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executable file
591 lines (382 loc) · 25.4 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
591 lines (382 loc) · 25.4 KB

New in 1.18.0

  • Add configuration parameter low_mapq to set what you consider as low mapping quality. Default is 5 which is the setting hardcoded until now.

  • Use false in config shade_structural_variant to omit shading of structural variants

New in 1.17.0

  • print shows column separated by green | (more readable)

  • BEDGRAPH format is an extension of BED. This means lines in bedgraph lines can be printed with print and filtered with grep & awk

  • Add command bedToBedgraph to switch from BED to BEDGRAPH and viceversa

  • Speed improvements to filtering with awk

  • Command line argument --showMemTime replaces --showMem and --showTime

New in 1.16.0

  • Important Reading TDF, bigWig, and bigBed from remote URL is no longer possible; local files are ok. This is because the new API of htsjdk is incompatible with IGV v2.6. Upgrading IGV is causing problems between theirs and our custom htsjdk.

  • print -hl command can highllight by column position, e.g. print -hl '$3, $10'

  • Can use CSI index for BAM files.

  • featureColorForRegex, renamed to featureColor, now accepts as expression a regex (as before) or an awk script. Awk is useful to color features according to some numeric values. E.g., in a narrowPeak file you can highlight features with qvalue > x: featureColor -r '$9 > 3' blue -r '$9 > 6' red

  • Quoting: in addition to single quotes, command arguments can be delimited by double quotes ", tripe single quotes ''' or triple double quotes """ (similar to python). For example, grep records containg single quotes: grep -i "'" or grep -i """'"""

  • Add navigation commands [ and ] to move window by screen column.

  • File path in track title is shown as relative to current working directory and simplified.

  • gffNameAttr can rename also bed features. It has been renamed to the more comprehensive nameForFeatures. The name to display for bed feature can be assigned by passing to nameForFeatures the column index to use. This is particularly useful to show metrics of interest in e.g. narrowPeak peak files.

  • Document the special flag 4096 in samtools command which selects for TOP STRAND reads. Useful for stranded RNA-Seq and BS-Seq libraries.

  • orderTracks can put selected tracks last. First select all tracks with e.g. ., then list those you want last: orderTracks . #1 #2

  • goto understands target region separated by spaces (issue #93). Useful to copy and paste regions from tables text files. E.g., goto chr7 10 200.

New in 1.15.0

  • Change behaviour of bookmark command. The argument to bookmark the region can have the chromosome prefix <chr>: omitted. In such case, use the current chromosome. The command bookmark 100 will bookmark position 100 on current chromosome while bookmark chr1 will fail instead of bookmarking the entire chromosome.

  • Command help can be invoked also with ?my_cmd or help my_cmd

  • Various issues fixed

New in 1.14.0

Java version 1.8 is now required

  • Update htsjdk to version 2.14. As before, htsjdk has been modifed to be more lenient on input validation. See here and build.gradle for the exact version loaded. IGV package also updated to 2.4.10.

  • Fixed bug causing base quality shading to shift right with soft clipping.

  • Fixed bug in checking latest version on repository.

  • Fix reading configuration file from command line.

  • Fix an off-by-one error in find command with indels.

  • Fix at least some issues running on Windows have been fixed (see [issue#83](issue [#55]dariober#55)).

New in 1.13.0

  • Commands INT and PERCENT accept the suffix c to put the position INT or PERCENT right at the center of the screen. Followed by the command zi or zo, this is useful to quickly zoom-in into a peak or variant of interest.

  • The highlighting of the mid-character in read tracks can be turned off setConfig highlight_mid_char false.

  • Fixed bug where Stopwatch in TrackProcessor was started when already running. This happened after an uncaught exception.

  • Fixed in print -hl causing an out-of-bound index accessing VCF samples with incomplete fields.

  • New command reload updates the current view after a file has been modified. This is useful when you are experimenting with files and you want to quickly see them updated in ASCIIGenome.

  • Reads can be shown as > and < chracters also at single base resolution via configuration key nucs_as_letters.

  • Second-in-pair reads are shown underlined also when base pair resolution is greater than 1.

  • Easier setting of configuration. The configuration key is fuzzy matched so it doesn't have to be spelt in full.

  • print has option -esf to explain SAM flags.

  • Fix minor bug: %r in save command is expanded to chr_from_to, consistent with save in print. Before %r expanded to chr_from-to. gg

  • Enable comments in command line with //. E.g goto chr1 // A comment


  • ASCIIGenome project refactored to use the gradle built tool.

  • Add continuous integration via Travis CI

  • Add code coverage via codecov

New in 1.12.0

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where initialisation failed with VCF or SAM files with no records.

  • Fixed bug causing (some) tracks to be processed even when their height was set to zero.

  • Temporary files are written to the current dir by default and only as a fallback to the system's tmp directory. This is to reduce the risk of filling up the /tmp/ partition, which usually is quite small.

  • find explicitly informs the user that no match was found when the searched pattern returns no matches.

New features

  • Command filterVariantReads correctly interprets cigar operators = and X.

  • Command filterVariantReads intreprets intervals and offsets. E.g. filterVariantReads -r 1000+/-10 or filterVariantReads -r 1000+10. NB In contrast to v1.11.0, select an interval using colon -r from:to. The minus - sign will subtract the offset from the first positions.

  • Add -all option to filterVariantReads to retain all reads intersecting interval, not just the variant ones.

  • awk includes a built-in function, get(...), to retrieve GFF, GTF, SAM or VCF attribute tags from the respective files.

  • print rounds numbers to n decimal places via the -round option. In this way the printed lines are more readable.

  • -clip mode in print gives more readable output. Long SEQ and QUAL fields in bam reads and long REF and ALT sequences in vcf are also clipped. since typically you don't want to read long sequences and quality strings. Also long strings like Oxford Nanopore or PacBio CIGAR strings are shortened. -full mode still returns whole shebang which combined with print -sys 'cut ...' (or similar) gives readable output.

  • -hl option in print can highlight matches to a regular expression, similar to vim / or (CTRL-F / CMD-F in many GUI programs). In addition, regexes matching a FORMAT tag in VCF records highlight the tag AND the corresponding values. This is useful to quickly scan a sample property across samples. For example, here we highlight the AD format tag in two samples:

  • Command addTracks renamed to more conventional open. addTracks is still recognized as an alias.

  • Invalid bedgraph records are silently skipped. This is to allow tables with NA or similar to be loaded.

  • setGenome executed without arguments (tries to) load the last opened fasta file.

  • find and grep now match in case insensitive mode by default. Use flag -c to enabled case sensitivity. In addition, flag -F matches literal strings, not regex.

  • New command explainSamFlag to quickly make sense of SAM flags. Similar to picard/explain-flags. Example:

[h] for help: explainSamFlag 99 173 3840

99 173 3840                                                                    
 X  X   .    read paired
 X  .   .    read mapped in proper pair
 .  X   .    read unmapped
 .  X   .    mate unmapped
 .  .   .    read reverse strand
 X  X   .    mate reverse strand
 X  .   .    first in pair
 .  X   .    second in pair
 .  .   X    not primary alignment
 .  .   X    read fails platform/vendor quality checks
 .  .   X    read is PCR or optical duplicate
 .  .   X    supplementary alignment
  • Present a suggestion when a misspelt command is issued. E.g.:
[h] for help: prnt                                                                                                                                                                   
Unrecognized command: prnt                                                                                                                                                           
Maybe you mean print?                                                                                                                                                                

New in 1.11.0


A few improvements to increase speed

  • Speed improved in printing tracks of bam alignments. Depending on the file system, the improvement can be quite large, now taking milliseconds instead of seconds. Explanation: The library size of a bam file was recalculated each time the screen was refreshed. This can be very fast on some systems but on others it can take up to a few seconds.

  • Following from previous point: library size is not calculated by default. This can make ASCIIGenome faster in loading bam files.

  • Some speed improvement in processing BAM tracks. The improvement is more noticeable when loads of reads are processed. For example, a window spanning 85 kb and containing ~2 million reads takes ~35 sec in this version compared to ~1:30 min in v1.10.0.

  • Pileup data is cached so that it doesn't need to be recalculated. This makes commands like f/b/ff/bb and zi much faster.

  • Setting a reference fasta sequence via -fa or setGenome is faster due to lazy loading of reference sequence. I.e., a sequence is retrieved from file only if requested. The speed advantage may or may not be noticeable, depending on filesystem.

Bug fixes & additions

  • New command filterVariantReads selects reads with a mismatch in a given reference position. Useful to inspect reads supporting alternate alleles.

  • Fix bug where shaded base qualities were occasionally shifted.

  • Insertions in reads are visible. The base preceding an insertion has fore/background colour inverted.

  • Re-established compatibility with Java 1.7. Release 1.10.0 was accidently compiled for Java 1.8.

  • Validation of VCF files is more relaxed. The original validation imposed by htsjdk is very stringent causing files to be rejected for minor bugs.

  • genotype matrix prints samples in the same order as in the VCF instead of using alphanumeric order.

  • Indel variants start from POS+1 if the first base of the variant equals the reference.

  • grep applies also to bam tracks.

  • Add -c option to next command. Useful for browsing small features such as SNV and indels.

New in 1.10.0

There are several additions in this release:

  • VCF: better representation of structural variants. Previous versions had very limited support for SV.

  • readsAsPairs command can show paired-end reads joined up.

  • featureColorForRegex can set colour for features NOT matching a regex. Useful to dim features without completely hiding them.

  • awk recognises column headers for bam, vcf, gtf/gff, bed tracks, like $POS $START $FEATURE etc, similar to bioawk.

  • A pair of single quotes ('') at the command prompt is understood as an empty argument.

  • SAM and BAM files without index are now acceptable input. They are sorted and indexed to temporary file and then loaded (this of course can take a long time for large files).

  • addTracks accepts a list of file indexes pointing to the list of recently opened files.

New in 1.9.0

  • New command featureColorForRegex sets custom colour of individual features.

  • Add command PERCENT [PERCENT] to zoom into a region on the current window. E.g. .25 .5 moves to the second quarter of the current window. This command deprecates the use of suffix c in command command INT [INT].

  • On exit via q command the screen is cleared. This avoids leaving the the screen in mixed colours.

  • Fixed some minor bugs.

New in 1.8.0

  • Transcript names (or in general feature names) for GTF files can be set via gffNameAttr (Fix issue 74).

  • There should be a mild improve in speed, especially at start up, due to building the jar with libraries extracted instead of packaged.

New in 1.7.0

  • Add setConfig command to set individual global parameters. Still rough but usable.

  • Add ruler showing the column number on the terminal. The column numbers are used by the INT INT command to zoom in the region spanned by the given column numbers. This is useful to jump to a specific region within the current genomic window without having to type the long string of genomic coordinates.

  • Genomic ruler shows rounded numbers.

  • Reads with skipped regions (cigar operator: N) show the gap also when the resolution is greater than single base.

  • Change some defaults in metal.conf configuration.

  • Fixed bug introduced in 1.6.0 with resizing window.

New in 1.6.0

  • print command takes option -sys to execute system command to parse the raw lines before printing.

  • Fixed bug on rpm conversion in pileup track.

New in 1.5.0

This release fixes some important bugs and adds new features.

  • Issue #67 is fixed.

  • Awk has been extended to read tracks so that sam records can be filtered using awk syntax.

  • The central column is highlighted in read tracks to ease the eye-balling of variant bases.

  • Low base qualities in reads are shaded grey.

  • The title can be on the same line as the data provided it doesn't get on the way. This gives a more compact visualization especially with sparse data.

  • The consensus display of consensus sequence is temporarily disabled (it'll come back).

New in 1.4.0

  • print applies to bam files.

  • Insertions in VCF files are represented as string of length equal to the insertion (at single base resolution, at larger zoom they scale accordingly). In previous versions insertions have always length 1 which is more consistent with the genomic coordinates but less useful.

  • Completely changed the API of bookmark to be more useful and intuitive. Adding and removing bookmarks can done by explicitly giving the coordinates of interest. Default is still the current coordinates.

  • Command line option -g/--genome has been removed. To set a genome right at the start use -x setGenome hg19 (replace hg19 with a suitable input of course).

  • Default colour theme is "metal".

  • Fixed bug in pdf colours. Default back/foreground is taken from configuration instead of being hard-coded white and black.

New in 1.3.0

  • Colour theme can be customized. Add setConfig command.

  • Add command sys to execute system commands.

New in 1.2.1

Fixed issue [#55]dariober#55 and #56

New in 1.2.0

  • Fixed important bug creating indexes for vcf files.

  • Positions visited in previous sessions of ASCIIGenome are now available in later sessions. Visited positions are written to the history file (~/.asciigenome_history) and retrieved at the start of ASCIIGenome.

  • On exit check if a newer version is available on GitHub.

  • Fixed silly off-by-one error with capturing regexes in ylim. Fixed issue #49 and #50.

  • posHistory can limit the number of positions to print with the -n option.

  • next takes optional argument -zo to set the zoom level.

  • after a command with non-zero exit code returns the previous screenshot rather than re-issuing a broken command. This is also useful to return to the genome view after executing valid commands with non-zero exit code such as -h, history, 'showGenome' etc.

New in 1.1.0

  • history and recentlyOpened takes optional argument -grep and -n

  • colorTrack supports all the 256 colours from the Xterm256 palette. The Xterm256 is now the only palette used throughout ASCIIGenome.

  • Introduced awk for advanced record filtering

  • Fixed bug where a string starting with '!' caused the JLine2 ConsoleReader to crash. Fixed by setting console.setExpandEvents(false)

  • Fixed (again!) bug where samtools filters for paired-end reads (e.g. -F 64) applied to non-paired reads threw an IllegalStateException. Fixed by editing editing ~/eclipse/libraries/htsjdk/htsjdk-1.141/src/java/htsjdk/samtools/ to comment out the method throwing the exception (command line samtools doesn't mind such behaviour). htjdk was then recompiled and the jar file add to build path. This is a hack. If you upgrade htjdk remember to comment out requireReadPaired again. Remember also to make the recompiled htjsdk before igv htsjdk. This is the edit:

private void requireReadPaired() {
    // dariober edit
    //if (!getReadPairedFlag()) {
    //    throw new IllegalStateException("Inappropriate call if not paired read");

New in 1.0.0

This is expected to be a stable release.

  • Add utility to index fasta files

New in 0.6.0

  • bigBed files supported.

  • Pdf output replaces png output to save screenshots. This makes a lot more sense since we are saving text not paintings!

  • Command history is saved to ~/.asciigenome_history and reloaded on next start, so commands are "remembered", similar to shell history.

  • Command recentlyOpened remembers files from previous sessions.

  • Track heights at start are set to fill the height of terminal.

  • showGenome is a bit more informative: It prints at least the known chromosomes if no sequence dictionary is available.

  • next moves to other chroms once the current one doesn't have any more features.

  • next can move backwards.

  • print can use explicit setting. Add -n option to limit number of lines printed.

  • Refactor feature display mode (add featureDisplayMode command). Fixed bug with fully overlapping features.

New in 0.5.0

  • print command can redirect output to file. Add -off option to turn all printing modes off.

  • Redirection operators > and >> deprecated in seqRegex command, use print instead to save matches.

New in 0.4.0

This is a major upgrade. The code has been vastly reworked and improved. Lots of new features and commands have been added. This list below is quite incomplete:

  • Batch processing with --batchFile option: ASCIIGenome will iterate through each interval in a batch file in bed or gff format. This is super useful to generate a gallery of screenshots in target regions (e.g. genes, peaks, etc). Much much faster then iterating ASCIIGenome in a for-loop since the JVM and files are loaded only once!

  • Colours

    • Now the png output has colours.

    • ASCIIGenome sets the background colour of the terminal to white, unless started with --noFormat. In this way the visual look of ASCIIGenome should be independent of the user's colour scheme of the terminal.

  • Save session Session settings can be saved to file to be reloaded in a new run of ASCIIGenome (Experimental).

  • New commands Some new commands not listed above: bookmark to mark positions of interest, cmdHistory shows the list of executed commands, hideTitle for more compact view, dropTracks, l (left) and r (right) command.

  • Better API Some commands have been renamed and improved in API. Some examples: filter now is grep -i incl_regex -e excl_re <tracks>; commands mapq -f -F have been grouped in the single samtools command. Bookmarks and regex tracks can be saved to file with the familiar *nix operators > and >>.

  • Performance

    • Memory Memory footprint is now even smaller since files are never fully read in memory now. Bed or gff files without tabix index are sorted, block compressed and indexed as needed to temporary files.

    • Speed Operation that don't change the underlying data, e.g. change colour, do not parse the raw files again.

  • TDF files can switch to be normalized to reads per million.

  • Major refactoring should make further development easier.

New in 0.2.0

New commands

  • Commands can be chained! Instead of executing commands one by one at the prompt you can do: mapq 10 && -F 16 && colorTrack red etc. This is more convenient and much faster because the current window is refreshed only at the end of the chain.

  • Chained commands can also be passed at the start via the --exec/-x arg. Useful to set right at the start the configuration you want e.g. ASCIIGenome -x 'trackHeight 5 bam && colorTrack red bigwig' aln.bam genes.gtf ...

  • Merge & squash features for more compact view of annotation tracks. Option squash collapses feature with the same coordinates and merge collapses overlapping features.

  • gap command to set whether bookended features should be next to each other (more compact) or on different lines (more informative).

  • infoTracks shows some characteristics of the loaded files.


  • Refit window size automatically to fit the terminal width. Useful if you change the font size of your terminal while using ASCIIGenome. For example make the font smaller to fit larger regions and more tracks. The view is resized at the next command executed.

  • Features have a name! BED and GFF feature names are shown. Use option gffNameAttr to choose which GFF attribute to use to get name from. Now the display of feature tracks is more informative.

  • Help! help for individual commands can be called with the popular syntax myCommand -h. E.g. ylim -h. Help for individual commands is usually more verbose then the one from h. Also, the help invoked with h is better formatted and includes the default settings of each argument

  • Title lines are more informative. Titles of read tracks shows the number of alignments in the current window. Read coverage tracks show the library size and the filters applied. Useful for RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq stuff. Titles of Feature track titles display the include and exclude regexes (so you know what you are filtering).

  • List of regexes For options that take a track regex, a list of regexes can be used instead. So multiple tracks need not to be captured by a single regex. E.g. you can do print genes.gtf trascr.gff .*bed

  • Call consensus sequence. Alignment tracks show the sequence inferred from the alignments.


  • Performance Fixed important issue: Reads aligned to reference are much faster. Displaying reads on reference sequence was dead slow because the reference sequence was retrieved from file for each base of each read. Now the sequence is extracted once only. (Still not as fast samtools tview).

  • Fixed bug where paired-end flags applied to non-paired reads caused the program to crash (Fixed by disabling SAMRecord.requireReadPaired())

  • -f -F mapq can be individually applied to one or more bam tracks.

  • Friendlier behaviour of print/printFull: Now toggle between ON and OFF.

  • Read tracks have ID ending in @INT (e.g. aln.bam@3) so it's easier to separate them for the corresponding coverage tracks using regexes. E.g. Set trackHeight 10 bam# && trackHeight 1 bam@ will set height 10 for coverage tracks and height 1 for read tracks.

  • Command visible renamed to filter since this is what it actually does.

  • CG_profile track is hidden by default (i.e. it has trackHeight 0).

  • Invalid input is generally handled a bit more gently then just by making ASCIIGenome crash or throwing terrifying Java stack traces.