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Forums ~ User Stories

Gio Maya edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 10 revisions

User Stories

This wiki page is intended to show the different user stories for registered/unregistered users attempting to interact with the forum component of ChiGame.


Registered User: An individual authenticated with an account in the ChiGame system

Unregistered User: An individual that is not authenticated with an account

User Stories for Unregistered Users

This section of the page presents user stories for the registered users.

  1. Sarah logs in and uses the search bar to find discussions on her favorite board game.
  2. Alex creates a new thread, uploading images and writing a review about a game he recently played.
  3. Jamie receives notifications when other users reply to a thread she's active in or mention her username.
  4. Chris bookmarks threads for easy access and organizes them by game genre.
  5. Jordan upvotes a helpful post, appreciating the user's contribution to a discussion.
  6. Taylor reports a comment that violates the forum's guidelines.
  7. Sarah edits her comment in a thread to correct a game rule she previously mis-stated.
  8. Alex deletes one of his older comments that he no longer feels is relevant.
  9. Jamie subscribes to a thread to receive email updates on new replies.
  10. Jordan views the forum's leaderboard, checks top contributors, and aims to increase his participation.

User Stories for Unregistered Users

This section of the page presents user stories for the limited functionality of unregistered users.

  1. Jaime visits a ChiGame forum and, intrigued by a thread debating a trending game, and intending to reply is met with "Please sign in to comment" prompt to be able to submit a reply.
  2. Jordan, a frequent ChiGame forum reader, bookmarks intriguing threads for future reading, yet is aware they can't directly interact or post replies.
  3. Alex discovers the "User Reviews" section on ChiGame. They read multiple reviews, and really like this one particular review. They wish to upvote the comment, but cannot because they are a registered user.
  4. Jordan, on another visit, notices a captivating "Game Theories" thread but sees a lock icon, indicating some threads may have restrictions for unregistered users.
  5. Jamie wishes to be notified of new replies in a popular ChiGame thread but sees a reminder that thread subscription is only for registered members.
  6. Alex, after reading a heated ChiGame debate, wishes to report a possibly rule-breaking comment but can't access the "Report" function without an account.
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