Releases: uclmoodle/moodle-report_myfeedback
v2.9 (Build: 2017112800)
Included modal.js so that self-reflective notes and Turnitin feedback can be added in Moodle 3.3+, regardless of theme.
Removed unused datatables.js files.
Closed all the recordsets that can be closed in lib.php.
Moved the few recordset closes already in the code out of the valid() if statement, so they close regardless of a valid result.
Moved some of the css out of the code and into the css file (still more cleaning up of css in other areas is required though).
Added an index on the log table to speed the queries where the date the feedback is viewed is shown.
Changed the date format to d-m-Y so the full year is shown and isn't ambiguous - e.g. 13-5-2017, instead of 13-5-17.
v2.8.12 (Build: 2017060600)
Fixed spelling errors in en lang file.
Fixed bug where Turnitin Assignment parts with the marks available changed from 100 show the correct total marks available.
Fixed postgres sql errors with missing group by and mismatched types resulting in a database connection error.
2.8.11 (Build: 2017020102)
Resolved bug where some Turnitin Assignments (v1 and v2) were showing before the post date.
2.8.7 (Build: 2017012700)
Resolved bug where Moodle database table prefix (mdl) was hard coded into lib.php.
2.8.6 (Build: 2017012500)
Resolved bug where old (overwritten) Moodle Assignment rubric selections display in the report, alongside the latest rubric selections.
Updated language files to highlight that the archiving features are not suitable for production Moodle instances, due to issues with checking permissions on older versions of Moodle.
The workaround is to install the My feedback plugin on every Moodle instance independently.
2.8.5 (Build: 2016100400)
Resolved minor bugs.
Further settings added to admin page.
Resolved timeout on My students tab.
Added search to My students tab.
Changing name of 'progadmin' role no longer removes the Dept Admin tab.
No longer shows 'no submission' on assignment where a submission exists but no grade or feedback given.
Turnitin parts grades showing correctly - used to show one grade for all parts.
Viewed column now showing date feedback first viewed, not last viewed.
Workshop assessment feedback now showing, rather than just the submission feedback.
2.8.4 (Build: 2016100400)
Added strings in code to the lang file.
New Departmental admin dashboard.
New Module tutor dashboard.
New Personal tutor dashboard.
New My students tab for staff to view personal tutees and students on courses.
Checks for extensions granted to individual students (or groups) so the Moodle assignment and quiz due date is accurate for each student.
Now displays an icon showing where rubrics and grading forms are being used in Moodle Assignments.
Allows for archived Moodle versions to be added to the report (warning: switching this on is NOT recommended, as there are some permission issues around using this).
Multiple bug fixes.
Thoroughly tested: a production quality release.
v2.7 (Build: 2016011900)
Fixed the issue further due to other issues popped up with some quiz submissions shown as late when they aren't
Fixed an issue with the self-reflective notes and turnitin feedback where an iteminstance had to be added to the DB table as turnitin uses the same grade item for multiple parts but used the subparts id for the different instances.
Fixed the decimal places to return the amount of decimal places as is set in Moodle.
Fixed the a further issue with max grade not updated when this is modified affter students are already graded.
Fixed the issue where tutors/admin could edit or add to the 'related' user's self-reflective notes
Fixed the hardcoded link in the mytutees tab which was causing an error.
Fixed the mytutee page where users in inactive courses are showing in the tutee list and inactive courses showing in the course shortname list.
Fixed the display of self-reflective notes to only the students themselves, their personal tutor and program admin but not module tutor (unless you are also their personal tutor).
Fixed any possibility of Cross site scripting (XSS) when adding turnitin feedback and self-reflective notes.
Fixed the assignment and workshop feedback files which were showing an icon if the grade item has a feedbackfile for any user and not if the specific individual has a feedback file.
Fixed the decimal places to only show decimals if the grade has a fraction.
Fixed the issue where module tutors were seeing self-reflective notes which are only for the students personal tutors and programme admin.
Fixed turnitintool and turnitintooltwo feedback to take students and tutors to the individual feedback page.
Fixed the turnitin feedback to not show a link if no grade is yet added.
New Features
Added the ellipsis(...) styling for the long shortname, also for the mytutees course shortnames and ensure it doesn't wrap to two or more lines.
Added a background colour if the non-moolde feedback is student-added.
Added the user's name to the Feedback heading to say My feedback report for xxx.
Tutors and admin were now allowed to see their own my feedback report if they are a student on any course
Enlarged the size of the My students tab table so that relationship column in particular can show more module shortnames and also add a media query for smaller screens to default to the original size of max 420px.
Modified the quiz attempts to show the review page and for multiple attempts, show the feedback text with a link to show the last of the number of attempts.
Added a tooltip to the reflective notes header explaining to students that personal tutor and programme admin will be able to see their self-reflective notes.
2.6 (Build: 2015120302)
Numerous bug fixes and new features.
Fixed excel export.
The ColReorder now works on the feedback table.
Reset table now available.
Changed overview table blank column heading to Available grade.
Comment out the bar graph and range and put highest grade.
New function to get the available grade if it is a scale and not manual.
New function to get the available grade if it is a letter.
New function to get the available grade if manual and scale.
Manual item shows when display type is default.
The turnitin link now works. Added module id.
Removed the header ‘Feedback comments’ as the Tab already says this
Renamed ‘Submission / Full feedback’ label to ‘Submission / Feedback’ on overview tab, but on page 2 – left is as ‘Full feedback’
Added ‘Assessment’ label to Feedback comments tab
Added ‘Submission date’ coln to Feedback comments tab
MyFeedback report now sorts by Submission date (latest first) by default
Added bar graphs to Overview tab
Have only view feedback or view submission if there is only one or the other but feedback will supercede.
Added Submission date to the feedback table
Added a different destroy button for the feedback table as it was clashing with the table on the overview tab.
Fixed table not resetting on second click without refresh
Removed the savestate from both tables.
Look back at the destroy table so it destroys the other datatables plugins as well.
Colvis label - set to overflow hidden.
Export table unicode/utf8 - symbols now show properly.
2.5 (Build: 2015090401)
Only works on Moodle v2.8+ due to database schema changes (potentially v2.7, but this hasn't been tested).
Shows scale grades, exports to excel, print view, filter each column.
Uses dataTables rather than footable for table sorting and mobile responsiveness.
Feedback comments tabs shows general feedback, rubrics and marking guides/grading forms for Moodle and Turnitin assignments.
Feedback comments tab shows whether student has viewed their feedback.