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PNR tools and

File metadata and controls

81 lines (62 loc) · 3.96 KB

A lot of the concepts here are similar, if not identical, between the Data and MC jobs. Therefore, we will discuss them in the context of MC for the sake of being succinct.

When someone wants to produce a set of MC samples, they need to come up with a configuration file to be used by pieces of software such as the event generator (MadGraph, Pythia, Herwig. etc.) and the detector simulator (GEANT etc.). CMSSW will help setting up environments for accessing all necessary software. With the config file ready, they need to submit a request to pdmV (Physics Data and MC Validation) for review.
Note that pdmV is a L2 team under PPD (Physics Performance and Dataset).
After pdmV's approval of the request, it is then handled to Computing Operations (CompOps) under O&C for production.
PNR is a L3 team under CompOps.

Within PNR, we call very such request a workflow.
Under each workflow, there can be many tasks corresponding to different stages of the MC production (GENSIM, MiniAOD, NanoAOD, etc. also see CMS datatiers). Multiple workflows can also be under the same campaign, which is usually named by the production era (e.g. RunIISummer18).
Workflows can be identified by their prep-id, which is the name given to the request.
They can also be identified by the workflow-id, which is a longer name containing the prep-id given by Unified. See below for more details.

The lifecycle of a MC workflow has, briefly speaking, the following steps:

  • Creation of the workflow with config file and metadata
  • Assignment of the workflow to computing sites
  • Reading of input and storage of output files (e.g. reading minibias files for pileup, for reading the MiniAOD output for producing the subsequent NanoAOD.
  • Manual intervention for various issues; especially ACDC for re-submission of workflows with updated parameters to solve site issues.
  • Announcement that the workflow is done with and can be archived

We will briefly introduce here the main tools used by CompOps during the lifecycle of a workflow.
There are in general 2 categories of tools: production tools and monitoring tools. Some tools lie in both categories, but for convenience we categorize them here based on their main function.
Note that even though PNR doesn't develop or maintain all of them, having a basic understanding of their functions is still vital for our work.
There will be more detailed documentation for each of them in the appendices of the PNR WorkBook.

Production Tools


  • WM stands for Workflow Management. This is the core software for workload management.
  • It determines when (based on workflow priority) and where (which site) each workflow will be running.
  • It divides workflows into blocks of WorkQuene Elements (WQE).
  • Based on the configuration for the workflows, the WQE are further divided into jobs to be run in computing slots, which are virtual chunks of computing resources with fixed CPU cores and memory allocation.


  • Rucio is the data management tool used by CMS for storing data and output of MC workflows
  • It also tells on which site the input files are stored


  • a set of scripts for running the workflows
  • transfers the status of workflows, and output error messages


  • Currently our main tool for manual intervention
  • also where we submit ACDC for workflows

Monitoring/reporting Tools

  • A Web interface for managing requests
  • can check workflow metadata such as sitelist, prep-id, etc.


  • a site with custom plots monitoring the performance of our computing systems (e.g. number of workflows failed at each site)


  • An issue tracker for workflow operations
  • powerful (or maybe not so much) tagging and search functions
  • notifications for people in other teams


  • another ticket system we use for issue related to the computing sites