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Json web token (JWT) module for toa.

It sign and verify token through a rotating credential system, in which new server keys can be added and old ones removed regularly, without invalidating client credentials.

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This module lets you authenticate HTTP requests using JWT tokens in toa applications. JWTs are typically used protect API endpoints, and are often issued using OpenID Connect.


const Toa = require('toa')
const toaToken = require('toa-token')
const Router = require('toa-router')
const toaBody = require('toa-body')

const router = new Router()

  .get('/auth', function * () {
    let user = yield this.parseBody()
    // verify with and user.passwd, get user._id
    let token = this.signToken({
      _id: user._id
    this.body = token
  .get('/', function (Thunk) {
    // should have this.token when client request with authorization header.
    // var token = this.token // {_id: 'user id', name: 'user name'}
    // ....

const app = Toa(function * () {
  yield router.route(this)

toaToken(app, 'secretKeyxxx', {
  expiresIn: 60



npm install toa-token


const toaToken = require('toa-token')

toaToken(app, secretOrPrivateKeys, [options]))

  • secretOrPrivateKeys: secretOrPrivateKeys is a array of string or buffer containing either the secret for HMAC algorithms, or the PEM encoded private key for RSA and ECDSA.

  • options.authScheme: String, Authorization scheme name, default to Bearer. In HTTP header fields: Authorization: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNld2FtZQ==.

  • options.useProperty: String, token name add to context, default to token.

  • options.getToken: Function, A custom function for extracting the token, This is useful if you need to pass the token through a query parameter or a cookie.

  • options.algorithm (default: HS256)

  • options.expiresIn: expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span rauchg/ms. Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d"

  • options.notBefore: expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span rauchg/ms. Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d"

  • options.audience

  • options.issuer

  • options.jwtid

  • options.subject

  • options.noTimestamp

  • options.header

More options is same as jsonwebtoken


This is a getter that auto verify the token. if authorization is invalid, context will throw error. token maybe custom by options.useProperty.


app.signToken(payload) / context.signToken(payload)

Generate a token string. payload could be an literal, buffer or string, If payload is not a buffer or a string, it will be coerced into a string using JSON.stringify.

app.decodeToken(token, options) / context.decodeToken(token, options)

Returns the decoded payload without verifying if the signature is valid.

  • token: String, the JsonWebToken string.
  • options.json: Boolean, force JSON.parse on the payload even if the header doesn't contain "typ":"JWT".

app.verifyToken(token, options) / context.verifyToken(token, options)

Returns the decoded payload with verifying if the signature is valid.

  • token: String, the JsonWebToken string.


It is a reference of jsonwebtoken module.


It is a wrap of jsonwebtoken module.

const jwt = new toaToken.JWT(secretOrPrivateKeys)

jwt.signToken(payload, options)

jwt.decodeToken(token, options)

jwt.verifyToken(token, options)


(The MIT License)