autotest mapping improvements (Andreas Neuhaus)
Bug fixes
delegate flunk to assertion delegate
infer controller and action path_params in view specs
more cucumber features (Justin Ko)
clean up spec helper (Andre Arko)
render views in controller specs if controller class is not ActionController::Base
routing specs can access named routes
add assign(name, value) to helper specs (Justin Ko)
stub_model supports primary keys other than id (Justin Ko)
encapsulate Test::Unit and/or MiniTest assertions in a separate object
support choice between Webrat/Capybara (Justin Ko)
removed hard dependency on Webrat
support specs for ‘abstract’ subclasses of ActionController::Base (Mike Gehard)
be_a_new matcher supports args (Justin Ko)
Bug fixes
support T::U components in mailer and request specs (Brasten Sager)