + +.odoc-search:focus-within { + width: 100%; } .odoc-search:focus-within .search-bar { font-size: 1.1em; + border-color: var(--search-highlight-color); +} + +.search-bar:focus-visible { + outline: 2px solid var(--search-highlight-color); +} + +.search-bar::placeholder { + color: var(--fg3); } .odoc-search:not(:focus-within) .search-result { @@ -900,11 +1034,6 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { overflow-y: auto; } -.search-bar { - /* inputs are of fixed size by default, even if you display:block them */ - width: 100%; -} - .odoc-search .search-no-result { color: var(--color); @@ -949,7 +1078,7 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { margin-right: 4px; border-radius: 50%; border: 3px solid #aaa; - border-color: var(--search-snake) transparent var(--search-snake) transparent; + border-color: var(--search-snake-color) transparent var(--search-snake-color) transparent; animation: search-snake 1.2s linear infinite; position: absolute; right: 0; @@ -993,14 +1122,14 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { white-space: nowrap; } -.odoc-search .search-entry:focus-visible { +.odoc-search .search-result .search-entry:focus-visible { box-shadow: none; background-color: var(--target-background); } .odoc-search .search-entry:hover { box-shadow: none; - background-color: var(--toc-background-emph); + background-color: var(--main-background); } .odoc-search .search-entry .entry-kind { @@ -1021,8 +1150,8 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { .odoc-search .search-entry pre code { font-size: 1em; - background-color: var(--li-code-background); - color: var(--li-code-color); + background-color: var(--code-background); + color: var(--code-color); border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 0.3ex; } @@ -1106,7 +1235,7 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { font-weight: 500; } -.odoc-toc li ul { +.odoc-toc ul li ul { margin: 0px; padding-top: 0.25em; } @@ -1120,6 +1249,7 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { } .odoc-toc>ul>li { + margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0.3em; } @@ -1148,21 +1278,75 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { /* Mobile adjustements. */ +@media only screen and (max-width: 210ex) { + body.odoc { + max-width: 132ex; + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar nav" + "sidebar preamble" + "sidebar content"; + } + body.odoc .odoc-tocs { + display: flex; + grid-area: sidebar; + flex-direction : column; + gap: 20px; + } + body.odoc .odoc-tocs .odoc-toc { + position: unset; + max-height: unset; + } + body.odoc:has(.odoc-search:focus-within) { + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar search-bar" + ". nav" + "sidebar preamble" + "sidebar content"; + } +} + @media only screen and (max-width: 110ex) { - body { + body.odoc { margin: 2em; padding: 0; + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar" + "nav" + "preamble" + "toc-local" + "content" + "toc-global"; + grid-template-columns: 1fr; } - - body.odoc { - display: block; + body.odoc:has(> .odoc-search:focus-within) { + /* This is the same as when there is no focus on the search bar, this is + just to prevent the default "wide layout" rule from changing anything. */ + grid-template-areas: + "search-bar" + "nav" + "preamble" + "toc-local" + "content" + "toc-global"; + grid-template-columns: 1fr; } - - .odoc-toc { + body.odoc .odoc-search { + position: relative; + height: calc(var(--search-bar-height) + 2 * var(--search-padding-top)); + } + body.odoc nav.odoc-nav { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: var(--search-padding-top); + } + body.odoc .odoc-tocs { + display: contents; + } + body.odoc .odoc-tocs .odoc-toc { position: static; width: auto; min-width: unset; max-width: unset; + max-height: unset; border: none; padding: 0.2em 1em; border-radius: 5px; @@ -1187,12 +1371,15 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { .source_container { display: flex; + grid-area: content; + margin-top: 0; } .source_line_column { padding-right: 0.5em; text-align: right; - background: #eee8d5; + color: var(--source-line-column); + background: var(--source-line-column-bg); } .source_line { @@ -1201,9 +1388,9 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { .source_code { flex-grow: 1; - background: #fdf6e3; + background: var(--code-background); padding: 0 0.3em; - color: #657b83; + color: var(--code-color); } /* Source directories */ @@ -1236,7 +1423,7 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { .hljs-comment, .hljs-meta { - color: #969896; + color: var(--source-code-comment); } .hljs-string, @@ -1244,35 +1431,35 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { .hljs-template-variable, .hljs-strong, .hljs-emphasis, -.hljs-quote { - color: #df5000; +.hljs-quote, +.hljs-literal { + color: var(--source-code-literal); } .hljs-keyword, .hljs-selector-tag { - color: #a71d5d; + color: var(--source-code-keyword); } .hljs-type, .hljs-class .hljs-title { - color: #458; + color: var(--source-code-uident); font-weight: 500; } -.hljs-literal, .hljs-symbol, .hljs-bullet, .hljs-attribute { - color: #0086b3; + color: var(--hljs-literal); } .hljs-section, .hljs-name { - color: #63a35c; + color: var(--hljs-name); } .hljs-tag { - color: #333333; + color: var(--hljs-tag); } .hljs-attr, @@ -1280,100 +1467,129 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { .hljs-selector-class, .hljs-selector-attr, .hljs-selector-pseudo { - color: #795da3; + color: var(--hljs-attr); } .hljs-addition { - color: #55a532; - background-color: #eaffea; + color: var(--hljs-addition); + background-color: var(--hljs-addition-bg); } .hljs-deletion { - color: #bd2c00; - background-color: #ffecec; + color: var(--hljs-deletion); + background-color: var(--hljs-deletion-bg); } .hljs-link { text-decoration: underline; } -.VAL, -.TYPE, -.LET, +/* Keywords */ +.AND, .ANDOP, .AS, .ASSERT, +.BAR, .BEGIN, +.CLASS, .CONSTRAINT, +.DO, .DONE, .DOWNTO, +.ELSE, .END, .EXCEPTION, .EXTERNAL, +.FOR, .FUN, .FUNCTION, .FUNCTOR, +.IF, .IN, .INCLUDE, .INHERIT, .INITIALIZER, +.LAZY, .LESSMINUS, .LET, .LETOP, +.MATCH, .METHOD, .MINUSGREATER, .MODULE, .MUTABLE, +.NEW, .NONREC, +.OBJECT, .OF, .OPEN, +.PERCENT, .PRIVATE, .REC, -.IN, -.OPEN, -.NONREC, -.MODULE, -.METHOD, -.LETOP, -.INHERIT, -.INCLUDE, -.FUNCTOR, -.EXTERNAL, -.CONSTRAINT, -.ASSERT, -.AND, -.END, -.CLASS, -.STRUCT, -.SIG { - color: #859900; - ; -} - -.WITH, -.WHILE, -.WHEN, -.VIRTUAL, -.TRY, -.TO, -.THEN, -.PRIVATE, -.OF, -.NEW, -.MUTABLE, -.MATCH, -.LAZY, -.IF, -.FUNCTION, -.FUN, -.FOR, -.EXCEPTION, -.ELSE, -.TO, -.DOWNTO, -.DO, -.DONE, -.BEGIN, -.AS { - color: #cb4b16; -} - -.TRUE, -.FALSE { - color: #b58900; -} - -.failwith, -.INT, -.SEMISEMI, -.LIDENT { - color: #2aa198; -} - -.STRING, -.CHAR, -.UIDENT { - color: #b58900; +.SEMISEMI, .SIG, .STRUCT, +.THEN, .TO, .TRY, .TYPE, +.VAL, .VIRTUAL, +.WHEN, .WITH, .WHILE +{ + color: var(--source-code-keyword);; +} + +/* Separators */ +.COMMA, .COLON, .COLONGREATER, .SEMI { + color: var(--source-code-separator); +} + +/* Parens + `begin` and `end ` are excluded because `end` is used in other, more + keyword-y contexts*/ +.BARRBRACKET, +.LBRACE, +.LBRACELESS, +.LBRACKET, +.LBRACKETAT, +.LBRACKETATAT, +.LBRACKETATATAT, +.LBRACKETBAR, +.LBRACKETGREATER, +.LBRACKETLESS, +.LBRACKETPERCENT, +.LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT, +.LPAREN, +.RBRACE, +.RBRACKET, +.RPAREN +{ + color: var(--source-code-parens); +} + +/* Prefix operators */ +.ASSERT, .BANG, .PREFIXOP, +/* Infix operators. + A choice had to be made for equal `=` which is both a keyword and an operator. + It looked better having it as an operator, because when it is a keyword, + there are already loads of keyword around. + It would look even nicer if there was a way to distinguish between these + two cases.*/ +.INFIXOP0, .INFIXOP1, .INFIXOP2, .INFIXOP3, .INFIXOP4, +.BARBAR, .PLUS, .STAR, .AMPERAMPER, .AMPERAND, .COLONEQUAL, .GREATER, .LESS, +.MINUS, .MINUSDOT, .MINUSGREATER, .OR, .PLUSDOT, .PLUSEQ, .EQUAL +{ + color: var(--source-code-operator); +} + +/* Upper case ident + `true` and `false` are considered uident here, because you can bind them in a + constructor defintion : + ```ocaml + type my_bool = + | true of string + | false + | Other of int + ``` +*/ +.UIDENT, .COLONCOLON, .TRUE, .FALSE { + color: var(--source-code-uident); + +} + +/* Lower case idents. + Quotes are here because of `type 'a t = 'a list`, + and question mark and tildes because of + ```ocaml + let f ~a ?b () = Option.map a b + ``` +*/ +.LIDENT, .QUESTION, .QUOTE, .TILDE { + color: var(--source-code-lident); +} + +/* Litterals */ + .STRING, .CHAR, .INT, .FLOAT, .QUOTED_STRING_EXPR, .QUOTED_STRING_ITEM { + color: var(--source-code-literal); +} + +.UNDERSCORE { + color: var(--source-code-underscore); } .DOCSTRING { - color: #268bd2; + color: var(--source-code-docstring); } .COMMENT { - color: #93a1a1; + color: var(--source-code-comment); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -1390,4 +1606,4 @@ td.def-doc *:first-child { WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ \ No newline at end of file + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ diff --git a/odoc.support/odoc_search.js b/odoc.support/odoc_search.js index 0dc659d..79b86bd 100644 --- a/odoc.support/odoc_search.js +++ b/odoc.support/odoc_search.js @@ -64,3 +64,87 @@ document.querySelector(".search-bar").addEventListener("input", (ev) => { wait(); worker.postMessage(ev.target.value); }); + + +/** Navigation */ + +let search_result_elt = document.querySelector(".search-result") + +function search_results() { + return search_result_elt.children; +} + +function enter_search() { + document.querySelector(".search-bar").focus(); +} + +function escape_search() { + document.activeElement.blur() +} + +function focus_previous_result() { + let results = Array.from(search_results()); + let current_focus = results.findIndex((elt) => (document.activeElement === elt)); + if (current_focus === -1) + return; + else if (current_focus === 0) + enter_search(); + else + results[current_focus - 1].focus(); +} + +function focus_next_result() { + let results = Array.from(search_results()); + if (results.length === 0) return; + let current_focus = results.findIndex((elt) => (document.activeElement === elt)); + if (current_focus === -1) + results[0].focus(); + else if (current_focus + 1 === results.length) + return; + else + results[current_focus + 1].focus(); +} + + +function is_searching() { + return (document.querySelectorAll(".odoc-search:focus-within").length > 0); +} + +function is_typing() { + return (document.activeElement === document.querySelector(".search-bar")); +} + +function handle_key_down(event) { + if (is_searching()) { + if (event.key === "ArrowUp") { + event.preventDefault(); + focus_previous_result(); + } + if (event.key === "ArrowDown") { + event.preventDefault(); + focus_next_result(); + } + if (event.key === "Escape") { + event.preventDefault(); + escape_search(); + } + } + if (!(is_typing())) { + let ascii = event.key.charCodeAt(0); + if (event.key === "/") { + event.preventDefault(); + enter_search(); + } + else if ( is_searching() + && event.key.length === 1 + && ( (ascii >= 65 && ascii <= 90) // lowercase letter + || (ascii >= 97 && ascii <= 122) // uppercase letter + || (ascii >= 48 && ascii <= 57) // numbers + || (ascii >= 32 && ascii <= 46) // ` ` to `.` + || (ascii >= 58 && ascii <= 64)) // `:` to `@` + ) + // We do not prevent default because we want the char to be added to the input + enter_search (); + } +} +document.addEventListener("keydown", handle_key_down);