All notable changes to the StableLift pipeline.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add Delly2-sSV support
- Add preprocessing script for Strelka2 VCFs to add GT field for Funcotator
- Add process to split large VCFs to parse in chunks
- Standardize annotation workflow to always annotate variants after LiftOver
- Rename Delly2 to Delly2-gSV
- Upgrade to score version 1.20
- Add workflow for SNV callers (Mutect2, HaplotypeCaller, Strelka2, Muse2, SomaticSniper)
- Add workflow for SV caller (Delly2)
- Add pipeline diagram
- Add reverse liftover (GRCh38 -> GRCh37) for SNV branch
- Add reverse liftover (GRCh38 -> GRCh37) for SV branch
- Add optional
parameters - Add NFTest cases for all variant callers and directions
- Sort VCF after liftover in SV branch
- Hide parametric complexity behind simpler user inputs
- Downgrade to score version 1.16