Serialization and deserialization of device messages to and from Data
objects requires protocol
implementations that structurally define the message objects. Example implementations of each protocol
can be found in the TiSensorTag GATT Profile. Methods used for serialization and deserialization are class methods on SerDe
. In the following sections an example for each protocol
will be discussed. All of the examples shown here are available in a Playground project.
- String: String serialization and deserialization.
- Deserializable Protocol: Deserialize numeric types.
- RawDeserializable Protocol: Deserialize messages with a single value of a single Deserializable type.
- RawArrayDeserializable Protocol: Deserialize messages with multiple values of single Deserializable type.
- RawPairDeserializable Protocol: Deserialize messages with two values of two different Deserializable types.
- RawArrayPairDeserializable Protocol: Deserialize messages with multiple values of two different Deserializable types.
For Strings SerDe
and deserialize
are defined by,
// Deserialize Strings
public static func deserialize(data: NSData, encoding: NSStringEncoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding) -> String?
// Serialize Strings
public static func serialize(value: String, encoding: NSStringEncoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding) -> NSData?
NSStringEncoding specifies the string encoding.
to use in an application,
if let data = SerDe.serialize("Test") {
if let value = SerDe.deserialize(data) {
The Deserializable
is used for deserialization of numeric objects and is defined by,
public protocol Deserializable {
// Size of object in bytes.
static var size : Int { get }
// Deserialize entire message to object.
static func deserialize(_ data: Data) -> Self?
// Deserialize message starting at offset to object.
static func deserialize(_ data: Data, start:Int) -> Self?
// Deserialize entire message to array of objects.
static func deserialize(_ data: Data) -> [Self]
BlueCalKit provides implementation of Deserializable
for UInt8, Int8, UInt16, Int16, Int32 and UInt32. TheSerDe
serialize and deserialize are defined by,
// Deserialize objects supporting Deserializable
public static func deserialize<T: Deserializable>(data: Data) -> T?
// Serialize objects supporting Deserializable
public static func serialize<T: Deserializable>(value: T) -> Data
For UInt8 data,
let data = SerDe.serialize(UInt8(31))
if let value : UInt8 = SerDe.deserialize(data) {
The RawDeserializable
is used for messages that contain a single value and is defined by,
public protocol RawDeserializable {
associatedtype RawType
// Characteristic UUID.
static var uuid: String { get }
// Characteristic RawType value.
var rawValue: RawType { get }
//Create object from rawValue.
init?(rawValue: RawType)
The SerDe
and deserialize
are defined by,
// Deserialize objects supporting RawDeserializable
public static func deserialize<T: RawDeserializable>(_ data: Data) -> T? where T.RawType: Deserializable
// Serialize objects supporting RawDeserializable
public static func serialize<T: RawDeserializable>(_ value: T) -> Data
Note that RawType
is required to be Deserializable
. An Enum partially supports RawDeserializable
, so,
enum Enabled : UInt8, RawDeserializable {
case No = 0
case Yes = 1
static let uuid = "F000AA12-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"
let data2 = SerDe.serialize(Enabled.Yes)
if let value : Enabled = SerDe.deserialize(data2) {
can also be implemented by a struct
or class
struct RawValue : RawDeserializable {
let rawValue: UInt8
static let uuid = "F000AA13-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"
init?(rawValue:UInt8) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
if let initValue = RawValue(rawValue:10) {
let data = SerDe.serialize(initValue)
if let value : RawValue = SerDe.deserialize(data) {
The RawArrayDeserializable
is used for messages that contain multiple values of a single type and is defined by,
public protocol RawArrayDeserializable {
associatedtype RawType
// Characteristic UUID.
static var uuid: String { get }
// Size of array.
static var size: Int { get }
// Characteristic RawType values.
var rawValue: [RawType] { get }
// Create object from rawValues.
init?(rawValue: [RawType])
and deserialize
are defined by,
// Deserialize objects supporting RawArrayDeserializable
public static func deserialize<T: RawArrayDeserializable>(_ data: Data) -> T? where T.RawType: Deserializable
// Serialize objects supporting RawArrayDeserializable
public static func serialize<T: RawArrayDeserializable>(_ value: T) -> Data
Note that RawType
is required to be Deserializable
. RawArrayDeserializable
can be implemented in a struct
or class
struct RawArrayValue : RawArrayDeserializable {
let rawValue: [UInt8]
static let uuid: String = "F000AA13-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"
static let size = 2
init?(rawValue:[UInt8]) {
if rawValue.count == 2 {
self.rawValue = rawValue
} else {
return nil
if let initValue = RawArrayValue(rawValue:[4,10]) {
let data = SerDe.serialize(initValue)
if let value : RawArrayValue = SerDe.deserialize(data) {
The RawPairDeserializable
is used for messages that contain two values of different types and is defined by,
public protocol RawPairDeserializable {
associatedtype RawType1
associatedtype RawType2
// Characteristic UUID.
static var uuid: String { get }
// Characteristic RawType1 value.
var rawValue1: RawType1 { get }
// Characteristic RawType2 value.
var rawValue2: RawType2 { get }
// Create object from rawValues.
init?(rawValue1: RawType1, rawValue2: RawType2)
The SerDe
and deserialize
are defined by,
// Deserialize objects supporting RawPairDeserializable
public static func deserialize<T: RawPairDeserializable where T.RawType1: Deserializable, T.RawType2: Deserializable>(data: NSData) -> T?
// Serialize objects supporting RawPairDeserializable
public static func serialize<T: RawPairDeserializable>(_ value: T) -> Data
Note that RawType1
and RawType2
are required to be Deserializable
. RawPairDeserializable
can be implemented in a struct or class.
struct RawPairValue : RawPairDeserializable {
let rawValue1: UInt8
let rawValue2: Int8
static let uuid: String = "F000AA13-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"
init?(rawValue1:UInt8, rawValue2:Int8) {
self.rawValue1 = rawValue1
self.rawValue2 = rawValue2
if let initValue = RawPairValue(rawValue1: 10, rawValue2: -10) {
let data = SerDe.serialize(initValue)
if let value : RawPairValue = SerDe.deserialize(data) {
The RawArrayPairDeserializable
is used to define a message that contains multiple values of two different types and is defined by,
public protocol RawArrayPairDeserializable {
associatedtype RawType1
associatedtype RawType2
// Characteristic UUID.
static var uuid: String { get }
// Size of RawType1 array.
static var size1: Int { get }
// Size of RawType2 array.
static var size2: Int { get }
// Characteristic RawType1 value.
var rawValue1: [RawType1] { get }
// Characteristic RawType2 value.
var rawValue2: [RawType2] { get }
// Create object from rawValues.
init?(rawValue1: [RawType1], rawValue2: [RawType2])
The SerDe
serialize and deserialize are defined by,
// Deserialize objects supporting RawPairDeserializable
public static func deserialize<T: RawArrayPairDeserializable>(_ data: Data) -> T? where T.RawType1: Deserializable, T.RawType2: Deserializable
// Deserialize objects supporting RawPairDeserializable
public static func serialize<T: RawArrayPairDeserializable>(_ value: T) -> Data
Note that RawType1
and RawType2
are required to be Deserializable
. RawArrayPairDeserializable
can be implemented in a struct or class.
struct RawArrayPairValue : RawArrayPairDeserializable {
let rawValue1: [UInt8]
let rawValue2: [Int8]
static let uuid = "F000AA13-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"
static let size1 = 2
static let size2 = 2
init?(rawValue1:[UInt8], rawValue2:[Int8]) {
if rawValue1.count == 2 && rawValue2.count == 2 {
self.rawValue1 = rawValue1
self.rawValue2 = rawValue2
} else {
return nil
if let initValue = RawArrayPairValue(rawValue1:[10, 100], rawValue2:[-10, -100]) {
let data = SerDe.serialize(initValue)
if let value : RawArrayPairValue = SerDe.deserialize(data) {