This is the documentation for The University of Sheffield's High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters:
Run by IT Services' Research and Innovation team with additional support from the Research Software Engineering team in Computer Science, they support the computational needs of hundreds of researchers across all departments.
The Research and Innovation team in IT Services are the team responsible for the HPC services, as well as all other aspects of research computing. If you require support with HPC, training or software for your workstations, the Research and Innovation team would be happy to help. Take a look at the Research and Innovation website or email [email protected].
The Research Software Engineering team is an academically-led group in the Department of Computer Science that collaborates closely with IT Services. They can assist with code optimisation, training and all aspects of High Performance Computing including GPU computing along with local, national, regional and cloud computing services. Take a look at the Research Software Engineering website or email [email protected]
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: hpc/index bessemer/index sharc/index stanage/index parallel/index glossary other-uk-hpc-resources oldsystems help Courses / Training Index<> FAQs Latest Software / HPC changelog<> referenceinfo/index mfa-update-21-10-2021