This is a bot that integrations google sheets with discord API. It was intended to track participation for a game called CATS for Android but could be used for anything
- Python 3.8
- from here: - install in the folder using python3 install
- gspread from here: - install in the folder using python3 install
- oauth2client -
pip3 install --upgrade oauth2client
- If you get a error about pip3 above you may need to run something like
apt-get install -y python3-pip
on linux - If you get an error about "Literals" in the "Typing" package upgrade python to 3.8 or higher
git clone
Then Open Up The File Named ReadMe.txt
- Download The Zip File If you dont have Github Desktop
- unzip.
- Go To Here To Get Your Bot's Application ID, Token - you may need to go the documentation tab the the application tab as that site is a bit buggy. You will have to go under the "Bot" submenu and convert your bot to have life to get these values.
- Next to get your Bots Invite link Go Here and Get your Bots App ID and paste it into the "Client Id Here"
- Select the Perms You want the bot to have and copy the invite link and paste it into the "link" in the "" File
- Now Invite the bot to Your Server and Make a role Named "bot" (or whatever you want)
- Get your google sheets json creds with this guide:, plug that file into the as needed.
- Now Double click the "" and The bot should work or run
on linux
- Open up an Issue
Based off this bot from SamArroyos22: