Name | Value |
accountsSdkServiceConfigurationStarted | accountsSdkServiceConfigurationStarted |
accountsSdkServiceConfigured | accountsSdkServiceConfigured |
accountsSdkServiceConfiguredCompleted | accountsSdkServiceConfiguredCompleted |
accountsSdkLoginStarted | accountsSdkLoginStarted |
accountsSdkLoginPresented (iOS only) | accountsSdkLoginPresented |
accountsSdkLoggedIn | accountsSdkLoggedIn |
accountsSdkLoginAborted | accountsSdkLoginAborted |
accountsSdkLoginFailed | accountsSdkLoginFailed |
accountsSdkLoginAccountPresented (iOS only) | accountsSdkLoginAccountPresented |
accountsSdkLoginAccountCompleted (iOS only) | accountsSdkLoginAccountCompleted |
accountsSdkTokenRefreshed | accountsSdkTokenRefreshed |
accountsSdkLogoutStarted | accountsSdkLogoutStarted |
accountsSdkLoggedOut | accountsSdkLoggedOut |
accountsSdkLogoutCompleted | accountsSdkLogoutCompleted |
accountsSdkLoginExchanging (iOS only) | accountsSdkLoginExchanging |
More information about the flow of these state change analytics can be found here
Name | Values | Description |
purchaseSdkDidBeginTicketSelectionFor | eventId legacyId eventName date timeZone |
The ticket selection portion of the purchase process begun |
purchaseSdkDidEndTicketSelectionFor | eventId legacyId eventName date timeZone reason |
The ticket selection portion of the purchase process ended |
purchaseSdkDidBeginCheckoutFor | eventId legacyId eventName date timeZone |
The ticket checkout portion of the purchase process begun |
purchaseSdkDidEndCheckoutFor | eventId legacyId eventName date timeZone reason |
The ticket checkout portion of the purchase process ended |
purchaseSdkDidMakePurchaseFor | eventId legacyId eventName date timeZone orderId orderName |
The user made a purchase and is currently viewing the Order Confirmation page |
purchaseSdkDidPressNavBarButtonFor | eventId legacyId eventName button |
The user pressed a button on the navigation header bar |
purchaseSdkDidShare | eventId legacyId eventName activityType |
The user shared a link to this event |
purchaseSdkDidViewSubPageFor | eventId legacyId eventName subPage |
The user navigated to a sub-page with the EDP or Cart |
purchaseSdkDidMakeDecisionFor (iOS only) | eventId legacyId eventName date timeZone decision |
The user has interacted with a UI component, resulting in a decision |
purchaseSdkManageMyTickets (Android only) | purchaseSdkManageMyTickets | The user has pressed Managed My Tickets on the order confirmation screen |
Name | Description |
eventId | The discovery event ID |
legacyId | The legacy event ID |
eventName | The event name |
date | The start date of the event |
timeZone | Time zone of the event |
reason | The reason the analytic was triggered |
orderId | The order identifier |
orderName | The name of the order |
subPage | The subpage that has been viewed |
decision (iOS only) | The decision of the user to trigger the analytic |
activityType (iOS only) | The activity type the user used to share the event |
Name | Values | Description |
ticketsSdkDidViewEvents | ticketsSdkDidViewEvents | The user has sucessfully authenticated and been shown their purchased events |
ticketsSdkVenueConcessionsOrderFor | eventOrderInfo | The user has pressed the order button on the Venue Concessions module |
ticketsSdkVenueConcessionsWalletFor | eventOrderInfo | The user has pressed the wallet button on the Venue Concessions module |
Name | Description |
eventOrderInfo | Information about the event and specfic order the user was viewing |