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Forums ~ User Stories

Joshua Monroe edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 10 revisions

User Stories

This wiki page is intended to show the different user stories for registered/unregistered users attempting to interact with the forum component of ChiGame.

User Stories for Unregistered Users

This section of the page presents user stories for the registered users.

  1. Sarah logs in and uses the search bar to find discussions on her favorite board game.
  2. Alex creates a new topic, uploading images and writing a review about a game he recently played.
  3. Jamie receives notifications when other users reply to a topic she's active in or mention her username.
  4. Chris bookmarks topics for easy access and organizes them by game genre.
  5. Jordan upvotes a helpful post, appreciating the user's contribution to a discussion.
  6. Taylor reports a comment that violates the forum's guidelines.
  7. Sarah edits her comment in a topic to correct a game rule she previously mis-stated.
  8. Alex deletes one of his older comments that he no longer feels is relevant.
  9. Jamie subscribes to a topic to receive email updates on new replies.
  10. Jordan views the forum's leaderboard, checks top contributors, and aims to increase his participation.

User Stories for Unregistered Users

This section of the page presents user stories for the limited functionality of unregistered users.

  1. Jaime visits a ChiGame forum and, intrigued by a topic debating a trending game, and intending to reply is met with "Please sign in to comment" prompt to be able to submit a reply.
  2. Jordan, a frequent ChiGame forum reader, bookmarks intriguing topics for future reading, yet is aware they can't directly interact or post replies.
  3. Alex discovers the "User Reviews" section on ChiGame. They read multiple reviews, and really like this one particular review. They wish to upvote the comment, but cannot because they are an unregistered user.
  4. Jordan, on another visit, notices a captivating "Game Theories" topic but sees a lock icon, indicating some topics may have restrictions for unregistered users.
  5. Jamie wishes to be notified of new replies in a popular ChiGame topic but sees a reminder that topic subscription is only for registered members.
  6. Alex, after reading a heated ChiGame debate, wishes to report a possibly rule-breaking comment but can't access the "Report" function without an account.

User Stories for Groups

  1. DJ is a registered user. He creates a new group called “The FooBarbarians” and invites his friends to join. As a group admin, he is given the option to activate a private forum for the group. Upon doing so, the private forum is created automatically and the members of the group are granted access and notified of its activation.
  2. Rachel is a registered user interested in following a game tournament. When viewing the overview page of the tournament on the main chigame platform, there is a "discussion" link that takes her to the tournaments forum where she can create a post in a new topic or reply to someone else’s post an existing topic.
  3. When Rachel clicks on one of the matches displayed in the tournament, she is given the option click on a discussion link related specifically to that match which takes her to a topic associated with the match in the tournaments forum.
  4. Max, a chigame admin, creates an official tournament. When he does so, a corresponding forum is automatically created and associated with the tournament. Now, each time a match is scheduled in the tournament, a topic is automatically created and associated with the match.
  5. A new game called is added to the chigame platform by a chigame admin. This event causes a forum to be automatically created for the game in the “Games” category of the forum. Registered users can now create new topics discussing a variety of topics related to the game.
  6. Max, a forum admin, notices that users have been using the “General” forum to ask for help with technical issues a lot lately. To help other types of topics to remain visible to users in “General”, while also enabling them to more easily find help for their technical issues, he creates a new public forum called “Technical Help” to contain this type of discussion.

User Stories for Admins

  1. Sarah organizes the forums by most recent report. Not satisfied with this, she removes the filter and re-sorts the forums by highest post rate in the last 24 hours. She does a similar process with sorting criteria based on the largest total posts on the forum, to prioritize her moderation efforts accordingly.
  2. Sarah clicks on a topic and sees a list of participants and a list of community violations within that topic, to take appropriate moderation actions.
  3. When Sarah decides to delete a problematic topic, she is prompted with a confirmation before the topic is deleted to ensure accurate moderation.
  4. When Sarah decides to delete a derogatory comment, she is prompted with a confirmation before the comment is deleted, to maintain a respectful discussion environment.
  5. Sarah clicks on a user's profile and is taken to a page with two lists: one showing all the comments on every forum they've commented on, and another listing community guideline violations and details about those violations, for a comprehensive understanding of the user's activity and behavior.
  6. After reviewing a user's account, Sarah bans the user from a topic due to disrespectful behavior, she is prompted with a confirmation before the ban is enacted to ensure accurate moderation.
  7. Sarah receives notifications for new reports, mentions, or other important events within the forum, to respond in a timely manner.
  8. When visiting any forum page, Sarah sees analytics and performance metrics for that forum, to monitor and improve the forum's health and engagement over time.
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