1 |
| -# == Define: pureftpd::config |
| 1 | +# == Class: pureftpd::config |
2 | 2 | #
3 | 3 | # This module manages the pure-ftpd server configuration file
4 | 4 | #
5 | 5 | # === Parameters
6 | 6 | #
7 |
| -# [*use_selinux*] |
8 |
| -# Optional, defaults to false. |
9 |
| -# Manages whether or not to enable selinux extensions. |
10 |
| -# |
11 |
| -# [*allow_anonymous*] |
12 |
| -# Optional, defaults to false. |
13 |
| -# Manages whether or not to allow anonymous users. |
14 |
| -# |
15 |
| -# [*allow_fxp*] |
16 |
| -# Optional, defaults to false. |
17 |
| -# Manages whether or not to allow the fxp protocol |
18 |
| -# |
19 |
| -# [*user_bandwidth*] |
20 |
| -# Optional, defaults to undef. |
21 |
| -# Defines the maximum bandwidth that the can be used, in the form |
22 |
| -# $kb_download:$kb_upload (e.g., 1800:1800). |
23 |
| -# |
24 |
| -# [*max_clients_number*] |
25 |
| -# Optional, defaults to 50. |
26 |
| -# Maximum number of simultaneous users that the server can manage. |
27 |
| -# |
28 |
| -# [*max_clients_per_ip*] |
29 |
| -# Optional, defaults to 8. |
30 |
| -# Maximum number of different clients that can come from a single IP |
31 |
| -# |
32 |
| -# [*umask*] |
33 |
| -# Optional, defaults to 133:022. |
34 |
| -# Specifies the user mask of the uploaded files/directories, in the form |
35 |
| -# $file_umask:$dir_umask (e.g., 177:077). |
36 |
| -# |
37 |
| -# [*min_uid*] |
38 |
| -# Optional, defaults to 500. |
39 |
| -# The minimum user id that can be accepted as an ftp user. |
40 |
| -# |
41 |
| -# [*allow_chmod*] |
42 |
| -# Optional, defaults to false. |
43 |
| -# Whether or not users are allowed to change ownerships of their files. |
44 |
| -# |
45 |
| -# [*use_tls*] |
46 |
| -# Optional, defaults to false. |
47 |
| -# Whether or not to accept tls connections in addition to normal ones. |
48 |
| -# TODO: Remember to place your server certificate in |
49 |
| -# /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem |
50 |
| -# |
51 |
| -# [*force_passive_ip*] |
52 |
| -# Optional, defaults to undef (not set) |
53 |
| -# Force an IP address in PASV/EPSV/SPSV replies |
54 |
| -# |
55 |
| -# [*motd_file*] |
56 |
| -# Optional, defaults to undef (use the dynamic provided file). |
57 |
| -# Manages the location of the server motd file, if any. |
58 |
| -# |
59 |
| -# === Examples |
60 |
| -# |
61 |
| -# pureftpd::config { 'ftp-server': |
62 |
| -# user_bandwidth => '1800:1800' |
63 |
| -# } |
64 |
| -# |
65 | 7 | # === Authors
66 | 8 | #
67 | 9 | # 5Ub-Z3r0
| 10 | +# Joshua Hoblitt <[email protected]> |
68 | 11 | #
| 12 | + |
69 | 13 | class pureftpd::config(
70 |
| - $chrooteveryone = true, |
71 |
| - $trustedgid = '100', |
72 |
| - $brokenclientscompatibility = false, |
73 |
| - $maxclientsnumber = '50', |
74 |
| - $maxclientsperip = '8', |
75 |
| - $verboselog = false, |
76 |
| - $displaydotfiles = true, |
77 |
| - $anonymousonly = false, |
78 |
| - $noanonymous = false, |
79 |
| - $syslogfacility = 'ftp', |
80 |
| - $fortunesfile = false, |
81 |
| - $dontresolve = true, |
82 |
| - $maxidletime = '15', |
83 |
| - $ldapconfigfile = false, |
84 |
| - $mysqlconfigfile = false, |
85 |
| - $pgsqlconfigfile = false, |
86 |
| - $pamauthentication = true, |
87 |
| - $unixauthentication = false, |
88 |
| - $limitrecursion = '10000 8', |
89 |
| - $anonymouscancreatedirs = false, |
90 |
| - $maxload = '4', |
91 |
| - $passiveportrange = undef, |
92 |
| - $forcepassiveip = undef, |
93 |
| - $anonymousratio = undef, |
94 |
| - $userratio = undef, |
95 |
| - $antiwarez = true, |
96 |
| - $bind = false, # false means bind to ALL |
97 |
| - $anonymousbandwidth = false, |
98 |
| - $userbandwidth = undef, |
99 |
| - $umask = '133:022', |
100 |
| - $minuid = '500', |
101 |
| - $useftpusers = false, |
102 |
| - $allowuserfxp = false, |
103 |
| - $allowanonymousfxp = false, |
104 |
| - $prohibitdotfileswrite = false, |
105 |
| - $prohibitdotfilesread = false, |
106 |
| - $autorename = false, |
107 |
| - $anonymouscantupload = true, |
108 |
| - $trustedip = false, |
109 |
| - $logpid = false, |
110 |
| - $altlog = 'clf:/var/log/pureftpd.log', |
111 |
| - $nochmod = false, |
112 |
| - $createhomedir = false, |
113 |
| - $quota = false, |
114 |
| - $maxdiskusage = '99', |
115 |
| - $norename = false, |
116 |
| - $customerproof = true, |
117 |
| - $peruserlimits = false, |
118 |
| - $notruncate = false, |
119 |
| - $tls = false, |
120 |
| - $ipv4only = false, |
121 |
| - $ipv6only = false, |
| 14 | + $IPV4Only = undef, |
| 15 | + $IPV6Only = undef, |
| 16 | + $ChrootEveryone = undef, |
| 17 | + $BrokenClientsCompatibility = undef, |
| 18 | + $Daemonize = undef, |
| 19 | + $VerboseLog = undef, |
| 20 | + $DisplayDotFiles = undef, |
| 21 | + $AnonymousOnly = undef, |
| 22 | + $NoAnonymous = undef, |
| 23 | + $DontResolve = undef, |
| 24 | + $AnonymousCanCreateDirs = undef, |
| 25 | + $NATmode = undef, |
| 26 | + $CallUploadScript = undef, |
| 27 | + $AntiWarez = undef, |
| 28 | + $AllowUserFXP = undef, |
| 29 | + $AllowAnonymousFXP = undef, |
| 30 | + $ProhibitDotFilesWrite = undef, |
| 31 | + $ProhibitDotFilesRead = undef, |
| 32 | + $AllowDotFiles = undef, |
| 33 | + $AutoRename = undef, |
| 34 | + $AnonymousCantUpload = undef, |
| 35 | + $LogPID = undef, |
| 36 | + $NoChmod = undef, |
| 37 | + $KeepAllFiles = undef, |
| 38 | + $CreateHomeDir = undef, |
| 39 | + $NoRename = undef, |
| 40 | + $CustomerProof = undef, |
| 41 | + $NoTruncate = undef, |
| 42 | + $FileSystemCharset = undef, |
| 43 | + $ClientCharset = undef, |
| 44 | + $SyslogFacility = undef, |
| 45 | + $FortunesFile = undef, |
| 46 | + $ForcePassiveIP = undef, |
| 47 | + $Bind = undef, |
| 48 | + $AnonymousBandwidth = undef, |
| 49 | + $UserBandwidth = undef, |
| 50 | + $TrustedIP = undef, |
| 51 | + $AltLog = undef, |
| 52 | + $PIDFile = undef, |
| 53 | + $MaxIdleTime = undef, |
| 54 | + $MaxDiskUsage = undef, |
| 55 | + $TrustedGID = undef, |
| 56 | + $MaxClientsNumber = undef, |
| 57 | + $MaxClientsPerIP = undef, |
| 58 | + $MaxLoad = undef, |
| 59 | + $MinUID = undef, |
| 60 | + $TLS = undef, |
| 61 | + $LimitRecursion = undef, |
| 62 | + $PassivePortRange = undef, |
| 63 | + $AnonymousRatio = undef, |
| 64 | + $UserRatio = undef, |
| 65 | + $Umask = undef, |
122 | 66 | ) inherits pureftpd::params {
123 | 67 |
| 68 | + $conf_options = [ |
| 69 | + 'IPV4Only', |
| 70 | + 'IPV6Only', |
| 71 | + 'ChrootEveryone', |
| 72 | + 'BrokenClientsCompatibility', |
| 73 | + 'Daemonize', |
| 74 | + 'VerboseLog', |
| 75 | + 'DisplayDotFiles', |
| 76 | + 'AnonymousOnly', |
| 77 | + 'NoAnonymous', |
| 78 | + 'DontResolve', |
| 79 | + 'AnonymousCanCreateDirs', |
| 80 | + 'NATmode', |
| 81 | + 'CallUploadScript', |
| 82 | + 'AntiWarez', |
| 83 | + 'AllowUserFXP', |
| 84 | + 'AllowAnonymousFXP', |
| 85 | + 'ProhibitDotFilesWrite', |
| 86 | + 'ProhibitDotFilesRead', |
| 87 | + 'AllowDotFiles', |
| 88 | + 'AutoRename', |
| 89 | + 'AnonymousCantUpload', |
| 90 | + 'LogPID', |
| 91 | + 'NoChmod', |
| 92 | + 'KeepAllFiles', |
| 93 | + 'CreateHomeDir', |
| 94 | + 'NoRename', |
| 95 | + 'CustomerProof', |
| 96 | + 'NoTruncate', |
| 97 | + 'FileSystemCharset', |
| 98 | + 'ClientCharset', |
| 99 | + 'SyslogFacility', |
| 100 | + 'FortunesFile', |
| 101 | + 'ForcePassiveIP', |
| 102 | + 'Bind', |
| 103 | + 'AnonymousBandwidth', |
| 104 | + 'UserBandwidth', |
| 105 | + 'TrustedIP', |
| 106 | + 'AltLog', |
| 107 | + 'PIDFile', |
| 108 | + 'MaxIdleTime', |
| 109 | + 'MaxDiskUsage', |
| 110 | + 'TrustedGID', |
| 111 | + 'MaxClientsNumber', |
| 112 | + 'MaxClientsPerIP', |
| 113 | + 'MaxLoad', |
| 114 | + 'MinUID', |
| 115 | + 'TLS', |
| 116 | + 'LimitRecursion', |
| 117 | + 'PassivePortRange', |
| 118 | + 'AnonymousRatio', |
| 119 | + 'UserRatio', |
| 120 | + 'Umask', |
| 121 | + 'Quota', |
| 122 | + 'PerUserLimits', |
| 123 | + 'LDAPConfigFile', |
| 124 | + 'MySQLConfigFile', |
| 125 | + 'PGSQLConfigFile', |
| 126 | + 'PureDB', |
| 127 | + 'ExtAuth', |
| 128 | + ] |
| 129 | + |
124 | 130 | file { $pureftpd::params::conf_path:
125 | 131 | ensure => file,
126 | 132 | content => template("${module_name}/${pureftpd::params::conf_erb}"),
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