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API Reference

Hüseyin Tuğrul BÜYÜKIŞIK edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 9 revisions

Structure of namespaces and classes:

  • Cekirdekler
    • Hardware: namespace for explicitly selecting platforms and then devices (newly added with v1.1.x+)
    • Pipeline: namespace for managing device to device pipeline operations with ClPipelineStage and ClPipeline classes.
      • SingleGPUPipeline: namespace for a single device pipeline builder with a more efficient work scheduler algoritm.
    • ClArrays: namespace for creating C++ array wrappers that work faster for passing data to-from GPU or similar OpenCL devices.
      • ClArray<T>: automatic buffer handling for C# and C++ arrays, used for computing with ClNumberCruncher
      • ClByteArray: C++ byte array wrapper that can be used to initialize ClArray<T> or compute with Cores(explicit usage case)
      • ClFloatArray: C++ float array wrapper that can be used to initialize ClArray<T> or copute with Cores(explicit usage case)
    • ClNumberCruncher: class for computing with arrays in ClArrays, uses Cores for an implicit usage case.
    • Cores: class for computing with arrays in ClArrays, usable directly by its compute() method, used by ClNumberCruncher for a more implicit usage.
    • Tester: for quick system tests that stresses GPUs and CPUs with opencl operations.