- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.8.0
- Fixed obfuscation issue causing the internal edition to fail to retrieve a token in release builds.
- Fixed bug with internal releases where users could not login using their gCloud credentials
- Audio track options are now set upon audio track construction.
- Fixed bug regarding missing permissions when using android 34+ devices
- Updated twilio-android-env to 1.1.1 to support 16k pages
- In preparation for the WebRTC-124 upgrade, the following necessary changes were made
- removed support for globally setting audio channel effects as the necessary class WebRtcAudioUtils is removed from WebRTC-124.
- removed support for globally setting the usage of SLES audio device as the necessary class WebRtcAudioManager is removed from WebRTC-124.
- Updated to target API 35
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.7.1
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.7.0
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.6.4
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.6.3
- Updated to use AGP 8.0.2
- Updated AudioSwitch version to 1.1.8
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.4.0
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.3.0
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.1.2
- Updated AudioSwitch version to 1.1.5
- When app is closed or killed, disconnection from room now happens properly.
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.1.1
- Updated Twilio Video SDK version to 7.1.0
- Modified 'internal' auth process to reflect internal changes to Twilio's auth service.
- Updated e2e test cases such that successful execution is possible
- Updated Espresso to 3.5.0-alpha03
- Updated junit/junit-ktx to 1.1.4-alpha03
- Updated Audioswitch to 1.1.4
- Modified circle-ci to always run e2e test cases
- Upgraded firebase-ui-auth to 7.2.0
- Upgraded android gradle tools to 7.0.3
- Upgraded google-services 4.3.10
- Upgraded kotlin-gradle-plugin to 1.6.0
- Upgrade firebase-crashlytics-graddle to 2.8.1
- Upgraded Gradle to 7.0.2
- Updated build to also include test runner framework application
- This release uses Video Android SDK 7.0.3.
- This release uses Video Android SDK 7.0.2.
- Updated to properly support Android 12
- Delayed starting of AudioSwitch till after user has granted necessary permissions
- Updated to use AudioSwitch 1.1.3
- This release uses Video Android SDK 7.0.1.
- This release uses Video Android SDK 7.0.0.
- The minimum supported Android API level has been raised to 21.
- Added support for Client Track Switch Off and Video Content Preferences.
- For more information, please view this blog post and feature documentation.
- This release uses Video Android SDK 6.4.1
Note: See git history for other changes since version 0.1.0.
This release marks the first iteration of the Twilio Video Collaboration App: a canonical multi-party collaboration video application built with Programmable Video. This application is intended to demonstrate the capabilities of Programmable Video and serve as a reference to developers building video apps.
This initial release comes with the following features:
- Join rooms with up to 50 participants
- Toggle local media: camera and mic
- Show a Room’s dominant speaker in the primary video view
- Show a participant’s network quality
We intend to iterate on these initial set of features and look forward to collaborating with the community.