Sure, here is a professional and descriptive documentation about the service information you provided:
EasyAdmin does not provide a method of building custom tables except through the use of CRUD which is generated automatically by EasyAdmin. EasyAdmin Ultimate provides a solution to create exactly the same table similar to CRUD by providing a powerful TableBuilder
The TableBuilder
is a utility that utilizes a Cell
object which represents an intersection between a column and a row. There are two types of objects that are subclasses of the Cell
The ColumnCell
is a cell unit representing the configuration in the thead
section while the DataCell
is a cell unit representing each td
configuration in the tbody
use App\Utility\TableBuilder;
// optionally
use App\Utility\ColumnCell;
use App\Utility\DataCell;
$table = new TableBuilder('table-name');
new ColumnCell('name'),
new ColumnCell('email'),
'Date' // This will internally be converted to ColumnCell
$table->getColumns(); // returns an array of ColumnCells
The above represents a way of adding and getting all columns. To set rows for each column, you should define the rows as an array of arrays. The inner array should contain strings or DataCells
// String will internally be converted to DataCell instance
'[email protected]',
new DataCell('mary'),
new DataCell('[email protected]'),
new DataCell('jun-14-1998')
new DataCell('[email protected]'),
$table->getRows(); // will return only array of arrays of DataCell (not strings even if strings were set as part of the data)
To remove a row, you must pass a callable and if the callable returns true
, the row will be removed. Example:
$table->removeRows(function(array $row) {
$cell = $row[0];
return $cell->getValue() == 'mary';
This will filter the rows and remove the second one which has a value of mary
To automatically add checkboxes at the start of each row where you can select all or individual row:
$table->setBatchActions(true, 1);
- The first parameter (required) indicates a batch action and will add a checkout to the beginning of all fields if set to
. - The second parameter (required) called
indicates the column whose value will be used as the value of the checkbox field.
For example, the value 1
means that the email
column will be used as the batch action value. Therefore, if the table was embedded within a form and submitted, the submitted data will contain all emails in the selected row.
Likewise, if the associateIndex
is 0
, then the submitted data will contain all names
of selected rows
The TableBuilder
also contains a Paginator
that provides a nav for viewing table data sequentially. To apply custom configuration to the Paginator
, you can access it and configure it.
->setItemsPerPage(20) // 20 rows per page
->setUrlPattern('' . Paginator::NUM_PLACEHOLDER) // The url pattern to different pages
The Paginator
library is a standalone library forked from jasongrimes/php-paginator
. This forked version provides additional functionality and modern PHP compatibility. Explore the Paginator
The DataCell
and ColumnCell
both extend the Cell
class. This cell provides the following methods:
Sure, here's the information in a listed markdown format:
This method is used to assign a specific value to a cell. The value you set using this method is what will be displayed inside the table cell when it is rendered. For example:
This method is used to retrieve the value that was previously set using setValue
. When you call this method, it returns the current value of the cell.
This method is used to set an array that will be converted to HTML attributes for the cell. For example,
$cell->setAttributes(['data-code' => 123]);
will render as <td data-code="123">...</td>
for the particular table cell, the node name depends on whether it's a ColumnCell
or DataCell
This method is used to retrieve the attributes that were previously set using setAttributes
This method is used to set whether the cell should be hidden or not. For example, if you want a cell not to be part of the table based on some condition, you can easily check
if($cell->value() == 'password') {
This method is used to check if the cell is hidden. For example: $isHidden = $cell->isHidden();
This method is used to set a custom data passed to the cell for custom references, actions, or purposes. This is used to add extra information about the cell that may be used later in the future (especially in the configurator). For example:
$cell->setMeta('custom-key', true);
This method is used to retrieve the meta data that was previously set using setMeta
. For example:
$meta = $cell->getMeta('custom-key'); // true
The Configurator
is a vital part of the TableBuilder
that provides a means for you to render your table professionally. Configurators are callables that are executed on each cell just before rendering, allowing you to make adequate modifications to each cell property. A TableBuilder
can have more than one configurator and each will be called sequentially to configure the cell before it is rendered.
$table->setConfigurator('unique-name', function(Cell $cell, int $offset, ?ColumnCell $column) {
// your configuration here
The configurator callable receives three arguments:
: This is theColumnCell
with information to be rendered.$offset
: The column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.).$column
: TheColumnCell
corresponding to the current column index ($offset
), ornull
if no column is defined for that index.
If you want your data to render as an anchor (link) rather than just regular text, you can set the "anchor" meta key (only applicable to DataCell
$cell->setMeta('anchor', [
'href' => 'http://...',
'target' => '_blank',
'class' => 'btn btn-primary'
If the value of the cell is "john", setting the anchor meta for the cell will render it as
<a href='http://...' target='_blank' class='btn btn-primary'>
After configuring the TableBuilder
, it will not automatically be rendered. You'll need to include the utility/table.html.twig
into your template and pass the table instance. For example:
// src/Controller/MyController.php
$this->render('my_template.html.twig', [
'table_instance' => $table
Then within your template:
{# my_template.html.twig #}
{% include 'utlitiy/table.html.twig' with {table: table_instance} %}
This documentation covers the core features and usage of the TableBuilder class in EasyAdmin Ultimate. Use it to build powerful, customizable tables tailored to your application's needs. Reference the source code for indepth detail