git hook script to automatically add emojis to git commit messages
For example, git commit -m "hotfix to fix caching"
//=> 🚑 hotfix to fix caching
in branch feature-implement-caching
git commit -m "implemented caching"
(uses branch name to determine which emoji to use if not enough context in the commit message)
//=> ✨ implemented caching
Install and configure Husky
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh"
npx --yes @humankode/git-commit-emojify@latest
Zero configuration by default.
If no configuration specified, it will
- map a commit message to an emoji using emojiKeywordMap.ts
- if unable to map a message to an emoji, it will attempt to map the branch name to an emoji using branchTypes.ts
To override the default configuration, place a file called gitEmojify.json
in your root directory.
Refer to the Configuration interface for all options.
"branchTypes": {
"build": {
"emoji": "👷"
"bugfix": {
"emoji": "🐛"
For example
branch: build-updates
git commit message:
git commit -m "ci updates"
//=> 👷 ci updates
"prefixEmoji": false
This will place the emoji at the end of the commit message.
For example
branch: build-updates
git commit message:
git commit -m "ci updates"
//=> ci updates 👷
"emojiKeywords": [
"keywords": ['bug'],
"emoji": "🪲",
keywords: ["revert"],
emoji: "⏪️",
For example
branch: build-updates
git commit message:
git commit -m "bugfix"
//=> 🪲 bugfix
"prefixEmoji": true,
"branchTypes": {
"build": {
"emoji": "👷"
"bugfix": {
"emoji": "🐛"
"emojiKeywords": [
"keywords": ['bug'],
"emoji": "🪲",
keywords: ["revert"],
emoji: "⏪️",
This will override the configuration for emojiKeywords
and will match the keywords bug
and revert
to commit messages.