- fish: fix vendor sourcing
- fish: source the correct config.fish
- fish: possibly patch
- enable-sdk
- possible failure mapping of sdk path
- stow: hardcoded perl
use dir
, can be patched - luajit: dynamically linked bindings, not sure if working
- luajit: dynamically linked bindings, check if symlink to libc can be drop into same folder
- luajit: dynamically linked bindings, try again to statically link against libc, but keep shared
- luajit: keep bindings
- libutempter: "libexec"
- kakoune: "libexec", strange one, links to bin, try droping this
- luajit: bindings are in lib, very likely hardcoded path
- byobu: lib execs, check if relative to executable
- running apps might try to access sdk path when they should switch to /var/lib: byobu, neovim
- byobu: etc defaults
- etc/profile.d: can be dropped?
- vimfm: default colors in /etc
- wtf put group, machineid, passwd, resolv.conf in etc?
- share: byobu, fish, fzf, kak, kak-lsp, luajit, nnn, nvim, pyenv, ugrep, vifm, vim, zsh
- stow: hardcoded perl
- modules to add
- add more patched fonts: nerd-fonts
- iso manipulation tools: cdrtools, fuseiso
- filesystems fuse tools: at least for dos/fat, ext2/3/4, overlayfs
- partioning tools to operate on raw disk images
- fonts for terminal emulator: noto-vf
- debugging tools: gdb, valgrind
- Investigate possible broken host tmux sessions
- Drop musl shared lib, move next to users, maybe loader link can be relative
- Evaluate building all golang and rust modules from source
- golang
- Ask upstream for static-pie binaries
- Compile from source: static-pie,
- Disable cgo where it's possible
- Test mold with cgo apps
- Choose a better extension name
- Add CI to build and publish via oci registry
- See other useful tools @ https://github.com/agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps
- maybe create a wrapper for each language that set variable in its own environment and run commands
- maybe wrapper should create symlink to project in /run/build to hit cache
- project name might be different from folder name and match module name in manifest
- read setting from config file
- start by having a simple build.sh
- golang
- GOCACHE=${HOME}/.cache/gocache
- XDG_CACHE_HOME=${PROJECT_PATH}/cache (in wrapper script)
- GO111MODULE=off
- rust
- SCCACHE_BIN=/usr/lib/sdk/sccache/bin/sccache
- SCCACHE_DIR=${HOME}/.cache/sccache
- node
- NPM_PACKAGES=${PROJECT_PATH}/xdg-data/npm-packages
- generic/c/cpp
- AR=ar | x86_64-linux-musl-ar
- CC=gcc | x86_64-linux-musl-gcc
- CXX=g++ | x86_64-linux-musl-g++
- LD=ld | ld.mold | x86_64-linux-musl-ld.mold
- PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${TARGET_PATH}/lib/pkgconfig:${TARGET_PATH}/share/pkgconfig:...
- ACLOCAL_PATH=${TARGET_PATH}/share/aclocal
- LC_ALL=en_US.utf8