Releases: tlnagy/OMETIFF.jl
Releases · tlnagy/OMETIFF.jl
v0.3.0 (2019-06-16)
Diff since v0.2.1
Closed issues:
- Update to Pkg3 format (#31)
- Extract and report actual elapsed time information (#27)
- Annotate spatial axes with spatial units if available (#26)
- Switch to new Julian iteration protocol. (#21)
Merged pull requests:
- transition package to pkg3 format, fixes #31 (#34) (tlnagy)
- add support for extracting elapsed time from the omexml (#33) (tlnagy)
- return unitful spatial axes, fixes #26 (#28) (tlnagy)
- switch to julian iteration protocol for ifds (#24) (tlnagy)
- Adds support for reading acquisition comments in
files #15
- Various bugfixes (thanks @rsrock)
- Adds support for FileIO v0.8.0+
now has glorious multi-position (i.e. multi-well) support. Position is now added as an additional axis when a multi-position file is loaded.
This is a major redesign of how OME-TIFFs are loaded and treated internally. The result is that multi-position, multi-file OME-TIFFs should load without problems now. This redesign also sets the stage for further improvements to the OME-TIFF framework.
Initial release
This is the first version of OMETIFF.jl!
It adds support for loading OME-TIFFs from MicroManager or other microscopy software into Julia and leverages the awesome Images.jl ecosystem.