Install toolchain.
# Ubuntu 20.04 # The latest qemu-system-misc(1:4.2-3ubuntu6.9) can't boot rv6, so please use older version (1:4.2-3ubuntu6) sudo apt install gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu qemu-system-misc=1:4.2-3ubuntu6 gdb-multiarch rustup component add rust-src
Compile rv6.
Run rv6 on qemu.
make qemu [to exit, C-A X]
Debug rv6 on qemu.
- Run rv6 under QEMU and enable remote debugging
make qemu-gdb [to exit, C-A X]
- Check GDB PORT
- Start GDB and connect it to QEMU's waiting remote debugging stub
(In another shell) gdb-multiarch kernel/kernel -ex "target remote :[port]" # e.g., gdb-multiarch kernel/kernel -ex "target remote :27214" [to exit, C-D]
Useful gdb commands for rv6
All these gdb commands should be typed in the second shell which executed
[b]reak <function name or filename:line# or *memory address>
: Set a breakpoint-
means that you can type either ofb
Set breakpoint to
b kinit
Set breakpoint to specific address (e.g.,
)b *0x8049000
Set breakpoint to specific instruction of
: e.g.,jalr -314(ra)
- Type
[disas]semble kinit
to check the offset of the instruction to break.
- Set breakpoint to offset from function
b *(kinit+54)
- Note that
b *0x800194ba
also sets breakpoint tokinit+54
- Type
: Resumes execution of a stopped program, stopping again at the next breakpoint -
[i]nfo (about)
: Lists information about the argument (about)-
[i]nfo [r]egisters
: Lists the contents of each registeri r $s0
: List only the content of register$s0
[i]nfo [var]iables
: Lists global/static variables with addresses -
[i]nfo [b]reakpoints
: Show address of each breakpoint and whether it is enabled.
[maint]enance [i]nfo [sec]tions
: Get extra information about program sections. It shows whatkernel/kernel.ld
does in rv6.
[d]elete <breakpoint #>
: Removes the indicated breakpoint. To see breakpoint numbers, runi b
- e.g.,
d 3
- e.g.,
: Steps through a single line of (Rust) code. Steps over function callsn x
: Steps x lines of code. e.g.,n 3
: Steps through a single x86 instruction. Steps over callsni x
: Steps x lines of code. e.g.,ni 3
: Steps through a single line of (Rust) code. Steps into function calls -
: Steps through a single x86 instruction. Steps into calls -
[disas]semble <function name>
: Disassembles a function into assembly. e.g.,disas kinit
- Typing
disassembles assembly of PC
- Typing
[p]rint <expression>
: Prints the value which the indicated expression evaluates to.- e.g., print various expressions in
- e.g., print various expressions in
[x]/(number)(format)(unit_size) <address>
: Examines the data located in memory at address.- e.g.,
x/4x p
,x/4x 0x80062000
- e.g.,
Enable Text User Interface(TUI)
Using TUI helps to understand Rust code
tui enable
to enable TUI
tui disable
to enable TUI -
Check https://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/TUI.html#TUI
Tips for debugging rv6
If rv6 doesn't boot, set the breakpoint to
withb kernel::kernel_main
and execute each line withn
. -
If an infinite loop occurs during a usertest, check C code of the usertest in
first. Then set breakpoints to appropriate functions. For example, if infinite loop occurs during aforkforkfork
test, set breakpoints tosys_unlink()
, etc. -
It may be necessary to check whether the struct's field has an appropriate value (
print cpu.id
) or whether the address of the variable is appropriate (print &(cpu.id)
). The x command (e.g.,x/4x 0x8049000
) allows you to examine memory (of the address of the variable) even after the variable is optimized out.
is generated after you runmake qemu-gdb
. This file contains GDB commands to automatically execute during GDB startup. The contents of the file are as follows :
set confirm off set architecture riscv:rv64 target remote[PORT] symbol-file kernel/kernel set disassemble-next-line auto
Run c2rust to transpile C code to Rust.
# Generate `compile_commands.json`. pip3 install scan-build intercept-build make qemu # Remove optimization flags. sed -i "/-O/d" compile_commands.json # Transpile. cargo +nightly-2019-12-05 install c2rust c2rust transpile compile_commands.json --emit-modules --emit-no-std --translate-const-macros # Move files. mv kernel/*.rs kernel-rs/src
Enable each transpiled Rust code.
mod <filename>;
, and remove$K/<filename>.o
. -
See if
rm fs.img && make qemu
inside qemu work fine.