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Clearance backend

"Clearance" is a tool for producing OSM extracts and keeping them up to date while respecting quality rules. It is based on partial and local updates. Rejected data groups must be corrected in OSM or accepted manually. OSM changes to be revised are handled collaboratively by interest groups.

Online demo :


Ensure git submodule is ready

git submodule init
git submodule update


docker compose --profile "*" build


Copy the configuration file and adapt it.

cp .env.template .env

Set a private random value for the SECRET_KEY_BASE key.

To log into Clearance (to manually validate changes), an OpenStreetMap user is required. Register your Clearance instance as an OAuth 2.0 application on

  1. The redirect URL should be https://[your Clearance backend, could be]/users/auth/osm_oauth2/callback. Only "Read user preferences" permission is required.
  2. Fill in the values of OSM_OAUTH2_ID, OSM_OAUTH2_SECRET, OSM_OAUTH2_REDIRECT (your Clearance Frontend, could be in your .env file.


docker compose up -d postgres

If required, you can enter into the Postgres shell with:

docker compose exec -u postgres postgres psql


After code update, update the database schema:

docker compose run --rm api bundle exec rails db:migrate
docker compose run --rm script ./bin/



Create at least one project inside projects from the projects_template directory. Adjust the config.yaml and the export*.osm_tags.json files.


Set up the initial OSM extract in the database. Use the project directory name from projects and one or more URLs to OSM PBF extracts.

docker compose run --rm script ./bin/ emergency

Note: PBFs from Geofabrik have daily diffs, while OSM-FR have minutely updates.

If you plan to use extract and diff from Clearance, dump the first extract. In all cases, you can use the Overpass-like API.

docker compose run --rm script ./bin/ projects/emergency

Data Update

The update should be done by a cron job but can also be run manually. Get Update, Import, and Generate Validation report in the database:

# All projects
docker compose run --rm script ./bin/

# Only one project
docker compose run --rm script ./bin/ projects/emergency

Run update for all projects from cron every 2 minutes:

*/2 * * * * cd clearance && bash -c "docker compose run --rm script ./bin/ &>> log-`date --iso`"

Note 1: If you use only Geofabrik, set a daily cron, check the hour of Geofabrik diff release.

Note 2: To lower CPU usage, you can lower the update frequency. It is not required to run it every minute.


Drop a project.

docker compose run --rm script ./bin/ projects/emergency



bundle install
bundle exec tapioca init

bundle exec rake rails_rbi:routes
# bundle exec tapioca dsl
bundle exec srb rbi suggest-typed

Tests and Validation

bundle exec srb typecheck
bundle exec rubocop --parallel -c .rubocop.yml --autocorrect
docker compose run --rm script bundle exec rake test
docker compose run --rm script bundle exec rake test:sql

What Clearance Does and How It Works

OSM Extracts

Clearance starts by downloading an OSM extract from remote sources like OSM-FR or Geofabrik and loads the objects into a Postgres/PostGIS database in raw format (not as spatial objects). Each object is a row in the osm_base table, regardless of the object type.

This osm_base table is the truth. The data is considered as qualified and with the goal to not deteriorate its quality.

The osm_base can be queried with an Overpass API and is also available as an OSM extract with diff updates.

OSM Incoming Update

Updates are fetched from remote sources in a loop. Minutely updates are available from OSM-FR, and daily updates are available from Geofabrik.

The updates are loaded into an osm_changes table, as is, in raw format, without applying the updates.

Update Validation Processing

The content of osm_changes is processed to determine if the changes can be applied to the osm_base:

  1. If the changes are outside of the area of interest, they can be applied (note: objects can be moved in or out of the area of interest).
  2. If the changed tags are not targeted by the configured tag combination, they are also out of interest, then changes can be applied.
  3. Changes of interest in the area of interest are subject to validation rules. Changes not triggering any validator rules are also applied to the osm_base.

Changes can also be applied to osm_base by manual validation, see below.

Held objects are kept in the osm_changes table.

While changes are applied to osm_base, they are removed from osm_changes. Validated changes are available from the Overpass API and as update diffs.

So, the Clearance project acts as an OSM Extract/Update proxy of valid data. The OSM Extracts and Updates are standards and can be used with any OSM compatible tools.


The goal is to retain suspect changes as not complying with quality criteria. The OSM tags properties, the metadata properties, the geometry and the changeset properties can be used to evaluate the quality.

Currently implemented validators:

  • deleted: flag deleted objects
  • geom: flag objects with change distance greater than a threshold
  • tags: flag objects based on tags key and value
  • user: flag objects based on contributor name

More advanced validators are planned.

After each update, the validation is reevaluated. The validation is done using the last version of incoming changed objects. Changes to validate are computed between osm_base and the last version of OSM objects.

If a new update makes previously retained objects pass the validation, there are no more objects to retain and cumulated changes are applied to osm_base.

Manual Intervention

Held objects rejected by validation must be fixed in order to comply with quality rules. Once fixed in OpenStreetMap, the next update makes them pass the validation and they are available in osm_base.

The original OpenStreetMap data is the only modifiable version. All contributions must be done to the original OpenStreetMap database.

In case the change is considered valid according to the user despite the quality rule rejecting it, the integration into the osm_base can be accepted manually.

Held objects and manual object acceptance are available via API and user frontend.

Logical Changes (LoCha)

The idea is to group changes locally to make contextual validation. It allows detecting, and ignoring, e.g. deletion and recreation of the same object. It also allows implementing multi-object validators, e.g. to validate road network continuity.


LoCha v1

  • Clustering distance configurable by feature type
  • LoCha splitting strategy on large cluster
  • Support Large object changes: admin relation, large landuses, rivers

Validators implementation

  • Changes validation
    • Add new duplicate similar object detections
    • Evaluation of geometry changes: implement a distance based on geometry spatial dimensions and feature types, implement threshold based on feature type
    • Pass trough after retention delay: allow automatic validation on non disputed features / not change in progress area
    • Validate again OpenData set
    • Check for broken network continuity
  • Final state validation
    • Geometry validity (self, crossing, not closed polygon...)
    • Final state validation: not validating changes but targeted state using external rules set like MapCSS JSOM/osmose validation

Validation evaluation scoring

  • Implement a global score rather than just negative / neutral / positive
  • Contributors reputation: based on external tools / API
  • Support for equivalent tagging schemas, avoid false positives
  • Fetch changeset comments, evaluation and display


  • Validator UI
  • RSS
  • Configuration UI
  • User tools
    • Review status (Fixed, I will do it, Need help...)
    • Data Revert tool
    • Easy new comment changesets or OSM notes